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Created November 8, 2021 08:03
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Dynamic Multi-Platform PowerShell Profile Loader
Dynamic Multi-Platform PowerShell Profile Loader
Safe this script named 'profile.ps1' in either $PROFILE.AllUsersAllHosts or
It will automatically create a directory structure for every PS host
application, platform and PowerShell edition you use and replicate itself as
the respective *_profile.ps1 script to help structuring your profile
If you use this script for your PowerShell Core setup on Windows, it will
also replicate itself to the legacy PowerShell Desktop edition, also known
as Windows PowerShell.
Your PowerShell Core profile becomes the leading profile and all your profile
scripts and files will be synced automatically. That will make you feel at
home for those cases you need to go back and quickly use Windows PowerShell
for whatever reason.
Why sync the two folders instead of using a symlink?
The answer is simple: To improve stability when syncing the PowerShell
profile, for example using OneDrive. It also provides maximum compatibility
as the entire profile is wholly transparent to any 3rd-party tools.
If you're not ready to make the switch to PowerShell Core just yet, this
profile script will simply work as well. When you're ready to switch over,
simply rename your profile folder from 'WindowsPowerShell' to 'PowerShell'
and you're good to go with PowerShell Core. Like explained above, you will
keep a fallback to Windows PowerShell whenever needed.
As you start using other PowerShell host applications besides the standalone
powershell.exe or pwsh.exe shell, the profile will automatically be expanded
for those. For example, when you start to use Visual Studio Code for
PowerShell development (or its predecessor Windows PowerShell ISE for
PowerShell 5), the same folder structure is automatically provided. You may
then improve your profile settings and behaviours for that particular host
application. (Maybe have a different PowerShell prompt setup?)
Lastly, if you would like to share the same PowerShell profile on Linux and
macOS, you can do so and share common functions and scripts that you want
to use everywhere. There are also platform specific folders to target specific
needs and address differences between all your working environments.
Author: Julian Pawlowski, Twitter: @Loredo, GitHub: @jpawlowski
Creation Date: 2021-11-01
# Multi-platform compatibility for Windows PowerShell
if (-Not $PSEdition) {
$Global:PSEdition = 'Desktop'
$Global:IsCoreCLR = $false
if ($PSEdition -eq 'Desktop') {
$Global:IsLinux = $false
$Global:IsMacOS = $false
$Global:IsWindows = $true
$myName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)
$ProfileFileName = $myName.Split('_')
$count = 1
$ProfileDirectories = New-Object -TypeName psobject
$FirstUseHost = $false
# Invoke path on macOS when run directly
# from iTerm or standalone login shell
if (
$IsMacOS -and
($myName -eq 'profile')
) {
function Get-macOSPaths {
$PathFiles = @()
$PathFiles += '/etc/paths'
$PathFiles += Get-ChildItem -Path /private/etc/paths.d | Select-Object -Expand FullName
$PathFiles | ForEach-Object {
Get-Content -Path $_ | ForEach-Object {
$macOSPaths = $env:PATH -split ':'
Get-macOSPaths | ForEach-Object {
If ($_ -notin $macOSPaths) {
Write-Verbose "Adding $_ to Path"
$env:PATH = "${env:PATH}:$_"
Remove-Item Function:Get-macOSPaths
# Homebrew support
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath '/opt/homebrew/bin/brew' -PathType Leaf -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
$HBPaths = /opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv
if ($HBPaths) {
foreach ($line in $HBPaths.Split("\n")) {
$line = ($line -replace '(^export )').Split('=')
$linePaths = (($line[1] -replace '[";]') -replace '\$\{.*\}' ).Split(':')
$macOSPaths = Get-Item -Path $('env:' + $line[0]) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($macOSPaths) {
$macOSPaths = $macOSPaths -split ':'
foreach ($linePath in $linePaths) {
If ($linePath -notin $macOSPaths) {
Write-Verbose ("Adding $linePath to " + $line[0])
$Value = $linePath + ':' + (Get-Item -Path $('env:' + $line[0])).Value
Set-Item -Path $('env:' + $line[0]) -Value $Value
} else {
Write-Verbose ("Adding $linePaths to " + $line[0])
Set-Item -Path $('env:' + $line[0]) -Value $linePaths
# Test each Arg for match of abbreviated '-NonInteractive' command.
$Global:NonInteractive = $false
if (
([Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs() | Where-Object { $_ -like '-NonI*' }) -or
-Not [Environment]::UserInteractive
) {
$Global:NonInteractive = $true
# Only initialize minimal profile environment for
# non-interactive sessions as -NoProfile would miss A LOT
if ($NonInteractive) {
exit 0
## CurrentUserAllHosts + AllUsersAllHosts
if ($ProfileFileName[0] -eq 'profile') {
$myself = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
$UpdatedSelf = $false
$UpdatedWPS = $false
if ($PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHosts -eq $myself) {
$Global:PSProfileType = 'personal'
} else {
$Global:PSProfileType = 'system'
Write-Host "`nLoading $SyncProfileNameType profile:" -ForegroundColor Green
Add-Member -InputObject $ProfileDirectories -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $myName -Value (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot 'Profile')
$shellName = [Regex]::Escape((Join-Path ' ' 'PowerShell').Trim())
if (-Not $IsCoreCLR) {
$shellName = [Regex]::Escape((Join-Path ' ' 'WindowsPowerShell').Trim())
# Duplicate self to CurrentUserCurrentHosts
if (Test-Path $PROFILE.CurrentUserCurrentHost) {
if ((Get-FileHash $myself).hash -ne (Get-FileHash $PROFILE.CurrentUserCurrentHost).hash) {
Write-Host " $count. Cloning self to:" -ForegroundColor White
$DestinationName = $PROFILE.CurrentUserCurrentHost -replace "(.+(?=$shellName))"
Write-Host " $DestinationName"
Copy-Item $myself $PROFILE.CurrentUserCurrentHost
$UpdatedSelf = $true
} else {
Write-Host " $count. Cloning self to:" -ForegroundColor White
$DestinationName = $PROFILE.CurrentUserCurrentHost -replace "(.+(?=$shellName))"
Write-Host " $DestinationName"
Copy-Item $myself $PROFILE.CurrentUserCurrentHost
$UpdatedSelf = $true
$FirstUseHost = $PROFILE.CurrentUserCurrentHost
# On Windows, perform sync to WindowsPowerShell folder
if ($IsWindows) {
$SyncSource = $PSScriptRoot
$SyncDestination = $PSScriptRoot -replace '(PowerShell$)','WindowsPowerShell'
if (-Not $IsCoreCLR) {
$SyncSource = $PSScriptRoot -replace '(WindowsPowerShell$)','PowerShell'
$SyncDestination = $PSScriptRoot
# Duplicate self only when running PS Core edition
if ($IsCoreCLR) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path (Join-Path $SyncDestination 'Profile') | Out-Null
$WPSProfile = Join-Path $SyncDestination 'profile.ps1'
if (Test-Path $WPSProfile) {
if ((Get-FileHash $myself).Hash -ne (Get-FileHash $WPSProfile).Hash) {
if (-Not $UpdatedSelf) {
Write-Host " $count. Cloning self to:" -ForegroundColor White
$shellName = [Regex]::Escape((Join-Path ' ' 'WindowsPowerShell').Trim())
$DestinationName = $WPSProfile -replace "(.+(?=$shellName))"
Write-Host " $DestinationName"
Copy-Item $myself $WPSProfile
} else {
if (-Not $UpdatedSelf) {
Write-Host " $count. Cloning self to:" -ForegroundColor White
$shellName = [Regex]::Escape((Join-Path ' ' 'WindowsPowerShell').Trim())
$DestinationName = $WPSProfile -replace "(.+(?=$shellName))"
Write-Host " $DestinationName"
Copy-Item $myself $WPSProfile
$SyncProfileName = Join-Path $SyncSource 'profile.ps1'
# When running Windows PowerShell, only sync from PS Core folder if the profile.ps1
# is already in sync.
if (
(-Not $IsCoreCLR) -and
(Test-Path $SyncProfileName -PathType Leaf) -and
((Get-FileHash $myself).Hash -ne (Get-FileHash $SyncProfileName).Hash)
) {
if (Test-Path (Join-Path $SyncSource 'Profile') -PathType Container) {
Write-Host ' ' -NoNewline
Write-Host ' ! ' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Yellow
Write-Host ' Sync from PowerShell Core profile folder paused.' -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host ' Start PowerShell Core shell once to re-enable.' -ForegroundColor Yellow
} else {
Write-Host ' ' -NoNewline
Write-Host ' i ' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Black -BackgroundColor Cyan
Write-Host ' Detected independent profile setup for PowerShell Core: Profile sync disabled.' -ForegroundColor Cyan
# Duplicate PowerShell Core profile content to WindowsPowerShell folder
elseif (
($IsCoreCLR) -or
(Test-Path $SyncProfileName)
) {
# Cleanup orphan files in WindowsPowerShell folder
Get-ChildItem -Directory $SyncDestination -Filter 'Profile*' | ForEach-Object {
$Source = $_.FullName
$Destination = Join-Path $SyncSource $_.Name
Get-ChildItem $Source -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$ModifiedDestination = $($_.FullName).Replace("$Source","$Destination")
if (
(Test-Path -Path $_.FullName -PathType Container) -and
(-Not (Test-Path -Path $ModifiedDestination -PathType Container))
) {
if (-Not $UpdatedWPS) {
Write-Host " $count. Syncing profile to WindowsPowerShell folder:" -ForegroundColor White
$UpdatedWPS = $true
$shellName = [Regex]::Escape((Join-Path ' ' 'WindowsPowerShell').Trim())
$DestinationName = $_.FullName -replace "(.+(?=$shellName))"
Write-Host ' -' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkRed
Write-Host $DestinationName
Remove-Item $_.FullName -Force -Recurse
elseif (
(Test-Path -Path $_.FullName -PathType Leaf) -and
(-Not (Test-Path -Path $ModifiedDestination -PathType Leaf))
) {
if (-Not $UpdatedWPS) {
Write-Host " $count. Syncing profile to WindowsPowerShell folder:" -ForegroundColor White
$UpdatedWPS = $true
$shellName = [Regex]::Escape((Join-Path ' ' 'WindowsPowerShell').Trim())
$DestinationName = $_.FullName -replace "(.+(?=$shellName))"
Write-Host ' -' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkRed
Write-Host $DestinationName
Remove-Item $_.FullName
# Copy files from PowerShell Core to WindowsPowerShell folder
Get-ChildItem -Directory $SyncSource -Filter 'Profile*' | ForEach-Object {
$Source = $_.FullName
$Destination = Join-Path $SyncDestination $_.Name
Get-ChildItem $Source -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$ModifiedDestination = $($_.FullName).Replace("$Source","$Destination")
if (Test-Path -Path $ModifiedDestination) {
if (
( Test-Path -Path $_.FullName -PathType Leaf ) -and
( (Get-FileHash $_.FullName).hash -ne (Get-FileHash $ModifiedDestination).hash )
) {
if (-Not $UpdatedWPS) {
Write-Host " $count. Syncing profile to WindowsPowerShell folder:" -ForegroundColor White
$UpdatedWPS = $true
$shellName = [Regex]::Escape((Join-Path ' ' 'WindowsPowerShell').Trim())
$DestinationName = $ModifiedDestination -replace "(.+(?=$shellName))"
Write-Host ' +' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host $DestinationName
Copy-Item $_.FullName $ModifiedDestination
} else {
if (-Not $UpdatedWPS) {
Write-Host " $count. Syncing profile to WindowsPowerShell folder:" -ForegroundColor White
$UpdatedWPS = $true
$shellName = [Regex]::Escape((Join-Path ' ' 'WindowsPowerShell').Trim())
$DestinationName = $ModifiedDestination -replace "(.+(?=$shellName))"
Write-Host ' +' -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkGreen
Write-Host $DestinationName
Copy-Item $_.FullName $ModifiedDestination
## CurrentUserCurrentHost + AllUsersCurrentHost
else {
$ProfileFileName[0] = $ProfileFileName[0].Replace('Microsoft.', '')
$ProfileFileNameName = $ProfileFileName[0]
if ((-Not $IsCoreCLR) -and ($ProfileFileNameName -eq 'PowerShell')) {
$ProfileFileNameName = 'Windows PowerShell'
Write-Host ("`nLoading $SyncProfileNameType profile for $ProfileFileNameName host:") -ForegroundColor Green
Add-Member -InputObject $ProfileDirectories -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $myName -Value (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot ('Profile_' + $ProfileFileName[0]))
## Any profile
$PlatformDirectory = '_Platform_Windows'
if ($IsLinux) {
$PlatformDirectory = '_Platform_Linux'
elseif ($IsMacOS) {
$PlatformDirectory = '_Platform_macOS'
# List profile directories in scope
$SyncProfileNameDirectories = ,$ProfileDirectories.$myName
if ($IsCoreCLR -or ($myName -notlike '*_*')) {
$SyncProfileNameDirectories += Join-Path $ProfileDirectories.$myName $PlatformDirectory
if ($IsCoreCLR) {
$SyncProfileNameDirectories += Join-Path $ProfileDirectories.$myName '_Edition_Core'
if ($IsWindows) {
$SyncProfileNameDirectories += Join-Path $ProfileDirectories.$myName (Join-Path $PlatformDirectory '_Edition_Core')
$SyncProfileNameDirectories += Join-Path $ProfileDirectories.$myName (Join-Path $PlatformDirectory '_Edition_Desktop')
# Read configuration files
$Global:PSProfileConfig = @{}
foreach ($ProfileDirectory in $SyncProfileNameDirectories) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path (Join-Path $ProfileDirectory 'Config') | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path (Join-Path $ProfileDirectory 'Functions') | Out-Null
# Make sure to also create host directories in PowerShell core profile folder
if ($IsWindows -and -Not $IsCoreCLR) {
$search = [Regex]::Escape((Join-Path ' ' (Join-Path 'WindowsPowerShell' ' ')).Trim())
$replace = (Join-Path ' ' (Join-Path 'PowerShell' ' ')).Trim()
$WPSProfileDirectory = $ProfileDirectory -replace $search, $replace
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path (Join-Path $WPSProfileDirectory 'Config') | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path (Join-Path $WPSProfileDirectory 'Functions') | Out-Null
if (
(($ProfileDirectory -match '_Edition_Desktop$') -and $IsCoreCLR) -or
(($ProfileDirectory -match '_Edition_Core$') -and -Not $IsCoreCLR)
) {
Push-Location (Join-Path $ProfileDirectory 'Config')
Get-ChildItem *.config.json -File -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$search = [Regex]::Escape((Join-Path $PSScriptRoot ' ').Trim())
$SyncProfileNameConfigPath = $_.FullName -replace "(^$search)"
$SyncProfileNameConfigPath = $SyncProfileNameConfigPath.Split((Join-Path ' ' ' ').Trim())
# Ignore path that contains blanks
if ($SyncProfileNameConfigPath -contains '* *') {
# Create a global object or multidimensional hashtable / hash of hashes
# at $Global:PSProfileConfig (whatever the wording is, I'm coming from Perl, the heck!)
# that is based on the directory path and at the end of the node
# (leaf it is in PS, I get it!) it as the pre-loaded object that
# was created by Convert-FromJson based on the actual file input.
# Of course the filename should also be presented in the layers
# of that global object/hashtable/whatever...
# There must be a 1-to-1 relationship between file path, file name
# and the object/hashtable/whatever path so it is predictible where
# the configuration values can be accessed by other PS scripts
# effortless.
# Import functions
$FoundFunctions = $false
$FoundPlatforms = $null
foreach ($ProfileDirectory in $SyncProfileNameDirectories) {
if (
(($ProfileDirectory -match '_Edition_Desktop$') -and $IsCoreCLR) -or
(($ProfileDirectory -match '_Edition_Core$') -and -Not $IsCoreCLR)
) {
$subdir = Split-Path $ProfileDirectory -Leaf
$SyncProfileNameSubType = $subdir.Split('_')[2]
if (($SyncProfileNameSubType -eq 'Core') -or ($SyncProfileNameSubType -eq 'Desktop')) {
$SyncProfileNameSubType = "PowerShell $SyncProfileNameSubType Edition"
Push-Location (Join-Path $ProfileDirectory 'Functions')
Get-ChildItem *.ps1 -File -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$name = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_.Name)
$name = $name -replace '(^[0-9]\w*-)'
if ($FoundFunctions) {
if (($subdir -notmatch 'Profile.*$') -and ($FoundPlatforms -notcontains $subdir)) {
Write-Host ''
Write-Host (" $SyncProfileNameSubType" + ':') -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
Write-Host ' ' -NoNewline
$FoundPlatforms += ,$subdir
} else {
Write-Host (" $count. " + $prefix + 'Importing functions:') -ForegroundColor White
if (($subdir -notmatch 'Profile.*$') -and ($FoundPlatforms -notcontains $subdir)) {
Write-Host (" $SyncProfileNameSubType" + ':') -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
$FoundPlatforms += ,$subdir
Write-Host ' ' -NoNewline
$FoundFunctions = $true
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$caught = $false
try {
. $_.FullName >$null | Out-Null
catch {
$caught = $true
Write-Host " $name" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red
if (-Not $caught) {
Write-Host " $name" -NoNewline -ForegroundColor DarkCyan
if ($FoundFunctions) {
Write-Host ''
Remove-Variable FoundPlatforms
Remove-Variable FoundFunctions
$Global:IsAdmin = Test-Administrator
# Invoke other scripts
foreach ($ProfileDirectory in $SyncProfileNameDirectories) {
if (
(($ProfileDirectory -match '_Edition_Desktop$') -and $IsCoreCLR) -or
(($ProfileDirectory -match '_Edition_Core$') -and -Not $IsCoreCLR)
) {
Push-Location $ProfileDirectory
Get-ChildItem *.ps1 | ForEach-Object {
$name = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_.Name)
$name = $name -replace '(^[0-9]\w*-)'
Write-Host " $count. Invoking $name ..." -ForegroundColor White
. $_.FullName
# Initially invoke host profile as those will not detect new profile
# files in their first session
if (
$FirstUseHost -and
(($FirstUseHost -notlike '*Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1')) -and
($myName -eq 'profile')
) {
& "$FirstUseHost"
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