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Find the Length Of Longest Substring using Sliding Window Technique via a WHILE Loop
class FindTheLengthOfLongestSubstringUsingWhileLoop {
public int lengthOfLongestSubstring(String s) {
#1 -
eabcdabcbb = 4
"abcd" is the longest substring
4 is the length of "abcd"
#2 -
bbbbb = 1
"b" is the longest substring
1 is the length of the substring "b" (which is just one character)
#3 -
pwwkew = 3
"pww" is the longest substring
3 is the length of "pww"
Map<Character, Integer> map = new HashMap<Character, Integer>();
int result = 0;
Sliding Window technique with an (O)n time complexity performance
that uses a while loop
int left=0;
int right=0;
while (right < s.length()){
// check map if it already contains the character
if (map.containsKey(s.charAt(right))){
int indexOfExistingChar = map.get(s.charAt(right));
// Update the value of the left pointer
// to the index of the matched character,
// or to its current value, whichever is greater.
left = Math.max(indexOfExistingChar, left);
// Update the result value by getting the difference
// of the right and left pointer plus 1 (as per the requirement)
// or to its current value, whichever is greater
result = Math.max(right - left + 1, result);
// Put the Character as the key and the index as the value
map.put(s.charAt(right), right+1);
// while (right < ch.length){
// System.out.println(ch[right]);
// if(map.containsKey(ch[left])){
// left = Math.max(map.get(ch[left]),left);
// }else{
// result++;
// }
// map.put(ch[right],right);
// right++;
// }
return result;
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