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Forked from glennsarti/install_ruby.ps1
Created July 29, 2016 17:06
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# Powershell specific argument passing
# You must be on the latest beta of chocolatey for this to work properly (redownload files)
# Based on
#uru 1.9.3
#gem sources -a
#gem sources -r
#gem update --system
#gem sources -r
$originalPath = $env:PATH
$rubyList = (@"
"choco_version": "",
"uru_tag": "1.9.3",
"target_dir": "c:\\tools\\ruby193",
"32bit": true
"choco_version": "",
"uru_tag": "2.0.0",
"target_dir": "c:\\tools\\ruby200",
"32bit": true,
"64bit": true
"choco_version": "2.1.8",
"target_dir": "c:\\tools\\ruby21",
"32bit": true,
"64bit": true
"choco_version": "2.2.4",
"target_dir": "c:\\tools\\ruby22",
"32bit": true,
"64bit": true
"choco_version": "2.3.0",
"target_dir": "c:\\tools\\ruby23",
"32bit": true,
"64bit": true
"@ | ConvertFrom-JSON -ErrorAction Stop)
# Prep
choco upgrade chocolatey -pre -y
choco feature enable -n=allowGlobalConfirmation -y
choco install 7zip.commandline -y
# Install the various versions of ruby
$rubyList | Sort-Object -Property choco_version | % {
$thisRuby = $_
if ($thisRuby.'32bit') {
choco.exe install ruby --version $($thisRuby.choco_version) -fmy -x86 --install-arguments "'/verysilent /dir=`"$($thisRuby.target_dir)`" /tasks=`"assocfiles`"'" --override-arguments
if ($thisRuby.'64bit') {
choco.exe install ruby --version $($thisRuby.choco_version) -fmy --install-arguments "'/verysilent /dir=`"$($thisRuby.target_dir)-x64`" /tasks=`"assocfiles`"'" --override-arguments
# Install the various ruby devkits
# Unfortunately devkit installs fail because ruby isn't on the path.
# Just run choco in a different process and ignore the return code. Use simple file existence checks to see if it failedß
if ($rubyList | ? { $_.choco_version -match '^1\.'}) {
Start-Process -FilePath 'choco' -ArgumentList (@('install','ruby.devkit','-y')) -NoNewWindow -Wait | Out-Null
if (-not (Test-Path -Path 'C:\tools\devkit')) { Throw "DevKit did not install" }
if ($rubyList | ? { ($_.choco_version -match '^2\.') -and $_.'64bit' }) {
Start-Process -FilePath 'choco' -ArgumentList (@('install','ruby2.devkit','-y')) -NoNewWindow -Wait | Out-Null
if (-not (Test-Path -Path 'C:\tools\devkit2')) { Throw "DevKit 2.x x64 did not install" }
Move-Item c:\tools\DevKit2 C:\tools\DevKit2-x64 -Force -EA Stop
if ($rubyList | ? { ($_.choco_version -match '^2\.') -and $_.'32bit' }) {
Start-Process -FilePath 'choco' -ArgumentList (@('install','ruby2.devkit','-y','-x86','-f')) -NoNewWindow -Wait | Out-Null
if (-not (Test-Path -Path 'C:\tools\devkit2')) { Throw "DevKit 2.x x86 did not install" }
# Install the various devkits into ruby
if ($rubyList | ? { $_.choco_version -match '^1\.'}) {
Write-Output "Fixing DevKit 1.x installations"
$lowestRuby = ($rubyList | ? { $_.choco_version -match '^1\.'} | Sort-Object -Property choco_version | Select-Object -First 1)
$list = $rubyList | ? { $_.choco_version -match '^1\.'} | % { Write-Output "- $($_.target_dir.Replace('\','/'))" }
"---`n`r" + ($list -join "`n`r") | Out-File c:\tools\DevKit\config.yml -Force -Encoding ASCII
$env:PATH += ";$($lowestRuby.target_dir)\bin;"
pushd c:\tools\DevKit
ruby dk.rb install -f
if ($rubyList | ? { ($_.choco_version -match '^2\.') -and $_.'32bit' }) {
Write-Output "Fixing DevKit 2.x 32bit installations"
$lowestRuby = ($rubyList | ? { ($_.choco_version -match '^2\.') -and $_.'32bit' } | Sort-Object -Property choco_version | Select-Object -First 1)
$list = $rubyList | ? { ($_.choco_version -match '^2\.') -and $_.'32bit' } | % { Write-Output "- $($_.target_dir.Replace('\','/'))" }
"---`n`r" + ($list -join "`n`r") | Out-File c:\tools\DevKit2\config.yml -Force -Encoding ASCII
$env:PATH += ";$($lowestRuby.target_dir)\bin;"
pushd c:\tools\DevKit2
ruby dk.rb install -f
if ($rubyList | ? { ($_.choco_version -match '^2\.') -and $_.'64bit' }) {
Write-Output "Fixing DevKit 2.x 64bit installations"
$lowestRuby = ($rubyList | ? { ($_.choco_version -match '^2\.') -and $_.'64bit' } | Sort-Object -Property choco_version | Select-Object -First 1)
$list = $rubyList | ? { ($_.choco_version -match '^2\.') -and $_.'64bit' } | % { Write-Output "- $($_.target_dir.Replace('\','/'))-x64" }
"---`n`r" + ($list -join "`n`r") | Out-File c:\tools\DevKit2-x64\config.yml -Force -Encoding ASCII
$env:PATH += ";$($lowestRuby.target_dir)\bin;"
pushd c:\tools\DevKit2-x64
ruby dk.rb install -f
#TODO - get the certificate for rubygems installed ???
Write-Output "Remove ruby from the path..."
$regEnvPath = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment'
#$currentSysPath =
$SysEnv = Get-ItemProperty -Path $regEnvPath
# Strip anything like 'C:\tools\rubyxxxxxxxx\bin' from the path list
$NewSysPath = ($SysEnv.Path) -split ';' | ? { (-not ( $_.ToUpper().StartsWith('C:\TOOLS\RUBY') -and $_.ToUpper().EndsWith('\BIN') )) }
Set-ItemProperty -Path $regEnvPath -Name 'Path' -Value ($NewSysPath -join ';') -Type ExpandString | Out-Null
# Install URU
Write-Output "Installing URU..."
$downloadURL = ''
$uruRoot = 'C:\Tools'
$uruInstall = Join-Path -Path $uruRoot -ChildPath 'URUInstall'
$uruInstallNuget = Join-Path -Path $uruInstall -ChildPath 'uru.0.8.1.nupkg'
if (Test-Path -Path $uruInstall) { Remove-Item -Path $uruInstall -Force -Recurse -Confirm:$false | Out-Null }
New-Item -Path $uruInstall -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
Write-Output "Downloading URU installer..."
(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($downloadURL, $uruInstallNuget)
Write-Output "Running the URU installer..."
choco install uru -source $uruInstall -f -y
# Cleaning up...
if (Test-Path -Path $uruInstall) { Remove-Item -Path $uruInstall -Force -Recurse -Confirm:$false | Out-Null }
# Configure URU
$rubyList | Sort-Object -Property choco_version | % {
$thisRuby = $_
$tagName = $thisRuby.uru_tag
if ($tagName -eq $null) { $tagName = $thisRuby.choco_version }
if ($thisRuby.'32bit') {
uru admin add "$($thisRuby.target_dir)\bin" --tag "$($tagName)-x86"
if ($thisRuby.'64bit') {
uru admin add "$($thisRuby.target_dir)-x64\bin" --tag "$($tagName)-x64"
# For confirmation...
uru list
# Now configure each ruby...
$rubyList | Sort-Object -Property choco_version | % {
$tagName = $_.uru_tag
if ($tagName -eq $null) { $tagName = $_.choco_version }
if ($_.'32bit') { Write-Output "$($tagName)-x86" }
if ($_.'64bit') { Write-Output "$($tagName)-x64" }
} | % {
Write-Host "------ Configuring $_ ..."
uru $_
Write-Output "Ruby version..."
ruby -v
Write-Output "Gem version..."
gem -v
Write-Output "Installing bundler..."
# #gem install bundler --no-document -V newer version
gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc -V
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