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Forked from gruber/
Created March 30, 2021 14:58
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# This filter changes all words to Title Caps, and attempts to be clever
# about *un*capitalizing small words like a/an/the in the input.
# The list of "small words" which are not capped comes from
# the New York Times Manual of Style, plus 'vs' and 'v'.
# 10 May 2008
# Original version by John Gruber:
# 28 July 2008
# Re-written and much improved by Aristotle Pagaltzis:
# Full change log at __END__.
# License:
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use open qw( :encoding(UTF-8) :std );
my @small_words = qw( (?<!q&)a an and as at(?!&t) but by en for if in of on or the to v[.]? via vs[.]? );
my $small_re = join '|', @small_words;
my $apos = qr/ (?: ['’] [[:lower:]]* )? /x;
while ( <> ) {
s{\A\s+}{}, s{\s+\z}{};
$_ = lc $_ if not /[[:lower:]]/;
\b (_*) (?:
( (?<=[ ][/\\]) [[:alpha:]]+ [-_[:alpha:]/\\]+ | # file path or
[-_[:alpha:]]+ [@.:] [-_[:alpha:]@.:/]+ $apos ) # URL, domain, or email
( (?i: $small_re ) $apos ) # or small word (case-insensitive)
( [[:alpha:]] [[:lower:]'’()\[\]{}]* $apos ) # or word w/o internal caps
( [[:alpha:]] [[:alpha:]'’()\[\]{}]* $apos ) # or some other word
) (_*) \b
$1 . (
defined $2 ? $2 # preserve URL, domain, or email
: defined $3 ? "\L$3" # lowercase small word
: defined $4 ? "\u\L$4" # capitalize word w/o internal caps
: $5 # preserve other kinds of word
) . $6
# Exceptions for small words: capitalize at start and end of title
( \A [[:punct:]]* # start of title...
| [:.;?!][ ]+ # or of subsentence...
| [ ]['"“‘(\[][ ]* ) # or of inserted subphrase...
( $small_re ) \b # ... followed by small word
\b ( $small_re ) # small word...
(?= [[:punct:]]* \Z # ... at the end of the title...
| ['"’”)\]] [ ] ) # ... or of an inserted subphrase?
# Exceptions for small words in hyphenated compound words
## e.g. "in-flight" -> In-Flight
(?<! -) # Negative lookbehind for a hyphen; we don't want to match man-in-the-middle but do want (in-flight)
( $small_re )
(?= -[[:alpha:]]+) # lookahead for "-someword"
## # e.g. "Stand-in" -> "Stand-In" (Stand is already capped at this point)
(?<!…) # Negative lookbehind for a hyphen; we don't want to match man-in-the-middle but do want (stand-in)
( [[:alpha:]]+- ) # $1 = first word and hyphen, should already be properly capped
( $small_re ) # ... followed by small word
(?! - ) # Negative lookahead for another '-'
print "$_";
Thu, 06 Nov 2014
- Removed /o switch from substitutions; it's out-dated and described now as only "pretending" to optimize
- Special cases for small words in two-word compounds, like "stand-in" and "in-flight" (but not "man-in-the-middle")
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