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Jaime Suárez jsuarezl

  • Chile
  • 09:38 (UTC -03:00)
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hectorcanto / .bashrc
Last active March 12, 2019 15:42
[Configure git aliases] A script to configure several git aliase #git
git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/(\1)/'
export PS1="\[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\[\033[00;33m\]\$(git_branch)\[\033[00m\]\$ "
alias g='git'
source /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/git
complete -o default -o nospace -F _git g
DanielTheDev /
Last active December 16, 2023 07:43
Bukkit/Spigot NPC Util 1.12
package com.plugin.npc;
import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.*;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.entity.CraftPlayer;