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Created December 10, 2022 21:20
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Solving Einstein's Riddle with Prolog
right_of(X, Y) :- X =:= Y+1.
left_of(X, Y) :- right_of(Y, X).
next_to(X, Y) :- right_of(X, Y).
next_to(X, Y) :- left_of(X, Y).
solution(Street) :-
/* There are 5 houses in the street, all of different colours;
and their owners all have different nationalities, smoke different brands,
have different pets, and have different drinks */
Street = [
house(1, Color1, Nationality1, Smoke1, Pet1, Drink1),
house(2, Color2, Nationality2, Smoke2, Pet2, Drink2),
house(3, Color3, Nationality3, Smoke3, Pet3, Drink3),
house(4, Color4, Nationality4, Smoke4, Pet4, Drink4),
house(5, Color5, Nationality5, Smoke5, Pet5, Drink5)],
member(house(_,red ,brit ,_ ,_ ,_ ), Street), /* The Brit lives in the red house */
member(house(_,_ ,swede ,_ , dogs ,_ ), Street), /* The Swede lives with dogs */
member(house(_,_ ,dane ,_ ,_ ,tea ), Street), /* The Dane drinks tea */
member(house(GreenHouse, green ,_ ,_ ,_ ,_ ), Street), /* There is a green house... */
member(house(WhiteHouse, white ,_ ,_ ,_ ,_ ), Street), /* ...and a white house... */
left_of(GreenHouse,WhiteHouse), /* ...and the green one is left to the white one. */
member(house(_,green ,_ ,_ ,_ ,coffee ), Street), /* The person in the green house drinks coffee */
member(house(_,_ ,_ ,pall_mall , birds ,_ ), Street), /* The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds */
member(house(_,yellow ,_ ,dunhill ,_ ,_ ), Street), /* The person in the yellow house smokes Dunhill */
member(house(3,_ ,_ ,_ ,_ ,milk ), Street), /* The person in the middle house drinks milk */
member(house(1,_ ,norwegian,_ ,_ ,_ ), Street), /* The Norwegian lives in the first house. */
member(house(Blendie ,_ ,_ ,blends ,_ ,_ ), Street), /* The person that smokes Blends... */
member(house(CatLover,_ ,_ ,_ ,cats,_ ), Street), /* ...and the person who loves cats... */
next_to(Blendie, CatLover), /* next to each other */
member(house(Dunhillie ,_ ,_ ,dunhill,_ ,_ ), Street), /* The person that smokes Dunhills... */
member(house(HorseLover,_ ,_ ,_ ,horses,_ ), Street), /* ...and the person that loves horses... */
next_to(Dunhillie, HorseLover), /* next to each other */
member(house(_,_ ,_ ,blue_master,_ ,beer ), Street), /* The person smoking Blue Master drinks beer */
member(house(_,_ ,german ,prince ,_ ,_ ), Street), /* The German smokes Prince */
member(house(BlueOwner,blue ,_ ,_ ,_ ,_ ), Street), /* The person in the Blue House... */
member(house(Norwegian,_ ,norwegian ,_ ,_ ,_ ), Street), /* and the Norwegian... */
next_to(BlueOwner,Norwegian), /* next to each other */
member(house(Blendie,_,_,blends,_,_),Street), /* The person that smokes Blends... */
member(house(WaterDrinker,_,_,_,_,water),Street), /* And the person that drinks water... */
next_to(Blendie,WaterDrinker), /* next to each other */
member(house(_,_ ,_ ,_ , fish ,_ ), Street). /* Someone has a fish */
/* Resolve with
* solution(Street)
* or
* solution(Street), member(house(_,FishOwner,_,_,_,_),Street)
* Demonstrate uniqueness with
* aggregate_all(count, (solution(Street)), Count).
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