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Last active March 24, 2022 17:13
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  • Save jtremback/618cf97e7e75bc61556b7072d00b90de to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jtremback/618cf97e7e75bc61556b7072d00b90de to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
  • delete old cosmos folder if neccesary rm -rf /provider
  • init new genesis and other state (i don't know why it needs a moniker) interchain-securityd init --chain-id provider jehan --home /provider
  • make the keys interchain-securityd keys add jehan --home /provider
  • add to the genesis interchain-securityd add-genesis-account cosmos18dnlag2vt2x0x30zg6m0ncxaalhxp4vl8rpyjl 1000000000stake --home /provider
  • add someone else to the genesis interchain-securityd add-genesis-account cosmos1t0nv6nr2scsa993ujldr7xmww5w66kcxv2cp4f 1000000000stake --home /provider
  • get the genesis out cat /provider/config/genesis.json
  • modify genesis if needed
  • For other validators: copy the genesis into /provider/config/genesis.json
  • add your gentx, bonding half of the coins here interchain-securityd gentx jehan 500000000stake --chain-id provider --home /provider
  • add anyone else's gentxs vi /provider/config/gentx/gentx-942a4c70819f7e6464607860fe35237427dc9240.json
  • make the final genesis file interchain-securityd collect-gentxs --home /provider
  • have anyone else save it vi /provider/config/genesis.json
  • start the chain with interchain-securityd start --home /provider --p2p.laddr tcp:// --address tcp:// --grpc.address --rpc.laddr tcp:// --grpc-web.enable=false
  • send someone tokens if you want interchain-securityd tx bank send jehan cosmos14fq9yztw2rq768f53p5x6dwrndjtw49tc5nqzs 1000000stake --home /provider --chain-id provider --node

Consumer chain

  • Make a consumer chain proposal on the provider vi child-proposal.json
    "title": "Create a chain",
    "description": "Gonna be a great chain",
    "chain_id": "consumer",
    "initial_height": {
        "revision_height": 1
    "genesis_hash": "Z2VuX2hhc2g=",
    "binary_hash": "YmluX2hhc2g=",
    "spawn_time": "2022-03-11T09:02:14.718477-08:00",
    "deposit": "10000001stake"
  • create the proposal on the provider chain interchain-securityd tx gov submit-proposal create-child-chain ./child-proposal.json --chain-id provider --from jehan --home /provider

  • Vote for the proposal interchain-securityd tx gov vote 1 yes --from jehan --chain-id provider --home /provider -b block

  • Everyone preps their consumer validators

    • delete old cosmos folder if neccesary rm -rf /consumer
    • make the keys interchain-securityd keys add jehan --home /consumer
  • Testnet coordinator makes genesis.json

    • init genesis interchain-securityd init jehan --chain-id consumer --home /consumer
    • add people's accounts to the genesis interchain-securityd add-genesis-account cosmos18dnlag2vt2x0x30zg6m0ncxaalhxp4vl8rpyjl 1000000000stake --home /consumer
    • add someone else to the genesis interchain-securityd add-genesis-account cosmos1t0nv6nr2scsa993ujldr7xmww5w66kcxv2cp4f 1000000000stake --home /consumer
    • get the genesis out cat /consumer/config/genesis.json
    • query the consumer genesis state from the provider interchain-securityd query parent child-genesis consumer --home /provider -o json
    • paste it into the ccvchild section of the consumer's genesis
  • Everyone bootstraps their files

    • paste genesis from above into consumer folder vi /consumer/config/genesis.json
    • make empty priv validator state file echo '{"height": "0","round": 0,"step": 0}' > /consumer/data/priv_validator_state.json
    • copy the priv validator key from the provider to the consumer cp /provider/config/priv_validator_key.json /consumer/config/priv_validator_key.json
    • copy the node key from the provider to the consumer cp /provider/config/node_key.json /consumer/config/node_key.json
    • issue the gentx command (even though we will not use the created gentx) interchain-securityd gentx jehan 500000000stake --chain-id consumer --home /consumer
    • exchange peer addresses with other validators cat consumer/config/gentx/gentx-027c0fd67ee51640ac0a7e0852afeed9410e20d4.json | jq, get the address out of the body.memo for example 027c0fd67ee51640ac0a7e0852afeed9410e20d4@ change the port to 26646.
  • Everyone starts their nodes

    • start the node, while customizing the ports (get your own IP address from the step above). We also set persistent_peers, using the addresses of other validators interchain-securityd start --home /consumer --p2p.laddr tcp://localhost:26646 --address tcp://localhost:26645 --grpc.address localhost:9081 --rpc.laddr tcp://localhost:26648 --grpc-web.enable=false --p2p.persistent_peers 027c0fd67ee51640ac0a7e0852afeed9410e20d4@
  • Start the relayer

  • hermes keys restore --mnemonic "glare blur deer little sport daring conduct nothing grain boat photo track emerge unit trust identify oil portion language amount original area pioneer wage" consumer

  • hermes keys restore --mnemonic "glare blur deer little sport daring conduct nothing grain boat photo track emerge unit trust identify oil portion language amount original area pioneer wage" provider

  • vi /root/.hermes/config.toml

 log_level = "info"

account_prefix = "cosmos"
clock_drift = "5s"
gas_adjustment = 0.1
grpc_addr = "tcp://"
id = "consumer"
key_name = "relayer"
max_gas = 2000000
rpc_addr = ""
rpc_timeout = "10s"
store_prefix = "ibc"
trusting_period = "14days"
websocket_addr = "ws://"

       denom = "stake"
       price = 0.00

       denominator = "3"
       numerator = "1"

account_prefix = "cosmos"
clock_drift = "5s"
gas_adjustment = 0.1
grpc_addr = "tcp://"
id = "provider"
key_name = "relayer"
max_gas = 2000000
rpc_addr = ""
rpc_timeout = "10s"
store_prefix = "ibc"
trusting_period = "14days"
websocket_addr = "ws://"

       denom = "stake"
       price = 0.00

       denominator = "3"
       numerator = "1"
  • hermes create connection consumer --client-a 07-tendermint-0 --client-b 07-tendermint-0
  • hermes create channel consumer --port-a child --port-b parent -o ordered --channel-version 1 --connection-a connection-0
  • check provider powers interchain-securityd query tendermint-validator-set --home /provider --chain-id provider --node
  • delegate some coins interchain-securityd tx staking delegate cosmosvaloper1wtwl466yzcvkhy27su9smr8ycsx7gxtcqpzhg3 1000000stake --from simon --home /provider --chain-id provider
  • check provider powers again, should have changed interchain-securityd tx staking delegate cosmosvaloper1wtwl466yzcvkhy27su9smr8ycsx7gxtcqpzhg3 1000000stake --from simon --home /provider --chain-id provider
  • check consumer powers interchain-securityd query tendermint-validator-set --home /consumer --chain-id consumer --node
  • relay packets hermes clear packets provider parent channel-0
  • check consumer powers again interchain-securityd query tendermint-validator-set --home /consumer --chain-id consumer --node
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jtremback commented Mar 22, 2022

glare blur deer little sport daring conduct nothing grain boat photo track emerge unit trust identify oil portion language amount original area pioneer wage


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