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Last active March 21, 2018 00:04
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  • Save jpjacobs/820d6dea48ec58ae8d33 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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NB. Fast ICA
require 'math/lapack math/lapack/geev'
require 'plot'
center =: -"1 +/%# NB. subtract column means
mp =: +/ .* NB. matrix product
cov =: (mp"2 1)~&.|: ] % <:^:(1&<)@# NB. Covariance (note, does NOT center)
I =: =@:i. NB. unit matrix
clean =: * |@* NB. clean near-to-zero values
whiten =: (mp ([ mp (I@# % %:)@] mp |:@[)&>/@(2b110&geev_jlapack_)@cov)@center
NB. single component extraction
f1 =: ^.@(6&o.)
g1 =: 7&o.
g1p =: 1 - *:@(7&o.)
f2 =: -@^@-@-:@*:
g2 =: * ^@-@-:@*:
g2p =: (1-*:) * ^@-@-:@*:
NB. inputs:
NB. C: number of components to extract
NB. X: N x M data N samples, M dimensions, C < M!
NB. outputs:
NB. W: Unmixing matrix, here each row projects X onto into independent component.
NB. R: Independent components matrix, with M columns representing a sample with C dimensions.
fastica =: 4 : 0
'M N'=. $y
w =. (x,N)$0
for_p. i.x do.
wp =. (% +/) ? N $ 0
wold =. N $ 0
ct =. 0
while. (ct < 10000) *. -. wold -: wp do.
wold =. wp
wp =. - M %~ ((g y mp wp) mp y) - wp * +/ (gp y mp wp)
if. p>0 do.
wp =. wp - +/ (wp mp w{~p-1)
wp =. (% +/&.:*:) wp
ct =. ct+1
w =. wp p} w
w;y mp |:w
NB. Example: separate sine from noise:
n =: center 0.1 * ? 1000 3 $ 0
s1 =: 1 o. 10%~i.&.(10&*) 100
s2 =: * 1 o.3%~i.&.(10&*) 100
s3 =: center 50 %~ 100 | i. 1000
mix =: (%"1 +/) ? 3 3 $0
in =: n + ( s1 ,. s2 ,. s3) mp mix
win =: whiten in
f =: 3 fastica win
pd'multi 1 3'
pd'ygroup 0 0 0'
pd ('key recov1 recov2 recov3';|: 1{:: f) ; ('key mix1 mix2 mix3'; |: in) ,&< ('key orig1 orig2 orig3'; s1 , s2 ,: s3)
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