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Created September 5, 2024 04:51
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Upgrade Go modules with Dockerfile builds
set -o errexit
# Assumes the latest version of Go is installed on the PATH.
# Finds all go.mod files under the current working directory and upgrades the
# Go modules to the latest version of Go and upgrades all their Go dependencies
# too.
# Then finds the Dockerfile in the go.mod file's parent directory and updates
# the "FROM golang" line to the latest version of Go and also updates the "RUN"
# line that installs golangci-lint to use the latest version of that tool.
find_golangci_lint_version () {
curl -sL \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \ \
| grep -m1 -Eo 'https://api\.github\.com/repos/golangci/golangci-lint/tarball/v[^"]*' \
| cut -d'/' -f8
process_dockerfile () {
local dockerfile="$1"
printf 'Processing %s...\n' "${dockerfile}"
# Set FROM golang line to new golang version
sed -E -e 's/^FROM\s+golang:\S+/FROM golang:'"${GO_VERSION}"'/i' -i "${dockerfile}"
# Ensure golangci-lint install is done on one lint
sed -E -e '\,^RUN\s.*golangci-lint/master/install\.sh\s*\|\s*\\$,{N;s,\s*\\\n\s*, ,}' -i "${dockerfile}"
# Set golangci-lint install to new version
sed -E -e 's,^(RUN\s.*golangci-lint/master/install\.sh\s*\|\s*sh\s.*\s)v[0-9\.]+\s*$,\1'"${GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION}"',' -i "${dockerfile}"
process_go_mod () {
local go_mod="$1" app_dir dockerfile
app_dir=$(dirname "${go_mod}")
printf 'Processing %s...\n' "${go_mod}"
cd "${app_dir}"
go mod download
go mod tidy
go get go@"${GO_VERSION}"
go get -u ./...
go mod tidy
if [ ! -s "${dockerfile}" ]; then
if [ -s "${dockerfile}" ]; then
process_dockerfile "${dockerfile}"
main () {
go version \
| awk '/^go version go1/ {print $3}' \
| head -n1 \
| sed 's/^go//'
if [ -z "${GO_VERSION}" ]; then
printf 'Local Go version not found. Installed desired version of Go locally.\n' >&2
return 1
if [ -z "${GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION}" ]; then
printf 'Latest golangci-lint version not found on GitHub.\n' >&2
return 1
printf 'Searching under %s...\n' "${PWD}"
printf 'Upgrading Go apps to v%s \n' "${GO_VERSION}"
printf 'Upgrading golangci-lint to v%s \n' "${GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION}"
local go_mod
while IFS= read -d '' -r go_mod; do
process_go_mod "${go_mod}"
done < <(
find . -xdev -type f -name go.mod -print0 | sort -z
main "$@"
# TODO go install
# TODO RUN go run diff
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