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Created March 1, 2021 20:55
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open import Data.Product
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
singleton-contractible : {A : Set}(x : A) (p : Σ[ y ∈ A ] x ≡ y) (x , refl) ≡ p
singleton-contractible x ( .x , refl )= refl
transport : {A : Set}(B : A Set)(x y : A) x ≡ y B x B y
transport B x .x refl b = b
J : {A : Set}(B : (x y : A) x ≡ y Set) ((x : A) B x x refl) (x y : A)(p : x ≡ y) B x y p
J {A} B base x y p = transport C (x , refl) (y , p) (singleton-contractible x (y , p)) (base x)
where C : Σ[ y ∈ A ] x ≡ y Set
C (y , p) = B x y p
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