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dazza-codes / Vagrantfile
Created September 27, 2015 08:24
Utilities to add an independent data disk to virtualbox vms using vagrant
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# This vagrant script relies on
# vagrant plugin install vagrant-triggers
VM_NAME = "vbox-dev"
VM_MEMORY = 2 * 1024 # in MB
tgrrtt / travis.yml
Last active January 10, 2021 17:58
Travis-CI Config File (.travis.yml)
# Set up notification options
# change is when the repo status goes from pass to fail or vice versa
on_success: change
on_failure: always
jstangroome / Send-NetworkData.ps1
Created September 28, 2014 03:17
A simple PowerShell implementation of the most basic functionality of Netcat
function Send-NetworkData {
param (
[ValidateRange(1, 65535)]
9to5IT / Script_Template.ps1
Last active September 17, 2024 06:15
PowerShell: Script Template
#requires -version 2
<Overview of script>
<Brief description of script>
.PARAMETER <Parameter_Name>
<Brief description of parameter input required. Repeat this attribute if required>
tarruda /
Created January 16, 2014 17:48
YouCompleteMe configuration for vim source code (
# for vim source code. This should work after running './configure
import os, re
def create_flags():
rv = [
wsargent /
Last active June 29, 2024 19:32
Docker cheat sheet
ttscoff / gauges.rb
Created April 11, 2013 20:41
OS X CLI for stats
require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
require 'net/https'
class KeyChain
def initialize(user=nil)
@user ||= %x{dscl . -read /Users/$(whoami)|grep "EMailAddress:"|sed 's/^EMailAddress: //'}
gutenye /
Last active December 10, 2015 01:58
Write Ember.js App With Middleman

I. Create a Middleman project with middleman-ember-template

$ middleman init hello --template=ember

II. Install ember.js package

$ bower install ember
simX / hidpi.txt
Created July 28, 2012 04:58
Enable HiDPI mode in Mountain Lion w/o Quartz Debug
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ DisplayResolutionEnabled -bool YES;
sudo defaults delete /Library/Preferences/ DisplayResolutionDisabled;
// by the way, you need to logout and log back in for this to take effect. Or at least that's what
// Quartz Debug says. Who knows, maybe it's lying?
// P.S. Go to [Apple menu --> System Preferences --> Displays --> Display --> Scaled] after logging
// back in, and you'll see a bunch of "HiDPI" resolutions in the list to choose from.
sos4nt / xterm-256color-italic.terminfo
Created July 27, 2012 12:13
A xterm-256color based TERMINFO that adds the escape sequences for italic
# A xterm-256color based TERMINFO that adds the escape sequences for italic.
# Install:
# tic xterm-256color-italic.terminfo
# Usage:
# export TERM=xterm-256color-italic