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Created January 12, 2021 21:22
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// score data
const dolphinsScores = [97, 112, 101];
const koalasScores = [109, 95, 106];
// helper function to average array values
const avgScore = (array) =>
// array.reduce iterated through an array and adds each value together.
// then divide the result agaisn't the legnth of the array to get the average.
array.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val) / array.length;
// helper function to output results
const printResults = (winner, loser, winAvg, loseAvg, dqOne, dqTwo) => {
//these use ternary operators, basically a one line IF statement.
const resultLine = winAvg !== loseAvg ? `The ${winner} win!!` : `It's a tie!!`;
const doubleDq = `Both Teams Disqualified.`;
const winAvgLine = `The ${winner} average: ${winAvg}${dqOne === false ? `` : ` - Disqualified`}`;
const loseAvgLine = `The ${loser} average: ${loseAvg}${dqTwo === false ? `` : ` - Disqualified`}`;
const finalMessage = `
${dqOne && dqTwo ? doubleDq : resultLine}
// wrapping main logic into it's own function
const scoreCompare = (teamOne, teamTwo, scoreOne, scoreTwo, dqLimit) => {
// check if both scores are above dq limit
if (scoreOne >= dqLimit && scoreTwo >= dqLimit) {
// team one wins
if (scoreOne > scoreTwo) {
printResults(teamOne, teamTwo, scoreOne, scoreTwo, false, false);
// team two wins
} else if (scoreOne < scoreTwo) {
printResults(teamTwo, teamOne, scoreTwo, scoreOne, false, false);
// tie game
} else {
printResults(teamOne, teamTwo, scoreOne, scoreTwo, false, false);
// else catches if score one or score two is not above the dq limit
} else {
// team two dq
if (scoreOne >= dqLimit && scoreTwo < dqLimit) {
printResults(teamOne, teamTwo, scoreOne, scoreTwo, false, true);
// team one dq
} else if (scoreOne < dqLimit && scoreTwo >= dqLimit) {
printResults(teamTwo, teamOne, scoreTwo, scoreOne, false, true);
// double dq
} else {
printResults(teamOne, teamTwo, scoreOne, scoreTwo, true, true);
// average dolphins scores
const avgDolphins = avgScore(dolphinsScores);
// average koalas scores
const avgKoalas = avgScore(koalasScores);
// run the compare function
scoreCompare("Dolphins", "Koalas", avgDolphins, avgKoalas, 100);
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