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Forked from mxcl/
Created November 10, 2009 01:21
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Save jrk/230533 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple flac2mp3 conversion script, supporting essential tags and batch processing with globs.
# forked from
# TODO: add iteration over arguments
abort "Usage: flac2mp3 FLACFILE" if filename.nil?
`metaflac --export-tags-to=- "#{filename}"`.each_line do |s|
v=s.strip.split '=', 2
v[1].gsub! '"', '\"'
eval %Q[#{v[0]}="#{v[1]}"];
# TODO: this may explode if any of these values are not defined by the metaflac lines above
args=%Q[--tt "#{TITLE}" --ta "#{ARTIST}" --tl "#{ALBUM}" --tn "#{TRACKNUMBER}" --tg "#{GENRE}" --ty "#{DATE}" --add-id3v2]
basename=File.basename(filename, File.extname(filename))
puts "Encoding #{basename}.mp3"
exec %Q[flac -sdc "#{filename}" | lame --alt-preset standard #{args} - "#{basename}.mp3"]
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