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Last active August 20, 2024 23:37
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Convenience extension for running ModelActor code in the background
extension ModelContainer {
// non-throwing version
nonisolated func runNonisolated<ResultType, ActorType: InitWithModelContainer>(
action: @Sendable (_ actor: ActorType) async -> ResultType
) async -> ResultType {
let actor = ActorType(modelContainer: self)
let result = await action(actor)
return result
// throwing version
nonisolated func runNonisolated<ResultType, ActorType: InitWithModelContainer>(
action: @Sendable (_ actor: ActorType) async throws -> ResultType
) async throws -> ResultType {
let actor = ActorType(modelContainer: self)
let result = try await action(actor)
return result
protocol InitWithModelContainer {
init(modelContainer: ModelContainer)
// MARK: - Usage:
// Conform your @ModelActor to InitWithModelContainer (nothing needs to be implemented, the macro does it)
actor StudyStatsActor: InitWithModelContainer {
func stats(forMonth:)
// Calling runNonisolated (in this case, from a MainActor task):
.task {
// closure must be sendable
self.stats = await modelContext.container.runNonisolated { (actor: StudyStatsActor) in
await actor.stats(forMonth: self.month, in: calendar)
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