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Last active February 16, 2019 03:06
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  • Save juliancoleman/84bf272d482499daafcfefa9e9b45151 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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  1. Keep your diff sizes and commits small
    • Break down the project into bite-sized chunks and submit targeted, small pieces, one-at-a-time.
    • Submit small-sized diffs incrementally.
    • It's easier to receive approval on smaller diffs.
  2. Write a design doc
    • Write a document that describes what you're going to build.
      • Feature requirements
      • Architecture/Setup
      • Helper functions
      • Classes
      • Data structures
      • Build these things out
    • Diminish duplicate code and logic.
    • Write something today that future maintainers can thank you for.
  3. Don't code for coding's sake.
    • You cannot see the forest from the trees
    • Set your eyes on the end-goal and vision that you're trying to bring to fruition
    • Make sure your code ships
      • If you don't foresee your code shipping, try to clear the roadblocks
      • Make sure to get a good impact in where you can
  4. Watch your APM.
    • The gamer with the higher APM usually wins (not always, but usually)
    • Spend available time on the job being productive
      • Learn the codebase
      • Get more code submitted
      • Produce adequate code output
    • Try to get at least one piece of code per day
  5. Pride, ego, and arrogance will get you nowhere.
    • Don't be condescending
    • Arrogance causes other engineers to over-engineer their code to be more clever
    • Swallow your pride and ask effective questions when you need it
    • Don't tackle everything on their own
    • Ask experienced developers
  6. Identify and respect the tech lead.
    • If you don't respect, you get fired
    • Be nice to the tech lead; do what you can for their success
    • Instead of you submitting a patch that goes under the radar, come up with a patch, email it to the tech lead, and have them push it for you.
      • The tech lead will get credit and their productivity greatens
    • Add the tech lead's name to your design docs to give them credit
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