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Forked from sforteln/MemoizationWithGenerics
Last active April 24, 2020 09:28
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Simple Swift Function to memoize generic functions of the form T -> U
func memoized<Input:Hashable,Output>(fn : @escaping (Input) -> Output) -> (Input)->Output {
var cache = [Input:Output]()
let function = fn
let closure = {
(val : Input) -> Output in
let value = cache[val]
if value != nil {
return value!
} else {
let newValue = function(val)
cache[val] = newValue
return newValue
return closure
func fibonacci(_ value:Int) -> Int {
var result = 0
switch value {
case _ where value < 0:
result = 0
case 0:
result = 0
case 1,2:
result = 1
result = fibonacci(value-1) + fibonacci(value-2)
return result
let fastFibo = memoize(fibonacci)
let fastSquare = memoize({(x:Int) -> Int in return x*x})
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Please note that this does not work well for memoizing the fibonacci function because it is recursive.

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