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Last active September 13, 2024 08:26
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Use docker in mac without docker-

Run docker in macos without docker desktop

NOTE: I want disclaimer that this work is not complete mine. Most of the work here is comming from:

Run brew doctor and update to make sure everything is working and up to date

$ brew doctor
$ brew update

According to your OS architecture, you might need to install hyperkit or minikube

$ test $(uname -p) = arm && brew install qemu || brew install hyperkit

Install hyperkit and minikube

$ brew install minikube

Install Docker CLI

$ brew install docker
$ brew install docker-compose

Start minikube

$ bash minikube start

Tell Docker CLI to talk to minikube's VM

$ eval $(minikube docker-env)

Save IP to a hostname

$ echo "`minikube ip` docker.local" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null


$ docker run hello-world

Install docker-credential-helper

$ install docker-credential-helper

Update your .docker/config.json file to NOT TO USE desktop as credStore

Original (if you had docker-desktop installed)

  "credsStore" : "desktop"

Update desktop value in credsStore value for osxkeychain After

  "credsStore" : "osxkeychain"

Portforward ports

Keep in mind that now your ports are being portforward to minikube instead of your localhost. So if you have the 8080 port forwarded insead of localhost:8080 you should get your minikube ip ($ minikube ip) and then do <your_minikube_ip>:8080

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This is great! Tnks...
The only thing I did to run o a M2 was install qemu instead of hyperkit:
brew install qemu
and finally docker is running...

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I tried to do it but I can't install docker-credential-helper, can you help?

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juancsr commented Aug 16, 2023

hi, I tried to do it but I can't install docker-credential-helper, can you help?

@kapscudi Try the offical repo instructions

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Could perhaps replace brew install hyperkit with

test $(uname -p) = arm && brew install qemu || brew install hyperkit

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er1c commented Oct 17, 2023

It's brew install docker-credential-helper

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xama commented Nov 24, 2023

the command: bash minikube start
throws : /opt/homebrew/bin/minikube: /opt/homebrew/bin/minikube: cannot execute binary file
any idea please ? many thanks

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Hello the command: bash minikube start throws : /opt/homebrew/bin/minikube: /opt/homebrew/bin/minikube: cannot execute binary file any idea please ? many thanks

You should run minikube start instead

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how can you run docker with qemu exactly?

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how can you run docker with qemu exactly?

minikube start --driver=qemu

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shiv19 commented Feb 1, 2024

@juancsr , can you please update it to brew install docker-credential-helper on the gist :)

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