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Created May 18, 2018 20:37
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Extrae la clave de acceso de un RIDE PDF
(ns co.datil.toolbox.pdf
(:require [pdfboxing.text :as pdfbox]
[ :as io]
[clojure.string :as string]))
(defn -remove-trailing-slash
(string/replace #"(?<=.)/$" ""))
(defn -rand-name
(apply str
(concat (repeatedly 8 #(char (rand-nth (range 48 91)))) "." ext)))
(defn download-pdf
(let [file (rand-name "pdf")]
(with-open [in (io/input-stream uri)
out (io/output-stream file)]
(io/copy in out)
(defn extract-uuid
"Extrae la clave de acceso de un PDF que representa un comprobante
electrónico de Ecuador."
(->> (pdfbox/extract pdfpath)
(re-find #"\s(\d{49})\s")
;; Usage
(extract-uuid "/tmp/factura.pdf")
;; 1405201801179027538800120020030000034623793289412
(extract-uuid (download-pdf ""))
;; 1405201801179027538800120020030000034623793289412
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