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Created February 27, 2023 13:50
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#!/usr/bin/env bb
(require '[babashka.process :refer [process shell sh pipeline pb]])
(def +api-url+ "")
(def +gitlab-personal-token+ (System/getenv "GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN"))
(def +gitlab-user+ (System/getenv "GITLAB_USERNAME"))
;; Utils
(defn not-empty [x] (seq x))
;; Gitlab API
(defn gitlab-rest-action
(str +api-url+ action))
(defn gitlab-headers
{"Accept" "application/json"
"Authorization" (str "Bearer " +gitlab-personal-token+)})
(defn make-gitlab-api-query
[action headers]
(-> (curl/get action {:headers headers})
(json/parse-string true)))
(defn get-mege-requests
(str (gitlab-rest-action "/merge_requests?state=") state))
(defn get-open-merge-requests-for-user
(let [action (str (get-mege-requests "opened") "&author_username=" username)
headers (gitlab-headers)]
(make-gitlab-api-query action headers)))
(defn find-url-by-branch
[merge-requests predicate-branch]
(->> merge-requests
(filter (fn [{:keys [source_branch]}] (= source_branch predicate-branch)))
(map :web_url)
;; Git
(def get-source-branches (partial map :source_branch))
(defn local-branch-exists?
(let [branch-checksum (-> (pipeline (pb "git" "rev-parse" "--verify" branch-name)
(pb "cat"))
(if (not-empty branch-checksum)
[branch-checksum branch-name]
(defn get-current-branch-name
(-> (pipeline (pb "git" "name-rev" "--name-only" "HEAD")
(pb "cat"))
;; CLI
(defn open-url
([] (print "No URL found for branch\n"))
([url] (if url
(shell (str "open " url))
(defn print-usage
(print (str "Unknown command '" command "'\nCommmands known: open, ls\n")))
; Commands
(defn command-open
"Open the current branch merge request in browser"
(let [user-merge-requests (get-open-merge-requests-for-user +gitlab-user+)
current-branch (get-current-branch-name)
web-url (find-url-by-branch user-merge-requests current-branch)]
(open-url web-url)))
(defn command-ls
"List all local git branches that have an open merge request"
(->> (get-open-merge-requests-for-user +gitlab-user+)
(map local-branch-exists?)
(map last)
(defn main
(let [command (first *command-line-args*)]
(case command
"open" (command-open)
"ls" (command-ls)
(print-usage command))))
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