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Created March 3, 2018 09:27
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DICOM-QR utilities.
Depends on pynetdicom3:
import json
from typing import Dict, Optional
import click
import structlog
from pydicom.dataset import Dataset
from pynetdicom3 import AE, QueryRetrieveSOPClassList
from pynetdicom3.sop_class import QueryRetrieveFindServiceClass, VerificationSOPClass
from pynetdicom3.status import code_to_category
from structlog import BoundLogger
class DicomException(BaseException):
"""Base class for dicom exceptions."""
def __init__(self, message):
self.message = message
class DicomAssociate:
"""Context manager to associate with a dicom peer.
Implements DICOM association as a context manager that
returns an instance to a pynetdicom3.AE.
host: host of the dicom peer to associate with
port: port of the dicom peer to associate with
remote_aet: AE title of the dicom peer to associate with
local_aet: local AE title
do_echo_check: if True, do an echo call to the remote host
assoc: Association instance
def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, remote_aet: str, local_aet: str, do_echo_check: bool=False) \
-> None: = host
self.port = port
self.remote_aet = remote_aet
self.local_aet = local_aet
self.do_echo_check = do_echo_check
self.assoc = None
def __enter__(self):
scu_sop_classes = QueryRetrieveSOPClassList + [VerificationSOPClass]
ae = AE(scu_sop_class=scu_sop_classes, ae_title=self.local_aet)
self.assoc = ae.associate(, self.port, ae_title=self.remote_aet)
if not self.assoc.is_established:
raise DicomException(
f"Failed to associate {self.remote_aet}@{}:{self.port}: {self.assoc}")
elif self.do_echo_check:
status = self.assoc.send_c_echo()
except ValueError as err:
raise DicomException(
f"Echo failure {self.remote_aet}@{}:{self.port}: {self.assoc}. Error: {err}")
if status:
success_status_category = 'Success'
status_category = code_to_category(status.Status)
if not status_category == success_status_category:
raise DicomException(
f"Echo failure {self.remote_aet}@{}:{self.port}: {self.assoc}. Status: "
return self.assoc
def __exit__(self, *args):
if self.assoc:
class DicomQR:
DicomQR class to make Query/Retrieve calls.
host: the host/ip of the remote DICOM server
port: the port on which the remote DICOM server listens
remote_aet: the application entity title of the remote server to use when querying
local_aet: local application entity title
log: BoundLogger instance (optional)
def __init__(
self, host: str, port: int, remote_aet: str, local_aet: str, log: Optional[BoundLogger] = None) \
-> None: = host
self.port = port
self.remote_aet = remote_aet
self.local_aet = local_aet
self.log = log
def _handle_qr_find_responses(self, responses, handler):
"""Helper to iterate over DICOM responses.
When the response has data the handler is called.
Possible status categories" 'Cancel', 'Failure', 'Pending', 'Success', 'Warning'
for (status, ds) in responses:
if QueryRetrieveFindServiceClass.statuses[status.Status][0] == 'Success':
elif QueryRetrieveFindServiceClass.statuses[status.Status][0] == 'Pending':
raise DicomException(f"Failed to c_find: {status}")
def _query_series_images(self, select: Dict) -> Dict:
"""Actual retrieval of the number of series images based on the select query items.
select: dictionary with query items. Example select dictionaries:
number of images each series contain for the given select parameters
series = {}
with DicomAssociate(, self.port, self.remote_aet, self.local_aet) as assoc:
# retrieve all series in the study
ds = Dataset()
ds.QueryRetrieveLevel = 'SERIES'
for tag, value in select.items():
setattr(ds, tag, value)
ds.SeriesInstanceUID = ''
responses = assoc.send_c_find(ds, query_model='S')
def handler(ds):
series[ds.SeriesInstanceUID] = 0
self._handle_qr_find_responses(responses, handler)
# for all series, count the number of images
for s in series:
ds = Dataset()
ds.QueryRetrieveLevel = 'IMAGE'
for tag, value in select.items():
setattr(ds, tag, value)
ds.SeriesInstanceUID = s
ds.SOPInstanceUID = ''
responses = assoc.send_c_find(ds, query_model='S')
def handler(ds):
series[ds.SeriesInstanceUID] = series[ds.SeriesInstanceUID] + 1
self._handle_qr_find_responses(responses, handler)
return series
def series_images(self, select: Dict) -> Dict:
Return a dictionary containing the number of images of each series belonging to the studies that are
returned by the select query items.
select: dictionary with query items. Example select dictionaries:
- {'AccessionNumber': '1574164977304'}
- {'AccessionNumber': '9196154216199', 'PatientID': '123456'}
- {'StudyInstanceUID': ''}
number of images each series contain for the given select parameters
return self._query_series_images(select)
except DicomException:
if self.log:
self.log.exception(f"Failed to get number of series images with QR.")
return {}
def series_images_by_study_uid(self, study_uid: str) -> Dict:
"""Helper function that returns a dictionary containing the number of images of each series belonging to the
study with the given study_uid.
study_uid: study instance uid
number of images each series contain for the given study
return self.series_images({'StudyInstanceUID': study_uid})
@click.option('-h', '--host', default='localhost', type=str, help='Remote host (default: localhost)')
@click.option('-p', '--port', default=4242, type=int, help="Remote port (default: 4242)")
@click.option('--remote-aet', default='ORTHANC', type=str, help="Remote AE title (default: ORTHANC)")
@click.option('--local-aet', default='PYNETDICOM', type=str, help="Local AE title (default: PYNETDICOM)")
@click.argument('study_uid', type=str)
@click.option('-v', '--verbose', is_flag=True, help='Output more logging.')
def series_images_cli(host: str, port: int, remote_aet: str, local_aet: str, study_uid: str, verbose: bool):
CLI for testing series_images_by_study_uid query.
Make sure PYNETDICOM is added to /etc/orthanc/orthanc.json. Example configuration:
"DicomModalities" : {
"findscu" : [ "FINDSCU", "", 1234 ],
"pynetdicom": ["PYNETDICOM", "", 1234],
$ python <study_uid>
log = structlog.get_logger(__name__) if verbose else None
dicom_qr = DicomQR(host, port, remote_aet, local_aet, log)
series_images = dicom_qr.series_images_by_study_uid(study_uid)
if verbose:
# show as json to make it parseable by other programs
if __name__ == "__main__":
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('pynetdicom3')
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