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Last active October 12, 2020 23:51
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The bible books in different formats
//Pos0 = Osis, pos1 = Paratext, pos2 = Book_Name, pos3 = shortened
['Gen', 'GEN', 'Genesis', 'Gn'],
['Exod', 'EXO', 'Exodus', 'Ex'],
['Lev', 'LEV', 'Leviticus', 'Lv'],
['Num', 'NUM', 'Numbers', 'Nm'],
['Deut', 'DEU', 'Deuteronomy', 'Dt'],
['Josh', 'JOS', 'Joshua', 'Jos'],
['Judg', 'JDG', 'Judges', 'Jgs'],
['Ruth', 'RUT', 'Ruth', 'Ru'],
['1Sam', '1SA', '1 Samuel', '1 Sm'],
['2Sam', '2SA', '2 Samuel', '2 Sm'],
['1Kgs', '1KI', '1 Kings', '1 Kgs'],
['2Kgs', '2KI', '2 Kings', '2 Kgs'],
['1Chr', '1CH', '1 Chronicles', '1 Chr'],
['2Chr', '2CH', '2 Chronicles', '2 Chr'],
['Ezra', 'EZR', 'Ezra', 'Ezr'],
['Neh', 'NEH', 'Nehemiah', 'Neh'],
['Esth', 'EST', 'Esther', 'Est'],
['Job', 'JOB', 'Job', 'Jb'],
['Ps', 'PSA', 'Psalms', 'Ps'],
['Prov', 'PRO', 'Proverbs', 'Prv'],
['Eccl', 'ECC', 'Ecclesiastes', 'Eccl'],
['Song', 'SOS', 'Song of Solomon', 'Sg'],
['Isa', 'ISA', 'Isaiah', 'Is'],
['Jer', 'JER', 'Jeremiah', 'Jer'],
['Lam', 'LAM', 'Lamentations', 'Lam'],
['Ezek', 'EZE', 'Ezekiel', 'Ez'],
['Dan', 'DAN', 'Daniel', 'Dn'],
['Hos', 'HOS', 'Hosea', 'Hos'],
['Joel', 'JOE', 'Joel', 'Jl'],
['Amos', 'AMO', 'Amos', 'Am'],
['Obad', 'OBA', 'Obadiah', 'Ob'],
['Jonah', 'JON', 'Jonah', 'Jon'],
['Mic', 'MIC', 'Micah', 'Mi'],
['Nah', 'NAH', 'Nahum', 'Na'],
['Hab', 'HAB', 'Habakkuk', 'Hb'],
['Zeph', 'ZEP', 'Zephaniah', 'Zep'],
['Hag', 'HAG', 'Haggai', 'Hg'],
['Zech', 'ZEC', 'Zechariah', 'Zec'],
['Mal', 'MAL', 'Malachi', 'Mal'],
['Matt', 'MAT', 'Matthew', 'Mt'],
['Mark', 'MAR', 'Mark', 'Mk'],
['Luke', 'LUK', 'Luke', 'Lk'],
['John', 'JOH', 'John', 'Jn'],
['Acts', 'ACT', 'Acts', 'Acts'],
['Rom', 'ROM', 'Romans', 'Rom'],
['1Cor', '1CO', '1 Corinthians', '1 Cor'],
['2Cor', '2CO', '2 Corinthians', '2 Cor'],
['Gal', 'GAL', 'Galatians', 'Gal'],
['Eph', 'EPH', 'Ephesians', 'Eph'],
['Phil', 'PHP', 'Philippians', 'Phil'],
['Col', 'COL', 'Colossians', 'Col'],
['1Thess', '1TH', '1 Thessalonians', '1 Thes'],
['2Thess', '2TH', '2 Thessalonians', '2 Thes'],
['1Tim', '1TI', '1 Timothy', '1 Tm'],
['2Tim', '2TI', '2 Timothy', '2 Tm'],
['Titus', 'TIT', 'Titus', 'Ti'],
['Phlm', 'PHM', 'Philemon', 'Phlm'],
['Heb', 'HEB', 'Hebrews', 'Heb'],
['Jas', 'JAM', 'James', 'Jas'],
['1Pet', '1PE', '1 Peter', '1 Pt'],
['2Pet', '2PE', '2 Peter', '2 Pt'],
['1John', '1JO', '1 John', '1 Jn'],
['2John', '2JO', '2 John', '2 Jn'],
['3John', '3JO', '3 John', '3 Jn'],
['Jude', 'JDE', 'Jude', 'Jude'],
['Rev', 'REV', 'Revelation', 'Rv']
'Genesis': 1,
'Exodus': 2,
'Leviticus': 3,
'Numbers': 4,
'Deuteronomy': 5,
'Joshua': 6,
'Judges': 7,
'Ruth': 8,
'1 Samuel': 9,
'2 Samuel': 10,
'1 Kings': 11,
'2 Kings': 12,
'1 Chronicles': 13,
'2 Chronicles': 14,
'Ezra': 15,
'Nehemiah': 16,
'Esther': 17,
'Job': 18,
'Psalms': 19,
'Proverbs': 20,
'Ecclesiastes': 21,
'Song of Solomon': 22,
'Isaiah': 23,
'Jeremiah': 24,
'Lamentations': 25,
'Ezekiel': 26,
'Daniel': 27,
'Hosea': 28,
'Joel': 29,
'Amos': 30,
'Obadiah': 31,
'Jonah': 32,
'Micah': 33,
'Nahum': 34,
'Habakkuk': 35,
'Zephaniah': 36,
'Haggai': 37,
'Zechariah': 38,
'Malachi': 39,
'Matthew': 40,
'Mark': 41,
'Luke': 42,
'John': 43,
'Acts': 44,
'Romans': 45,
'1 Corinthians': 46,
'2 Corinthians': 47,
'Galatians': 48,
'Ephesians': 49,
'Philippians': 50,
'Colossians': 51,
'1 Thessalonians': 52,
'2 Thessalonians': 53,
'1 Timothy': 54,
'2 Timothy': 55,
'Titus': 56,
'Philemon': 57,
'Hebrews': 58,
'James': 59,
'1 Peter': 60,
'2 Peter': 61,
'1 John': 62,
'2 John': 63,
'3 John': 64,
'Jude': 65,
'Revelation': 66
static const books = {
'gn': 1,
'ex': 2,
'lv': 3,
'nm': 4,
'dt': 5,
'jos': 6,
'jgs': 7,
'ru': 8,
'1 sm': 9,
'2 sm': 10,
'1 kgs': 11,
'2 kgs': 12,
'1 chr': 13,
'2 chr': 14,
'ezr': 15,
'neh': 16,
'est': 17,
'jb': 18,
'ps': 19,
'prv': 20,
'eccl': 21,
'sg': 22,
'is': 23,
'jer': 24,
'lam': 25,
'ez': 26,
'dn': 27,
'hos': 28,
'jl': 29,
'am': 30,
'ob': 31,
'jon': 32,
'mi': 33,
'na': 34,
'hb': 35,
'zep': 36,
'hg': 37,
'zec': 38,
'mal': 39,
'mt': 40,
'mk': 41,
'lk': 42,
'jn': 43,
'acts': 44,
'rom': 45,
'1 cor': 46,
'2 cor': 47,
'gal': 48,
'eph': 49,
'phil': 50,
'col': 51,
'1 thes': 52,
'2 thes': 53,
'1 tm': 54,
'2 tm': 55,
'ti': 56,
'phlm': 57,
'heb': 58,
'jas': 59,
'1 pt': 60,
'2 pt': 61,
'1 jn': 62,
'2 jn': 63,
'3 jn': 64,
'jude': 65,
'rv': 66
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