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Created May 31, 2014 22:17
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fmincg minimization function ported to Fortran
real function fmincg(length, nn_params, input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size, num_labels, inputdata, y, lambda)
implicit none
! Copyright (C) 2001 and 2002 by Carl Edward Rasmussen. Date 2002-02-13
! (C) Copyright 1999, 2000 & 2001, Carl Edward Rasmussen
! Permission is granted for anyone to copy, use, or modify these
! programs and accompanying documents for purposes of research or
! education, provided this copyright notice is retained, and note is
! made of any changes that have been made.
! These programs and documents are distributed without any warranty,
! express or implied. As the programs were written for research
! purposes only, they have not been tested to the degree that would be
! advisable in any important application. All use of these programs is
! entirely at the user's own risk.
! [ml-class] Changes Made:
! 1) Function name and argument specifications
! 2) Output display
! [John Shahbazian 5/31/2014] Changes Made:
! 1) Ported to Fortran
! 2) Changed the cost function call to internal. Replace the
! 'costandgradient' function to whatever you would like. It returns
! the cost as the result, and the gradient is returned through the first
! argument as intent(inout) (e.g. 'gradient#').
! 3) Changed the variable names to be readable.
! f1 = cost1
! df1 = gradient1
! s = search_direction
! d1 = slope1
! z1 = point1
! X0 = backup_params
! f0 = cost_backup
! df0 = gradient_backup
integer, intent(in) :: length,input_layer_size,hidden_layer_size,num_labels
real, allocatable, intent(in) :: inputdata(:,:), y(:,:)
real, intent(in) :: lambda
real, allocatable, intent(inout) :: nn_params(:,:)
real :: RHO = 0.01 ! a bunch of constants for line searches
real :: SIG = 0.5 ! RHO and SIG are the constants in the Wolfe-Powell conditions
real :: INT = 0.1 ! don't reevaluate within 0.1 of the limit of the current bracket
real :: EXT = 3.0 ! extrapolate maximum 3 times the current bracket
integer :: MAXEVALS = 20 ! max 20 function evaluations per line search
real :: RATIO = 100 ! maximum allowed slope ratio
real :: mintemp, minstuff, M, A, B
real :: fX = 0.0
integer :: success
integer :: i = 0 ! zero the run length counter
integer :: ls_failed = 0 ! no previous line search has failed
real, allocatable :: backup_params(:,:)
real :: cost1, cost2, cost3, cost_backup
real, allocatable :: gradient1(:,:), gradient2(:,:), gradient3(:,:), gradient_backup(:,:), tmp(:,:)
real :: limit
real :: point1, point2, point3, ptemp
real, allocatable :: search_direction(:,:), stemp(:,:)
real :: slope1, slope2, slope3, slope_vector(1,1)
real :: sqrtnumber
real :: sd_calc_1(1,1), sd_calc_2(1,1), sd_calc_3(1,1), sd_calc_4
real, allocatable :: sd_calc_5(:,:)
cost1 = costandgradient(gradient1,nn_params,input_layer_size,hidden_layer_size,num_labels, inputdata, y, lambda)
i = i + (length<0) ! count epochs?!
search_direction = -gradient1 ! search direction is steepest
slope_vector = matmul(-transpose(search_direction),search_direction) ! this is the slope
slope1 = slope_vector(1,1) !convert to scalar
point1 = 1.0/(1.0-slope1) ! initial step is red/(|s|+1)
do while(i < abs(length))
i = i + (length>0) ! count iterations?!
backup_params = nn_params
cost_backup = cost1
gradient_backup = gradient1 ! make a copy of current values
stemp = point1 * search_direction
nn_params = nn_params + stemp ! begin line search
gradient2 = gradient1
cost2 = costandgradient(gradient2,nn_params,input_layer_size,hidden_layer_size,num_labels, inputdata, y, lambda)
i = i + (length<0) ! count epochs?!
slope_vector = matmul(transpose(gradient2),search_direction) ! this is the slope
slope2 = slope_vector(1,1) !convert to scalar
cost3 = cost1
slope3 = slope1
point3 = -point1 ! initialize point 3 equal to point 1
if(length > 0)then
M = min(MAXEVALS, -length-i)
end if
success = 0
limit = -1 ! initialize quantities
do while (( (cost2 > (cost1 + (point1 * RHO * slope1))) .or. (slope2 > (-SIG * slope1)) ) .and. (M > 0) )
limit = point1 ! tighten the bracket
if(cost2 > cost1)then
point2 = point3 - (0.5 * slope3 * point3 * point3)/(slope3 * point3 + cost2 - cost3) ! quadratic fit
A = 6*(cost2 - cost3)/point3 + 3*(slope2 + slope3) ! cubic fit
B = 3*(cost3 - cost2) - point3 * (slope3 + 2*slope2)
point2 = (sqrt(B*B - A*slope2*point3*point3) - B)/A
end if
if(ieee_is_nan(point2) .or. (.not. ieee_is_finite(point2)))then
point2 = point3 / 2 ! if we had a numerical problem then bisect
end if
point2 = MAX( MIN(point2, (INT * point3)), ((1.0 - INT) * point3)) ! don't accept too close to limits
point1 = point1 + point2 ! update the step
stemp = point2 * search_direction
nn_params = nn_params + stemp
cost2 = costandgradient(gradient2,nn_params,input_layer_size,hidden_layer_size,num_labels, inputdata, y, lambda)
M = M - 1
i = i + (length<0) ! count epochs?!
slope_vector = matmul(transpose(gradient2),search_direction)
slope2 = slope_vector(1,1) !convert to scalar
point3 = point3 - point2 ! point3 is now relative to the location of point2
end do
if ((cost2 > (cost1 + (point1*RHO*slope1)) ) .or. (slope2 > (-SIG * slope1) ))then
exit ! this is a failure
elseif (slope2 > (SIG * slope1))then
success = 1
exit ! success
elseif (M == 0)then
exit ! failure
end if
A = 6*(cost2 - cost3)/point3 + 3*(slope2 + slope3) ! make cubic extrapolation
B = 3*(cost3 - cost2) - point3*(slope3 + 2*slope2)
sqrtnumber = (B*B) - A*slope2*point3*point3
if((.not. ieee_is_normal(sqrtnumber)) .or. sqrtnumber < 0 )then
if (limit < -0.5) then ! if we have no upper limit
point2 = point1 * (EXT - 1) ! the extrapolate the maximum amount
point2 = (limit - point1)/2 ! otherwise bisect
end if
point2 = (-slope2 * point3 * point3)/(B + sqrt(sqrtnumber))
if ((limit > -0.5) .and. ((point2 + point1) > limit))then ! extraplation beyond max?
point2 = (limit - point1)/2 ! bisect
elseif ((limit < -0.5) .and. ((point2 + point1) > (point1 * EXT)))then ! extrapolation beyond limit
point2 = point1 * (EXT - 1.0) ! set to extrapolation limit
elseif (point2 < (-point3 * INT))then
point2 = -point3 * INT
elseif ((limit > -0.5) .and. (point2 < (limit - point1)*(1.0 - INT)))then ! too close to limit?
point2 = (limit - point1 ) * (1.0 - INT)
end if
end if
cost3 = cost2
slope3 = slope2
point3 = -point2
point1 = point1 + point2
stemp = point2 * search_direction
nn_params = nn_params + stemp ! update current estimates
cost2 = costandgradient(gradient2,nn_params,input_layer_size,hidden_layer_size,num_labels, inputdata, y, lambda)
M = M - 1
i = i + (length<0) ! count epochs?!
slope_vector = matmul(transpose(gradient2),search_direction)
slope2 = slope_vector(1,1) !convert to scalar
end do ! end of line search
if (success == 1)then ! if line search succeeded
cost1 = cost2
fX = cost1
print *, "Iteration: ", i, " | Cost: ", cost1
! this calculation was split up to make it easier to work with
sd_calc_1 = matmul(transpose(gradient2),gradient2)
sd_calc_2 = matmul(transpose(gradient1),gradient2)
sd_calc_3 = matmul(transpose(gradient1),gradient1)
sd_calc_4 = (sd_calc_1(1,1) - sd_calc_2(1,1)) / sd_calc_3(1,1)
sd_calc_5 = sd_calc_4 * search_direction
search_direction = sd_calc_5 - gradient2
tmp = gradient1
gradient1 = gradient2
gradient2 = tmp ! swap derivatives
slope_vector = matmul(transpose(gradient1),search_direction)
slope2 = slope_vector(1,1) !convert to scalar
if(slope2 > 0)then ! new slope must be negative
search_direction = -gradient1 ! otherwise use steepest direction
slope_vector = matmul(-transpose(search_direction),search_direction)
slope2 = slope_vector(1,1) !convert to scalar
end if
mintemp = slope1/(slope2 - 2.2251D-308) !2.2551D-308 is min value double precision float
minstuff = min(RATIO, mintemp)
point1 = point1 * minstuff ! slope ratio but max RATIO
slope1 = slope2
ls_failed = 0 ! this line search did not fail
nn_params = backup_params
cost1 = cost_backup
gradient1 = gradient_backup ! restore point from before failed line search
if (ls_failed == 1 .or. i > abs(length))then ! line search failed twice in a row
exit ! or we ran out of time, so we give up
end if
tmp = gradient1
gradient1 = gradient2
gradient2 = tmp ! swap derivatives
search_direction = -gradient1 ! try steepest
slope_vector = matmul(-transpose(search_direction),search_direction)
slope1 = slope_vector(1,1) ! convert to scalar
point1 = 1.0 / (1.0 - slope1)
ls_failed = 1 ! this line search failed
end if
end do
fmincg = fX
end function fmincg
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