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Created October 9, 2017 17:21
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"course_title": "Gamification",
"link": "",
"description": "Gamification is the application of game elements and digital game design techniques to non-game problems, such as business and social impact challenges. This course will teach you the mechanisms of gamification, why it has such tremendous potential, and how to use it effectively. For additional information on the concepts described in the course, you can purchase Professor Werbach's book For the Win: How Game Thinking Can Revolutionize Your Business in print or ebook format in several languages.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Pennsylvania"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Dealing With Missing Data",
"link": "",
"description": "This course will cover the steps used in weighting sample surveys, including methods for adjusting for nonresponse and using data external to the survey for calibration. Among the techniques discussed are adjustments using estimated response propensities, poststratification, raking, and general regression estimation. Alternative techniques for imputing values for missing items will be discussed. For both weighting and imputation, the capabilities of different statistical software packages will be covered, including R®, Stata®, and SAS®.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Maryland, College Park"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Vital Signs: Understanding What the Body Is Telling Us",
"link": "",
"description": "The vital signs – heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, respiration rate, and pain – communicate important information about the physiological status of the human body. In this six-part course we explore the anatomy and physiology underlying the vital signs so that you will develop a systematic, integrated understanding of how the body functions. Relevant body systems are reviewed including cardiovascular and respiratory, followed by explanations of how the function of these systems affects vital signs. We discuss normal ranges, normal variants, and the mechanisms that underlie changes in the objective measurement of vital signs. The course also includes demonstrations of appropriate techniques for measuring vital signs in yourself and others.\n\nThe course is designed for a broad, general audience but will be particularly interesting for individuals working in healthcare, those considering a career as a healthcare professional, lay caregivers, those with an interest in personal health and fitness, or anyone who simply wants to understand how the body functions.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Pennsylvania"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Modern Art & Ideas",
"link": "",
"description": "Welcome to Modern Art & Ideas! This course is designed to help anyone interested in learning more about modern and contemporary art. Themes can provide an effective structure for engaging with art. In this course, you will explore four themes that educators at The Museum of Modern Art use frequently in their teaching: Places & Spaces, Art & Identity, Transforming Everyday Objects, and Art & Society. Through videos, slideshows, and a variety of resources, readings, and activities, you will explore the content and context of works of art in MoMA’s collection.\n\nLearners will…\n\n- Explore works of modern and contemporary art through a variety of accessible and relevant themes.\n- Hear directly from artists about their ideas and processes.\n- Gain exposure to a range of digital resources available for continually engaging with works of art.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The Museum of Modern Art"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "The Evolving Universe",
"link": "",
"description": "This is an introductory astronomy survey class that covers our understanding of the physical universe and its major constituents, including planetary systems, stars, galaxies, black holes, quasars, larger structures, and the universe as a whole.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "The Changing Global Order",
"link": "",
"description": "How are international power relations changing and how can global peace and stability be maintained? This course familiarizes you with some main theories of international relations, shows how the global order is gradually changing and discusses how selected international and regional organizations contribute to the maintenance of global peace and security. You learn what research findings tell us in terms of the capacity of international organizations and actors to help prevent or stop violent conflict, what tools are used to negotiate agreements and how foundations for sustainable peace are best created. We will also focus on the role of the European Union in terms of diplomacy and efforts to prevent conflict, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the contribution of organizations such as the African Union to the prevention of conflict and war. We will study the United Nations Security Council and see in which ways its membership could be adapted to more accurately reflect the power relations of the current global order. Through quizzes and exercises testing your knowledge of these subjects, you will understand crucial concepts and get insights into how the academic study of international relations and international organization contributes to the search for global stability and peace in practice.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universiteit Leiden"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society",
"link": "",
"description": "This is a course aimed at making you a better designer. The course marries theory and practice, as both are valuable in improving design performance. Lectures and readings will lay out the fundamental concepts that underpin design as a human activity. Weekly design challenges test your ability to apply those ideas to solve real problems. The course is deliberately broad - spanning all domains of design, including architecture, graphics, services, apparel, engineered goods, and products. The emphasis of the course is the basic design process: define, explore, select, and refine. You, the student, bring to the course your particular interests and expertise related to, for instance, engineering, furniture, fashion, architecture, or products. In prior sessions of the course about half of the participants were novices and about half had prior professional design expertise. Both groups seem to benefit substantially from the course. All project work is evaluated by your peers -- and indeed, you will also be a peer reviewer. This format allows you to see an interesting collection of projects while getting useful feedback on your own project.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Pennsylvania"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Bioinformatic Methods I",
"link": "",
"description": "Large-scale biology projects such as the sequencing of the human genome and gene expression surveys using RNA-seq, microarrays and other technologies have created a wealth of data for biologists. However, the challenge facing scientists is analyzing and even accessing these data to extract useful information pertaining to the system being studied. This course focuses on employing existing bioinformatic resources – mainly web-based programs and databases – to access the wealth of data to answer questions relevant to the average biologist, and is highly hands-on. \n\nTopics covered include multiple sequence alignments, phylogenetics, gene expression data analysis, and protein interaction networks, in two separate parts. \n\nThe first part, Bioinformatic Methods I (this one), deals with databases, Blast, multiple sequence alignments, phylogenetics, selection analysis and metagenomics. \n\nThis, the second part, Bioinformatic Methods II, covers motif searching, protein-protein interactions, structural bioinformatics, gene expression data analysis, and cis-element predictions. \n\nThis pair of courses is useful to any student considering graduate school in the biological sciences, as well as students considering molecular medicine. Both provide an overview of the many different bioinformatic tools that are out there. \n\nThese courses are based on one taught at the University of Toronto to upper-level undergraduates who have some understanding of basic molecular biology. If you're not familiar with this, something like might be helpful. No programming is required for this course.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Toronto"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Астрофизика: от звезд до границ Вселенной",
"link": "",
"description": "Этот курс посвящен ключевым проблемам современной астрофизики: рождению, эволюции и финальной стадии жизни звезд. \nНекоторые из них, например, нейтронные звезды отличаются сверхвысокой плотностью вещества и сверхсильными магнитными полями — такие условия пока недостижимы для современных лабораторий. Как же ученые исследуют эти объекты? \nВ курсе вы познакомитесь с работой специалистов астрофизики высоких энергий и нейтринной астрономии и разберетесь, зачем люди изучают вспышки сверхновых, ускорение заряженных частиц на космических ударных волнах и высокоэнергитичные нейтрино.\nА главы, посвященные теоретической и наблюдательной космологии, объяснят, как эта наука отвечает на вопросы о рождении Вселенной, динамике ее расширения и о формах материи ее заполняющих.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "剪辑:像编剧一样剪辑",
"link": "",
"description": "剪辑台前,剪辑师就像厨师对待食材一样,摆弄着拍摄现场记录下来的影像片段,用影像和声音去捕捉线索和瞬间,讲述一个故事,同时赋予故事以力量、以情感。怎样平衡剪辑給画面带来的跳跃?当有几条情节线索相互穿插时,又应使用哪些剪辑手法?剪辑过程和编剧的过程一样,以叙事和抒情为最高准则,同时不断突破陈规,创造专属于自己的独特风格。本课程将带领学习者从剪辑开始,认识镜头,认识剪辑的语法,揭开微电影创作的神秘面纱。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Fudan University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "From Climate Science to Action",
"link": "",
"description": "Each part of the world faces specific vulnerabilities to climate change and has different opportunities to mitigate the effects and build resilience in the 21st century. With the ratification of the Paris Agreement, many countries have acceded to act in combatting climate change. Indeed, without climate action, decades of sustainable development is at risk, thus making this a ‘make or break’ point in time. Showcasing the most recent scientific evidence, explaining the different regional impacts and divulging climate action strategies, along with interactive tools such as a Carbon Footprint Tracker and (I) NDC Platform, this MOOC provides some opportunities, where you can take action on climate change.\n\nAbout the Course\n\nThis action-oriented MOOC gives you the opportunity to learn about regional climate change impacts and sector-specific strategies to increase resilience and move towards a low-carbon future. You will have the opportunity to explore these issues in depth and tailor your learning experience for one or more of the following regions:\n\n• Latin America and Caribbean\n• Sub-Saharan Africa\n• Middle East and North Africa\n• Eastern Europe and Central Asia\n• East Asia and Pacific\n• South Asia\n\n In this endeavor, the MOOC brings together renowned scientists and policymakers to provide a synthesis of the most recent scientific evidence on climate change, regional low emissions and climate resilient development strategies across sectors. A team of expert Instructors will lead discussions around the Paris Agreement, reflections from COP22 and the progress on Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).\n\nCourse Syllabus\n\nOverview \n\n‘From Climate Science to Action’ is divided into four weeks. The first two weeks will provide a comprehensive overview of the scientific evidence for climate change, followed by region-specific insights on the impacts of a warmer world in the 21st century. The last two weeks will focus on action strategies that are being undertaken in different regions and countries to meet the climate challenge, and how you as an individual can take action to avoid a warmer world!\n\nWeek 1: Climate Change in the 21st Century\n\n• Historical and projected observed changes in the climate system, leading up to the end of the 21st century\n• The potential of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) submitted at COP 21 from 187 countries to induce climate action\n• Trends in climate change impacts, including loss of Arctic sea ice, melting glaciers, increased heat waves and extreme temperatures, and drought and aridity \n• Possible responses from natural systems, explaining how warming could result in sea-level rise, heat waves and extreme temperatures, and ocean acidification\n\nWeek 2: Sectoral and Regional Impacts\n\n• Impacts on key development sectors—from warming above pre-industrial temperatures and projected climate trends—across each of the world’s regions\n• Sectoral impacts focusing on agricultural production, water resources, ecosystem services, and coastal vulnerability for affected populations \n• Importance of risks with the potential to reverse hard-won development gains and potentially trap millions in poverty, illustrating the need for urgent action now\n\nWeek 3: From Science to Action on Climate Change\n\n• Region-specific discussions on mitigation actions needed to reduce emissions while decreasing vulnerability to climate change impacts through adaptation and by building climate resilience\n• Perspectives from regional experts on their experiences in strategies and actions proposed in each region to help transition towards a low-emissions, climate-resilient development path \n• Discussions on the progress of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), outcomes of the Paris Agreement and reflections from the Conference of Parties (COP)22\n\nWeek 4: What You Can Do\n\n• Transformative impact of day-to-day changes when brought to a global scale\n• The rationale for acting now, acting together and acting differently\n• Examples and expected benefits of mitigation and adaptation policies, considering both contributions to global emission reductions and local development opportunities\n\nIn addition to the core resources and assignments, you may choose to go further, engaging in fun optional exercises, networking, discussion, and diving deeper into our rich selection of supplemental resources. You will have the opportunity to explore these issues in depth and tailor your learning experience for one or more of the following regions:\n\n• Latin America and Caribbean\n• Sub-Saharan Africa\n• Middle East and North Africa\n• Eastern Europe and Central Asia\n• East Asia and Pacific\n• South Asia\n\nCourse Format\n\nThis MOOC has a week-by-week structure, with resources, activities and exercises for you to engage in during each of the four weeks of the course. Each week, you will find a variety of course material, including: \n\n• Interactive video talks by renowned climate scientists and practitioners \n• Interactive tools: the Carbon Footprint Tracker, (I) NDC platform\n• Resources: Core, optional (deep dive) and fun interactives on the week’s theme\n• Quizzes that check your knowledge, reinforce the lesson’s material and provide immediate feedback\n• Assignments that will sharpen your skills of analysis, reflection and communication\n• Discussion forums and social media that enable collaboration with others from around the world, enriching interaction among participants\n• As a final project, you will create a digital artifact \n\nYou can also go much further than this, engaging in optional exercises, networking, or discussion forums and dive deeper into our rich selection of additional resources. We also will use e-discussions, and other tools to facilitate dialogue between the learners and experts.\n\nRecommended Background: No background knowledge is necessary. The content of this course is designed to be accessible to students from any discipline.\n\nConnect: Communicate and share resources via Twitter using hashtag #learnclimate. Sign up for a free account at",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The World Bank Group"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "史記(一)(Shi-ji (1) )",
"link": "",
"description": "人文學,其特色在於「慢熱」,需要耐心細嚐、咀嚼古聖先賢的智慧結晶與其文字背後所隱含的真正意義。史記系列課程將透過對《史記》一書的導讀,引領同學們探究史學之「真」與「善」。 \n\n不管你是對中華文化感興趣者、想更深入了解傳統史學者、喜歡論理分析者、或是久仰太史公司馬遷之名之愛好者,這門課一定會讓你收穫良多。因為《史記》不僅記載了無數精彩非凡的歷史人事,更貫串了在它之前的多數古代典籍,可說是集中國上古文明精粹於一書。更重要的是,這門課程中將引導大家如何讀《史記》,進而學會如何讀中國史書、如何讀中國書。\n\n這是一場史學的思辨之旅,希望各位同學千萬不要錯過! ",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National Taiwan University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Successful Presentation",
"link": "",
"description": "Few kinds of communication can have the effect of a powerful presentation. Even a short speech can motivate people to change long-held beliefs or to take action, and a wonderfully delivered speech can transform a normal person into a leader.\n\nIn this course, Prof. William Kuskin provides a series of pragmatic videos and exercises for successful public speaking and presentations. The course develops through four themes—mastering fear, developing a creative formula, using verbal and body language, and anticipating the room—so that you can discover your personal power as a speaker and give excellent presentations. \n\nSuccessful presentations do not rely on perfect teeth, a deep voice, or an army of scriptwriters. They depend largely on the same skills as successful Business Writing and Graphic Design: clarity, structure, and revision. The goal of the course, therefore, is to enable you to discover your own internal power as a speaker and express it to the world. After this course, with some practice, you will be able to go into any situation and command the room for as long as you like. ",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Colorado Boulder"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Развитие и карьера дизайнера интерфейсов",
"link": "",
"description": "Этот курс даст вам дополнительные навыки, которые повысят вашу ценность на рынке как специалиста. Успешный дизайнер должен обладать не только профессиональными навыками (hard skills), но и развитыми личными качествами (soft skills: работа в команде, управление проектами, лидерские качества и другое). \n\nВы узнаете, как функционируют разные дизайн-команды, какие есть роли и зоны ответственности. И поймете, в каком направлении вы хотите развиваться и профессионально расти. \n\nКроме того для дизайнера важно не только сделать свою работу качественно, но и суметь презентовать ее клиенту или команде. На курсе вы увидите приемы подачи проекта и научитесь аргументированно доносить свою точку зрения. \n\nЕсли вы хотите работать в крупной продуктовой компании, вам предстоит научиться успешно проходить собеседования. Вы подготовите резюме, которое покажет ваши сильные стороны, а наш HR вооружит вас всей информацией, чтобы вы научились выгодно презентовать себя и нашли работу своей мечты.\n\nВы научитесь:\n- Взаимодействовать с командой (менеджером, разработчиком, тестировщиком, другими дизайнером, маркетологом, копирайтером и пр)\n- Презентовать свои работы клиентам/менеджерам/коллегам\n- Составлять впечатляющее резюме и оформлять портфолио\n\nВ конце курса вы сможете выполнить финальный проект.\n\nЧто такое финальный проект?\nЭто возможность закрепить все полученные знания на практике и самостоятельно разработать дизайн цифрового продукта на основе реальных бизнес-требований и аналитики. Вы продемонстрируете свои навыки дизайнера интерфейсов, создадите презентацию с описанием выполненного проекта и получите полноценный кейс в свое портфолио, который можно показать клиенту и работодателю.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology",
"Mail.Ru Group"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "工程圖學 2D CAD",
"link": "",
"description": "工程圖學在教什麼?這門課有的重要性為何? 對我的專業有什麼幫助?沒有工程背景的人也可以學習工程圖學嗎?我不是工程師,學習工程圖學對我的生活有幫助嗎?\n這門課是CAD/BIM技術與應用專項課程的第一門課,與其他三門課「工程圖學2D專題」、「工程圖學3D」,及「工程圖學3D專題」,作為工程圖學及電腦繪圖的入門課程,你將在這門課會學到各種繪圖的原理與方法,以及AutoCAD電腦繪圖技術,並在相關的作業練習中,逐漸熟練這些基本技術。\n工程製圖的應用無所不在,最主要的目的就是利用圖像來描述物體的形貌與功能,作為保存與傳遞想法的工具。繪圖一點也不難,無論你從事什麼工作,來自什麼背景,只要你具備中學程度的基本幾何和三角函數概念,就可以在這裡從頭開始,學會工程圖學!你會驚訝的發現,當繪圖融入你的生活時帶來的趣味與方便!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National Taiwan University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Çok değişkenli Fonksiyon II: Uygulamalar / Multivariable Calculus II: Applications",
"link": "",
"description": "Ders çok değişkenli fonksiyonlardaki iki derslik dizinin ikincisidir. Birinci ders türev ve entegral kavramlarını geliştirmekte ve bu konulardaki problemleri temel çözme yöntemlerini sunmaktadır. Bu ders, birinci derste geliştirilen temeller üzerine daha ileri konuları işlemekte ve daha kapsamlı uygulamalar ve çözümlü örnekler sunmaktadır. Ders gerçek yaşamdan gelen uygulamaları da tanıtmaya önem veren “içerikli yaklaşımla” tasarlanmıştır. \n\nBölümler\nBölüm 1: Multivar 1'in Özeti, Dairesel Koordinatlarda Entegraller\nBölüm 2: Türev Uygulamalarından Seçme Konular\nBölüm 3: Çok Değişkenle Zincirleme Türev ve Jakobiyan\nBölüm 4: Uzayda Yüzey ve Hacım Entegralleri\nBölüm 5: Düzlemde Akı Entegralleri\nBölüm 6: Düzlemde Green, Uzayda Stokes ve Green-Gauss Teoremleri\nBölüm 7: Stokes ve Green-Gauss Teoremleri ve Doğanın Korunum Yasaları\n-----------\nThe course is the second of the two course sequence of calculus of multivariable functions. The first course develops the concepts of derivatives and integrals of functions of several variables, and the basic tools for doing the relevant calculations. This course builds on the foundations of the first course and introduces more advanced topics along with more advanced applications and solved problems. The course is designed with a “content-based” approach, i. e. by solving examples, as many as possible from real life situations.\n\nBölümler\nBölüm 1: Summary of Multivar I, Integral in Circular Coordinates\nBölüm 2: Topics of Derivative Applications\nBölüm 3: Chain Derivatives with Multi Variables and Jacobian\nBölüm 4: Surface and Volume Integrals in Space\nBölüm 5: Flux Integrals in the Plane\nBölüm 6: Green in Plane, Stokes in Space and Green-Gauss Theorems\nBölüm 7: Stokes and Green-Gauss Theorem and Nature Conservation Laws\n-----------\nKaynak: Attila Aşkar, “Çok değişkenli fonksiyonlarda türev ve entegral”. Bu kitap dört ciltlik dizinin ikinci cildidir. Dizinin diğer kitapları Cilt 1 “Tek değişkenli fonksiyonlarda türev ve entegral”, Cilt 3: “Doğrusal cebir” ve Cilt 4: “Diferansiyel denklemler” dir.\n\nSource: Attila Aşkar, Calculus of Multivariable Functions, Volume 2 of the set of Vol1: Calculus of Single Variable Functions, Volume 3: Linear Algebra and Volume 4: Differential Equations. All available online starting on January 6, 2014",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Koç University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Accounting Analytics",
"link": "",
"description": "Accounting Analytics explores how financial statement data and non-financial metrics can be linked to financial performance.  In this course, taught by Wharton’s acclaimed accounting professors, you’ll learn how data is used to assess what drives financial performance and to forecast future financial scenarios. While many accounting and financial organizations deliver data, accounting analytics deploys that data to deliver insight, and this course will explore the many areas in which accounting data provides insight into other business areas including consumer behavior predictions, corporate strategy, risk management, optimization, and more. By the end of this course, you’ll understand how financial data and non-financial data interact to forecast events, optimize operations, and determine strategy. This course has been designed to help you make better business decisions about the emerging roles of accounting analytics, so that you can apply what you’ve learned to make your own business decisions and create strategy using financial data. ",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Pennsylvania"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries",
"link": "",
"description": "Have you come across large piles of garbage in neighborhoods and streets, or smelly waste disposal sites polluting the environment of low and middle income countries? Are you also convinced that improvements are necessary and do you want to know what kind of sustainable solutions are appropriate to better manage waste and enhance recycling and recovery? If yes, this course is for you! \n\nThis course provides an overview of the municipal solid waste management situation in developing countries covering key elements of the waste management system, with its technical, environmental, social, financial and institutional aspects. Besides understanding the challenges you will learn about appropriate and already applied solutions through selected case studies. The course also covers strategic planning and policy issues discussing future visions for waste management and the aspect of a circular and green economy. Considering the importance of the organic waste fraction, the course covers several organic waste treatment technology options such as composting, anaerobic digestion, and some other innovative approaches. \n\nMOOC SERIES “SANITATION, WATER AND SOLID WASTE FOR DEVELOPMENT”\nThis course is one of four in the series “Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development\". Please visit the course page for more information.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Music and Social Action",
"link": "",
"description": "What is a musician’s response to the condition of the world? Do musicians have an obligation and an opportunity to serve the needs of the world with their musicianship?\n \nAt a time of crisis for the classical music profession, with a changing commercial landscape, a shrinking audience base, and a contraction in the number of professional orchestras, how does a young musician construct a career today? Are we looking at a dying art form or a moment of reinvigoration?\n \nIn this course we will develop a response to these questions, and we will explore the notion that the classical musician, the artist, is an important public figure with a critical role to play in society.\n \nThe course will include inquiry into a set of ideas in philosophy of aesthetics; a discussion about freedom, civil society, and ways that art can play a role in readying people for democracy; discussion on philosophy of education as it relates to the question of positive social change; and an exploration of musical and artistic initiatives that have been particularly focused on a positive social impact.\n \nGuiding questions for this course inquiry will include:\n \n - How can classical music effect social change?\n - How has music made positive change in communities around the globe?\n - What can the field of classical music learn from other movements for social change?\n - How have educators and philosophers thought about the arts and their connection to daily contemporary life?\n \nEach class will explore one critical question through lectures, discussions, interviews, or documentaries.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Yale University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Pro Tools Basics",
"link": "",
"description": "Producing music is an incredibly creative process, and knowing the tools of the trade is essential in order to transmit the musical ideas in your head into the DAW in a creative and uninhibited way. Whether you have used a computer to create music before, or you have been curious about production for years, this 4-week course will give you an introductory look into the world of Avid Pro Tools and Pro Tools First.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Design Patterns",
"link": "",
"description": "Design problems in applications can be resolved through design patterns commonly applied by experts. This course extends object-oriented analysis and design by incorporating design patterns to create interactive applications. Through a survey of established design patterns, learners will gain a foundation for more complex software applications. Finally, learners will identify problematic software designs by referencing a catalog of code smells.\n\nLearners will be challenged in the capstone project to critique an existing Java application for code smells. They will redesign the application to combine design patterns such as within the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design. \n\nAfter completing this course, a learner will be able to: \n• Demonstrate how to use design patterns to address user interface design issues.\t\n• Identify the most suitable design pattern to address a given application design problem.\t\n• Apply design principles (e.g., open-closed, dependency inversion, least knowledge).\t\n• Critique code by identifying and refactoring anti-patterns.\n• Apply the model-view-controller architectural pattern.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Alberta"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Greening the Economy: Sustainable Cities",
"link": "",
"description": "How can we shape urban development towards sustainable and prosperous futures?\n\nThis course will explore sustainable cities as engines for greening the economy. We place cities in the context of sustainable urban transformation and climate change. Sustainable urban transformation refers to structural transformation processes – multi-dimensional and radical change – that can effectively direct urban development towards ambitious sustainability and climate goals.\n\nWe will connect the key trends of urbanization, decarbonisation and sustainability. We will examine visions, experiments and innovations in urban areas. We will look at practices (what is happening in cities at present) and opportunities (what are the possibilities for cities going forwards into the future). We bring together a collection of diverse short films and key short readings on sustainable cities as well as interactive forums and a practical assignment to create an online learning community.\n\nThis course provides key examples of activities to promote sustainable cities in Scandinavia, Europe and around the world. We utilize films and reports by WWF, the Economist Intelligence Unit, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, UN-Habitat, C40 Climate Leadership Group, Arup, Sustainia, the Rockefeller Foundation, and ongoing research projects. This course is produced by Lund University in cooperation with WWF and ICLEI. It is available for free to everyone, everywhere!\n\nThe International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University is an international centre of excellence on sustainable solutions. The IIIEE is ideally suited to understand and explain the interdisciplinary issues in sustainable cities and greening the economy utilising the diverse disciplinary backgrounds of its international staff. The IIIEE has been researching and teaching on sustainable solutions since the 1990s and it has extensive international networks connecting with a variety of organizations. \n\n5 hours/week\n5 weeks duration\n30 films\n10 teachers",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Lund University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Positive Psychology Specialization Project: Design Your Life for Well-being",
"link": "",
"description": "You are encouraged to take the first four courses of the Foundations of Positive Psychology Specialization before starting this course and completing the Specialization Project. This course, taught by Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman brings all the key concepts from the first four courses to practice as you develop and test a new positive intervention for an audience of your choice. You identify opportunities in your daily life to increase the wellbeing by using knowledge you developed in the first four courses of the Specialization. In this final project, you evaluate the efficacy of a positive intervention based on subjective and objective measures. Then, you compare how empirical and non-empirically-based positive interventions can be applied to influence a person's wellbeing. Lastly, you reflect on how the fundamental elements of research methods are important in the everyday application of positive psychology.\n\nAfter completing all five courses, learners earn a certificate signed by Dr. Martin E.P. Seligman, Dr. James Pawelski, Dr. Angela Duckworth, Dr. Claire Robertson-Kraft and Dr. Karen Reivich.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Pennsylvania"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "VLSI CAD Part II: Layout",
"link": "",
"description": "You should complete the VLSI CAD Part I: Logic course before beginning this course.\n\nA modern VLSI chip is a remarkably complex beast: billions of transistors, millions of logic gates deployed for computation and control, big blocks of memory, embedded blocks of pre-designed functions designed by third parties (called “intellectual property” or IP blocks). How do people manage to design these complicated chips? Answer: a sequence of computer aided design (CAD) tools takes an abstract description of the chip, and refines it step-wise to a final design. This class focuses on the major design tools used in the creation of an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) or System on Chip (SoC) design. Our focus in this part of the course is on the key logical and geometric representations that make it possible to map from logic to layout, and in particular, to place, route, and evaluate the timing of large logic networks. Our goal is for students to understand how the tools themselves work, at the level of their fundamental algorithms and data structures. Topics covered will include: technology mapping, timing analysis, and ASIC placement and routing.\n\nRecommended Background:\nProgramming experience (C, C++, Java, Python, etc.) and basic knowledge of data structures and algorithms (especially recursive algorithms). An understanding of basic digital design: Boolean algebra, Kmaps, gates and flip flops, finite state machine design. Linear algebra and calculus at the level of a junior or senior in engineering. Elementary knowledge of RC linear circuits (at the level of an introductory physics class).",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Chinese Characters for beginner 汉字",
"link": "",
"description": "Welcome to \"Chinese Characters for beginner\"!\nThis is an elementary course on learning Chinese characters. Together, we will start from the basic element of Chinese characters-- Strokes. Then we will learn 1,200 basic Chinese words composed of 240 commonly used Chinese characters, which begin with “一”(one), including pronunciation, shape and meaning, so that to improve the learning effect. \n\n① Each Chinese character is with pinyin;\n\n② Each Chinese character is shown in the form of animation in the process of writing, namely strokes;\n\n③ English translation is used on the Chinese character can be a word itself. Other Chinese characters can not be independent of words are the characters of. The English translation of this kind of characters is marked in parentheses;\n\n④ Each Chinese word is accompanied by Pinyin, English translation and picture, which is easy to understand;\n\n⑤ There are proper exercises at the end of each lesson.\n\nGood luck !",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Peking University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Research Proposal: Initiating Research",
"link": "",
"description": "Market Research is a growing and important field that is used in many industries around the world. Given all the data that is collected whether by organizations, industries, social media, governments, etc., it’s important that someone can review and sift through all the noise to provide valuable insights. And that’s where you come in as a market researcher. This course will only scratch the surface and provide you a foundational understanding of this field.\n\nIn this course, you will be able to define market research and identify some tools used in the industry. You will be able to discuss the importance of secondary and internal research in terms of the planning process. You will be able to define what primary research is and identify the various ways to conduct primary research. You will be able to focus on an actual research plan or proposal for your peer review project. You will be able to compose a response to a request for a proposal or research plan and be able to address the various components of the proposal and package it in a professional manner.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Davis"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Epidemiology: The Basic Science of Public Health",
"link": "",
"description": "Often called “the cornerstone” of public health, epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of diseases, health conditions, or events among populations and the application of that study to control health problems. By applying the concepts learned in this course to current public health problems and issues, students will understand the practice of epidemiology as it relates to real life and makes for a better appreciation of public health programs and policies. This course explores public health issues like cardiovascular and infectious diseases – both locally and globally – through the lens of epidemiology.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "材料力學一 (Mechanics of Materials I)",
"link": "",
"description": "課程介紹與教學目標 (About the course)\n  房屋為我們遮風避雨,讓我們安心工作、生活,而結構系統又是房屋的骨幹,讓房屋能站的又高、又直、又穩。你知道橫者為梁,直者為柱,但你知道在結構工程師的眼中,梁與柱有什麼其他的不同嗎?他們其中藏著什麼秘密,能支撐起整個結構?工程師要怎麼決定梁該有多深?柱該有多粗?該用矩形、圓形還是其他形狀?該用實心還是空心?在有地震的地方,設計上是否又有不一樣的考量?\n  材料力學是通往上述問題解答關鍵的一步。在材料力學(一)裡,我們會由大家熟知的虎克定律開始,以蓋房子的重要材料「結構鋼」為例,深入探討「力量」與「變形」這兩個令結構工程師愛恨交加的物理量之間的關係。然後依序探討結構桿件受軸力(拉/壓)、受扭、受彎、受剪四大外力作用下,會在桿件內部產生怎樣的相對應變形與受力,並探討建築結構設計概念與提供桿件設計演算範例。\n  本課程是希望精通「鋼筋混凝土設計」、「鋼結構設計」、「木構造設計」者必備的先修課程,也為對「彈性力學」有興趣者,提供許多基礎知識與這些知識如何實際應用於工程設計。\n主要授課對象為土木、建築相關從業人員與在學學生,其他包括工學院各科系同學或對材料力學有興趣的人士,也歡迎選修。\n\n授課形式 (Course format)\n  本堂課將以影片的形式為主, 搭配課後作業及期末報告的形式來進行。\n\n修課背景要求 (Recommended background)\n  靜力學 ( Statics )",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National Taiwan University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Leveraging Unstructured Data with Cloud Dataproc on Google Cloud Platform",
"link": "",
"description": "This 1-week, accelerated course builds upon previous courses in the Data Engineering on Google Cloud Platform specialization. Through a combination of video lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on labs, you'll learn how to create and manage computing clusters to run Hadoop, Spark, Pig and/or Hive jobs on Google Cloud Platform. You will also learn how to access various cloud storage options from their compute clusters and integrate Google’s machine learning capabilities into their analytics programs. \n\nIn the hands-on labs, you will create and manage Dataproc Clusters using the Web Console and the CLI, and use cluster to run Spark and Pig jobs. You will then create iPython notebooks that integrate with BigQuery and storage and utilize Spark. Finally, you integrate the machine learning APIs into your data analysis.\n\nPre-requisites\n• Google Cloud Platform Big Data & Machine Learning Fundamentals (or equivalent experience)\n• Some knowledge of Python",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Google Cloud"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "職場素養 (Professionalism)",
"link": "",
"description": "介紹國際職場素養的內涵及相關課題,培育學生應有的職場視野與能力,便利學生融入職場環境,迅速自新手成為高手,裕如地發揮所學與所長。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National Taiwan University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Fundamentals of Network Communication",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course, we trace the evolution of networks and identify the key concepts and functions that form the basis for layered architecture. We introduce examples of protocols and services that are familiar to the students, and we explain how these services are supported by networks. Further, we explain fundamental concepts in digital communication, and focus on error control techniques that include parity check, polynomial code, and Internet checksum. Students will be required to have some previous programming experience in C-programming (C++/Java), some fundamental knowledge of computer organization and IT architecture and a background in computer science is a plus.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Colorado System"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Développement durable",
"link": "",
"description": "L'ambition du cours est de confronter ses participants aux enjeux techniques, économiques, sociaux et environnementaux du XXIe siècle. Ces enjeux sont par nature très fortement couplés et complexes. Ils exigent une approche interdisciplinaire, afin d’adopter un vrai questionnement, au delà des préjugés et des idées reçues. \n\nC’est pourquoi des spécialistes reconnus dans les domaines de l’économie, de la démographie, de l’énergie, du climat, de l’eau et de l’agriculture, et issus des meilleurs institutions et centres de recherche français (CentraleSupélec, INED, Cnam, CEA, AgroParisTech), interviendront avec la volonté de confronter leurs points de vue et de débattre avec vous. \n\nLa démarche générale du cours consistera à examiner les enjeux du développement durable au regard d’études scientifiques rigoureuses et récentes, pour : \n • donner et discuter des chiffres clés (de l’état des lieux aux futurs possibles) ;\n • comprendre la construction de ces chiffres (hypothèses et limites des modèles scientifiques sur lesquels ils reposent) ;\n • et aborder l’ensemble des enjeux dans leurs différentes dimensions (notamment de l’échelle locale à l’échelle mondiale).\n \nLe format du cours :\nHebdomadaire, sur 7 semaines, 1h de vidéo par semaine (sous-titres en français et an anglais) avec quiz et supports de cours, forum (dont FAQ). Effort estimé : 3 heures par semaine pendant 7 semaines (1h30 de travail sur vidéo et 1h30 de lectures). Animation de la communauté d'apprenants : le forum sera animé par l’équipe enseignante.\n\nResponsable du cours : \nPascal Da Costa : Enseignant-Chercheur, Economiste, Professeur chargé de cours à CentraleSupélec campus de Châtenay-Malabry (ex Ecole Centrale Paris).\n\nPlan du cours :\n • Économie, avec Pascal Da Costa (CentraleSupélec).\n • Démographie, avec Gilles Pison (Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques).\n • Énergie et Ressources Minérales, avec Estelle Iacona (CentraleSupélec) et Jean-Pierre Chevalier (Cnam).\n • Climat, avec Valérie Masson-Delmotte (Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement).\n • Eau, avec Claire Bordes (CentraleSupélec).\n • Agriculture, avec Marc Dufumier (AgroParisTech).",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Molecular Evolution (Bioinformatics IV)",
"link": "",
"description": "In the previous course in the Specialization, we learned how to compare genes, proteins, and genomes. One way we can use these methods is in order to construct a \"Tree of Life\" showing how a large collection of related organisms have evolved over time.\n\nIn the first half of the course, we will discuss approaches for evolutionary tree construction that have been the subject of some of the most cited scientific papers of all time, and show how they can resolve quandaries from finding the origin of a deadly virus to locating the birthplace of modern humans.\n\nIn the second half of the course, we will shift gears and examine the old claim that birds evolved from dinosaurs. How can we prove this? In particular, we will examine a result that claimed that peptides harvested from a T. rex fossil closely matched peptides found in chickens. In particular, we will use methods from computational proteomics to ask how we could assess whether this result is valid or due to some form of contamination.\n\nFinally, you will learn how to apply popular bioinformatics software tools to reconstruct an evolutionary tree of ebolaviruses and identify the source of the recent Ebola epidemic that caused global headlines.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, San Diego"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Aléatoire : une introduction aux probabilités - Partie 2",
"link": "",
"description": "Ce cours d'introduction aux probabilités a la même contenu que le cours de tronc commun de première année de l'École polytechnique donné par Sylvie Méléard.\n\nLe cours introduit graduellement la notion de variable aléatoire et culmine avec la loi des grands nombres et le théorème de la limite centrale. \n\nLes notions mathématiques nécessaires sont introduites au fil du cours et de nombreux exercices corrigés sont proposés.\n\nCe cours propose aussi une introduction aux méthodes de simulations des variables aléatoires comme la méthode de Monte Carlo. Des expériences numériques interactives sont également mises à votre disposition pour vous permettre de visualiser diverses notions.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"École Polytechnique"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Advanced Search Engine Optimization Strategies",
"link": "",
"description": "This course focuses on technical, mobile and social strategies for increasing site traffic. Learn how to build SEO for international audiences through content localization, global team alignment and optimizing for local search engines. Discover techniques to optimize mobile-friendly websites, get mobile apps discovered, and leverage social media to drive organic SEO traffic. You will also learn how to identify key SEO metrics and collect, interpret, validate, and report success to your clients and stakeholders.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Davis"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "透过摄影看世界",
"link": "",
"description": "对于我们中的许多人来说,虽然拍照、分享和浏览照片已经成了日常生活中的习惯,但我们与图像的频繁接触并未培养我们在视觉表达上的素养。\n\n这个课程的目的在于通过介绍影响摄影作品的创意、手段与技术,讨论观看照片与真正理解照片之间距离的问题。\n\n在这个课程里,你将近距离观看纽约现代艺术博物馆收藏的照片,聆听从不同角度对照片的解读,以及摄影在将近180年历史中被使用的方式:作为艺术表现的途径、作为科学和探索的工具、作为纪实文献的媒介、作为讲述故事和记录历史的手段,以及作为日益视觉化的文化中一种交流和批评的模式。\n\n学习目标\n\n训练技巧,以便更好地检视和理解照片与摄影图像之间的不同。\n\n发现语境如何影响摄影图像的制作、传播和接收。\n\n学习摄影中各种不同模式的艺术和技术试验和创新。\n\n探讨摄影在日益视觉化的文化中所发挥的作用",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The Museum of Modern Art"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Strategic Innovation: Innovation at the Frontier: An Exploration of Cutting-Edge Topics",
"link": "",
"description": "In his influential book, The Innovator’s Dilemma, Professor Clayton Christensen, introduced the term disruption to the popular lexicon. Disruption refers to the failure of well-managed firms to succeed when faced with technological change associated with disruptive technologies, i.e. technologies that are inferior in the beginning but get better soon enough to precipitate the failure of entrenched firms. The very practices that made incumbent firms successful in managing sustaining technologies may actually prove to be debilitating while managing disruptive technologies. Drawing from many of collective research in disruptions, this course will offer a set of frameworks, tools, and concepts in order to manage the unique challenges and develop innovative strategies while managing disruptive innovations so as to achieve leadership positions.\n\nWith the frenetic pace of technological change, understanding the trends and contemporary innovation approaches is critically important for companies interested in maximizing the odds of innovation success. Drawing from many years of research, this course will offer a set of frameworks, tools, and concepts in order to understand and develop cutting-edge innovative strategies in a coherent way so as to achieve leadership positions.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "4.- El Cálculo - Otros Modelos",
"link": "",
"description": "Este curso forma parte de una secuencia con la que se propone un acercamiento a la Matemática Preuniversitaria que prepara para la Matemática Universitaria.\nEn él se asocia un significado real con el contenido matemático que se aprende y se integran tecnologías digitales en el proceso de aprendizaje. \nSe propone la reinterpretación de los contenidos matemáticos relativos a Modelos con Radicales y Exponentes en términos de nociones y procesos del Cálculo Diferencial. Esto servirá como puente para el desarrollo de un pensamiento matemático avanzado con el que se trabajará en la Matemática Universitaria. El período de acreditación para la materia Introducción a las Matemáticas ha concluido. La última fecha para recibir certificados de Coursera es 24 de julio 2017. Informaremos oportunamente cuando la opción de acreditación esté disponible de nuevo. \n\nCurso con crédito académico para alumnos admitidos y aspirantes a ingresar a su primer semestre de un programa de profesional en el Tecnológico de Monterrey. Si estás inscrito en este MOOC con el fin de obtener el crédito académico para el curso de Introducción a las matemáticas (Matemáticas Remedial), confirma tu interés en la acreditación a la cuenta: Consulta las preguntas frecuentes para conocer el proceso de acreditación.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Tecnológico de Monterrey"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Reason and Persuasion: Thinking Through Three Dialogues By Plato",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course we study the ancient, Socratic art of blowing up your beliefs as you go, to make sure they're built to last. We spend six weeks studying three Platonic dialogues - \"Euthyphro\", \"Meno\", \"Republic\" Book I - then two weeks pondering a pair of footnotes to Plato: contemporary moral theory and moral psychology. \n\nPlatonic? Socratic? Socrates was the teacher, but he said he never did. Plato was the student who put words in his teacher's mouth. You'll get a feel for it.\n\nWe have a book: the new 4th edition of \"Reason and Persuasion\", by the instructor (and his wife, Belle Waring, the translator.) It contains the Plato you need, plus introductory material and in-depth, chapter-length commentaries. (Don't worry! John Holbo knows better than to read his book to the camera. The videos cover the same material, but the presentation is different.) \n\nThe book is offered free in PDF form - the whole thing, and individual chapter slices. It is also available in print and other e-editions. See the course content for links and information.\n\nThe course is suitable for beginning students of Plato and philosophy, but is intended to offer something to more advanced students as well. We seek new, odd angles on old, basic angles. Tricky! The strategy is to make a wide-ranging, interdisciplinary approach. Lots of contemporary connections, to make the weird bits intuitive; plus plenty of ancient color, still bright after all these years. So: arguments and ideas, new possibilities, old stories, fun facts. Plus cartoons. \n\nThe results can get elaborate (some book chapters and some lesson videos run long.) But each video comes with a brief summary of its contents. The lessons progress. I put them in this order for reasons. But there's no reason you can't skip over and around to find whatever seems most interesting. There are any number of self-contained mini-courses contained in this 8-week course. You are welcome to them.\n\nPlato has meant different things to different people. He's got his own ideas, no doubt. (Also, his own Ideas.) But these have, over the centuries, been worn into crossing paths for other feet; been built up into new platforms for projecting other voices. (Plato did it to Socrates, so fair is fair.) So your learning outcome should be: arrival somewhere interesting, in your head, where you haven't been before. I wouldn't presume to dictate more exactly.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National University of Singapore"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Power Electronics",
"link": "",
"description": "This course introduces the basic concepts of switched-mode converter circuits for controlling and converting electrical power with high efficiency. Principles of converter circuit analysis are introduced, and are developed for finding the steady state voltages, current, and efficiency of power converters. Assignments include simulation of a dc-dc converter, analysis of an inverting dc-dc converter, and modeling and efficiency analysis of an electric vehicle system and of a USB power regulator.\n\nAfter completing this course, you will:\n● Understand what a switched-mode converter is and its basic operating principles\n● Be able to solve for the steady-state voltages and currents of step-down, step-up, inverting, and other power converters\n● Know how to derive an averaged equivalent circuit model and solve for the converter efficiency\n\nA basic understanding of electrical circuit analysis is an assumed prerequisite for this course.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Colorado Boulder"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Matemáticas financieras",
"link": "",
"description": "En el curso matemáticas financieras se explica la relación que tiene el dinero y su valor a través del tiempo. Se abordan los temas de interés simple, interés compuesto, anualidades, perpetuidades, amortizaciones, valor presente y valor futuro, todos ellos elementos básicos que el administrador financiero deberá aplicar en los análisis de opciones de inversión o financiamiento.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Rédaction de contrats",
"link": "",
"description": "Le cours porte sur les usages généralement admis en matière de rédaction de contrats commerciaux, dans leur forme continentale ou anglo-saxonne. Les principales clauses de ces contrats sont examinées, à l’aide d’exemples tirés de contrats classiques.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Geneva"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Six Sigma Tools for Improve and Control",
"link": "",
"description": "This course will provide you will the tools necessary to complete the final components of the analyze phase as well as the improve and control phases of the Six Sigma DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) process. This course is the final course in the Six Sigma Yellow Belt Specialization. You will learn about relationships from data using correlation and regression as well as the different hypothesis terms in hypothesis testing. This course will provide you with tools and techniques for improvement. You will also understand the importance of a control plan, as well as its key characteristics, for maintaining process improvements. Every module will include readings, discussions, lecture videos, and quizzes to help make sure you understand the material and concepts that are studied.\n\nOur applied curriculum is built around the latest handbook The Certified Six Sigma Handbook (2nd edition) and students will develop /learn the fundamentals of Six Sigma. Registration includes online access to course content, projects, and resources but does not include the companion text The Certified Six Sigma Handbook (2nd edition). The companion text is not required to complete the assignments. However, the text is a recognized handbook used by professionals in the field. Also, it is a highly recommended text for those wishing to move forward in Six Sigma and eventually gain certification from professional agencies such as American Society for Quality (ASQ).",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University System of Georgia"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "What’s Your Big Idea?",
"link": "",
"description": "Whether your interest lies in solving the world’s biggest problems, creating the next commercial success or addressing something closer to home, this course will give you a toolbox to vet your ideas and test them in the real world.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Chemerinsky on Constitutional Law - The Structure of Government",
"link": "",
"description": "This course will highlight the construction and interpretation of the U.S. Constitution through the centuries. You'll learn the history behind the Constitution, cases that formed important precedent, and how changes in interpretation have been dependent on shifts in cultural and political climate as well as the composition of the Supreme Court.\n\nWe'll start with an overview of the Constitution where we'll consider questions such as \"Why the Constitution?\" and \"What function does the Constitution serve?\" Next we'll examine how the Constitution and its subsequent interpretation established the powers of the federal, legislative, and judicial branches of government and allocated powers to the states.\n\nJoin me as we look at the questions both raised and answered by the Constitution and those that interpret it!\n\nBy the end of this course, you should be able to:\n\n- Describe how the structure of the United States government has been shaped by both the text of the Constitution and by subsequent interpretation and practice of political actors in all branches of government\n\n- Illustrate compromises found in the Constitution by citing examples and historic background\n\n- Articulate the importance of key cases such as Marbury v. Madison, McCullough v. Maryland, and Lochner v. New York\n\n- Explain how the outcome of cases is often dependent upon the current cultural and political climate as well as the composition of the court by citing particular cases and important shifts in the court's jurisprudence\n\n- Assess the relative suitability of various approaches to constitutional interpretation and analysis",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Irvine"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introdução ao Controle de Sistemas",
"link": "",
"description": "Este curso apresenta os principais conceitos do controle de sistemas e mostra suas vantagens e importância para a sociedade moderna. Você vai entender o que é o controle de sistemas e como o controle com realimentação funciona, e passará a perceber a sua presença em diversas situações em seu dia-a-dia, na natureza, no corpo humano e em diversos dispositivos, desde os mais simples até os mais complexos.\n\nVocê vai perceber a necessidade de modelos teóricos para a análise e o projeto do controle de sistemas e aprenderá como verificar se um sistema atende a determinados requisitos de desempenho. Você também aprenderá como projetar um controle simples de modo a obter o melhor desempenho possível de um sistema de controle. Este é apenas o primeiro passo em direção a um vasto campo do conhecimento e lhe dará a base e a segurança necessárias para avançar em seus estudos no maravilhoso mundo do controle de sistemas.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Public Relations Research",
"link": "",
"description": "Perhaps you are familiar with research. You might have learned about research or maybe you conduct research in your life. How is that different from research in Public Relations practice? In this course, you will learn the foundations of research in PR. PR research is applied research. \n\nPractical application of research allows you to improve the organization’s performance. Research can be used in many ways in Public Relations practice. For example, you can use research to analyze and assess a need for the organization, ensure your objectives are realistic and connected to your outcome, identify and describe the relevant publics, brainstorm and test messages and channels, monitor the progress of your PR efforts, show impact and effectiveness of your program. This course will provide you the basic knowledge to plan, design, and conduct research to solve a PR problem. \n\nThis course is designed for students wanting to pursue careers in public relations as well as a refresher for entry level PR practitioners wanting to brush up on their knowledge of the field. Come join me in this tour of research in PR where you will learn to use research as the backbone of your strategic decisions based on evidence.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National University of Singapore"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Psychology as a Science 2 – Fundamentals of the Mind and Behavior ",
"link": "",
"description": "This course deals with the fundamentals important in Psychology as a science. Psychology is the study of behavior and the mind. But all of us have tried to understand and predict behavior throughout our lives, first with our parents, then with our peers and teachers, and finally with our friends and co-workers. The difference is that psychological scientists conduct research that discovers the facts about behavior and our minds, so its principles are based on science and not just on intuition and experience. The course covers the fundamentals of learning, memory, motivation, emotion, and how behavior changes as we age. The content of the course has received approval from \"Quality Matters\", an organization that evaluates on-line courses. The learning outcomes are: (1) Students will be able to recognize and describe major psychological principles of learning; (2) Students will be able to distinguish between different types of memory; (3) Students will be able to describe how motivation and emotion can affect how we behave; and (4) Students will know how cognitive behavior and social behavior develops as we age.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Georgia Institute of Technology"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Proyecto de Fundamentos Empresariales de Wharton",
"link": "",
"description": "El Proyecto Final de Conocimiento Aplicado de Wharton te permite aplicar tus habilidades analíticas a retos de negocios reales, incluyendo el tuyo. Usarás esas habilidades empresariales recientemente adquiridas, para evaluar de manera reflexiva una oportunidad o situación real de compañías dirigidas por Wharton como Televisa.También podrás preparar un análisis estratégico y plantear una solución a un reto al que se enfrente tu propia compañía u organización. Personal cualificado de Wharton evaluará los mejores trabajos, y equipos de dirección de Televisa revisarán los proyectos que obtengan mejor puntuación.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Pennsylvania"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Our Energy Future",
"link": "",
"description": "This course is designed to introduce students to the issues of energy in the 21st century – including food and fuels – which are inseparably linked – and will discuss energy production and utilization from the biology, engineering, economics, climate science, and social science perspectives. \n\nThis course will cover the current production and utilization of energy, as well as the consequences of this use, examining finite fossil energy reserves, how food and energy are linked, impacts on the environment and climate, and the social and economic impacts of our present energy and food production and use. After the introductory lectures, we will examine the emerging field of sustainable energy, fuel and food production, emphasizing the importance of developing energy efficient and sustainable methods of production, and how these new technologies can contribute to replacing the diminishing supplies of fossil fuels, and reduce the consequences of carbon dioxide release into the environment. This course will also cover the importance of creating a sustainable energy future for all societies including those of the developing world. Lectures will be prepared and delivered by leading UC San Diego and Scripps Institution of Oceanography faculty and industry professionals across these areas of expertise.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, San Diego"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "GIS Data Formats, Design and Quality",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course, the second in the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialization, you will go in-depth with common data types (such as raster and vector data), structures, quality and storage during four week-long modules: \n\nWeek 1: Learn about data models and formats, including a full understanding of vector data and raster concepts. You will also learn about the implications of a data’s scale and how to load layers from web services. \n\nWeek 2: Create a vector data model by using vector attribute tables, writing query strings, defining queries, and adding and calculating fields. You'll also learn how to create new data through the process of digitizing and you'll use the built-in Editor tools in ArcGIS.\n\nWeek 3: Learn about common data storage mechanisms within GIS, including geodatabases and shapefiles. Learn how to choose between them for your projects and how to optimize them for speed and size. You'll also work with rasters for the first time, using digital elevation models and creating slope and distance analysis products.\n\nWeek 4: Explore datasets and assess them for quality and uncertainty. You will also learn how to bring your maps and data to the Internet and create web maps quickly with ArcGIS Online.\n\nTake GIS Data Formats, Design and Quality as a standalone course or as part of the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialization. You should have equivalent experience to completing the first course in this specialization, Fundamentals of GIS, before taking this course. By completing the second class in the Specialization you will gain the skills needed to succeed in the full program.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Davis"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Fundamentals of Management",
"link": "",
"description": "Are you about to enter the workforce? Are you an emerging professional? Are you new to your role in the organization? All prospective new employees benefit from understanding management principles, roles and responsibilities, regardless of position. Now you can acquire an in-depth understanding of the basic concepts and theories of management while exploring the manager's operational role in all types of organizations. Gain insight into the manager's responsibility in planning, organizing, leading, staffing and controlling within the workplace. It’s never too soon to plan your professional path by learning how the best managers manage for success!\n\nUpon completing this course, you will be able to:\n1. Describe the difference between managers and leaders\n2. Explore the focus of a manager’s job\n3. Cite the required skills for a new manager’s success\n4. Describe the five functions of management\n5. Explain the new model management operating philosophy\n6. Describe the hierarchy of planning\n7. Use the SMART goal setting technique\n8. Discuss the concept of evolution of leadership\n9. Explain how customer satisfaction is linked to controlling\n10. Discuss the power of building a network",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Irvine"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "创新思维",
"link": "",
"description": "通过本门课程的学习,你的创新能力将会获得大幅提升。课程首先致力于观念的转变,其次我会讲到很多具体的创新思维和创新方法。创新并不仅仅是那些黑科技。解决生活或工作中碰到的每一个问题,都需要创新。每一个人的发展都会受到资源的制约,我希望这门课程里,你能找出制约自己发展的那些内部和外部条件,并创造性地解决,突破自己成长的天花板。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Science and Technology of China"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Fundamentals of Visualization with Tableau",
"link": "",
"description": "In this first course of the specialization, you will discover just what data visualization is, and how we can use it to better see and understand data. Using Tableau, we’ll examine the fundamental concepts of data visualization and explore the Tableau interface, identifying and applying the various tools Tableau has to offer. By the end of the course you will be able to prepare and import data into Tableau and explain the relationship between data analytics and data visualization. This course is designed for the learner who has never used Tableau before, or who may need a refresher or want to explore Tableau in more depth. No prior technical or analytical background is required. The course will guide you through the steps necessary to create your first visualization story from the beginning based on data context, setting the stage for you to advance to the next course in the Specialization.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Davis"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Data Analysis Tools",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course, you will develop and test hypotheses about your data. You will learn a variety of statistical tests, as well as strategies to know how to apply the appropriate one to your specific data and question. Using your choice of two powerful statistical software packages (SAS or Python), you will explore ANOVA, Chi-Square, and Pearson correlation analysis. This course will guide you through basic statistical principles to give you the tools to answer questions you have developed. Throughout the course, you will share your progress with others to gain valuable feedback and provide insight to other learners about their work.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Wesleyan University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Financial Accounting Fundamentals",
"link": "",
"description": "This course will teach you the tools you'll need to understand the fundamentals of financial accounting. Concise videos, the financial records of a small business, and \"your turn\" activities guide you through the three most commonly used financial statements: the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement, and the Statement of Cash Flows. Beyond recording transactions, you'll learn how to prepare these financial statements, and read and analyze them to draw basic conclusions about a company's financial health.\n\nBy the end of this course, you will be able to:\n- Use journal entries to record transactions;\n- Prepare and use t-accounts to summarize transactions recorded during an accounting period; \n- Describe the three most commonly used financial statements and how they fit together;\n- Prepare these financial statements based on transactions recorded during an accounting period; and\n- Draw basic conclusions about a company's financial health.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Virginia"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Subsistence Marketplaces",
"link": "",
"description": "The foundation for this course lies with unique synergies between pioneering research, teaching, and social initiatives through the Subsistence Marketplaces Initiative. Unique to this approach is a bottom-up understanding of the intersection of poverty and the marketplace.\n\nThe goals of this course are to help you develop an understanding of marketplace activity in the radically different context of subsistence where much of humanity resides and survives, and for you to design solutions that can be implemented by individuals, businesses, and social enterprises through economically, ecologically, and socially sustainable products for subsistence marketplaces.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Programming with MATLAB",
"link": "",
"description": "This course teaches computer programming to those with little to no previous experience. It uses the programming system and language called MATLAB to do so because it is easy to learn, versatile and very useful for engineers and other professionals. MATLAB is a special-purpose language that is an excellent choice for writing moderate-size programs that solve problems involving the manipulation of numbers. The design of the language makes it possible to write a powerful program in a few lines. The problems may be relatively complex, while the MATLAB programs that solve them are relatively simple: relative, that is, to the equivalent program written in a general-purpose language, such as C++ or Java. As a result, MATLAB is being used in a wide variety of domains from the natural sciences, through all disciplines of engineering, to finance, and beyond, and it is heavily used in industry. Hence, a solid background in MATLAB is an indispensable skill in today’s job market.\n\nNevertheless, this course is not a MATLAB tutorial. It is an introductory programming course that uses MATLAB to illustrate general concepts in computer science and programming. Students who successfully complete this course will become familiar with general concepts in computer science, gain an understanding of the general concepts of programming, and obtain a solid foundation in the use of MATLAB.\n\nStudents taking the course will get a MATLAB Online license free of charge for the duration of the course. The students are encouraged to consult the eBook that this course is based on. More information about these resources can be found on the Resources menu on the right.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Vanderbilt University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Website Optimization Client Report Project",
"link": "",
"description": "SEO is a dynamic and growing career field that demands knowledge and skills in a variety of website optimization strategies and tactics in order to be successful. This course is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in SEO including the different elements comprising a website optimization client report, and arm you with skills you need to develop a tactical approach to SEO. \n\nWhether you have successfully completed the other courses in the Search Engine Optimization specialization or are taking just this course, this project is your chance to apply the knowledge you’ve acquired to practice important SEO tactics and optimize a site of your choice from the ground-up. You will identify optimization opportunities on a site and discover valuable tips for pitching your plan and managing your relationship with your client, you will then develop a customized SEO solution for the website you chose, and go through each of the major steps needed to execute your strategy including keyword research, competitive analysis, improving the site’s meta-data and on-page elements. Along the way, you will receive feedback through the peer review process. This community of fellow learners will provide additional input to help you refine your approach to SEO and present your findings to clients and management.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Davis"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "«Ловцы человеков» или социальные сети в медиа, бизнесе, рекрутинге и образовании",
"link": "",
"description": "Мир сильно изменился с тех времен, когда люди общались между собою с помощью писем на бумаге и с помощью голоса, теперь все мы, расставляем кому-то сети отношений и попадаем в них сами, все мы отныне живем в Сети Глобальной паутины.\nВ этом новом мире сетей старые приемы налаживания отношений не работают: журналистов печатных изданий не читают в бумажном варианте, маркетологи, делающие ставку только на офлайн-работу, разоряют компании, пиарщики и рекламисты лишаются офлайн-аудитории, HR-специалист, не умеющий работать в сетях, не получает достоверной информации о своих кандидатах.\nЕдинственный выход для профессионала: идти в Сеть, «ищите и обрящете»!\n\nНаш курс поможет вам узнать:\n1.\tКакие сети существуют и как меняется психология «человека виртуально-сетевого».\n2.\tПочему блоггеры испытывают от своей деятельности блОженство и что такое гражданская журналистика.\n3.\tКак работает френд-бизнес и как компании делают из потребителей союзников, советчиков и сотрудников.\n4.\tКак найти работу или работника в Сети.\n5.\tКак организовать виртуальную вечеринку или виртуальный конкурс.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National Research Tomsk State University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "社会调查与研究方法 (上)Methodologies in Social Research (Part I)",
"link": "",
"description": "社会调查与研究方法,\n首先,是一套观察社会现象、测量社会现象的工具;\n其次,是一套分析和运用社会现象数据的科学方法;\n最高境界,则是一套针对社会、经济、教育、政治、法律、管理、公共卫生、新闻报道等人类的生产与生活现象,进行科学沟通的思维逻辑与表达方式。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Peking University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Reporting extra-financier et stratégie RSE",
"link": "",
"description": "Une démarche de reporting extra-financier ne se limite pas à la production contraignante et fastidieuse d’un rapport de 300 pages. Même s’il est vrai que ce rapport est devenu obligatoire pour beaucoup d’entreprises, le reporting extra-financier est avant tout une occasion d’aller à la rencontre de ses parties prenantes pour comprendre les effets de ses activités dans leur globalité et pour mieux les gérer, d’une façon plus responsable aux plans social et environnemental mais aussi plus durable économiquement. Voir plus loin que la loi et faire de cette démarche un levier de performance, est bénéfique pour toute l'entreprise !\n\nL’originalité de ce MOOC ? Nous vous proposons une expérience d’apprentissage très riche basée à la fois sur l'expertise de spécialistes du sujet et sur l'expérience d'une quinzaine d'entreprises qui partageront avec vous leur expérience du sujet. Vous retrouverez notamment à chaque épisode les directrices RSE de L'Oréal, Eurazéo et Atos et un expert de l'équipe Développement durable de Deloitte, le partenaire de ce MOOC.\n\nQue vous soyez un étudiant soucieux d’acquérir un socle solide de connaissances sur le sujet, un salarié d’entreprise désireux de mieux dialoguer avec l’équipe RSE, ou tout simplement un citoyen convaincu que les enjeux RSE sont au cœur des modèles de développement à venir, ce MOOC est pour vous !\n\nBienvenue à tous et bon parcours !\nThierry Sibieude et l'équipe pédagogique",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"ESSEC Business School"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introductory Human Physiology",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course, students learn to recognize and to apply the basic concepts that govern integrated body function (as an intact organism) in the body's nine organ systems.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Duke University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Positive Psychology: Character, Grit and Research Methods",
"link": "",
"description": "Learners discover how apply to research methods to their study of Positive Psychology. In this course, we study with Dr. Angela Duckworth and Dr. Claire Robertson-Kraft. Through an exploration their work \"True Grit\" and interviews with researchers and practitioners, you develop a research hypothesis and learn how to understand the difference between internal and external validity. You also begin to understand and apply the strengths and weaknesses associated with different types of measurements and evaluation designs. You then interpret the results in an empirical study. Suggested prerequisites: Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science and Positive Psychology: Applications and Interventions.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Pennsylvania"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Financial Markets",
"link": "",
"description": "An overview of the ideas, methods, and institutions that permit human society to manage risks and foster enterprise. Emphasis on financially-savvy leadership skills. Description of practices today and analysis of prospects for the future. Introduction to risk management and behavioral finance principles to understand the real-world functioning of securities, insurance, and banking industries. The ultimate goal of this course is using such industries effectively and towards a better society.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Yale University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "The Manager's Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Managing People at Work",
"link": "",
"description": "The aim of this course is to give you a practical guide to managing people at work. It does not matter whether you are a first time manager in a shop or a middle manager in an office environment; the same skills apply to every work place. In the course you will engage with some HR theories and then see how they translate into every day working life. \n\nAt the end of the course we hope you will be better equipped to choose a suitable employee, to motivate and appraise your team, to manage conflict in the work place and to lead and make decision on a day to day basis.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of London",
"Birkbeck, University of London"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Training and Learning Programs for Volunteer Community Health Workers",
"link": "",
"description": "Volunteer community health workers (CHWs) are a major strategy for increasing access to and coverage of basic health interventions. Our village health worker training course reviews the process of training and continuing education of CHWs as an important component of involving communities in their own health service delivery. Participants will be guided through the steps of planning training and continuing education activities for village volunteers. The course draws on real-life examples from community-directed onchocerciasis control, village health worker programs, community case management efforts, peer educators programs and patent medicine vendor training programs, to name a few.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Johns Hopkins University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Inglés Empresarial: Gestión y Liderazgo ",
"link": "",
"description": "Are you a business executive or a manager who uses English in your career? Then you know that good business communication in English requires focus, vocabulary, and specific linguistic structures. In this course, you will follow along a recently promoted manager as she builds and leads her team to success. Together, you will practice the language and styles of communication needed in English for: \n•\tRecruiting and training a professional team to work together with integrity and respect\n•\tManaging and participating in well-organized meetings\n•\tMaking telephone conferences more efficient\n•\tWriting professional emails that are easy to read\nThe activities in this course will give you the opportunity to share your experience and receive immediate feedback from other business professionals around the world.\n\n¿Es usted un ejecutivo de negocios o gerente que utiliza inglés en su profesión? Entonces Ud. sabe que la buena comunicación empresarial en inglés exige los enfoques, el vocabulario y las estructuras lingüísticas específicas. En este curso, Ud. seguirá, a lo largo con un gerente recién promovido, como ella construye y conduce a su equipo hacia el éxito. Juntos, ustedes practicarán el lenguaje y los estilos de comunicación en inglés necesarios para:\n· Reclutar y el entrenar a un equipo profesional a trabajar juntos con integridad y respeto\n· Manejar y participar en las reuniones bien organizadas\n· Hacer que las conferencias telefónicas sean más eficaz\n· Escribir correos electrónicos profesionales que sean fáciles de leer\nLas actividades en este curso le dan la oportunidad de compartir su experiencia y recibir retroalimentación inmediata de otros profesionales empresariales en todo el mundo.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Arizona State University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "İnfertilite Hemşireliği (Infertility Nursing)",
"link": "",
"description": "İnfertilite tanı ve tedavi aşamasında bireylere verilecek hemşirelik bakım sürecinin uygulaması aşamasında ihtiyaç duyulan temel bilgiyi sağlar. İnfertilitenin nedenleri, tanı ve tedavi yöntemleri, bu süreçlerde çiftlerin yaşadıkları fiziksel ve psikososyal sorunları ve önlemeye yönelik hemşirelik girişimlerini içerir.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Koç University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Materials Data Sciences and Informatics",
"link": "",
"description": "This course aims to provide a succinct overview of the emerging discipline of Materials Informatics at the intersection of materials science, computational science, and information science. Attention is drawn to specific opportunities afforded by this new field in accelerating materials development and deployment efforts. A particular emphasis is placed on materials exhibiting hierarchical internal structures spanning multiple length/structure scales and the impediments involved in establishing invertible process-structure-property (PSP) linkages for these materials. More specifically, it is argued that modern data sciences (including advanced statistics, dimensionality reduction, and formulation of metamodels) and innovative cyberinfrastructure tools (including integration platforms, databases, and customized tools for enhancement of collaborations among cross-disciplinary team members) are likely to play a critical and pivotal role in addressing the above challenges.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Georgia Institute of Technology"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Experimental Methods in Systems Biology",
"link": "",
"description": "Learn about the technologies underlying experimentation used in systems biology, with particular focus on RNA sequencing, mass spec-based proteomics, flow/mass cytometry and live-cell imaging.\n\nA key driver of the systems biology field is the technology allowing us to delve deeper and wider into how cells respond to experimental perturbations. This in turns allows us to build more detailed quantitative models of cellular function, which can give important insight into applications ranging from biotechnology to human disease. This course gives a broad overview of a variety of current experimental techniques used in modern systems biology, with focus on obtaining the quantitative data needed for computational modeling purposes in downstream analyses. We dive deeply into four technologies in particular, mRNA sequencing, mass spectrometry-based proteomics, flow/mass cytometry, and live-cell imaging. These techniques are often used in systems biology and range from genome-wide coverage to single molecule coverage, millions of cells to single cells, and single time points to frequently sampled time courses. We present not only the theoretical background upon which these technologies work, but also enter real wet lab environments to provide instruction on how these techniques are performed in practice, and how resultant data are analyzed for quality and content.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Працюйте розумніше, а не більше: управління часом для особистої та професійної продуктивності",
"link": "",
"description": "Працюйте розумніше, а не більше\nВи зможете здобути і застосувати ваші знання та розуміння особистої та професійної обізнаності, організованості та виконання зобов’язань, а також використовувати інструменти, методи та прийоми, про які ви дізналися, для постановки цілей та пріоритетів, планування та делегування для подолання управлінських викликів та покращення продуктивності. \n\nThis course is translated by the Ukrainian mobile network operator, lifecell.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Irvine"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "HI-FIVE: Health Informatics For Innovation, Value & Enrichment (Clinical Perspective)",
"link": "",
"description": "HI-FIVE (Health Informatics For Innovation, Value & Enrichment) Training is a 12-hour online course designed by Columbia University in 2016, with sponsorship from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC). The training is role-based and uses case scenarios. Also, it has additional, optional modules on other topics of interest or relevance. Although we suggest to complete the course within a month's timeframe, the course is self-paced and so you can start and finish the course at anytime during a month's time period. No additional hardware or software are required for this course.\n\nOur nation’s healthcare system is changing at a rapid pace. Transformative health care delivery programs depend heavily on health information technology to improve and coordinate care, maintain patient registries, support patient engagement, develop and sustain data infrastructure necessary for multi-payer value-based payment, and enable analytical capacities to inform decision making and streamline reporting. The accelerated pace of change from new and expanding technology will continue to be a challenge for preparing a skilled workforce so taking this training will help you to stay current in the dynamic landscape of health care.\n\nThis course is one of three related courses in the HI-FIVE training program, which has topics on population health, care coordination and interoperability, value-based care, healthcare data analytics, and patient-centered care. Each of the three courses is designed from a different perspective based on various healthcare roles. This first course is from a clinical perspective, geared towards physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, clinical executives and managers, medical assistants, and other clinical support roles. However, we encourage anyone working in healthcare, health IT, public health, and population health to participate in any of the three trainings. \n\nIf you would like to obtain continuing medical education (CME) or continuing nursing education (CNE) credits, you will need to have eligible credentials, complete the entire course, and complete the evaluation survey at the end. The HI-FIVE team verifies after each month that these requirements have been met and then a separate certificate (fee may apply) is distributed to you from our accreditation office. Please allow time for processing. If you have any further questions about continuing education, please see our website at \n\nAccreditation Statement\nThe College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.\n\nAMA Credit Designation Statement\nThe College of Physcians and Surgeons designates this enduring material for 12.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.\n\nThe planning committee members are: Rita Kukafka, DrPH, MA, FACMI; Bruce Forman, MD; Gil Kuperman, MD, PhD; Virginia Lorenzi, MS, CPHIMS, FHL7, and Victoria Tiase, MSN, BN. None of the members of the committee, who planned this CME Activity, have any relevant financial relationships to disclose. The release date is 2/1/17 and the expiration date is 1/31/18.\n\nThis activity is eligible for 12 continuing nursing education (CNE) credits. \n\nColumbia University School of Nursing, Continuing Nursing Education Program is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Columbia University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Essential Design Principles for Tableau",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course, you will analyze and apply essential design principles to your Tableau visualizations. This course assumes you understand the tools within Tableau and have some knowledge of the fundamental concepts of data visualization. You will define and examine the similarities and differences of exploratory and explanatory analysis as well as begin to ask the right questions about what’s needed in a visualization. You will assess how data and design work together, including how to choose the appropriate visual representation for your data, and the difference between effective and ineffective visuals. You will apply effective best practice design principles to your data visualizations and be able to illustrate examples of strategic use of contrast to highlight important elements. You will evaluate pre-attentive attributes and why they are important in visualizations. You will exam the importance of using the \"right\" amount of color and in the right place and be able to apply design principles to de-clutter your data visualization.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Davis"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Investment Management in an Evolving and Volatile World by HEC Paris and AXA Investment Managers",
"link": "",
"description": "Have you ever wanted to invest in financial markets, but were always afraid that you didn’t have the proper tools or knowledge to make informed decisions? Have you ever wondered how investment management companies operate and what fund managers do? AXA Investment Managers, in partnership with HEC Paris, will introduce you to the most important ideas and concepts in investment management, to help you better understand your financial future.\n\nThis course will enable you to:\n•\tDefine what type of investor you are, your investment objectives, and potential constraints. \n•\tIdentify the main investable assets and important players in financial markets. \n•\tUnderstand basic portfolio management techniques. \n•\tApply these techniques in real case studies from the outset, through practical assessments. \n\nFinally, we will provide a comprehensive overview of today's asset management industry: the product cycles, professionals, and regulations. For those who want to identify a talented fund manager to invest for you, we offer important criteria for selecting one. For those who are interested in learning more about this fascinating industry, we lay the foundation for your ongoing financial journey. Join us now to explore the world of investment management! \n\nCourse Launching Date\nThe first session of the course will be launched on April 11th, 2016.\n\nCourse Specialists\nThe course has been developed in collaboration between HEC Paris, with Hugues Langlois managing the academic aspect, and AXA Investment Managers specialists, sharing their experiences and expertise and coordinated by Marion Le Morhedec. AXA Investment Managers participants include Maxime Alimi, Stephanie Condra, Nicholas Jeans, Elodie Laugel, Pierre-François de Mont-Serrat, Jean-Gabriel Pierre (AXA Group), Dorothée Sauloup, Irina Topa-Serry, Fiona Southall, Patrice Viot Coster, Susanna Warner, and Joachim Weitgasser.\n\nRecommended Background\nWe expect most participants to have a basic level of knowledge in mathematics and economics. However this is not essential, and we believe that people from any background can succeed with commitment and a strong interest.\nBe aware that in the case study, you will have to use Excel.\n\nCourse Format \nThis course will run for 4 weeks and consists of 4 modules, each with a series of lecture videos between 5 to 8 minutes long. Each module contains a set of practice and graded quiz questions. A complete portfolio management exercise covers concepts learned in all modules\n\nLanguage\nThe course is in English, with Italian, German, French, and Chinese (Simplified) subtitles.\n\nThe Project\nThe preparation of this MOOC has been an exciting adventure for many professionals at AXA Investment Managers and HEC, both for the speakers and a wealth of contributors. Thank you to all of them.\nWe hope you enjoy this course as much as we enjoyed creating it!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"HEC Paris"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "A developer's guide to Exploring and Visualizing IoT Data",
"link": "",
"description": "The value of IoT can be found within the analysis of data gathered from the system under observation, where insights gained can have direct impact on business and operational transformation. Through analysis data correlation, patterns, trends, and other insight are discovered. Insight leads to better communication between stakeholders, or actionable insights, which can be used to raise alerts or send commands, back to IoT devices.\nWith a focus on the topic of Exploratory Data Analysis, the course provides an in-depth look at mathematical foundations of basic statistical measures, and how they can be used in conjunction with advanced charting libraries to make use of the world’s best pattern recognition system – the human brain. Learn how to work with the data, and depict it in ways that support visual inspections, and derive to inferences about the data. Identify interesting characteristics, patterns, trends, deviations or inconsistencies, and potential outliers. The goal is that you are able to implement end-to-end analytic workflows at scale, from data acquisition to actionable insights. \nThrough a series of lectures and exercises students get the needed skills to perform such analysis on any data, although we clearly focus on IoT Sensor Event Data.\n\nAfter completing this course, you will be able to:\n•\tDescribe how basic statistical measures, are used to reveal patterns within the data \n•\tRecognize data characteristics, patterns, trends, deviations or inconsistencies, and potential outliers.\n•\tIdentify useful techniques for working with big data such as dimension reduction and feature selection methods \n•\tUse advanced tools and charting libraries to:\n o\tAutomatically store data from IoT device(s) \n o\timprove efficiency of analysis of big-data with partitioning and parallel analysis \n o\tVisualize the data in an number of 2D and 3D formats (Box Plot, Run Chart, Scatter Plot, Pareto Chart, and Multidimensional Scaling)\n\nFor successful completion of the course, the following prerequisites are recommended: \n•\tBasic programming skills in any programming language (python preferred)\n•\tA good grasp of basic algebra and algebraic equations\n•\t(optional) “A developer's guide to the Internet of Things (IoT)” - a Coursera course\n•\tBasic SQL is a plus\n\nIn order to complete this course, the following technologies will be used:\n(These technologies are introduced in the course as necessary so no previous knowledge is required.)\n•\tIBM Watson IoT Platform (MQTT Message Broker as a Service, Device Management and Operational Rule Engine)\n•\tIBM Bluemix (Open Standard Platform Cloud)\n•\tNode-Red\n•\tCloudant NoSQL (Apache CouchDB)\n•\tApacheSpark\n•\tLanguages: R, Scala and Python (focus on Python)\n\nThis course takes four weeks, 4-6h per week",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "iMOOC102: Mastering American e-Learning",
"link": "",
"description": "This competency-based, skill-building course will help non-U.S. students, first generation immigrants and foreign-born professionals better understand and master American e-Learning, as well as other U.S. virtual environments, for college and career success.\n\nTo excel in American online learning and work environments, international students and foreign-born professionals need to know how American universities and companies use the Internet to organize study and work, develop and execute projects, communicate ideas, collaborate, and solve organizational and technical problems. By taking this course, you will learn how to enhance your cultural knowledge and assess potential skill gaps that may hinder your online experience or negatively impact your performance in U.S. virtual work environments. Throughout the course you will systematically review competencies required for online work, come to better understand common barriers for non-native students and professionals, learn how to detect and overcome competency gaps, and develop plans for self-improvement.\n\nWe hope that you will enjoy the course and invite you to share your own experiences with other students.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The State University of New York"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Origins - Formation of the Universe, Solar System, Earth and Life",
"link": "",
"description": "The Origins course tracks the origin of all things – from the Big Bang to the origin of the Solar System and the Earth. The course follows the evolution of life on our planet through deep geological time to present life forms.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Copenhagen"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "TDD – Desenvolvimento de Software Guiado por Testes",
"link": "",
"description": "Neste curso, assumimos que você já sabe projetar e desenvolver programas mais complexos em Java, com método e organização graças às boas práticas e princípios exercitados no curso anterior; mas você talvez não se sinta ainda confortável em projetar programas usando técnicas ágeis, como o desenvolvimento guiado por testes (TDD). \n\nO objetivo deste curso é expor você aos princípios e práticas de desenvolvimento guiado por testes, tanto para modelar quanto para desenvolver aplicações e componentes de software, sem abandonar os conceitos e princípios de orientação a objetos aprendidos no curso anterior. De fato, pregamos que tais conceitos e princípios fortalecem o emprego do TDD no desenvolvimento ágil de software com mais qualidade. Este curso terá um grande foco em atividades hands-on, permitindo a você captar todos os aspectos práticos da técnica e facilitar a sua aplicação quando estiver projetando e desenvolvendo software de maneira ágil nos próximos cursos.\n\nOs conceitos de desenvolvimento de software com Java apresentados neste curso incluem o seguinte: revisão de testes de unidade; automação de testes; desenvolvimento guiado por testes; ciclo do TDD; refatoração de código de produção; ciclo de refatoração; uso de objetos stubs e mocks; boas práticas no TDD; modelagem de software por meio do TDD.\n\nAo final deste curso, você terá amadurecido de tal modo suas habilidades de programação que será capaz de implementar, agora usando o TDD, versões modificadas e estendidas do componente de gamificação constante do Trabalho de Conclusão da Especialização, com base nas boas práticas exercitadas neste curso.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Systems Science and Obesity",
"link": "",
"description": "Systems science has been instrumental in breaking new scientific ground in diverse fields such as meteorology, engineering and decision analysis. However, it is just beginning to impact public health. This seminar is designed to introduce students to basic tools of theory building and data analysis in systems science and to apply those tools to better understand the obesity epidemic in human populations. There will also be a lab in which students will use a simple demonstration model of food acquisition behavior using agent-based modeling on standard (free) software (netlogo). The central organizing idea of the course is to examine the obesity epidemic at a population level as an emergent properties of complex, nested systems, with attention to feedback processes, multilevel interactions, and the phenomenon of emergence. While the emphasis will be on obesity, the goal will be to explore ways in which the systems approach can be applied to other non-communicable diseases both nationally and internationally. \n \nTopics will include:\na) the epidemiology of obesity across time and place,\nb) theories to explain population obesity,\nc) the role of environments and economic resources in obesity\nc) basic concepts and tools of systems science,\nd) modeling energy-balance related behaviors in context,\ne) agent-based models, systems dynamic models, and social network models",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Johns Hopkins University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Parallel programming",
"link": "",
"description": "With every smartphone and computer now boasting multiple processors, the use of functional ideas to facilitate parallel programming is becoming increasingly widespread. In this course, you'll learn the fundamentals of parallel programming, from task parallelism to data parallelism. In particular, you'll see how many familiar ideas from functional programming map perfectly to to the data parallel paradigm. We'll start the nuts and bolts how to effectively parallelize familiar collections operations, and we'll build up to parallel collections, a production-ready data parallel collections library available in the Scala standard library. Throughout, we'll apply these concepts through several hands-on examples that analyze real-world data, such as popular algorithms like k-means clustering.\n\nLearning Outcomes. By the end of this course you will be able to:\n\n- reason about task and data parallel programs,\n- express common algorithms in a functional style and solve them in parallel,\n- competently microbenchmark parallel code,\n- write programs that effectively use parallel collections to achieve performance\n\nRecommended background: You should have at least one year programming experience. Proficiency with Java or C# is ideal, but experience with other languages such as C/C++, Python, Javascript or Ruby is also sufficient. You should have some familiarity using the command line. This course is intended to be taken after Functional Program Design in Scala:",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Major Depression in the Population: A Public Health Approach",
"link": "",
"description": "Public Mental Health is the application of the principles of medicine and social science to prevent the occurrence of mental and behavioral disorders and to promote mental health of the population. This course illustrates the principles of public health applied to depressive disorder, including principles of epidemiology, transcultural psychiatry, health services research, and prevention. It is predicted that by 2020 depressive disorder will be the most important cause of disease burden in the entire world! Every human being suffers from feeling depressed at some point or other, but only about one fifth of the population will experience an episode of depressive disorder over the course of their lives. This course illuminates the public health approach to disease, and the particular complexities of applying this approach to mental disorders, using depression as the exemplar.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Johns Hopkins University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Advanced Converter Control Techniques",
"link": "",
"description": "This course covers advanced converter control techniques, including averaged-switch modeling and Spice simulations, modeling and design of peak current mode and average current mode controlled converters, as well as an introduction to control of single-phase ac grid tied rectifiers and inverters. Design and simulation examples include wide bandwidth point-of-load voltage regulators, low-harmonic power-factor-correction rectifiers, and grid-tied inverters for solar photovoltaic power systems. Upon completion of the course, you will be able to model, design control loops, and simulate state-of-the-art pulse-width modulated (PWM) dc-dc converters, dc-ac inverters, ac-dc rectifiers, and other power electronics systems. \n\nThis course assumes prior completion of Introduction to Power Electronics, Converter Circuits, and Converter Control",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Colorado Boulder"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Alternative Approaches to Valuation and Investment",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course, participants will develop an understanding of the intuitive foundations of asset and investment valuation, and how alternative valuation techniques may be used in practice. This is part of a Specialization in corporate finance created in partnership between the University of Melbourne and Bank of New York Mellon (BNY Mellon). \n\nView the MOOC promotional video here:",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The University of Melbourne"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Макроэкономика (Macroeconomics)",
"link": "",
"description": "Курс посвящен изучению макроэкономических вопросов, таких как долгосрочный рост, циклические колебания экономики и стабилизационная политика государства.\n\nЦелью курса является знакомство слушателей с основными понятиями макроэкономики, с базовыми моделями и принципами, которые используются при анализе текущего состояния экономики той или иной страны, что позволит самостоятельно ориентироваться в происходящих процессах и явлениях, а также проводить оценку эффективности и необходимости проводимой государством макроэкономической политики.\n\nДанный курс покрывает на базовом уровне все основные темы макроэкономики. Примерно две трети курса посвящены анализу общего равновесия на рынках труда, заемных средств, финансовых, денежных, товарных рынках, а также международных потоков капитала. Изучается долгосрочный экономический рост, идущий за счет накопления капитальных мощностей и технического прогресса. Вторая часть курса посвящена изучению природы краткосрочных колебаний вокруг долгосрочной траектории роста, таким как финансовый кризис и мировая рецессия 2008-2009 годов. Обсуждаются причины подобных спадов, а также оптимальная стабилизационная политика государства, призванная либо предотвращать подобные катаклизмы, либо сглаживать последствия от них.\n\nДля успешного прохождения курса желательно (но не обязательно) иметь базовые знания по микроэкономике.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Higher School of Economics"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Global Strategy I: How The Global Economy Works",
"link": "",
"description": "Starting in the late 1990s, “globalization” became a buzzword to describe the apparent integration of markets in the world economy. Many authors and pundits claimed that the world was converging towards a market-friendly democratic place, while gurus and consulting firms were not short of formulae and advice on how to make profits out of the global economy. Decades later, new realities show that globalization does not mean political, cultural, and economic convergence and that forces against it are strong.\n\nThis course seeks to help you understand the forces of globalization and how cross-cultural management and the relationship of a multinational organization to various host countries is becoming more and more critical in today’s global economy. This course begins with the discussion of these issues and global relationships and delves into a deeper understanding of business strategy in today’s global business marketplace.\n\nUpon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:\n•\tUnderstand how we got here and why it matters\n•\tUnderstand the complexities of the current globalization (not all countries are the same)\n•\tEvaluate the effects of international trade regulations on international business\n•\tEvaluate when and why should we operate as multinationals\n\nThis course is part of the iMBA offered by the University of Illinois, a flexible, fully-accredited online MBA at an incredibly competitive price. For more information, please see the Resource page in this course and",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Fake News, Facts, and Alternative Facts",
"link": "",
"description": "How can you distinguish credible information from “fake news”? Reliable information is at the heart of what makes an effective democracy, yet many people find it harder to differentiate good journalism from propaganda. Increasingly, inaccurate information is shared on Facebook and echoed by a growing number of explicitly partisan news outlets. This becomes more problematic because people have a tendency to accept agreeable messages over challenging claims, even if the former are less objectively credible. In this teach-out, we examine the processes that generate both accurate and inaccurate news stories, and that lead people to believe those stories. We then provide a series of tools that ordinary citizens can use to tell fact from fiction.\n\nA Teach-Out is:\n\n-an event – it takes place over a fixed, short period of time\n\n-an opportunity – it is open for free participation to everyone around the world\n\n-a community – it will be joined by a large number of diverse individuals\n\n-a conversation – an opportunity to give and take ideas and information from people\n\nThe University of Michigan Teach-Out Series provides just-in-time community learning events for participants around the world to come together in conversation with the U-M campus community, including faculty experts. The U-M Teach-Out Series is part of our deep commitment to engage the public in exploring and understanding the problems, events, and phenomena most important to society.\n\nTeach-Outs are short learning experiences, each focused on a specific current issue. Attendees will come together over a few days not only to learn about a subject or event but also to gain skills. Teach-Outs are open to the world and are designed to bring together individuals with wide-ranging perspectives in respectful and deep conversation. These events are an opportunity for diverse learners and a multitude of experts to come together to ask questions of one another and explore new solutions to the pressing concerns of our global community. Come, join the conversation!\n\nFind new opportunities at",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Michigan"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Machine Learning",
"link": "",
"description": "Machine learning is the science of getting computers to act without being explicitly programmed. In the past decade, machine learning has given us self-driving cars, practical speech recognition, effective web search, and a vastly improved understanding of the human genome. Machine learning is so pervasive today that you probably use it dozens of times a day without knowing it. Many researchers also think it is the best way to make progress towards human-level AI. In this class, you will learn about the most effective machine learning techniques, and gain practice implementing them and getting them to work for yourself. More importantly, you'll learn about not only the theoretical underpinnings of learning, but also gain the practical know-how needed to quickly and powerfully apply these techniques to new problems. Finally, you'll learn about some of Silicon Valley's best practices in innovation as it pertains to machine learning and AI.\n\nThis course provides a broad introduction to machine learning, datamining, and statistical pattern recognition. Topics include: (i) Supervised learning (parametric/non-parametric algorithms, support vector machines, kernels, neural networks). (ii) Unsupervised learning (clustering, dimensionality reduction, recommender systems, deep learning). (iii) Best practices in machine learning (bias/variance theory; innovation process in machine learning and AI). The course will also draw from numerous case studies and applications, so that you'll also learn how to apply learning algorithms to building smart robots (perception, control), text understanding (web search, anti-spam), computer vision, medical informatics, audio, database mining, and other areas.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Stanford University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: From Nand to Tetris (Project-Centered Course)",
"link": "",
"description": "What you’ll achieve:\nIn this project-centered course* you will build a modern computer system, from the ground up. We’ll divide this fascinating journey into six hands-on projects that will take you from constructing elementary logic gates all the way through creating a fully functioning general purpose computer. In the process, you will learn - in the most direct and constructive way - how computers work, and how they are designed.\n\nWhat you’ll need:\nThis is a self-contained course: all the knowledge necessary to succeed in the course and build the computer system will be given as part of the learning experience. Therefore, we assume no previous computer science or engineering knowledge, and all learners are welcome aboard. You will need no physical materials, since you will build the computer on your own PC, using a software-based hardware simulator, just like real computers are designed by computer engineers in the field. The hardware simulator, as well as other software tools, will be supplied freely after you enroll in the course.\n\nCourse format:\nThe course consists of six modules, each comprising a series of video lectures, and a project. You will need about 2-3 hours to watch each module's lectures, and about 5-10 hours to complete each one of the six projects. The course can be completed in six weeks, but you are welcome to take it at your own pace. You can watch a TED talk about this course by Googling \"nand2tetris TED talk\".\n\n*About Project-Centered Courses: Project-centered courses are designed to help you complete a personally meaningful real-world project, with your instructor and a community of learners with similar goals providing guidance and suggestions along the way. By actively applying new concepts as you learn, you’ll master the course content more efficiently; you’ll also get a head start on using the skills you gain to make positive changes in your life and career. When you complete the course, you’ll have a finished project that you’ll be proud to use and share.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Hebrew University of Jerusalem"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Revolutionary Ideas: Borders, Elections, Constitutions, Prisons",
"link": "",
"description": "What is the purpose of government? Why should we have a State? What kind of State should we have?\n\nEven within a political community, there may be sharp disagreements about the role and purpose of government. Some want an active, involved government, seeing legal and political institutions as the means to solve our most pressing problems, and to help bring about peace, equality, justice, happiness, and to protect individual liberty. Others want a more minimal government, motivated, perhaps, by some of the disastrous political experiments of the 20th Century, and the thought that political power is often just a step away from tyranny. In many cases, these disagreements arise out of deep philosophical disagreements. \n\nAll political and legal institutions are built on foundational ideas. In this course, we will explore those ideas, taking the political institutions and political systems around us not as fixed and unquestionable, but as things to evaluate and, if necessary, to change. We will consider the ideas and arguments of some of the world’s most celebrated philosophers, including historical thinkers such as Plato, Hugo Grotius, David Hume, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison, and more contemporary theorists such as Michelle Alexander, Kwame Anthony Appiah, Bryan Caplan, Angela Davis, Ronald Dworkin, Jon Elster, John Hart Ely, H.L.A. Hart, Michael Huemer, Andrew Rehfeld, and Jeremy Waldron.\n\nThe aim of the course is not to convince you of the correctness of any particular view or political position, but to provide you with a deeper and more philosophically-informed basis for your own views, and, perhaps, to help you better understand the views of those with whom you disagree.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Pennsylvania"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Becoming a Sports Agent",
"link": "",
"description": "An immersive experience in the world of sports that will take students through the four stages of a professional athlete's career. Utilizing lectures, guest speakers, reading assignments and hypothetical walkthroughs, students will learn how the best sports agents manage clients at each of these four stages.\n\nThis course will provide each student with the skills necessary to guide an athlete through the difficult decisions that can make or lose the athlete millions of dollars, as well as affect their public image and career. Walking through the four stages of an athlete's career, we will provide a broad scope of the landscape of amateur and professional sports so that you can avoid the pitfalls and traps that so many have fallen into in the past; not to mention, bringing you updates throughout the course regarding the rapidly changing sports world that we live in today. Analyzing the best practices in the management of the superstar athletes with whom Professor Carfagna, Professor Volante and their expert guests have worked, we will show you how to manage the career of any professional athlete who might seek your guidance at any stage of his or her professional career.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Case Western Reserve University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "A Journey through Western Christianity: from Persecuted Faith to Global Religion (200 - 1650) ",
"link": "",
"description": "This course follows the extraordinary development of Western Christianity from its early persecution under the Roman Empire in the third century to its global expansion with the Jesuits of the early modern world. We explore the dynamic and diverse character of a religion with an enormous cast characters. We will meet men and women who tell stories of faith as well as of violence, suppression, and division. Along the way, we encounter Perpetua and her martyrdom in Carthage; the struggles of Augustine the bishop in North Africa; the zeal of Celtic monks and missionaries; the viciousness of the Crusades; the visions of Brigit of Sweden; and the fracturing of Christianity by Martin Luther’s protest. We hear the voices of great theologians as well as of those branded heretics by the Church, a powerful reminder that the growth of Christianity is a story with many narratives of competing visions of reform and ideals, powerful critiques of corruption and venality, and exclusion of the vanquished. The troubled history of Christian engagement with Jews and Muslims is found in pogroms and expulsions, but also in the astonishing ways in which the culture of the West was transformed by Jewish and Islamic learning.\n \nWe shall explore the stunning beauty of the Book of Kells, exquisitely prepared by monks as the Vikings terrorized the coast of England. We will experience the blue light of the windows of Chartres, and ponder the opening questions of Thomas Aquinas’ great Summa. We will read from the Gutenberg Bible of the fifteenth century, which heralded the revolution brought by the printing press. We will travel from Calvin’s Geneva to Elizabeth’s England to Trent, where a Catholic Council met to inaugurate a modern, missionary Catholic church. We will walk through the great Escorial of Philip II of Spain, hear the poetry of John of the Cross, and follow the Jesuits to Brazil and China.\n \nChristianity in the West was forged in the fires of conflict and tumult, and it brought forth both creativity and violence. It echoed with calls for God’s world to be transformed, it inspired the most sublime art and architecture, yet it also revealed the power of the union of cross and sword to destroy. The course is a journey through the formation of the West as one strand of Christianity, as one chapter in a global story. It is a journey that has shaped our world.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Yale University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Functional Programming Principles in Scala",
"link": "",
"description": "Functional programming is becoming increasingly widespread in industry. This trend is driven by the adoption of Scala as the main programming language for many applications. Scala fuses functional and object-oriented programming in a practical package. It interoperates seamlessly with both Java and Javascript. Scala is the implementation language of many important frameworks, including Apache Spark, Kafka, and Akka. It provides the core infrastructure for sites such as Twitter, Tumblr and also Coursera.\n\nIn this course you will discover the elements of the functional programming style and learn how to apply them usefully in your daily programming tasks. You will also develop a solid foundation for reasoning about functional programs, by touching upon proofs of invariants and the tracing of execution symbolically.\n\nThe course is hands on; most units introduce short programs that serve as illustrations of important concepts and invite you to play with them, modifying and improving them. The course is complemented by a series programming projects as homework assignments.\n\nLearning Outcomes. By the end of this course you will be able to:\n\n - understand the principles of functional programming,\n - write purely functional programs, using recursion,\n pattern matching, and higher-order functions,\n - combine functional programming with objects and classes,\n - design immutable data structures,\n - reason about properties of functions,\n - understand generic types for functional programs\n\nRecommended background: You should have at least one year programming experience. Proficiency with Java or C# is ideal, but experience with other languages such as C/C++, Python, Javascript or Ruby is also sufficient. You should have some familiarity using the command line.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Internet of Things: Communication Technologies",
"link": "",
"description": "Have you wondered how “Things” talk to each other and the cloud? Do you understand the alternatives for conveying latency-sensitive real time data versus reliable signaling data? Building on the skills from the Sensing and Actuation course, we will explore protocols to exchange information between processors. \n\nIn this course, you will learn how VoIP systems like Skype work and implement your own app for voice calls and text messages. You will start by using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for session management. Next, you will learn how voice codecs such as Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) are used in 3G networks and use them for voice traffic in your app. \n\nLearning Goals: After completing this course, you will be able to:\n\n1.\tImplement session initiation, management and termination on your DragonBoard™ 410c using SIP.\n2.\tDiscover other users and exchange device capabilities.\n3.\tCompare and contrast narrowband and wideband codecs and experience the voice quality differences between them.\n4.\tImplement and demonstrate VoIP calls using the DragonBoard 410c.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, San Diego"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Materials in Oral Health",
"link": "",
"description": "We all need healthy teeth, don’t we? The drive for development of new and novel oral biomaterials has never been more important with many people using oral biomaterials today and seeing their benefits in restoring and improving their oral health for a more enjoyable lifestyle. The unique properties of biomaterials such as titanium (Ti), zirconia (ZrO2) and various polymeric materials have made them materials of choice in oral health: dental implants, oral and maxillofacial surgery, and even regenerative medicine. Oral biomaterials research today is an exciting and intensive multidisciplinary area that encompasses contributions from a wide range of fields from professional dentistry to biology, chemistry, physics, material science, and engineering. \n\nThis 4-week Oral Biomaterials course unveils to you the special properties and benefits of biomaterials including, titanium and titanium alloys, other alloys, zirconia and other ceramics, and modern composites. You will gain insights of practical use and applications of these biomaterials in different aspects of dentistry and clinical implications. You will realize how contemporary dentistry is about unifying synthetic materials to living tooth and bone tissues. You will get in touch with the crucial roles of digital dentistry and learn about CAD/CAM technology in crown fabrication, 3D printing and digital orthodontics. And lastly, you will be introduced to procedures and testing methods used to analyze and test significant mechanical properties of biomaterials in the research laboratory. \n\nOur vision for the course is to bring together expertise and experience in dentistry and a broad range to subjects for potential synergy in tomorrow’s oral biomaterials development and increase awareness of oral health.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The University of Hong Kong"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Python Data Structures",
"link": "",
"description": "This course will introduce the core data structures of the Python programming language. We will move past the basics of procedural programming and explore how we can use the Python built-in data structures such as lists, dictionaries, and tuples to perform increasingly complex data analysis. This course will cover Chapters 6-10 of the textbook “Python for Everybody”. This course covers Python 3.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Michigan"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "User Experience: Research & Prototyping",
"link": "",
"description": "What makes for a great user experience? How can you consistently design experiences that work well, are easy to use and people want to use? This course will teach you the core process of experience design and how to effectively evaluate your work with the people for whom you are designing. You'll learn fundamental methods of design research that will enable you to effectively understand people, the sequences of their actions, and the context in which they work. Through the assignments, you’ll learn practical techniques for making sense of what you see and transform your observations into meaningful actionable insights and unique opportunity areas for design. You’ll also explore how to generate ideas in response to the opportunities identified and learn methods for making your ideas tangible. By answering specific questions and refining your concepts, you’ll move closer to making your ideas real. We’ll use cases from a variety of industries including health, education, transportation, finance, and beyond to illustrate how these methods work across different domains. \n\nGood luck and we hope you enjoy the course!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, San Diego"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Fundamentals of Fluid-Solid Interactions",
"link": "",
"description": "What is fluid-solid interactions ? It is what happens when the motions of a fluid and of a solid are somehow coupled. This happens all the time, around you when leaves flutter in the wind, inside you when your heart beats, above you when wings of a plane vibrate, under the sea... The idea behind this MOOC is to give you the basic tools to be able to predict and eventually mitigate things called flutter, galloping, sloshing, vortex-induced vibrations, added mass, to cite a few. \n\nWe are going to consider any possible domains of applications such as civil engineering, aerospace engineering, nuclear engineering , ocean engineering, biomechanics and even food processing !\n\nThis is why we called the course “Fundamentals of Fluid Solid Interactions ”. There are so many phenomena and so many models that we need to work together on the basic mechanisms .\n\nIf you want to see how fluid-solid interactions work, and be able to use that knowledge, join us !\n\n A first session of the course was run in early 2016, with learners from over 100 countries. It is now available with subtitles, in English and now in Chinese.\n\nSee the video at",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"École Polytechnique"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Programming Languages, Part A",
"link": "",
"description": "This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of programming languages, with a strong emphasis on functional programming. The course uses the languages ML, Racket, and Ruby as vehicles for teaching the concepts, but the real intent is to teach enough about how any language “fits together” to make you more effective programming in any language -- and in learning new ones.\n\nThis course is neither particularly theoretical nor just about programming specifics -- it will give you a framework for understanding how to use language constructs effectively and how to design correct and elegant programs. By using different languages, you will learn to think more deeply than in terms of the particular syntax of one language. The emphasis on functional programming is essential for learning how to write robust, reusable, composable, and elegant programs. Indeed, many of the most important ideas in modern languages have their roots in functional programming. Get ready to learn a fresh and beautiful way to look at software and how to have fun building it.\n\nThe course assumes some prior experience with programming, as described in more detail in the first module.\n\nThe course is divided into three Coursera courses: Part A, Part B, and Part C. As explained in more detail in the first module of Part A, the overall course is a substantial amount of challenging material, so the three-part format provides two intermediate milestones and opportunities for a pause before continuing. The three parts are designed to be completed in order and set up to motivate you to continue through to the end of Part C. The three parts are not quite equal in length: Part A is almost as substantial as Part B and Part C combined.\n\nWeek 1 of Part A has a more detailed list of topics for all three parts of the course, but it is expected that most course participants will not (yet!) know what all these topics mean.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Washington"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Hands-on Text Mining and Analytics",
"link": "",
"description": "This course provides an unique opportunity for you to learn key components of text mining and analytics aided by the real world datasets and the text mining toolkit written in Java. Hands-on experience in core text mining techniques including text preprocessing, sentiment analysis, and topic modeling help learners be trained to be a competent data scientists. \n\nEmpowered by bringing lecture notes together with lab sessions based on the y-TextMiner toolkit developed for the class, learners will be able to develop interesting text mining applications.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Yonsei University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Desenvolvendo sua musicalidade",
"link": "",
"description": "Aprenda os conceitos e abordagens básicos necessários para compreender, criar e executar música contemporânea.\n\nSe você é apaixonado por música e tem curiosidade de como ela funciona, ou se é um músico que aprendeu a tocar de ouvido, sem um estudo formal, esse curso lhe oferecerá uma introdução envolvente de conceitos e abordagens chave para compreender, criar e executar música contemporânea. Ministrado pelo professor George W. Russell Jr. do Berklee College of Music, o curso inclui seis lições que exploram harmonia e o treino de ouvido - duas áreas de foco intensivo para todo aluno iniciante na Berklee. \n\nO curso lhe ensinará a as escalas pentatônicas maiores e menores e como elas são construídas. Você aprenderá quais são os intervalos, como cantá-los e como encontrá-los na música. O curso explora o tom central e como encontrar qual o tom de uma música, além de divisões de compasso comuns como 4/4 e 3/4. Você aprenderá a construir acordes - tríades maiores e menores, e acordes maiores e com sétima dominante - e como construir uma progressão de acordes comum - o I IV V. Você também aprenderá a reconhecer os formatos de música blues e AABA e a escrever uma sequência de acordes básica para expressar suas ideias musicais. \n\nAlém das aulas em vídeo, cada aula envolve apresentações e entrevistas com alunos da Berklee. Os alunos compartilham suas jornadas musicais e oferecem orientações para aqueles que querem estudar música. O ponto alto do curso é uma tarefa que solicita que você componha e execute um riff de melodia em blues usando a escala pentatônica menor. Acima de tudo, o curso foi pensado para compartilhar o prazer de criar música e compartilhá-la com os outros.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Economic Growth and Distributive Justice Part II - Maximize Social Wellbeing",
"link": "",
"description": "If you really care about the big questions in the economies and societies of the 21st century, such as distributive justice - namely, inequality of income or wealth, and its correlation with economic growth - this course is meant for you. The knowledge you will gain can truly change your outlook on our world.\n\n\"Economic Growth and Distributive Justice - Maximizing Social Wellbeing\" is the second part of a two part course and it includes the following five lectures: \n(1) The excess burden of taxation\n(2) Tax incidence: who bears the economic burden of tax?\n(3) Progressivity: definition and ways to achieve\n(4) Low Income, Low Ability and the Optimal Income Tax Model\n(5) Designing the Tax and Transfer System that Maximizes Social Wellbeing\nIf you haven't done that already, we strongly recommend that you register for the first part of the course: \"Economic Growth and Distributive Justice - the Role of the State\". Taking both parts of the course would enable you to obtain a fuller and more comprehensive knowledge about Economic Growth and Distributed Justice.\n\nThe course is founded upon the elemental idea that the role of the state is to maximize the well-being - or simply the happiness - of its residents. In 9 fascinating, edifying lessons, using only simple words and decoding professional terminologies that sometimes baffle the intelligent layman, the course expounds many truths – both intuitive and unintuitive. Often using examples from the US and Europe, it does not however focus on policies in any particular region of the world, and is directly applicable to all countries around the globe.\n\nThe course touches upon the essence of important concepts like efficiency and equity, inequality and poverty, gross domestic product, tax evasion and tax planning; it presents the work of Nobel Laureate James Mirrlees and his followers - promoting a coherent system that integrates tax and government expenditures to maximize social welfare; and illuminates a range of high-profile issues from their economic angle:\n• Climate change: the atmosphere and oceans as public goods, and how smart (Pigovian) taxation can be used to combat the rapidly increasing threats to our planet;\n• Technology as the engine of economic growth;\n• Taxing the rich: How can we mitigate the growing inequality problem? Should we impose a global tax on capital?\n\nThe curriculum includes interviews with major figures in the fields of law and of economics: Harvard's Elhanan Helpman, Dan Shaviro from NYU and Richard Epstein from the University of Chicago and NYU.\n\nAfter successfully completing this course, you can expect to be able to:\n• better understand economic issues presented in the media\n• form an informed opinion on the strengths and weaknesses of presented social economic policies\n• define and measure inequality and poverty\n• define the connection between inequality (income, wealth) and economic growth\n• explain the foundations of economic growth\n• design a tax and transfer system to maximize the happiness of individuals\n\nAll these will allow you to better understand the policies being developed around you, and to play a larger, more informed role in their development, as a conscientious citizen.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Tel Aviv University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Finance for Everyone: Markets",
"link": "",
"description": "Markets begins with one of the most common and important elements of the financial system – interest rates. You will learn why interest rates have always been a key barometer in determining the value of everything. You will explore the changing influence of interest rates; the impact of interest rates on consumption, investment and economic growth; and the bizarre realities of negative interest rates. Markets explains how interest rates change the value of all financial instruments, highlighting the role of the bond and stock markets that have toppled empires. We take a closer look at the equity pricing models and equity markets that reverberate across the globe, and explore everything from the first stock ever issued – by the Dutch East India Company – to the little-understood but powerful derivative securities market. By the end of the course, you will have developed insight into the intersections of the financial markets with worlds of policy, politics, and power. You will have demonstrated that insight by teaching an important financial concept and translating a financial product or transaction to someone who will clearly benefit from your advice.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"McMaster University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "At the Origins of the Mediterranean Civilization: Archaeology of the City from the Levant to the West - 3rd-1st millennium BC",
"link": "",
"description": "Which are the deepest roots of that mix of cultures that we use to call ‘Mediterranean Civilization’? Which are comminglings and exchanges which produced its most complete fruit, i.e. the city, a place for landscape-modelling communities? And which elements did contribute to build up that baulk of customs, ideas, and innovations which compelled to confrontation and hybridizations different peoples for millennia? What did it made, from pottery to metallurgy, from gastronomy to architecture, from art to religion, of a sea a cradle of civilization? Archaeology may help in disentangling such questions, seeking unexpected answers , by tinkering what ancient Mediterranean peoples left buried in the ground. A privileged point of view of our course is the ancient Phoenician city of Motya, located exactly at the centre of the “sea in the middle”. Throughout the live experience of excavation, with images taken on the field, this course will let you touch the many tesserae of the great mosaic of the Mediterranean Civilization. The field diary of the archaeologist, and the handpick will be the two tools, which will lead us across the sea to discover what such early cities actually were, and how their contribute is still a major part of our shared memory.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Sapienza University of Rome"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Teaching Tips for Tricky English Grammar",
"link": "",
"description": "This is the third course in the Teach English: Intermediate Grammar specialization. It will be useful to ESL teachers or those interested in learning to teach English language, but it is not an introduction to teaching course. You will learn about some specific problems students have learning intermediate grammar. You will learn why students have trouble with this tricky grammar and find out new ways to help students conquer it. You will also learn a variety of activities for teaching this content in a fun and interesting way. Finally, you will have opportunities to practice the skills you learn by creating sample assignments and recording short videos of your teaching demonstrations using a video camera, webcam, or smartphone. Learners wanting a grade will be required to submit short videos of their teaching skills.\n\nOnly learners who pay for the course will be able to take the graded quizzes or submit assignments for feedback. The free version provides access to the lectures and practice activities only.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Irvine"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Web Design for Everybody Capstone",
"link": "",
"description": "The capstone will develop a professional-quality web portfolio. Students will demonstrate the ability to design and implement a responsive site for a minimum of three platforms. Adherence to validation and accessibility standards will be required. The evolving student implementations will be reviewed each week by capstone peers and teaching assistants to make sure that the student keeps up with the agenda of the course. \n\nUpon completion of this course students will feel comfortable creating and/or updating existing front-end sites, utilizing existing frameworks, and testing sites for accessibility compliance.\n\nThis course is only open to students who have completed the first four courses in the Web Design for Everybody specialization: Introduction to HTML5, Introduction to CSS3, Interactivity with JavaScript, and Advanced Styling with Responsive Design.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Michigan"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "The Art of Vocal Production",
"link": "",
"description": "This course addresses recorded vocal performances and the technologies used to highlight and support them in modern record production and mixes. Most of us know that vocals serve as the focal point of modern recordings but many do not know the tools used or when the tools are used best in modern record production.\n\nThe course begins with simple vocal placement in a mix, where you will also learn the fundamentals of compression and equalization. You’ll further study delays and reverbs before moving to advanced concepts in audio editing, synthetic processing, automatic & graphic pitch correction, time compression, time expansion, flex and elastic audio. \n\nThrough analysis and/or hands on projects that the students will post for peer review, the student will gain an understanding of the many choices available to modern record producers as they record and mix with a modern tool set. You’ll see, in action, the Vocoder, Auto-Tune, Melodyne, Elastic Audio, Flex Time, VocAlign, tempo based editing and a host of other file modification protocols that are readily available on most Digital Audio Workstations. This course gives students a thorough look at the expanded choices that have risen in the art of vocal production as a result of these modern tools.\n\nThe goal of the course is to help interested novices understand the recordings they are listening to, performers find an expanded language for their recorded voices and for vocal producers to be able to create musically artistic visualizations using singers as their paintbrushes.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Bioconductor for Genomic Data Science",
"link": "",
"description": "Learn to use tools from the Bioconductor project to perform analysis of genomic data. This is the fifth course in the Genomic Big Data Specialization from Johns Hopkins University.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Johns Hopkins University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Strategic Leadership and Management Capstone",
"link": "",
"description": "The capstone is a strategic leadership and management plan where you’ll apply what you will learn to an actual business situation with participation by one or more focal companies. The deliverable will be designed to create value from the perspective of potential employers while achieving pedagogical and experiential goals for learners.\n\nThis course is part of the iMBA offered by the University of Illinois, a flexible, fully-accredited online MBA at an incredibly competitive price. For more information, please see the Resource page in this course and",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "App Design and Development for iOS",
"link": "",
"description": "In App Design and Development for iOS, the third course of the iOS App Development with Swift specialization, you will be developing foundational programming skills to support graphical element presentation and data manipulation from basic functions through to advanced processing. You will continue to build your skill set to use and apply core graphics, touch handling and gestures, animations and transitions, alerts and actions as well as advanced algorithms, threading and more. By the end of this course you will be able to develop a more advanced, fully functioning app.\n\nCurrently this course is taught using Swift 2. The team is aware of the release of Swift 3 and will be making edits to the course in time. Please be aware that at this time the instruction is entirely with Swift 2.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Toronto"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "The Blues: Understanding and Performing an American Art Form",
"link": "",
"description": "The blues is an American art form and the most important musical form in jazz. Although there are other formal paradigms of the blues, such as 8-bar or 16-bar, this course focuses on different incarnations of the 12-bar blues. There are considerable differences between Early Jazz blues, Swing blues, Bebop blues, Modal blues, and Post Bop blues. Each type has its unique harmonic syntax, melodic vocabulary and, associated with them, improvisational techniques. While other aspects of jazz performance practice have been constantly changing from one stylistic convention to another, the blues has never lost its identity and expressive power, and continues to exert a powerful influence on the harmonic and melodic syntax of jazz.\n\nThis seven-week course explores important aspects of the blues, blues improvisation, basic keyboard textures, jazz harmonic and melodic syntax. Topics include: (1) Blues Progressions; (2) Blues and Other Scales; (3) Improvisational Tools, and others. This course will also cover valuable theoretical concepts enabling the student to master the art of jazz improvisation. Each topic will be introduced from a practical perspective with the clearly stated goal: to improve one’s improvisational skills. Jazz improvisation is rooted in spontaneity, creativity, self-expression and, at the same time, self-control and order. A unique pedagogical approach based on a one-to-one musical interaction conducted with different instrumentalists will help to reinforce many of the concepts introduced in this course and realize its stated objectives.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Rochester"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Genius. Talent. Golden Mediocrity",
"link": "",
"description": "This course is of an applied nature and is oriented to studies in the field of creative life intensification psychology, help with the experience of crises, human potential realization and care. It may be useful for professional psychologists, for specialists whose activity involves empathy, inspiration, understanding and creating of daily life, and for all who are interested in the topic. \n\nThe main idea of the course\nGenius, talent and golden mediocrity are different (perpendicularly oriented) dimensions of human existence. They should be studied coherently with their manifestations. All together they construct a space for creative life, but each taken separately provokes traumatic, devastating and exhausting forms of anxieties. Our course shows how these three dimensions manifest themselves in life and how you can fulfill your genius, abilities, talents more fully and completely.\n\nOur Method\nWe critically examine the manifestations of the studied \"dimensions\" (phenomena), in order that by putting off all \"the supposed\" we could find specific and inherent meaning. The phenomenological method is to understand and express in simple terms the fundamental structure of creative activity, to express everything that was, that is and that will be important in the psychology of creative life.\n\nCourse objective\nOur main objective is a phenomenological description of genius, talent and golden mediocrity as specific dimensions of human life, correction of errors and misapprehensions of common sense regarding these phenomena.\n\nWhat you gain\nAfter taking this course you will know what it is to be genius. You will see the phenomena of mediocrity and talent in a new light. You will understand these phenomena better based on our various examples. You will also be able to practice various aspects of these dimensions of creativity in your daily life.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National Research Tomsk State University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Developing Your Musicianship: Final Project",
"link": "",
"description": "This course will guide you through the final project for the Developing Your Musicianship Specialization. This course will continue to help you apply the musical concepts you learned throughout the specialization, enabling you to create and perform a 36-measure composition. Taught by Berklee College of Music professor George W. Russell, Jr., the course includes four videos in which George models each stage of the project. Through peer feedback and discussion, practice, and applying what you’ve learned, this final project will hone your skills as a musician.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Systems Biology",
"link": "",
"description": "This course will introduce the student to contemporary Systems Biology focused on mammalian cells, their constituents and their functions. Biology is moving from molecular to modular. As our knowledge of our genome and gene expression deepens and we develop lists of molecules (proteins, lipids, ions) involved in cellular processes, we need to understand how these molecules interact with each other to form modules that act as discrete functional systems. These systems underlie core subcellular processes such as signal transduction, transcription, motility and electrical excitability. In turn these processes come together to exhibit cellular behaviors such as secretion, proliferation and action potentials. What are the properties of such subcellular and cellular systems? What are the mechanisms by which emergent behaviors of systems arise? What types of experiments inform systems-level thinking? Why do we need computation and simulations to understand these systems?\n\nThe course will develop multiple lines of reasoning to answer the questions listed above. Two major reasoning threads are: the design, execution and interpretation of multivariable experiments that produce large data sets; quantitative reasoning, models and simulations. Examples will be discussed to demonstrate “how” cell- level functions arise and “why” mechanistic knowledge allows us to predict cellular behaviors leading to disease states and drug responses.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "System Validation (4): Modelling Software, Protocols, and other behaviour",
"link": "",
"description": "System Validation is the field that studies the fundamentals of system communication and information processing. It allows automated analysis based on behavioural models of a system to see if a system works correctly. We want to guarantee that the systems does exactly what it is supposed to do. The techniques put forward in system validation allow to prove the absence of errors. It allows to design embedded system behaviour that is structurally sound and as a side effect enforces you to make the behaviour simple and insightful. This means that the systems are not only behaving correctly, but are also much easier to maintain and adapt. ’Modeling Software Protocols, and other behaviour' demonstrates the power of formal methods in software modelling, communication protocols, and other examples. Reading material. J.F. Groote and M.R. Mousavi. Modeling and analysis of communicating systems. The MIT Press, 2014.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"EIT Digital "
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Inferential and Predictive Statistics for Business",
"link": "",
"description": "This course provides an analytical framework to help you evaluate key problems in a structured fashion and will equip you with tools to better manage the uncertainties that pervade and complicate business processes. The course aim to cover statistical ideas that apply to managers. We will consider two basic themes: first, is recognizing and describing variations present in everything around us, and then modeling and making decisions in the presence of these variations. The fundamental concepts studied in this course will reappear in many other classes and business settings. Our focus will be on interpreting the meaning of the results in a business and managerial setting.\n\nWhile you will be introduced to some of the science of what is being taught, the focus will be on applying the methodologies. This will be accomplished through use of Excel and using data sets from many different disciplines, allowing you to see the use of statistics in very diverse settings. The course will focus not only on explaining these concepts but also understanding the meaning of the results obtained.\n\nUpon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:\n•\tTest for beliefs about a population..\n•\tCompare differences between populations.\n•\tUse linear regression model for prediction. \n•\tLearn how to use Excel for statistical analysis.\n\nThis course is part of the iMBA offered by the University of Illinois, a flexible, fully-accredited online MBA at an incredibly competitive price. For more information, please see the Resource page in this course and",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Nanotechnology: A Maker’s Course",
"link": "",
"description": "How can we create nano-structures that are 10,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair? How can we “see” at the nano-scale? Through instruction and lab demonstrations, in this course you will obtain a rich understanding of the capabilities of nanotechnology tools, and how to use this equipment for nano-scale fabrication and characterization. The nanoscale is the next frontier of the Maker culture, where designs become reality. To become a Nanotechnology Maker pioneer, we will introduce you to the practical knowledge, skills, and tools that can turn your nanotechnology ideas into physical form and that enable you to image objects at the nano-scale. \n\nThis course has been developed by faculty and staff experts in nano-fabrication, electron beam microscopy, and nano-characterization through the Research Triangle Nanotechnology Network (RTNN). The RTNN offers training and use of the tools demonstrated in this course to schools and industry through the United States National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure program. The tools demonstrated in this course are available to the public through the RTNN.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Duke University",
"North Carolina State University",
"The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Введение в биоинформатику (Introduction to Bioinformatics)",
"link": "",
"description": "Курс «Введение в биоинформатику» адресован тем, кто хочет получить расширенное представление о том, что такое биоинформатика и как она помогает биологам и медикам в их работе.\n\n\nThe course is aimed at those who would like to have a better idea of what bioinformatics is and how it helps biologists and medical scientists in research and clinical work.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Saint Petersburg State University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Firm Level Economics: Markets and Allocations",
"link": "",
"description": "In this class, we will derive equilibrium outcomes across a variety of market structures. We will begin by understanding equilibrium under a market structure called Perfect Competition, a benchmark construction. Economists have tools to measure the efficiency of market outcomes. We next consider the polar extreme of a competitive market: a monopoly market. We will determine the monopoly equilibrium price and quantity and efficiency properties. Much economic activity takes place in markets with just a handful of very large producers. To understand equilibrium in these oligopoly markets requires more careful attention to strategic interdependence. To capture this interdependence, we consider collusive arrangements among a small number of rivals as well as the use of simple game theoretic techniques to model equilibrium. Market Failure describes situations where markets fail to find the efficient outcome. Information asymmetries are one fertile form of market failure. Another form of market failure occurs when externalities are present. We will examine one key externality, pollution, and construct a policy prescription to mitigate the negative efficiency impacts of this externality.\n\nUpon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:\n•\tExplain how different market structures result in different resource allocations.\n•\tModel the impact of external shocks to a particular market structure and demonstrate the new equilibrium price and quantity after the impact of this external shock has played out.\n•\tEvaluate the efficiency of an equilibrium. Different market structures produce different levels of efficiency. \n•\tExplain when and why the government might intervene with regulatory authority or antitrust litigation to lessen inefficiencies in some markets.\n•\tDescribe how information problems can cause inefficient outcomes.\n•\tUnderstand externalities and consider optimal government response to these market failures.\n\nThis course is part of the iMBA offered by the University of Illinois, a flexible, fully-accredited online MBA at an incredibly competitive price. For more information, please see the Resource page in this course and",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Digital Systems: From Logic Gates to Processors",
"link": "",
"description": "This course gives you a complete insight into the modern design of digital systems fundamentals from an eminently practical point of view. Unlike other more \"classic\" digital circuits courses, our interest focuses more on the system than on the electronics that support it. This approach will allow us to lay the foundation for the design of complex digital systems.\n\nYou will learn a set of design methodologies and will use a set of (educational-oriented) computer-aided-design tools (CAD) that will allow you not only to design small and medium size circuits, but also to access to higher level courses covering so exciting topics as application specific integrated circuits (ASICs) design or computer architecture, to give just two examples.\n\nCourse topics are complemented with the design of a simple processor, introduced as a transversal example of a complex digital system. This example will let you understand and feel comfortable with some fundamental computer architecture terms as the instruction set, microprograms and microinstructions.\n\nAfter completing this course you will be able to:\n\n * Design medium complexity digital systems.\n * Understand the description of digital systems using high-level languages such as VHDL.\n * Understand how computers operate at their most basic level (machine language).",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Cybersecurity and Mobility",
"link": "",
"description": "This course is for you if you are interested in transitioning toward a managerial role in cybersecurity and mobility. Through interviews with industry experts in this area, you will be able to analyze innovations powering the rapid spread of information technology and how they present new challenges for protecting data. For example, mobile devices increase convenience but often bypass traditional security measures. After this course, you will be able to describe how the nature of the threat evolves, as culprits employ a burgeoning set of sophisticated tools to take advantage of our growing reliance on networks for critical-data exchange.\n\nIf you want to pursue a career in the public sector, the stakes are high as well. The proliferation of hackers, inevitable human errors, bring-your-own-device (BYOD) initiatives, and the ever-broadening need to share information weigh heavily on government and education organizations, and consume substantial resources. The Pentagon, for example, has proposed to spend $23 billion on network security initiatives through 2018. This sounds like a large sum, until you consider the scope and importance of the U.S. government information resources this investment must protect.\n\nAfter completing the course modules you will be able to explain how yesterday’s prevention strategies are no longer adequate for stopping advanced, targeted attacks. Effective cybersecurity must be multi-dimensional and tiered, as threats can originate from virtually anywhere, target numerous levels of an organization, and sometimes persist for months or years before an information security staff is aware of an attack or breach. Therefore securing networks requires a holistic approach that incorporates several elements.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University System of Georgia"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Easing the burden of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease",
"link": "",
"description": "This course is multidisciplinary in nature, and aims to equip the global audience of interested lay people, people with chronic disease, public health researchers, health clinicians, students, administrators, and researchers to reflect on the overall impact of the burden of chronic disease . It shows how all chronic diseases (obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cancer) are related by a set of common causes, and that such diseases should be tackled, not individually, but as part of a complex system, with interrelated contributing factors. These factors are genetic, environmental, psychological, economic, social, developmental, and media related. \n\nThe Charles Perkins Centre at the University of Sydney is a unique interdisciplinary education and research hub which seeks solutions to chronic disease through a complex systems approach. Academics in many disciplines (in Science and Medicine, but also in Architecture, Humanities, Law etc) work in a collaborative fashion to produce novel solutions to the problems of chronic disease. All contributors and participants in this course are members of the Charles Perkins Centre and will speak from the unique interdisciplinary perspective that this Centre affords. \n\nThe course will describe a complex systems approach as the most productive way to ease the burden of chronic disease. It then describes these diseases in detail, their risk factors, and the environmental and biological factors that have led to the current epidemic of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Finally, the solutions – and more importantly the process for finding solutions- is the subject of the last module. No one approach by itself can ever be the answer, and certainly not a simple diet and exercise approach. \n\nThe entire course consists of 5 content modules, plus an extra module for completing assignments and discussions, and takes about 6 weeks to complete. Completion certificates are issued on the basis of participation in all 6 modules. \n\nWhat you'll learn: \n-\tHow the Charles Perkins Centre recruits interdisciplinary teams to ease the burden of chronic disease\n-\tHow a complex systems approach is necessary to provide solutions to a complex problem\n-\tThe fundamentals of chronic disease research and where it is heading\n-\tThe biggest risk factors for chronic disease and their global incidence\n-\tThe biological, genetic, social, regulatory, and other influences that have inflated these risk factors\n-\tHow to provide solutions globally for the reduction of chronic disease",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The University of Sydney"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Creative Writing: The Craft of Character",
"link": "",
"description": "At the center of a good story are the characters in it. In this course aspiring writers will discover how to build and bring to life complex, vivid and unforgettable characters. We will study the choices a writer makes to bring all characters to life on the page, and we will perform written exercises in order to develop a variety of writing and pre-writing techniques, in order to create a variety of characters. We will learn how to use our own life experiences, and the people we know (and how not to!). We will develop inner (thoughts and feelings) and outer (appearance, habits, behavior) lives for our characters and see how that can lead us to richer and more interesting stories. We will breathe life into our characters and let them surprise us.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Wesleyan University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introducción al Mercado",
"link": "",
"description": "El estudio de mercado nos ayuda a identificar y definir oportunidades y problemas de mercado, para generar y evaluar estrategias de promoción y venta de los productos y/o servicios de tu empresa o idea de negocio, y a su vez mejorar la relación que existe entre la empresa y sus clientes, consumidores, proveedores, etc.\n\nEn este curso conoceremos las herramientas que se utilizan en la mercadotecnia para la venta y promoción de un producto y/o servicio, así como algunos métodos para la determinación de su precio y las características con las que contará dicho producto.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Solución de problemas y toma de decisiones",
"link": "",
"description": "Este curso te presenta técnicas que permiten entender las ventajas del pensamiento divergente (creativo) como una habilidad fundamental en la solución de problemas. Revisa, también, la metodología para manejar estilos participativos en la toma de decisiones asegurando la efectividad de las mismas y la aceptación por parte del personal al ser tomado en cuenta.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Big Data, Genes, and Medicine",
"link": "",
"description": "This course distills for you expert knowledge and skills mastered by professionals in Health Big Data Science and Bioinformatics. You will learn exciting facts about the human body biology and chemistry, genetics, and medicine that will be intertwined with the science of Big Data and skills to harness the avalanche of data openly available at your fingertips and which we are just starting to make sense of. We’ll investigate the different steps required to master Big Data analytics on real datasets, including Next Generation Sequencing data, in a healthcare and biological context, from preparing data for analysis to completing the analysis, interpreting the results, visualizing them, and sharing the results.\n\nNeedless to say, when you master these high-demand skills, you will be well positioned to apply for or move to positions in biomedical data analytics and bioinformatics. No matter what your skill levels are in biomedical or technical areas, you will gain highly valuable new or sharpened skills that will make you stand-out as a professional and want to dive even deeper in biomedical Big Data. It is my hope that this course will spark your interest in the vast possibilities offered by publicly available Big Data to better understand, prevent, and treat diseases.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The State University of New York"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Globalization of Business Enterprise",
"link": "",
"description": "The majority of businesses say they want to become more global. And business leaders say that the lack of people with global intelligence is the key constraint holding them back. This course will address both gaps — at the business and the personal level, it will focus on practical strategies for dealing with the real consequences of globalization.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"IESE Business School"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Etkili Konuşma (Effective Speaking)",
"link": "",
"description": "Bu ders konuşmayı daha etkili hale getirecek temel özellikleri geliştirmeyi amaçlar. Doğru nefes, sesin iyi ve etkili kullanılması, doğru vurgu ve tonlamanın inceliklerinin fark edilmesi için gerekli bilgiler verilir, uygulamalar önerilir ve yapılır.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Koç University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Mécanique Lagrangienne",
"link": "",
"description": "Ces quelques leçons de mécanique lagrangienne font partie d'un cours de formation de base en mécanique Newtonienne présenté sous la forme d'un MOOC en quatre parties : \n\n1. Lois de Newton\n\n\n2. Mécanique du point matériel\n\n\n3. Mécanique du Solide Indéformable\n\n\n4. Mécanique Lagrangienne\n\nLe formalisme de Lagrange permet une résolution efficace de problèmes complexes de mécanique. Il permet aussi d'apporter un éclairage plus fondamental sur les lois de conservation (théorème de Noether). A titre d'illustration de la méthode de Lagrange, on traitera le problème très important des oscillateurs harmoniques couplés, exprimé comme un problème de valeurs propres et de vecteurs propres. On termine avec un formalisme permettant d'analyser les résonances paramétriques, notion illustrée par l'expérience montrant la stabilité d'un pendule inversé forcé.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Writing your World: Finding yourself in the academic space ",
"link": "",
"description": "Throughout the world, writing serves to express, record and even create meaningful moments. In academic spaces, writing becomes the bridge between ourselves and the world of ideas. In this course, we provide practical insights into how to write an academic essay. We show you how to develop the academic skills needed to be a competent academic writer. You will have an opportunity to engage with texts written by academics, and to see how some of the ideas in these texts are used by students in constructing an academic essay. We address some of the challenges these students face with respect to academic writing and offer you the opportunity to practice and to develop your own writing style. For this course, we centre our lessons around a specific topic - the concept of identity, since it forms such an important feature of how we locate ourselves in an ever-changing global world. In other words, this course teaches academic writing skills through getting you to write and reflect on your understanding of identity. So if you are thinking about studying at a tertiary institution, or if you just want to brush up on your academic essay writing skills, this course is for you!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Cape Town"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Learn Mandarin Chinese: Capstone Project",
"link": "",
"description": "Learn Mandarin Chinese: Capstone Project is a beginner's course of Mandarin Chinese in continuation of Mandarin Chinese 3:\nChinese for Beginners. In this course, learners are required to complete a few tasks of using Chinese languages in simulated real life situations. Some guidance on taking and passing HSK (Chinese proficiency test) will also be provided. By completing this course, the learners will finish the learning of the whole series and be standing at the threshold of intermediate Chinese proficiency.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Shanghai Jiao Tong University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "TCP/IP and Advanced Topics",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course, we give an in-depth study of the TCP/IP protocols. We examine the details of how IP enables communications across a collection of networks. We pay particular attention to the hierarchical structure of IP addresses and explain their role in ensuring scalability of the Internet. The role of address prefixes and the uses of masks are explained in details. We review in details about TCP three-way handshake, flow control, and congestion control. Furthermore, we provide an introduction to some advanced topics, including Multicast, SDN and security",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Colorado System"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Engineering Practices for Building Quality Software",
"link": "",
"description": "Agile embraces change which means that team should be able to effectively make changes to the system as team learns about users and market. To be good at effectively making changes to the system, teams need to have engineering rigor and excellence else embracing change becomes very painful and expensive. \n\nIn this course we will learn about engineering practices and processes that agile team uses to make sure the team is setup for change.\n\nIn additional to this, we will also learn about practices, techniques and processes that can help team build high quality software\n\nAt the end of this course, you will be able to comfortably and effectively participate in various techniques and processes for building secure and high quality software.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Minnesota"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Neuroeconomics: How the Brain Makes Decisions",
"link": "",
"description": "Economics, psychology, and neuroscience are converging today into a unified discipline of Neuroeconomics with the ultimate aim of creating a single, general theory of human decision-making. \n\nNeuroeconomics provides biologists, economists, psychologists and social scientists with a deeper understanding of how they make their own decisions and how others decide. Neuroscience, when allied with psychology and economics, creates powerful new models to explain why we make decisions. Neurobiological mechanisms of decision-making, decisions under risk, trust and cooperation will be central issues in this course. You will be provided with the most recent evidence from brain-imaging techniques (fMRI, TMS, etc.) and introduced to the explanatory models behind them.\n\nThe course does not require any prior study of economics and neuroscience; however, it might require you to study novel interdisciplinary materials. The course provides an introduction to the methodology, assumptions, and main findings of Neuroeconomics. Our students have different backgrounds; therefore, I have adapted and simplified the course to allow all students to understand the interdisciplinary content. This course will help you to start your progress in the field of Neuroeconomics and to further develop your skills during other more advanced courses and trainings in the future. For some topics, the course will also provide supplementary videos to reveal the opinions of leading experts in the field. Each module provides optional reading material.\n\nThe course structure is as follows: During each video, you will have to answer some relevant questions. Your answers will not affect your final grade. At the end of each module, you must complete a quiz consisting of 15 questions. To pass the course, you must reach a satisfactory standard in all the course modules by completing all graded quizzes and the final exam. In addition to watching video lectures and taking quizzes, you will receive an invitation to join our forum. We plan to join the discussions in the forum on a weekly basis.\n\nWelcome to Neuroeconomics World!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Higher School of Economics"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Qualitative Research Methods",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course you will be introduced to the basic ideas behind the qualitative research in social science. You will learn about data collection, description, analysis and interpretation in qualitative research. Qualitative research often involves an iterative process. We will focus on the ingredients required for this process: data collection and analysis.\nYou won't learn how to use qualitative methods by just watching video's, so we put much stress on collecting data through observation and interviewing and on analysing and interpreting the collected data in other assignments.\nObviously, the most important concepts in qualitative research will be discussed, just as we will discuss quality criteria, good practices, ethics, writing some methods of analysis, and mixing methods.\nWe hope to take away some prejudice, and enthuse many students for qualitative research.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Amsterdam"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Como aprimorar e monetizar seu aplicativo para iOS e Apple Watch",
"link": "",
"description": "Bem vindo ao terceiro curso de desenvolvimento de aplicativos para iPhone e iPad.\nQuer fazer mais do que um simples aplicativo? Colocar fotos, videos e músicas em seus aplicativos? Ou quem sabe colocar mapa ou usar o mais novo relógio da Apple (Apple Watch) junto com o seu aplicativo de iPhone? \nSe você respondeu \"sim\" para alguma dessas perguntas ou se deseja aprender os passos para publicar o seu próprio aplicativo, esse é o curso tem as respostas para você!\n\nNeste curso você vai descobrir como colocar diversas funcionalidades no seu aplicativo iPhone ou iPad: colocar photos, músicas, videos, usar mapa, permitir que o aplicativo faça posts no facebook ou twitter e também como fazer um aplicativo do iPhone que conecte com o AppleWatch! Além de tudo, você irá ver passo a passo como publicar e monetizar seu aplicativo uma vez que ele estiver publicado na App Store.\n\nEste curso é composto por várias videoaulas passo a passo, para você que tem pouca experiência com programação, ou já é um programador experiente mas não conhece o Swift ou nunca fez um aplicativo iOS, acompanhar as aulas e evoluir no seu próprio ritmo.\n\nConcluindo esse curso, você será capaz de desenvolver um aplicativo iPhone com funcionalidades avançadas, criar aplicativos para Apple Watch, e também saberá como publicá-lo na App Store!\n\nO que você está esperando? Junte-se a milhares de outros usuários e publique o seu próprio aplicativo!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universidade Estadual de Campinas"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "IT Project Management",
"link": "",
"description": "The concepts and use of project management tools, techniques and methodologies are becoming all pervasive. This course addresses project management in the context of IT projects, including software projects. Using the framework of project life cycle, the course covers various aspects pertaining to (i) project initiation, (ii) project planning and scheduling, (iii) project monitoring and control, and (iv) project termination. For planning and scheduling of projects, the use of project network and estimation of time and cost are covered in detail. Scheduling of projects with resource limitations is covered next.\n\nRisk assessment methods including simulation and risk reduction approaches are also be covered. The students will be required to use the software @risk to simulate project completion times. The use of Earned Value Analysis for Project Monitoring and Control is emphasized. For Software Project Management, the Waterfall Model and Agile Project Management are covered in detail.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Indian School of Business"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "What does it mean to identify as Transgender or Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC)?",
"link": "",
"description": "In the last decade transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) individuals have become increasingly visible in our families, culture, and public discourse. This course explores the concept of gender identity for people who are curious about the nature of gender, the process of gender affirmation, or changing social dynamics. Participants will learn the unique challenges faced by the TGNC population as well as develop the skills to build inclusive spaces in all spheres of their life. This course was developed under the Joycelyn Elders Chair in Sexual Health Education at the University of Minnesota.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Minnesota"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Finance for Everyone Capstone Project",
"link": "",
"description": "Each course in F4E offers key insights and knowledge you will be able to apply in real-life situations. You’ll test drive those insights through activities and assessments that will influence your key money Decisions, your participation in financial Markets, your experience in preserving or creating Value, and in managing Debt. These activities are designed to immerse you in financial thinking by giving you a safe environment for buying and selling and for making, creating, simulating, writing, and teaching. Each activity is a milestone in your learning process and each milestone has a product that will be part of your learning portfolio. The Capstone Project is the culmination of your F4E experience. It will engage you in a series of scaffolded and reflective exercises focused on a single aspect of the specialization selected by you to match your learning goals, and will help you create a piece of work that reflects your new knowledge and showcases your new skills for your employer, colleagues, friends and family.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"McMaster University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Landscape Restoration for Sustainable Development: a Business Approach",
"link": "",
"description": "Integrated landscape management and large-scale landscape restoration should be in every company’s business strategy because in order to reach the Sustainable Development Goal on Land Degradation Neutrality (SDG Number 15.3) scaling up and acceleration of business-driven landscape restoration is urgently needed.\n\nThis requires business professionals with a vision, the right knowledge and skills. This MOOC aims to train the next generation of business professionals and developers to acknowledge business’ interdependency with healthy landscapes and understand the value of ecosystem resources.\n\n“Historically, we have found countless ways to justify our continued exploitation of the environment: discovery, tradition, Manifest Destiny, even Chinese hoax. But we’re all out of excuses now. Each passing day swells the data on greenhouse gases and extreme weather, shrinking reservoirs and rising sea levels, and diminishing biodiversity. Our resources are finite, the window for change if not firmly shut, is certainly closing, and all life must adapt or be doomed.”\n\nTéa Obreht, \nThe New Yorker, Dec. 19&26, 2016, p. 106.\n\nIt is a frightening prospect indeed – that all life on Earth must either adapt or be doomed. This course is about landscape degradation – a global and wicked problem that is contributing to the dooming prospect of depletion of Earth’s finite resources. But this course is also about the solutions to this problem – business driven landscape restoration.\nSo rather than leaving you powerless with the prospect Obreht puts fowards above, it is our hope that you learn how you can be part of the solution to making sure that Planet Earth still provides a safe and habitable home for future generations. \nWe must act big and we must act now.\nWith this course we want to pass on valuable knowledge and teach you useful skills that you can apply in your professional life that will enable you to tackle the issue of landscape degradation and restoration. \nThe issue is urgent, so let’s dive right into it.\n\nThis MOOC is developed by the ENABLE partnership, which is co-funded by the ERASMUS+ programme of the European Commission and involves a diverse, international group of organizations including Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Commonland, United Nations University Land Restoration Training Programme, the Spanish National Research Council and Estoril Global Conferences.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Erasmus University Rotterdam"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Financial Accounting: Advanced Topics",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course, you will explore advanced topics in financial accounting. You will start your journey with accounting for assets with more than one-year life. You will learn in detail how firms account for fixed assets. You will then move to financing of assets and discuss accounting for liabilities. The course will continue with an in-depth exploration of shareholders’ equity. Finally, you will critically evaluate preparation, components, and analysis of cash flows statement. \n\nUpon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:\n•\tAccount for fixed assets\n•\tUnderstand accounting for liabilities\n•\tEvaluate shareholders’ equity section of a balance sheet\n•\tUnderstand preparation and information provided by cash flows statement\n\nThis course is part of the iMBA offered by the University of Illinois, a flexible, fully-accredited online MBA at an incredibly competitive price. For more information, please see the Resource page in this course and",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Literacy Teaching and Learning: Aims, Approaches and Pedagogies",
"link": "",
"description": "This course opens with an exploration of the social context and aims of literacy teaching and learning. It goes on to describe a range of historical and contemporary approaches to literacy pedagogy, including didactic, authentic, functional, and critical approaches. The course takes has a 'Multiliteracies' perspective, which aims to expand the definition of literacy to encompass today's multimodal communications, and the diversity of literacies across different social and culltural contexts. A Multiliteracies approach also suggests a broad range of activity types—experiential, conceptual, analytical and critical.\n\n--------------------------------\nRecommended Background\n--------------------------------\n\nThis course is designed for people interested in literacy teaching and learning, including people who may wish to join education as a profession, practicing teachers interested in exploring future directions for a vocation that is currently undergoing transformation, and community and workplace leaders who regard their mission to be in part \"educative.\"\n\n--------------------------------\nTake this Course for Credit at the University of Illinois.\n--------------------------------\n\nThis course has the same content and anticipates the same level of contribution by students in the 'New Media and Literacies' course offered to graduate certificate, masters and doctoral level students in the College of Education at the University of Illinois.\n\nOf course, in the nature of MOOCs many people will just want to view the videos and casually join some of the discussions. Some people say that these limited kinds of participation offer evidence that MOOCs suffer from low retention rates. Far from it - we say that any level of engagement is good engagement.\n\nOn the other hand, if you would like to take this course for credit at the University of Illinois, apply here: If you have already taken this course in Coursera, you can prepare a portfolio of work created there and request that this work is taken into account for your University of Illinois course.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "More Chinese for Beginners",
"link": "",
"description": "This is an advanced course for Chinese for beginners.\n\nLearners will expand vocabularies about personal information, daily life, food and drink, healthy, and expressions about greeting, suggestion, agreement, comparison, complaint, prohibition, experience, plan, recommendation, etc. Learners can improve their listening and speaking and know much more about Chinese social cultures. As the same as Chinese for beginners, the course doesn’t ask the learners to know Chinese characters. \n\nRecommended Background: For learners with certain English language ability and better have attended Chinese for beginners.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Peking University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Business of Games and Entrepreneurship",
"link": "",
"description": "As well as a form of art and entertainment, games are about business. Whether you want to work at a game studio, start your own business or make games as a hobby, recognizing the dynamic landscape of the videogame industry is critical to finding your place. This course will introduce you to game production, project management, teamwork skills, and how to position your game ideas and yourself in the broader marketplace. By the end of the course, you will be able to develop an impactful portfolio of game work to get noticed and/or develop an effective business plan to bring your game to market.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Michigan State University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Complex Analysis",
"link": "",
"description": "This course provides an introduction to complex analysis which is the theory of complex functions of a complex variable. We will start by introducing the complex plane, along with the algebra and geometry of complex numbers, and then we will make our way via differentiation, integration, complex dynamics, power series representation and Laurent series into territories at the edge of what is known today. Each module consists of five video lectures with embedded quizzes, followed by an electronically graded homework assignment. Additionally, modules 1, 3, and 5 also contain a peer assessment. \n \nThe homework assignments will require time to think through and practice the concepts discussed in the lectures. In fact, a significant amount of your learning will happen while completing the homework assignments. These assignments are not meant to be completed quickly; rather you'll need paper and pen with you to work through the questions. In total, we expect that the course will take 6-12 hours of work per module, depending on your background.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Wesleyan University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Scaling Operations: Linking Strategy and Execution",
"link": "",
"description": "Over the past several decades, operations strategy has played an increasingly important role in business’ success. In this course, we will equip you with concepts and tools to build operations in a way that not only supports your competitive strategy, but also allows you to create new opportunities in the market place.\n\nScaling operations: Linking strategy and execution is a five-week course dedicated to making strategic decisions that are grounded in operational reality. Together, we will study how to build and evaluate the “operating system” of the firm to maximize value. This involves tailoring the firm’s operational competencies, assets, and processes to a specific business strategy.\n\nEach week, we’ll explore case studies, engage in discussions and examine realistic data. Thanks to our data-driven approach, you’ll be able to implement your learning directly into practice. At the end of this course, you’ll be ready to build an effective, actionable plan to scale your department or organization.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Northwestern University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "游戏产业概论",
"link": "",
"description": "本课程为“初级课程”,为了适应初学者需求,章节安排分为三个板块。1-5章为初学者进行了知识普及和铺垫,6-7章为学员了解行业做进一步介绍,8-9章带领学员深入中国游戏行业了解产业发展和产品运营,层层进阶、循序渐进。而课程二《游戏策划与设计》整体知识难度将有升级,重视实操,请学员做好准备。\n从游戏诞生之初至今已走过半个多世纪。但许多人任认为游戏产业并未成熟,然而其高速发展的势头引人注目。蕴含市场潜力的游戏产品推陈出新,品类丰富多样,终端靓丽时尚,游戏玩家人数激增,游戏产业逐渐成为欧、美、日、韩等国创意经济新的增长点。本课程包括游戏起源、游戏发展史、游戏分类、游戏的研发制作流程、世界游戏产业纵览和知识产权保护等章节,为培养成熟的游戏产业市场经理人打下良好基础。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Fudan University",
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Rethinking International Tax Law",
"link": "",
"description": "In recent years, the international tax planning strategies of multinationals have become a source of – often heated – debate. This course provides learners with the tools to become fully informed participants in the debate by explaining the foundations and practice of international tax law as well as addressing current developments and the ethical aspects of tax planning.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universiteit Leiden"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Childbirth: A Global Perspective",
"link": "",
"description": "This course will review challenges for maternal and newborn health in the developing world, where a great many women and babies are suffering from complications during pregnancy, childbirth, and the days following birth. Themes covered include the epidemiology of maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity, relevant issues for the global health workforce, community-based interventions to improve maternal and newborn health and survival, and sociocultural dynamics surrounding birth.\n\nThis course provides a broad overview of maternal and newborn health issues facing low-income and transitional countries, where more than 2.6 million babies are stillborn and nearly 500,000 women die during childbirth or from pregnancy-related complications each year. In the developing world, many women deliver at home without a skilled care provider, drugs, or technological supports. Maternal and newborn survival can be improved by mobilizing communities and improving access to skilled care.\n\nThrough lectures, case studies and readings, course participants will learn about delivery challenges for maternal and newborn health services and how to utilize community-based strategies to improve the health and survival of mothers and babies.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Emory University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Designing Your Personal Weight Loss Plan",
"link": "",
"description": "This 5 week course will guide learners through the essential steps in planning an individualized weight loss program. There is no guarantee of weight loss through completing the course; learners will have the framework and essential components for an evidence-based weight loss program. This course is intended for healthy adults who do not have any chronic disease such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease or any others. In addition, this course does not provide information for people who have food allergies or intolerances.\n\nLosing weight and keeping it off requires planning and goal-setting. Crash diets or fad diets are ineffective and can be dangerous. This course provides evidence-based information for planning a weight loss program that is safe and effective in producing a one to two pound loss per week.\n\nThis course will help learners establish the following: \n\n1. A realistic goal weight with a specific plan for rate of weight loss and time frame for achieving goal weight.\n2. A realistic goal for the frequency, duration, and intensity of exercise that will enable the learner to achieve and maintain the goal weight.\n3. A specific set of strategies for grocery shopping, eating in restaurants, eating at social occasions, and dealing with hunger and emotional eating.\n4. A plan for monitoring food intake, exercise and weight loss.\n5. A plan for continued evaluation of progress to goals and strategies for adjusting goals for continued weight loss for the next 6 months or longer.\n6. A thorough understanding of the difficulty of maintaining weight loss and a plan for maximizing the chances of keeping off the weight lost.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Case Western Reserve University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Hôtel “De l'étoile” - a hotel in crisis? ",
"link": "",
"description": "In this case study based exercise, you will apply the knowledge you have gained about distribution, revenue and demand management to a ‘real’ world case – Hotel “De l'étoile” - a prestigious upmarket internationally branded property in Paris that to the outside world seems to be doing well but is in fact unprofitable for its owner.\n\nActual data of the distribution performance, revenue management tactics, financial situation will be provided by the hotel partner. In addition detailed information about the hotel’s competitive environment will be provided by several industry partners. Video interviews with senior managers from the property will be used to supplement written material to create a more real world experience.\n\nAs the new Director of Business Development hired to help the hotel decide how to proceed, you will evaluate the hotel’s current policies and performance, making recommendations for improvements and and plan how best to implement them.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"ESSEC Business School"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Formal Financial Accounting",
"link": "",
"description": "This course builds upon what you learned in Financial Accounting: Foundations and Financial Accounting: Advanced Topics and introduces you to formal foundations of financial accounting. The main purpose of the course is to familiarize you with technical terms in financial accounting, such as debit, credit and T-account. While knowledge on technical aspects of financial accounting is not necessary to understand and interpret financial statements, this knowledge is critical to be able to understand advanced topics in accounting. Formal Financial Accounting is a prerequisite course for the University of Illinois' iMSA program and the terminology we will cover will be used throughout the courses in iMSA program.\n\nThe University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, consistently ranked as one of the nation's top three accounting programs, now offers a master’s in accounting at a very affordable tuition rate and is completely online. The iMSA is a full Master of Accountancy program and students graduate with a highly recognized master degree. Try an open course or two, then apply for admission into the credit-bearing version, as you may be eligible to take credit-bearing courses during the application process. If you are missing any prerequisites for the full degree, you can complete Coursera courses to demonstrate readiness and strengthen your application for the iMSA. For more information on this exciting online master's in accounting program, refer to this link: ",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Cybersecurity for Business",
"link": "",
"description": "The world runs computers. From small to large businesses, from the CEO down to level 1 support staff, everyone uses computers. This course is designed to give you a practical perspective on computer security. This course approaches computer security in a way that anyone can understand. Ever wonder how your bank website is secure when you connect to it? Wonder how other business owners secure their network? Wonder how large data breaches happen? This is practical computer security. It will help you answer the question – what should I focus on?",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Colorado System"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Applied Text Mining in Python",
"link": "",
"description": "This course will introduce the learner to text mining and text manipulation basics. The course begins with an understanding of how text is handled by python, the structure of text both to the machine and to humans, and an overview of the nltk framework for manipulating text. The second week focuses on common manipulation needs, including regular expressions (searching for text), cleaning text, and preparing text for use by machine learning processes. The third week will apply basic natural language processing methods to text, and demonstrate how text classification is accomplished. The final week will explore more advanced methods for detecting the topics in documents and grouping them by similarity (topic modelling). \n\nThis course should be taken after: Introduction to Data Science in Python, Applied Plotting, Charting & Data Representation in Python, and Applied Machine Learning in Python.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Michigan"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Governança: Conceitos e aplicações nas empresas de controle familiar",
"link": "",
"description": "A partir de conceitos e exemplos aplicáveis a realidade das empresas com diferentes perfis, o curso mostra como direcionar os esforços para uma integração positiva entre as necessidades das empresas e motivações familiares.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Fundação Instituto de Administração"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Mountains 101",
"link": "",
"description": "Mountains 101­­ is a broad and integrated overview of the mountain world. This 12-lesson course covers an interdisciplinary field of study focusing on the physical, biological, and human dimensions of mountain places in Alberta, Canada, and around the world. Specifically, we'll study the geological origins of mountains, how they’re built-up and worn-down over time; we’ll learn about their importance for biodiversity and water cycles, globally and locally; we’ll explore their cultural significance to societies around the globe, and how that relationship has evolved over time; and we’ll learn how mountains are used, how they’re protected, and how today they’re experiencing rapid change in a warming climate. \n\nAt the end of each lesson, Mountains 101 will also provide learners with some smart tricks -- Tech Tips -- to safely enjoy time in the high alpine environment: from how to pick the best footwear for hiking to making smart decisions in avalanche terrain. \n\nWe’ll be delivering your online lessons from valley bottoms to mountaintops, from museums and labs, to alpine huts and other spectacular alpine sites, and we’ll do so with the help of a whole host of experts.\n \nWe invite you to join us for this online adventure! The mountains are calling...",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Alberta"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Basics of Extracellular Vesicles",
"link": "",
"description": "This course aims to provide the basic knowledge about extracellular vesicles (EV) a generic term including exosomes, microvesicles, microparticles, ectosomes, oncosomes, prostasomes, and many others. It covers areas such as EV history, nomenclature, biogenesis, EV cargo as well as the release and uptake mechanisms, collection and processing prior to isolation, different isolation methods, characterization and quantification techniques.\n\nThis course is divided into five modules. Module 1 is an introduction to the field and will cover the nomenclature and the history of EVs. Module 2 will focus on the biogenesis, release and uptake mechanisms of EVs as well as the different EV cargos (RNA, protein, lipids). In Module 3, we will focus on the collection and processing of cell culture media and body fluids such as blood, breast milk, cerebrospinal fluid and urine prior to isolation of EVs. Module 4 and 5 will present different isolation methods and characterization/quantification techniques, respectively. Here differential ultracentrifugation, size exclusion chromatography, density gradient, kit based precipitation, electron microscopy (EM), cryo-TEM, flow cytometry, atomic-force microscopy and nanoparticle tracking analysis will be presented. \n\nThe recommended prerequisites are college-freshman-level biology and biochemistry.\nAfter a completed course you should be able to:\n+ Discuss the nomenclature and subgroups of extracellular vesicles.\n+ Describe the RNA, protein and lipid content of extracellular vesicles.\n+ Describe the basic concepts about the most common isolation and characterization techniques and how these techniques are used in the EV field. \n+ State the benefits and limitations of the most common isolation and characterization techniques for extracellular vesicles. + Explain the considerations that are important during the collection and isolation of EVs from different body fluid.\n+ Describe the release and uptake mechanisms of extracellular vesicles\n\nAll lectures are given in English.\n\nEach of the five modules will be followed by an exam. All exams will be in the format of multiple choice questions.\n\nThe course is organized in collaboration between the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV), University of California Irvine (USA), University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and Pohang University of Science and Technology (South Korea).",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Irvine"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Egiptología (Egyptology)",
"link": "",
"description": "¿Sientes curiosidad por la civilización del antiguo Egipto? ¿Eres un apasionado de su cultura e historia?\n\nEn este curso nos acercaremos a los templos de los antiguos faraones, a sus complejos funerarios, a sus ciudades, a su escritura jeroglífica, a su religión y a muchos otros aspectos de esta gran civilización. Con ello pretendemos ofrecerte una visión general de la historia y cultura de esta fascinante civilización; proporcionarte un planteamiento docente y unos materiales de alto nivel académico que te permitan introducirte en la disciplina egiptológica con una cierta profundidad y sin concesiones a los consabidos tópicos que la rodean, para, después, si lo deseas, seguir profundizando por tu cuenta. \n\nDe momento te dejamos con este vídeo:\n\n¿Querrías acompañarnos en este viaje?\n\nACLARACIONES\n* Puedes realizar el curso de manera gratuita. Con ello puedes acceder a todo los contenidos (vídeos, lecturas, cuestionarios, foros). Sin embargo, no permite la opción de obtener un certificado. \n* Obtener el certificado implica cumplir una serie de requisitos, entre los cuales, abonar el coste asociado.\n\nEtiquetas: egiptología, egyptology",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Love as a Force for Social Justice",
"link": "",
"description": "The objectives of this course are:\n\n-To introduce participants to different concepts of love, to empower them to be conscious of the power of love and the possibility of practicing it in everyday life, and to highlight in particular the idea of love as a force for social justice.\n\n-To communicate a sense of personal strength and empowerment by actively learning from each other and beginning to define how participants can apply their learning in service to society.\n\nThis course will explore the concept of agape love (compassion/kindness) as a force for social justice and action and as the inspiration for service and the application of knowledge to positive social change. Biological, psychological, religious, and social perspectives of love will be discussed, drawing on the expertise of people from a variety of disciplines. \n\nDuring the six-week course, the following topics will be raised and discussed: kinds of love/defining love; non-violent communication; love and the biology of the brain; love as a basic concept of religious and ethical beliefs (e.g., Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Gandhian); love applied in action, and poetic expressions of love as a social force. This curriculum aims to foster a sense of the importance of love as a key phenomenon in creating community, connection, and functional societies among humans.\n\nCourse materials will draw from a variety of sources. One of the goals of the class is to provide participants with some knowledge of the literature of love, and readings for the course are listed in the outline of the course on the pages that follow.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Stanford University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Applications in Engineering Mechanics",
"link": "",
"description": "This course applies principles learned in my course “Introduction to Engineering Mechanics” to analyze real world engineering structures. You will need to have mastered the engineering fundamentals from that class in order to be successful in this course offering. This course addresses the modeling and analysis of static equilibrium problems with an emphasis on real world engineering systems and problem solving. \n\n---------------------------\nRecommended Background:\n\nYou will need to have successfully completed my earlier course “Introduction to Engineering Mechanics” in order to be successful in this course.\n\n---------------------------\nThe copyright of all content and materials in this course are owned by either the Georgia Tech Research Corporation or Dr. Wayne Whiteman. By participating in the course or using the content or materials, whether in whole or in part, you agree that you may download and use any content and/or material in this course for your own personal, non-commercial use only in a manner consistent with a student of any academic course. Any other use of the content and materials, including use by other academic universities or entities, is prohibited without express written permission of the Georgia Tech Research Corporation. Interested parties may contact Dr. Wayne Whiteman directly for information regarding the procedure to obtain a non-exclusive license.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Georgia Institute of Technology"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Regression Models",
"link": "",
"description": "Linear models, as their name implies, relates an outcome to a set of predictors of interest using linear assumptions. Regression models, a subset of linear models, are the most important statistical analysis tool in a data scientist’s toolkit. This course covers regression analysis, least squares and inference using regression models. Special cases of the regression model, ANOVA and ANCOVA will be covered as well. Analysis of residuals and variability will be investigated. The course will cover modern thinking on model selection and novel uses of regression models including scatterplot smoothing.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Johns Hopkins University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "The Dynamics of Group Communication",
"link": "",
"description": "This course is all about working with other people in groups, and how to communicate more effectively to have better group experiences and achieve better group results. Most of our best and worst experiences in life—both professional and personal—happen in groups with other people. In virtually every area of our lives, we have the opportunity (or the requirement) to connect with other people to accomplish some sort of collective outcome that could not be achieved individually. The success or failure of these outcomes usually depends on the interaction of the group—how people communicate with each other and make decisions. Therefore, to succeed in our careers and to be good citizens in our society we must be able to work with other people in groups and understand group interaction. Accordingly, this course focuses on the key dynamics of group communication, including group development, decision making, conflict and negotiation, difference and diversity, and technology and innovation…all of which are related to our underlying assumptions about communication and our understanding of human interaction. Our goal is to help you learn these important dynamics of group communication, and put them into practice to improve your overall group work.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Colorado Boulder"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Take the Lead on Healthcare Quality Improvement",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course you will learn about the importance of quality in healthcare and how you can contribute by implementing a quality improvement (QI) project to improve processes of care and patient outcomes. You will learn about powerful tools to add to your QI ‘toolbox’ during short lectures and reflective exercises. You will apply these tools to the implementation of a QI project in your own practice setting or an area of personal improvement. At the completion of the course, you will have a storyboard that captures your QI project success to share with others.\n\nThe QI project will be considered within the context of interprofessional teams and from a systems perspective. The objective of this course is to empower you, the working healthcare professional, to improve your knowledge and skills in the science of quality improvement so that you can take action in your own clinical setting to improve the quality of care for your patients and their families.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Case Western Reserve University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Innovation publique et pensée design, l'innovation sociale au service des territoires",
"link": "",
"description": "Les collectivités territoriales et les services de l'Etat sont confrontés à de multiples enjeux : crise des finances publiques, augmentation des dépenses sociales, défiance croissante des administrés, concurrence des solutions proposées par des communautés numériques très agiles.\nLa bonne nouvelle, c'est que des solutions existent pour faire mieux avec moins ! L'innovation publique, c'est possible grâce aux apports de ce que l'on appelle la pensée design, qui permet de repenser le service offert à l'usager.\n\nCe MOOC a été réalisé en partenariat avec le Conseil départemental du Val d'Oise, pionnier dans la mise en oeuvre de ces approches. Son originalité ? Nous vous proposons une expérience d’apprentissage très riche basée à la fois sur l'expertise de spécialistes du sujet et sur l'expérience de nombreux acteurs publics de terrain, qui mettent en œuvre cette approche et apportent leur témoignage dans les différents modules.\n\nNotre objectif ? Vous donner les compétences pour coordonner un projet d'innovation publique s’appuyant sur une approche design de service, quels que soient le domaine et le contexte dans lesquels vous travaillez.\n\nBienvenue dans ce MOOC !\nThierry Sibieude et l'équipe pédagogique",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"ESSEC Business School"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Service Transformed: Lessons in U.S. Veteran Centered Care",
"link": "",
"description": "Improving health care for veterans has become a matter of national attention and has gained increasing attention from the medical community. With the current surge of veterans reintegrating into civilian society it is critical to improve the training of the next cadre of providers who will provide care for our veterans. It is widely known that veterans receive care in all aspects of the health system, thus providers in veteran focused care facilities, military health serves and civilian locals must be aware of the unique needs of veterans. It is perhaps even more important to educate civilian providers who may be unfamiliar with the unique physical, mental and emotional needs related to military service.\n\nCourse Audience\n - all health professions learners, example:\n - medical students, resident physicians, dental students,\n - nursing students, advanced practice nurses,\n - social work, pharmacy student as graduate level learners\n - as well as any and all health professionals interested in veteran-centered care\n\nWhat You Will Learn:\nThis course will provide learners the opportunity to engage with material to facilitate their understanding of the origins of Academic Medical Centers and Veterans Administration affiliations, recognize and manage the influence of bias, class, and power on the clinical encounter and self-reflect on their biases that particularly affect U.S. military veterans. This course also features several video clips from the acclaimed documentary, Where Soldiers Come From, directed by Heather Courtney.\n\n\nThe views expressed in this course are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position or the policy of the Department of Veterans Affairs or the U.S. government.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Michigan"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Leadership Through Marketing",
"link": "",
"description": "The success of every organization depends on attracting and retaining customers. Although the marketing concepts for doing so are well established, digital technology has empowered customers, while producing massive amounts of data, revolutionizing the processes through which organizations attract and retain customers. In this course, students will learn how to identify new opportunities to create value for empowered consumers, develop strategies that yield an advantage over rivals, and develop the data science skills to lead more effectively, allocate resources, and to confront this very challenging environment with confidence.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Northwestern University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Cisco Networking",
"link": "",
"description": "Welcome to the fifth and final course in the Cisco Networking Basics Specialization.\n\nIn the first four courses of this specialization, you were focused on understanding how computer networks work and how to access the network. Now that you have a firm grasp of how to build and secure a wireless home network, you will be introduced to the basics of adding Cisco routers and switches to networks that are typically deployed in small to medium sized businesses. You will perform the basic setup and configuration steps needed to get switches and routers connected in a small network. You will also learn how to configure the router and the switch for remote access. You will use two different types of simulation tools to practice configuration steps. After completing required configuration tasks, you will use various show commands to verify configurations and use the ping command to verify basic connectivity between devices. Expect lots of opportunities for practicing Cisco device configuration. This course requires the use of Cisco Packet Tracer to simulate the network environment. You will need to download and use Cisco Packet Tracer throughout the course.\n\nAt the end of this course, you will be able to:\n\n1. Describe the features and functions of various Cisco devices installed in a typical simple computer network.\n2. Use the Packet Tracer simulation software to practice configuration tasks using the command line interface.\n3. Connect and configure a Cisco switch and small business router in order to provide network connectivity in a small LAN environment.\n4. Use a structured troubleshooting strategy to identify and fix network connectivity issues.\n5. Enter and view the results of common Cisco CLI commands.\n6. Use best practices to secure Cisco networking devices from unauthorized access.\n7. Use command line utilities to test and verify network connectivity.\n8. Use common network utilities to test connectivity between network attached devices.\n9. Explain issues that can cause Internet connectivity problems.\n10. Describe how to report problems and assist in troubleshooting connections with an ISP help desk.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "生命安全与救援Life Safety and Rescue",
"link": "",
"description": "人最宝贵的是生命,而在生命历程中充满着安全威胁与挑战。本课程以“珍爱生命、关注安全”为主线,期望通过该课程教学,努力增强学生在体育运动及野外活动中的安全防范意识,提高自我保护能力,掌握生存、自救和互救的基本技能,学会常见运动创伤的处置方法以及危险环境中的避险、自救和互助技能,具备应对突发事件的基本能力。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Shanghai Jiao Tong University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Wind resources for renewable energies",
"link": "",
"description": "The main goal of this course is to get the necessary knowledge on atmospheric and fluid dynamics in order to quantify the wind resource of a local or regional area. \nWe’ll learn about basic meteorology, the specific dynamics of turbulent boundary layers and some standard techniques to estimate wind resources regardless of the type of turbine used or the level of efficiency achieved. Then, we will see what are the turbines characteristics to consider in order to estimate the electricity production from an isolated turbine or from a turbine farm. The differences and similarity between wind or marine resource assessment will also be discussed.\nFinally, you will have the opportunity to get hands-on experience with real in-situ data sets and apply what you have learned on wind resource assessment.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"École Polytechnique"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Analysis of Algorithms",
"link": "",
"description": "This course teaches a calculus that enables precise quantitative predictions of large combinatorial structures. In addition, this course covers generating functions and real asymptotics and then introduces the symbolic method in the context of applications in the analysis of algorithms and basic structures such as permutations, trees, strings, words, and mappings.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Princeton University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "心理学与生活",
"link": "",
"description": "心理学很神秘?你会发现,只要有人的地方,就有心理学!\n心理学很深奥?你会发现,似乎每个人都是大众心理学家,谁都可以说点“心理学”。\n的确,我们生活中处处都是心理学!但这门课程却要告诉你,我们常常挂在嘴边的“心理学”绝大部分是错的,剩下的一小部分也是不全面的。\n在本课程中,我们会一起把看似复杂的心理学理论运用到简单的生活现象中,在理解和掌握心理规律和原理后,用独具的慧眼看到一个与原先完全不同的生活世界。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Nanjing University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Interest Rate Models",
"link": "",
"description": "This course gives you an easy introduction to interest rates and related contracts. These include the LIBOR, bonds, forward rate agreements, swaps, interest rate futures, caps, floors, and swaptions. We will learn how to apply the basic tools duration and convexity for managing the interest rate risk of a bond portfolio. We will gain practice in estimating the term structure from market data. We will learn the basic facts from stochastic calculus that will enable you to engineer a large variety of stochastic interest rate models. In this context, we will also review the arbitrage pricing theorem that provides the foundation for pricing financial derivatives. We will also cover the industry standard Black and Bachelier formulas for pricing caps, floors, and swaptions.\n\nAt the end of this course you will know how to calibrate an interest rate model to market data and how to price interest rate derivatives.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Finding Mutations in DNA and Proteins (Bioinformatics VI)",
"link": "",
"description": "In previous courses in the Specialization, we have discussed how to sequence and compare genomes. This course will cover advanced topics in finding mutations lurking within DNA and proteins.\n\nIn the first half of the course, we would like to ask how an individual's genome differs from the \"reference genome\" of the species. Our goal is to take small fragments of DNA from the individual and \"map\" them to the reference genome. We will see that the combinatorial pattern matching algorithms solving this problem are elegant and extremely efficient, requiring a surprisingly small amount of runtime and memory.\n\nIn the second half of the course, we will learn how to identify the function of a protein even if it has been bombarded by so many mutations compared to similar proteins with known functions that it has become barely recognizable. This is the case, for example, in HIV studies, since the virus often mutates so quickly that researchers can struggle to study it. The approach we will use is based on a powerful machine learning tool called a hidden Markov model.\n\nFinally, you will learn how to apply popular bioinformatics software tools applying hidden Markov models to compare a protein against a related family of proteins.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, San Diego"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Desarrollo de aplicaciones avanzadas con Android",
"link": "",
"description": "En este curso se retoman los temas vistos en cursos anteriores. Se complementan con aspectos prácticos como la forma de implementar mapas en tus proyectos con el API de Google Maps. También, muestra cómo aprovechar el multitask de Android y hacer animaciones en 2D para llevar tus aplicaciones a más dispositivos como weareables, televisiones y autos.\n\nDespués de este curso, podrás subir tu aplicación a Google Play Store y hacerte visible para el mundo entero.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Code Yourself! An Introduction to Programming",
"link": "",
"description": "Have you ever wished you knew how to program, but had no idea where to start from? This course will teach you how to program in Scratch, an easy to use visual programming language. More importantly, it will introduce you to the fundamental principles of computing and it will help you think like a software engineer.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The University of Edinburgh",
"Universidad ORT Uruguay"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Nanotechnology and Nanosensors, Part 2",
"link": "",
"description": "Learn about novel sensing tools that make use of nanotechnology to screen, detect and monitor various events in personal or professional life. Together, we will lay the groundwork for infinite innovative applications, starting from diagnosis and treatments of diseases, continuing with quality control of goods and environmental aspects, and ending with monitoring security issues.\n\n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \n\nNanotechnology and nanosensors are broad, interdisciplinary areas that encompass (bio)chemistry, physics, biology, materials science, electrical engineering and more. The present course will provide a survey on some of the fundamental principles behind nanotechnology and nanomaterials and their vital role in novel sensing properties and applications. The course will discuss interesting interdisciplinary scientific and engineering knowledge at the nanoscale to understand fundamental physical differences at the nanosensors. By the end of the two parts of the course, students will understand the fabrication, characterization, and manipulation of nanomaterials, nanosensors, and how they can be exploited for new applications. Also, students will apply their knowledge of nanotechnology and nanosensors to a topic of personal interest in this course.\n\n- - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - -\nCOURSE OBJECTIVES\nThe course main objective is to enhance critical, creative, and innovative thinking. The course encourages multicultural group work, constructing international 'thinking tanks' for the creation of new ideas. Throughout the course, you will be asked to reflect upon your learning, think \"out of the box\", and suggest creative ideas. \n\nThe two parts of the course are set to encourage the understanding of:\n1. The importance of nanoscale materials for sensing applications.\n2. Approaches used for characterizing sensors based nanomaterials.\n3. Approaches used for tailoring nanomaterials for a specific sensing application.\n4. Metallic and semiconductor nanoparticles.\n5. Organic and inorganic nanotubes and nanowires.\n6. Optical, mechanical and chemical sensors based on nanomaterials.\n7. Hybrid nanomaterial-based sensors.\n\n----------------\nWe recommend that you read the following supplementary reading materials:\n-Jiří Janata, Principles of Chemical Sensors, Springer, 2d Edition (1989).\n-Roger George Jackson, Novel Sensors and Sensing, CRC Press (2004).\n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _\n\nTeaching Team\n\nAbout Professor Haick Hossam\n\nProfessor Hossam Haick is an expert in the field of nanotechnology, nanosensors, and non-invasive disease diagnosis. Prof. Haick is the recipient of the prestigious Marie Curie Excellence Award, ERC Award, and the FP-7 Health Award. He is also the recipient of more than 42 international honors and prizes for his achievements, including a Knight of the Order of Academic Palms (conferred by the French Government) and the “List of the World’s Top 35 Young Scientists”, and the Discovery Award of the Bill & Melinda Gates. Prof. Haick is the founder and the leader of a European consortium of eight universities and companies for the development of advanced generation of nanosensors for disease diagnosis. He also serves as an associate editor of the two journals and serves as an advisory consultant to the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) – the world's authority for chemical information - a senior scientific advisory member of several national and international companies and institutes, and as a scientific evaluator in the European Commission.\nEmail: \n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \n\nCourse Staff\n\nMeital Bar-Segev, Teaching Assistant: Received her B.A. (Cum Laude) in Chemistry and B.Sc (Cum Laude) in Materials Engineering from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (both in 2010). During her studies, she worked in a student position at Tower Semiconductors Ltd. After graduation she worked at Alfred Mann Institute in the Technion (AMIT) as a process development engineer. Currently, she performs her Ph.D. degree (direct track) in the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute (RBNI) of the Technion under the supervision of Prof. Hossam Haick. The research of Meital focuses is the development of electronic skin based on nanoparticles.\n\nAbeer Watted, Teaching Assistant: Received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Transportation and Highways Engineering from the Technion. She is a Ph.D. student at the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology at the Technion, under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Miri Barak. She received a second master degree in Educatu in Science and Technology from the Technion in 2013. Her research focuses on science education and inquiry-based laboratories. Currently, Abeer works as a lecturer at Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education, where she serves also as the head of Civil Engineering Department.\n\nMaya Usher, Teaching Assistant: Received her B.A. and M.A. (Cum Laude) in Communication Studies from Sapir Academic College and Ben Gurion University- Israel (2009; 2013 respectively). Currently, Maya is a PhD. candidate at the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology at the Technion, under the supervision of Asst. Prof. Miri Barak. Her research focuses on examining online collaborative learning in small multicultural groups. \n\nMuhammad Khatib, Teaching Assistant: Received his B.Sc in Biochemical Engineering from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (2015). His final research project, conducted with Prof. Avi Schroeder, dealt with harnessing liposome-based drug delivery systems to applications in precise agriculture. Currently, he performs his Ph.D. (special track) in the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Technion under the supervision of Prof. Hossam Haick, and his research focuses on self-healing devices for monitoring infectious diseases.\n\nMiri Barak, Pedagogical Advisor: Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology, Technion- Israel Institute of Technology. She is the Head of the Science and Learning Technologies group and the advisor of graduate students. Her academic activities focus on developing, integrating, and evaluating science education curricula at school and higher education levels. Her studies involve the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), with emphasis on emerging web-2.0 and cloud applications, to foster meaningful learning and high-order thinking.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Technion - Israel Institute of Technology"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Advanced Competitive Strategy",
"link": "",
"description": "Advanced Competitive Strategy will introduce new topics and modules with even more real world examples and opportunities for student interaction than in the previous course Competitive Strategy (\n \nIn Advanced Competitive Strategy, we will look at how companies can build up and maintain their customer base by increasing switching costs and facilitating strategic customer lock-ins. We will find out how firms can increase their profits by pursuing suitable price discrimination and product differentiation strategies.\n \nWe will look at examples of what is acceptable behavior under the premises of EU competition and US antitrust policies and discover exciting ways of how companies can increase their returns by strategically making use of network effects and economies of size. We will further intensify our newly acquired knowledge about network effects and discuss strategies that are explicitly tailored to network markets.\n \nWe will analyze the workings of mergers and acquisitions and, moreover, support you in considering alternative strategies that can help companies grow organically.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "U101: Understanding College and College Life",
"link": "",
"description": "College can be confusing and intimidating, but U101 can help. If you were just admitted to college and are nervous about what the next step in life might look like, this course is for you. If you are the parent of a newly admitted college student and curious about what college life is like, this course is also for you. \n\nWhile your specific college will, no doubt, provide additional orientation material, we wanted to give some basic information about what life might be like at a large American University. You might be years away from college or enrolled right now; either way, U101 has some excellent advice from college students, professors, administrators, and staff.\n\nAt the conclusion of the course, learners should:\n1. Understand the basics of how colleges and universities operate. \n2. Identify and describe what faculty are looking for in college-level academic work. \n3. List some effective study strategies. \n4. Identify some strategies for exploring and selecting a major. \n5. Identify the various types of grants and scholarships available and describe the steps involved in applying to these.\n6. Discuss the college life, with special attention to the benefits/limitations of living on or off campus. \n7. Identify some strategies for getting the most out of campus life activities (investigating student clubs, fraternities, sororities, etc.).\n\nThe course is divided into 4 weeks/8 lessons, which provide an overview of the different aspects of college life. If you were just watching the videos and looking at some of the links, the whole course would take about 4-5 hours. \n\nWeek 1\nLesson 1. Welcome to U101!\nLesson 2. Understanding the Nature of College\n\nWeek 2\nLesson 3. Succeeding as a Student\nLesson 4. Building Your Major\n\nWeek 3\nLesson 5. Financing Your Education\nLesson 6. Living On and Off Campus\n\nWeek 4\nLesson 7. Getting Involved in Campus Life\nLesson 8. Conclusion\n\nPlease join us for a short exploration of modern American Colleges. Hopefully, this course can help demystify your upcoming college experience.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Washington"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Building High-Performing Teams",
"link": "",
"description": "Teams are essential to the modern organization, but most never reach their potential. Co-workers miscommunicate, and groups struggle to adapt to changes in the market or their organizations. When teams lack self-awareness about these challenges, performance suffers. Based on years of team culture research and consulting experience, this course helps you understand the problems that hurt productivity, and gives you tools for creating positive change. This course also guides you through creating the ground rules and structure needed to set your team up for success. \n\nYou gain the skills to diagnose issues such as conflicts, groupthink and lack of commitment in your team before they get out of control. The course offers frameworks to adjust team behaviors and get the best performance out of your people. You also understand frequent stumbling blocks for common team types, such as startups and virtual teams, and learn solutions tailored to each one.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Pennsylvania"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Рынки капитала и финансовые институты или \"О чужих деньгах\"",
"link": "",
"description": "Рынки капитала и финансовые институты – вокруг нас. Это огромная отрасль, в которой действуют могущественные игроки, часто бросающие вызовы инвесторам и широкой публике и подвергающие их серьезным рискам. \nКурс позволяет в нескучной форме познакомиться с основами современного рынка капитала, проанализировать его фундаментальные проблемы, осознать глубинные интересы участников рынка, понять истинное значение финансовых терминов и сигналов.\n\nСлушатели будут лучше понимать финансовые новости, не будут поддаваться на радужные обещания финансистов и опасные авантюры, станут более защищенными от рыночных угроз, получат возможность использовать приобретенные знания и навыки для успешного профессионального и карьерного роста как в области финансов, так и в других видах деятельности и в обычной жизни.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology",
"American Institute of Business and Economics"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "European Business Law: Doing Business in Europe",
"link": "",
"description": "This six-week course titled Doing Business in Europe is the second in a series of three exploring some of the main business aspects of European Union law. Besides providing learners with a sound knowledge base of European laws and regulations relevant to establishing and managing a company within the European Union, the course also explores business considerations within a broader perspective by including inputs from leading law practitioners in the field. More specifically, the course discusses strategic and financial considerations within Company law, as well as Labour law issues such as restructuring enterprises, working conditions and handling crises situations. The course also examines other legal areas such as Tax law, Environmental law and Private International law, and how they tie in to doing business in Europe.\n\nAt the end of this course, you will have a basic understanding of how to:\n\n· Understand the relevant regulations governing the internal European Union market\n\n· Establish and run a company within the European Union\n\n· Employ staff and recognize workers’ rights and obligations\n\n· Comply with tax regulations and environmental standards\n\n· Set up agreements and resolve cross-border disputes\n\n· Successfully analyse EU case law and draft case reports\n\n\nAbout the Series\n\nThe Lund series in European Business Law ranges from considering the basic structures and principles of the European Union to focusing on specialized areas of European Union law. The first course, Understanding the Fundamentals, examines the core structures and principles of the European Union. The third and final course, Competing in Europe, goes into depth concerning how to compete on the internal market and protect your brand, product or invention. All three courses can be taken independently or in sequence depending on your needs and preferences.\n\nTo keep up to speed on the course series, visit our Facebook page at:\n\n\n\n\nSyllabus and Format\n\nEach course consists of a number of modules where one module represents about one week of work. A module includes a number of lectures and readings, and finishes with an assessment – a quiz or a peer graded assignment. The assessments are intended to encourage learning and ensure that you understand the material of the course. Participating in forum discussions is voluntary. \n\nCourse I - Understanding the Fundamentals\n\nModule 1.\tIntroduction \nModule 2.\tLegal Method and Sources \nModule 3.\tConstitutional Freedoms and Fundamental principles \nModule 4.\tFreedom of Movement \nModule 5.\tThe External Dimension \n\nCourse II - Doing Business in Europe \n\nModule 1. \tMaking Business Transactions\nModule 2. \tEstablishing a Company\nModule 3. \tEmploying and Working in Europe\nModule 4. \tPaying Taxes and Complying with Environmental Standards \nModule 5. \tCase Clinic\nModule 6. \tResolving Cross-border Disputes \n\nCourse III - Competing in Europe\n\nModule 1. \tTrademarks as essential Assets\nModule 2. \tDefending Patents \nModule 3. \tCompetition: Illegal Agreements \nModule 4. \tCompetition: Abuse of Dominance and Mergers \nModule 5. \tLegal Writing and Argumentation\nModule 6. \tSelling to the State and State Aid \n\n\nLund University\n\nLund University was founded in 1666. The Faulty of Law is a modern faculty with an international profile, welcoming both international and Swedish students. The faculty offers two international Masters: European Business Law and Human Rights Law. The former provides an in-depth understanding of both the practical and the theoretical aspects of business law within the European Union. The programme provides both general and specific knowledge of the European Union legal framework, which is necessary for students intending to work as legal advisors or business decision-makers. \n\nEducation, research and interaction with the surrounding community are the main focus of the University. The connection between the three is particularly apparent in the MOOC course in European Business Law. The students get the chance to engross themselves in traditional legal studies, while interacting with both researchers and professionally active lawyers with qualifications and experience from various areas of law.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Lund University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "The Beauty of Kunqu Opera",
"link": "",
"description": "This course will focus on the historical and cultural background, literary aesthetics, music, and performance of Kunqu, China’s classical opera. After viewing the lecture videos presented by scholars and renowned maestros in the field of Kunqu, students’ understanding and appreciation of Chinese performing arts, classical literature and traditional culture will be enhanced.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The Chinese University of Hong Kong"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Evaluación de peligros y riesgos por fenómenos naturales",
"link": "",
"description": "Reconocer el conocimiento básico sobre los factores físicos y sociales que condicionan el riesgo de una sociedad por fenómenos extremos de origen natural (sismos, huracanes, etc.) y promover las acciones necesarias para reducir el impacto de los desastres en una comunidad.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Public Health in Humanitarian Crises",
"link": "",
"description": "This course introduces a set of public health problems experienced by people affected by natural disasters and/or conflict. It discusses the many changes in people’s lives when they are uprooted by a disaster, ranging from changes in disease patterns, access to health care, livelihoods, shelter, sanitary conditions, nutritional status, etc. \n\nWe will explore what humanitarian interventions could look like if we want to mitigate the effects of disasters. The course content is a mix of theoretical knowledge and many practical examples from recent disasters. We think this course is unique because it contains so many practical ‘real-life’ examples and is taught be instructors and guest lecturers who together have over 200 years of experience in this field.\n\nThe course consists of 10 modules totaling approximately 9-10 hours of delivered content with an additional 2-3 hours of self-work (quizzes and writing and evaluating a short peer-review assignment) as well as lively discussions forums. \n\nThe course has been designed in a way that each module builds on the lessons of previous modules. However, modules can be accessed in any order and some can stand alone.\n\nYou do not have to pay for this course if you choose to enroll without a certificate. Sometimes referred to as auditing, enrolling without a certificate means that you will have access to all of the videos, quizzes, assignments, and discussions. The only difference is that you will not receive a certificate upon completion. Click the Enroll Without A Certificate link to sign up and begin the course.\n\nEven if you enroll in a session that has yet to begin, you may access most of the course materials right away by clicking the Preview Course Materials link. However, you will have to wait for the session to begin before posting on the discussion forum or accessing the final peer-reviewed assessment. Visit the Learner Help Center for details about session schedules.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Johns Hopkins University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Discrete Optimization",
"link": "",
"description": "Tired of solving Sudokus by hand? This class teaches you how to solve complex search problems with discrete optimization concepts and algorithms, including constraint programming, local search, and mixed-integer programming.\n\nOptimization technology is ubiquitous in our society. It schedules planes and their crews, coordinates the production of steel, and organizes the transportation of iron ore from the mines to the ports. Optimization clears the day-ahead and real-time markets to deliver electricity to millions of people. It organizes kidney exchanges and cancer treatments and helps scientists understand the fundamental fabric of life, control complex chemical reactions, and design drugs that may benefit billions of individuals.\n\nThis class is an introduction to discrete optimization and exposes students to some of the most fundamental concepts and algorithms in the field. It covers constraint programming, local search, and mixed-integer programming from their foundations to their applications for complex practical problems in areas such as scheduling, vehicle routing, supply-chain optimization, and resource allocation.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The University of Melbourne"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Networks Illustrated: Principles without Calculus",
"link": "",
"description": "What makes WiFi faster at home than at a coffee shop? How does Google order its search results from the trillions of webpages on the Internet? Why does Verizon charge $15 for every GB of data we use? Is it really true that we are connected in six social steps or less?\n\nThese are just a few of the many intriguing questions we can ask about the social and technical networks that form integral parts of our daily lives. This course is about exploring the answers, using a language that anyone can understand. We will focus on fundamental principles like “sharing is hard”, “crowds are wise”, and “network of networks” that have guided the design and sustainability of today’s networks, and summarize the theories behind everything from the social connections we make on platforms like Facebook to the technology upon which these websites run.\n\nUnlike other networking courses, the mathematics included here are no more complicated than adding and multiplying numbers. While mathematical details are necessary to fully specify the algorithms and systems we investigate, they are not required to understand the main ideas. We use illustrations, analogies, and anecdotes about networks as pedagogical tools in lieu of detailed equations.\n\nPlease note that per Princeton University policy, no certificates, credentials or reports are awarded in connection with this course.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Princeton University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Preparing for Graduate Study in the U.S.: A course for international students",
"link": "",
"description": "This course prepares you to embark upon your future graduate studies in the U.S. with confidence. In this MOOC, you'll have the opportunity to meet other prospective graduate students, hear from experienced international graduate students in the United States, and to practice sharing your own thoughts, stories, and expertise in English. You’ll select a “target” graduate program at a U.S. college or university to use as a case study throughout the course. You may already be admitted to this program, or it may be an institution you hope to attend in the future. You will identify resources that support international graduate students in your target campus. You will have multiple opportunities to practice your English language skills through practice assignments and through interactions with one another. \n\nObjectives\nBy completing the course, you should enhance your ability to reach the following objectives for the purpose of communicating successfully as a new international graduate student studying in the United States.\n1. Introduce yourself professionally \n a. Explain your expertise\n b. Begin networking with members of your target institution\n2. Explore the campus climate of your target institution\n a. Identify the local vocabulary used at your target institution to describe campus climate topics such as diversity, inclusion, or equity\n b. Identify skills and perspectives you can contribute to the diversity of your target institution\n3. For collaboration\n a. Use English to negotiate group roles\n b. Use English to express opinions\n4. For academic writing\n a. Identify disciplinary norms in academic writing\n b. Cite source material appropriately in academic writing\n5. For improving English\n a. Use at least three digital resources to investigate language use\n b. Use at least three digital resources to practice English fluency\n c. Use at least two new daily life opportunities to improve English for academic, social, or teaching purposes",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Michigan"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Capstone Design Project in Power Electronics",
"link": "",
"description": "Learners will design a DC-DC converter that powers USB-C devices (20 V at 3 A) from a dc input voltage source such as a lithium-ion battery pack or a desktop computer power bus. Aspects of the project will include: \n \n● Design of converter power stage and magnetics. Requires mastery of courses 1, 2, and 5. \n● Simulation to verify correct steady-state operation. Requires mastery of courses 1, 2 and 4. \n● Design of converter control system. Requires mastery of courses 3 and 4. \n● Simulation to verify correct control system operation. Requires mastery of courses 3 and 4. \n● Preparation of milestone reports documenting the design and its performance \n \nThe reports will be peer graded.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Colorado Boulder"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Hardware Security",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course, we will study security and trust from the hardware perspective. Upon completing the course, students will understand the vulnerabilities in current digital system design flow and the physical attacks to these systems. They will learn that security starts from hardware design and be familiar with the tools and skills to build secure and trusted hardware.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Maryland, College Park"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Дизайн интерфейсов: дипломный проект",
"link": "",
"description": "Дипломный проект – возможность закрепить все полученные знания на практике и самостоятельно разработать дизайн цифрового продукта на основе реальных бизнес-требований и аналитики. Студенты продемонстрируют свои навыки дизайнера интерфейсов, сделают презентационную веб-страницу с описанием выполненного проекта и получат полноценный кейс в свое портфолио, который можно показать клиенту и работодателю.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology",
"Mail.Ru Group"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Géopolitique de l'Europe",
"link": "",
"description": "Le Mooc géopolitique de l’Europe offre un parcours dynamique sur les enjeux et les tensions internes de l’Union européenne comme sur ses interactions avec le reste du monde. Par les cartes, l’iconographie, les vidéos, l’infographie et les jeux de rôle, le Mooc restitue les principaux enjeux géopolitiques propres à l’Europe, tout en insistant sur les représentations dont elle est l’objet dans le monde. Résolument pluri-disciplinaire, ce mooc offre aux apprenants une boite à outils forgés par le recours à une combinaison originale d’histoire, de géopolitique, d’économie, de science politique, de géographie, et de droit.\nFormat : le parcours pédagogique est progressif et modulaire. Il se décline en sept séquences thématique. Chacune d’elle bénéficie d’une variation de l’échelle et de l’angle d’approche. A chaque séance, l’exploration du problème principal est pensée comme un cheminement libre mais bien balisé par six étapes : une mise en situation cartographique, l’étude d’un corpus documentaire, un gros plan sur les perceptions nationales et un éclairage sur l’actualité. Les acquis de ces quatre premières étapes peuvent ensuite être testés dans un quizz d’évaluation, et mis en pratique lors du jeu de rôle final ou serious game : un scenario européen, une mission et … des décisions à prendre ! \nLa septième séance propose des analyses nouvelles pour mettre l’actualité de l’année 2016 en perspective.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Sciences Po"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Венчурный капитал",
"link": "",
"description": "Любой растущей компании могут потребоваться инвестиции для финансирования дальнейшего роста. Для решения этой задачи в условиях нарастания неустойчивости деловой среды Вам понадобится понимание механизмов работы венчурной индустрии. Курс входит в специализацию “Корпоративные финансы и стоимость компании”, включающую 5 связанных курсов и заключительный прикладной проект “Мастерство создания стоимости компании”.\n\nЭтот курс позволит вам узнать:\n- как финансируется бизнес на этапе роста, \n- почему появились и как работают венчурные фонды и фонды прямых инвестиций,\n- кого они хотят видеть в качестве объекта инвестирования,\n- как готовить заявку на инвестиции и как она рассматривается фондом,\n- как фонд и компания сотрудничают в увеличении стоимости бизнеса,\n- когда и как осуществляется капитализация этой стоимости путем выхода венчурного инвестора из компании.\n\nДля освоения курса Вам потребуются знания финансовой отчетности, оценки стоимости и эффективности инвестиционных проектов, оптимизации структуры источников финансирования, которые предлагаются в курсах 1-3 специализации и уметь работать с Excel.\n\nВ ходе курса Вас ждут интересные лекции и увлекательные задания.\nКаждое из 4-х занятий предполагает оценочные тесты и заключительное экзаменационное задание.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Higher School of Economics"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Review",
"link": "",
"description": "The purpose of this course is to review the material covered in the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam to enable the student to pass it. It will be presented in modules corresponding to the FE topics, particularly those in Civil and Mechanical Engineering. Each module will review main concepts, illustrate them with examples, and provide extensive practice problems.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Georgia Institute of Technology"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Calculus: Single Variable Part 4 - Applications",
"link": "",
"description": "Calculus is one of the grandest achievements of human thought, explaining everything from planetary orbits to the optimal size of a city to the periodicity of a heartbeat. This brisk course covers the core ideas of single-variable Calculus with emphases on conceptual understanding and applications. The course is ideal for students beginning in the engineering, physical, and social sciences. Distinguishing features of the course include: 1) the introduction and use of Taylor series and approximations from the beginning; 2) a novel synthesis of discrete and continuous forms of Calculus; 3) an emphasis on the conceptual over the computational; and 4) a clear, dynamic, unified approach.\n\nIn this fourth part--part four of five--we cover computing areas and volumes, other geometric applications, physical applications, and averages and mass. We also introduce probability.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Pennsylvania"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Managing Big Data with MySQL",
"link": "",
"description": "This course is an introduction to how to use relational databases in business analysis. You will learn how relational databases work, and how to use entity-relationship diagrams to display the structure of the data held within them. This knowledge will help you understand how data needs to be collected in business contexts, and help you identify features you want to consider if you are involved in implementing new data collection efforts. You will also learn how to execute the most useful query and table aggregation statements for business analysts, and practice using them with real databases. No more waiting 48 hours for someone else in the company to provide data to you – you will be able to get the data by yourself!\n\nBy the end of this course, you will have a clear understanding of how relational databases work, and have a portfolio of queries you can show potential employers. Businesses are collecting increasing amounts of information with the hope that data will yield novel insights into how to improve businesses. Analysts that understand how to access this data – this means you! – will have a strong competitive advantage in this data-smitten business world.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Duke University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Clinical Kidney, Pancreas and Islet Transplantation",
"link": "",
"description": "Kidney transplantation is a major advance of modern medicine which provides high-quality of life for patients with end-stage renal disease. What used to be an experimental, risky, and very limited treatment option more than 50 years ago is now routinely performed in many countries worldwide. The number of renal transplants is expected to rise sharply in the next decade since the proportion of patients with end stage renal disease is increasing. \n\nAre you interested in clinical kidney, pancreas and islet transplantation? If you are a (bio) medical student or a health care professional who works in the (pre) clinical transplant field this might be the course for you. This course is also for anyone interested in the research and knowledge on clinical transplantation. The course will be taught by a multidisciplinary team of transplant professionals and will give you the state of the art updates. \n\nIt is divided in 4 modules: \n1) Before the transplant \n2) The surgical procedures and the challenged patient, including the patient with diabetes \n3) Early challenges \n4) Late challenges after transplantation. \n\nThe offered modules will include lectures, interactive patient cases, 3D movies, interviews with well-known experts and with patients and a donor, a serious game to increase knowledge of the field and of course an active forum. Become an expert and join us!\n\nThe course is endorsed by The European Society of Organ Transplantation (ESOT), The International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and The Transplantation Society (TTS).",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universiteit Leiden",
"Leiden University Medical Center"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Internet of Things: Sensing and Actuation From Devices",
"link": "",
"description": "Have you wondered how information from physical devices in the real world gets communicated to Smartphone processors? Do you want to make informed design decisions about sampling frequencies and bit-width requirements for various kinds of sensors? Do you want to gain expertise to affect the real world with actuators such as stepper motors, LEDs and generate notifications?\n\nIn this course, you will learn to interface common sensors and actuators to the DragonBoard™ 410c hardware. You will then develop software to acquire sensory data, process the data and actuate stepper motors, LEDs, etc. for use in mobile-enabled products. Along the way, you’ll learn to apply both analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion concepts. \n\nLearning Goals: After completing this course, you will be able to:\n\n1.\tEstimate sampling frequency and bit-width required for different sensors.\n2.\tProgram GPIOs (general purpose input/output pins) to enable communication between the DragonBoard 410c and common sensors.\n3.\tWrite data acquisition code for sensors such as passive and active infrared (IR) sensors, microphones, cameras, GPS, accelerometers, ultrasonic sensors, etc.\n4.\tWrite applications that process sensor data and take specific actions, such as stepper motors, LED matrices for digital signage and gaming, etc.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, San Diego"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Linear Regression and Modeling ",
"link": "",
"description": "This course introduces simple and multiple linear regression models. These models allow you to assess the relationship between variables in a data set and a continuous response variable. Is there a relationship between the physical attractiveness of a professor and their student evaluation scores? Can we predict the test score for a child based on certain characteristics of his or her mother? In this course, you will learn the fundamental theory behind linear regression and, through data examples, learn to fit, examine, and utilize regression models to examine relationships between multiple variables, using the free statistical software R and RStudio.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Duke University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Математика и Python для анализа данных",
"link": "",
"description": "Анализ данных и машинное обучение существенно опираются на результаты из математического анализа, линейной алгебры, методов оптимизации, теории вероятностей. Без фундаментальных знаний по этим наукам невозможно понимать, как устроены методы анализа данных. Задача этого курса — сформировать такой фундамент. Мы обойдёмся без сложных формул и доказательств и сделаем упор на интерпретации и понимании смысла математических понятий и объектов. \n\nДля успешного применения методов анализа данных нужно уметь программировать. Фактическим стандартом для этого в наши дни является язык Python. В данном курсе мы предлагаем познакомиться с его синтаксисом, а также научиться работать с его основными библиотеками, полезными для анализа данных, например, NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib и Pandas.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology",
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Inspiring and Motivating Individuals",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course, you will learn how to create a shared vision for your team and effectively communicate it to your teammates. You will also learn how to set effective goals and expectations in a way that best enables your team to attain the shared vision. Finally, you will understand the most important needs and drivers of performance across cultures, and will learn to align rewards with desired behaviors so that your teammates are motivated to attain the team’s objectives. \n\nMotivation represents a crucial challenge for contemporary organizations: A recent Gallup poll revealed that only 13% of workers worldwide exhibit high levels of engagement and motivation. We will show you why these motivation problems are not simply due to a “bad” or “unmotivated” team member. Rather, motivation is very much driven by what work conditions we create for our teammates, how we structure goals and objectives, and how we reward people for the accomplishment of those goals. This course will help you diagnose and solve motivation problems so that you can bring out the best in your people.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Michigan"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Conceptos y Herramientas para la Física Universitaria",
"link": "",
"description": "Este curso provee al estudiante con conceptos y herramientas matemáticas para modelar problemas en física, que al aplicar podrá enfrentar con éxito los cursos de física universitarios.\n\nAsí pues, la filosofía de este curso consiste en cubrir temas conceptuales relativos a la Física y desarrollar tu capacidad de aprender y aplicarlos en tu vida profesional.\n\nEl curso se aborda en dos fases a través de las cuales el alumno:\n\n- Aprenderá a aplicar el cálculo diferencial e integral para interpretar y modelar la cinemática de una partícula en una dimensión,\n- Aprenderá el manejo de cantidades físicas vectoriales en forma gráfica y analítica en dos y tres dimensiones.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Tecnológico de Monterrey"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Writing Skills for Engineering Leaders",
"link": "",
"description": "Engineering leaders must write extensively for their jobs, and their writing needs to be professional, reader-focused, and error-free. What leaders write in particular can affect productivity and the bottom line, so the written communication that leaders create must be clear and concise. In this course, you’ll learn essential writing skills that you can apply in your daily activities on the job as an engineering leader. You’ll learn key principles in\n•\tApproaching various engineering genres\n•\tUsing the writing process to create quality documents\n•\tMaking your writing structured\n•\tMaking your writing clear and concise\n•\tHandling style, tone, and voice",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Rice University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Geodesign: Change Your World",
"link": "",
"description": "What happens when creativity and science come together? The power to design our world is unleashed, providing tools to inform choices about how we live! Geodesign is the glue—it’s a process that deploys creativity to connect information to people, using collaboration to better inform how we design our world.\n\nThis course includes well-illustrated lectures by the instructor, but also guest lectures each week to ensure you are hearing a variety of viewpoints. Each week you will also be able to examine what geodesign is through interactive mapping that showcases real-word Case Study examples of geodesign from around the globe. As you move along in the course, you will discover the interrelationships of both the physical and human aspects that contribute to how geodesign strategies are composed. The course concludes with you outlining your own Geodesign Challenge, and receiving feedback about that from your peers.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The Pennsylvania State University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Physique des particules - une introduction",
"link": "",
"description": "Ce cours vous introduit à la physique subatomique, c'est à dire à la physique du noyau et à celle des particules élémentaires. \n\nPlus spécifiquement les questions adressées sont les suivantes :\n- Quels sont les concepts de la physique des particules et comment sont-ils implémentés?\n- Quelles sont les propriétés du noyau atomique et comment peut on les utiliser?\n- Comment accélérer et détecter des particules et mesurer leurs propriétés?\n- Qu’est-ce qu’on apprend à partir des réactions de particules à haute énergie et leurs désintégrations?\n- Comment fonctionnent les interactions électromagnétiques et comment peut-on les mettre à contribution?\n- Comment fonctionnent les interactions fortes et pourquoi sont-elles difficiles à comprendre?\n- Comment fonctionnent les interactions faibles et pourquoi sont-elles spéciales?\n- Quelle est la masse des objets au niveau subatomique, et comment y intervient le Higgs?\n- Que peut-on apprendre de la physique des particules concernant l’astrophysique et l’Univers tout entier?\n\nLe cours est structuré en sept modules. Suivant le premier module qui introduit notre sujet, les modules 2 (Physique nucléaire) et 3 (Accélérateurs et détecteurs) dépendent peu du reste du cours et peuvent être étudiés séparément. Les modules 4 à 7 approfondissent les notions de la matière et des forces élémentaires.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Geneva"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "The Brain and Space",
"link": "",
"description": "This course is about how the brain creates our sense of spatial location from a variety of sensory and motor sources, and how this spatial sense in turn shapes our cognitive abilities.\n\nKnowing where things are is effortless. But “under the hood,” your brain must figure out even the simplest of details about the world around you and your position in it. Recognizing your mother, finding your phone, going to the grocery store, playing the banjo – these require careful sleuthing and coordination across different sensory and motor domains. This course traces the brain’s detective work to create this sense of space and argues that the brain’s spatial focus permeates our cognitive abilities, affecting the way we think and remember.\n\nThe material in this course is based on a book I've written for a general audience. The book is called \"Making Space: How the Brain Knows Where Things Are\", and is available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or directly from Harvard University Press. \n\nThe course material overlaps with classes on perception or systems neuroscience, and can be taken either before or after such classes.\n\nDr. Jennifer M. Groh, Ph.D.\nProfessor\nPsychology & Neuroscience; Neurobiology\nDuke University\n\n\nJennifer M. Groh is interested in how the brain process spatial information in different sensory systems, and how the brain's spatial codes influence other aspects of cognition. She is the author of a recent book entitled \"Making Space: How the Brain Knows Where Things Are\" (Harvard University Press, fall 2014).\n\nMuch of her research concerns differences in how the visual and auditory systems encode location, and how vision influences hearing. Her laboratory has demonstrated that neurons in auditory brain regions are sometimes responsive not just to what we hear but also to what direction we are looking and what visual stimuli we can see. These surprising findings challenge the prevailing assumption that the brain’s sensory pathways remain separate and distinct from each other at early stages, and suggest a mechanism for such multi-sensory interactions as lip-reading and ventriloquism (the capture of perceived sound location by a plausible nearby visual stimulus).\n\nDr. Groh has been a professor at Duke University since 2006. She received her undergraduate degree in biology from Princeton University in 1988 before studying neuroscience at the University of Michigan (Master’s, 1990), the University of Pennsylvania (Ph.D., 1993), and Stanford University (postdoctoral, 1994-1997). Dr. Groh has been teaching undergraduate classes on the neural basis of perception and memory for over fifteen years. She is presently a faculty member at the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience and the Duke Institute for Brain Sciences at Duke University. She also holds appointments in the Departments of Neurobiology and Psychology & Neuroscience at Duke.\n\nDr. Groh’s research has been supported by a variety of sources including the John S. Guggenheim Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, and the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Program, the McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience, the John Merck Scholars Program, the EJLB Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Whitehall Foundation, and the National Organization for Hearing Research.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Duke University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Essentials of Global Health",
"link": "",
"description": "Essentials of Global Health is a comprehensive introduction to global health. It is meant to introduce you to this topic in well-structured, clear and easy to understand ways. Much of the course will focus on five questions: What do people get sick, disabled and die from; Why do they suffer from these conditions? Which people are most affected? Why should we care about such concerns? What can be done to address key health issues, hopefully at least cost, as fast as possible, and in sustainable ways? The course will be global in coverage but with a focus on low- and middle-income countries, the health of the poor, and health disparities. Particular attention will be paid throughout the course to health systems issues, the linkages between health and development, and health matters related to global interdependence. The course will cover key concepts and frameworks but be practical in orientation.\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nCourse Learning Objectives\n\nBy the end of the course, learners should be able to:\n\n•\tArticulate key public health concepts related to global health;\n•\tAnalyze the key issues in global health from a number of perspectives;\t\n•\tDiscuss with confidence the burden of disease in various regions of the world; how it varies by sex, age, and location; key risk factors for this burden; and how the disease burden can be addressed in cost-effective ways;\n•\tAssess key health disparities, especially as they relate to the health of low-income and marginalized people in low- and middle-income countries; \n•\tOutline the key actors and organizations in global health and the manner in which they cooperate to address critical global health concerns;\n•\tReview key global health challenges that are likely to arise in the coming decades.\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nValue Added of the Course\n\nThe course seeks to add special value by being comprehensive, by handling each topic in a consistent framework, and by helping learners gain an understanding of well grounded approaches to assessing global health issues and what can be done to address them.\n\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe Readings and other materials for Essentials of Global Health\n\nFor almost every session of Essentials of Global Health, you will see: \n\n- Required readings\n- Recommended readings\n- Recommended videos\n\nWe have selected a small number of readings for each session that are central to understanding the content of the session. We have put these under “required readings”.\n\nFor each required reading, we have also indicated how carefully you should read the material and on what parts of the material you should focus your attention.\n\nIn addition, we have selected some additional readings that would be very helpful to your understanding the content of each session. \n\nThe first is a textbook, Global Health 101, third edition. This is a comprehensive introductory textbook that closely follows the content of this Essentials of Global Health course. We have indicated for each session what part of the book you should read. Using this textbook can be very valuable to your mastering the content of the course.\n\nThe second set of “recommended readings” is some additional readings, mostly from journal articles and reports. For these, too, we have indicated how carefully you should read the material and on what parts of the material you should focus your attention.\n\nLearners should note that to access articles from The Lancet they will have to register with the Lancet, if they do not have online access to a library that has The Lancet. Once they are registered, they will be able to sign into The Lancet and access all of its free articles.\n\nWe have also indicated for most sessions one or two videos that relate to the topic of the session. These are meant to help the learner get a better feel for the topic which is being covered. Most learners will find the videos brief, easy and enjoyable to watch, and very enlightening.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Yale University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introducción a la Contabilidad Financiera",
"link": "",
"description": "A menudo, nos referimos a la contabilidad financiera como «el lenguaje de los negocios», es decir, el lenguaje que los directivos utilizan para transmitir información financiera y económica sobre su empresa a aquellas partes externas a ella, como los accionistas y los acreedores. Ninguna persona que trabaje en el mundo de los negocios puede permitirse desconocer el mundo de las finanzas. Tanto si diriges tu propio negocio como si te estás formando para ocupar un puesto de directivo, necesitarás entender la información financiera y ser capaz de interactuar con los contables o los directores financieros… En definitiva, ¡necesitarás hablar el lenguaje de los negocios!\n\nGracias a este curso, podrás aprender los fundamentos del lenguaje de los negocios. Una vez que lo hayas finalizado, podrás leer e interpretar los estados financieros para realizar diagnósticos empresariales y tomar decisiones y, lo que es más importante, contarás con una base teórica que te permitirá seguir profundizando en la contabilidad y en las finanzas por ti mismo. No olvides que, al igual que al aprender cualquier otra lengua, dominar la contabilidad requiere una práctica constante.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"IESE Business School"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "How To Create a Website in a Weekend! (Project-Centered Course)",
"link": "",
"description": "What you’ll achieve:\n\nIn this project-centered course*, you’ll design, build, and publish a basic website that incorporates text, sound, images, hyperlinks, plug-ins, and social media interactivity. We’ll provide you with step-by-step instructions, exercises, tips, and tools that enable you to set up a domain name, create an attractive layout for your pages, organize your content properly, ensure that your site functions well across different operating systems and on mobile devices, keep your site safe, and finally, let people know your site is online. We’ll even show you how to track your visitors. Throughout the course, you'll engage in collaboration and discussion with other learners through course forums and peer review.\n\nOnce you complete your first website project using Wordpress, you can move on to our optional, extended module that covers more advanced techniques such as using a simple text editor, coding in HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and more.\n\nWhat you’ll need to get started:\n\nThis project-centered course is designed for learners who have little or no prior experience developing a web site. You will need a computer with a stable Internet connection. We’ll use Wordpress to get you started, provide lots of downloadable examples, and guide you through the process of giving and receiving constructive peer-to-peer feedback.\n\n*About Project-Centered Courses: Project-centered courses are designed to help you complete a personally meaningful real-world project, with your instructor and a community of learners with similar goals providing guidance and suggestions along the way. By actively applying new concepts as you learn, you’ll master the course content more efficiently; you’ll also get a head start on using the skills you gain to make positive changes in your life and career. When you complete the course, you’ll have a finished project that you’ll be proud to use and share.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The State University of New York"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Ecologie Politique: défi de la durabilité pour les démocraties",
"link": "",
"description": "De quoi parle-t-on lorsque l’on parle d’environnement ? Existe-t-il une crise écologique ? L’environnement se résume-t-il à la pollution ? Est-on vraiment fondé à parler de risques environnementaux ? L’environnement a-t-il affaire à la politique et si oui pourquoi ? Pourquoi et à partir de quand a-t-on pu parler d’écologie politique ? Quelles en sont les différentes expressions ? Les démocraties et leurs expressions courantes ne suffisent-elles pas à répondre aux problèmes écologiques ? Et si ce n’est pas le cas, quels sont les apports éventuels et potentiels de l’écologie politique ? Ce cours se propose à répondre à ces questions, l’objectif global étant de comprendre les tenants et aboutissants de l’interface écologie et politique.\n\n\nObjectifs pédagogiques du cours :\n\n1.\tSituer dans l’histoire des idées et de la société ce qu’on entend par écologie politique\n2.\tMaîtriser le lexique de l’écologie et de l’écologie politique\n3.\tAnalyser le caractère alternatif des courants de l’écologie politique en se situant dans le mouvement des idées et non sur la scène politicienne\n4.\tIdentifier les différents courants et leurs approches\n5.\tSituer de manière critique les réponses que propose l’écologie politique aux difficultés qu’elle pointe\n6. Expliquer les fondements de la démocratie et les nouveaux enjeux qu’elle traverse",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Lausanne"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Mechanics of Materials III: Beam Bending",
"link": "",
"description": "This course explores the analysis and design of beam bending problems.\nPrerequisite Knowledge: You will need to have successfully completed my earlier course “Mechanics of Materials I: Fundamentals of Stress and Strain and Axial Loading” in order to be successful in this course\n\n-------------------------------------------------\nThe copyright of all content and materials in this course are owned by either the Georgia Tech Research Corporation or Dr. Wayne Whiteman. By participating in the course or using the content or materials, whether in whole or in part, you agree that you may download and use any content and/or material in this course for your own personal, non-commercial use only in a manner consistent with a student of any academic course. Any other use of the content and materials, including use by other academic universities or entities, is prohibited without express written permission of the Georgia Tech Research Corporation. Interested parties may contact Dr. Wayne Whiteman directly for information regarding the procedure to obtain a non-exclusive license.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Georgia Institute of Technology"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Whole genome sequencing of bacterial genomes - tools and applications",
"link": "",
"description": "This course will cover the topic of Whole genome sequencing (WGS) of bacterial genomes which is becoming more and more relevant for the medical sector. WGS technology and applications are high on international political agenda, as the classical methods are being replaced by WGS technology and therefore bioinformatic tools are extremely important for allowing the people working in this sector to be able to analyze the data and obtain results that can be interpreted and used for different purposes. The course will give the learners a basis to understand and be acquainted with WGS applications in surveillance of bacteria including species identification, typing and characterization of antimicrobial resistance and virulence traits as well as plasmid characterization. It will also give the opportunity to learners to learn about online tools and what they can be used for through demonstrations on how to use some of these tools and exercises to be solved by learners with use of freely available WGS analysis tools .\n\nBy the end of this course you should be able to:\n\n1. Describe the general Principles in typing of Bacteria \n2. Give examples of the applications of Whole Genome Sequencing to Surveillance of bacterial pathogens and antimicrobial resistance \n3. Apply genomic tools for sub-typing and surveillance\n4. Define the concept of Next-Generation Sequencing and describe the sequencing data from NGS\n5. Describe how to do de novo assembly from raw reads to contigs\n6. Enumerate the methods behind the tools for species identification, MLST typing and resistance gene detection\n7. Apply the tools for species identification, MLST typing and resistance gene detection in real cases of other bacterial and pathogen genomes.\n8. Describe the methods behind the tools for Salmonella and E.coli typing, plasmid replicon detection and plasmid typing\n9. Utilize the tools for Salmonella and E.coli typing, plasmid replicon detection and plasmid typing in real cases of other bacterial and pathogen genomes.\n10. Explain the concept and be able to use the integrated bacterial analysis pipeline for batch analysis and typing of genomic data\n11. Demonstrate how to construct phylogenetic tree based on SNPs\n12. Apply the phylogenetic tool to construct phylogenetic trees and explain the relatedness of bacterial or pathogen strains\n13. Describe how to create your own sequence database\n14. Utilize the MyDbFinder tool to detect genetic markers of interest from whole genome sequencing",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Technical University of Denmark (DTU)"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Data Management and Visualization",
"link": "",
"description": "Whether being used to customize advertising to millions of website visitors or streamline inventory ordering at a small restaurant, data is becoming more integral to success. Too often, we’re not sure how use data to find answers to the questions that will make us more successful in what we do. In this course, you will discover what data is and think about what questions you have that can be answered by the data – even if you’ve never thought about data before. Based on existing data, you will learn to develop a research question, describe the variables and their relationships, calculate basic statistics, and present your results clearly. By the end of the course, you will be able to use powerful data analysis tools – either SAS or Python – to manage and visualize your data, including how to deal with missing data, variable groups, and graphs. Throughout the course, you will share your progress with others to gain valuable feedback, while also learning how your peers use data to answer their own questions.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Wesleyan University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Network Analysis in Systems Biology",
"link": "",
"description": "An introduction to data integration and statistical methods used in contemporary Systems Biology, Bioinformatics and Systems Pharmacology research. The course covers methods to process raw data from genome-wide mRNA expression studies (microarrays and RNA-seq) including data normalization, differential expression, clustering, enrichment analysis and network construction. The course contains practical tutorials for using tools and setting up pipelines, but it also covers the mathematics behind the methods applied within the tools. The course is mostly appropriate for beginning graduate students and advanced undergraduates majoring in fields such as biology, math, physics, chemistry, computer science, biomedical and electrical engineering. The course should be useful for researchers who encounter large datasets in their own research. The course presents software tools developed by the Ma’ayan Laboratory ( from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, but also other freely available data analysis and visualization tools. The ultimate aim of the course is to enable participants to utilize the methods presented in this course for analyzing their own data for their own projects. For those participants that do not work in the field, the course introduces the current research challenges faced in the field of computational systems biology.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Web Development",
"link": "",
"description": "This course is designed to start you on a path toward future studies in web development and design, no matter how little experience or technical knowledge you currently have. The web is a very big place, and if you are the typical internet user, you probably visit several websites every day, whether for business, entertainment or education. But have you ever wondered how these websites actually work? How are they built? How do browsers, computers, and mobile devices interact with the web? What skills are necessary to build a website? With almost 1 billion websites now on the internet, the answers to these questions could be your first step toward a better understanding of the internet and developing a new set of internet skills. \n\nBy the end of this course you’ll be able to describe the structure and functionality of the world wide web, create dynamic web pages using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, apply essential programming language concepts when creating HTML forms, select an appropriate web hosting service, and publish your webpages for the world to see. Finally, you’ll be able to develop a working model for creating your own personal or business websites in the future and be fully prepared to take the next step in a more advanced web development or design course or specialization.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Davis"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Ancient Egypt and Its Civilization",
"link": "",
"description": "Colossal pyramids, imposing temples, golden treasures, enigmatic hieroglyphs, powerful pharaohs, strange gods, and mysterious mummies are features of Ancient Egyptian culture that have fascinated people over the millennia. The Bible refers to its gods, rulers, and pyramids. Neighboring cultures in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean wrote about its god-like kings and its seemingly endless supply of gold. The Greeks and Romans describe aspects of Egypt's culture and history.\n\nAs the 19th century began, the Napoleonic campaign in Egypt highlighted the wonders of this ancient land, and public interest soared. Not long after, Champollion deciphered Egypt's hieroglyphs and paved the way for other scholars to reveal that Egyptian texts dealt with medicine, dentistry, veterinary practices, mathematics, literature, and accounting, and many other topics. Then, early in the 20th century, Howard Carter discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun and its fabulous contents. Exhibitions of this treasure a few decades later resulted in the world's first blockbuster, and its revival in the 21st century has kept interest alive.\n\nJoin Dr. David Silverman, Professor of Egyptology at Penn, Curator in Charge of the Egyptian Section of the Penn Museum, and curator of the Tutankhamun exhibitions on a guided tour of the mysteries and wonders of this ancient land. He has developed this online course and set it in the galleries of the world famous Penn Museum. He uses many original Egyptian artifacts to illustrate his lectures as he guides students as they make their own discovery of this fascinating culture.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Pennsylvania"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "¿Cómo construir mi modelo de negocio?",
"link": "",
"description": "Este curso te ofrece desarrollar un modelo de negocio estructurado, con base en la metodología del Canvas Business Model, para crear una propuesta de valor orientada a los diferentes segmentos identificados como mercado objetivo de tu negocio o empresa. \n\nAl terminar el curso, tendrás un modelo de negocio diferenciado, con una propuesta de valor clara a través de prototipos validados con los consumidores. Vas a estructurar un modelo de negocio que te permitirá obtener un negocio diferenciado, viable y efectivo. \n\nObjetivos de aprendizaje:\n\n1. Construir el modelo de negocio en torno a la propuesta de valor. El modelo de negocio es el sistema de actividades que se debe constituir para lograr que el proyecto emprendedor funcione en la práctica. Sus componentes incluyen la definición del segmento de mercado en el que se va a operar; los canales a través de los cuales se va a llegar al consumidor; las actividades, recursos y aliados del proyecto; y las fuentes de ingresos y costos. \n\n2. Identificar los actores críticos que deben tomar decisiones favorables para el proyecto en cada uno de los componentes del modelo de negocio. Establecer una propuesta de valor diferenciada para cada uno de esos actores.\n\n3. Validar el modelo de negocio en contacto directo con los consumidores y con los diferentes actores, cuyas decisiones son importantes para el proyecto.\n\nTen en cuenta que este curso ha sido diseñado como el segundo de cuatro cursos que hacen parte del programa especializado en “Desarrollo de nuevas empresas” (, cuyo objetivo es brindarte una ruta práctica y accesible para crear y consolidar tu propia empresa, partiendo del análisis de tus ideas, de tus propias habilidades y de las oportunidades que te ofrece tu entorno inmediato. El primer curso del programa se llama \"¿Cómo convertir mi idea en empresa?\" (, te recomendamos que te inscribas y participes en él si no lo has hecho.\n\nPuedes tomar todos los cursos del programa por separado o sólo uno de ellos, sin embargo te recomendamos que te inscribas y participes en los cuatro, ojalá en el orden que te proponemos, de manera que llegues al último curso denominado \"Mi nueva empresa: los siguientes pasos\" preparado para aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en los cursos anteriores y lleves tu emprendimiento o negocio a la realidad.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universidad de los Andes"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction aux droits de l’homme",
"link": "",
"description": "Ce cours propose une introduction à la protection internationale des droits de l’homme. Il en présente les sources, les catégories, le contenu et les limites qui leur sont opposables, ainsi que les obligations qu’ils génèrent à la charge des Etats. Il expose aussi les principaux mécanismes de mise en œuvre prévus au niveau universel et régional pour assurer leur respect. \n\nDepuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, les droits de l’homme sont un domaine en plein essor. De nombreuses causes sont aujourd’hui défendues et débattues sous la bannière des droits de l’homme : la protection des minorités, la lutte contre la discrimination des femmes, des personnes lesbiennes, gaies, bisexuelles et transgenres (LGBT), la lutte contre la torture et les disparitions forcées, la lutte contre la pauvreté ou encore la protection de l’environnement et la protection des données. Partout dans le monde, ces causes mobilisent tant les acteurs politiques que la société civile et elles sont discutées dans de multiples enceintes, nationales et internationales.\n\nLe présent cours vise à offrir les bases nécessaires pour appréhender et comprendre le domaine vaste et complexe que sont devenus les droits de l’homme. Quelles sont les caractéristiques et les différentes catégorie des droits de l’homme ? Quels sont leurs fondements philosophiques et historiques ? Pourquoi ces droits sont-ils importants ? Quels instruments visent à les protéger ? Comment rendre ces droits opérationnels ? Quels mécanismes existent pour les mettre en œuvre et quels sont leurs avantages et leurs inconvénients ?\n\nEn abordant ces questions, le cours s’adresse tant à des membres de la communauté universitaire qu’à des praticiens (responsables politiques, membres du corps diplomatique, fonctionnaires, journalistes, membres d’ONG, défenseurs des droits de l’homme et spécialistes de la coopération au développement, de l’aide humanitaire et des questions relatives aux réfugiés), ainsi qu’à toutes les personnes qui sont engagées dans la protection des droits de l’homme ou simplement désireuses de mieux comprendre ce phénomène.\n\nLe cours est conçu et dispensé par les Professeurs Maya Hertig Randall et Michel Hottelier, de la Faculté de droit de l’Université de Genève. Durant le cours, des membres d’organes et institutions voués à la protection des droits de l’homme et des spécialistes de la communauté académique seront invités à intervenir.\n\nLe cours est donné en français. Il consiste en une série de 8 sessions, comprenant chacune un certain nombre de brèves présentations vidéo (8 à 15 minutes). Chaque session s'accompagne d'un questionnaire d'évaluation. Des lectures préparatoires sont requises pour chaque session.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Geneva"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Methods and Statistics in Social Science - Final Research Project",
"link": "",
"description": "The Final Research Project consists of a research study that you will perform in collaboration with fellow learners. Together you will formulate a research hypothesis and design, come up with operationalizations, create manipulation and measurement instruments, collect data, perform statistical analyses and document the results. \n\nIn this course you will go through the entire research process and will be able to help determine what research question we will investigate and how we design and perform the research. This is an invaluable experience if you want to be able to critically evaluate scientific research in the social and behavioral sciences or design and perform your own studies in the future.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Amsterdam"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Better Business Writing in English",
"link": "",
"description": "Do you need to write more easily and effectively in English? This course will provide the tools to help you do just that. You will develop your personal voice in your writing. You will develop strategies to plan and produce clear, understandable text. You will learn and practice specific writing skills to use in different types of business communications including cover letters, mission and vision statements, proposals , instructions and reports. You will organize, design and write clear text for Power Point Productions. Writing skills include how to choose correct noun and noun modifiers; how to choose correct verb forms and tenses; how to write a variety of clauses and sentences.\n\nAs you work through the course, you will complete self- and peer-evaluations. Many of the peer assignments will have 2 or more options so that you can choose the best path depending on your current situation. Through a combination of lectures, quizzes, supplementary resources, practice and performance, you’ll gain the skills and confidence to write well in English for your business and professional purposes.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Georgia Institute of Technology"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Diseño de Videojuegos: Una introducción",
"link": "",
"description": "¡Hola!\n \n¡Bienvenidos a Diseño de videojuegos: una introducción! El diseño de videojuegos es el arte de aplicar conceptos de diseño para crear la interacción entre jugadores. Es un ejercicio mental que requiere varios conocimientos en diferentes campos y la habilidad de comunicar qué es lo que se quiere lograr.\n \nEste curso hace parte del Programa desarrollo y diseño de videojuegos, de la Universidad de lo Andes, Colombia. En este ambiente de aprendizaje los estudiantes aprenderán las bases del diseño de videojuegos, aplicarán éstas al diseño de juegos de acción y de plataformas en 2D y prepararán una especificación funcional en un documento de 10 puntos y no más de 10 páginas. Al final deben presentar un prototipo funcional en Unity del juego.\n \nSe recomienda que los participantes hayan visto el curso de \"Desarrollo de videojuegos en Unity: una Introducción\", pues para el desarrollo de los prototipos deberán tener conocimientos de programación en este motor de desarrollo de ambientes lúdicos y bajo control del usuario.\n\nTen en cuenta que este curso ha sido diseñado como el segundo de cinco cursos que hacen parte del programa especializado en Desarrollo y Diseño de Videojuegos. Puedes tomar todos los cursos por separado o sólo uno de ellos, sin embargo te recomendamos que te inscribas y participes en los cinco, ojalá en el orden que te proponemos, de manera que llegues al último curso denominado \"Desarrollo y Diseño de Videojuegos: proyecto final\" preparado para aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en los cursos anteriores. \n\nPara inscribirte únicamente a este curso debes ir a la página del mismo: Haz click en el botón azul de la izquierda \"Enroll now\" o \"Inscribirse ahora\", donde podrás elegir si deseas tomar el curso pagando por la certificación con una suscripción mensual o anual, en cuyo caso debes hacer unas evaluaciones adicionales obligatorias y cumplir con los otros requisitos de certificación; o si deseas auditarlo, es decir acceder al contenido sin pagar por el certificado o suscripción.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universidad de los Andes"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Bajemos la temperatura: De la ciencia climática a la acción",
"link": "",
"description": "Todas las regiones del mundo se enfrentan a vulnerabilidades concretas ante el cambio climático y tienen diversas oportunidades de mitigar los efectos y aumentar su resiliencia en el siglo XXI. La comunidad internacional ha expresado su intención de actuar al respecto mediante el Acuerdo de París en la 21ª Conferencia de las Partes en la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático. De hecho, décadas de avances en desarrollo se ven amenazadas si no se adoptan medidas contra el cambio climático, lo que significa que nos encontramos en un momento de «ahora o nunca». Este curso presenta las pruebas científicas más recientes sobre el cambio climático, explica los distintos efectos de alcance regional y difunde estrategias de acción contra el cambio climático, así como oportunidades para que pueda tomar medidas en relación con el cambio climático.\n\nAcerca del curso\n\nEste MOOC orientado a la acción le brindará la oportunidad de conocer los efectos del cambio climático a escala regional y las estrategias sectoriales específicas utilizadas para aumentar la resiliencia y avanzar hacia un futuro con bajas emisiones de carbono. Tendrá la oportunidad de estudiar a fondo estas cuestiones y adaptar su experiencia de aprendizaje a una o varias de las siguientes regiones:\n\n•\tAmérica Latina y el Caribe\n•\tÁfrica Subsahariana\n•\tOriente Medio y Norte de África\n•\tEuropa Oriental y Asia Central\n•\tAsia Oriental y el Pacífico\n•\tAsia Meridional\n\nPara ello el MOOC reúne a reconocidos científicos y responsables políticos que ofrecerán un resumen de las últimas pruebas científicas sobre el cambio climático, estrategias de desarrollo con bajas emisiones de carbono y capacidad de adaptación al cambio climático a escala regional entre sectores, así como un análisis del Acuerdo de París y otros de los resultados de la 21ª Conferencia de las Partes.\nPrograma del curso\n\nDescripción \n\nBajemos la temperatura: La ciencia climática pasa a la acción se divide en cuatro semanas. En las primeras dos semanas se presentará una visión global de las pruebas científicas del cambio climático, que irá seguida de perspectivas específicas de cada región sobre los efectos de un aumento de la temperatura en el mundo en el siglo XXI. Las últimas dos semanas se centrarán en las estrategias de acción emprendidas en distintas regiones y países para abordar el desafío climático, y sobre cómo puede actuar la población de manera individual.\n\nSemana 1: El cambio climático en el siglo XXI\n\n•\tCambios históricos y previstos observados en el sistema climático en los últimos años del siglo XXI.\n•\tEl potencial de contribución prevista determinada a nivel nacional (CPDN) presentada en la 21ª Conferencia de las Partes por parte de 187 países para inducir a la acción climática.\n•\tTendencias de los efectos del cambio climático, entre otros la pérdida de la capa de hielo del Ártico, el deshielo de los glaciares, el aumento de las olas de calor y las temperaturas extremas, la sequía y la aridez. \n•\tLas posibles respuestas de los sistemas naturales, explicando cómo el calentamiento podría dar lugar al aumento del nivel del mar, a olas de calor y temperaturas extremas, y a la acidificación de los océanos.\n\nSemana 2: Efectos de alcance sectorial y regional\n\n•\tRepercusiones en sectores clave del desarrollo —desde el calentamiento por encima de la temperatura de la época preindustrial y tendencias climáticas previstas— en cada una de las regiones del mundo.\n•\tRepercusiones sectoriales centradas en la producción agrícola, los recursos hídricos, los servicios de los ecosistemas y la vulnerabilidad de las zonas costeras para las poblaciones afectadas. \n•\tImportancia de los riesgos que pueden invertir los logros de desarrollo obtenidos con tanto esfuerzo y atrapar en la pobreza a millones de personas, ilustrando la necesidad de actuar ya con urgencia.\n\nSemana 3: La ciencia climática pasa a la acción en materia de cambio climático\n\n•\tDebates sobre regiones específicas en torno a las acciones de mitigación necesarias para reducir las emisiones a la vez que se disminuye la vulnerabilidad ante los efectos del cambio climático por medio de la adaptación y el aumento de la resiliencia al clima.\n•\tPerspectivas de expertos regionales sobre sus experiencias con estrategias y acciones propuestas en cada región para contribuir a la transición hacia una senda de desarrollo con bajas emisiones y resiliente al clima. \n\nSemana 4: Qué puede hacer\n\n•\tEfecto transformador de los cambios diarios a escala mundial\n•\tLa razón de actuar ahora, actuar juntos y actuar de un modo diferente\n•\tEjemplos y beneficios esperados de las políticas de mitigación y adaptación, teniendo en cuenta las contribuciones a las reducciones de las emisiones a escala mundial y las oportunidades de desarrollo a escala local\n\nAparte de los principales recursos y asignaciones, podrá optar por aprovechar aún más el curso participando en ejercicios divertidos opcionales, interconexiones y debates, y sumergiéndose a fondo en nuestra rica selección de recursos complementarios. Tendrá la oportunidad de estudiar a fondo estas cuestiones y adaptar su experiencia de aprendizaje a una o varias de las siguientes regiones:\n\n•\tAmérica Latina y el Caribe\n•\tÁfrica Subsahariana\n•\tOriente Medio y Norte de África\n•\tEuropa Oriental y Asia Central\n•\tAsia Oriental y el Pacífico\n•\tAsia Meridional\n\nFormación recomendada\n\nNo es necesario ningún conocimiento previo El contenido de este curso está diseñado para ser accesible para estudiantes de cualquier materia.\n\nConectar\n\nComunique y comparta recursos a través de Twitter utilizando la etiqueta #learnclimate. Registre una cuenta gratuita en\n\nFormato del curso\n\nLa estructura de este MOOC es semanal, con recursos, actividades y ejercicios diseñados para que participe en ellos durante cada una de las cuatro semanas del curso. Cada semana encontrará un conjunto de material didáctico, entre otros: \n\n•\tConversaciones de vídeo interactivas de reconocidos científicos y profesionales estudiosos del clima. \n•\tRecursos: actividades interactivas principales, opcionales (inmersión a fondo) y divertidas sobre el tema de la semana.\n•\tCuestionarios para comprobar su conocimiento, reforzar el material de la lección y proporcionar respuestas inmediatas.\n•\tAsignaciones que perfeccionarán sus capacidades de análisis, reflexión y comunicación.\n•\tForos de debate y redes sociales que permiten la colaboración con personas de todo el mundo, enriqueciendo la interacción entre los participantes.\n•\tUna sesión interactiva de Google Hangouts en directo con expertos internacionales que participarán en una sesión de preguntas y respuestas sobre el cambio climático.\n•\tComo proyecto final, creará un artefacto digital.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The World Bank Group"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Successful Career Development",
"link": "",
"description": "No matter the professional level, we can all benefit from learning how to succeed in our careers. Whether a well-seasoned professional, a management trainee, or a service level employee, this course will help you enrich your career by honing your professional behavior and networking. \n\nThrough industry expert support and resources, this course is designed to prepare you for success in any chosen career. You will develop the habits and attitudes you need to perform effectively in the job market. You will identify a mentor to add value to your career. You will analyze your relationships and develop a practical approach for engaging your LinkedIn network. You will differentiate between networking and networking with intention. You will also discover the most effective ways to ask for help from your peer or professional group. Finally, you will evaluate the best methods of adjusting your career path at various stages of life.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University System of Georgia"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Words Spun Out of Images: Visual and Literary Culture in Nineteenth Century Japan",
"link": "",
"description": "In their ambition to capture “real life,” Japanese painters, poets, novelists and photographers of the nineteenth century collaborated in ways seldom explored by their European contemporaries. This course offers learners the chance to encounter and appreciate behavior, moral standards and some of the material conditions surrounding Japanese artists in the nineteenth century, in order to renew our assumptions about what artistic “realism” is and what it meant.\n\nLearners will walk away with a clear understanding of how society and the individual were conceived of and represented in early modern Japan. Unlike contemporary western art forms, which acknowledge their common debt as “sister arts” but remain divided by genre and discourse, Japanese visual and literary culture tended to combine, producing literary texts inspired by visual images, and visual images which would then be inscribed with poems and prose. Noticing and being able to interpret this indivisibility of visual/literary cultures is essential in understanding the social and psychological values embedded within the beauty of Japanese art.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The University of Tokyo"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "大学化学",
"link": "",
"description": "本课程是北京大学开设的一门在线大学化学基础课,主要面向具有大学水平的化学初学者。课程内容基本涵盖全部基础化学概念。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Peking University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Sharpened Visions: A Poetry Workshop",
"link": "",
"description": "Why just write poems when you can write better ones? This course is built on the notion that the most exciting writing begins after the first draft. It is specifically for folks who believe that writing poems just to express oneself is like using the Internet just for email. After all, poetry can change the way you and your readers think of the world and its inhabitants; it can break new ground for language; turn a blank sheet of paper into a teeming concert of voices and music.\n\nThough any of us may have the potential to make that happen, having an understanding of how several tools of poetic composition can be used (and audaciously “mis-used”) gives you more ways to try (and if we do this right, we might surprise ourselves most of all). \n\nWe'll cover key poetic terms and devices by studying poems by a handful of modern and contemporary poets and then get a chance to try our own hand at writing new poem drafts from a select number of prompts. Throughout the course you will have the opportunity to workshop your poem drafts and get feedback on your work, working towards a more polished poem.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"California Institute of the Arts"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Computational Investing, Part I",
"link": "",
"description": "Why do the prices of some companies’ stocks seem to move up and down together while others move separately? What does portfolio “diversification” really mean and how important is it? What should the price of a stock be? How can we discover and exploit the relationships between equity prices automatically? We’ll examine these questions, and others, from a computational point of view. You will learn many of the principles and algorithms that hedge funds and investment professionals use to maximize return and reduce risk in equity portfolios.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Georgia Institute of Technology"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "International Law in Action: A Guide to the International Courts and Tribunals in The Hague",
"link": "",
"description": "International Law in Action explains the functions of each international court and tribunal present in The Hague, and it looks at how these institutions address contemporary problems. On the basis of selected cases, and through interviews with judges and lawyers, you will explore the role of these courts and tribunals and their potential to contribute to global justice. \n\nThe first module of the course will investigate how judicial settlement is different from other more political forms of dispute settlement, such as negotiation and mediation. It offers a brief historical overview and introduces the judicial and arbitral bodies based in The Hague. In the remaining modules you will learn about the functions of these courts and tribunals, and some of the challenges and prospects that they face. Three cross-cutting themes tie together all of these modules: (i) The interaction between law and politics; (ii) The continuing role of State consent; and (iii) The ability of international courts and tribunals to protect the public interest and global values.\n\nThis course offers you an opportunity to gain a better insight into the functions and features of the courts and tribunals present in The Hague. You will gain a familiarity with each court or tribunal. You will develop realistic expectations of their capacity to address contemporary problems and an awareness of their limitations. You will also be able to discuss some of their most prominent cases. \n\nIf you would like to have a better understanding of international law in action in The Hague, this is definitely the course for you!\n\nThis course is free to join and to participate in. There is the possibility to get a verified certificate for the course, which is a paid option. If you want a certificate, but are unable to pay for it, you can request financial aid via Coursera",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universiteit Leiden"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Act on Climate: Steps to Individual, Community, and Political Action",
"link": "",
"description": "Are you concerned about climate change? Would you like to learn how to address and respond to this challenge? If so, this course is for you. \n\nAct on Climate: Steps to Individual, Community, and Political Action is intended to help learners understand, address and respond to climate change as individuals and in partnership with their communities and political leaders. The course focuses on how to translate learning into action on climate change in the areas of food, energy, transportation and the built environment (cities). This course was co-developed and taught by Michaela Zint, Professor of Environmental Education and Communication, and University of Michigan Students. A range of academic climate change experts and professional leaders are featured.\n\nAs a result of completing this course, you will be able to:\n\n1) Identify individual, community, and political actions you can engage in to effectively address and respond to climate change.\n\n2) Describe how insights from the social sciences can be employed to create change at the individual, community, and political levels.\n\n3) Feel empowered to continue to influence how you, your community, and political leaders address and respond to climate change.\n\nUse #UMichActonClimate on social media to share what you're doing and connect with other learners.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Michigan"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "東亞儒學:孟子二 (East Asian Confucianisms: Mencius 2)",
"link": "",
"description": "本課程希望透過對《孟子》原典的解讀,使學生發現中國傳統文化的精髓與深刻的人文意涵,並能對應其所處的21世紀全球化時代,領悟經典的現代意義,使其知識得到深刻的啟發,生命也能獲得厚實的成長。\n\n課程內容將帶領同學從戰國至唐、宋、明、清與孟子對話。在對話中,照見自己身處的時代困境,並思索出合宜的處世原則,例如:朱子、陽明都曾藉由與孟子思想的對話,學習孟子的人生智慧,以因應其時代環境之困境。\n\n學生修習本課程,除可了解孟子以強靭的生命力,剛正不阿的性格批判他所處的時代,並試圖改變時代。也可認識孟子抱著堅定的使命感,在政治轉型、社會重組、經濟發展的戰國時代,強力批判急功近利的社會風氣,那種以天下為己任的精神,是值得現今知識分子效法的人格典範。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National Taiwan University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Teaching the Violin and Viola: Creating a Healthy Foundation",
"link": "",
"description": "Join us as we explore the fundamental principles and early stages of teaching violin and viola through a series of engaging video lectures and lesson demonstrations, including: 1) Master classes with some of the world’s top string pedagogues, 2) Individual lesson demos of teaching violin/viola set up, left and right hand technique and pieces from the early violin/viola repertoire, 3) Group lesson demos of teaching music theory, ear training and fun activities that encourage good playing habits, and 4) A “field trip” to the violin shop, where we will outfit a new beginning student with a proper instrument and bow. You’ll also engage in a series of discussions and reflections with colleagues and peers across the globe. Upon completion of this course, we hope you’ll return to your studio with confidence, a new curriculum, and a renewed approach to sharing with your students the joyful experience of making beautiful music.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Northwestern University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Wind Energy",
"link": "",
"description": "How tall is a modern wind turbine and how can it possibly generate power from the wind? This course gives an overview of key aspects in wind energy engineering. Whether you are looking for general insight in this green technology or your ambition is to pursue a career in wind energy engineering, 'Wind Energy' is an excellent starting point. \n\nExperts located in the wind pioneering country of Denmark will take you on a tour through the most fundamental disciplines of wind energy research such as wind measurements and resource assessment, aerodynamics, wind turbine technology, structural mechanics, materials, financial and electrical systems. \n\nYou will gain a rational understanding of wind energy engineering and, through hands-on exercises, you will learn to perform wind energy calculations based on simple models. Working with the different course disciplines will give you a taste of what wind energy engineering is all about. This allows you to identify the most interesting or relevant aspects of wind energy engineering to be pursued in your future studies or in your professional career.\n\nView our video:",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Technical University of Denmark (DTU)"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Write Like Mozart: An Introduction to Classical Music Composition",
"link": "",
"description": "This course introduces students to strategies for style writing of common practice European art music. The issues of harmonic progression, voice leading, and texture are addressed in addition to relevant compositional concepts like repetition, variation, and elaboration. The course aims to offer a creative space even within the restrictions of stylistic emulation.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National University of Singapore"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "真格—北大在线创业课堂",
"link": "",
"description": "《真格北大创业课》是真格基金与北京大学国家发展研究院首次联合开发的中文“慕课”(MOOC, Massive Open Online Course,大型公开在线课程)。课程以创业为主题,共分为三个部分:创业前的准备工作,创业中的要点,以及融资、众筹的技巧等。此课程的目的是让所有有创业意愿的或者刚刚起步的创业者更好地了解现在中国创业行业的氛围,以及创业初期不得不知的干货。每节课都凝结了真格基金业内专家和北京大学资深教授的丰富知识,也包括多位成功创业者的实践经验。完成本课程之时,你将能够为自己绝妙的创意找到切实可行的商业模式,组建能力出色行动高效的团队,撰写专业具体可执行的策划书。在课程的最后,我们希望所有的学员可以完成一份完整的商业计划书,把自己的创业想法有效地表达出来。成功完成慕课的学生会得到由Coursera提供的真格基金与北京大学联合认证的付费认证书,并且其商业计划书会得到真格基金的认真考虑。\n\n课程特点:\n•\t真格基金与北京大学国家发展研究院联合开发的首部中文“慕课”\n•\t徐小平、王强领衔,多位来自国内知名机构的专家和成功创业公司的创始人亲授\n•\t北京大学国家发展研究院BiMBA商学院张黎院长、杨壮院长对创业者倾力指导\n\n•\t专注于创业的在线课程\n•\t注重实践,最鲜活的案例教学\n•\t充分利用碎片化时间学习,每节课15分钟以内,每周仅需1-2个小时学习时间\n•\t无需相关教育或工作背景,对所有人开放\n \n参与本课程,您将收获:\n•\t12位知名公益专家亲自设计的教学内容、资料\n•\t加入讨论区,与业内专家、资深教授和同行互动的机会\n•\t对中国创业大环境的进一步了解\n•\t为自己绝妙的创意找到切实可行的商业模式\n\n•\t组建能力出色行动高效的团队\n•\t撰写专业具体可执行的策划书\n•\t您在课程结束时提交的商业计划书将得到真格基金的认真考虑\n\n除此之外,完成课程的同学可以获得由课程平台提供方Coursera颁发的付费认证证书(电子版)。获得认证证书要求同学们总体得分超过80%,并需向Coursera支付$29美金的费用。您可以先免费注册课程,开始学习课程后再选择支付证书费用。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Peking University",
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Understanding China, 1700-2000: A Data Analytic Approach, Part 2",
"link": "",
"description": "The purpose of this course is to summarize new directions in Chinese history and social science produced by the creation and analysis of big historical datasets based on newly opened Chinese archival holdings, and to organize this knowledge in a framework that encourages learning about China in comparative perspective.\n\nOur course demonstrates how a new scholarship of discovery is redefining what is singular about modern China and modern Chinese history. Current understandings of human history and social theory are based largely on Western experience or on non-Western experience seen through a Western lens. This course offers alternative perspectives derived from Chinese experience over the last three centuries. We present specific case studies of this new scholarship of discovery divided into two stand-alone parts, which means that students can take any part without prior or subsequent attendance of the other part.\n\nPart 1 ( focuses on comparative inequality and opportunity and addresses two related questions ‘Who rises to the top?’ and ‘Who gets what?’. \n\nPart 2 (this course) turns to an arguably even more important question ‘Who are we?’ as seen through the framework of comparative population behavior - mortality, marriage, and reproduction – and their interaction with economic conditions and human values. We do so because mortality and reproduction are fundamental and universal, because they differ historically just as radically between China and the West as patterns of inequality and opportunity, and because these differences demonstrate the mutability of human behavior and values.\n\nCourse Overview video:",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Image and Video Processing: From Mars to Hollywood with a Stop at the Hospital",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course, you will learn the science behind how digital images and video are made, altered, stored, and used. We will look at the vast world of digital imaging, from how computers and digital cameras form images to how digital special effects are used in Hollywood movies to how the Mars Rover was able to send photographs across millions of miles of space.\n \nThe course starts by looking at how the human visual system works and then teaches you about the engineering, mathematics, and computer science that makes digital images work. You will learn the basic algorithms used for adjusting images, explore JPEG and MPEG standards for encoding and compressing video images, and go on to learn about image segmentation, noise removal and filtering. Finally, we will end with image processing techniques used in medicine.\n \nThis course consists of 7 basic modules and 2 bonus (non-graded) modules. There are optional MATLAB exercises; learners will have access to MATLAB Online for the course duration. Each module is independent, so you can follow your interests.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Duke University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "The Art of Music Production",
"link": "",
"description": "Explore the art of record production and how to make recordings that other people will love listening to. This course will teach you how to make emotionally moving recordings on almost any recording equipment, including your phone or laptop. The emphasis is on mastering tangible artistic concepts; the gear you use is up to you. You will learn to develop the most important tool in the recording studio: your ears. You will learn to enhance every aspect of your own productions, both sonically and musically, by employing deeper listening skills. \n\nAssignments will include posting your own recordings for peer review, and reviewing your classmates’ work by employing specific tools and strategies. If you use a digital audio workstation to record and mix, that’s great, but as long as you can record into your computer and post an MP3, you can complete the assignments. \n\nAs you learn about the art of record production in this 4-week course, you will also learn about yourself and who you are as an artist and producer. It is not necessary that you read music or play an instrument to take this course.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Enseignes et afficheurs à LED",
"link": "",
"description": "Comprendre le fonctionnement des enseignes et des afficheurs à LED, depuis les petites enseignes à motifs fixes jusqu'aux écrans géants à LED. Apprendre à les fabriquer et à les programmer les microcontrôleurs qui les pilotent.\n\nCe cours va vous permettre de comprendre comment fonctionnent les enseignes et les afficheurs à LED, depuis les montages les plus simples jusqu’aux des matrices de LED multicolores. Les concepts électroniques nécessaire vous seront donnés, ainsi qu’une introduction aux microcontrôleurs, tant du point de vue matériel que pour la programmation en C.\n\nChaque semaine, il vous sera possible de programmer des enseignes et afficheurs à distance et voir le résultat par vidéo.\n\nVous serez encouragés à fabriquer vos propres enseignes et afficheurs. Des techniques de réalisation de complexitié progressive vous seront proposées.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Democracia y decisiones públicas. Introducción al análisis de políticas públicas",
"link": "",
"description": "¿Qué son las políticas públicas? Son la plasmación más concreta de la política. Lo que los gobiernos hacen, y dejan de hacer, para hacer frente a los problemas colectivos. Este curso trata sobre cómo se decide qué problemas abordar y qué soluciones adoptar. Un proceso primordialmente político y social que suele escapar al análisis puramente racional.\n\nA lo largo del curso analizaremos por qué algunos problemas adquieren la categoría de problemas públicos mientras que otros no llegan a captar la atención, describiremos la pugna política que suele haber tras la descripción e interpretación de los problemas, identificaremos el complejo entramado de actores dispuestos a influir en la adopción de las políticas públicas, y cómo las discrepancias se suelen extender más allá de la toma de decisiones y hasta la aplicación práctica de la política pública. Trataremos también sobre las grandes dificultades que padecen gobiernos y actores sociales para llegar a saber si las políticas que se llevan a cabo son realmente útiles y cómo aprender a mejorar su rendimiento.\n\n Los objetivos de este curso son:\n1.\tMostrar a los alumnos un número de casos reales que ilustran la complejidad de los procesos de adopción de las políticas públicas, y cómo estos procesos pueden ser incoherentes con los modelos racionales de toma de decisiones.\n2.\tTransmitir a los alumnos los fundamentos e instrumental del análisis de políticas públicas para que puedan afrontar creativamente problemas del mundo real.\n3.\tContribuir a que los alumnos sean ciudadanos conocedores del funcionamiento de los sistemas democráticos.\n\n\nPor ello, el curso se dirige a todas las personas interesadas en los problemas colectivos, así como a aquellas que quieran convertirse en participantes influyentes en el proceso de formación de las políticas, ya sea como analistas, funcionarios públicos, trabajadores del tercer sector, o como ciudadanos comprometidos en causas políticas. También se dirige a estudiantes que se dispongan a iniciar estudios de grado o postgrado en administración pública, gestión pública o análisis de políticas públicas.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Ethical Social Media ",
"link": "",
"description": "Social media connects us across space and time, allowing us to find like-minded communities and participate creatively in public life as never before. We may often use social media without thinking much about the possible consequences. But there is a shadow side associated with social media use, which takes the form of hate speech, increased surveillance, lack of anonymity and questionable use of our data. What do we need to know to use social media spaces effectively, in a way that is safe and productive for all?\n\nThis course will guide you into a deeper exploration of online identity, social media communities and their users. You will examine the ways that social media is being used by public institutions such as government to build participation and conversation with audiences. You will encounter the most common ethical debates in social media. \n\nYou will also have the opportunity to build your practical skills by developing your professional social media profile, defining your audience, building your social media influence and understanding how to interpret data analytics to \"listen\" and communicate well.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The University of Sydney"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Thoracic Oncology",
"link": "",
"description": "Thoracic malignancies are major, global health problems. Lung cancer is the most common cancer and cause of cancer death in the world, with more than 1.5 million deaths per year. More Americans will die from lung cancer each year (approximately 159,480) than from colon, breast, pancreatic, and prostate cancer combined (approximately 158,630), the next most common causes of cancer death. Esophageal cancer is the 6th most common cause of cancer deaths worldwide, and the 4th most common cause in developing nations.\n\nThis course will provide a comprehensive, multidisciplinary introduction to state of the art approaches in the care of patients with thoracic malignancies, including various types of lung cancers and esophageal cancers. Didactic material will cover epidemiology, screening and diagnosis, staging, imaging, radiation therapy, systemic therapy, surgery, psychiatry, and patient support topics. \n\nThis is an on-demand course with integrated learning units that are focused on specific topics. Each unit contains several video lectures with interactive questions and is followed by a short quiz.\n\nPrerequisites: None required although basic medical training in some field related to thoracic oncology would be helpful.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Michigan"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "计算机辅助翻译原理与实践 Principles and Practice of Computer-Aided Translation",
"link": "",
"description": "现代语言服务行业要求从业人员必须具有利用计算机及网络来使用各类技术辅助工具帮助其工作的能力,而不是仅仅学会几款狭义的计算机辅助翻译软件。\n\n本课程主要讲授计算机辅助翻译技术的基础概念,学习多种计算机辅助翻译工具的使用方法,锻炼学生在技术环境下从事翻译工作等各类语言服务工作的能力,帮助学生理解信息化时代的语言服务工作。\n\n课程完整涵盖现代语言服务的基本情况介绍、翻译技术基本概念、语言服务项目执行过程的信息环境与信息技术、如何利用电子辞典、网络资源及语料库工具辅助翻译工作、狭义和广义的计算机辅助翻译工具原理及实战演练、翻译内容质量评定、多人协同翻译项目、翻译管理等多方面的内容。作为翻译类专业学生的必修课程,本课程适合语言类专业学生学习。通过课程的学习,有助于学习者了解现代语言服务行业,增强各类计算机辅助翻译工具的使用技能,提高包括翻译工作在内的各类语言服务工作的效率。\n\n该课程是“北大-德稻网络公开课程”中的一门,由北京大学与德稻教育联合提供。\n\n本课程同时受到“语言能力协同创新计划”资助和支持。\n\nThose who work in modern language service industry are required to be capable of using computers and Internet to aid their translation job by adapting a variety of efficient tools, rather than just using word processor tools and several basic computer-aided translation software.\n\nThis course teaches the basic concepts of computer-aided translation technology, helps students learn to use a variety of computer-aided translation tools, enhances their ability to engage in various kinds of language service in such a technical environment, and helps them understand what the modern language service industry looks like.\n\nThis course covers introduction to modern language services industry, basic principles and concepts of translation technology, information technology used in the process of language translation, how to use electronic dictionaries, Internet resources and corpus tools, practice of different computer-aided translation tools, translation quality assessment, basic concepts of machine translation, globalization, localization and so on. As a compulsory course for students majoring in Translation and Interpreting, this course is also suitable for students with or without language major background. By learning this course, students can better understand modern language service industry and their work efficiency will be improved for them to better deliver translation service.\n\nThe course is one of the PKU-DeTao MOOCs, which is a joint effort by Peking University and DeTao Masters Academy.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Peking University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Data Science Math Skills",
"link": "",
"description": "Data science courses contain math—no avoiding that! This course is designed to teach learners the basic math you will need in order to be successful in almost any data science math course and was created for learners who have basic math skills but may not have taken algebra or pre-calculus. Data Science Math Skills introduces the core math that data science is built upon, with no extra complexity, introducing unfamiliar ideas and math symbols one-at-a-time. \n\nLearners who complete this course will master the vocabulary, notation, concepts, and algebra rules that all data scientists must know before moving on to more advanced material.\n\nTopics include:\n~Set theory, including Venn diagrams\n~Properties of the real number line\n~Interval notation and algebra with inequalities\n~Uses for summation and Sigma notation\n~Math on the Cartesian (x,y) plane, slope and distance formulas\n~Graphing and describing functions and their inverses on the x-y plane,\n~The concept of instantaneous rate of change and tangent lines to a curve\n~Exponents, logarithms, and the natural log function.\n~Probability theory, including Bayes’ theorem.\n\nWhile this course is intended as a general introduction to the math skills needed for data science, it can be considered a prerequisite for learners interested in the course, \"Mastering Data Analysis in Excel,\" which is part of the Excel to MySQL Data Science Specialization. Learners who master Data Science Math Skills will be fully prepared for success with the more advanced math concepts introduced in \"Mastering Data Analysis in Excel.\" \n\nGood luck and we hope you enjoy the course!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Duke University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "少年福利與權利 (Welfare and Rights of Youth)",
"link": "",
"description": "課程介紹 (About the course)\n                 世上有許多事可以等待\n                  但孩子是不能等的\n                 他的骨在長,他的血在生\n                   他的意識在形成\n               我們對他的一切不能答以「明天」\n                  他的名字是「今天」\n                -智利詩人Gabriela Mistral\n\n  少年是我們國家未來的「希望」,如何提供他們一個健全發展的環境是各國致力的目標。本課程旨在探討當今少年的基本福利與權利,以及其所面臨的各種問題與挑戰,並討論影響少年問題產生之相關因素,以及社會工作領域在處理少年問題時所採用的對策。此外,也將探討相關少年福利政策的意義與對社工實務的影響,並將強調以社會工作的觀點來深入討論上述各項與少年有關的議題或問題、影響問題形成的因素以及預防和輔導少年問題相關對策。 課程涵蓋國內外相關論述。\n\n課程目標有:\n1)\t 對於少年之福利、權利議題有正確的認識。\n2)\t 建立對少年族群正確的觀念,破除相關迷思與刻板印象。\n3)\t 具備社會工作基礎專業知識來同理並協助處遇少年福利相關議題。\n4)\t 能夠發揮社會正義的精神來倡導少年權利維護之相關議題。\n\n授課形式 (Course format)\n  本堂課將以演講影片為主,其中也包含實務工作者經驗分享與個案分析等,並穿插選擇題項的問題討論,帶動同學能將課堂知識與生活經驗連結、反思。此外,同學也必須完成線上討論與作業繳交,以及至少需觀看其他兩位同學的作業並給予評論。\n\n修課背景要求 (Recommended background)\n  修習本課程的同學,不需專業基礎,只要具備基本中文閱讀與寫作能力,並對少年福利、權利及社會工作方法有興趣即可。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National Taiwan University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Developing Relationships",
"link": "",
"description": "One focus of the course is to help you develop strong relationships with families to enable them to support children’s learning. Positive relationships with your students enable you not only to teach them but also to get to know them as individuals. Positive relationships with colleagues and school leaders are necessary to help the school improve.\n\nThis course is part of the Foundations of Teaching for Learning program which is designed to assist people who are currently teaching but have had no formal teacher education improve their understanding of their role and work as a teacher. This set of courses will enhance your knowledge and understanding about learning and teaching and what makes a teacher a professional. \nPractical activities are provided to assist you in using what you have learned to improve your teaching practice. While these are optional, it is strongly recommended that you undertake them if at all possible.\n\nOf particular importance is a guide to the development of a portfolio to help you organize and document your thinking about what you have learned. In addition, you may be able to use the portfolio to access other opportunities in the future.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Commonwealth Education Trust"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Fashion as Design",
"link": "",
"description": "Among all objects of design, our clothes are the most universal and intimate. Like other kinds of design, fashion thrives on productive tensions between form and function, automation and craftsmanship, standardization and customization, universality and self-expression, and pragmatism and utopian vision. It exists in the service of others, and it can have profound consequences—social, political, cultural, economic, and environmental.\n\nFashion as Design focuses on a selection of more than 70 garments and accessories from around the world, ranging from kente cloth to jeans to 3D-printed dresses. Through these garments, we’re going to look closely at what we wear, why we wear it, how it’s made, and what it means. You’ll hear directly from a range of designers, makers, historians, and others working with clothing every day—and, in some cases, reinventing it for the future. Studio visits, interviews, and other resources introduce the history and development of each garment and their changing uses, meanings, and impact over time. \n\nCourse Learning Objectives:\n\nDevelop critical tools to appreciate and contextualize fashion design—from everyday clothing to couture garments—through many different perspectives. \n\nTrace the history, development, and impact of garments over time, and explore how they may be reinvented.\n\nInvestigate garments through multiple lenses including politics, identity, and economics. \n\nUnderstand more about the lifecycle of clothing, from its design and production to its marketing, distribution, and consumption. \n\nBetter comprehend the choices you make about fashion with respect to the visual language of dress, individual and collective identities, and issues such as labor practices, sustainability, and body politics.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The Museum of Modern Art"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Creativity, Innovation, and Change",
"link": "",
"description": "Let’s keep making history together - over and over!\n\nIn 2013 and 2014, over 200,000 people from more than 190 countries came together in this MOOC to explore creativity, innovation, and change.\n\nWhat did we DO?\nWe discovered creative uniqueness through Creative Diversity.\nWe used Intelligent Fast Failure to build innovative skills.\nWe applied CENTER principles to drive personal change.\nAnd we implemented value creation skills to initiate lasting change.\n\nThat was CIC 1.0 and CIC 2.0, and it was a BLAST!\n\nNow we’re back - and even better than before - with some new faces and fresh ideas to help you develop your creative potential, so you can enhance and transform your business, your community, and your personal life.\nThis is CIC On-demand … we’re ready to ROCK … AND we are always open!\n\nRecommended Readings\nInnovate or Die - Jack Matson:\nCENTER - Darrell Velegol:",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The Pennsylvania State University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Software Processes and Agile Practices",
"link": "",
"description": "This course delves into a variety of processes to structure software development. It also covers the foundations of core Agile practices, such as Extreme Programming and Scrum.\n\nUpon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:\n\n- Distinguish between different process models for organizing software production.\n- Gauge the applicability of process models for a software development project.\n- Apply the fundamentals of Agile software development and management practices.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Alberta"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "中日文化交流史",
"link": "",
"description": "追溯日本文明发展的历史,阐明日本人独特的思考模式,解析日本独特的审美意识。本课程讲授公元前3世纪至清末的中日文化交流的历史。以文化艺术的交流为主线,以实地考察为背景展示了中日两国丰富灿烂的交流史实。通过中日双方在吸收对方文化过程中所表现出来的不同的受容方式剖析了中日文化之不同特性,可以帮助受课者准确地把握日本文化的内质,并启发其对自我民族历史文化之思考。生动的图片,倾心的讲授,可以让学习者在轻松愉快的氛围中完成六章的学习和有趣的试题,以期丰富学习者的人文积淀。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Peking University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web: Conceptos Básicos",
"link": "",
"description": "Este es el primer curso en una línea de especialización de Coursera que trata el desarrollo de aplicaciones Web. Este curso le dará los conocimienots básicos, la terminología y los conceptos fundamentales que son necesarios para construir aplicaciones web integradas modernas. Un desarrollador de aplicaciones web integradas está familiarizado con cada \"capa\" de las tecnologías de software que participan en una aplicación web, incluidas las tecnologías de modelado de datos y bases de datos, los componentes del entorno de servidor web y middleware, protocolos de red, la interfaz de usuario y diseño visual básicos, y los conceptos de interacción del usuario.\n\nEn este curso vamos a aprender practicando. Vamos a empezar por el aprendizaje de los principales componentes de las arquitecturas de aplicaciones web, junto con los patrones de diseño fundamentales y filosofías que se utilizan para organizarlos. El alumno construirá y perfeccionará continuamente una aplicación web integrada totalmente funcional a medida que avanzamos a través de los módulos de este curso. En el camino el alumno levará a cabo prácticas ágiles de desarrollo de softwar, numerosas herramientas que los ingenieros de software deben sabe cómo utilizar, y un marco de desarrollo de aplicaciones web integradas modernas.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of New Mexico"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Assessing Achievement with the ELL in Mind",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course, you will learn how to design assessments around the needs of your ELL students and their language level. You will learn how to incorporate language and content requirements for both formative and summative assessment types. You will learn to assess your ELL students through the use of project and task-based assignments. You will learn to use and modify rubrics to align to and measure student achievement of your language and content learning objectives. The course will also briefly cover strategies for supporting ELL students during standardized testing. \n\nUpon completing this course, you will be able to:\n * Conceptualize theories of authentic assessment as they apply to second language learners\n * Design formative assessment types incorporating language and content objectives\n * Design summative assessment types incorporating language and content objectives\n * Incorporate project and task-based assignments as assessment tools for ELLs\n * Design rubrics that align to language and content objectives for your ELL(s)\n * Apply the use of rubrics, both language and content, to the work of your ELL(s). \n * Support your ELL(s) as they participate in standardized testing",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Arizona State University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Negociación exitosa: Estrategias y habilidades esenciales (en español)",
"link": "",
"description": "Todos negociamos diariamente. A nivel personal, negociamos con amigos, familia, propietarios, vendedores de autos y empleadores, entre otros. La negociación también es la clave del éxito comercial. Ninguna empresa puede sobrevivir sin contratos rentables. Dentro de una empresa, las habilidades de negociación lo pueden llevar a avanzar en su carrera. \n\nEn este curso, aprenderá y practicará los cuatro pasos necesarios para lograr una negociación exitosa, con un módulo para cada paso: \n(1) Preparación: Planifique su estrategia de negociación \n(2) Negociación: Use las tácticas claves para el éxito \n(3) Cierre: Cree un contrato \n(4) Cumplimiento y evaluación: El juego final \n\nPara completar exitosamente este curso y mejorar su capacidad de negociar, deberá completar los tres pasos siguientes: \n(1) Mire los videos breves (que van de 5 a 20 minutos) de cada módulo. Los videos son interactivos e incluyen preguntas para evaluar su entendimiento de las estrategias y habilidades de negociación. Los videos se pueden acelerar o ralentizar para adaptarse al ritmo que prefiera escucharlos. Según sus horarios, puede ver los videos en unas semanas o verlos todos juntos. Un estudiante que vio el curso de una sola vez concluyó que \"es tan bueno como Breaking Bad\". \n(2) Complete la negociación del Módulo 6 para evaluar sus capacidad de negociación. Puede negociar con un amigo local o usar los Debates para encontrar un socio de otra parte del mundo. Su socio de negociación le brindará una devolución sobre sus capacidad de negociación. En el camino, puede resultarle útil utilizar esta aplicación móvil gratuita que está relacionada con el curso y contiene varias herramientas de planificación de la negociación. \n(3) Tome el examen final. Para completar el curso exitosamente, debe responder correctamente el 80 % de las preguntas. Este examen es un examen de dominio, lo que significa que puede tomarlo las veces que quiera hasta que domine el material. \n\nAdemás, este curso incluye la opción de obtener un Certificado verificado (CV) a través de la verificación de su identidad y la finalización exitosa del curso. Un CV le proporciona un reconocimiento formal de sus logros en el curso e incluye el logo de la Universidad de Michigan. \n\nSi usted está considerando obtener un CV, debe completar el proceso de verificación antes de tomar el examen final. Puede elegir pagar los cargos asociados antes o después del examen. Para obtener más información acerca de los CV, visite: \n\nEl logo compuesto del curso se comparte con una licencia Creative Commons CC BY-SA ( y fue creado con las imágenes proporcionadas por cortesía de Flazingo Photos ( y K2 Space (\n\nThis is a translated version. To join the original English version, visit this page:",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Michigan"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Gut Check: Exploring Your Microbiome",
"link": "",
"description": "Imagine if there were an organ in your body that weighed as much as your brain, that affected your health, your weight, and even your behavior. Wouldn’t you want to know more about it? There is such an organ — the collection of microbes in and on your body, your human microbiome.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Colorado Boulder",
"University of Colorado System",
"University of California, San Diego"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "人群与网络 ",
"link": "",
"description": "本课程是北京大学开设的一门在线跨学科选修课程,主要面向信息技术、社会学和经济学等专业的本科生。课程内容涉及用计算思维的方法讨论社会学和经济学的一些经典问题。学习运用计算思维分析社会学、经济学问题的方法,加深对某些生活现象的理解,体会计算与社会科学的互动。\nLearn to analyze and reason about problems in social sciences with computational thinking, appreciate interactions between computing and social sciences, as well as gain deeper understanding of some common phenomena in life and society",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Peking University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Packet Switching Networks and Algorithms",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course, we deal with the general issues regarding packet switching networks. We discuss packet networks from two perspectives. One perspective involves external view of the network, and is concerned with services that the network provides to the transport layer that operates above it at the end systems. The second perspective is concerned with the internal operation of a network, including approaches directing information across the network, addressing and routing procedures, as well as congestion control inside the network.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Colorado System"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Environmental Management & Ethics",
"link": "",
"description": "Decision-makers often turn to scientists and engineers to assist them to navigate through complex environmental, health and societal challenges pervaded by systemic uncertainty, ambiguity and ethical implications. \n\nThis course prepares you to meet the requests and demands of current and future decision-makers and in this course, you will analyze ethical challenges associated with environmental dilemmas and apply different decision making tools relevant to environmental management and regulation.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Technical University of Denmark (DTU)"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Advanced Styling with Responsive Design",
"link": "",
"description": "It used to be the case that everyone viewed webpages on about the same size screen. But with the explosion of the use of smartphones to access the Internet, the landscape of design has completely changed. People viewing your site will now expect that it will perform regardless of the platform (smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer). This ability to respond to any platform is called responsive design.\n\nThis course will expand upon the basic knowledge of CSS3 to include topics such as wireframes, fluid design, media queries, and the use of existing styling paradigms such as Bootstrap. After the course, learners will be able to:\n** Explain the mobile-first paradigm and the importance of wireframes in the design phase\n** Create sites that behave across a range of platforms\n** Utilize existing design frameworks such as Bootstrap\n\nThis is the fourth course in the Web Design For Everybody specialization. A basic understanding of HTML and CSS is expected when you enroll in this class. Additional courses focus on adding interactivity with the JavaScript Programming Language and completing a capstone project.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Michigan"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Ser más creativos",
"link": "",
"description": "¡Claro que todos podemos potenciar nuestra creatividad a través de procedimientos, rutinas y protocolos sencillos! El participante desarrollará su talento creativo para aportar soluciones originales y generar ideas y productos en el ámbito en que se desenvuelve y en la vida cotidiana.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "刑法学总论 Criminal Law",
"link": "",
"description": "刑法是规定犯罪与刑罚的法律。刑法学是研究刑法的科学,主要研究犯罪的成立条件以及刑罚的种类与适用刑法的制度等问题。本课程的主要目的是简明完整地说明现代刑法学总论的基本概念、基本理论与基本方法,包括的主要内容有刑法与刑法学的基本概念,刑罚的正当性,罪刑法定原则,刑法解释,刑法的适用范围,犯罪与犯罪构成的概念,犯罪构成的主要内容,排除犯罪的根据,犯罪的未完成状态,共同犯罪,刑罚的概念与体系,量刑制度,数罪并罚,缓刑、减刑与假释。本课程通过理论说明与案例分析对有关问题进行讲解,鼓励同学们通过刑法发展来认识刑法的生命,通过刑法比较来认识刑法的国际标准,通过确立刑法理想来追求社会的公平正义。\n\n本课程将系统完整地说明、分析现代刑法学总论中的基本概念、基本理论。同学们通过本课程的讲述、案例的讨论、理论的分析,可以对现代刑法学知识的基本使用方法有一个完整的理解,从而有助于理解与分析现代社会面临的刑法问题。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Peking University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Moses' Face: Moses' images as reflected in Jewish literature",
"link": "",
"description": "One was Moses but many are his faces. Starting with the Hebrew Bible, continuing with Jewish literatures throughout history (Second Temple literature, rabbinic literature, medieval commentaries, modern literature, thought and art.) the character of Moses keeps changing and developing through the eyes of the beholder, it's time, tendency and the nature of the genre. The course will follow the different phases of Moses' character and try to understand what motives are behind them.\n\nאחד היה משה אך רבים פניו. החל בגופו של המקרא והמשך בספרות עם ישראל לדורותיו (ספרות הבית השני, ספרות חז\"ל, פרשני ימי הביניים ועוד) וכלה בספרות, באמנות ובהגות של העת החדשה - לובשת ופושטת דמות של משה צורות חדשות ומגוונות, על פי המתבונן, זמנו, מגמתו ואופי יצירתו. הקורס יעקב אחר גלגולי דמויותיו של משה [ביצירה שעד ראשית תקופת הגאונים] ויבקש להבין מה עומד מאחורי יצירתן.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Hebrew University of Jerusalem"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Las estaciones del año y el clima",
"link": "",
"description": "¿Sabes por qué hay animales que migran cada año? ¿Cómo saben los campesinos cuando sembrar y cuando cosechar?\n¿Sabes qué gobierna el ciclo anual de frio y calor y de lluvias y secas?\n\nLas estaciones del año son el fenómeno climático más perceptible por el ser humano y se manifiestan de diferente forma en distintas regiones; por ejemplo cuando es invierno en la mitad del mundo, es verano en la otra mitad. Entender el mecanismo de las estaciones es el primer paso para entender el clima, que afecta a casi todas las actividades humanas.\n\nEn este curso estudiaremos los procesos que provocan las estaciones del año, las repercusiones que tiene éstas para las actividades humanas y su relación con los fundamentos del sistema climático terrestre. A través de simulaciones visuales haremos comprensibles conceptos y procesos físicos y te propondremos experimentos. Si estas considerando estudiar ciencias de la Tierra o si quieres comprender mejor cómo funciona el clima, este curso es para ti. \n\n¡Acompáñanos! Y conoce más sobre nuestro hogar el planeta Tierra.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Autism Spectrum Disorder",
"link": "",
"description": "Understanding the characteristics of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their implications for behavior, learning and the ability to process information is critical for anyone working or interacting with those on the spectrum -- educators, clinicians, counselors, therapists, medical staff, family and employers. This course will give you a fundamental understanding of what ASD is, how it is diagnosed, the primary areas of impairment, and why prevalence is increasing. \n\nExamine the developmental and sensori-motor differences that may impact academic, play, social and self-help skills at different stages of life, including the transition to higher education and employment. Gain a clear understanding of how sensory regulation differs for individuals on the spectrum, and explore practical tools for identifying triggers and communicating feelings. Learn to use evidence-based practices to provide effective interventions and explore typical strengths and weaknesses of individuals on the spectrum in relation to identified impairments. \n\nThe course culminates with a description of the ASD system of care, an overview of the National Standards Report studies and treatments, and an explanation of how evidence-based practices are established and implemented.\n\nThose seeking a more in-depth, instructor-led experience are encouraged to check out the Professional Concentration in Autism offered by UC Davis Extension:",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Davis"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Intro to International Marketing",
"link": "",
"description": "About this Course\n\nThis course brings together two key subjects, International Marketing and Cross Industry Innovation. It will provide the basic foundations of international marketing and then explain how companies can grow by going abroad or sourcing ideas/expanding into other countries or industries. This is summarized as CCCI: Cross-Country and Cross-Industry Innovation, a term and analytical platform used throughout not only this course but others in the specialization. As an introductory course, we keep the concepts short and simple in order to ease learners into the wonderful world of international marketing. More specific operational aspects such as managing the product, price, place and promotion as well as targeting and positioning will be provided in the second course of the specialization. \n\nAfter you successfully complete this course learners will obtain the following outcomes:\n\n(1) an understanding of the core meaning of marketing and international marketing. \n(2) learn that international marketing is about striking the right balance between maximizing the similarities across cultures (Etic approach) and customizing marketing (Emic approach) to important local differences.\n(3) learn about how to source or expand into other industries at home or abroad via cross industry innovation.\n(4) obtain a solid foundation for subsequent courses such as course 2 (International Marketing Entry and Execution) and the industry-specific courses in the specialization.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Yonsei University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "La Philanthropie : Comprendre et Agir",
"link": "",
"description": "Littéralement « amour de l’humanité », la philanthropie désigne aujourd’hui l'ensemble des dons librement consentis par des acteurs privés en faveur de l'intérêt général. Dans les médias, la philanthropie est incarnée aujourd’hui par les milliardaires américains Bill Gates et Warren Buffet qui ont donné une grande part de leur fortune à une fondation en faveur de la santé et de l’éducation. Mais cette vision est partielle : la philanthropie est très active dans la plupart des régions du monde, pas seulement aux Etats-Unis, et ce ne sont pas seulement les très riches qui donnent, puisque de nombreux particuliers et entreprises s’impliquent. \n\nEn ce début de XXIe siècle marqué par les crises économiques et politiques, la philanthropie joue un rôle croissant pour répondre aux grands défis de notre temps. Alternative au modèle marchand et à la redistribution publique via l’impôt, le don privé est activement recherché pour financer la lutte contre la pauvreté, l’éducation, la recherche médicale ou la culture… Partout dans le monde, les fondations se multiplient, les dons se développent et influencent la vie de très nombreuses personnes. Les besoins sont immenses et la concurrence pour trouver des fonds n’a jamais été aussi vive. \n\nMalgré son importance, la philanthropie reste mal connue notamment en France et en Europe. Plusieurs questions clés restent en suspens : De quoi parle-t-on exactement ? Qu’est-ce qui motive les philanthropes et favorise leur action ? Quelles sont les différentes façons d’agir en philanthropie ? Quel est son impact et comment l’évaluer? L’objectif de ce MOOC est de répondre à ces quatre grandes questions, en mobilisant les dernières avancées en matière de recherche et le point de vue d’experts reconnus dans leur domaine. \n\nQue vous soyez simplement curieux de découvrir le sujet, déjà donateur ou engagé dans une démarche philanthropique, ou un professionnel qui accompagne ou sollicite des philanthropes, ce MOOC est fait pour vous ! Chaque semaine, vous progresserez grâce à des vidéos alliant théorie et pratique, des lectures pour aller plus loin, des quiz pour renforcer vos acquis et des forums où vous pourrez échanger entre participants et avec l’équipe pédagogique. A l’issue de ce MOOC, vous aurez toutes les clés en main pour comprendre et agir en faveur d’un monde meilleur !\n\nCe MOOC est réalisé par la chaire Philanthropie de l’ESSEC, en collaboration avec la Fondation de France. \n\nLa chaire Philanthropie de l’ESSEC bénéficie du soutien de la Fondation de France, de la Fondation Daniel & Nina Carasso, des Fondations Edmond de Rothschild et de la Fondation Caritas France.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"ESSEC Business School"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Entrepreneurship 2: Launching your Start-Up",
"link": "",
"description": "Once you have a prototype and a clearer vision of the opportunity, you’ll need to create a small organization to discover how to create a repeatable and scalable business model. Designed to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the critical components of a creating a start-up, Entrepreneurship 2: Launching the Start-up, provides practical, real-world knowledge about the lean approach, the minimum viable product, when to pivot, when to quit your day job, the art of the pitch, building and managing a team, allocating equity, and building your external team, advisory board members, professional services, and entrepreneurial strategy. At the end of this course, you’ll be able to create a strategy for launch, including knowing who you need to hire, how to mange them to provide the greatest value, and what legal aspects are involved. You’ll also be prepared for Entrepreneurship 3: Growth Strategies.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Pennsylvania"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Composición de canciones",
"link": "",
"description": "Aprende un proceso eficiente y efectivo para escribir canciones que expresen tus ideas y emociones, incluyendo una gama de herramientas que giren alrededor del concepto de prosodia; la adecuación de letra y música para apoyar tu mensaje subyacente.\n\n\n\nEsta obra fue financiada con una donación del Banco Inter-Americano de Desarrollo con recursos del Fondo Coreano para la Reducción de la Pobreza. \n\nLas opiniones expresadas en esta obra son exclusivamente de los autores y no necesariamente reflejan el punto de vista del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, de su Directorio Ejecutivo ni de los países que representa.\n\nEl Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo no garantiza la veracidad de la data incorporada en esta obra.\n\n\n\nPuedes cambiar el idioma en Coursera de inglés al español utilizando la página de ajustes de tu cuenta. Para cambiar los ajustes en tu cuenta de Coursera sigue los siguientes pasos:\n\n1. Ve a\n2. En la esquina derecha superior haz click en el pequeño triángulo invertido que está a lado de tu nombre y foto.\n3. Haz click en ‘Settings’.\n4. Selecciona el recuadro debajo de ‘Language’ (idioma), selecciona español y salva los cambios realizados.\n\nCoursera ofrece ayuda financiera a los estudiantes que no pueden pagar los cursos y necesiten de una beca. Los estudiantes con ayuda financiera podrán tener acceso a todo el contenido del curso y completar todo el trabajo requerido para adquirir el Certificado de Coursera. La ayuda financiera solo aplica al curso en el que se aprobó la solicitud de ayuda financiera. Para aplicar haz click en la opción “Learn More and Apply” (aprende mas y aplica) debajo del menú a la izquierda.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Mindware: Critical Thinking for the Information Age ",
"link": "",
"description": "Most professions these days require more than general intelligence. They require in addition the ability to collect, analyze and think about data. Personal life is enriched when these same skills are applied to problems in everyday life involving judgment and choice. This course presents basic concepts from statistics, probability, scientific methodology, cognitive psychology and cost-benefit theory and shows how they can be applied to everything from picking one product over another to critiquing media accounts of scientific research. Concepts are defined briefly and breezily and then applied to many examples drawn from business, the media and everyday life.\n\nWhat kinds of things will you learn? Why it’s usually a mistake to interview people for a job. Why it’s highly unlikely that, if your first meal in a new restaurant is excellent, you will find the next meal to be as good. Why economists regularly walk out of movies and leave restaurant food uneaten. Why getting your picture on the cover of Sports Illustrated usually means your next season is going to be a disappointment. Why you might not have a disease even though you’ve tested positive for it. Why you’re never going to know how coffee affects you unless you conduct an experiment in which you flip a coin to determine whether you will have coffee on a given day. Why it might be a mistake to use an office in a building you own as opposed to having your office in someone else’s building. Why you should never keep a stock that’s going down in hopes that it will go back up and prevent you from losing any of your initial investment. Why it is that a great deal of health information presented in the media is misinformation.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Michigan"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "An Introduction to Global Health",
"link": "",
"description": "This course will provide you with an overview of the most important health challenges facing the world today. You will gain insight into how challenges have changed over time, we will discuss the likely determinants of such changes and examine future projections. Successful international strategies and programs promoting human health will be highlighted and global health governance structures will be mapped and the role of the key actors explored.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Copenhagen"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Towards language universals through lexical semantics: introduction to lexical and semantic typology",
"link": "",
"description": "The aim of the course is to obtain the idea of the lexicon as a complex system and to get the methodology of the typological approach to the lexicon cross-linguistically, as well as to learn about the general mechanisms of semantic shift and their typological relevance.\n\nBy the end of the course the students should know the basic principles of lexical organization, the main parameters of semantic variations in lexicon, and be able to apply the basic methods of the analysis of lexical meaning to different lexical domains.\nThe course is designed for students of linguistic programs (BA, MA, PhD), as well as for teachers and researchers in the named field. \n\nThe course contains the overview of different approaches to the semantic description of lexical items and lexical systems in different languages and discusses the methodology of Moscow Lexical Typology Group (lecture 1). This methodology (“frame approach”) is illustrated with the data of the following domains: aquamotion verbs (lecture 2), verbs of falling (lecture 3), adjectives denoting oldness (lecture 4) and pain metaphors (lecture 5 and 6). The results of the analyses are visualized with specially constructed lexical semantic maps.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Higher School of Economics"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Producción Musical y su Efecto en la Composición",
"link": "",
"description": "En este curso, «Producción musical y su efecto en la composición», exploraremos cómo el proceso de producir un proyecto musical interactúa con los elementos de la composición de la música que se está produciendo. Enrique Gonzalez Müller, profesor de Berklee College of Music, reconocido productor e ingeniero de sonido y ganador del Latin Grammy®, facilitará esta exploración, guiándonos a través de la producción de un tema musical en todas sus etapas, desde el demo hasta la versión final. Con esta experiencia, se demostrará la importancia de capturar las emociones que genera la música y plasmarlas en la grabación, maximizando los elementos originales que brinda una composición. Estudiantes de Berklee College of Music y la banda ganadora del Latin Grammy® Los Amigos Invisibles darán vida al proceso y ejemplificarán los conceptos de esta interesante exploración.\n\nTu profesor asistente será Sergio Torres-Letelier. Sergio es un compositor de cine, arreglista y productor musical, nacido en Chile y radicado en Los Angeles, USA. Tras obtener el título de Intérprete Instrumental (Batería) otorgado por el Instituto Profesional Escuela Moderna de Música de Santiago de Chile, Sergio fue aceptado en Berklee College of Music, en donde obtuvo un Bachelor Degree en Film Scoring, con un Minor en Conducción para Cine y Televisión.\n\n\n\nEsta obra fue financiada con una donación del Banco Inter-Americano de Desarrollo con recursos del Fondo Coreano para la Reducción de la Pobreza. \n\nLas opiniones expresadas en esta obra son exclusivamente de los autores y no necesariamente reflejan el punto de vista del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, de su Directorio Ejecutivo ni de los países que representa.\n\nEl Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo no garantiza la veracidad de la data incorporada en esta obra.\n\n\n\nPuedes cambiar el idioma en Coursera de inglés al español utilizando la página de ajustes de tu cuenta. Para cambiar los ajustes en tu cuenta de Coursera sigue los siguientes pasos:\n\n1. Ve a\n2. En la esquina derecha superior haz click en el pequeño triángulo invertido que está a lado de tu nombre y foto.\n3. Haz click en ‘Settings’.\n4. Selecciona el recuadro debajo de ‘Language’ (idioma), selecciona español y salva los cambios realizados.\n\nCoursera ofrece ayuda financiera a los estudiantes que no pueden pagar los cursos y necesiten de una beca. Los estudiantes con ayuda financiera podrán tener acceso a todo el contenido del curso y completar todo el trabajo requerido para adquirir el Certificado de Coursera. La ayuda financiera solo aplica al curso en el que se aprobó la solicitud de ayuda financiera. Para aplicar haz click en la opción “Learn More and Apply” (aprende mas y aplica) debajo del menú a la izquierda.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Concurrent Programming in Java",
"link": "",
"description": "This course teaches learners (industry professionals and students) the fundamental concepts of concurrent programming in the context of Java 8. Concurrent programming enables developers to efficiently and correctly mediate the use of shared resources in parallel programs. By the end of this course, you will learn how to use basic concurrency constructs in Java such as threads, locks, critical sections, atomic variables, isolation, actors, optimistic concurrency and concurrent collections, as well as their theoretical foundations (e.g., progress guarantees, deadlock, livelock, starvation, linearizability).\n\nWhy take this course?\n\n•\tIt is important for you to be aware of the theoretical foundations of concurrency to avoid common but subtle programming errors. \n•\tJava 8 has modernized many of the concurrency constructs since the early days of threads and locks.\n•\tDuring the course, you will have online access to the instructor and mentors to get individualized answers to your questions posted on the forums.\n•\tEach of the four modules in the course includes an assigned mini-project that will provide you with the necessary hands-on experience to use the concepts learned in the course on your own, after the course ends.\n\nThe desired learning outcomes of this course are as follows:\n\n•\tConcurrency theory: progress guarantees, deadlock, livelock, starvation, linearizability\n•\tUse of threads and structured/unstructured locks in Java\n•\tAtomic variables and isolation\n•\tOptimistic concurrency and concurrent collections in Java (e.g., concurrent queues, concurrent hashmaps)\n•\tActor model in Java\n\nMastery of these concepts will enable you to immediately apply them in the context of concurrent Java programs, and will also help you master other concurrent programming system that you may encounter in the future (e.g., POSIX threads, .NET threads).",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Rice University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Paradoxes of War",
"link": "",
"description": "The Paradoxes of War teaches us to understand that war is not only a normal part of human existence, but is arguably one of the most important factors in making us who we are. Through this course, I hope that you will come to appreciate that war is both a natural expression of common human emotions and interactions and a constitutive part of how we cohere as groups. That is, war is paradoxically an expression of our basest animal nature and the exemplar of our most vaunted and valued civilized virtues. You will learn some basic military history and sociology in this course as a lens for the more important purpose of seeing the broader social themes and issues related to war. I want you to both learn about war, but more importantly, use it as way of understanding your everyday social world. So, for example, the discussion of war and gender will serve to start you thinking about how expectations of masculinity are created and our discussion of nationalism will make clear how easy “us-them” dichotomies can be established and (ab)used. I will suggest some readings for you to complement the class and assign some activities through which you will be able to apply the theoretical insights from the course to your observations of everyday life. At the end of the course, you will start to see war everywhere and come to appreciate how much it defines our life.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Princeton University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Strategic Self-Marketing and Personal Branding",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course, you will learn how to use strategic marketing and personal branding techniques for designing, enhancing, and promoting your professional image. Acting as \"your own Chief Executive Officer\" (P. Drucker), you will learn how to use relationship and network marketing and impression management to showcase your skills to prospective employers, colleagues, supervisors, and other interested parties. This course will help you to:\n\n- Recognize the importance of marketing orientation and career brand building for your career development; use marketing communication strategies for your self-marketing;\n\n- Implement strategic marketing planning for your career development and engage in creating your own strategic self-marketing plan;\n\n- Devise strategies for managing your professional reputation; begin creating your personal brand, and plan steps for strategic personal branding;\n\n- Create personal branding statements, and integrate social networking into your career branding;\n\n- Refine your self-management information system to systematically collect and analyze self-marketing and personal branding related data, select appropriate tools and apply them for a thorough, accurate, evidence-based and data driven self-assessment of your self-marketing and personal branding skills;\n\n- Develop and implement an effective instrument for displaying your artifacts and monitoring your marketing communications strategies (\"The Showcaser\") and a realistic performance metric for evaluating your career brand building activities (\"The Career Brand Equity Builder\").",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The State University of New York"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Malicious Software and its Underground Economy: Two Sides to Every Story",
"link": "",
"description": "Learn about traditional and mobile malware, the security threats they represent, state-of-the-art analysis and detection techniques, and the underground ecosystem that drives such a profitable but illegal business.\n\nMalicious Software and its Underground Economy: Two Sides to Every Story is a short, introductory, and experimental (i.e., pilot) course featuring 6 lectures. Each lecture lasts roughly anything between 1h and 1.5h and is logically divided in a number of ~15 mins self-contained units. Although a non-negligible effort has been made to fulfill this breakdown, some units last definitely longer and require a bit more effort---just pause the video and take a break ;-)\n\nIn addition, the course features 6 multiple-choices mandatory quizzes (i.e., 1 per lecture) and 1 bonus quiz. Passing all the mandatory quizzes awards a \"pass\" mark of the course, while passing all the mandatory quizzes and the bonus one awards a \"distinction\" mark.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of London"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "莊子─姿勢、意識與感情 (Zhuangzi─Posture, Awareness, and Sentiment)",
"link": "",
"description": "  他這麼活過他的一生,留下一本書,《莊子》。這本書影響了陶淵明的一生,影響了李太白的一生,影響了白居易的一生,影響了蘇東坡的一生。唐玄宗下詔稱此書為《南華真經》,尊莊子為南華真人。清初名評論家金聖歎,評定這本書是「天下第一才子書」。\n\n  才子必讀,欲成才者必讀。如果你醉心於技進於道、技道合一的職人文化,追本溯源,請讀《莊子》。如果你不想成材、不想在優勝劣敗的競走中疲憊一生,也請讀《莊子》。如果想處於才與不才之間、想在人生的驚濤駭浪間存活、無傷,更錬就日益精進的乘御之力,就請打開《莊子》。\n\n 「福輕乎羽,莫之知載。禍重乎地,莫之知避。」(《莊子.人間世》)\n\n  莊子所處的戰國時代,平民百姓能擁有的福份比羽毛還要輕薄,飄忽不定不知道要怎樣才能承接、擁有;可是災難禍患卻比山河大地還要沈重,想要閃避卻不知道有什麼方法能全身而退。當時,一次戰爭裡被斬首、殺害的士卒多達數萬、數十萬人。\n\n  而莊子,就在這麼個布滿羅網、暗藏凶器的時代社會裏,擔任一個小小漆樹園的,小小吏。\n\n  必須承受、最能感受時代之傷的,莫過於金字塔底層。\n  是戰國中期的莊子,也是當代的你我。\n  蕭條異代都同樣湧動著如風浪翻滾、層出不窮的普世之傷。\n\n  與莊子為友,在李白之後、東坡之後,在詩人、哲人、職人與成千上萬因此改變姿勢、意識與用情的人們之後,本季課程將陪你逐字逐句讀完莊子親筆內七篇中的前三篇〈逍遙遊〉、〈齊物論〉、〈養生主〉,而莊周在此中斷續鋪陳、輻輳的三個主題:姿勢、意識與感情,也將在逐字逐句的講解中豁然胸次。──你會發現,原來只要把注意力收回自身,心就可以不煩、不亂、不痛。原來只要掌握正確的姿勢原則,身體竟可以如此輕靈放鬆。原來感情可以不執著、不陷溺,只要懂得深情而不滯於情。原來身心的安定,是面對混亂的時代最有力量的武器。\n\n  時局板蕩,曖昧天光,半部《論語》治天下,半部《莊子》治身心,正是時候,好好讀《莊子》。\n\n  為使聽者易於掌握《莊》學大旨,將〈逍遙遊〉、〈齊物論〉、〈養生主〉各分為三、五、五章,各章下依長度略分小節;並設計體驗古典單元,使能活用於日常。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National Taiwan University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Problem Solving with Excel ",
"link": "",
"description": "This course explores Excel as a tool for solving business problems. In this course you will learn the basic functions of excel through guided demonstration. Each week you will build on your excel skills and be provided an opportunity to practice what you’ve learned. Finally, you will have a chance to put your knowledge to work in a final project. Please note, the content in this course was developed using a Windows version of Excel 2013. \n\nThis course was created by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP with an address at 300 Madison Avenue, New York, New York, 10017.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Liderazgo para el Siglo XXI: proyecto final",
"link": "",
"description": "Este curso está diseñado para acompañarte en seleccionar un desafío personal de liderazgo y aplicar herramientas con las cuales realizarás experimentos y evaluarás el ciclo de diagnóstico y acción en tu tema. Asimismo, serás consiente de cómo en el proceso, el fracaso y la resiliencia te ayudarán a avanzar en tus restos de liderazgo. Al finalizar este curso estarás en capacidad de:\n\n1.\tUtilizar herramientas de diagnóstico y acción para avanzar en un proyecto de liderazgo propio.\n2.\tPracticar y profundizar el uso de narrativas y otras herramientas de comunicación (con uno mismo y con otros) para fortalecer el ejercicio personal de liderazgo.\n3.\tDesarrollar resiliencia, una habilidad que permite perseverar en proyectos de liderazgo.\n\nEl Programa especializado en “Liderazgo Efectivo para el Siglo XXI”, es el primer programa especializado en línea, abierto y masivo que se produce desde el Centro de Liderazgo Público (CLP) de la Escuela de Gobierno Alberto Lleras Camargo de la Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. El CLP tiene como misión crear conocimiento y capacidad de liderazgo para ayudar a que progresemos en los temas complejos que más nos importan en el mundo actual. \n\nEl programa fue diseñado por Maite Careaga Tagüeña, PhD y Héctor Fabio Hernández, MPP, con el apoyo de Saluma Castillo y el equipo Conecta-TE de la Universidad de los Andes, Colombia, y está inspirado en los cursos y talleres de liderazgo que Maite lleva 15 años diseñando y facilitando (los primeros los diseñó junto con Felipe Bozzo y Sebastián Quirmbach en Leaderbuilding) y en las lecciones aprendidas al investigar cómo diseñar y evaluar estrategias pedagógicas para enseñar habilidades personales y sociales para el liderazgo.\n\nEste curso ha sido diseñado como el cuarto y último del programa especializado (, el cual te permitirá adueñarte de una metodología de intervención, que llamamos espiral de liderazgo consciente, y desarrollar y aplicar una caja de herramientas para movilizar personas (a sí mismo y a otros) a trabajar en solucionar los desafíos complejos que las afectan e importan. Los otros tres cursos del programa son: \"Estilos de Liderazgo: opciones para avanzar en desafíos complejos\", \"Autoliderazgo y Gestión de Emociones para Avanzar en Desafíos Complejos\" y \"Comunicación, Experimentación y Aprendizaje en Liderazgo\". Puedes tomar todos los cursos por separado o sólo uno de ellos, sin embargo te recomendamos que te inscribas y participes en los cuatro, ojalá en el orden que te proponemos.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universidad de los Andes"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript ",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course you will learn three key website programming and design languages: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You will create a web page using basic elements to control layout and style. Additionally, your web page will support interactivity. \n\nAt the end of the course, you will be able to:\n\n1. Define the purpose of HTML, CSS and JavaScript\n2. Make a simple web page using HTML\n3. Use CSS to control text styles and layout\n4. Use CSS libraries such as Bootstrap to create responsive layouts\n5. Use JavaScript variables and functions\n6. Manipulate web page content using JavaScript\n7. Respond to user input using JavaScript\n\nIn this course, you will complete: \n2 assignments writing HTML, CSS and JavaScript, each taking ~1 hour to complete\n4 quizzes, each taking ~20 minutes to complete\n1 programming exercise~30 minutes to complete\nmultiple practice quizzes, each taking ~5 minutes to complete\n\nParticipation in or completion of this online course will not confer academic credit for University of London programmes",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of London",
"Goldsmiths, University of London"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Search Engine Optimization Fundamentals",
"link": "",
"description": "Gain an understanding of search engine algorithms and how they affect organic search results and websites. Building on this knowledge, you’ll learn the key elements for creating an effective SEO strategy, including how to select keywords and perform keyword research; consumer psychology and search behavior; and how to conduct on-page SEO analysis to identify opportunities to improve a website’s search optimization.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Davis"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "计算机系统基础(一) :程序的表示、转换与链接",
"link": "",
"description": "本课程主要介绍高级语言程序中的数据类型及其运算、语句和过程调用等是如何在计算机系统中实现的。主要包含三个主题:(1)表示。不同数据类型(如带符号整数、无符号整数、浮点数、数组、结构等)数据在寄存器或存储器中的表示和存储;指令的格式、编码及其在存储器中的存储;存储地址(指针)的表示。(2)转换。高级语言程序中的过程(函数调用)、循环、选择等语句与机器级代码之间的对应关系。(3)链接。多个可重定位目标文件如何链接生成可执行目标文件并加载到系统中。\n通过本课程的学习,使学习者能从程序员角度认识计算机系统,能够建立高级语言程序、ISA、OS、编译器、链接器等之间的相互关联,对指令在硬件上的执行过程和指令的底层硬件执行机制有一定的认识和理解,从而增强在程序调试、性能提升、程序移植和健壮性等方面的能力,并为后续的“计算机组成与设计”、“操作系统”、“编译原理”、“计算机体系结构”等课程打下坚实基础。\n学完本课程后,学习者将对以下问题有比较深刻的认识,并能解决相关实际问题。\n----程序中处理的数据在机器中如何表示和运算?\n----程序中各类控制语句对应的机器级代码结构是怎样的? \n----多个程序模块是如何链接起来形成可执行目标文件的?\n----机器级代码及构成机器级代码的指令是如何在机器上执行的?",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Nanjing University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Information Design",
"link": "",
"description": "A blank canvas is full of possibility. If you have an idea for a user experience, how do you turn it into a beautiful and effective user interface? This covers covers principles of visual design so that you can effectively organize and present information with your interfaces. You'll learn concrete strategies to create user interfaces, including key lessons in typography, information architecture, layout, color, and more. You’ll learn particular issues that arise in new device contexts, such as mobile and responsive interfaces. You will learn how to apply these design principles in a modern context of increasingly diverse form factors - from tablets, to walls, to watches.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, San Diego"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "The City and You: Find Your Best Place",
"link": "",
"description": "Welcome to The City and You: Find Your Best Place. I'm excited to have you in the class and look forward to your contributions to the other learners in our community.\n\nThis free course will provide the knowledge and the tools needed to understand what cities do, why they matter, the forces shaping the greatest wave of urbanization in history, and how to pick the right place for you. The course will also help you develop critical thinking skills. We'll accomplish this by providing evidence of the importance of cities, and why and how they matter to you. Then we’ll ask you to apply what you’ve learned in an exercise which will help you assess your own community and find your best place.\n\n This course is accessible and open to anyone who is interested in learning more about cities and the ways they affect our lives. It is organized around five key modules: (1) Why Cities Matter, (2) A World of Cities, (3) The Creative City, (4) The Divided City and the New Urban Crisis, and (5) How to Find the Best Place for You.\n\n After completing the course, you will be able to:\n\n\n(1) Identify why cities are the drivers of economic prosperity;\n(2) Explain the drivers and implications of fast-growing urbanization worldwide;\n(3) Outline the key characteristics of a creative and innovative city;\n(4) Describe the social divides and challenges facing cities and the solutions cities are using to address them; and\n(5) Recognize the trade-offs of staying in your current city versus moving, and identify the best place for you and your family to live.\n\nGood luck as you get started, and I hope you enjoy the course!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Toronto"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Greening the Economy: Lessons from Scandinavia",
"link": "",
"description": "How can we live a good life on one planet with over seven billion people? \n\nThis course will explore greening the economy on four levels – individual, business, city, and nation. We will look at the relationships between these levels and give many practical examples of the complexities and solutions across the levels. Scandinavia, a pioneering place advancing sustainability and combating climate change, is a unique starting point for learning about greening the economy. We will learn from many initiatives attempted in Scandinavia since the 1970s, which are all potentially helpful and useful for other countries and contexts.\n\nThe International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University is an international centre of excellence on strategies for sustainable solutions. The IIIEE is ideally suited to understand and explain the interdisciplinary issues in green economies utilising the diverse disciplinary backgrounds of its international staff. The IIIEE has been researching and teaching on sustainability and greener economies since the 1990s and it has extensive international networks connecting with a variety of organizations.\n\n5-8 hours/week\n5 weeks duration\n40 films\n20 teachers",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Lund University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Capstone: Creating A Sustainability Proposal",
"link": "",
"description": "Congratulations on reaching the Capstone Class of the Become a Sustainable Business Change Agent specialization. The class will help you apply material from the previous three classes. We have developed a case about a hypothetical ski resort that offers lots of opportunities to develop sustainability recommendations. A second option is do develop a proposal for a change in your company or organization. Or you can do both the case and your own proposal. \n\nThe goal of the class is to have you practice the entire process from identifying a problem, finding a possible solution, doing analysis to determine the proposed change's financial and sustainability impacts, figure out who to present the proposal and what they need to see to say 'Yes' and develop a budget and implementation plan.\n\nIt is big assignment, but if you have gone through the material in the first three classes you should be well-equipped for the challenge.\n\nWe hope that the concepts and tools we have introduced will start you on your way to making positive changes in your company, organization, community and the world. We have provided just the most basic tolls. As you progress you will enhance your skills and become more effective. Best of luck on all you change endeavors.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Colorado System"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Public Relations",
"link": "",
"description": "What is Public Relations? What does a Public Relations practitioner do and what is the role of Public Relations in a technologically-connected global landscape? What is the nature of the Public Relations process and how to develop Public Relations strategies and tactics?\n\nIn this course, you will learn what Public Relations is, what are some of the key growth areas in Public Relations, and the future of the practice. You will learn about the various theories of Public Relations and how to put these theories to use when carrying out Public Relations activities. The course will provide you a big picture of the Public Relations process, and the important roles of strategy and tactics in the process. \n\nThis is a foundation course for students wanting to pursue careers in public relations as well as a refresher for entry level PR practitioners wanting to brush up on their knowledge of the field. Throughout the course, I will converse with you about the ongoing trends in technology and culture and the ways in which these trends are shaping PR across the globe.\n\nCome join me in this fun tour of Public Relations practice, PR theories, and the PR process. \n\nWe will learn together about the nature of PR in our technologically-powered networked societies and the ways in which PR careers are being transformed by global conversations.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National University of Singapore"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Personality Types at Work",
"link": "",
"description": "Knowing yourself, your team, your manager, and your organization are keys to personal and business success. What were once labeled soft skills are now modern requirements in today's workplace - especially if you are trying to get in the door or are already leading a team. This course is specifically designed for the:\n\n -Job Seeker: You will create a usable cover letter with feedback from your peers as well as develop exceptional responses to some of the most common, yet challenging interview questions. We will get you the skills to help get in the door!\n\n -Team Member: You will develop an action plan to confront your personality weaknesses and highlight your strengths so you can ace your annual review. We will also cover strategies that will help you uncover your true worth so you can ask with more confidence. We will get you the skills to get ahead!\n\n -Manager: You will create an effective action plan for an employee, team, or organization based on your new knowledge of personality types and you will create a 360 degree review plan to better identify your strengths and weaknesses. We will get you the skills to rise above the rest!\n\nWe will dive deep into the types and teach you how to translate your new knowledge into business success by leveraging personality and emotional intelligence in the workplace - wherever you may be! Join us!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Florida"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "The Rooseveltian Century",
"link": "",
"description": "This course uses the lives, ideals and achievements of Theodore, Franklin, and Eleanor Roosevelt to create the idea of a Rooseveltian century. It is about doing research, analyzing primary sources, and connecting all this information with a coherent and logical interpretation. It is an invitation to think critically and historically, and it wants to give you a glimpse of what it means to be a historian at work. \n\nWe are convinced that the three Roosevelts – the 3Rs, as we will refer to them throughout this course – profoundly shaped the twentieth century. This course shows you why we think so and which paradigms, ideas, and sources we use to uphold our claim. But this course also asks you to give your opinion, and ground it on your own research findings. \n\nThe structure of the course is straightforward: \n- An introductory module gives you the biographical information you need to connect the personal stories of the 3Rs with the major events of the twentieth century;\n- Module 2 explains how the 3Rs reframed our thinking on security, broadening its meaning and reconfiguring the government’s role in providing it; \n- Module 3, focusing on equality, shows how the 3Rs changed the relationship between leaders and led, rejected laissez-faire economics, and supported a politics of intervention to overcome the inequalities that undermined social cohesion;\n- Module 4 describes how the 3Rs promoted and protected the freedom of ordinary citizens, and communicated that as one of their central political goals;\n- Module 5 summarizes the long-lasting legacies of the 3Rs, and asks for your opinion on the Rooseveltian century. Do you agree with this interpretation of our recent past – and our possible futures?\n\nThe five modules contain quizzes to test your knowledge and understanding, discussion prompts to stimulate your creativity, and research guidance and assignments to sharpen up your historical skills. \n\nWe hope you will enjoy this intellectual journey!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universiteit Leiden"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Engaging in Persuasive and Credible Communication",
"link": "",
"description": "In \"Engaging in Persuasive and Credible Communication\", you will learn the key skill of persuasion, in the context of professional communication in a globalised world. \n\nPersuasive communication is essential to any professional workplace. From a simple email request for your colleague to help you, to developing a presentation for the board of directors, these are acts of communication that require a good degree of persuasion. Even the process of entering the workforce requires effective persuasive communication, for in the act of writing your resume, cover-letter, or in the interview process, you are essentially persuading the potential employer to hire you.\n\nBy the end of this course, you will be able to structure and express your ideas in a convincing and persuasive manner in writing, apply basic principles of persuasive writing to convince different sets of audiences at the globalised workplace, and learn to engage in persuasive and credible communication across different cultures in a complex globalised environment.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National University of Singapore"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Le Bien, le Juste, l'Utile. Introduction aux éthiques philosophiques",
"link": "",
"description": "Course in French with English and Chinese subtitles\n\nCe cours présente les principaux courants qui marquent aujourd'hui la réflexion éthique et touchent tout un chacun dans sa vie personnelle, sociale et citoyenne. D’Aristote à Kant, de Bentham à Derrida, à travers un voyage philosophique passionnant nous entrerons dans le vif du débat éthique contemporain.\n\nNotre monde toujours plus complexe semble nous échapper. Réchauffement climatique, questions de début et de fin de vie, évolution vertigineuse des bio-technologies, inégale distribution des richesses, pressions migratoires accentuées… La tentation est grande d’une vie morale repliée sur elle-même à partir d’une éthique minimale : « fais ce que tu veux, du moment que tu ne mets pas en péril la liberté des autres ». Nous proposons de prendre le contre-pied : défendre l’idée d’une éthique qui nous plonge dans notre réalité sociale et politique, parmi nos semblables et avec eux. Et pour cela nous reposons la question de ce qui est juste, de ce qui est bien. Sans repartir de rien, sans tout réinventer.\nC’est pourquoi nous présentons un cours qui permet de se familiariser avec les plus importantes perspectives éthiques traversant le monde contemporain : l’éthique des vertus (ou perfectionnisme) ; l’éthique du devoir (ou déontologisme) ; l’éthique utilitariste (ou conséquentialisme) ; l’éthique de l’amour (ou éthique du don). Ainsi chacun pourra mettre de l’ordre dans ses idées, repérer les différentes manières de s’orienter dans la vie morale, comprendre les différences d’appréciation face aux diverses situations qui interpellent et sollicitent.\n\nQuels que soient votre champ de savoir académique, votre engagement professionnel ou vos choix personnels, il s’agit de proposer des clés d’analyse dont vous disposerez. Pour cela, nous alternerons tout au long de ce cours les présentations des grands courants, sous leur forme ancienne puis contemporaine, et des questions plus transversales ou des cas concrets. Avec un seul but : clarifier les idées pour mieux comprendre le réel et mieux orienter l’action.\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nAbout this course:\n\nThis course presents the main schools of thought that frame today’s ethical reflection and affect everyone in their personal, social and civic life. From Aristotle to Kant, from Bentham to Derrida, we will take you to the heart of contemporary ethical debates through a fascinating philosophical journey. Our increasingly complex world seems to elude our grasp. Global warming, beginning and end-of-life issues, the dizzying evolution of bio-technologies, the unequal distribution of wealth, heightened migratory pressures ... In response, we are tempted to make the moral life a self-legislating and isolated affair: \"do what you want, as long as you do not put at risk the freedom of others\". We propose to go against this trend and to defend the idea of ​​an ethics that immerses us in our social and political reality, in and amongst our peers. We thus reformulate the question of what is right and what is good. This is not to say we are starting from scratch and reinventing the wheel. Rather, we will offer a course that allows you to encounter the most important ethical perspectives of our contemporary world: virtue ethics (or perfectionism); ethics of duty (or deontology); utilitarianism (or consequentialism); ethics of love (or ethics of the gift). Everyone will thus have a chance to evaluate his or her ideas, to identify different approaches to the moral life, and to understand a range of perspectives on different situations that face us in our lives. Whatever your field of academic knowledge, your professional commitments or personal choices, this course presents key concepts for further analysis. Therefore, we will alternate discussions of the founding schools of ethical thought, in their ancient and contemporary formulations, with cross-disciplinary issues and applied case studies. The goal throughout is to clarify ideas in order to better understand reality and orient human action.\n\n- - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- \n善、正义、功用:哲学伦理学导论\n \n本课程旨在向大家介绍伦理学的主要流派,这些流派对如今的伦理思考意义非凡,并且涉及到每个人的个人生活、社会生活和公民生活。\n从亚里士多德到康德,从边沁到德里达,通过引人入胜的哲学之旅,我们将进入当代伦理学辩论的核心问题。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Geneva"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Our Earth's Future",
"link": "",
"description": "Our Earth’s Future is about the science of climate change and how to talk about it. You will learn from scientists in the fields of climatology, oceanography, Earth science, and anthropology who study how climate change is affecting people, populations, and ways of life. Explore the multiple lines of evidence for the human-induced climate change that is happening today, and consider what that means for the future of our planet. At the end of this course you will be able to understand key scientific principles, identify and address misconceptions, and contribute confidently to conversations about climate change.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"American Museum of Natural History"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Conjunctions, Connectives, and Adverb Clauses",
"link": "",
"description": "This is the second course in the Learn English: Advanced Grammar and Punctuation specialty. In this course, you will learn about a lot of different ways to join ideas to make more complex and interesting sentences. You'll learn about two types of conjunctions, many other types of connectives, and adverb clauses. You'll also learn about how to punctuate all of these expressions and the types of sentences they create. All of this is grammar you must know to have a high fluency in English.\n\nPlease note that the free version of this class gives you access to all of the instructional videos and handouts. The peer feedback and quizzes are only available in the paid version.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Irvine"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Number Theory and Cryptography",
"link": "",
"description": "We all learn numbers from the childhood. Some of us like to count, others hate it, but any person uses numbers everyday to buy things, pay for services, estimated time and necessary resources. People have been wondering about numbers’ properties for thousands of years. And for thousands of years it was more or less just a game that was only interesting for pure mathematicians. Famous 20th century mathematician G.H. Hardy once said “The Theory of Numbers has always been regarded as one of the most obviously useless branches of Pure Mathematics”. Just 30 years after his death, an algorithm for encryption of secret messages was developed using achievements of number theory. It was called RSA after the names of its authors, and its implementation is probably the most frequently used computer program in the word nowadays. Without it, nobody would be able to make secure payments over the internet, or even log in securely to e-mail and other personal services. In this short course, we will make the whole journey from the foundation to RSA in 4 weeks. By the end, you will be able to apply the basics of the number theory to encrypt and decrypt messages, and to break the code if one applies RSA carelessly. You will even pass a cryptographic quest!\n\nAs prerequisites we assume only basic math (e.g., we expect you to know what is a square or how to add fractions), basic programming in python (functions, loops, recursion), common sense and curiosity. Our intended audience are all people that work or plan to work in IT, starting from motivated high school students.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, San Diego",
"Higher School of Economics"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Теория графов",
"link": "",
"description": "Среди жителей Кёнигсберга была распространена такая практическая головоломка: можно ли пройти по всем мостам через реку Преголя, не проходя ни по одному из них дважды? В 1736 году выдающийся математик Леонард Эйлер заинтересовался задачей и в письме другу привел строгое доказательство того, что сделать это невозможно. В том же году он доказал замечательную формулу, которая связывает число вершин, граней и ребер многогранника в трехмерном пространстве. Формула таинственным образом верна и для графов, которые называются \"планарными\". Эти два результата заложили основу теории графов и неплохо иллюстрируют направление ее развития по сей день. \n\nГраф как математический объект оказался полезным во многих теоретических и практических задачах. Наверное, дело в том, что сложность его структуры хорошо отвечает возможностям нашего мозга: это структура наглядная и понятно устроенная, но, с другой стороны, достаточно богатая, чтобы улавливать многие нетривиальные явления. Если говорить о приложениях, то, конечно, сразу же на ум приходят большие сети: Интернет, карта дорог, покрытие мобильной связи и т.п. В основах поисковых машин, таких, как Yandex и Google, лежат алгоритмы на графах. Помимо computer science, графы активно используются в биоинформатике, химии, социологии.\n\nЭтот курс служит введением в современную теорию графов. Мы, конечно, обсудим классические задачи, но и поговорим про более недавние результаты и тенденции, например, про экстремальную теорию графов. \n\nМатериал изложен с самых основ и на доступном языке. Целью этого курса является не только познакомить вас с вопросами и методами теории графов, но и развить у неподготовленных слушателей культуру математического мышления. Поэтому курс доступен широкому кругу слушателей. Для освоения материала будет достаточно знания математики на хорошем школьном уровне и базовых знаний комбинаторики.\n\nКурс состоит из 7 учебных недель и экзамена. Для успешного решения большинства задач из тестов достаточно освоить материал, рассказанный на лекциях. На семинарах разбираются и более сложные задачи, которые смогут заинтересовать слушателя, уже знакомого с основами теории графов.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization",
"link": "",
"description": "This course will teach you the \"magic\" of getting deep learning to work well. Rather than the deep learning process being a black box, you will understand what drives performance, and be able to more systematically get good results. You will also learn TensorFlow. \n\nAfter 3 weeks, you will: \n- Understand industry best-practices for building deep learning applications. \n- Be able to effectively use the common neural network \"tricks\", including initialization, L2 and dropout regularization, Batch normalization, gradient checking, \n- Be able to implement and apply a variety of optimization algorithms, such as mini-batch gradient descent, Momentum, RMSprop and Adam, and check for their convergence. \n- Understand new best-practices for the deep learning era of how to set up train/dev/test sets and analyze bias/variance\n- Be able to implement a neural network in TensorFlow. \n\nThis is the second course of the Deep Learning Specialization.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Converter Control",
"link": "",
"description": "This course teaches how to design a feedback system to control a switching converter. The equivalent circuit models derived in the previous courses are extended to model small-signal ac variations. These models are then solved, to find the important transfer functions of the converter and its regulator system. Finally, the feedback loop is modeled, analyzed, and designed to meet requirements such as output regulation, bandwidth and transient response, and rejection of disturbances.\n\nUpon completion of this course, you will be able to design and analyze the feedback systems of switching regulators.\n\nThis course assumes prior completion of courses Introduction to Power Electronics and Converter Circuits.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Colorado Boulder"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "實驗經濟學 (Experimental Economics I: Behavioral Game Theory)",
"link": "",
"description": "人是否會如同理論經濟學的預測進行決策?這門課將透過每週的課程影片以及課後作業帶你了解實驗經濟學的基本概念。每週將會有習題練習以及指定閱讀的期刊論文。你將會參與一些線上的實驗、報告論文並且互評其他同學的報告。\n\n❖ 課程介紹(About the course)\n\n這是一門進階的經濟學課程,課程目標為介紹實驗經濟學的基本概念,並且讓學生們能開始在這個領域從事自己的相關研究。\n\n詳細課程目標如下:\n\n1. 實驗經濟學的介紹: 在上完這堂課之後,學生應能列舉經濟學各個領域的數個知名實驗,並且解釋實驗結果如何驗證或否證經濟理論及其他實地資料。\n\n2. 評論近期相關領域研究:上完這堂課之後,學生應能閱讀並評論實驗經濟學相關的期刊論文。在課堂中,學生將會閱讀指定的期刊論文,並且(在影片中)親自上台報告一篇論文。\n\n\n\n❖ 授課形式(Course format)\n\n1. 本堂課將以影片的形式為主,搭配課後作業的形式來進行。\n\n每個同學將閱讀一篇實驗經濟學論文,並錄影成兩段各 10 分鐘的介紹影片並後上傳至 Coursera(或上傳到 Youku,再複製連結到作業上傳區)。第一段期中報告影片請同學介紹該論文所描述的實驗設計,第二段,也就是期末報告影片則介紹實驗結果。此外每位同學至少需觀看其他兩位同學的呈現內容,並給予評論。\n\n2. 這堂課將簡單地運用以下賽局(博弈)概念:\n\n奈許均衡 / 纳什均衡(Nash Equilibrium)\n混合策略均衡(Mixed Strategy Equilibrium)\n子賽局完美均衡 / 子博弈精練纳什均衡(SPNE)\n共識 / 共同知識(Common Knowledge)\n信念(Belief)",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National Taiwan University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Robotics: Mobility",
"link": "",
"description": "How can robots use their motors and sensors to move around in an unstructured environment? You will understand how to design robot bodies and behaviors that recruit limbs and more general appendages to apply physical forces that confer reliable mobility in a complex and dynamic world. We develop an approach to composing simple dynamical abstractions that partially automate the generation of complicated sensorimotor programs. Specific topics that will be covered include: mobility in animals and robots, kinematics and dynamics of legged machines, and design of dynamical behavior via energy landscapes.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Pennsylvania"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Villes africaines I: Introduction à la planification urbaine",
"link": "",
"description": "Le cours permet d'apprendre les bases de la planification urbaine à travers ses dimensions techniques, environnementales, sociales, économiques et symboliques.\n\nLe cours parle uniquement des villes africaines et même si celles-ci ont valeurs d'exemple pour les ville du Sud, voire toutes les villes, nous nous efforçons à remettre les problématiques dans un contexte africain.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Algorithmic Thinking (Part 2)",
"link": "",
"description": "Experienced Computer Scientists analyze and solve computational problems at a level of abstraction that is beyond that of any particular programming language. This two-part class is designed to train students in the mathematical concepts and process of \"Algorithmic Thinking\", allowing them to build simpler, more efficient solutions to computational problems.\n\nIn part 2 of this course, we will study advanced algorithmic techniques such as divide-and-conquer and dynamic programming. As the central part of the course, students will implement several algorithms in Python that incorporate these techniques and then use these algorithms to analyze two large real-world data sets. The main focus of these tasks is to understand interaction between the algorithms and the structure of the data sets being analyzed by these algorithms.\n\nOnce students have completed this class, they will have both the mathematical and programming skills to analyze, design, and program solutions to a wide range of computational problems. While this class will use Python as its vehicle of choice to practice Algorithmic Thinking, the concepts that you will learn in this class transcend any particular programming language.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Rice University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Success",
"link": "",
"description": "Do you want to be more successful? This course was designed to help you define what success means to you, and to develop a plan for achieving it. Wharton Professor G. Richard Shell, an award-winning author and the creator of the popular Wharton School course on the meaning of success, created this course to help you answer the questions that arise when you consider how best to use your life. Drawing on his decades of research and mentoring, Shell offers personalized assessments to help you probe your past, imagine your future, and measure your strengths. He then combines these with the latest scientific insights on everything from self-confidence and happiness to relationships and careers. Throughout, he shares inspiring examples of people who found what they were meant to do by embracing their own true measure of success. Get ready for the journey of a lifetime—one that will help you reevaluate your future and envision success on your own terms. Students and executives say that Richard Shell’s courses and executive training programs have changed their lives. Let this course change yours.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Pennsylvania"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": ".Net平台下的软件开发技术毕业项目",
"link": "",
"description": "毕业设计项目将综合5门课程所学知识,设计完成一个基于.Net平台的小型软件项目,以验证你是否具备了.Net应用程序开发的基本能力。\n\n项目具体要求如下:\n1. 该系统应该包括客户端和管理端;\n2. 客户端包括以下功能:\n①用户登录;\n②用户注册;\n③菜品订购;\n④购物车功能;\n⑤订单增、删、改、查功能;\n3. 管理端包括以下功能:\n①用户管理;\n②订单管理(增、删、改、查);\n③菜品管理(增、删、改、查);\n④统计管理(日销量、月销量、用户订餐细节)。\n\n如果你能够在.Net环境下利用C#语言独立完成毕设项目,说明你已经达到面向.Net框架的初级程序员水平。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Xi'an Jiaotong University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Spanish Vocabulary: Meeting People",
"link": "",
"description": "¡Hola! ¿Como Estas? In this entry level course, you will take the first step toward exploring the foundations of Spanish grammar and pronunciation, and will begin to build a working vocabulary of common Spanish words and expressions. You will be able to talk about yourself, your family and friends in the present tense, and begin to explore the cultural context of the Spanish-speaking world through a series of videos and interactive activities, including speaking, reading and writing exercises. The adventure begins here, so ¡vámanos!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Davis"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Conflict Resolution Skills",
"link": "",
"description": "Resolving conflict in a positive manner is a skill than can be developed and practiced. Being heard can be one of the most important goals of someone engaged in conflict. Knowing how to listen and deploy appropriate communication tactics is determinative of whether a conflict will have a positive or negative resolution. Examine listening skills, appropriate and strategic verbal and non-verbal communication skills, and how to assemble a conflict management plan likely to yield positive resolutions.\n\nUpon completing this course, you will be able to:\n1. Use active learning skills when dealing with conflict\n2. Choose appropriate communication tactics when dealing with conflict\n3. Create a usable plan for managing conflict",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Irvine"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Virtual Reality",
"link": "",
"description": "This course will introduce you to Virtual Reality (VR). The course will teach you everything from the basics of VR- the hardware and the history of VR- to different applications of VR, the psychology of Virtual Reality, and the challenges of the medium.\n\nThe course is designed for people who are new to VR as a medium. You may have experienced some virtual reality before, and may have some hardware- but this course is suitable to individuals who have never experienced VR and those who do not have much hardware- we will explain Mobile VR as well as devices such as the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.\n\nIntroduction to Virtual Reality is the first course in the Virtual Reality Specialisation. A learner with no previous experience in Virtual Reality and/or game programming will be able to evaluate existing VR applications, and design, test, and implement their own VR experiences/games using Unity by the end of the specialisation.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of London",
"Goldsmiths, University of London"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Songwriting: Writing the Lyrics",
"link": "",
"description": "There’s a songwriter lurking somewhere inside you, peeking around corners, wondering if it’s safe to come out. Now it is. This course is an invitation to let your inner songwriter step into the sunlight. All it takes is a simple “yes” and you’ll be climbing that windy hill, marveling at the view.\n\nIf you haven’t written any or many songs, this course will show you an efficient, effective process for tailoring songs to express your ideas and emotions. If you have, you’ll look at your process differently, taking control of aspects of the process you may have not noticed.\n\nThe course will start by examining the tools available to you, all revolving around the essential concept of prosody. You’ll learn to use your tools to enhance your message—to work compositionally at the same time you’re developing your ideas.\n\nYou’ll be working both lyrically and musically, though musically it’s not necessary that you either read music or play an instrument. If you play, great, and you’ll be encouraged to play and record your musical responses to the assignments. If you don’t play, the course offers you a number of musical loops to work with. All you’ll have to do is sing your melodies over the loops.\n\nAssignments will ask you to post something for peer review—sometimes lyric lines or sections, sometimes melodies, sometimes both. None of it has to be polished. The course is about writing, not performing.\n\nMost important, you’ll have a lot of fun.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Smart Cities – Management of Smart Urban Infrastructures",
"link": "",
"description": "Learn about Smart Cities within the context of management of urban infrastructures. The introduction of Smart urban technologies into legacy infrastructures has resulted in numerous challenges and opportunities for contemporary cities and will continue to do so. This course will help you to understand how to make the best of these smart technologies in your cities’ legacy infrastructures. \nOver the past few years, advances in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have significantly challenged the traditionally stable land scape of urban infrastructure service provision. This has resulted in increasing interest from both technology vendors and public authorities in the transition of cities towards so-called “Smart Cities”. Although such “Smart technologies” can provide immense opportunities for citizens and service providers alike, the ICTs often act as disruptive innovators of urban infrastructure service provision.\nIn this MOOC, you will gain a thorough understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with the Smart urban infrastructures, namely Smart urban transportation and Smart urban energy systems. Over the journey of this 5-week online course you will learn about the most important principles for the management of Smart urban infrastructures as well as the applications of these principles in the transportation and energy sectors. \nThis course does not have any prerequisites. However, to take the most away from of this MOOC, we strongly encourage you to enroll in our other MOOC on the Management of Urban Infrastructures, which has been widely praised by learners. \nThrough this course, you will:\n- Gain a deep understanding of the nature of disruptive innovations (smart technologies) in urban infrastructure systems;\n- Learn about state-of-the-art strategies for effectively managing the transition from legacy infrastructures to smart urban systems;\n- Study the management of the transition phase from legacy infrastructure systems to smart cities by supporting innovations while avoiding early lock-in; and\n- Understand potential applications of the materials learned in this course within the context of the management of smart urban transportation systems as well as smart urban energy systems.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Financing and Investing in Infrastructure",
"link": "",
"description": "Learn how debt and equity can be used to finance infrastructure investments and how investors approach infrastructure investments! \n\nAccording to the OECD, the global infrastructure investment requirement by 2030 for transport, electricity generation, transmission & distribution, and water & telecommunications totals to 71 trillion dollars. This figure represents about 3.5% of the annual World GDP from 2007 to 2030.\n\nThe European Commission estimated, that by 2020, Europe will need between 1.5 - 2 trillion Euros in infrastructure investments. Between 2011 and 2020, about 500 billion Euros will be required for the implementation of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) program, 400 billion Euros for Energy distribution networks and smart grids, 200 billion Euros on Energy transmission networks and storage, and 500 billion Euros for the upgrade and construction of new power plants. An additional 38 - 58 billion Euros and 181 - 268 billion Euros in capital investment will be needed to achieve the targets set by the European Commission for broadband diffusion.\n\nTraditionally investments in infrastructure were financed using public sources. However, severe budget constraints and inefficient management of infrastructure by public entities have led to an increased involvement of private investors in the business. \n\nThe course focuses on how private investors approach infrastructure projects from the standpoint of equity, debt, and hybrid instruments. \n\nThe course concentrates on the practical aspects of project finance: the most frequently used financial techniques for infrastructure investments. The repeated use of real life examples and case studies will allow students to link the theoretical background to actual business practices.\n\nIn the end of the course, students will be capable of analyzing a complex transaction, identifying the key elements of a deal, and suggesting proper solutions for deal structuring from a financial advisor's perspective.\n\nCourse Format\nThe course will consist of lecture videos, readings, and talks given by guest speakers. Although we do hope you will attend the entire course, it is possible to just focus on single topics.\n\nSuggested Readings\nThe course is designed to be self-contained, there are no obligatory readings that must be acquired outside of the course. \nFor students interested in additional study material, you may refer to:\n•\tGatti Stefano, \"Project Finance in theory and practice\", Academic Press, 2nd edition, 2012.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Università Bocconi"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Public Health Engineering in Humanitarian Contexts",
"link": "",
"description": "The world is facing unprecedented humanitarian needs. Today’s humanitarian crisis tend to be greater in number, often in urban settings, longer in duration and broader in regional impact. They generate human sufferings on a greater scale, disrupt essential services, such as water supply or sanitation and put health of large population at risk. Engineers and technical specialists in water, sanitation, energy, environment, and in other related fields play a vital role to respond to these challenges and growing needs. In the humanitarian sector, they are called the public health engineers and today they are increasingly needed! Why public health engineering matters so much in humanitarian crises? And how its related activities are carrying out in such complex environment? This is what this MOOC is all about!\n\nThe EPFL, EAWAG-SANDEC and ICRC have decided to partner to guide you through this introduction to the fascinating field of public health engineering in humanitarian contexts.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Exploring Light: Hands-on Activities and Strategies for Teachers",
"link": "",
"description": "This is an Exploratorium teacher professional development course taught by Teacher Institute staff, open to any science teacher (particularly middle or high school level) and science enthusiast. This is a hands-on workshop that explores topics and strategies teachers can use to help their students become active investigators of light.\n\nWatch a preview video (copy and paste this link into your browser):\n\nThere are four weeks of course content, which require 2-4 hours per week. Each module builds upon the previous one, so we strongly suggest you follow the sequence we've outlined rather than skip ahead or do the course in less time. The course is designed to give you an opportunity to learn and share with others, not test what you know. There are weekly activity and reflection assignments, but these will not be graded. To receive credit for this course, you will need to complete the peer-reviewed final assignment.\n\nAs a participant, you will:\n- Watch videos that demonstrate natural phenomena and the Exploratorium's approach to teaching and learning \n- Conduct personal investigations by engaging in hands-on activities based in those phenomena\n- Reflect and share your experience doing activities\n- Discuss and identify challenges and opportunities for teaching\n- Devise a lesson of your own based on one or more of the activities\n\nEach week, we'll look at a different light-related topic: We will start by examining human visual perception, then take a brief historical tour of our evolving scientific understanding. We’ll also look at optics and optical instruments and finish by looking at the wave nature of light. \n\nTo get the most out of this experience, you'll have to try out some activities! In return, you'll get lots of valuable teaching resources, an in-depth understanding of the subject matter, and useful tips and techniques for the classroom.\n\nNOTE: This is a hands-on workshop, so you will need to buy or find materials. All of the materials required are inexpensive and should be easy to obtain, and we welcome substitutions! A separate list of materials is available for each activity.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Genomic and Precision Medicine",
"link": "",
"description": "Precision medicine has the potential to change fundamentally how health care is practiced, but requires a health care workforce that understands the complexities of this field. One important component of Precision Medicine is the use of an individual’s genomic information to offer targeted treatment, tailored to the individual. Our course aims to provide participants with some baseline knowledge of genomics, an overview of the clinical applications of genomic medicine, the skills to evaluate the clinical validity and utility of new tests, and an appreciation of the associated ethical and social issues inherent in this field. \n\nThe course is geared toward practicing health care providers, although it should be accessible to anyone with a background in the biological sciences and a basic understanding of genetics. It is designed to be succinct and clinically-focused, offering both conceptual and practical information about real-world applications of genomics. Two lessons offer a basic primer on molecular genomics relevant to the individual patient as well as to patient populations. The remaining five lessons focus on five applications of genomics and present the material as case studies, highlighting the strengths, limitations, and issues that arise in the use of each test.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, San Francisco"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Re-imaging God in Korean Context",
"link": "",
"description": "This course will be an overview of a development of the theological methods in relation to Korea’s cultural context. Completing the course, the learners can understand cultural influences on the dynamic development of Korean churches and indigenous theology; they can also gain an insight into their own image of God and theological imagination in their own cultural context.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Yonsei University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Интернет-предпринимательство",
"link": "",
"description": "Курс разработан совместно c Фондом развития интернет-инициатив (ФРИИ) — самым активным российским фондом венчурных инвестиций. Фонд предоставляет инвестиции технологическим компаниям на ранних этапах развития, проводит акселерационные программы и участвует в разработке методов правового регулирования венчурной отрасли.\n\nПрограмма состоит из 5 недель. В течение первой недели вы выработаете ряд гипотез о проблемах и потребностях людей, которых вы рассматриваете в качестве своих клиентов. На второй неделе вы подробно расскажете о своих клиентах и их потребностях с помощью карт эмпатии и выполните сегментирование рынка на основе профилей клиентов. В третьей и четвертой неделях узнаете методы валидации клиентов, строящиеся на проблемных интервью с ними – вам придется подготовить сценарии и провести собеседования. После того как вы выявите определенный набор проблем, с которыми сталкиваются ваши потенциальные клиенты, вы оцените объем этого сегмента рынка и жизнеспособность бизнеса, построенного вокруг него.\n\n\nКроме видеолекций вы получите готовые полезные материалы:\n\n– Список проверенных рыночных гипотез,\n– Набор сценариев для проблемных интервью,\n– Записи/расшифровки нескольких интервью с клиентами,\n– Наброски для ценностного предложения и\n– Таблица с оценкой рыночных сегментов.\n \n\nПо завершении курса вы сможете:\n\n– Понимать основные концепции предпринимательства (что такое: стартап, бизнес-модель, гипотеза, потребительский сегмент, потребности и проблемы, hadi-циклы и их применение, а также как модель жизненного цикла рынка технологий управляет бизнесом)\n– Определять потребительские сегменты и потребности клиентов\n– Выполнять сегментирование рынка на основе потребностей клиентов и произвольных параметров\n– Разрабатывать и проверять профили клиентов с использованием карт эмпатии\n– Строить гипотезы относительно потребностей клиентов\n– Проверять гипотезы с помощью проблемных интервью с клиентами\n– Подготавливать и проводить собеседования с клиентами\n– Анализировать результаты проблемных интервью и делать соответствующие выводы на их основе\n– Составлять убедительные ценностные предложения, основанные на результатах опросов клиентов\n– Оценивать объем сегментов рынка и их жизнеспособность\n– Внедрять итерационный подход к работе над курсовым проектом, используя hadi-циклы.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology",
"Фонд развития интернет-инициатив (ФРИИ)"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Health Concepts in Chinese Medicine",
"link": "",
"description": "Course Overview:\nChinese Medicine and Modern Medicine are two distinct medical systems, yet they both aim at the prevention and treatment of human diseases. With this in mind, we should understand the practice of Chinese Medicine in the context of Modern Medicine.\n\nIn this course, we explore the basic theories underlying the practice of Chinese Medicine, compare and contrast the use of Chinese Medicine and Modern Medicine in Preventive Health, and discuss how Chinese tonifying herbs can help restore a healthy condition.\n\nBy the end of this course, you will be able to:\n- state the important Chinese Medicine literature from 5th century B.C. to 16th century A.D.\n- describe and interpret basic Chinese Medicine theories \n- apply the basic Chinese Medicine theories (such as the balance between Yin and Yang and the interaction among organs) to restore a healthy condition\n- compare and contrast the use of Chinese Medicine and Modern Medicine in Preventive Health\n- explain how the balance of Yang/Qi and/or Yin/Blood can be restored by using Chinese tonifying herbs\n- adapt the Chinese Medicine concepts by reviewing the contemporary researches on pharmacological activities in Chinese tonifying herbs",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Brand and Product Management",
"link": "",
"description": "Identify the critical information needed to develop a product and brand strategy that generates both quick-wins and long-term value. By completing this course, you will be in position to create an activity plan to bring your brand strategy to life - both externally towards consumers and internally to employees. You will be able to define the right metrics for determining success in the implementation of your product and brand strategy, considering any adjustments that may need to be made under a test and learn methodology.\n\nLuis Rodriguez Baptista - a professor at IE University and Marekting Consultant - will guide you through six modules that look at first understanding the challenge of managing products through their 'life-cycle' and culminates with learning how to equip your employees with knowledge of how to deliver on your brand promise. The course features interviews with consumer and industry professionals, which help illustrate the importance of brand strategy. \n\nBrand and product management is a unique course which enables you to first understand the importance of brand and product management and then use brand development, architecture and portfolios, in order to achieve success.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"IE Business School"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Humanitarian communication : Addressing key challenges",
"link": "",
"description": "Learn how to address the main challenges of communication in humanitarian settings and how to implement a communication plan in the midst of humanitarian action.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Geneva"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Sustainability of Social-Ecological Systems: the Nexus between Water, Energy and Food",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course you will become familiar with the ideas of the water-energy-food nexus and transdisciplinary thinking. \n\nYou will learn to see your community or country as a complex social-ecological system and to describe its water, energy and food metabolism in the form of a pattern, as well as to map the categories of social actors. \nWe will provide you with the tools to measure the nexus elements and to analyze them in a coherent way across scales and dimensions of analysis. In this way, your quantitative analysis will become useful for informed decision-making. You will be able to detect and quantify dependence on non-renewable resources and externalization of environmental problems to other societies and ecosystems (a popular ‘solution’ in the western world). Practical case studies, from both developed and developing countries, will help you evaluate the state-of-play of a given community or country and to evaluate possible solutions. Last but not least, you will learn to see pressing social-ecological issues, such as energy poverty, water scarcity and inequity, from a radically different perspective, and to question everything you’ve been told so far.\n\nACKNOWLEDGEMENT\nPart of the results and case studies presented have been developed within two projects: MAGIC and PARTICIPIA. However, the course does not reflect the views of the funding institutions or of the project partners as a whole, and the case studies were presented purely with an educational and illustrative purpose.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Building Interactive 3D Characters and Social VR",
"link": "",
"description": "Meeting another person is one of the most amazing experiences you can have in Virtual Reality. It is quite unlike communicating through any other medium except a real life face-to-face conversation. Because the other person is life size and shares a virtual space with you, body language works in a way that cannot be done on a flat screen. This course will enable you to create realistic social interactions in VR. \n\nYou will learn about both the psychology of social interaction and the practical skills to implement it in Unity3D. We will take you through the basics of 3D character animation and how to create body language. You will learn about how to make characters that can respond to players’ speech and body language. You will also learn about avatars: the virtual representation of other players, and agents: computer controlled NPC characters and how to implement both of them. \n\nAs many people have said before us, social is the future of VR. This course will help you become part of the future of Virtual Reality social experiences.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of London",
"Goldsmiths, University of London"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Tricky American English Pronunciation",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course, you’ll practice the sounds of American English that might sometimes be confusing. You'll practice both consonant and vowel sounds. You’ll also learn about the things that give English its special “music,” such as how to stress the right syllable in a word, how to make your voice go up and down in a natural-sounding melody, and how to naturally connect sounds and words. Learning these things will help you speak more clearly and make sure that others can understand what you're saying.\nThis course is useful for English language learners who want to improve pronunciation of American English for better communication.\nNote that access to all of the lectures and handouts are free to anyone, but the graded assignments and quizzes are only available in the paid version of the course. You will need to submit recordings of your own pronunciation for graded assignments.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Irvine"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Software Product Management",
"link": "",
"description": "This course highlights the importance and role of software product management. It also provides an overview of the specialization, as well as its goals, structure, and expectations. The course explains the value of process, requirements, planning, and monitoring in producing better software. \n \nUpon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:\n\n - Relate software product management to better software products\n - Recognize the role of a software product manager\n - Reflect on how Agile principles will improve your own projects",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Alberta"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Теория игр (Game Theory)",
"link": "",
"description": "В течение жизни мы постоянно взаимодействуем с другими людьми. Маленькие дети, пытаясь добиться того, чтобы родители купили понравившуюся конфетку, часто шантажируют родителей своими слезами. Принимая решение заплакать, ребенок рискует — он не знает, как поведут себя папа с мамой. В чуть более взрослом возрасте абитуриенты, выбирающие вуз, принимают сложное решение о том, в какие университеты подать документы. Ошибка может стоить дорого: при неправильной стратегии можно оказаться в слабом университете или вообще остаться без заветного студенческого билета. Окончив вуз, юноши и девушки начинают искать работу. Перед интервью с работодателем они штудируют статьи в интернете о том, что можно и чего нельзя говорить на интервью, — они пытаются найти наилучшую стратегию своего поведения, исходя из ожиданий компании, в которую они устраиваются. Все эти ситуации объединяет то, что решения, которые принимают одни люди, оказывают влияние на других людей. Такие взаимодействия называются стратегическими. Именно их изучает теория игр.\n\nЧтобы проанализировать ту или иную реальную жизненную ситуацию стратегического взаимодействия и найти оптимальный вариант поведения в ней, необходимо сделать две вещи. Во-первых, необходимо формально записать ситуацию на языке теории игр, то есть создать модель (игру). Во-вторых, после того как модель (игра) составлена, ее необходимо решить. Этому мы будем учиться в течение курса. Мы разберем основные виды игр (одновременные и последовательные, с совершенной и несовершенной информацией, коалиционные и некоалиционные), приведем способы их решения и обсудим их на многочисленных примерах.\n\nКурс будет интересен желающим разобраться в том, как конкурируют друг с другом несколько компаний и можно ли гарантированно выиграть в шашки, есть ли смысл угрожать на переговорах и с кем стоит объединяться в коалиции в парламенте.\n\nFAQ\n\nВ: Требуется ли предварительная подготовка для прохождения курса?\nО: Курс является базовым, поэтому он не требует специальной подготовки. Для его успешного освоения достаточно уверенных знаний курса математики в объеме школьной программы. В одном-двух примерах могут пригодиться знания начал математического анализа (дифференцирование функций одной переменной, необходимое условие экстремума) и знания начал теории вероятностей (понятие математического ожидания случайной величины).\n\nВ: Что требуется для успешного окончания курса?\nО: Итоговая оценка за курс складывается из результатов 10 оцениваемых тестов. Для успешного окончания курса необходимо дать не менее 80 % правильных ответов на каждый из этих тестов.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Higher School of Economics"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Global Impact: Cultural Psychology",
"link": "",
"description": "Globalization has brought dramatic changes to the marketplace. A proliferation of global brands brings diverse cultures to a consumer population that is also growing culturally diverse. This course enables students to understand how globalization changes consumers at a psychological level, and provides tools for imbuing brands with cultural meanings—creating iconic brands—that can resonate with global consumers. The focus is on understanding that culture exists in the mind (e.g., values and beliefs) as well as in the environment (e.g., objects, brands, and institutions), and that globalization creates multi-cultural spaces in contemporary societies. Consumers can use the cultural meaning of a brand to build their identities (i.e., assimilate the brand cultural symbolism) or reject the brand’s cultural meaning(s) (i.e., exclusionary reactions).\n\nThe course will help students identify when assimilation vs. exclusionary reactions are more likely to occur, as well as devise strategies for imbuing brands with cultural meanings that can elevate them to the status of cultural icons. \n\nUpon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:\n•\tUnderstand how globalization impacts the psychological responses of consumers in global markets \n•\tUnderstand what culture is and how it manifests itself \n•\tUnderstand how brands acquire cultural meanings \n•\tPredict consumers’ responses to the cultural meanings in brands \n•\tIdentify strategies to win-over multi-cultural consumers in globalized markets \n•\tLearn how to build an iconic brand\n\nThis course is part of the iMBA offered by the University of Illinois, a flexible, fully-accredited online MBA at an incredibly competitive price. For more information, please see the Resource page in this course and",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Rails with Active Record and Action Pack",
"link": "",
"description": "You already know how to build a basic web application with the Ruby on Rails framework. Perhaps, you have even taken Course 1, \"Ruby on Rails: An Introduction\" (we highly recommend it) where you relied on external web services to be your “data layer”. But in the back of your mind, you always knew that there would come a time when you would need to roll up your sleeves and learn SQL to be able to interact with your own relational database (RDBMS). But there is an easier way to get started with SQL using the Active Record Object/Relational (ORM) framework. In this course, we will be able to use the Ruby language and the Active Record ORM framework to automate interactions with the database to quickly build the application we want.\n \nIn Rails with Active Record and Action Pack, we will explore how to interact with relational databases by using Active Record, a Ruby gem, which Rails uses by default for database access. We will then take a look at what role Active Record plays in the overall request-response cycle, when a client (the browser) requests data from the server, as well as how to submit the data to the server. Of course, when accessing data, security is of paramount importance! We will talk about vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, as well as how to secure access to data by authenticating and authorizing users accessing the data. Take this course to build a Ruby on Rails application with Active Record to automate the detailed SQL interactions with our database.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Johns Hopkins University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "系统平台与计算环境",
"link": "",
"description": "* \"系统平台与计算环境\"仅是\"大学计算机\"系列课程的第一部分,我们将在不久的未来推出“算法与C语言编程基础”,\"大学计算机\"系列课程的第二部分,敬请关注!*\n\n计算机科学是研究抽象和自动计算的学科,涉及的理论知识众多。作为计算机科学的入门,“大学计算机”系列课程将从基础知识入手,循序渐进,帮助你在了解计算机系统整体结构和基本原理的基础上,具备“选择和利用各种已有工具软件解决问题的能力”和“编写程序解决一般专业问题的能力”。\n\n本系列课程由“系统平台与计算环境(第一部分)”和“算法与C语言编程基础(第二部分)”两门课程构成。每门课程独立开设,既自成一体,又相互衔接,构成体系。本课程,即第一部分的内容,将涉及计算模型与信息表示、软硬件系统组成及工作原理、网络技术及应用、OFFICE基本操作等多个知识模块。本课程的学习目标是了解计算机软硬件系统组成、信息表示方法、网络技术等计算机学科的基础知识和基本操作技能;在未来我们将提供系列课程第二部分的学习目标,即学会编写简单的C语言控制台程序以及排序、查找等基本算法。\n\n本课程是学习计算机的入门课程,无需信息技术方面的基础,但需要你会一些计算机的基本操作,比如:文字录入、通过网络获取信息(网络信息检索)等。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Xi'an Jiaotong University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Pilares de Marketing Digital",
"link": "",
"description": "El Marketing Digital ha revolucionado la forma de hacer negocios, y ninguna corporación, empresa, emprendedor o profesional puede desconocer su importancia vital para lograr el éxito.\nEste curso proporciona al alumno el dominio de los criterios estratégicos, técnicas y herramientas propias de la disciplina.\nObjetivos:\n- Comprender el ecosistema completo del Marketing Digital\n- Desarrollar las mejores estrategias para conseguir los objetivos\n- Identificar las principales herramientas para ejecutar las acciones que contemplan éstas estrategias\n- Aprender a monitorear o controlar para tomar acciones correctivas",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universidad Austral"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Advanced Instructional Strategies in the Virtual Classroom",
"link": "",
"description": "This course will help you ‘up’ your game and develop the advanced level skills and techniques that elude even some of the most experienced virtual teachers. We will examine the pitfalls beginning teachers run into and learn how to overcome them by focusing on the fundamentals that have the greatest impact on student learning in a blended or online environment. Throughout the course, you will be challenged to assess your own skills and apply what you are learning by creating a guide, assignment, or resource that you will be able to use in a class that you teach or hope to teach someday soon. By the end of the course, you will not only have a better understanding of the basics, you will be able to put them together like a pro and empower your future students to be voracious learners who are ready to go out and make the world a better place to live.\n\nUpon completing this course, you will be able to:\n1. Meet your students' needs and craft a better virtual learning experience for them\n2. Set up the learning environment so you get to know your students and they get to know each other\n3. Personalize learning by providing feedback using a variety of online tools\n5. Identify at-risk students and employ effective strategies for teaching them\n6. Compare and contrast online and face-to-face learning communities\n7. Apply strategies to make virtual courses more human",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Irvine"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Leading Innovation in Arts and Culture",
"link": "",
"description": "Developed by David Owens at Vanderbilt University and customized for the cultural sector with National Arts Strategies, this course is designed to help arts and culture leaders create an environment where new ideas are constantly created, shared, evaluated and the best ones are successfully put to work.\n\nOne of the toughest challenges for any leader is getting traction for new ideas. Winning support can be a struggle. As a result, powerful new ideas often get stuck. This is especially true in the cultural sector. People involved in arts and culture often have little time and even less money for experimentation and risks. This course will help those in the performing arts, museums, zoos, libraries and other cultural organizations build environments where new management and program ideas flourish.\n\nLeading Innovation in Arts & Culture will teach you how to make an \"innovation strategy\" a fundamental component of your organization's overall strategy. In this seminar you will learn to:\n\n- Analyze constraints on innovation in your organization, foresee obstacles and opportunities, and develop a shared vision\n- Develop a process to manage the demands of multiple stakeholders, shifting priorities and the uncertainty inherent in new initiatives\n- Create a culture for innovation and risk-taking that generates new perspectives and challenges existing practice\n- Create a strong customer focus within your organization that anticipates customer needs\n\nNational Arts Strategies worked with David Owens to customize this course for those working in the cultural sector. They based their work on David Owens’ Leading Strategic Innovation in Organizations course. This highly interactive 8-week course will engage you in a series of class discussions and exercises.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Vanderbilt University",
"National Arts Strategies"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Psychodiagnostics and Psychological Assessment",
"link": "",
"description": "The course focuses on:\n• the formation of an adequate representation about the diversity of contemporary Psychodiagnostics and Assessment methods;\n• deep learning of the current world ethical standards of psychological diagnostics and assessment activity;\n• technology of test reliability determination that obtained by different Psychodiagnostics methods;\n• studying of classical and contemporary intellect diagnostic approaches, Psychodiagnostics of personality characteristics, talent potential and achievements potential of the person.\n\nThe course will make it easy:\n1. To master the technology of getting “informed consent” with a client about Psychodiagnostics and assessment procedure.\n2. To assess the compliance of the proposed Psychodiagnostics programs with the final testing objectives.\n3. To understand the variety of ways to assess different characteristics of a person.\n4. To understand the possibilities of Psychodiagnostics of this or that characteristic of a person with use of various diagnostic techniques.\n5. To be able to determine the level of reliability of the received diagnostic data.\n\nThe course consists of 5 modules. Every module’s broken into 4-6 topics with some tasks and additional literature.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National Research Tomsk State University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Comparing Theory and Practice",
"link": "",
"description": "Terrorism has arguably been one of the defining factors of our age. It frequently makes headlines, threatening or attacking governments, private business and ordinary citizens. And in many parts of the world, it has been one of the most important threats to peace, security and stability. But what does this exactly mean? What is the nature of this threat? Who or what is threatened, how, by whom and why? What can be done about it or how can we at least limit the impact of terrorism and make sure that terrorists do not make headlines and manage to scare us?\n\nThese are just a handful of questions that will be addressed in this course that consists of three parts. First it focuses on the essence of terrorism as an instrument to achieve certain goals, in addition to an exploration of this phenomenon and the difficulties in defining it. \n\nThe second part provides an overview of the state of the art in (counter) terrorism studies. Since ‘9/11’ terrorism studies have grown exponentially, reflecting the rise in perceived threats. But what has academia come up with? What theories, assumptions and conventional wisdom has it produced that could be of help in understanding terrorism and dealing with it? The most interesting results are examined and compared with empirical evidence with the aim to either stress their importance or to debunk them as myths. \n\nThe final part looks into the implications and possibilities for policy making. The course ends with a module specifically designed to address one of today's most topical issue: the foreign fighter phenomenon.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universiteit Leiden"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Управление инновационными проектами",
"link": "",
"description": "В деятельности любой современной компании возникают проекты: коммерческие (связанные с разработкой продуктов и услуг по заказу клиента); проекты развития (связанные с модернизацией оборудования, внедрением новой техники, информационных технологий или организационными изменениями); инновационные проекты. Чтобы эффективно управлять инновационными проектами, необходимо сочетание инженерных, менеджерских и бизнес подходов.\n \nКурс «Управление инновационными проектами» посвящен управлению инновациями и рассматривает ценностный подход, который был впервые внедрен в начале 21 века в работах японских специалистов. Данный подход лег в основу стандарта «Руководство по управлению инновационными проектами и программами предприятий» (P2M). В курсе подробно изложен ценностный подход к управлению проектами, когда проект рассматривается как способ максимизации ценности его продукта для потребителя. Управление ценностью требует ее постоянного контроля с использованием специальных индикаторов – все эти процессы также рассматриваются в данном курсе. В том числе, даются полезные инструменты стандарта P2М, легко реализуемые в российской бизнес-практике.\n\nВы узнаете про:\n· модель открытых инноваций,\n· руководство Осло,\n· управление знаниями,\n· модель конкурирующих ценностей,\n· сбалансированную систему показателей,\n· stage-gate модель,\n· сценарное планирование,\n· технологические дорожные карты,\n· бюджетирование, ориентированное на результат,\n· бенефит-менеджмент,\n· модели оценки компетентности.\n\nКурс разработан компанией eNANO (входит в РОСНАНО) совместно с МФТИ при экспертной поддержке компании IBS. eNANO - разработчик дистанционных образовательных курсов и программ по нанотехнологиям и технологическому предпринимательству, является оператором Межвузовской программы подготовки инженеров в сфере высоких технологий (базовая кафедра – кафедра технопредпринимательства МФТИ-РОСНАНО).",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Solving Delivery Problem",
"link": "",
"description": "We’ll implement together an efficient program for a problem needed by delivery companies all over the world millions times per day — the travelling salesman problem. The goal in this problem is to visit all the given places as quickly as possible. How to find an optimal solution to this problem quickly? We still don’t have provably efficient algorithms for this difficult computational problem and this is the essence of the P versus NP problem, the most important open question in Computer Science. Still, we’ll implement several efficient solutions for real world instances of the travelling salesman problem. While designing these solutions, we will rely heavily on the material learned in the courses of the specialization: proof techniques, combinatorics, probability, graph theory. We’ll see several examples of using discrete mathematics ideas to get more and more efficient solutions.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, San Diego"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Implant Dentistry",
"link": "",
"description": "Implant Dentistry is one of the most dynamic and rapidly developing areas within oral health care. In spite of increasing popularity of implantology, it is a relatively new discipline within dental education and remains limited to post-graduate courses offered by dental schools in many parts of the world today.\n\nWith the vision to help dental practitioners gain clinical understanding of implantology and an opportunity to provide implant treatments to their patients, the Faculty of Dentistry of HKU (ranked No. 1 dental school in the World in 2016) developed this MOOC to provide a world-class quality, unbiased, evidence-based and clinically-oriented course in this discipline. \n\nWatch course trailer:\n\nWho are the faculties?\nThe course teachers include more than 20 implant experts from 10 countries. Among others, you will learn from Professor NP Lang (Switzerland / Hong Kong), Professor Christoph Hämmerle (Switzerland), Professor Rino Burkhardt (Switzerland), Professor Paul Weigl (Germany), Professor Saso Ivanovski (Australia), Professor Man Yi (China), Professor Vasilios Chronopoulos (USA/ Greece), Dr Richard Chan (Australia), Dr Martin Janda (Sweden), Dr Chatchai Kunavisarut (Thailand), Dr Ian HS Yip (Hong Kong) , Dr Michael Ho (Hong Kong), Dr Irina-Florentina Dragan (USA), Dr Adam Siu (Hong Kong), Dr James Chow (Hong Kong), Dr Alfred Lau (Hong Kong), Dr Coral Yao (China), Dr Nikos Mattheos (Hong Kong) and more.\n\nWhat are the contents covered in the course?\nThe MOOC includes 5 modules and runs over a period of 5 weeks. We will begin the journey of Implant Dentistry by exploring how discoveries in biology and technological developments lead to the current practice of dental implants. Then, we will examine clinical cases, diagnose our patients’ needs and expectations and learn the principles of treatment planning. We will learn step-by-step surgical procedures for placing implants and various restorative techniques, directed by current evidence and best practices. Finally, we will investigate major threats and complications of implant procedures and ways to ensure successful treatments and long serving implants.\n\nWhat is the aim of the course?\nThis MOOC has a strong clinical focus and is especially designed to enhance professional learning among dental practitioners and dental students. The course aims to help the students LEARN the fundamentals of implant dentistry, UNDERSTAND the treatment procedures and protocols, and APPLY the competences gained through interactive peer and case based learning. \n\nWho is the course for?\nThe course is specially designed to serve multiple groups of learners: From intermediate and experienced general dental practitioners who want to establish and deepen their knowledge in implant dentistry and advance towards implementing implant treatment and restorative procedures, to dental students and recent graduates who wish to gain understanding of implant dentistry and increase their competence in related practice.\n\nThe course makes good use of evidenced-based education, sound eLearning pedagogies and 21st century “live” resources to engage and create the best learning experience for our students.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The University of Hong Kong"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Musicianship: Tensions, Harmonic Function, and Modal Interchange",
"link": "",
"description": "After a tremendous response from learners on Coursera, Berklee Online has created a Developing Your Musicianship specialization, and this course is the third course in the series. If you have a general understanding of music theory or if you have completed Developing Your Musicianship I and II, this course will continue to help you understand musical concepts, enabling you to create and perform contemporary music. Taught by Berklee College of Music professor George W. Russell, Jr., the course includes four lessons that delve into an intermediate level of harmony and ear training. \n\nThe course will introduce you to new key signatures, and explore how they are constructed. You will continue to train your ear, learning to differentiate between the various intervals and chords that were explored in Developing Your Musicianship I and II. You will learn how to borrow chords from parallel tonalities (modal interchange), and how to write more common chord progressions. \n\nThe course culminates with an assignment that asks you to compose and perform a composition using popular chord progressions. As with Developing Your Musicianship I and II, this course is designed to share the joy of creating music.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Child Nutrition and Cooking",
"link": "",
"description": "Eating patterns that begin in childhood affect health and well-being across the lifespan. The culture of eating has changed significantly in recent decades, especially in parts of the world where processed foods dominate our dietary intake. This course examines contemporary child nutrition and the impact of the individual decisions made by each family. The health risks associated with obesity in childhood are also discussed. Participants will learn what constitutes a healthy diet for children and adults and how to prepare simple, delicious foods aimed at inspiring a lifelong celebration of easy home-cooked meals. This course will help prepare participants to be the leading health providers, teachers and parents of the present and future.The text and other material in this course may include the opinion of the specific instructor and are not statements of advice, endorsement, opinion, or information of Stanford University.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Stanford University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Project: Writing a Research Paper",
"link": "",
"description": "Welcome to the capstone project for the Academic English: Writing Specialization! This project lets you apply everything you’ve learned and gives you the practice you need for college classes by having you write a research paper. You'll have several due dates throughout the capstone to help you stay on schedule.\n\nIn this capstone project, you will:\n - conduct research on an academic topic of your choice\n - create an outline to plan out your essay\n - write a short annotated bibliography to help you evaluate your sources\n - write a 7-8 page research paper\n - use source material correctly with MLA format",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Irvine"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Электростатика и магнитостатика",
"link": "",
"description": "Что такое физика и зачем она нужна? Некоторые люди никогда не задаются таким вопросом. Некоторые считают, что физика нужна исключительно для создания различных «девайсов», например холодильников или мобильных телефонов. И они в чем-то правы, ведь сказал же Оскар Уайльд, что «Комфорт – это единственное, что может нам дать цивилизация».\n\nДля нас физика – это умение видеть и понимать окружающий мир, возможность творить то, о чем раньше даже и мечтать было сложно. Мы считаем, что для дальнейшего прогресса человечества необходимы ученые-физики, инженеры-физики и просто образованные люди. Мы готовы делиться нашими знаниями. \n\nПредлагаемый курс «Электростатика и магнитостатика» посвящен рассмотрению ключевых понятий этой области: уравнений Максвелла, записанных в статическом случае как внутри вещества, так и вне его, энергетических подходов для вычисления сил, действующих на объекты, находящиеся электростатическом или магнитном поле, а также рассмотрение свойств для постоянных токов.\n\nСразу заметим – курс не очень простой, для его освоения слушателям необходимо владеть знаниями по физике в объеме школьной программы, основами дифференциального и интегрального исчисления и основами векторного исчисления.\n\nВ течение 10 недель вам будут предлагаться для изучения видеолекции, физические демонстрации и семинары с разбором задач. Основные формулы и тезисы лекций представлены в виде кратких конспектов. Каждая учебная неделя содержит тест и 4 задачи для самостоятельного решения. Экзаменационные недели включают тест и 5 задач.\n\nВ конце курса у слушателя есть возможность решить дополнительную контрольную работу из трёх задач повышенной сложности с ограничением по времени.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Paleontology: Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds",
"link": "",
"description": "Paleontology: Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds is a five-lesson course teaching a comprehensive overview of the origins of birds. This course examines the anatomy, diversity, and evolution of theropod dinosaurs in relation to the origin of birds. Students explore various hypotheses for the origin of flight. Watch a preview of the course here:",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Alberta"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Fundamentos del análisis de datos para la toma de decisiones",
"link": "",
"description": "Mediante este curso serás capaz de identificar, evaluar y aprovechar las distintas oportunidades que te presenta el análisis de datos para generar valor en tu organización. Al finalizarlo, habrás desarrollado la capacidad de utilizar métodos de análisis de datos, así como herramientas y modelos de apoyo que soportarán tu toma de decisiones a nivel personal y en tu organización.\n\nEn la parte inicial de este curso conocerás la importancia y rol que juega el análisis de datos (Analytics) en el mundo actual, para apoyar la toma de decisiones en nuestra vida diaria, nuestro trabajo y nuestra organización. Conocerás no solo el enorme crecimiento que ha tenido esta área en los últimos años, sino también el gran potencial y oportunidades que te presenta en el futuro inmediato. Conocerás y analizarás diversos casos de éxito tanto a nivel mundial, como en países de habla hispana.\n\nDe igual forma, habrás desarrollado la capacidad de utilizar distintos métodos que te apoyarán en tu análisis de datos y proceso de toma de decisiones, utilizando además herramientas computacionales para explorar bases de datos, realizar predicciones y crear infografías asociadas al problema o decisión de tu interés. Además, identificarás elementos clave para la modelación matemática, que serán de gran utilidad para identificar el mejor curso de acción que deberás seguir.\n\nFinalmente, este curso te permitirá conocer y utilizar distintos criterios bajo los cuales podrás tomar decisiones, a partir del análisis de datos e información clave asociada a la misma. Estos criterios incluyen aspectos fundamentales como costos de oportunidad, escenarios de incertidumbre, así como distintos objetivos o metas a seleccionar, para que puedas elegir en forma efectiva la mejor decisión a tomar.\n\nAgradecemos a Fundación Televisa por su participación en la producción de este curso; con lo cual colabora a inspirar y desarrollar el potencial de las personas, a través de su compromiso con la educación y la cultura.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Tecnológico de Monterrey"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Visual Perception and the Brain",
"link": "",
"description": "Learners will be introduced to the problems that vision faces, using perception as a guide. The course will consider how what we see is generated by the visual system, what the central problem for vision is, and what visual perception indicates about how the brain works. The evidence will be drawn from neuroscience, psychology, the history of vision science and what philosophy has contributed. Although the discussions will be informed by visual system anatomy and physiology, the focus is on perception. We see the physical world in a strange way, and goal is to understand why.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Duke University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "全球卫生导论",
"link": "",
"description": "全球卫生导论回顾了全球范围内公共卫生发展的各个历史时期令人关注及其影响重大的事件,介绍公共卫生、国际卫生和全球卫生等相关概念和背景,阐述全球疾病负担、健康决定因素、主要健康问题及其应对策略,剖析目前全球关注的影响健康的主要卫生问题,从群体的层面的因素分析到个体层面的行为指导,分析社会发展、卫生系统、公共政策和全球合作对人群健康状况的决定作用。\n全球卫生以提高全球范围内的健康水平、实现全球健康公平为宗旨,重点关注超越国界的健康问题、健康决定因素和解决方案,涉及医学领域内外的多学科,提倡不同学科间的通力合作和人群预防与临床治疗的综合,同等对待不同地域、不同经济水平、不同的种族的所有人群。作为一门普适型的全球卫生导论课,旨在使不同学科和专业领域的学习者能了解全球卫生的历史和相关概念,熟悉全球疾病负担、健康决定因素、主要健康问题和全球应对策略。\n课程内容包括全球卫生概述、卫生系统与筹资、全球疾病负担、环境与健康、营养/生活方式与健康、妇幼保健与生殖健康、耐药结核病流行与控制、艾滋病的流行与控制、老龄化与慢性病防治、突发公共卫生事件应对等。\n授课团队由复旦大学公共卫生学院各二级学科的带头人和资深教授组成。本课程期望能引起不同学科的学生对全球健康问题的关注,激发其致力于探究健康相关问题的兴趣,引导其分析健康问题的社会决定因素,赋予其用合力解决全球健康问题的理念。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Fudan University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Les partenariats qui changent le monde : alliances innovantes entre entreprises et associations",
"link": "",
"description": "Ce MOOC, crée en partenariat avec Le RAMEAU, a pour vocation de vous aider à mieux appréhender la dynamique des partenariats entre entreprises et associations. \n\nEn suivant ce MOOC : \n\n-Vous comprendrez quels sont les différents types de partenariats existants, et vous saurez différencier mécénat, pratiques responsables, coopération économique et innovation sociétale. \n-Vous pourrez vous inspirer des témoignages de nombreuses associations et entreprises, qui partageront avec vous les facteurs clés de succès de leur partenariat, mais aussi les moments plus difficiles.\n-Vous identifierez le type de partenariat qui vous correspond, et les étapes pour le construire.\n-Vous saurez évaluer l’impact d’un tel partenariat sur ses parties prenantes.\n\nQue vous soyez une entreprise responsable, soucieuse d’avoir un impact positif sur votre communauté, une association désireuse d’augmenter votre impact, ou si vous êtes tout simplement curieux de comprendre pourquoi est-ce que secteur privé lucratif et structures d’intérêt général travaillent ensemble, ce MOOC est fait pour vous !\n\nPour voir le teaser du MOOC :",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"ESSEC Business School"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Architecting Smart IoT Devices",
"link": "",
"description": "What will you learn?\n\nEmbedded Systems are so ubiquitous that some of us take them for granted: we find them in smartphones, GPS systems, airplanes and so on. But have you ever wondered how these devices actually work? If so, you're in the right place! \n\nIn this course, you'll learn about the characteristics of embedded systems: the possibilities, dangers, complications and recipes for success. We'll discuss all of this in the framework of a flourishing embedded systems field: the Internet of Things, where billions of intercommunicating devices could enable unprecedented, innovative products and services. If you'd like to learn how to create similarly innovative products, then this is the course for you!\n\nAt the end of the course, you'll be able to:\n- make the right choice for your own project when it comes to the target market, parallel executions, time and the lifecycle of your system\n- hack, avoid failure and promote success \n- decide whether to buy or to build components\n- how to assemble a good team\n- install case tools\n- learn how to work with SysML\n\nThis is an introductory course. Check out our more advanced course Architecting Smart IoT Devices soon if you want to go beyond the basics!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"EIT Digital "
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Improvisação no Jazz",
"link": "",
"description": "Aprenda os conceitos básicos de improvisação com Gary Burton, um dos improvisadores mais renomados do mundo do jazz, incluindo os processos mentais, melódicos e harmônicos que contribuem com as habilidades instintivas que um improvisador põe em prática ao realizar um solo.\n\nEmbora muitas pessoas sejam fãs de jazz e compreendam que os músicos estão frequentemente \"compondo\" as notas que tocam durante uma apresentação, a maioria das pessoas — o que geralmente inclui os próprios músicos que estão aprendendo a improvisar — não sabe com clareza quais são os processos exatos que ocorrem e fazem isso tudo acontecer. O objetivo deste curso é apresentar os conceitos básicos da improvisação moderna e mostrar como dominar as diferentes habilidades musicais e mentais envolvidas. \n\nO autor do curso, Gary Burton, codifica uma abordagem muito procurada da improvisação, a qual tem sido o centro do currículo da Berklee College of Music há décadas. Os alunos que concluírem esse curso saberão o que e como praticar os diversos aspectos da improvisação, além de compreenderem como o improvisador se comunica espontaneamente com os ouvintes por meio de suas criações musicais.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "¿Qué hacen los buenos directivos? Prioridades de la Alta Dirección",
"link": "",
"description": "Este curso persigue adentrarse en la realidad del trabajo de un alto ejecutivo: lo qué hace y cómo lo hace. Es un hecho conocido que la mayoría de altos directivos dedican hasta el 90% de su tiempo al día a día y menos del 10% a las tareas asociadas al pensamiento estratégico en la organización. Por eso es importante ir más allá y entender las prioridades que configuran esta actuación diaria. Al final, la mejor estrategia es aquella que se practica; la mejor organización, aquella que funciona; y el quehacer cotidiano coherente con las prioridades establecidas, la base de la continuidad con éxito de las empresas. \n\nEl objetivo del curso es aportar una visión estructurada de cómo logran este objetivo los “buenos directivos”, con la voluntad de que sirva a futuros altos ejecutivos a orientar mejor su carrera, a enfocar sus actividades y a desarrollar su propio estilo de dirección.\n\nEl curso profundiza en las prioridades de la Alta Dirección a partir de la actuación diaria de directivos de probada valía y con éxito profesional en empresas diversas. \n\nEl contenido está basado en los resultados de las entrevistas personales que hemos realizado a más de 200 directores generales de compañías muy diversas. Gran parte de este material ha quedado recogido en los libros publicados “Qué hacen los buenos directivos. El reto del siglo XXI” y “Yo Dirijo”, cuya lectura recomendamos a todo aquel que desee ampliar su perspectiva sobre esta materia.\n\nEl modelo que se propugna en curso es el resultado de una amplia investigación empírica; no es una doctrina, sino un instrumento mental para ayudar a construir una configuración empresarial que potencie el hacer de la gente para que, sin dejación de su derecho a ser felices y a la autonomía, logren su plenitud como personas y como profesionales, a la vez que la compañía alcanza cotas altas en los indicadores de salud empresarial.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"IESE Business School"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Engineering Project Management: Initiating and Planning",
"link": "",
"description": "The goal of the course is to give you the tools to initiate a project plan, manage both stakeholders and relationships, organize their team, develop a project charter, and build a business case for a project. \n\nBy the end of this course you will be able to:\n \n- Perform a project assessment using information from previous projects and lessons learned\n- Identify key deliverables based on business requirements while managing customer expectations\n- Perform a stakeholder analysis and create a management plan\n- Analyze and develop a project organization\n- Create a project charter\n- Explain the business case for a project and calculate Net Present Value\n- Inform stakeholders of the charter and ensure all parties know the deliverables and expectations\n \nAs part of the course, you will prepare organization charts, create a Stakeholder Register, and write a Project Charter based on an engineering project in a provided Case Study. The Stakeholder Register will outline the key parties to the project, their concerns and how you will manage their expectations. Your Project Charter will provide the key guidance your team needs to understand the scope, requirements and purpose for the project.\n \nAll of this will position you for initiating and planning your first project and/or understanding how you can maximize your contributions on your next project team.\n\nRice Center for Engineering Leadership is a Registered Education Provider through the Project Management Institute (PMI)®. Learners who complete this course on the Certificate track will be awarded 12 hours of Profession Development Units. These are recognized by PMI for continuing education or can be applied toward the 35 hours of education required for the Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification. \n\nPMI and PMP are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Rice University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Dog Emotion and Cognition",
"link": "",
"description": "Dog Emotion and Cognition will introduce you to the exciting new study of dog psychology, what the latest discoveries tell us about how dogs think and feel about us, and how we can use this new knowledge to further strengthen our relationship with our best friends.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Duke University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Relational Database Support for Data Warehouses",
"link": "",
"description": "Relational Database Support for Data Warehouses is the third course in the Data Warehousing for Business Intelligence specialization. In this course, you'll use analytical elements of SQL for answering business intelligence questions. You'll learn features of relational database management systems for managing summary data commonly used in business intelligence reporting. Because of the importance and difficulty of managing implementations of data warehouses, we'll also delve into storage architectures, scalable parallel processing, data governance, and big data impacts.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Colorado System"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Речевой этикет: вежливость и коммуникативные стратегии",
"link": "",
"description": "Цель курса – знакомство с устройством речевого этикета, вежливостью и коммуникативными стратегиями, которые используются в общении.\nСлушатели узнают особенности русского речевого этикета и увидят его динамику: от дореволюционного к советскому, от советского к сегодняшнему. Мы заглянем в разные сферы: работа, школа, семья, – и обнаружим в русском языке то, о чем не подозревают даже его носители.\nРусский речевой этикет рассматривается в сравнении с другими европейскими и азиатскими этикетами. Различия в них объясняются через коммуникативные стратегии и культурные шаблоны.\nНаряду с вежливостью мы обсудим и противоположные типы поведения – невежливость и анти-вежливость, то есть сознательное нарушение правил речевого поведения. К каким последствиям это может привести?\nВ заключение мы попытаемся ответить на главные вопросы. Зачем нужен речевой этикет? Что случится, если мы откажемся от вежливости и соблюдения речевого этикета?\nСреди задач курса есть и теоретические (см. выше), и практические. Слушатели узнают, как вести себя в определенных, иногда довольно нетривиальных ситуациях и как реагировать на речевое поведение собеседников. Но кроме ответа на вопрос «как», будут предложены ответы и на вопрос «почему». Почему люди себя так ведут и какие коммуникативные стратегии используют? \nНа лекциях мы постараемся достичь определенного баланса между теорией и практикой. В определенных эпизодах рядом с лектором будет находиться симпатичный собеседник, который поможет продемонстрировать как соблюдение, так и нарушение речевого этикета.\nСлушателям будут предложены задания, с помощью которых они проверят практическое усвоение правил этикета и собственную готовность к его использованию в реальной жизни.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Higher School of Economics"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "История экономической мысли (History of Economic Thought)",
"link": "",
"description": "Все мы отдаём себе отчёт в том, что в наши дни непонимание процессов, происходящих в экономике, непростительно для людей, которые хотят добиться успеха в своей профессии, даже если она не связана напрямую с экономикой. История экономической мысли – это квинтэссенция опыта решения сложных проблем хозяйственной жизни; опыта, который складывался в борьбе идей, отражавших конфликтующие социальные интересы. Помимо того, что данный курс даст вам представление о том, как эволюционировала важнейшая наука, он призван развить критическое экономическое мышление, а также кругозор и общую эрудицию, что крайне высоко ценится в современном мире и обязательно будет отмечено на собеседовании в любой компании.\n\nВ нашем курсе обобщаются уроки выдающихся экономических мыслителей: Адама Смита и Карла Маркса, Леона Вальраса и Йозефа Шумпетера, Торстейна Веблена и Николая Кондратьева, Джона М. Кейнса и др. Мы будем разбираться в том, как, отвечая на вызовы своего времени, они создавали корпус современного экономического знания с его возможностями и ограничениями. \n\nДля освоения курса вам не потребуется никаких специальных знаний, а для его успешного завершения необходимо набрать проходной балл (80%) по всем оцениваемым заданиям.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Higher School of Economics"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "The Age of Sustainable Development",
"link": "",
"description": "The Age of Sustainable Development\" gives students an understanding of the key challenges and pathways to sustainable development - that is, economic development that is also socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Columbia University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Exploring and Producing Data for Business Decision Making",
"link": "",
"description": "This course provides an analytical framework to help you evaluate key problems in a structured fashion and will equip you with tools to better manage the uncertainties that pervade and complicate business processes. Specifically, you will be introduced to statistics and how to summarize data and learn concepts of frequency, normal distribution, statistical studies, sampling, and confidence intervals.\n\nWhile you will be introduced to some of the science of what is being taught, the focus will be on applying the methodologies. This will be accomplished through the use of Excel and data sets from many different disciplines, allowing you to see the use of statistics in very diverse settings. The course will focus not only on explaining these concepts, but also understanding the meaning of the results obtained.\n\nUpon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:\n\n•\tSummarize large data sets in graphical, tabular, and numerical forms.\n•\tUnderstand the significance of proper sampling and why you can rely on sample information.\n•\tUnderstand why normal distribution can be used in so many settings.\n•\tUse sample information to infer about the population with a certain level of confidence about the accuracy of the estimations.\n•\tUse Excel for statistical analysis.\n\nThis course is part of the iMBA offered by the University of Illinois, a flexible, fully-accredited online MBA at an incredibly competitive price. For more information, please see the Resource page in this course and",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills",
"link": "",
"description": "This MOOC is designed principally for practicing teachers who are wondering exactly how they can incorporate teaching and assessment of 21st century skills into their classrooms, labs or workshops. It will also be useful to trainee teachers, school leaders, teacher educators and curriculum and assessment specialists, providing them with an understanding of the challenges associated with teaching and assessment of 21st century skills.\n\nThis course explains the social and cognitive skills that are known as 21st century skills. It reviews how they can be represented in the curriculum, in terms of developmental progressions. It also explores how teachers can recognise these skills in students, how the level of skill of a learner can be assessed, and then how learners can be supported to develop their skill. \n\nIn this course we work through two detailed examples of 21st century skills. The first is collaborative problem solving, a 21st century skill which combines the capacities of collaboration, problem solving, critical thinking and communication. The second skill is a meta-cognitive skill of knowing how to learn in a MOOC. In each example, you will explore how to understand the nature of each skill from a teaching perspective, how to teach it, and how to assess it. These two examples show how any 21st century skill can be tackled in the classroom.\n\nThe approach to teaching and assessment in this course derives from the application of a developmental, evidence-based, clinical approach to teaching practice. The course provides a mix of theory and practice, of thinking and doing, and opportunities to share ideas, experience and resources with other participants. \n\nJoin Emeritus Professor Patrick Griffin and the team from the Assessment Research Centre, University of Melbourne in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills, hosted on Coursera.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The University of Melbourne"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Cataract Surgery",
"link": "",
"description": "This comprehensive course will give you the fundamental knowledge needed to begin performing cataract surgery by phacoemulsification and extracapsular removal. Each step from preoperative evaluation to postoperative care will be covered to help prepare you for the operating room.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Michigan"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "抗菌药与超级细菌 --天使与魔鬼的博弈",
"link": "",
"description": "超级细菌肆虐、感染无药可医,人类正面临前所未有的困境。\n面对这危及每个人的严酷现实,是坐以待毙还是奋力反击?相信你心中已有答案。\n本课程将以独特、新颖的视角,为你展现抗菌药和超级细菌间博弈的历程;以深入浅出、生动形象的课件,教你抗菌药与超级细菌的知识;以浅显易懂、亦庄亦谐的教学情景剧,让你辩证地看待菌药的关系。\n战争已经打响,智慧勇敢的你,快来加入我们的行列,从自身做起阻止超级细菌的产生与蔓延。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Fudan University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "宇宙之旅:对话 (Journey of the Universe: Weaving Knowledge and Action)",
"link": "",
"description": "宇宙之旅是由不断进步的科学发现和人文科学交织组成的,历史、哲学、艺术、宗教统统都含括在内。\n\n这门课由一系列20个与科学家与环境学家关于宇宙之旅的访谈组成。前10个访谈是与科学家和历史学家的访谈,它们帮助我们深化对宇宙、地球、人类进化过程的理解。后10个访问是与环境学家、教师和艺术家的访谈,它们探索了宇宙奥义和人类社会之间的联系。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Yale University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Design Thinking for Innovation",
"link": "",
"description": "Today innovation is everyone's business. Whether you are a manager in a global corporation, an entrepreneur starting up, in a government role, or a teacher in an elementary school, everyone is expected to get lean – to do better with less. And that is why we all need design thinking. At every level in every kind of organization, design thinking provides the tools you need to become an innovative thinker and uncover creative opportunities that are there – you're just not seeing them yet.\n\nIn this course, we provide an overview of design thinking and work with a model containing four key questions and several tools to help you understand design thinking as a problem solving approach. We also look at several stories from different organizations that used design thinking to uncover compelling solutions.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Virginia"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Strengthening Your Widening Network ",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course, you will learn strategies not only on how to communicate effectively but also how to strengthen your relationships with co-workers and other stakeholders from diverse cultural backgrounds, both inside and beyond the organisation. In particular, \"Strengthening your widening network\" aims to equip you with a workplace discourse that facilitates familiarity with practices in the working environment and to help you appreciate the complexities inherent in the organisational structure and hierarchy. \n\nYou will learn to write effective emails demonstrating a keen awareness of your audience and the 7 communication principles. In addition, you will learn to voice your views and assert your position at various communication contexts such as formal meetings and work-related discussions. \n \nBy the end of the course, you should demonstrate a greater communicative and linguistic competence, with a better grasp of interpersonal and intercultural communication in a globalised workplace.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National University of Singapore"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "ADHD: Everyday Strategies for Elementary Students",
"link": "",
"description": "This course will provide an overview of ADHD diagnosis and treatment. Course participants can expect to learn about ADHD as a developmental disorder that begins early in childhood, and participants will also learn about evidence-based approaches for diagnosing ADHD. Following that, two evidence-based treatment approaches (the Daily Report Card and Parenting Strategies) will be introduced. (Note these course activities are informational and are not intended to replace working with a licensed/trained professional). \n\nLearning Objectives: Students will be able to identify the behaviors characteristic of ADHD, the components of a diagnosis, and evidence-based treatment procedures that can be used in the school or home. \n1. Identify the key areas of functional impairment, symptom presentation, and diagnostic decision-making for youth with ADHD. \n2. Develop a behavioral intervention suitable for treating ADHD in the school setting. \n3. Apply effective parenting and teaching strategies for supporting youth with ADHD in the home, classroom, and neighborhood.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The State University of New York",
"The University at Buffalo"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Calculus: Single Variable Part 1 - Functions",
"link": "",
"description": "Calculus is one of the grandest achievements of human thought, explaining everything from planetary orbits to the optimal size of a city to the periodicity of a heartbeat. This brisk course covers the core ideas of single-variable Calculus with emphases on conceptual understanding and applications. The course is ideal for students beginning in the engineering, physical, and social sciences. Distinguishing features of the course include: 1) the introduction and use of Taylor series and approximations from the beginning; 2) a novel synthesis of discrete and continuous forms of Calculus; 3) an emphasis on the conceptual over the computational; and 4) a clear, dynamic, unified approach.\n\nIn this first part--part one of five--you will extend your understanding of Taylor series, review limits, learn the *why* behind l'Hopital's rule, and, most importantly, learn a new language for describing growth and decay of functions: the BIG O.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Pennsylvania"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Estructura de capital y política de dividendos",
"link": "",
"description": "En el curso estructura de capital y política de dividendos se analizará la forma en la que una empresa financia sus activos a través de métodos internos o externos, estructurando así su pasivo y capital. Dichas fuentes de financiamiento se ven reflejadas en el costo de capital promedio ponderado (Weighted Average Cost of Capital- WACC). De la mano de la determinación de dicho costo de financiamiento y de la estructura del capital, el administrador financiero deberá determinar la política de dividendos, tomando como referencia el teorema de Modilgliani – Miller. En este curso el administrador financiero adicionalmente será capaz de evaluar activos financieros o portafolios, evaluando la relacion que existe entre riesgo y retorno bien a través del modelo Capital Asset Pricing Model CAPM o del Arbitrage Pricing Theory APT.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Responsive Web Design",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course you will learn how to apply concepts from interaction design and human computer interaction in order to design and build an interactive, professional looking website. You will learn how to make your web page designs adapt to different screen sizes using responsive grid layouts. You will learn how to add navigation and other design elements, and you will learn how to separate data and display using JavaScript objects and templates. \n\nAt the end of the course, you will be able to:\n1. Explain why users need to know where they are, where they can go and what is on a web page\n2. Create wireframe mockups of web pages \n3. Identify the key functional elements of web pages\n4. Use Bootstrap components to realise page designs\n5. Use JavaScript data structures such as arrays and objects to define the data used in a web page\n6. Use the Handlebars template library to convert data to HTML \n7. Add interactivity to templates using JavaScript event listeners\n\nIn this course, you will complete:\n1 website design assignment taking ~1 hour to complete\n1 programming assignment taking ~1 hour to complete\n4 quizzes, each taking ~20 minutes to complete\nmultiple practice quizzes, each taking ~5 minutes to complete\n\nParticipation in or completion of this online course will not confer academic credit for University of London programmes",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of London",
"Goldsmiths, University of London"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "From the Big Bang to Dark Energy",
"link": "",
"description": "We have learned a lot recently about how the Universe evolved in 13.7 billion years since the Big Bang. More than 80% of matter in the Universe is mysterious Dark Matter, which made stars and galaxies to form. The newly discovered Higgs-boson became frozen into the Universe a trillionth of a second after the Big Bang and brought order to the Universe. Yet we still do not know how ordinary matter (atoms) survived against total annihilation by Anti-Matter. The expansion of the Universe started acceleration about 7 billion years ago and the Universe is being ripped apart. The culprit is Dark Energy, a mysterious energy multiplying in vacuum. I will present evidence behind these startling discoveries and discuss what we may learn in the near future.\n\nThis course is offered in English.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The University of Tokyo"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Global Health and Humanitarianism",
"link": "",
"description": "Welcome to the Global Health and Humanitarianism MOOC. We are delighted to have you with us, and hope that the next six weeks will provide an interesting and thoughtful experience for you. \n\nWe hope the course will give you an overview of global health and humanitarianism in theory and in practice. These fields overlap, and are connected, in many significant ways. However, we have used three key themes to explore our subjects: each key theme will be discussed over two week blocks by specialist course lecturers, and supported by unique video perspectives by three keynote speakers who are leading specialists in the field. \n\n - Weeks 1 & 2: An Introduction to Global Health Dr Amy Hughes MBE;\n - Weeks 3 & 4: Humanitarian Responses and Dilemmas Dr Tim Jacoby; \n - Weeks 5 & 6: The Right to Humanitarian Assistance and the Responsibility to Protect Dr Kirsten Howarth.\n\nTo get the best out of the course we encourage you to try and set aside a few hours each week. This will give you time to work through videos, written materials and linked resources, and to get involved with discussion with other learners. We have provided a variety of different readings, resources and suggested activity based on the course content. Some will be essential to your understanding of the MOOC themes, and to assessment (if you have chosen to take part in assessment activity). Others will be for those of you who want to discover more about a particular subject or perspective, or to make your own study of global health or humanitarianism in action. Check through the weekly resources and content to find out which best suit your needs.\n\nDuring the course we will look at a range of different opinions and debates, linked to key themes and addressing ethics and moral issues. We hope you will be inspired and encouraged to explore and share your own perspectives, and those of others, throughout the course. Different viewpoints are essential to understanding global health and humanitarian practice.\n\nWe hope you enjoy the next six weeks finding out about Global Health and Humanitarianism, and look forward to hearing from you on the discussion boards.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Manchester "
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Presentations: Speaking so that People Listen",
"link": "",
"description": "Do you have to give presentations in school or at your work? Is it nerve-racking? Then you've come to the right place. Everyone gets a little nervous when they think about having to stand in front of other people and speak intelligently. This course will give you helpful tips for making effective speeches and delivering them well in typical American settings. You'll learn how to organize a presentation, how to make it memorable, and how to communicate clearly. In the course, you'll have several opportunities to demonstrate the presentation skills that you learn. This will help you gain the experience you need to be more confident when you give a speech in an American classroom or on the job. Learners will record several videos of themselves giving assigned presentations and upload the videos for peer feedback.\n\nPlease note that the free version of this class gives you access to all of the instructional videos and handouts. The peer feedback and quizzes are only available in the paid version.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Irvine"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Biological Diversity (Theories, Measures and Data sampling techniques)",
"link": "",
"description": "The course presents an overview of the theory behind biological diversity evolution and dynamics and of methods for diversity calculation and estimation. We will become familiar with the major alpha, beta, and gamma diversity estimation techniques.\n\nUnderstanding how biodiversity evolved and is evolving on Earth and how to correctly use and interpret biodiversity data is important for all students interested in conservation biology and ecology, whether they pursue careers in academia or as policy makers and other professionals (students graduating from our programs do both). Academics need to be able to use the theories and indices correctly, whereas policy makers must be able to understand and interpret the conclusions offered by the academics.\n\nThe course has the following expectations and results:\n\n- covering the theoretical and practical issues involved in biodiversity theory,\n- conducting surveys and inventories of biodiversity,\n- analyzing the information gathered,\n- and applying their analysis to ecological and conservation problems.\n\nNeeded Learner Background:\n\n- basics of Ecology and Calculus\n- good understanding of English",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National Research Tomsk State University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "English Common Law: Structure and Principles",
"link": "",
"description": "The Common Law of England and Wales is one of the major global legal traditions. In order to understand the common law, we need to deal with its history, and the development of its characteristic institutions like the jury, judge made law, parliamentary sovereignty and due process. We also need to ask some critical questions. What role does democracy play in the development of the common law? To what extent are human rights central to the modern common law? How does the common law of England and Wales relate to the law of the European Union? Answering these questions will give us insights into the current challenges the law faces and its possible futures.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of London"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "First Step Korean",
"link": "",
"description": "This is an elementary-level Korean language course, consisting of 5 lessons with 4 units, and covers 4 skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The main topics include basic expressions used in everyday life, such as greetings, introducing yourself, talking about your family and a daily life and so on. Each lesson covers dialogues, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, quizzes and role-plays. \n\nAfter completing this course, you will be able to\n1. read and write Korean alphabet.\n2. communicate in Korean with basic expressions.\n3. learn basic knowledge on Korean culture.\n\nIt’s fun and easy to follow! Enjoy it!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Yonsei University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "機器人學一 (Robotics 1)",
"link": "",
"description": "本課程主要在學習機械手臂在分析面的運動學和軌跡規劃。\n學習目標:\n1.瞭解物體在空間中運動的描述方式\n2.瞭解多關節機械手臂的順逆運動學\n3.瞭解運動軌跡的規劃方式。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National Taiwan University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Big Data Analysis with Scala and Spark",
"link": "",
"description": "Manipulating big data distributed over a cluster using functional concepts is rampant in industry, and is arguably one of the first widespread industrial uses of functional ideas. This is evidenced by the popularity of MapReduce and Hadoop, and most recently Apache Spark, a fast, in-memory distributed collections framework written in Scala. In this course, we'll see how the data parallel paradigm can be extended to the distributed case, using Spark throughout. We'll cover Spark's programming model in detail, being careful to understand how and when it differs from familiar programming models, like shared-memory parallel collections or sequential Scala collections. Through hands-on examples in Spark and Scala, we'll learn when important issues related to distribution like latency and network communication should be considered and how they can be addressed effectively for improved performance.\n\nLearning Outcomes. By the end of this course you will be able to:\n\n- read data from persistent storage and load it into Apache Spark,\n- manipulate data with Spark and Scala,\n- express algorithms for data analysis in a functional style, \n- recognize how to avoid shuffles and recomputation in Spark,\n\nRecommended background: You should have at least one year programming experience. Proficiency with Java or C# is ideal, but experience with other languages such as C/C++, Python, Javascript or Ruby is also sufficient. You should have some familiarity using the command line. This course is intended to be taken after Parallel Programming:",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Personal Branding",
"link": "",
"description": "Though the concept of personal branding isn't new, questions remain about how to create one and, more importantly, what it means to maintain and inhabit that brand. \n\nLearners will:\n\no\tUnderstand both what personal branding means and what it means to inhabit their brand\no\tEstablish themselves on at least three social media platforms \no\tCreate a mission statement for their personal brand\no\tBuild a board of directors for their brand\no\tBecome familiar with the basics of digital security and reputation management\no\tCreate a system for on-going brand maintenance \n\nJoin instructor Kimberley R. Barker as she provides a warm, supportive atmosphere in which learners are encouraged to intensively explore themselves in order to create a personal brand that authentically and effectively communicates their values and professional gifts. Together we will build a strong community in which to provide encouragement and feedback, and support each other as learners pursue their goal of successful brand creation.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Virginia"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "A Brief History of Human Spaceflight",
"link": "",
"description": "This course provides a view of the history of spaceflight, from early writings telling of human's fascination of space through the early Russian and American space stations. Developed as an interesting and entertaining slice of space history that is accessible to anyone with an interest in human spaceflight",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Houston System"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "A Crash Course in Causality: Inferring Causal Effects from Observational Data",
"link": "",
"description": "We have all heard the phrase “correlation does not equal causation.” What, then, does equal causation? This course aims to answer that question and more! \n\nOver a period of 5 weeks, you will learn how causal effects are defined, what assumptions about your data and models are necessary, and how to implement and interpret some popular statistical methods. Learners will have the opportunity to apply these methods to example data in R (free statistical software environment).\n\nAt the end of the course, learners should be able to:\n1. Define causal effects using potential outcomes\n2. Describe the difference between association and causation\n3. Express assumptions with causal graphs\n4. Implement several types of causal inference methods (e.g. matching, instrumental variables, inverse probability of treatment weighting)\n5. Identify which causal assumptions are necessary for each type of statistical method\n\nSo join us.... and discover for yourself why modern statistical methods for estimating causal effects are indispensable in so many fields of study!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Pennsylvania"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Valuation for Startups Using Discounted Cash Flows Approach",
"link": "",
"description": "Discounted cash flow method means that we can find firm value by discounting future cash flows of a firm. That is, firm value is present value of cash flows a firm generates in the future. In order to understand the meaning of present value, we are going to discuss time value of money, first. That is, the value of $100 today is different from the value of $100 a year later. Then, what should be the present value of $100 that you are going to receive in 1 year? How about the value of $100 dollars that you are going to receive every year for next 10 years? How about forever? After taking this course, you are going to be able to find the present value of these types of cash flows in the future. Unlike most of finance courses, in this course, you are going to learn how to use excel to find present value of future cash flows. In addition to the present value, you are also going to learn how to find future value given investment; interest rate given investment and future cash flows, payments given interest rates, number of periods to wait given investment and interest rate, and so on. After learning the concept and how to find the time value of money, you are going to apply this to real world examples and company valuation. After taking this course, you will be ready to make an estimate of firm value by discounting its cash flows in the future.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Yonsei University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Research for Essay Writing",
"link": "",
"description": "Course 4: Introduction to Research for Essay Writing\n\nThis is the last course in the Academic Writing specialization before the capstone project. By the end of this course, you will be able to complete all the steps in planning a research paper.\n\nAfter completing this course, you will be able to:\n - choose appropriate research topics for college classes\n - write detailed outlines for research papers\n - find source material for research papers\n - take and organize good notes for research\n - use appropriate academic tone and language\n - document sources by creating a Works Cited list in MLA format\n - avoid plagiarizing your sources",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Irvine"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "高阶竞争策略(中文版)",
"link": "",
"description": "与之前的“竞争策略”(相比,“高阶竞争策略”课程将在讲解新课题和新模块的同时,结合更多实际案例并提供更多与学生互动交流的机会。\n\n在“高阶竞争策略”课程中,我们将研究企业如何通过增加转换成本和推进战略客户锁定来建立和维护客户群。探索企业如何通过寻求适当的价格歧视和产品差异化策略来提高收益。\n\n我们将举例介绍在欧盟竞争政策和美国反垄断政策前提下可接受的行为,并且找到企业通过战略性利用网络效应和规模经济来增加回报的方法。我们会进一步强化新学的有关网络效应的知识,并讨论专门为网络市场定制的策略。\n\n我们还会分析兼并和收购的运作方式,此外,帮助您思考有助于公司有机增长的其他策略。\n\nThis is a Chinese version of Advanced Competitive Strategy. You can find the original course in English from our course catalog.\n【 此版本是Coursera首次尝试推出的中文翻译版。课程视频为英文原版附中文字幕,课程页面和测验已译成中文,帮助中心提供中文支持。此版本仍在测试中,欢迎批评指正。】",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Planning for Teaching and Learning",
"link": "",
"description": "This course will help you consider how to develop appropriate learning goals for individual and groups of students. You will learn how to plan learning activities to engage your students in ways that will achieve these goals.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Commonwealth Education Trust"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Fundamentals of Parallelism on Intel Architecture",
"link": "",
"description": "This course will introduce you to the multiple forms of parallelism found in modern Intel architecture processors and teach you the programming frameworks for handling this parallelism in applications. You will get access to a cluster of modern manycore processors (Intel Xeon Phi architecture) for experiments with graded programming exercises.\n\nThis course can apply to various HPC and datacenter workloads and framework including artificial intelligence (AI). You will learn how to handle data parallelism with vector instructions, task parallelism in shared memory with threads, parallelism in distributed memory with message passing, and memory architecture parallelism with optimized data containers. This knowledge will help you to accelerate computational applications by orders of magnitude, all the while keeping your code portable and future-proof.\n\nPrerequisite: programming in C/C++ or Fortran in the Linux environment and Linux shell proficiency (navigation, file copying, editing files in text-based editors, compilation).",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Big Data Services: Capstone Project",
"link": "",
"description": "Are you ready to close the loop on your Big Data skills? Do you want to apply all your knowledge you got from the previous courses in practice? Finally, in the Capstone project, you will integrate all the knowledge acquired earlier to build a real application leveraging the power of Big Data.\n\nYou will be given a task to combine data from different sources of different types (static distributed dataset, streaming data, SQL or NoSQL storage). Combined, this data will be used to build a predictive model for a financial market (as an example). First, you design a system from scratch and share it with your peers to get valuable feedback. Second, you can make it public, so get ready to receive the feedback from your service users. Real-world experience without any 3G-glasses or mock interviews.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Construction Cost Estimating and Cost Control",
"link": "",
"description": "This course introduces the types of cost estimation from the conceptual design phase through the more detailed design phase of a construction project. In addition, the course highlights the importance of controlling costs and how to monitor project cash flow. Students will work on a break-even analysis of construction tasks in a project.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Columbia University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Protecting Business Innovations via Copyright",
"link": "",
"description": "Protecting Business Innovations Via Copyright\n\nIntellectual property rights (IPR) has a great impact on innovation development and society. In Science, Engineering, and Business, we seek to create wealth through innovation in products, designs, manufacturing processes, and business systems or models. However, innovation leaders often FAIL to benefit from their discoveries and inventions when they are unable to adequately protect those innovations. \n\nThis course provides learners with an understanding of how copyright laws can be used to protect business innovation using a combination of lectures and case examples for discussion. The course focus on protecting innovations with copyright as one of several tools that can be used by companies and individuals to protect creative innovations. In additional to learning about how copyright works in theory, we will also discuss situations in which copyright might not be effective in protecting innovations, and will focus on the legal issues involved from a practical business perspective rather than from a purely legal viewpoint. This course is one part of a four course series focusing on protection of business innovations using copyright, patent, trademark and strategy, and these four courses may be taken in any order that is most beneficial to students interested in learning about protecting innovation.\n\nWatch Course Overview:",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Business English: Basics",
"link": "",
"description": "This course aims to improve your Business English language skills by developing your vocabulary and reading skills and your understanding of tone, style and knowledge of communication methods. We'll also cover how these language skills can enhance audience analysis, business case analysis and basic business communication strategies. Skills learned in this course will often be referred to and needed to complete the speaking, writing and cross-cultural communications courses of this Specialization.\n\nAfter completing this course, you will be able to:\n\n- describe things and events in the context of Business English\n- make requests in the context of Business English\n- support arguments in the context of Business English\n- use appropriate tone and style according to the context of Business English\n- conduct an audience analysis\n- match audience with the purpose and medium of communication\n- analyse and summarise business data",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Линейная алгебра (Linear Algebra)",
"link": "",
"description": "Это стандартный курс линейной алгебры, содержащий все необходимые для статистики и многомерного анализа приложения и алгоритмы, но не всегда содержащий подробные доказательства.\n\nДанный курс пригодится вам для того, чтобы изучить азы линейной алгебры и ознакомиться с базовыми определениями, понятиями и алгоритмами, научиться решать задачи, в которых необходим данный инструментарий. Многие пространственные задачи требуют знания линейной алгебры, а так же ряд задач экономики находит более простое решение, если владеть механизмами решения таких задач; эта наука находит себе применение во всех направлениях математики и ее приложениях, которые только можно представить. После прохождения данного курса вы научитесь корректно использовать понятия вектора, базиса, линейного пространства и линейной зависимости, оператора и матрицы, а так же овладеете несложными инструментами для решения и анализа задач линейной алгебры, научитесь оперировать матрицами и находить максимально подходящие условия для поиска ответа; ознакомитесь с классическими теоремами и узнаете красивые задачи данной науки, а также научитесь проверять свои решения на корректность, а результаты на адекватность, а еще мы обсудим теорему Перрона-Фробениуса и ее приложение к индексированию страниц в интернете.\nВнимательно смотрите лекции и вовремя выполняйте все необходимые задания. Удачи!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Higher School of Economics"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Applying to U.S. Universities",
"link": "",
"description": "“It depends.” That is what you’ll hear when asking about the U.S. university admission process. With over 4,000 universities in the United States and no standard application system, the U.S. admission process can be confusing for everyone, but especially for students applying from other countries.\n\nThis course will help international students (non-U.S. citizens) and non-native English speakers navigate the U.S. university admission process by offering practical information about the documents and pieces that make up a U.S. university application. More importantly, admission officers will discuss how they use those pieces to decide who is accepted and who is denied, so that you can understand the process beyond the pieces.\n\nBy the end of this course, you will understand application basics that include researching schools, creating a school list, and establishing an application plan. This course will not answer all of your application questions, but it will teach you to ask the right questions of yourself and the universities. Ultimately, you will have all the information you need to start your process the right way, putting you on the path to acceptance.\n\n* Please note, while the English Language Programs are part of the University of Pennsylvania, this is not a course about applying to Penn. Furthermore, this course is intended for international students educated in the national curriculum of their country. While other students are welcome to enroll, the course is not intended for American students or students studying in an American, International Baccalaureate, or Advanced Placement curriculum. The course is also intended for students who do not have access to university counseling – if you attend a school that offers university counseling, your counselor is the best source of information on applying to university. Finally, this course is for undergraduate (Bachelors degree) freshmen (students who have not attended any university) applicants. Undergraduate transfer applicants, students who have attended a university, will find some of the information helpful, but graduate (Masters and Doctoral) applicants will not.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Pennsylvania"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Requerimientos, planeación, ejecución y medición de estrategias para redes sociales",
"link": "",
"description": "¿Te has preguntado cómo se manejan las campañas a través de las redes sociales? ¿Cómo es el proceso que se realiza? ¿Cómo puedo sacar provecho de ellas para posicionar mi producto o mi servicio? \n\nÉstas y muchas más preguntas nos hacemos al ser parte de los consumidores que adquirimos un producto o servicio y que el medio por el cual nos enganchamos a él, fue una red social, pero también y principalmente como proveedor, nos interesa cómo sacar provecho de ellas para favorecer nuestro negocio.\n\nEn este curso podrás conocer cuáles son los elementos que necesitas considerar para realizar tu estrategia de redes sociales. El pilar de todo esto es tener una técnica apropiada que te ayude paso a paso a llevar a cabo cada etapa, en donde todo comienza con una buena planeación. Es preciso, así mismo, contar con una estructura que permita pasar de la planeación a la ejecución y finalmente saber qué y cómo medir de los resultados. Una estrategia debe de ser realista y medible, por ello, este curso está diseñado para que aumentes las posibilidades de éxito utilizando la metodología que sugerimos.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Tecnológico de Monterrey"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Arts and Heritage Management",
"link": "",
"description": "Today cultural institutions are facing important dilemmas in many aspects of their management. Over the past decades, a new figure has emerged that of the art manager. \nImagine you went to work every day to connect artists with audiences, vision with reality, and money with a mission. That is what managers in the arts do, they play an essential role in transforming the minds, lives, and communities through creative expression.\n\t\nThis course has been conceptualized to address the need of skills and techniques to help professionals and managers in running art and cultural institutions. \n\nLearning Objectives\nThere are three objectives to this course. First, we will approach the biggest issue cultural institutions face, the coexistence of managers and curators and giving evidence as to when, how, and why they can get along. Second, we will focus on some contemporary facets on what is means to manage a cultural institution and what cultural managers should expect and be able to face. And lastly, we will provide models and tools to design and implement appropriate courses of action to satisfy customers (visitors and audiences) and build an advantage over the competition.\n\nCourse Structure\nThe course is divided into six sections. Five sections are dedicated to specific aspects and themes of managing cultural institutions, while the sixth section is dedicated to individual interviews of prominent cultural institution managers on specific topics. The involvement of professionals and managers gives an incredible value to the learning experience of this course. \n\nEach module is paired with a quiz and discussion forums to reflect on the variety of the heritage management, its complexity, and the power of the network that we will build together during the course.\nSuccessful completion of the quizzes is required for a course certificate as explained in the Grading Policy page.\n\nIf you love art and want to make an impact in this unique and fantastic sector, this course will support you in understanding the peculiarities of this sector and how to leverage on its tools to make a bigger impact.\n\nLook forward to meeting you online!\n\nAcknowledgements:\n\nVatican Museums:\nCenacolo Vinciano: \ (ITA)\nFAI (Fondo Ambiente Italiano):\nMUVE (Fondazione Musei Civici Venezia):\nThe National Trust:\nThe Archeological Site of Paestum:\nMuseo dell'Opera del Duomo (Florence):\nMuseo del Violino:\n_________________________________\nDisclaimer - Since some of the videos are conducted with those whose native language is not English, we have decided to sometimes preserve their more emphatic speech to keep a tighter match between the audio and subtitles.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Università Bocconi"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Ideas from the History of Graphic Design",
"link": "",
"description": "This condensed survey course focuses on four key periods or themes from the history of design. Together we’ll trace the emergence of design as a recognized practice, why things look the way they do, and how designers approached specific design problems in their work. \n\nEach week, a short quiz will test your knowledge of concepts, and a short reflective assignment will give you the opportunity to analyze the questions designers ask themselves today.\n\nThis is an essential course for emerging designers entering the field, or for students interested in learning more about visual culture and analysis. No previous experience is required.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"California Institute of the Arts"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Alle origini della civiltà mediterranea: archeologia della città dal Levante all’Occidente - III-I millennio a.C.",
"link": "",
"description": "Quali sono le radici più profonde di quel mix di culture che chiamiamo ‘civiltà mediterranea’? Quali commistioni e quali scambi hanno prodotto il suo frutto più completo, ossia la città, come luogo delle comunità che plasmano il loro territorio e i loro spazi? Quali elementi formarono il sostrato condiviso di usanze, tradizioni, idee, scoperte ed innovazioni che hanno messo a confronto e mischiato popoli diversi per millenni. Cosa ha fatto, dalla ceramica alla metallurgia, dalla gastronomia all’architettura, dall’arte alla religione di un mare una culla di civiltà? L’archeologia può servire a sviluppare queste domande e cercare delle risposte non scontate, toccando con mano quello che gli antichi popoli del Mediterraneo ci hanno lasciato. Punto di osservazione privilegiato del corso è l’antica città fenicia di Mozia, posta al centro del “mare di mezzo”. Attraverso l’esperienza diretta dello scavo, con immagini prese dal vivo, il corso vuole far toccare a chi vorrà parteciparvi le tessere del grande mosaico della civiltà mediterranea. Il diario dello scavo - il libro dell’archeologo - e la piccozzina usata per scavare saranno i due strumenti che ci condurranno attraverso il mare a scoprire cosa furono realmente queste antiche città, e come il loro contributo è ancora parte della nostra memoria condivisa.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Sapienza University of Rome"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Data-driven Astronomy",
"link": "",
"description": "Science is undergoing a data explosion, and astronomy is leading the way. Modern telescopes produce terabytes of data per observation, and the simulations required to model our observable Universe push supercomputers to their limits. To analyse this data scientists need to be able to think computationally to solve problems. In this course you will investigate the challenges of working with large datasets: how to implement algorithms that work; how to use databases to manage your data; and how to learn from your data with machine learning tools. The focus is on practical skills - all the activities will be done in Python 3, a modern programming language used throughout astronomy.\n\nRegardless of whether you’re already a scientist, studying to become one, or just interested in how modern astronomy works ‘under the bonnet’, this course will help you explore astronomy: from planets, to pulsars to black holes.\n\nCourse outline:\nWeek 1: Thinking about data\n- Principles of computational thinking\n- Discovering pulsars in radio images\n\nWeek 2: Big data makes things slow\n- How to work out the time complexity of algorithms\n- Exploring the black holes at the centres of massive galaxies\n\nWeek 3: Querying data using SQL\n- How to use databases to analyse your data\n- Investigating exoplanets in other solar systems\n\nWeek 4: Managing your data\n- How to set up databases to manage your data\n- Exploring the lifecycle of stars in our Galaxy\n\nWeek 5: Learning from data: regression\n- Using machine learning tools to investigate your data\n- Calculating the redshifts of distant galaxies\n\nWeek 6: Learning from data: classification\n- Using machine learning tools to classify your data\n- Investigating different types of galaxies\n\nEach week will also have an interview with a data-driven astronomy expert.\n\nNote that some knowledge of Python is assumed, including variables, control structures, data structures, functions, and working with files.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The University of Sydney"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Mathematical Biostatistics Boot Camp 2",
"link": "",
"description": "Learn fundamental concepts in data analysis and statistical inference, focusing on one and two independent samples.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Johns Hopkins University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Managing Employee Compensation",
"link": "",
"description": "How do I pay employees? And how do I get paid? \n\nThis course covers how to pay employees. We begin by asking: \"What kind of a person do I need to attract, retain, and motivate for my business to succeed?\" From here, we'll explain how to translate that pay strategy into the pay mix: the salary structure, short-term incentives, long-term incentives, and benefits that are aligned to your business objectives. \n\nInterested in learning more about the technical aspects of compensation, but don't know where to begin? We'll give an overview of key the key technical skills: compliance with pay regulations, understanding stock options, shopping for health insurance and pension providers, and designing incentive plans. Lastly, we'll discuss non-monetary methods of motivating employees. \n\nIf you're interested in learning how to pay employees, or learning where your paycheck comes from, this course is for you!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Minnesota"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Strategy and Sustainability",
"link": "",
"description": "Business and environmental sustainability are not natural bedfellows. Business is about making money. Sustainability is about protecting the planet. Business is measured in months and quarters. Sustainability often requires significant short term costs to secure a sometimes uncertain long-term benefit. To some activists, all executives are exploitative, selfish one percenters. To some executives, all activists are irresponsible, unyielding extremists. \n\nAnd yet engaging with the issue isn’t optional – all businesses must have a strategy to deal with sustainability and, like any strategy, this involves making choices. \n\nThis Strategy and Sustainability course based on Rosenberg's recently published book by Palgrave ( that encourages learners to filter out the noise and make those choices in a hard-nosed and clear-eyed way. Prof. Rosenberg’s nuanced and fact-based point of view recognizes the complexity of the issues at hand and the strategic choices businesses must make. He blends the work of some of the leading academic thinkers in the field with practical examples from a variety of business sectors and geographies and offers a framework with which senior management might engage with the topic, not (just) to save the planet but to fulfill their short, medium and long-term responsibilities to shareholders and other stakeholders.\n\nThis course promises to be both engaging and thought-provoking, aimed at anyone who wishes to gain a deeper understanding of a subject that is no longer perceived as a choice but a necessity for future managers and business leaders alike.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"IESE Business School"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Measuring Causal Effects in the Social Sciences",
"link": "",
"description": "How can we know if the differences in wages between men and women are caused by discrimination or differences in background characteristics? In this PhD-level course we look at causal effects as opposed to spurious relationships. We will discuss how they can be identified in the social sciences using quantitative data, and describe how this can help us understand social mechanisms.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Copenhagen"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Thomas Berry的世界观:地球社区的繁荣 (The Worldview of Thomas Berry: The Flourishing of the Earth Community)",
"link": "",
"description": "Thomas Berry(1914-2009)是一位研究世界宗教的历史学家,并且很早就对于唤醒对于环境危机的敏感性表达意见。他最知名的研究莫过于他的关于宇宙的“新的故事”,“新的故事”包括了进化科学和传统文化用来创造繁荣的未来。\n\n这门课研究了Berry的一生并且联系到了宇宙之旅的项目之中。我们抽取了他的著作,文章还有以前的讲课录像,都是为了研究Berry的理念,包括了“新的故事”,“伟大的使命”,还有新兴的生态时代。这门课深入地研究了Berry对于宇宙的见解,\n定位人类在动态无垠的宇宙中的位置和参与到我们时代的创造工作中。我们会着重研究Berry对于生态,经济,教育,灵魂,艺术时代更新和重塑。\n\n课程的原理:\nThomas Berry是原生的创造性综合性思想家,特别关注于我们全球环境危机的本质。他对于生态危机的回应体现了他的智慧,这回应是在进化论的背景下,应该把人类和科学带到一起。另外,他解释道,我们对于世界宗教的参与的需求也是可以用来解决环境问题。\n他从研究宇宙学和宗教传统,并结合两者开始实现。感知到故事作为功能宇宙学的重要性,他开始探索这些故事的广泛影响并且通过传统进行传播,用例子来说明的话,就是仪式,道德和生存之道。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Yale University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Emprendimiento y métodos ágiles de desarrollo en videojuegos",
"link": "",
"description": "¡Bienvenido al curso de Emprendimiento y métodos ágiles de desarrollo en videojuegos! \n\nEste curso introduce conceptos de emprendimiento en videojuegos y de metodologías ágiles de producción para su desarrollo. Queremos que tengas las herramientas básicas para considerar la creación de tu propio estudio de videojuegos, y organices tu grupo de trabajo alrededor de una metodología de desarrollo ágil.\n\nAl finalizar este curso podrás demostrar entendimiento de los conceptos básicos de emprendimiento y serás capaz de aplicar SCRUM, un marco ágil de producción que es utilizado ampliamente a nivel profesional, a cualquier proyecto de desarrollo de videojuegos que quieras emprender o, incluso, a cualquier otro tipo de proyectos. Además de una introducción teórica, este curso propone una práctica individual sobre herramientas, de modo que aprenderás haciendo.\n\nDurante el curso veremos temas tales como los roles de la metodología, sus principales elementos de planificación (SCRUM backlog, sprint backlog, planificación de la entrega y del sprint), métodos de monitoreo (reuniones diarias, diagrama burndown) y de retrospectiva (reuniones de revisión y retrospectiva), además de algunas recomendaciones que puedes aplicar en proyectos de videojuegos. \n\nPara este curso será necesario que tengas conocimientos de programación de videojuegos, los cuales puedes adquirir en los cursos básicos de este programa (Desarrollo de videojuegos y diseño de videojuegos); esto se debe a que para llevar esta metodología a la práctica te pediremos que trabajes un mínimo de horas en el desarrollo de un videojuego.\n\nTen en cuenta que este curso ha sido diseñado como el tercero de cinco cursos que hacen parte del programa especializado en Desarrollo y Diseño de Videojuegos. Puedes tomar todos los cursos por separado o sólo uno de ellos, sin embargo te recomendamos que te inscribas y participes en los cinco, ojalá en el orden que te proponemos, de manera que llegues al último curso denominado \"Desarrollo y Diseño de Videojuegos: proyecto final\" preparado para aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos en los cursos anteriores. \n\nPara inscribirte únicamente a este curso debes ir a la página del mismo: Haz click en el botón azul de la izquierda \"Enroll now\" o \"Inscribirse ahora\", donde podrás elegir si deseas tomar el curso pagando por la certificación con una suscripción mensual o anual, en cuyo caso debes hacer unas evaluaciones adicionales obligatorias y cumplir con los otros requisitos de certificación; o si deseas auditarlo, es decir acceder al contenido sin pagar por el certificado o suscripción.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universidad de los Andes"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Entrepreneurship Capstone ",
"link": "",
"description": "Integrate the tools and concepts from the specialization courses to develop a comprehensive business plan. Choose to enhance new venture concepts previously explored in specialization courses, or develop a new concept for this capstone project. Develop a comprehensive, customer-validated business model and create an investor pitch for the concept. \n\nWith this course, students experience a sampling of the ideas and techniques explored in the University of Maryland's master's degree in technology entrepreneurship, an innovative 100% online program. Learn more at",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Maryland, College Park"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Diseño y creación de videojuegos: proyecto final",
"link": "",
"description": "El proyecto final te introducirá en el mundo de la creación del videojuego. Se te proporcionará una versión básica de un videojuego (demo), con solo una etapa. Con los conocimientos adquiridos, y en función de tu interés personal, podrás trabajar en una de las siguientes facetas del videojuego:\n\n- Diseño del videojuego\n- Arte\n- Programación\n\nAcometerás un conjunto de cambios sobre ese videojuego basado en el área de tu interés. El proyecto se enfoca precisamente a que puedas trabajar los conceptos adquiridos en un ejemplo real. Dado que el tema es muy amplio, deberás focalizarte en una de las áreas, como ocurre en el caso real de la industria, donde trabajarías justamente uno de esos conceptos.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "创意、创新与变革",
"link": "",
"description": "让我们一起来创造历史 - 永不止步!\n在过去的2013和2014年中,来自全球190多个国家,超过200,000的学生相聚在这门MOOC课程中,一起探索创意,创新,和变革。\n我们都进行了哪些有趣的探索呢?我们通过创意的多样性来探索她的独特性,借助快速失败智能优化法来构建创新能力,并运用CENTER原理来驱动个人的改变。另外,我们使用价值创造技能来启动持久的变革。\n在CIC 1.0和CIC 2.0中,我们把这些探索变为现实,这在当时引起了轰动!\n现在我们又回来了,随着新面孔和新思路的加入,我们会做的比以前更好。我们可以帮助开发你的创意潜能,从而让你的事业、圈子和个人生活都得到提高和改变。这就是我们的CIC自主课程。燃烧吧,小宇宙!我们的课程永远对你开放!\n\n推荐阅读:\n《不创新,毋宁死》:杰克·马特森\n《CENTER》:达雷尔•维勒戈尔\n\n课程内容和视频字幕支持中英文,每周要求3-5小时的工作量",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The Pennsylvania State University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Breast Cancer",
"link": "",
"description": "Welcome to an Introduction to Breast Cancer! In this course, we’ll learn a bit about the leading cause of cancer in women worldwide – from the basic biology of the disease, to risk factors and prevention, to treatment modalities to survivorship. We’ll talk to leading experts, explore some of the milestone studies that have pushed this field forward, and have interactive discussions on discussion boards and social media. You’ll even have an opportunity to let us know what topics you want to cover on tweetchats, so we can try to make the content fit your interests. \n\nThere is something in this course for everyone – if you’re a breast cancer survivor or the friend/family member of someone with this disease, this course will help you to better understand this disease, and give you ideas for questions you may want to ask your doctor. Maybe you’re a healthcare provider or studying to be the same, this course is a great refresher on where the state of the science is, and we may even be able to offer continuing medical education credits for completion. If you’re a healthcare administrator wondering about how the interdisciplinary components of breast cancer care fit together, or an entrepreneur thinking about unmet needs in this space, or someone in public health interested in prevention, this course is also for you!\n\nAre you ready to learn a lot, and have some fun while we’re at it? If so, I hope you’ll join us! Let’s get started!!!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Yale University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Finanzas personales",
"link": "",
"description": "Este curso dotará a sus participantes con las herramientas que le permitirán llevar a cabo una planeación financiera personal y entender la necesidad de salvaguardar su patrimonio y recursos financieros, así como los requerimientos mínimos que se deben considerar para tomar buenas decisiones financieras.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Engineering Mechanics",
"link": "",
"description": "This course is an introduction to learning and applying the principles required to solve engineering mechanics problems. Concepts will be applied in this course from previous courses you have taken in basic math and physics. The course addresses the modeling and analysis of static equilibrium problems with an emphasis on real world engineering applications and problem solving.\n\nThe copyright of all content and materials in this course are owned by either the Georgia Tech Research Corporation or Dr. Wayne Whiteman. By participating in the course or using the content or materials, whether in whole or in part, you agree that you may download and use any content and/or material in this course for your own personal, non-commercial use only in a manner consistent with a student of any academic course. Any other use of the content and materials, including use by other academic universities or entities, is prohibited without express written permission of the Georgia Tech Research Corporation. Interested parties may contact Dr. Wayne Whiteman directly for information regarding the procedure to obtain a non-exclusive license.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Georgia Institute of Technology"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Budgeting and Scheduling Projects",
"link": "",
"description": "A good project schedule helps all team members’ work together to meet project objectives. A project budget with realistic cost constraints is also an essential bedrock of any project. In this course you’ll learn to plan and stick to time and cost constraints in order to ensure the success of your projects.\n\nUpon completing this course, you will be able to:\n1. Identify the resource needs of the project\n2. Decompose work packages into activities\n3. Define what is needed to estimate activity durations\n4. Define milestones and create a milestone schedule\n5. Determine the critical path and calculate float\n6. Describe the purpose of using leads and lags in a project schedule\n7. Estimate the quantities and costs of resources required to perform project activities\n8. Select one of three common cost estimating techniques to determine a project budget\n9. Use a responsibility assignment matrix to assign responsibilities\n10. Recognize the components of a project’s quality management plan",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Irvine"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Spanish Vocabulary Project",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course, we'll imagine that you are applying for an all-expenses paid, educational trip to a Spanish-speaking nation of your choice. You'll introduce yourself to a host family that you'll be staying with, research the rich culture and history of the place you intend to visit and compare it with your own country, and plan out an itinerary of places you plan to see, and things you plan to do and experience while visiting. In addition, you'll summarize the key points of your written report in an oral presentation. This course is challenging and is meant to test everything you've learned in the Spanish Vocabulary specialization. It will provide you an excellent way in which to test what you know and what you still need to work on in your Spanish learning journey.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Davis"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Criando e publicando um aplicativo para iPhone e iPad na App Store",
"link": "",
"description": "Agora que você já conhece as ferramentas necessárias para desenvolver um aplicativo para iOS, vamos à pratica! O objetivo deste projeto é criar um aplicativo, publicá-lo na App Store e acompanhar o desempenho dele no mercado. Para isso é necessário que você se inscreva no programa de desenvolvedor da Apple, o que requer um investimento de 99 dólares.\n\nNeste Projeto Final você irá:\n• Inventar o seu próprio aplicativo\n• Prototipar a sua idéia\n• Desenvolver o seu aplicativo\n• Publicar o seu aplicativo na AppStore\n• Fazer a divulgação, marketing e acompanhar os dados de uso do seu aplicativo\n\nOs conteúdos que você trabalhou nos quatro cursos desse programa de cursos integrados serão aplicados para que você tenha seu primeiro aplicativo disponível no mercado.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universidade Estadual de Campinas"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Mathematical Biostatistics Boot Camp 1",
"link": "",
"description": "This class presents the fundamental probability and statistical concepts used in elementary data analysis. It will be taught at an introductory level for students with junior or senior college-level mathematical training including a working knowledge of calculus. A small amount of linear algebra and programming are useful for the class, but not required.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Johns Hopkins University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Proactive Computer Security",
"link": "",
"description": "I’ve heard this before – “I’m not sure my computer security practices are working”. I reply “Have you tested them?” This course is the fourth and final course in the Practical Computer Security specialization. In this course, you’ll learn how to proactively test what you have put in place to protect your data. In the first week you’ll be able to discuss the basics of deterrents and how to “trick” attackers into believing they’ve hit a goldmine of data away from your real systems. In week 2, you’ll be able to understand and discuss the steps of penetration testing methodology. In week 3, you will be able to understand and apply what you have learned on your own systems to test whether your systems are secure or not. In week 4, we’ll discuss planning for your own methodology that you can apply to your own systems. And finally in week 5, we’ll finish up with a project that will allow you to test your skills in a safe environment.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Colorado System"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Strategic Organization Design",
"link": "",
"description": "Strategic Organization Design will introduce new topics and modules with even more real world examples and opportunities for student interaction than its predecessors Competitive Strategy ( and Advanced Competitive Strategy (\n\nThe final course in the Competitive Strategy and Organization Design specialization covers the internal workings of an organization and its interactions with the outside world. Where the first two courses mainly covered the way firms interact with the outside world, in particular competitors and complementors, the third course looks at the way a firm’s organization should be designed to compete effectively.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Jacobi modular forms: 30 ans après",
"link": "",
"description": "This is a master course given in Moscow at the Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry of the National Research University Higher School of Economics by Valery Gritsenko, a professor of University Lille 1, France.\nJacobi forms are holomorphic functions in two complex variables. They are modular in one variable and abelian (or double periodic) in another variable. The theory of Jacobi modular forms became an independent research subject after the famous book of Martin Eichler and Don Zagier “Jacobi modular forms” (Progress in Mathematics, vol. 55, 1985) which was cited more than a thousand times in research papers. This is due to many applications of Jacobi forms in arithmetic, topology, algebraic and differential geometry, mathematical and theoretical physics, in the theory of Lie algebras, etc. The list of mentioned subjects shows that my course might be useful for master and Ph.D. students working in different directions.\nMotivated undergraduate students can also study this subject. To follow the course one has to know only elementary basic facts from the theory of modular forms (for example, the paragraphs 1-4 of the chapter VII of Serre’s “A Course in Arithmetic” are enough).\nThe main hero of the course is the Jacobi theta-series. Using it we will construct a lot of concrete examples of Jacobi forms in one or many abelian variables, in particular, Jacobi forms for root systems.\nFor some of you, who will be successful with the theoretical exercises of the course, I am ready to formulate research problems for Master or Ph.D. thesis. (Ph.D. support might be available at CEMPI in Lille or at the Faculty of Mathematics of National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow)",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Higher School of Economics"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Основы программирования на Python",
"link": "",
"description": "Язык программирования Python является одним из самых простых в освоении и популярных языков программирования. Целью курса является изучение основных конструкций языка Python, которые пригодятся при решении широкого круга задач – от анализа данных до разработки новых программных продуктов.\n\nВ результате освоения курса слушатели научатся обрабатывать и хранить числа, тексты и их наборы, освоят стандартную библиотеку языка Python и смогут автоматизировать задачи по сбору и обработке данных. Курс дает необходимую базу для освоения более специализированных областей применения языка Python, таких как машинное обучение, статистическая обработка данных, визуализация данных и многих других. Также слушатели познакомятся с основами различных парадигм программирования: процедурным, функциональным и объектно-ориентированным программированием.\n\nДля качественного освоения курса достаточно знания математики на уровне средней школы, опыта программирования не требуется.\n\nВ курсе предлагается большое количество задач по программированию, расположенных по нарастанию сложности, что позволяет закреплять на практике изучаемый материал. К каждому занятию прилагается полный конспект, это делает изучение курса удобнее. Курс проводился в оффлайн варианте для студентов бакалавриата факультета компьютерных наук НИУ ВШЭ.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Higher School of Economics"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Finding Hidden Messages in DNA (Bioinformatics I)",
"link": "",
"description": "Named a top 50 MOOC of all time by Class Central!\n\nThis course begins a series of classes illustrating the power of computing in modern biology. Please join us on the frontier of bioinformatics to look for hidden messages in DNA without ever needing to put on a lab coat.\n\nIn the first half of the course, we investigate DNA replication, and ask the question, where in the genome does DNA replication begin? We will see that we can answer this question for many bacteria using only some straightforward algorithms to look for hidden messages in the genome.\n\nIn the second half of the course, we examine a different biological question, when we ask which DNA patterns play the role of molecular clocks. The cells in your body manage to maintain a circadian rhythm, but how is this achieved on the level of DNA? Once again, we will see that by knowing which hidden messages to look for, we can start to understand the amazingly complex language of DNA. Perhaps surprisingly, we will apply randomized algorithms, which roll dice and flip coins in order to solve problems.\n\nFinally, you will get your hands dirty and apply existing software tools to find recurring biological motifs within genes that are responsible for helping Mycobacterium tuberculosis go \"dormant\" within a host for many years before causing an active infection.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, San Diego"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Обучение на размеченных данных",
"link": "",
"description": "Обучение на размеченных данных или обучение с учителем – это наиболее распространенный класс задач машинного обучения. К нему относятся те задачи, где нужно научиться предсказывать некоторую величину для любого объекта, имея конечное число примеров. Это может быть предсказание уровня пробок на участке дороги, определение возраста пользователя по его действиям в интернете, предсказание цены, по которой будет куплена подержанная машина.\n\nВ этом курсе вы научитесь формулировать и, конечно, решать такие задачи. В центре нашего внимания будут успешно применяемые на практике алгоритмы классификации и регрессии: линейные модели, нейронные сети, решающие деревья и так далее. Особый акцент мы сделаем на такой мощной технике как построение композиций, которая позволяет существенно повысить качество отдельных алгоритмов и широко используется при решении прикладных задач. В частности, мы узнаем про случайные леса и про метод градиентного бустинга.\n\nПостроение предсказывающих алгоритмов — это лишь часть работы при решении задачи анализа данных. Мы разберемся и с другими этапами: оценивание обобщающей способности алгоритмов, подбор параметров модели, выбор и подсчет метрик качества.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology",
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to Molecular Spectroscopy",
"link": "",
"description": "The course introduces the three key spectroscopic methods used by chemists and biochemists to analyse the molecular and electronic structure of atoms and molecules. These are UV/Visible , Infra-red (IR) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopies. The content is presented using short focussed and interactive screencast presentations accompanied by formative quizzes to probe understanding of the key concepts presented. Numerous exercises are provided to facilitate mastery of each topic. A unique virtual spectroscopic laboratory is made available to enable students to measure and analyse spectra online. Assessment is via summative quizzes completed during the course period.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Manchester "
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Data Structures and Performance",
"link": "",
"description": "How do Java programs deal with vast quantities of data? Many of the data structures and algorithms that work with introductory toy examples break when applications process real, large data sets. Efficiency is critical, but how do we achieve it, and how do we even measure it?\n\nThis is an intermediate Java course. We recommend this course to learners who have previous experience in software development or a background in computer science, and in particular, we recommend that you have taken the first course in this specialization (which also requires some previous experience with Java). \n\nIn this course, you will use and analyze data structures that are used in industry-level applications, such as linked lists, trees, and hashtables. You will explain how these data structures make programs more efficient and flexible. You will apply asymptotic Big-O analysis to describe the performance of algorithms and evaluate which strategy to use for efficient data retrieval, addition of new data, deletion of elements, and/or memory usage.\n\nThe program you will build throughout this course allows its user to manage, manipulate and reason about large sets of textual data. This is an intermediate Java course, and we will build on your prior knowledge. This course is designed around the same video series as in our first course in this specialization, including explanations of core content, learner videos, student and engineer testimonials, and support videos -- to better allow you to choose your own path through the course!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, San Diego"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Particle Physics: an Introduction",
"link": "",
"description": "This course introduces you to subatomic physics, i.e. the physics of nuclei and particles. \n\nMore specifically, the following questions are addressed:\n- What are the concepts of particle physics and how are they implemented?\n- What are the properties of atomic nuclei and how can one use them?\n- How does one accelerate and detect particles and measure their properties?\n- What does one learn from particle reactions at high energies and particle decays?\n- How do electromagnetic interactions work and how can one use them?\n- How do strong interactions work and why are they difficult to understand?\n- How do weak interactions work and why are they so special?\n- What is the mass of objects at the subatomic level and how does the Higgs boson intervene?\n- How does one search for new phenomena beyond the known ones?\n- What can one learn from particle physics concerning astrophysics and the Universe as a whole?\n\nThe course is structured in eight modules. Following the first one which introduces our subject, the modules 2 (nuclear physics)\nand 3 (accelerators and detectors) are rather self contained and can be studied separately. The modules 4 to 6 go into more depth about matter and forces as described by the standard model of particle physics. Module 7 deals with our ways to search for new phenomena. And the last module introduces you to two mysterious components of the Universe, namely Dark Matter and Dark Energy.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Geneva"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Recruiting, Hiring, and Onboarding Employees",
"link": "",
"description": "Finding and hiring the right people is often cited as the number one concern of businesses today. It seems we are all competing for the best and brightest workers. As you will see in our time together in the second course, a critical component of the People Manager Value Proposition is to hire talented people who enable the organization to achieve its strategic goals. This course is an introduction into the topic of recruitment, selection and onboarding. \n\nAt the outset of the course we will explore the importance of linking recruitment goals with overall company strategy. We then look at a number of options to recruit and select employees both effectively and legally. Throughout the course we will examine current issues in talent acquisition, such as how companies are now leveraging social media and hiring analytics to ensure better quality hires.\n\nAt the conclusion of the course, we look at how to onboard employees to promote employee commitment and engagement.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Minnesota"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Professional Skills for International Business",
"link": "",
"description": "This course provides insight into the key professional skills needed by managers at all levels of an organisation. You’ll learn key skills such as how to make a positive first impression; how to become a role model at work; effective time and resource management; and networking.\n\nThis course forms part of a specialisation from the University of London designed to help you develop and build the essential business, academic, and cultural skills necessary to succeed in international business, or in further study. \n\nIf completed successfully, your certificate from this specialisation can also be used as part of the application process for the University of London Global MBA programme, particularly for early career applicants. If you would like more information about the Global MBA, please visit\n\nThis course is endorsed by CMI",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of London"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Epidemics, Pandemics and Outbreaks",
"link": "",
"description": "What can we do to prevent outbreaks of infectious diseases from becoming epidemics or pandemic? In this course, you’ll learn the facts about infectious diseases and medical responses. We'll focus on the public health laws and policies that provide the framework for effective prevention, like quarantine laws, drug development policies, and bioterrorism and biodefense.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Pittsburgh"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "自我实现",
"link": "",
"description": "本门课将注重执行。前面已经学会了很多的技能,但只有行动才会有结果。这门课程帮助你找出阻碍你行动的原因。通过目标设定,时间管理等,帮助你实现自己的梦想。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Science and Technology of China"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Chinese Culture and Contemporary China ",
"link": "",
"description": "This course of Chinese Culture and Contemporary China will explore the foundations of Chinese civilization and the dimensions of Chinese culture. It will pay particular attention to the relationship between Chinese culture and the present-day life of the Chinese people and to the different elements of the culture which are under the present social structures, belief systems, literature, arts, customs, etc. The course aims at providing students with a deeper knowledge of Chinese culture, thus enabling them to better understand China. \nThe course will cover the following main areas of topics: (1) the foundations of Chinese civilization: its geography, language, and history; (2) the core concepts in Chinese philosophies and religions: Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism; (3), literature and arts, including Chinese calligraphy, painting, Tang poetry, and classical fiction; (4) society and life, including education, the role of women, Chinese food, and traditional holidays; (5) travel and landscapes, including well-known Chinese cities, mountains, ethnic regions and customs; (6) Chinese media, culture and sports, including TV and movies, fashion, Chinese gongfu and taiji. \nIn addition, students will be expected to participate in a buddy program beyond curriculum if they have a chance to come to Nanjing. Ideally they will be paired up: an international student with a Nanjing University student to allow students to learn firsthand about Chinese customs, culture, and language. Students will be required to complete various projects and homework assignments as well, which will encourage them to use Nanjing University and the city of Nanjing as a laboratory to apply what they learn during their stay at Nanjing University.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Nanjing University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Sistemas Digitales: De las puertas lógicas al procesador",
"link": "",
"description": "En este curso aprenderemos los fundamentos del diseño de los circuitos digitales actuales, siguiendo una orientación eminentemente práctica.\n\nA diferencia de otros cursos más \"clásicos\" de Circuitos Digitales, nuestro interés se centrará más en el Sistema que en la Electrónica que lo sustenta. Este enfoque nos permitirá sentar las bases del diseño de Sistemas Digitales complejos.\n\nSe trata de un curso muy adecuado para estudiantes de primeros cursos de carreras de Ingenierías cercanas a las TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y de las Comunicaciones), y para todas aquellas personas que deseen introducirse en el mundo de los Sistemas Digitales. Por otra parte, este primer curso de Sistemas Digitales es un paso obligado para aquellas personas que deseen posteriormente profundizar en temas como el hardware de computadores y/o los circuitos integrados de aplicación específica, con todas las aplicaciones que ello implica (robótica, biónica, control industrial, etc.).\n\nAl acabar el curso serás capaz de:\n\n * Diseñar Sistemas Digitales de complejidad media.\n * Comprender la descripción de Sistemas Digitales mediante lenguajes de alto nivel como VHDL.\n * Comprender el funcionamiento de los computadores a su nivel más básico (lenguaje máquina), así como su materialización e interpretación a través de sistemas digitales algorítmicos.\n\n\nACLARACIONES\n* Puedes realizar el curso de manera gratuita. Con ello puedes acceder a todo los contenidos (vídeos, lecturas, cuestionarios, foros). Sin embargo, no permite la opción de obtener un certificado. \n* Obtener el certificado implica cumplir una serie de requisitos, entre los cuales, abonar el coste asociado.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Teaching EFL/ESL Reading: A Task Based Approach",
"link": "",
"description": "This course explores ways of teaching reading skills in English as Second and Foreign Language (ESL/EFL) using a task-based approach. You will be introduced to the concept of task and the key principles of task-based language teaching (TBLT) and learning. TBLT uses communicative tasks as the key unit for creating language learning activities. You will also examine the role of reading in real-life and in second and foreign language teaching and current thinking about the interface between TBLT and second language reading. You will explore how TBLT and teaching second language reading can be successfully integrated in practice through analysing task-based reading materials. The course culminates in creating task-based materials for teaching reading in your own language teaching contexts. \n\nAfter completing the course, you will be able to: \n1.\tExplain the main components and tenets of a task-based approach to teaching language;\n2.\tExplain the main issues involved in teaching reading;\n3.\tIllustrate connections between TBLT approaches and the teaching of reading; \n4.\tIntegrate tasks into your own teaching; \n5.\tIdentify reading texts that are suitable for the construction of tasks; and \n6.\tConstruct reading tasks and sequences for use in your own classroom.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of London",
"UCL Institute of Education"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Innovating in a Digital World",
"link": "",
"description": "Facebook, AirBnB, Tesla, Amazon, Uber. In just a few years, companies like these have changed the face of the global economy. Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of start-ups are disrupting old business models, taking on centennial industrial groups – and winning. It’s clear that the rules of business have changed forever.\n\nThis MOOC provides a knowledge toolkit for the ongoing digital revolution. You’ll discover 15 concepts that are essential for understanding the new mechanisms of digital business and innovation. \n\nEach concept is explained in its own beautifully designed, content-rich instructional video, along with additional resources for you to explore. The ideas are illustrated with up-to-the-minute case studies and examples from a wide range of industries.\n\nWeek 1 : Why Digital Changes Everything\nWeek 2 : Creating Value in a Digital World \nWeek 3 : Thinking and Acting Differently\nWeek 4 : Entrepreneurship in a Digital World\n\nThis MOOC is ideal for learners from a wide range of backgrounds. It is brought to you by four expert professors and researchers from Telecom ParisTech, a leading European graduate school in the field of digital technology and social science.\n\nThis MOOC is supported by the Patrick and Lina Drahi Foundation.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Institut Mines-Télécom"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Operations Analytics",
"link": "",
"description": "This course is designed to impact the way you think about transforming data into better decisions. Recent extraordinary improvements in data-collecting technologies have changed the way firms make informed and effective business decisions. The course on operations analytics, taught by three of Wharton’s leading experts, focuses on how the data can be used to profitably match supply with demand in various business settings. In this course, you will learn how to model future demand uncertainties, how to predict the outcomes of competing policy choices and how to choose the best course of action in the face of risk. The course will introduce frameworks and ideas that provide insights into a spectrum of real-world business challenges, will teach you methods and software available for tackling these challenges quantitatively as well as the issues involved in gathering the relevant data.\n\nThis course is appropriate for beginners and business professionals with no prior analytics experience.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Pennsylvania"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "First Steps in Making the Business Case for Sustainability",
"link": "",
"description": "The Business School at the University of Colorado Denver wants to help you become a change agent for sustainable business. We hope that with the skills and concepts you gain from this specialization that you will help your business reduce its social and environmental impact. Being a change agent is hard. It takes courage and passion and knowledge. To implement change also requires being able to make the case for that change in terms that people in your company or organization respond to and understand. \n\nAfter completing the specialization, you will be able to: \n * Discuss the threats and opportunities that major global trends such as climate change present to businesses;\n * Identify ways a company can improve its environmental and social performance;\n * Evaluate and compare companies’ sustainability activities and products;\n * Develop a business case for implementing sustainability investments;\n * Identify key criteria of green businesses and product design;\n * Be a change agent in your organization;\n * Understand emerging topics in sustainable business, including those in the public policy space.\n\nWe're very excited about offering this MOOC specialization and hope it gives you the first step toward learning about and taking action to make the places you work and the products you buy more sustainable.\n \nSustainable business changes daily with new products, innovations and ideas, so you will be important in keeping the class current. We look forward to learning from you as you take this green journey!\n______",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Colorado System"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "操作系统原理(Operating Systems)",
"link": "",
"description": "《操作系统原理》是针对计算机科学技术专业三年级本科生开设的一门专业基础课程。本课程着重学生系统观的培养,通过重点讲述操作系统的内部结构、工作原理及典型技术的实现,使学生建立起对操作系统的整体及各个功能模块的认识,从而系统掌握计算机的专业知识,进一步提升学生的软件开发能力乃至系统软件开发能力。\n\n任何计算机都必须在加载相应的操作系统之后,才能构成一个可以运转的、完整的计算机系统。操作系统的功能是否强大,决定了计算机系统的综合能力;操作系统的性能高低,决定了整个计算机系统的性能;操作系统本身的安全可靠程度,决定了整个计算机系统的安全性和可靠性。操作系统是软件技术的核心和基础运行平台。因此,计算机科学技术专业的学生需要学习和掌握操作系统的基本原理和专业知识。\n\n本课程的教学目标是:\n\n1.掌握操作系统的基本概念、功能组成、系统结构及运行环境;\n\n2.熟悉并运用操作系统工作原理、设计方法和实现技术,理解有代表性、典型的操作系统实例(如UNIX、Linux和Windows);\n\n3.了解操作系统的演化过程、发展研究动向、新技术以及新思想,为后续相关课程的学习打下良好基础,为后续职业发展奠定基石。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Peking University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Power Onboarding",
"link": "",
"description": "Power Onboarding provides practical, easy-to-use tools to guide an individual who is transitioning to a new job. Students will prepare an actionable personal onboarding plan that will set them up for success in their new role. Research has shown that an actively followed power onboarding plan will allow an individual to reach proficiency in a new position up to 30% faster than the typical transitioning manager. In this course, students will develop their own onboarding plan, allowing them to contribute sooner and be eligible for promotion earlier. In this newly revised format, learners can complete the course in no more than 7 hours, with approximately 2 hours dedicated to creating a personalized power onboarding plan. We have a suggested 4 week schedule to help you stay on track, but we recognize that everyone has different learning styles so we've added flexibility so you can complete the entire course in one or two sittings.\n\nThis course has benefited tremendously from the feedback and advice we have received since the launch in the Fall of 2014. A recent survey shows:\n1)\t67% of participants are very likely to recommend the course to a friend, and the remaining 33% being somewhat likely\n2)\t80% of participants found the workload the same or lower than what they expected. \n\nWe are enthusiastic about these findings and we know that you will find this course valuable and worthwhile as well!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Northwestern University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Case Studies in Personalized Medicine",
"link": "",
"description": "Learn how advances in biomedicine hold the potential to revolutionize drug development, drug treatments, and disease prevention: where are we now, and what does the future hold? This course will present short primers in genetics and mechanisms underlying variability in drug responses. A series of case studies will be used to illustrate principles of how genetics are being brought to bear on refining diagnoses and on personalizing treatment in rare and common diseases. The ethical and operational issues around how to implement large scale genomic sequencing in clinical practice will be addressed. \n\nAfter completing this course, learners will understand\n1. The ways in which genetic variants can contribute to human disease susceptibility\n2. How to choose among drug therapies based on genetic factors \n3. That the functional consequences of the vast majority of genetic variants discovered by modern sequencing are unknown.\n\nThis course is targeted primarily at physicians 5+ years out of training. Other healthcare providers, medical/health sciences students, and members of the public may also be interested. \n\nCourse launches January 15, 2016.\n\n* The information presented in “Case Studies in Personalized Medicine” is offered for educational and informational purposes only, and should not be construed as personal medical advice. If you have questions or concerns about a medical matter, please consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Vanderbilt University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Personal Leadership Development Planning and Leading High Performing Teams",
"link": "",
"description": "An actionable leadership improvement plan enables you to leverage strengths and close the gaps on weaknesses. In this course, you will build your own plan that you can put into practice immediately and realize goals within the next two years. It lays the foundation for an evergreen process of selection and prioritization of skills, and action planning for sustained leadership development.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Rice University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Data Analysis and Interpretation Capstone",
"link": "",
"description": "The Capstone project will allow you to continue to apply and refine the data analytic techniques learned from the previous courses in the Specialization to address an important issue in society. You will use real world data to complete a project with our industry and academic partners. For example, you can work with our industry partner, DRIVENDATA, to help them solve some of the world's biggest social challenges! DRIVENDATA at, is committed to bringing cutting-edge practices in data science and crowdsourcing to some of the world's biggest social challenges and the organizations taking them on. \n\nOr, you can work with our other industry partner, The Connection ( to help them better understand recidivism risk for people on parole seeking substance use treatment. For more than 40 years, The Connection has been one of Connecticut’s leading private, nonprofit human service and community development agencies. Each month, thousands of people are assisted by The Connection’s diverse behavioral health, family support and community justice programs. The Connection’s Institute for Innovative Practice was created in 2010 to bridge the gap between researchers and practitioners in the behavioral health and criminal justice fields with the goal of developing maximally effective, evidence-based treatment programs. \n\nA major component of the Capstone project is for you to be able to choose the information from your analyses that best conveys results and implications, and to tell a compelling story with this information. By the end of the course, you will have a professional quality report of your findings that can be shown to colleagues and potential employers to demonstrate the skills you learned by completing the Specialization.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Wesleyan University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Drug Development",
"link": "",
"description": "The University of California San Diego, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Drug Development course brings you lectures from both faculty and industry experts. With this course, recorded on campus at UCSD, we seek to share our access to top people in the field who bring an unprecedented range of expertise on drug development. \n\nIn this course you will learn the different stages of clinical development as well as the regulatory including but not limited to, an Investigational New Drug Application (IND), New Drug Application (NDA), and product labeling. Additionally you will learn how to Incorporate study design methods for consideration in the design of clinical protocols to assess safety, tolerability, and efficacy in multiple therapeutic areas.\n\nIn this course you will learn the different phases of clinical development:\n\n* Phase 1 or early stage clinical trial are conducted primar­ily to determine how the new drug works in humans, its safety profile and to predict its dosage range. It typically involves between 30 and 100 healthy volunteers.\n\n* Phase 2 or Proof of Concept POC studies test for efficacy as well as safety and side effects in a group of between 30 to 200 hundred patients with the disease for which the new drug is being developed.\n\n* Phase 3 or late stage clinical development involve much larger group of patients, between a few hundred to thousands, depending on the indication, which will help determine if the new drug can be considered both safe and effective. It will involve control groups using placebo and/or current treatment as a comparison.\n\n* Product registration and approval process after a drug is considered safe and effective from Phase 3 trials, it must be authorized in each individual country before it can be marketed. All data gen­erated about the small molecule or biologic is collected and submitted to the regulatory authorities in the US at the FDA, Food and Drug Administration FDA, in Europe the EMA or European Medicines Agency, Japan Ministry of Health and other countries which may require their own national approvals.\n\nThis course is intended as part 2 of a series: Drug Discovery (, Drug Development and Drug Commercialization ( We would highly recommend that you take the courses in order since it will give you a better understanding on how a drug is discovered in the lab before being tested in clinical trials and then launched in the market place.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, San Diego"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "What is Social?",
"link": "",
"description": "The “What Is Social?\" MOOC is for business owners, executives, and marketing professionals who want to significantly improve their abilities to grow their social strategy using effective, proven methodologies. This hands on, \"how to\" program won’t just tell you how to grow your professional persona using social – you will actually do it! This course is the first in the six-course specialization, Social Media Marketing: How to Profit in a Digital World. \n\nWhile the course can be audited for free, paid learners will receive additional content beyond the course basics. For MOOC 1, the toolkit includes a special video from Alessandro Acquisti on Big Data and a set of studies done by IBM on engagement and social marketing strategies with bottom-line profits. \n\nThis course has been designed to give you the tools, insights, knowledge, and skills to immediately impact your organization. In addition, we will help you network with thought leaders in social. After completing this course, you and your organization’s staff will be able to position, engage, and grow relationships with the consumers of highest value to you.\n\nToday, we are living in a period of massive disruption. New technologies are changing the way people engage with each other and with the organizations that interest them. This course will start you on the path to growing your own social strategy using effective, proven methodologies.\n\nAdditional MOOC 1 faculty include: \n* Judy Ungar Franks (President, The Marketing Democracy, Ltd. & Lecturer, Medill Integrated Marketing Communications, Northwestern)",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Northwestern University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "手把手教你心理咨询:谈话的艺术",
"link": "",
"description": "心理咨询似乎很神秘,我们常常想靠近它,但又害怕靠近它!\n所以,才有了“手把手教你心理咨询”这门系列课程。我并不是要教你成为一名心理咨询师,而是要帮助你了解心理咨询、懂得心理咨询。并且手把手地教会你,将心理咨询的理念和技巧,合理、恰当地运用到你的实际生活中去,让你的生活变得更加和谐、更加精彩!\n“谈话的艺术”是“手把手教你心理咨询”系列课程中的第一门课,在这门课当中的所有情景展示,都是基于我们日常生活中的谈话,而并非是真正的心理咨询。因为我想告诉你,心理咨询并不是什么神秘、高深的技术。只要愿意学习,你也可以掌握其中的基本方法;只要运用得当,你会让你自己和你身边的人从中受益!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Nanjing University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "The Arduino Platform and C Programming",
"link": "",
"description": "The Arduino is an open-source computer hardware/software platform for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control the physical world around them. In this class you will learn how the Arduino platform works in terms of the physical board and libraries and the IDE (integrated development environment). You will also learn about shields, which are smaller boards that plug into the main Arduino board to perform other functions such as sensing light, heat, GPS tracking, or providing a user interface display. The course will also cover programming the Arduino using C code and accessing the pins on the board via the software to control external devices. Please note that this course does not include discussion forums.\n\nUpon completing this course, you will be able to:\n1. Outline the composition of the Arduino development board\n2. Describe what it means to program the board's firmware\n3. Read board schematics\n4. Install Arduino IDE\n5. Describe what \"shields\" are and how they are used\n6. Specify the role of libraries in the use of shields\n7. Compile and run a program\n8. Name C Variables and Types\n9. Name common C operators\n10. Use conditionals and loops\n11. Explain functions, their definition and invocation\n12. Explain the implications of global variables\n13. Undertake the Arduino build process\n14. Describe the role of the tools behind the IDE\n15. Describe how to invoke functions in classes\n16. Explain the structure of an Arduino sketch\n17. Access the pins of the Arduino\n18. Differentiate between digital and analog pin\n19. Debug embedded software\n20. Explain the importance of controllability and observability in the debugging process\n21. Describe common debugging architectures for embedded systems\n22. Explain how the UART Serial communication protocol works\n23. Describe how the Arduino Serial library performs serial communication",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Irvine"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "International Business Environment",
"link": "",
"description": "This course explores the international business environment in which organisations function. You’ll learn about core analysis methods, including PESTLE, SWOT, and Boston Box Matrices, as well as the applications of Porter’s Five Forces. You’ll have the opportunity to participate in discussion forums and access case studies, as well as testing your understanding in quizzes.\n\nThis course forms part of a specialization from the University of London designed to help you develop and build the essential business, academic, and cultural skills necessary to succeed in international business, or in further study. \n\nIf completed successfully, your certificate from this specialization can also be used as part of the application process for the University of London Global MBA programme, particularly for early career applicants. If you would like more information about the Global MBA, please visit\n\nThis course is endorsed by CMI",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of London"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Data Analysis and Presentation Skills: the PwC Approach Final Project",
"link": "",
"description": "In this Capstone Project, you'll bring together all the new skills and insights you've learned through the four courses. You'll be given a 'mock' client problem and a data set. You'll need to analyze the data to gain business insights, research the client's domain area, and create recommendations. You'll then need to visualize the data in a client-facing presentation. You'll bring it all together in a recorded video presentation.\n\nThis course was created by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP with an address at 300 Madison Avenue, New York, New York, 10017.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "工程圖學 2D CAD 專題",
"link": "",
"description": "在『工程圖學2D CAD專題』,我們以一幢五層的公寓住宅為案例,一步步地講述AutoCAD繪製建築平面圖的技巧,包含梁、柱、樓板、樓梯、窗戶等,並介紹建築平面圖與立面圖的基本符號代表的意義與表達方式。\n修完這門課,你會具備2D製圖所有的基礎技巧與應用,你會知道如何「看懂」一張建築平面圖與立面圖!\n「工程圖學2D CAD專題」延續前一門課「工程圖學2D CAD」,將所學的平面繪圖技術,應用於建築圖繪製。本課程介紹建築圖相關概念與繪製注意事項,並以完整的例子帶領同學實際完成一份建築圖,希望透過實作專題的訓練,學生更加熟悉平面繪圖技術,並瞭解如何技術應用於工程界的實際案例。\n已具備工程圖學2D CAD的繪圖能力,想要大展伸手嗎?想要體會完成建築平面圖的過程嗎? 快加入工程圖學2D CAD專題吧!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National Taiwan University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Портфельные инвестиции: активные и пассивные стратегии",
"link": "",
"description": "Слушатели курса освоят навыки оценивания доходности и риска по портфелям финансовых активов, смогут реализовать принципы расчета и работы с такими традиционными показателями оценки эффективности инвестирования как коэффициенты Шарпа, Сортино и др. \nПримеры российской и зарубежной практики позволят вам сопоставлять активные и пассивные стратегии по привлекательности (инвестирование через паевые инвестиционные фонды (ПИФы) и другие программы взаимного инвестирования). После прохождения курса вы сумеете аргументировано выбрать схему долгосрочного портфельного инвестирования через пенсионные и страховые программы. Анализ ETF позволит вам оценить преимущества инвестирования в различные индексы (как уже сформированные портфели). \nСопоставление зарубежных финансовых рынков позволит вам расширить портфель включением активов иностранных компаний и выстроить с учетом налоговой нагрузки и комиссионных прибыльную инвестиционную стратегию через отбор активов в портфель. \n\nДля успешного освоения курса понадобятся базовые знания в статистике и математике, но достаточно будет предварительного освоения 3 курса специализации - «Инвестирование в акции»",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Higher School of Economics"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Динамика",
"link": "",
"description": "В курсе рассматриваются: кинематика точки и твёрдого тела (причём с разных точек зрения предлагается рассмотреть проблему ориентации твердого тела), классические задачи динамики механических систем и динамики твердого тела, элементы небесной механики, движение систем переменного состава, теория удара, дифференциальные уравнения аналитической динамики.\n\nВ курсе представлены все традиционные разделы теоретической механики, однако особое внимание уделено рассмотрению наиболее содержательных и ценных для теории и приложений разделов динамики и методов аналитической механики; статика изучается как раздел динамики, а в разделе кинематики подробно вводятся необходимые для раздела динамики понятия и математический аппарат.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Strategy Formulation",
"link": "",
"description": "The purpose of this course is to present, analyze and discuss the different facets of business strategy formulation. Emphasizing that strategy can be seen as a unified theme that provides coherence and direction to the actions and decisions of a firm, we will cover a variety of business strategy topics concerned with firm positioning in the context of different markets, industries and locations.\n\nAt the end of the course, you will be able to:\n- Identify why a strong strategy is essential for the future business success\n- Formulate a business strategy that suits the needs and visions of your organization\n- Explain why managers too often formulate sub-optimal strategies\n- Extrapolate measures to optimize current business strategies\n\nWorkload: 2-4 hours per week.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Copenhagen Business School"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Think Again I: How to Understand Arguments",
"link": "",
"description": "How to Understand Arguments\n\nThink Again: How to Reason and Argue\nReasoning is important. This series of four short courses will teach you how to do it well. You will learn simple but vital rules to follow in thinking about any topic at all and common and tempting mistakes to avoid in reasoning. We will discuss how to identify, analyze, and evaluate arguments by other people (including politicians, used car salesmen, and teachers) and how to construct arguments of your own in order to help you decide what to believe or what to do. These skills will be useful in dealing with whatever matters most to you.\n\nCourses at a Glance:\nAll four courses in this series are offered through sessions which run every four weeks. We suggest sticking to the weekly schedule to the best of your ability. If for whatever reason you fall behind, feel free to re-enroll in the next session.We also suggest that you start each course close to the beginning of a month in order to increase the number of peers in the discussion forums who are working on the same material as you are. While each course can be taken independently, we suggest you take the four courses in order.\n\nCourse 1 - Think Again I: How to Understand Arguments\nCourse 2 - Think Again II: How to Reason Deductively\nCourse 3 - Think Again III: How to Reason Inductively\nCourse 4 - Think Again IV: How to Avoid Fallacies\n\nAbout This Course in the Series:\nWhen is someone giving an argument instead of just yelling? Which parts of what they say contribute to the argument? Why are they arguing instead of fighting? What are arguments made of? What forms do they take? Think Again: How to Understand Arguments will answer these questions a more. \n\nIn this course, you will learn what an argument is. The definition of argument will enable students to identify when speakers are giving arguments and when they are not. Next, we will learn how to break an argument into its essential parts, how to put them in order to reveal their connections, and how to fill in gaps in an argument. By the end of this course, students will be better able to understand and appreciate arguments that they and other people present.\n\nSuggested Readings:\nStudents who want more detailed explanations or additional exercises or who want to explore these topics in more depth should consult Understanding Arguments: An Introduction to Informal Logic, Ninth Edition, Concise, Chapters 1-5, by Walter Sinnott-Armstrong and Robert Fogelin.\n\nCourse Format:\nEach week will be divided into multiple video segments that can be viewed separately or in groups. There will be short ungraded quizzes after each segment (to check comprehension) and a longer graded quiz at the end of the course.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Duke University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "A complexidade sensível: Um paralelo entre videogames e arte",
"link": "",
"description": "Este curso oferece respaldo aos interessados em atuar como desenvolvedores, pesquisadores e docentes na área do jogos, tendo como foco o entendimento destes como partes integrantes da cultura contemporânea e do cenário artístico atual. \n\nSerão apresentados conceitos fundamentais às discussões dos videogames vistos como expressões culturais e artísticas. Através de videoaulas explanativas, leituras recomendadas, entrevistas com especialistas, exercícios reflexivos e discussões em grupo, serão transmitidos conhecimentos com o intuito de iniciar os interessados no tema ou mesmo enriquecer o repertório daqueles que já atuam na área.\n\nEmbora este curso seja fundamentalmente teórico, pretendemos criar uma ponte entre as esferas acadêmica e mercadológica. Para isso, incentivamos a aplicação pragmática através da proposição de uma avaliação por pares. Os alunos serão levados a rascunhar o projeto de um videogame e compartilhá-lo com os colegas, tendo a chance de refletir sobre o feedback recebido.\n\nO objetivo principal deste oferecimento é propiciar embasamento adequado aos estudantes interessados em explorar as relações entre videogames e arte.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universidade Estadual de Campinas"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Effective Problem-Solving and Decision-Making",
"link": "",
"description": "Critical thinking – the application of scientific methods and logical reasoning to problems and decisions – is the foundation of effective problem solving and decision making. Critical thinking enables us to avoid common obstacles, test our beliefs and assumptions, and correct distortions in our thought processes. Gain confidence in assessing problems accurately, evaluating alternative solutions, and anticipating likely risks. Learn how to use analysis, synthesis, and positive inquiry to address individual and organizational problems and develop the critical thinking skills needed in today’s turbulent times. Using case studies and situations encountered by class members, explore successful models and proven methods that are readily transferable on-the-job.\n\nUpon completing this course, you will be able to:\n1. Choose and apply appropriate problem solving and decision making processes and methods\n2. Identify common obstacles to effective problem solving and decision making\n3. Recognize the human variable in problem solving and decision making\n4. Assess major conceptual blocks and significant situational challenges\n5. Apply concepts to enhancing personal development and organizational performance\n6. Explain the key elements of problem solving and decision making and the barriers associated with them",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Irvine"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Big Data Applications: Machine Learning at Scale",
"link": "",
"description": "Machine learning is transforming the world around us. To become successful, you’d better know what kinds of problems can be solved with machine learning, and how they can be solved. Don’t know where to start? The answer is one button away.\n \nDuring this course you will:\n- Identify practical problems which can be solved with machine learning\n- Build, tune and apply linear models with Spark MLLib\n- Understand methods of text processing\n- Fit decision trees and boost them with ensemble learning\n- Construct your own recommender system.\n \nAs a practical assignment, you will \n- build and apply linear models for classification and regression tasks; \n- learn how to work with texts; \n- automatically construct decision trees and improve their performance with ensemble learning; \n- finally, you will build your own recommender system!\n\nWith these skills, you will be able to tackle many practical machine learning tasks.\n \nWe provide the tools, you choose the place of application to make this world of machines more intelligent.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Linux Server Management and Security",
"link": "",
"description": "Whether you are accessing a bank website, Netflix or your home router, chances are that your computer is interacting with a Linux system. The world runs on Linux. In this course, we will dive into how Linux works from an enterprise perspective. \nIn week 1 we will look at what Linux is used for in the enterprise. By the end of week 1, you will be able to differentiate between different versions of Linux and understand how they are used in an enterprise environment. In week 2, we will explore how Linux systems are configured. By the end of week 2, you will be able to demonstrate different Linux commands and how they are used. You will also be able to interact with a Linux system. In week 3, we will explore Linux authentication mechanisms and how to add users and user controls to a Linux system. By the end of week 3, you should be able to demonstrate how to appropriately add users to a Linux machine and secure them. In week 4, we will explore how to harden a Linux system. By the end of week 4, you should be able to classify different technologies to secure Linux and differentiate access control methods for Linux applications.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Colorado System"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Mechanics: Motion, Forces, Energy and Gravity, from Particles to Planets",
"link": "",
"description": "Most of the phenomena in the world around you are, at the fundamental level, based on physics, and much of physics is based on mechanics. Mechanics begins by quantifying motion, and then explaining it in terms of forces, energy and momentum. This allows us to analyse the operation of many familiar phenomena around us, but also the mechanics of planets, stars and galaxies.\n\nThis on-demand course is recommended for senior high school and beginning university students and anyone with a curiosity about basic physics. (The survey tells us that it's often used by science teachers, too.) \n\nThe course uses rich multimedia tutorials to present the material: film clips of key experiments, animations and worked example problems, all with a friendly narrator. You'll do a range of interesting practice problems, and in an optional component, you will use your ingenuity to complete at-home experiments using simple, everyday materials.\n\nYou will need some high-school mathematics: arithmetic, a little algebra, quadratic equations, and the sine, cosine and tangent functions from trigonometry. The course does not use calculus. However, we do provide a study aid introducing the calculus that would accompany this course if it were taught in a university.\n\nBy studying mechanics in this course, you will understand with greater depth many of the wonders around you in everyday life, in technology and in the universe at large. Meanwhile, we think you'll have some fun, too.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"UNSW Australia (The University of New South Wales)"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "人体生理学导论(中文版)",
"link": "",
"description": "在本课程中,学生将学习认识和应用说明人体九个器官系统中整体人体机能(作为完整有机体)的基本概念。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Duke University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Building Your Leadership Skills",
"link": "",
"description": "When taking this course, you will raise your own self-awareness and gain self-confidence for a better leadership. \nYou will discover a new approach to leadership based on trust and sense. \nThe “Savoir-Relier” leadership, a new approach of leadership, taught to HEC MBA’s student and top executives, enables better team leadership and encourages relationships between people in spite of their differences of opinion. \n\nYou will develop relational skills, self-knowledge and self-awareness on the way to unfold your own leadership style. You’ll learn the skills of The Savoir-Relier (SR) methodology for better connecting with yourself or others by going through the following 4 steps for successful leadership: Introspection, Conversation, Resilience and Responsibility toward Value Creation. \nIn this first MOOC of the \"Inspirational Leadership\" specialization, you will practice the first two steps of the method for successful leadership: Introspection and Conversation. You will get to know yourself better during the Introspection part and get a chance to improve your communication skills in order to better interact with others. You will meet people like you who will share their stories and their experience with Savoir-Relier and why it is so inspiring for them in their life. Together, you’ll develop greater self-awareness by developing a leadership self-portrait and going through fun activities to increase your empathy and communication.\n\nLeaders from different organizations and participants of the HEC Paris Leadership Certificate, the program from which this course and specialization are inspired, will share with you their insights about what it takes to become a great leader and what they are able to achieve now that they apply The Savoir-Relier methodology. \n\nThis course is part of the specialization “Inspirational Leadership: Leading with Sense”. In the next courses, you'll go through the second two steps of leadership: Resilience and Responsibility toward Value Creation.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"HEC Paris"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Biases and Portfolio Selection",
"link": "",
"description": "Investors tend to be their own worst enemies. In this third course, you will learn how to capitalize on understanding behavioral biases and irrational behavior in financial markets. You will start by learning about the various behavioral biases – mistakes that investors make and understand their reasons. You will learn how to recognize your own mistakes as well as others’ and understand how these mistakes can affect investment decisions and financial markets. You will also explore how different preferences and investment horizons impact the optimal asset allocation choice.\n\nAfter this course, you will be more effective in overcoming biases to do the wrong things at the wrong times and tailoring an investment strategy that is best suited on your or your client’s profile and investment needs.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Rice University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Autoridad, dirección y liderazgo",
"link": "",
"description": "En este curso, identificarás las principales responsabilidades y actividades que realiza un directivo en cualquier nivel de mando. Revisarás ejemplos que reflejan la importancia del ejercicio del liderazgo resaltando el valor del manejo adecuado de la comunicación, toma de decisiones, motivación, delegación, supervisión y coordinación del equipo de trabajo. Por otra parte, reconocerás los diferentes estilos de liderazgo y como éstos deben ser utilizados dependiendo de las particularidades de cada situación.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Квантовые вычисления (Quantum computing)",
"link": "",
"description": "О квантовых вычислениях много пишут и говорят, особенно в последнее время. Причины такого интереса вполне очевидны - потребность в новом поколении вычислительных устройств назрела уже давно, и квантовый компьютер - первый кандидат на то, чтобы стать этим новым поколением.\nДля работы с новыми, только возникающими технологиями требуются специалисты, разбирающиеся в основах этих технологий - инженеры, физики, математики, алгоритмисты... Это - те люди, которые, возможно, станут у истоков новой эры и смогут поучаствовать в осуществлении очередного грандиозного шага в развитии человечества.\nЗатронуть все аспекты темы квантовых вычислений в рамках одного MOOC не представляется возможным, поэтому данный курс охватывает только одну их область - анализ и проектирование квантовых алгоритмов.\nПрослушав курс, вы:\n1. Разберетесь с моделью квантовых вычислений и поймете, что такое квантовый компьютер с точки зрения алгоритмиста и математика.\n2. Познакомитесь с простыми (и не очень простыми) квантовыми алгоритмами и получите начальные навыки их проектирования.\n3. Просто получите удовольствие, всегда сопровождающее познание чего-то нового.\n\nКоманда курса желает вам успехов в освоении материала. Мы будем искренне рады, если знания, полученные вами здесь, помогут вам в достижении новых теоретических и практических результатов.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Saint Petersburg State University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Financial Engineering and Risk Management Part I",
"link": "",
"description": "Financial Engineering is a multidisciplinary field drawing from finance and economics, mathematics, statistics, engineering and computational methods. The emphasis of FE & RM Part I will be on the use of simple stochastic models to price derivative securities in various asset classes including equities, fixed income, credit and mortgage-backed securities. We will also consider the role that some of these asset classes played during the financial crisis. A notable feature of this course will be an interview module with Emanuel Derman, the renowned ``quant'' and best-selling author of \"My Life as a Quant\". \n\nWe hope that students who complete the course will begin to understand the \"rocket science\" behind financial engineering but perhaps more importantly, we hope they will also understand the limitations of this theory in practice and why financial models should always be treated with a healthy degree of skepticism. The follow-on course FE & RM Part II will continue to develop derivatives pricing models but it will also focus on asset allocation and portfolio optimization as well as other applications of financial engineering such as real options, commodity and energy derivatives and algorithmic trading.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Columbia University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Materials Science: 10 Things Every Engineer Should Know",
"link": "",
"description": "We explore “10 things” that range from the menu of materials available to engineers in their profession to the many mechanical and electrical properties of materials important to their use in various engineering fields. We also discuss the principles behind the manufacturing of those materials.\n\nBy the end of the course, you will be able to:\n* Recognize the important aspects of the materials used in modern engineering applications,\n* Explain the underlying principle of materials science: “structure leads to properties,”\n* Identify the role of thermally activated processes in many of these important “things” – as illustrated by the Arrhenius relationship.\n* Relate each of these topics to issues that have arisen (or potentially could arise) in your life and work.\n\nIf you would like to explore the topic in more depth you may purchase Dr. Shackelford's Textbook:\nJ.F. Shackelford, Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, Eighth Edition, Pearson Prentice-Hall, Upper\nSaddle River, NJ, 2015",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Davis"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Managerial Economics and Business Analysis Capstone",
"link": "",
"description": "The capstone project involves an in-depth analysis of an actual business situation in which you will examine the global economic environment of a business. The final project will be a business plan that uses statistical tools and economic theory to create a comprehensive analysis of the microeconomic and macroeconomic environment in which the focal company operates.\n\nThis course is part of the iMBA offered by the University of Illinois, a flexible, fully-accredited online MBA at an incredibly competitive price. For more information, please see the Resource page in this course and",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Tinkering Fundamentals: Motion and Mechanisms",
"link": "",
"description": "The Tinkering Fundamentals course will offer educators and enthusiasts an opportunity to develop a practice of tinkering and making. We see tinkering as a serious endeavor—one that is generalizable across content and especially good at interweaving disciplines in a way that leads to complex projects and individualized learning opportunities. Tinkering has recently been introduced into the educational field as a potential driver of creativity, excitement, and innovation in science learning. It is seen by many as an effective means to engage in exploring STEM concepts, practices and phenomena. Tinkering typically blends the high and low tech tools of science along with a strong aesthetic dimension that supports children’s (and adults’) self expression.\n\nNB: This is a hands-on course, so you will need several tools and materials to do weekly activities. You are welcome to purchase only what you don't already have—or even better try to scrounge them from surplus stores! We have put together a list of recommended materials, which you can find here:\n\nFor over a decade, the Exploratorium has been developing science-rich tinkering activities for both children and adults. We see tinkering as a fun yet serious endeavor—spanning many disciplines and content areas and fostering connections between art, science, and technology. Learners follow their own path to understanding by investigating tools and materials and exploring questions that interest them. This opens up a wide range of possible answers rather than any specific “right” one, particularly for teaching STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) subjects in the classroom. This course centers on activities related to Motion and Mechanisms, which offer a wealth of opportunities for thinking through making.\n\nIn this course, we won’t just show you how we develop tinkering activities; we’ll also delve into why. We’ll focus on three important aspects: activity design around specific materials, facilitation strategies, and environmental organization. We’ll also share some guiding principles and learning indicators we’ve developed that can help you integrate tinkering into your elementary and middle-school science program. Whether you’re new to making or a seasoned tinkerer, we hope this course will help you take the next step!\n\nOUR APPROACH TO TEACHING\n\nThis is a hands-on workshop, not a lecture-based class. Participation is essential! We want everyone to be making and tinkering together: trying things out, asking questions, sharing ideas, and reflecting together as a community. This is a wonderful chance to tinker and learn alongside people from all over the world and from all walks of life, so don’t be shy!\n\nPLEASE NOTE: We have put a great deal of effort towards creating a supportive space that encourages exploration. We’ll give you a few ways to get started; prompt you to share your own observations and experience as learners, designers, and facilitators; and hopefully spark interesting conversations and discoveries along the way. While it’s not a requirement, we encourage you to take this class with a friend or colleague, or meet with other people in your area: having support or doing activities with others will enhance your experience and help you stay engaged.\n\nThis project was funded by generous support from Overdeck Family Foundation and the National Science Foundation.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "發展心理學:哲學觀與方法論 (Developmental Psychology: Philosophical Bases and Methodology)",
"link": "",
"description": "人性本質的開端是善或惡?成長與改變的原因是源自遺傳或環境?人類發展的過程是如小樹苗漸成大樹般的量變、還是如毛毛蟲變成蝴蝶般的質變?這些哲學爭辯顯示了同一個發展現象背後可能有不同的立場,因而需以縱貫追蹤或橫跨不同世代的跨齡研究設計探討人類發展的本質。此外,發展心理學欲瞭解的對象往往包括無法聽從研究者指示、或無法以語言、文字充分表達自己的嬰幼兒與兒童,因此需以特殊的研究派典才能回答發展趨勢、發展歷程是否為連續、以及個別差異是否隨發展保持穩定等議題。因此,本課程的主旨有二,一為說明各種看待發展的哲學觀、另一則為介紹發展心理學的研究設計與方法。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"National Taiwan University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Statistics for International Business",
"link": "",
"description": "This course introduces core areas of statistics that will be useful in business and for several MBA modules. It covers a variety of ways to present data, probability, and statistical estimation. You can test your understanding as you progress, while more advanced content is available if you want to push yourself.\n\nThis course forms part of a specialisation from the University of London designed to help you develop and build the essential business, academic, and cultural skills necessary to succeed in international business, or in further study. \n\nIf completed successfully, your certificate from this specialisation can also be used as part of the application process for the University of London Global MBA programme, particularly for early career applicants. If you would like more information about the Global MBA, please visit\n\nThis course is endorsed by CMI",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of London"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Exploratory Data Analysis",
"link": "",
"description": "This course covers the essential exploratory techniques for summarizing data. These techniques are typically applied before formal modeling commences and can help inform the development of more complex statistical models. Exploratory techniques are also important for eliminating or sharpening potential hypotheses about the world that can be addressed by the data. We will cover in detail the plotting systems in R as well as some of the basic principles of constructing data graphics. We will also cover some of the common multivariate statistical techniques used to visualize high-dimensional data.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Johns Hopkins University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to People Analytics",
"link": "",
"description": "This course is designed to provide you with an understanding of the role of data and technology in human capital management. Every topic in the course will be covered in the most practical way so that learners get hands-on experience. In the course we use the 4Ts principle: Task, Theory, Technique and Technology so that there is always a connection to organizational performance objectives, an overview of underlying theories and principles, and specific tools which help achieve business objectives.\n\nYou will learn \n●\twhat combination of data, technologies, and tools can be used in people management processes to improve organization’s performance\n●\thow to use some of these tools and how to select the ones that suit your objectives and budget\n●\tto design individual and team development plans and measure its ROI for the organization\n●\thow to figure out the qualities that lead employees to their best performance so you know what to encourage in current and look for in new employees\n●\thow to identify the right channels to recruit your employees or team members\n●\twhat combination of monetary and non-monetary motivation tools work best for your organization \n●\thow to predict what people will leave in the near future and how to make sure some of them stay\n●\thow to measure engagement and make a strong organizational culture improve performance",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Introduction to Student Assessment",
"link": "",
"description": "You will consider various techniques which help to assess student learning. The course also will help you to acquire the skills to develop and use appropriate assessment procedures. \n\nThis course is part of the Foundations of Teaching for Learning program which is designed to assist people who are currently teaching but have had no formal teacher education improve their understanding of their role and work as a teacher. This set of courses will enhance your knowledge and understanding about learning and teaching and what makes a teacher a professional. \nPractical activities are provided to assist you in using what you have learned to improve your teaching practice. While these are optional, it is strongly recommended that you undertake them if at all possible.\n\nOf particular importance is a guide to the development of a portfolio to help you organize and document your thinking about what you have learned. In addition, you may be able to use the portfolio to access other opportunities in the future.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Commonwealth Education Trust"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "编剧:像导演一样编剧",
"link": "",
"description": "电影编剧不同于文学创作,它意味着要以影像化、动作化的方式赋予故事生命,在这个意义上,编剧不仅是导演,而且还是那个灵动的新世界的创造者。这个世界中的每一个人物命运,每一个起承转合,都表达着创作者对于人性的判断和立场。本课程将通过丰富的案例和针对性的练习,阐述电影编剧的基本步骤、基础知识和内在规律。",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Fudan University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Principles of Game Design",
"link": "",
"description": "You have a great idea for a game. Turning that idea into a reality isn't just about knowing the tools. In this course you will practice moving from game concept through design documentation, prototyping and testing. Numerous elements go into the overall process of game design. These range from topics such as idea generation, story, character, and game world development, game mechanics and level design, and user experience design. You will explore the process for designing meaningful experiences for your players. At the end of the course learners will have produced a game's high concept document, one page blueprint, a physical prototype, pitch and supporting design documentation to move from an idea in your head to a fleshed out design, ready for implementation.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Michigan State University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Data Processing Using Python",
"link": "",
"description": "This course (The English copy of \"用Python玩转数据\" <>) is mainly for non-computer majors. It starts with the basic syntax of Python, to how to acquire data in Python locally and from network, to how to present data, then to how to conduct basic and advanced statistic analysis and visualization of data, and finally to how to design a simple GUI to present and process data, advancing level by level. \nThis course, as a whole, based on Finance data and through establishment of popular cases one after another, enables learners to more vividly feel the simplicity, elegance and robustness of Python. Also, it discusses the fast, convenient and efficient data processing capacity of Python in humanities and social sciences fields like literature, sociology and journalism and science and engineering fields like mathematics and biology, in addition to business fields. Similarly, it may also be flexibly applied into other fields.\n\nThe course has been updated. Updates in the new version are : \n\n1) the whole course has moved from Python 2.x to Python 3.x \n2) Added manual webpage fetching and parsing. Web API is also added. \n3) Improve the content order and enrich details of some content especially for some practice projects.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Nanjing University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector, Nonprofit Organizations, Nonprofit Leadership and Governance",
"link": "",
"description": "This course introduces you to the nonprofit sector, nonprofit organizations, and the concepts of leadership and governance. While this course has been developed with North American culture in mind, we do appreciate that in other parts of the world the nature of the nonprofit sector, nonprofit organizations, nonprofit leadership and governance may not be the same. Nevertheless, it is our hope that much of the course content will still be of value to those in other parts of the world. \n\nTo learn more about this course, please watch the overview video by copying and pasting the following link into your web browser:\n\nKeywords: Nonprofit; Nonprofit Sector; Voluntary Sector; Nonprofit Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, Volunteer Organizations, Leadership, Management, Governance, Board, Board of Directors, Performance, Effectiveness\n\nCourse 1 Overview: \n\nWeek 1: Some of the questions you will explore this week are: What is the nonprofit sector and why does it exist? What are the unique characteristics of nonprofit organizations? What are the trends and emerging issues facing organizations in the nonprofit sector?\n\nWeek 2: Questions to be explored this week are: What is leadership at the governance level and how is it different from management? What is good governance and why does it matter? What is a board of directors?\n\nWeek 3: This week's questions: What roles do board members play in nonprofit organizations? Broadly speaking, what are boards responsible for and how do they go about their work? What are some of the issues that challenge the board's ability to go its work?\n\nWeek 4: At this stage, you are asked to review the course content, submit a written assignment (known lightheartedly as a BEAR (Board Effectiveness Readiness Assessment), and take two multiple choice Readiness Assurance Tests (known similarly as RATs). One RAT will assess knowledge and reading comprehension and the other will test application of knowledge within a practical case. \n\nWeek 5: We will encourage you to discuss the RATs in the discussion forums and take them again should you wish to change any of your answers based on the information exchanged.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The State University of New York",
"Luther College at the University of Regina"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Communication in the 21st Century Workplace",
"link": "",
"description": "In today's fast-paced business environment, employees at all levels find themselves being asked to handle more tasks, meet more deadlines, take on more responsibilities, and adapt to more change. Added to these challenges is the constantly shifting diversity of the workplace, where coworkers cope with generational, gender, age and cultural differences. Communication, both verbal and nonverbal, is at the foundation of everything we do and say, and is especially important in the 21st century workplace. The good news is that communication is a learned skill, and can be improved upon with the right training. The focus of this course is to heighten students’ awareness of workplace communication, and add new interpersonal skills, with the end result of becoming a more competent communicator overall. Target areas include: the process and functions of communication, behavioral patterns, perceptions as reality, verbal and nonverbal cues and behaviors, confidence, assertiveness, tact, anger management, criticism and constructive feedback, conflict resolution, team building, leadership, interviewing, and communicating more effectively with technology (email, Skype, texting, etc.).\n\nUpon completing this course, you will be able to:\n1. Define communication and its role in the workplace\n2. Describe benefits of effective communication in the workplace\n3. Identify and explain most common audiences and techniques for communicating with each audience\n4. Identify and solve common obstacles to effective communication\n5. Summarize the 5 Step Technique and explain its usefulness in communicating with your manager\n6. Discuss the best approaches and communication techniques for delivering bad news to your manager\n7. Describe ways to make positive connections with your staff.\n8. Discuss techniques for deciphering the communication styles of executive managers\n9. Discuss techniques for identifying the characteristics and drivers of executive managers \n10. Discuss techniques for persuading executive management \n11. Identify best practices for working successfully with virtual/remote teams\n12. Apply proven techniques for effective conference calls and webinars",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, Irvine"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Beginning Game Programming with C#",
"link": "",
"description": "The Beginning Game Programming with C# course is all about learning how to develop video games using the C# programming language. Why use C# instead of C++, Java, ActionScript, or some other programming language you may have heard of? First, using C# lets us use the open-source MonoGame framework, which help us quickly develop games for Windows, Android, iOS, Mac OS X, and others. Second, the Unity game engine is very popular with indie game developers, and C# is one of the programming languages you can use in the Unity environment. And finally, C# is a really good language for learning how to program.\n\nThat learning how to program comment is important because this course doesn't assume you have any previous programming experience. Don't worry if you've never written code before; we'll start at the very beginning and work our way up to building a small, complete game by the end of the course. Throughout the course you'll learn core programming concepts that apply to lots of programming languages, including C#, and you'll also learn how to apply those concepts when you develop games: drawing all the entities in the game world, updating the game world based on user input and simple physics, playing music and sound effects in your games, and so on.\n\nComputer programming is really fun in general, and programming games is even better!\n\nCaution: Beginning (assuming no prior programming knowledge) is not the same as easy (not hard to do). Learning to program IS hard to do, especially since this course is essentially a freshman-level college course. Meeting the course challenges while you master the material will be rewarding to you, but doing that will require hard work and maybe even a few expletives along the way.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Colorado System"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Algorithmic Thinking (Part 1)",
"link": "",
"description": "Experienced Computer Scientists analyze and solve computational problems at a level of abstraction that is beyond that of any particular programming language. This two-part course builds on the principles that you learned in our Principles of Computing course and is designed to train students in the mathematical concepts and process of \"Algorithmic Thinking\", allowing them to build simpler, more efficient solutions to real-world computational problems.\n\nIn part 1 of this course, we will study the notion of algorithmic efficiency and consider its application to several problems from graph theory. As the central part of the course, students will implement several important graph algorithms in Python and then use these algorithms to analyze two large real-world data sets. The main focus of these tasks is to understand interaction between the algorithms and the structure of the data sets being analyzed by these algorithms.\n\nRecommended Background - Students should be comfortable writing intermediate size (300+ line) programs in Python and have a basic understanding of searching, sorting, and recursion. Students should also have a solid math background that includes algebra, pre-calculus and a familiarity with the math concepts covered in \"Principles of Computing\".",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Rice University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Character Design for Video Games",
"link": "",
"description": "In this course you will explore concepts and approaches involved in creating successful character designs that can be applied to video games. Following a first week delving into some foundational concepts for successful character design, each of the remaining three weeks are structured as a \"master class\" where you will observe three professional character designers at work in the studio: Andy Ristaino (Adventure Time), Jacky Ke Jiang (Journey), and Robertryan Cory (SpongeBob SquarePants). Each designer will take on two different design challenges on the fly and address the various issues in designing characters for games, such as movement, expression, and technical limitations. At the end of each week you will have an opportunity to try out some of the concepts from that week's lesson on characters of your own design. \n\nThis is a fun and engaging class especially useful for students interested in animation in film and TV as well as games, and is suitable for students of any drawing ability.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"California Institute of the Arts"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Entrepreneurship II: Practices and Approaches",
"link": "",
"description": "This course builds on previous concepts and outlines strategies and tactics for forming, financing and launching a new venture. Topics to be addressed will include building the new venture’s initial management team, identifying and reaching out to early customers, developing financial plans, raising startup and initial growth financing, and preparing for and managing rapid growth. \n\nCourse objectives:\nEntrepreneurial Team Building: Develop an understanding of the what is required in a new venture\nInitial Go-to-Market Strategy: Develop a plan to identify and approach your first customers\nFinancial Forecasting: Building financial projections for the new venture\nEntrepreneurial Financing: Raising Equity Capital for the new venture\nGrowing the Business: Monitoring the new venture’s health and scalability",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "University Teaching",
"link": "",
"description": "University Teaching is an introductory course in teaching and learning in tertiary education, designed by staff at the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning at the University of Hong Kong. \n\nWith input from instructors, guests and interviewees, including teaching award winners, students, and experts in the fields, you will be exposed to research evidence in relation to effective university teaching and practical instructional design strategies. You will also be exposed to multiple examples of effective teaching, and hear the views of teachers whose teaching has been judged to be excellent.\n\nMore specifically, University Teaching will help you to address the following questions:\n\n- What does teaching in higher education involve? \n- What does research evidence tell us about effective teaching in higher education? \n- How can we ensure that our instructional design will help our students achieve their intended learning outcomes? \n- What pedagogic options do we have to make our teaching successful? \n- What assessment and feedback practices can help our students learn more effectively? \n\nAfter completing the learning tasks in this course, you will be able to:\n- Discuss the teaching and learning context in higher education and reflect on the potential challenges and opportunities you might encounter.\n- Explain key teaching and learning concepts and relevant evidence in relation to effective university teaching.\n- Analyse the relationships between various aspects of teaching and student learning.\n- Identify a range of instructional strategies to support effective student learning.\n- Apply key concepts to the structuring of course outlines and lesson plans in order to create learning experiences to support successful student learning.\n \nCourse trailer:\nCourse outline:",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The University of Hong Kong"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Business English: Final Project",
"link": "",
"description": "A common necessity among business professionals who are new to an international work environment is the ability to create a plan of action to launch a new product. In this task, one has to communicate with many different departments within a company including finance and marketing. In this capstone project, you will create a plan of action to launch a new product. This plan will include:\n· A project status report\n· A copy of the marketing campaign\n· A basic budget analysis for the project\n· A short presentation for upper management with details on the project’s status\n \nThis project will give you the opportunity to apply your English skills learned in the courses to develop a useful document for your current job or a document that you could use as an example to demonstrate your new abilities and skills.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Arizona State University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "English Composition I",
"link": "",
"description": "You will gain a foundation for college-level writing valuable for nearly any field. Students will learn how to read carefully, write effective arguments, understand the writing process, engage with others' ideas, cite accurately, and craft powerful prose. \n\nCourse Learning Objectives\n•\tSummarize, analyze, question, and evaluate written and visual texts\n•\tArgue and support a position\n•\tRecognize audience and disciplinary expectations\n•\tIdentify and use the stages of the writing process\n•\tIdentify characteristics of effective prose\n•\tApply proper citation practices\n•\tDiscuss applying your writing knowledge to other writing occasions",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Duke University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Linear Regression for Business Statistics",
"link": "",
"description": "Regression Analysis is perhaps the single most important Business Statistics tool used in the industry. Regression is the engine behind a multitude of data analytics applications used for many forms of forecasting and prediction. \nThis is the fourth course in the specialization, \"Business Statistics and Analysis\". The course introduces you to the very important tool known as Linear Regression. You will learn to apply various procedures such as dummy variable regressions, transforming variables, and interaction effects. All these are introduced and explained using easy to understand examples in Microsoft Excel.\nThe focus of the course is on understanding and application, rather than detailed mathematical derivations.\nNote: This course uses the ‘Data Analysis’ tool box which is standard with the Windows version of Microsoft Excel. It is also standard with the 2016 or later Mac version of Excel. However, it is not standard with earlier versions of Excel for Mac. \n\n\nWEEK 1\nModule 1: Regression Analysis: An Introduction\nIn this module you will get introduced to the Linear Regression Model. We will build a regression model and estimate it using Excel. We will use the estimated model to infer relationships between various variables and use the model to make predictions. The module also introduces the notion of errors, residuals and R-square in a regression model.\n\nTopics covered include:\n•\tIntroducing the Linear Regression\n•\tBuilding a Regression Model and estimating it using Excel\n•\tMaking inferences using the estimated model\n•\tUsing the Regression model to make predictions\n•\tErrors, Residuals and R-square\n \n\nWEEK 2\nModule 2: Regression Analysis: Hypothesis Testing and Goodness of Fit\nThis module presents different hypothesis tests you could do using the Regression output. These tests are an important part of inference and the module introduces them using Excel based examples. The p-values are introduced along with goodness of fit measures R-square and the adjusted R-square. Towards the end of module we introduce the ‘Dummy variable regression’ which is used to incorporate categorical variables in a regression. \n\nTopics covered include:\n•\tHypothesis testing in a Linear Regression\n•\t‘Goodness of Fit’ measures (R-square, adjusted R-square)\n•\tDummy variable Regression (using Categorical variables in a Regression)\n \n\nWEEK 3\nModule 3: Regression Analysis: Dummy Variables, Multicollinearity\nThis module continues with the application of Dummy variable Regression. You get to understand the interpretation of Regression output in the presence of categorical variables. Examples are worked out to re-inforce various concepts introduced. The module also explains what is Multicollinearity and how to deal with it. \n\nTopics covered include:\n•\tDummy variable Regression (using Categorical variables in a Regression)\n•\tInterpretation of coefficients and p-values in the presence of Dummy variables\n•\tMulticollinearity in Regression Models\n \n\nWEEK 4\nModule 4: Regression Analysis: Various Extensions\nThe module extends your understanding of the Linear Regression, introducing techniques such as mean-centering of variables and building confidence bounds for predictions using the Regression model. A powerful regression extension known as ‘Interaction variables’ is introduced and explained using examples. We also study the transformation of variables in a regression and in that context introduce the log-log and the semi-log regression models. \n\nTopics covered include:\n•\tMean centering of variables in a Regression model\n•\tBuilding confidence bounds for predictions using a Regression model\n•\tInteraction effects in a Regression\n•\tTransformation of variables\n•\tThe log-log and semi-log regression models",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Rice University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Drug Commercialization ",
"link": "",
"description": "The University of California San Diego, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Drug Commercialization course brings you lectures from both faculty and industry experts. With this course, recorded on campus at UCSD, we seek to share our access to top people in the field who bring an unprecedented range of expertise on drug commercialization.\n\nThis course will cover pharmacoeconomic, marketing strategy, intellectual property strategy, portfolio management, managed markets and strategic alliances. It will also have a lecture case study from startup to success.\n\nIn addition, the course will discuss post-marketing clinical trials or Phase 4 trials. These are conducted after a new drug has been approved by the regulatory agencies and launched. In these studies, the new drug is prescribed in an everyday healthcare environ­ment using a much larger group of patients. This enables new treat­ment uses for the new drug to be developed, comparisons with other treatments for the same indication to be made, and determination of the clinical effectiveness of the new drug in a wider variety of patient types, and more rare side effects, if any, may be detected .\n\nPre-marketing strategy should be instigated as early as Phase 1 clinical trials to ensure that the market's needs are incorporated into the new drug's overall develop­ment. Later phases when clinical results are presented at international medical conferences the marketing strategy is then refined in order to develop an awareness amongst the medical community who will be prescribing the new drug. In addition to the marketing strategy, pricing strategy and a tactical plan will be developed. Promotional material, and the sales force will be trained so that when the product is approved they can promote the drug to physician, pharmacist and nurses. \n\nThis course is intended as part 3 of a series: Drug Discovery (, Drug Development ( and Drug Commercialization. We would highly recommend that you take the courses in order since it will give you a better understanding on how a drug is discovered in the lab before being tested in clinical trials and then launched in the market place.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, San Diego"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Doping : Sports, Organizations and Sciences",
"link": "",
"description": "The objective of this course is to encourage a critical understanding of doping. To achieve this goal, this course will rely on a multidisciplinary approach that allow you to see how different disciplines get into a single object, in different perspectives and in often complementary ways. This approach will also allow us to appreciate the complexity of a subject like doping.\n\nDoping in sports is a complex practice whose definition and identification is the result of socially and historically constructed norms.\nThis course offers to shed light on the processes that led to the use and prohibition of doping substances. Performance enhancement or physical transformation are two aspects of doping which are seen as problematic, yet even as we speak companies are making fortunes selling body improvement and other forms of “human enhancement” to us. These apparent contradictions will be analysed to show that beyond sanitary questions, doping raises many social, scientific and legal issues. \nIn efforts to control doping, governments and sports authorities have put into place institutions responsible for defining what falls into the category of doping, but also what prevention, repressions and research methods to put into effect. This course will also explore biological control measures such as the biological passport, key legal dimensions, organisations that produce performance, as well as the sociological dimensions of doping.\n\nBesides the Professors of University of Lausanne, the best experts of doping are involved in this course: experts from an Anti-doping Laboratory (LAD- Lausanne-Switzerland), from the CAS (Court of Arbitration for Sport), from the UEFA (soccer), and from the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency).\n\nTeaser:\n\nMain Learning Outcomes\n\nAt the end of the course the participants will be able to :\n\n1.\tIdentify the “cultural” dimension of doping, that is as a historical practice linked to the transformation of social norms,\n2.\tGo from a binary way of thinking - for or against doping - to an understanding of the complexity of this phenomenon which is biological, psychological and sociological, all at the same time,\n3.\tRecognize the institutions, the actors and the practices of the fight against doping,\n4.\tExplain how the social and organisational context influences individuals decisions and how this influence can be reduced by effective prevention measures,\n5.\tIdentify how the fight against doping is led and how testing is carried out.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Lausanne"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Alimentación y dietética para una vuelta al mundo a vela",
"link": "",
"description": "Comer bien en una vuelta al mundo no es tarea fácil . Aprenda cómo equilibrar alta nutrición con practicidad mientras navega alrededor del mundo.\n\nEste curso pretende introducirte en el mundo de la preparación de los deportistas que participan en regatas de navegación transoceánica, como la Barcelona World Race.\n\nVer que los proyectos son a largo plazo, que existe un periodo importante que dedican a su preparación física, la cual esta supervisada por una serie de pruebas en las que se va confirmando los logros en su rendimiento físico. Y luego también, como planifican su dieta.\n\nEn este curso aprenderás cuáles son los alimentos que se embarcan en la Barcelona World Race, cómo se diseñan los menús incorporando en ellos alimentos liofilizados que contribuyen a mantener las características organolépticas, a pesar de haber sido manipulados para conseguir un menor peso y mayor duración y estabilidad.\n\nEn el curso también se plantea el método de cálculo de las necesidades nutricionales y cómo se planifica una dieta para rendir al máximo en los periodos de preparación y de navegación en la vuelta al mundo.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universitat de Barcelona",
"Fundació Navegació Oceànica Barcelona"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Viral Marketing and How to Craft Contagious Content",
"link": "",
"description": "Ever wondered why some things become popular, and other don't? Why some products becomes hits while others flop? Why some ideas take off while others languish? What are the key ideas behind viral marketing? This course explains how things catch on and helps you apply these ideas to be more effective at marketing your ideas, brands, or products. You'll learn how to make ideas stick, how to increase your influence, how to generate more word of mouth, and how to use the power of social networks to spread information and influence. Drawing on principles from his best-selling book, \"Contagious: Why Things Catch On,\" Professor Jonah Berger illustrates successful strategies for you to use buzz to create virality so that your campaigns become more shareable on social media and elsewhere. By the end of this course, you'll have a better understanding of how to craft contagious content, build stickier messages, and get any product, idea, or behavior to catch on.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of Pennsylvania"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Object Oriented Programming in Java",
"link": "",
"description": "Welcome to our course on Object Oriented Programming in Java using data visualization. People come to this course with many different goals -- and we are really excited to work with all of you! Some of you want to be professional software developers, others want to improve your programming skills to implement that cool personal project that you’ve been thinking about, while others of you might not yet know why you’re here and are trying to figure out what this course is all about.\n\nThis is an intermediate Java course. We recommend this course to learners who have previous experience in software development or a background in computer science. Our goal is that by the end of this course each and every one of you feels empowered to create a Java program that’s more advanced than any you have created in the past and that is personally interesting to you. In achieving this goal you will also learn the fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming, how to leverage the power of existing libraries, how to build graphical user interfaces, and how to use some core algorithms for searching and sorting data. And this course is project-based, so we’ll dive right into the project immediately!\n\nWe are excited to be offering a unique course structure, designed to support learners of different backgrounds in succeeding at their own pace. The first module explains how this will work and if this course is right for you. We also recommend taking a few minutes to explore the course site. A good place to start is the navigation bar on the left. Click Course Content to see what material we’ll cover each week, as well preview the assignments you’ll need to complete to pass the course. Click Discussions to see forums where you can discuss the course material with fellow students taking the class. Be sure to introduce yourself to everyone in the Meet and Greet forum.\n\nThis course should take about 6 weeks to complete. You can check out the recommended course schedule below to see a quick overview of the lessons and assignments you’ll complete each week.\n\nWe’re excited you’re here learning with us. Let’s get started!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"University of California, San Diego"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Инвестиции в облигации",
"link": "",
"description": "Рынок облигаций представляется частному инвестору сложным и запутанным. На нем торгуется огромное количество инструментов, которые сначала кажутся непонятными. Тем не менее, этот рынок дает огромные возможности инвестору как для диверсификации вложений и гарантирования дохода, когда на рынке нет достойных инвестиционных идей, так и для получения спекулятивного дохода.\n\nЦЕЛЬ - получение знаний об облигационном рынке и приобретение навыков расчета доходности и оценки рисков инвестиций в различные долговые инструменты. \n\nПосле изучения курса вы сможете: \n- самостоятельно находить необходимую информацию для расчета потенциального дохода и рисков предполагаемой операции, \n- сравнивать выгоду от покупки различных долговых финансовых инструментов и \n- выбирать для инвестиций наиболее подходящий вариант, основываясь на достоверных расчетах. \n\nКроме инструментария и методологии для успешного старта инвестиционной деятельности курс содержит ряд практических примеров, которые позволят вам ознакомиться с рынком облигаций в реальности.\n\nВы получите возможность понять механизм ценообразования на рынке облигаций, узнаете, как можно зарабатывать на этом рынке, ориентируясь на консервативную или спекулятивную стратегию в зависимости от своих собственных предпочтений. \n\nБольшой и сложный рынок облигаций станет вам понятным!",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Higher School of Economics"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Aléatoire : une introduction aux probabilités - Partie 1",
"link": "",
"description": "Ce cours d'introduction aux probabilités a la même contenu que le cours de tronc commun de première année de l'École polytechnique donné par Sylvie Méléard.\n\nLe cours introduit graduellement la notion de variable aléatoire et culmine avec la loi des grands nombres et le théorème de la limite centrale. \n\nLes notions mathématiques nécessaires sont introduites au fil du cours et de nombreux exercices corrigés sont proposés.\n\nCe cours propose aussi une introduction aux méthodes de simulations des variables aléatoires comme la méthode de Monte Carlo. Des expériences numériques interactives sont également mises à votre disposition pour vous permettre de visualiser diverses notions.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"École Polytechnique"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Developing Data Products",
"link": "",
"description": "A data product is the production output from a statistical analysis. Data products automate complex analysis tasks or use technology to expand the utility of a data informed model, algorithm or inference. This course covers the basics of creating data products using Shiny, R packages, and interactive graphics. The course will focus on the statistical fundamentals of creating a data product that can be used to tell a story about data to a mass audience.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Johns Hopkins University"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Comunicación, experimentación y aprendizaje en liderazgo",
"link": "",
"description": "Este es un curso práctico, enfocado en planear experimentos, ensayos y errores para intervenir en sistemas humanos y movilizarlos a trabajar en desafíos complejos. El Liderazgo para problemas complejos es un deporte de contacto, es muy útil entrenar, tener planes y luego ser capaz de improvisar efectivamente durante la acción. Este es un curso práctico, enfocado a darte oportunidades para desarrollar/profundizar: \n \n1. habilidades para investigar y movilizar un sistema humano a través de estrategias de ensayo, error, reflexión y aprendizaje\n2. habilidades sociales para crear lazos, alianzas, comunidades\n3. habilidades de comunicación para tener conversaciones incómodas, valientes y cruciales\n4. habilidades para crecer desde el fracaso\n5. habilidades emocionales para ponerte en los zapatos de otros, para entender sus temores y motores, para ayudar a otros a usar sus emociones para su bien y el bien del grupo\n \nEstos objetivos de aprendizaje implican que el curso al que vas a entrar no está diseñado de forma convencional, como clases magistrales en las que un experto te “enseña” conceptos, sino que el rol de los profesores en este curso es el de diseñar oportunidades de aprendizaje para ti, y acompañarte en reflexionar sobre ellas.\n \n\"Comunicación, Experimentación y Aprendizaje en Liderazgo\" es el tercero de cuatro cursos que componen el programa especializado en “Liderazgo Efectivo para el Siglo XXI”. Los otros tres cursos son: \"Estilos de Liderazgo: Opciones para Avanzar en Desafíos Complejos\"; : \"Autoliderazgo y Gestión de Emociones para Avanzar en Desafíos Complejos\"; y \"Liderazgo para el siglo XXI: Proyecto Final\". Puedes tomar todos los cursos por separado o sólo uno de ellos, sin embargo te recomendamos que te inscribas y participes en los cuatro, ojalá en el orden que te proponemos.\n\nEste curso y el programa están dirigido a cualquier persona interesada en conectarse con sus propósitos y profundizar sus habilidades para progresar en desafíos personales y colectivos muy complejos. Es especialmente útil para personas en mandos medios y altos en organizaciones públicas, privadas y no gubernamentales (ONGs). También para líderes comunitarios, activistas y en general gente que trabaja con personas y que necesita desarrollar o profundizar habilidades y herramientas para crear, a partir de grupos con opiniones e intereses diversos comunidades que trabajan juntas para avanzar en los temas que les importan. Va a ser útil, también, para personas interesadas en aprender a mejorar los resultados que observan en su esfera de vida más personal.",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"Universidad de los Andes"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Sit Less, Get Active",
"link": "",
"description": "Physical inactivity and sedentariness are “silent killers”. Do you feel like you spend too much time sitting? Do you feel like you would like to be more active? Are you unsure about how to incorporate physical activity into your daily life? We are here to help. \n\nJoin us on a journey to learn about how to sit less and become more active. Use this FREE course to learn how to monitor your own activity and set physical activity goals. We will feature various examples of how physical activity could be increased in different settings, such as your neighbourhood, home or work, to give you ideas of ones that could best fit your lifestyle. \n\nAre you a health professional? Use this opportunity to learn how to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine and also how to empower your patients to be more physically active. If time with a patient is an issue, you can simply “prescribe” this course to your patient. \n\nThis course offers you a unique opportunity to receive weekly physical activity health messages and monthly video-reminders on how to increase physical activity in various settings for 6 months after the initial 3 week course. So, join us on the Sit less, get active! journey.\n\nFollow us on Twitter @GetActive MOOC #GetActiveMOOC. Also, visit our YouTube channel to check out the promo videos (more are to come) \nIf YouTube is not available in your country, you can access the promo videos here\n\nP.S. Before you start we would like to know about your approach to physical activity. Please check your emails so you can take the survey we have sent you. Then you can preview the course, or come back and join us when the session starts on September 4, 2017",
"image": "",
"price": "free",
"department": [
"languages": [
"partners": [
"The University of Edinburgh"
"provider": "Coursera"
"course_title": "Advertising and Society",
"link": "",
"description": "This course examines the relation of advertising to society, culture, history, and the economy. Using contemporary theories about visual communications, we learn to analyze the complex levels of meaning in both print advertisements and television commercials.\n\nAbout the Course\n\nThe course covers a wide range of topics, including the origins of advertising, the creation of ads, the interpretation of ads, the depiction of race, class, gender, and sexuality in advertising, sex and selling, adverting and ethics, and the future of advertising. The lectures will discuss theoretical frameworks and apply them to specific advertisements.\n\nCourse Syllabus\n\nWeek 1: What is advertising and where did it come from?\n\nWeek 2: Am I being manipulated by advertising?\n\nWeek 3: What’s in an ad beyond that which meets the eye?\n\nWeek 4: How do ads get made?\n\nWeek 5: What do ads teach us about race, class, gender, and sexuality?\n\nWeek 6: Does sex sell?\n\nWeek 7: What is the future of advertising?\n\nRecommended Background\n\nNo background is required; everyone is welcome!\n\nSuggested Readings\n\nAlthough the lectures are designed to be self-contained, we recommend that students refer to the free online textbook Other free resources will be suggested for each week’s module.\n\nCourse Format\n\nMost videos will be lectures with instructor talking. Each lecture will be illustrated with PowerPoint slides, print advertisements, and TV commercials. The videos for each week will consist of segments that add up to about an hour. Each week will have one quiz that will appear as stand-alone homework. All resources beyond lectures will be available online to students at no charge. Most of these will be from Others will be visits to the sites of ad agencies in the US and abroad, open access websites that deal with course topics, and open-access journal articles.",
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