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Created March 20, 2024 12:30
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import blessed
import os, glob
import math
# - fast in-memory string compression of output
# - run at ~some fps, index into frames by rtt /2 use terminal query
import asyncio, telnetlib3
class MyTelnetServer(telnetlib3.TelnetServer):
def on_naws(self, rows, cols):
Callback receives NAWS response, :rfc:`1073`.
:param int rows: screen size, by number of cells in height.
:param int cols: screen size, by number of cells in width.
self.writer.width, self.writer.height = cols, rows
FONT_RATIO = 119/425
term = blessed.Terminal(kind='xterm-256color', force_styling=True)
import time
async def shell(reader, writer):
stime = time.time()
if not hasattr(writer, 'width'):
writer.width, writer.height = 0, 0
match_height, match_width, last_width, last_height = -1, -1, 0, 0
frame_no = 0
files = []
writer.write(term.home + term.clear_eos + term.hide_cursor)
while True:
t = time.time()
if len(files) == 0 or last_width != writer.width or last_height != writer.height:
writer.write(term.home + term.clear)
last_width, last_height = writer.width, writer.height
match_width = 10
for width in range(10, 400, 10):
if width > writer.width:
if width > 150:
height = int(math.ceil(width * FONT_RATIO))
if height > writer.height:
if not os.path.exists(f'max/{width}/frame-0000.ans'):
match_width = width
match_height = int(math.ceil(match_width * FONT_RATIO))
dirty = True
# a width of 290 is 230MB !?
files = sorted(glob.glob(f'max/{match_width}/*.ans'))
print(f'load {match_width}... for {reader}, {writer}, {writer._transport}, {writer.protocol}')
output = []
# for f in files:
# if last_width != writer.width or last_height != writer.height:
# redo=True
# break
# output.append(open(f, 'r').read())
# if redo:
# continue
print(f'loaded {match_width} width in {time.time()-t:0.2f}s')
margin_top = int(max(0, (writer.height - match_height) / 2))
margin_left = int(max(0, (writer.width - match_width) / 2))
# continue
if frame_no == len(files) - 2:
frame_no = int(len(files)*.74)
output = open(files[frame_no], 'r').read()
# if dirty:
# writer.write(term.home + term.clear)
# dirty = False
for y, line in enumerate(output.splitlines()):
writer.write(term.move_yx(margin_top + y, margin_left) + line)
frame_no += 1
await writer.drain()
await asyncio.sleep(max(0, 0.1-(time.time()-t)))
if time.time() - stime > 300:
writer.write(term.reset + "\r\n\r\nThat's it! Have a day.\r\n")
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# use rows=cols=0 until negotiated, hard way or easy way
coro = telnetlib3.create_server(port=23, cols=0, rows=0, shell=shell, force_binary=True,
encoding='utf8', protocol_factory=MyTelnetServer)
server = loop.run_until_complete(coro)
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