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John Scharber jscharber

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SonarCloud API Examples

All examples use curl Sonarcloud API

Object relationships

Organizations contain projects. When you set up your SonarCloud account, a default organization is created. You can create new organizations via the user interface. There appears to be no method of creating an organization via the API. org -> projects

jscharber / go-code-text.go
Created August 13, 2019 18:02
// List available templates
func tplGet(tplListOption string) tplListResponse {
tplTLD := []string{"crd", "microservices", "serverless"}
tplSLD := []string{"ga", "experimental", "incubation"}
var response tplListResponse
for _, tld := range tplTLD {
for _, sld := range tplSLD {
dn := defaultTemplateDir + "/" + tld + "/" + sld
if _, err := os.Stat(dn); os.IsNotExist(err) {

OpenFaas with kakfa triggers on microk8s

Clone the repo from GitHub

git clone
Cloning into 'kafka-connector'...
Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.

Microk8s with OpenFaas and local docker repository

set up k8s configuration

Kubernetes stores if configuration data in $HOME/.kube/config. Start by saving the microk8s.config there

cd $HOME/.kube
microk8s.config > config

Install helm with --classic option