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Created September 4, 2018 17:18
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Need a port number for your service that's unlikely to clash with other services and easy to remember? Try mkport!
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
port = ARGV[0].downcase.split(//).reduce(0) do |sum, char|
sum * 10 + case char
when *%w[a b c] then 2
when *%w[d e f] then 3
when *%w[g h i] then 4
when *%w[j k l] then 5
when *%w[m n o] then 6
when *%w[p q r s] then 7
when *%w[t u v] then 8
when *%w[w x y z] then 9
while port < 1024
port *= 10
abort "Try a shorter string" if port > 65535
puts port
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