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Last active April 4, 2019 20:23
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Spoke OSDI Endpoint

I've built on Larry Person's work and modified his pull request to retrieve spoke contacts as OSDI people, as well as take batched uploaded contacts. I've put a dev server up, you can play with. Whee...

Check it out online

Go Here

This should bring up the olde trusty HAL browser pointed at an organization and campaign. In the Custom Request Headers box, put

OSDI-API-Token: osdi_rocks

You can browse the OSDI people, aka campaign contact collection in Spoke. Code Branch

People Signup Helper

I've riffed on the OSDI Person Signup Helper with another attribute "people" which takes an array of people to sign up in one shot. It reuses Larry's validation, so you'll get back status.

Content-Type: application/json

  "people": [
      "given_name": "loooooLawrence",
      "family_name": "Woodard",
      "phone_numbers": [
          "number_type": "Mobile",
          "number": "+16462321001",
          "sms_capable": true

Response with invalid record

  "invalid": [
      "first_name": "Scott",
      "last_name": "Williams",
      "email": "",
      "cell": null,
      "zip": "10011"
  "dupes_in_batch": 0,
  "number_submitted": 9,
  "dupes_in_campaign": 8,
  "opted_out": 0,
  "added": 0
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