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Oink oink pig pig do away with the pork

Josh Minnich joshmosh

Oink oink pig pig do away with the pork
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joshmosh / One Dark Slack
Created December 16, 2019 19:18
One Dark Theme for Slack
.fg {
color: #abb2bf;
.bg {
color: #2a2c34;
.highlight {
color: #5c6370;

1xx Informational

Status Code Status Message Symbol
100 Continue :continue
101 Switching Protocols :switching_protocols
102 Processing :processing

2xx Success

joshmosh / upload.rb
Created April 19, 2018 14:59
How to upload a directory of files in parallel to S3 using Ruby and Parallel
require "parallel"
require "aws-sdk-s3"
# Read more about the aws sdk config here:
region: "replace_with_region_id",
joshmosh / application_helper.rb
Created March 26, 2018 17:37
Rails Active Link Helper
module ApplicationHelper
def app_link_to(name, url, html_options, active_options)
css_class = html_options[:class].split(' ')
if params[:controller] == active_options[:controller]
css_class << active_options[:active_class]
html_options[:class] = css_class.join(' ')
joshmosh /
Created September 1, 2017 21:10
Proud database moments 👏 🎉

This is much faster on my local machine but the report below shows how well my database optimizations are working on AWS hardware.

Database Instance Class: db.t2.micro Database Engine: Postgres 9.6.2

The test is not a table with a single colum. There are 3 integer columns and 10 string columns. I can't give away too much for information for security purposes.

joshmosh /
Last active September 17, 2021 18:32
Using binary UUIDs with Ruby (on Rails) and MySQL

Binary UUIDs are much more efficient in space and lookups compared to VARCHAR or CHAR UUIDs. To better exmplain how they work I have a few examples of raw sql and how that translates in a programming language like Ruby using the UUID tools module. All examples will reference the following database table and schema.

Table name: users

 id          :uuid(16)
 first_name  :string(255)
 last_name :string(255)

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am joshmosh on github.
  • I am joshmosh ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 2D9D 509E EB5F 74FC 11A2 E124 1BBD 0FB0 9912 4CB5

To claim this, I am signing this object: