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Last active July 22, 2024 10:43
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  • Save jschpp/aaaa930318cde71c867c07b76c13bccf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Exports a powershell object to a psd1 format. Can be re-imported via Import-PowershellDataFile
function Get-IdentedString {
Returns $obj as indented string
Turns $obj to string and adds $indent * 4 spaces in front of it
Object to be converted to String
How many whitespaces * 4 to indent
Get-IdentedString "Test" 1
>>> " Test"
param (
[int]$indent = 0
return "{0,$($indent *4)}{1}" -f "", $obj
function Convert-Array ($obj, [int]$indent = 0, [switch]$SkipIndentOnce) {
if ($SkipIndentOnce) {
$out += Get-IdentedString "@(`n" -indent 0
else {
$out = Get-IdentedString "@(`n" -indent $indent
foreach ($elem in $obj) {
$out += Convert-Element -obj $elem -indent $($indent + 1)
$out += "`n"
$out += Get-IdentedString ")" -indent $indent
return $out
function Convert-Int ($obj, [int]$indent = 0, [switch]$SkipIndentOnce) {
if ($SkipIndentOnce) {
return Get-IdentedString "$obj" -indent 0
else {
return Get-IdentedString "$obj" -indent $indent
function Convert-String ($obj, [int]$indent = 0, [switch]$SkipIndentOnce) {
if ($SkipIndentOnce) {
return Get-IdentedString "`"$obj`"" -indent 0
else {
return Get-IdentedString "`"$obj`"" -indent $indent
function Convert-Element {
param (
[int]$indent = 0,
$paramObj = @{
obj = $obj
indent = $indent
if ($SkipIndentOnce) {
$paramObj["SkipIndentOnce"] = $true
switch -Regex ($obj.GetType().Name) {
"Object\[\]" {return Convert-Array @paramObj}
"Hashtable" {return Convert-Hashtable @paramObj}
'Int\d+' {return Convert-Int @paramObj}
default {return Convert-String @paramObj}
function Convert-Hashtable ($obj, $indent = 0, [switch]$SkipIndentOnce) {
if ($SkipIndentOnce) {
return Get-IdentedString "@{`n" -indent 0
else {
$out = Get-IdentedString "@{`n" -indent $indent
$indent += 1
foreach ($key in $obj.Keys) {
$out += Convert-Element -obj $key -indent $indent
$out += " = "
$out += Convert-Element -obj $obj[$key] -indent $indent -SkipIndentOnce
$out += "`n"
$indent -= 1
$out += Get-IdentedString "}`n" -indent $indent
return $out
function Export-PowerShellDataFile {
param (
Position = 0,
Mandatory = $true,
ValueFromPipeline = $true,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)
if ($Path) {
if ($NoClobber -and $(Test-Path $Path)) {
Write-Error "File exists" -ErrorAction Stop
Convert-Element -obj $Obj | Out-File $Path
else {
Convert-Element -obj $Obj | Write-Output
Export-ModuleMember Export-PowerShellDataFile
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I attempted to pass this along: $obj = [PsCustomObject]@{Name='file'}. It could not process that object. I tried with a hash table and it worked. I am recasting it a bit into a different module. Instead of using Export-ModuleMember, I put it in the "public" subfolder of my module apparatus. I then dot then entire script as a function.

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