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Working from home

Evsyukov Denis juev

Working from home
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fortuna / $key.tsv
Last active May 20, 2024 02:35
Results of investigating blocking of Outline Shadowsocks in Russia. The best way to navigate is to use the filter to see the data for a specific client ISP, server network, error, port, URL, etc
socks_port client_isp url server_net server_port exit_code ok output
33333 MTS PJSC Digital Ocean 443 28 curl: (28) Operation timed out after 10004 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
33333 MTS PJSC Digital Ocean 443 56 curl: (56) Failure when receiving data from the peer
33334 PJSC MegaFon Digital Ocean 443 0 AS14061 DigitalOcean, LLC
33334 PJSC MegaFon Digital Ocean 443 0 AS14061 DigitalOcean, LLC
33335 Tele2 Russia Digital Ocean 443 0 AS14061 DigitalOcean, LLC
33335 Tele2 Russia Digital Ocean 443 56 curl: (56) Failure when receiving data from the peer
33336 Bee Line Cable Digital Ocean 443 0 AS14061 DigitalOcean, LLC
33336 Bee Line Cable Digital Ocean 443 56 curl: (56) Failure when receiving data from the peer
33333 MTS PJSC Digital Ocean 5555 0 AS14061 DigitalOcean, LLC
graninas /
Last active March 25, 2023 16:49
On hiring Haskellers

On hiring Haskellers

Recently I noticed the number of the same two questions being asked again and again on different Haskell resources. The questions were “How to get a Haskell job” and “Why is it so hard to find Haskellers?” Although these two are coming from the opposite sides of the hiring process, the answer is really just one. There is a single reason, a single core problem that causes difficulties of hiring and being hired in the Haskell community, and we should clearly articulate this problem if we want to increase the Haskell adoption.

We all know that there are many people wishing to get a Haskell job. And a visible increase of Haskell jobs looks like there should be a high demand for Haskellers. The Haskell community has also grown like crazy past years. But still, why is it so difficult to hire and to be hired? Why can’t companies just hire any single person who demonstrates a deep knowledge of Haskell in blog posts, in chats, on forums, and in talks? And why do Haskell companies avoid hirin

svetlyak40wt /
Created January 20, 2020 11:25
Спусковые крючки по Дорофееву в формате для Org Mode

Спусковые крючки для очистки мозга

Как пользоваться картой

  1. Карта помогает выгрузить из головы все задачи
  2. Пройдитесь взглядом по всем разделам карты
  3. Если в голове “сидит” задача, то она обязательно всплывёт при взгляде на соответствующий узел
  4. Выписывайте задачи, пока их количество не достигнет 50
  5. Почувствуйте, как гора упала с ваших плеч :)

При составлении карты использовались материалы Максима Дорофеева,


ChrisPenner / Optics
Last active April 12, 2024 14:24
Optics Cheatsheet
darth-veitcher / docker-compose.yaml
Created September 9, 2019 13:26
Traefik v2.0 with Cloudflare Wildcard and OpenVPN
version: "3"
image: "traefik:v2.0"
container_name: "traefik"
# Globals
- "--log.level=DEBUG"
- "--api=true"
dysinger / shell.nix
Created July 12, 2019 00:57
Haskell/Stack/Intero/Nix Env
{ ghcVersion ? "ghc865", pkgs ? import ./nix { inherit ghcVersion; } }:
with pkgs;
haskellPackages.shellFor {
packages = ps: with ps; [
dysinger /
Last active March 7, 2023 14:51
How I installed Encrypted ZFS root on NixOS
simonmichael / 1-example
Last active September 20, 2020 15:09
finance scripts in a robust shake file
~/notes$ ./do.hs
Linking do ...
~/notes$ ./do
./do.hs install deps & (re)compile this script
./do [help] show this help
./do time show time status
./do money show money status
./do lassets show liquid assets
./do incexp show monthly income & expenses
zthxxx / Activate Office 2019 for macOS
Last active September 21, 2024 20:03
crack activate Office on mac with license file
s = status --short --branch --ignore-submodules=untracked
find = log --pretty=\"format:%Cgreen%H\n%s\n\n%b\" --name-status --grep
amend = commit --amend --no-edit
undo = reset HEAD~
upload = "!git push rakyll $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)"
prune = "!git co master && git branch --merged | grep -v '\\*' | xargs -n 1 git branch -d"
delete = branch -D
pr = "!git fetch origin pull/$1/head:pr$1"
sync = "!git pull -q -r origin master"