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Created October 20, 2023 21:08
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Make a program that read two complex numbers and perform math basics operations around them (sum, subtract, multiply and divide).
using System;
namespace abstract_data_types;
class Program
class Complex {
private double _PReal;
private double _PImag;
public void Read()
Console.WriteLine("Register complex number:");
_PReal = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
_PImag = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("Complex number successfully registered!");
public void Sum(Complex a, Complex b)
_PReal = a._PReal + b._PReal;
_PImag = a._PImag + b._PImag;
public void Subtract(Complex a, Complex b)
_PReal = a._PReal - b._PReal;
_PImag = a._PImag - b._PImag;
public void Multiply(Complex a, Complex b)
_PReal = a._PReal * b._PReal - a._PImag * b._PImag;
_PImag = a._PReal * b._PImag + a._PImag * b._PReal;
public void Divide(Complex a, Complex b)
Complex Aux = new Complex();
Aux.Multiply(a, b);
_PReal = Aux._PReal / (Math.Pow(b._PReal, 2) + Math.Pow(b._PImag, 2));
_PImag = Aux._PImag / (Math.Pow(b._PReal, 2) + Math.Pow(b._PImag, 2));
private void FindConjugate()
_PImag = -_PImag;
public void DisplayComplex(string beforeSuffix)
Console.WriteLine($"{_PReal:F2}{(_PImag >= 0 ? " + " : " - ")}{Math.Abs(_PImag):F2}i");
static void Main(string[] args)
// Initialize complex numbers
Complex a = new Complex();
Complex b = new Complex();
Complex Sum = new Complex();
Complex Subtract = new Complex();
Complex Multiply = new Complex();
Complex Divide = new Complex();
Sum.Sum(a, b);
Subtract.Subtract(a, b);
Multiply.Multiply(a, b);
Divide.Divide(a, b);
Sum.DisplayComplex("Sum: ");
Subtract.DisplayComplex("Subtract: ");
Multiply.DisplayComplex("Multiply: ");
Divide.DisplayComplex("Divide: ");
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