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Last active September 20, 2024 09:17
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Save jsomers/c317e362a8ec181d0293 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
How to use a custom word list with OS X's "Word of the Day" screensaver

OS X's "Word of the Day" screensaver is a great way to passively learn words:

But I've always thought that its word list kind of stunk—it was full of obscure words that I could never really see myself using. I'd prefer something like Norman Schur's 1000 Most Important Words. What if you could plug your own word list into the screensaver?

On a rather obscure comment thread, someone explained where you might find the word list that Apple uses to power the screensaver. It is at /System/Library/Graphics/Quartz\ Composer\ Plug-Ins/WOTD.plugin/Contents/Resources/NOAD_wotd_list.txt. The file looks like this:

m_en_us1282510	quinsy
m_en_us1273791	orbicular
m_en_us1220945	alimony
m_en_us1250517	genome
m_en_us1275124	palimpsest
m_en_us1246836	fibrillate
m_en_us1304617	volant
m_en_us1248876	fraudulent
m_en_us1264803	lunette
m_en_us1244369	entrepot

It is a list of tab-separated entries. On the right you have the word, and on the left, what looks like an ID. But what's it an ID for, and how would you be able to find it for another word not already on the list?

As you might expect, the ID refers to an entry in Apple's default dictionary, the "New Oxford American Dictionary". (That's what "NOAD" stands for in the word-list path above.)

I've played around with Apple's built-in dictionary files before—for my post, "You're probably using the wrong dictionary". You can find them at /Library/Dictionaries. Unfortunately, when you dig around in the dictionary packages, you find promising files—like /Library/Dictionaries/New\ Oxford\ American\ Dictionary.dictionary/Contents/—but these turn out to be in a custom binary format. How to parse them?

A fellow named Joseph Gentle, in a series of blog posts, shows how to get at the underlying data. In his "Apple dictionaries, part 2" post, he points to code that unpacks the binary file into XML. Using the dedict.c and strip.c files found here, and following Gentle's example, I used the following bash commands to get at the NOAD's XML (these commands are run from the directory where you downloaded the dedict.c and strip.c files):

clang dedict.c -Wall -lz -o dedict
clang strip.c -Wall -lz -o strip
./dedict "New Oxford American Dictionary" | ./strip > dict.xml

When I head-ed the first few lines of the dict.xml file, I saw something promising, with entries that looked like this:

<d:entry xmlns:d="" id="m_en_us1219333" d:title="abode" class="entry">

Notice that id param... it's an identifier that looks exactly like the one in the screensaver word list!

I wrote the following Ruby script to parse the XML, and then, using my own word list, create a new screensaver file that maps my own words to their IDs in the dictionary:

raw ="./dict.xml").read
my_words ="./word_list.txt")

word_id_map = {}

raw.scan(/<d:entry .*? id="(.*?)" d:title="(.*?)" class="entry">/).each do |entry|
  word_id_map[entry[1]] = entry[0]

my_words.each do |word|
  if id = word_id_map[word]
    puts [id, word].join('	')

When I replaced the original screensaver file with this new one, it worked. You can now have a "Word of the Day" screensaver for any word list you'd like.

(See below for my pre-made list using Norman Schur's 1000 Most Important Words. Just copy and paste it into /System/Library/Graphics/Quartz\ Composer\ Plug-Ins/WOTD.plugin/Contents/Resources/NOAD_wotd_list.txt using your favorite text editor. You will need to enter your Administrator password to save the file.)

m_en_us1219234 abate
m_en_us1219259 abdicate
m_en_us1219284 aberrant
m_en_us1219372 abrasive
m_en_us1219380 abrogate
m_en_us1219444 abstruse
m_en_us1219551 accolade
m_en_us1219624 acerbic
m_en_us1219712 acme
m_en_us1219715 acolyte
m_en_us1219732 acquiesce
m_en_us1219752 acrimonious
m_en_us1219760 acronym
m_en_us1219846 adage
m_en_us1220016 admonitory
m_en_us1220055 adroit
m_en_us1220064 adulation
m_en_us1220112 adversity
m_en_us1220146 aegis
m_en_us1220227 affable
m_en_us1220277 aficionado
m_en_us1220248 affinity
m_en_us1220409 aggrandize
m_en_us1220710 alacrity
m_en_us1220985 allay
m_en_us1220997 allegory
m_en_us1221021 alleviate
m_en_us1221048 alliteration
m_en_us1221286 amanuensis
m_en_us1221317 ambience
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m_en_us1221361 amenity
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m_en_us1307964 zenith
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dsernst commented Jun 28, 2015

Thank you!

Warning to others: Watch out that your "favorite text editor" doesn't auto convert tabs to space. It will cause the Word of the Day plugin to immediately crash, without helpful error messages.

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Very cool stuff! I'm happy to have some useful words showing up on my screen now 👍 . Well, eventually I want to extend this to learning about stenotype chords, but for now, after reading your linked blog post I feel it'd be good to spend some time learning Norman Schur's 1000 most important words, so that I can improve my lexicon.

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If you're more comfortable with the terminal, and save the word-list.txt file to your Desktop:
cd /System/Library/Graphics/Quartz\ Composer\ Plug-Ins/WOTD.plugin/Contents/Resources/ sudo mv NOAD_wotd_list.txt NOAD_wotd_list.txt.bak sudo cp ~/Desktop/word-list.txt NOAD_wotd_list.txt

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Could some one make a list off common, yet not overly common, developer terms and acronyms?
It would be a great way to learn tech lingo without thinking about it.

Please PM me if this already exists or if some one actually make it!

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krtenn commented Nov 30, 2017

Awesome this works thank you to jsomers and drjasonharrison for the details. New word list is 50x better.

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Hey I can't find this world list to edit on Mac OS High Sierra - do you know if this method is outdated? Thanks for the stuff

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Now it's here /System/Library/Screen\ Savers/Word\ of\ the\ Day.saver/Contents/Resources/WordLists/ and in .plist format.

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I poked around in the system calls in the screensaver binary and found references to a "Lexicon Framework" and to a "Linguistic Data Framework", including calls to methods that create language models, iterate over all words in a linguistic data set, and retrieve probabilities for words. I don't know what data source is used for it (maybe all of the text in the dictionary definitions?), but my suspicion is that the screensaver builds a language model from some corpus and then chooses several thousand middling-probability words to go in the candidate list of words of the day. It would be interesting to gain access to these API's somehow.

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pvaelli commented Aug 26, 2019

Can we convert the word list above to a .plist format and replace the file in the directory listed by avdyushin? Currently running mac os mojave 10.14.6

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osoyer commented Dec 11, 2021

Hi Jsomers. Thanks for this wonderful post. I had a similar idea recently, but not for displaying set words, but rather a new list completely. I'm a system biologist, so my idea was to display a gene list of a given organism (as a nerd or outreach feat.).

Looking into your solution, I realise it would only work with the built-in dictionary. In my case, I would have to change both the word list (with gene names) and also the dictionary (with the explanations of the genes, e.g. what they do).

Any ideas on how to create a new dictionary? I looked under 'dictionary' content, but couldn't quite find them there. Also, while I was able to change contents of a word list ".plist" file, creating a new one under "Word of the day" package seems not allowed (even with 'sudo')....any comments/pointers regarding any of this?

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mmccool commented Jul 10, 2023

Thanks, this is interesting. Now to adapt to my use case: reviewing Japanese vocabulary. The Japanese dictionary provided has a bunch of super-weird and useless words (many used only in writing, for example) when what I really want is review words from the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) which from the Japanese person's point of view are really boring and common words. It would also be nice to have both English and Japanese definitions of the meanings. Anyway... to do that I need not only a custom word list but a custom dictionary. But I guess I will start by trying to use a custom word list with the standard dictionary (which only had definitions in Japanese). I'm sure doing even just that I will run in to exciting problems with using UTF encodings, etc...

Anyway, my use case seems similar to some of the above who want custom dictionaries. I may just give up on this and see if I can find - even if I have to pay for it - a customizable screensaver. Anyone know of one?

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