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Forked from anka-213/CheckStrictness.hs
Created November 22, 2022 21:23
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A type class for statically checking if data is fully strict
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module CheckStrictness where
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits
-- | A type class that decides if a data type is fully strict or not,
-- meaning that forcing it to whnf will fully force it
type IsStrict a = IsStrict' (Text " • When checking strictness of: " :<>: ShowType a) a
-- The error message argument is here to preserve context
class IsStrict' (e :: ErrorMessage) a
-- Automatically derive for generic types
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
(Generic a , GIsStrict (Text " • In type: " :<>: ShowType a :$$: e) (Rep a a))
=> IsStrict' e a
-- Primitive data doesn't have generics, so we implement them manually
instance IsStrict' e Int
instance IsStrict' e Char
-- Prevent type checking loops for simple strict recursive types.
-- If the recursion goes via multiple levels or changes types, this won't prevent it.
-- in those cases, write a manual instance for the type
class BreakLoop (e :: ErrorMessage) a (b :: Bool)
instance IsStrict' e a => BreakLoop e a False
instance BreakLoop e a True -- Loop, so don't recurse further
type family IsEqual a b :: Bool where
IsEqual a a = True
IsEqual a b = False
class GIsStrict (e :: ErrorMessage) a
instance (GIsStrict e (f p), GIsStrict e (g p)) => GIsStrict e ((f :*: g) p)
instance (GIsStrict e (f p), GIsStrict e (g p)) => GIsStrict e ((f :+: g) p)
instance GIsStrict e (U1 p)
instance GIsStrict e (V1 p)
-- instance IsStrict' e k => GIsStrict e (Rec0 k p)
instance BreakLoop e k (IsEqual k p) => GIsStrict e (Rec0 k p)
instance GIsStrict e (f p) => GIsStrict e (D1 m f p)
instance GIsStrict (Text " • In constructor: " :<>: Text nm :$$: e) (f p) => GIsStrict e (C1 (MetaCons nm fx b) f p)
instance GIsStrict (Text " • In strict field" :<>: ShowName nm :<>: Text " of type " :<>: ShowType k :$$: e) (Rec0 k p) => GIsStrict e (S1 (MetaSel nm su ss DecidedStrict) (Rec0 k) p)
instance GIsStrict (Text " • In unpacked field" :<>: ShowName nm :<>: Text " of type " :<>: ShowType k :$$: e) (Rec0 k p) => GIsStrict e (S1 (MetaSel nm su ss DecidedUnpack) (Rec0 k) p)
instance TypeError (Text "Found lazy field" :<>: ShowName nm :<>: Text " of type " :<>: ShowType k :$$: e)
=> GIsStrict e (S1 (MetaSel nm su ss DecidedLazy) (Rec0 k) p)
type family ShowName a where
ShowName Nothing = Text ""
ShowName (Just nm) = Text "" :<>: Text nm :<>: Text ""
nfStrict :: IsStrict a => a -> ()
nfStrict a = a `seq` ()
-- * Examples:
-- >>> nfStrict @(Int, Int)
-- Found lazy field of type Int
-- • In constructor: (,)
-- • In type: (Int, Int)
-- • When checking strictness of: (Int, Int)
-- >>> nfStrict @Char 'a'
-- ()
-- >>> nfStrict @String
-- Found lazy field of type Char
-- • In constructor: :
-- • In type: [Char]
-- • When checking strictness of: String
-- Found lazy field of type [Char]
-- • In constructor: :
-- • In type: [Char]
-- • When checking strictness of: String
data StrictPair a b = P !a !b
deriving Generic
-- Non-strict type in strict field
-- >>> nfStrict @(StrictPair Int String)
-- Found lazy field of type Char
-- • In constructor: :
-- • In type: [Char]
-- • In strict field of type [Char]
-- • In constructor: P
-- • In type: StrictPair Int String
-- • When checking strictness of: StrictPair Int String
-- Found lazy field of type [Char]
-- • In constructor: :
-- • In type: [Char]
-- • In strict field of type [Char]
-- • In constructor: P
-- • In type: StrictPair Int String
-- • When checking strictness of: StrictPair Int String
-- Explicit record selector name
-- >>> nfStrict @(Rec0 Int ())
-- Found lazy field ‘unK1‘ of type Int
-- • In constructor: K1
-- • In type: K1 R Int ()
-- • When checking strictness of: Rec0 Int ()
-- >>> nfStrict @(StrictPair () Int) (P () 0)
-- ()
-- Only strict in the spine
data SpineStrictList a = SSLNil | SSLCons a !(SpineStrictList a) deriving Generic
-- Would cause infinite recursion in type checking without explicit loop breaking
-- >>> nfStrict @(SpineStrictList String)
-- Found lazy field of type Char
-- • In constructor: :
-- • In type: [Char]
-- • In strict field of type [Char]
-- • In constructor: SSLCons
-- • In type: SpineStrictList String
-- • When checking strictness of: SpineStrictList String
-- Found lazy field of type [Char]
-- • In constructor: :
-- • In type: [Char]
-- • In strict field of type [Char]
-- • In constructor: SSLCons
-- • In type: SpineStrictList String
-- • When checking strictness of: SpineStrictList String
-- Fully strict list
data StrictList a = SLNil | SLCons !a !(StrictList a) deriving Generic
-- A strict list of strict data is strict
-- >>> nfStrict @(StrictList Int) (SLCons 0 SLNil)
-- ()
-- But a strict list of non-strict data is not strict
-- >>> nfStrict @(StrictList String)
-- Found lazy field of type Char
-- • In constructor: :
-- • In type: [Char]
-- • In strict field of type [Char]
-- • In constructor: SLCons
-- • In type: StrictList String
-- • When checking strictness of: StrictList String
-- Found lazy field of type [Char]
-- • In constructor: :
-- • In type: [Char]
-- • In strict field of type [Char]
-- • In constructor: SLCons
-- • In type: StrictList String
-- • When checking strictness of: StrictList String
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
module CheckStrictness2 where
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (Proxy))
-- An alternative version where you need to explicitly derive the instances
-- The errors are slightly less detailed, but the loop issues are gone
-- | A type class that decides if a data type is fully strict or not,
-- meaning that forcing it to whnf will fully force it
-- The error message argument is here to preserve context
class IsStrict a where
fastDeepseq :: a -> b -> b
-- Need to have a method in order to use default signatures to restrict simple deriving
-- The other alternative would be to only use deriving via, but that's more error prone
default fastDeepseq :: (Generic a, GIsStrict ('Text " • When checking strictness of: " ':<>: 'ShowType a) (Rep a a)) =>
a -> b -> b
fastDeepseq = seq
newtype Generically a = Generically a
-- Automatically derive for generic types
instance (Generic a , GIsStrict (Text " • In type: " :<>: ShowType a) (Rep a a))
=> IsStrict (Generically a) where
fastDeepseq :: (Generic a, GIsStrict ('Text " • In type: " ':<>: 'ShowType a) (Rep a a)) =>
Generically a -> b -> b
fastDeepseq = seq
newtype AssumeStrict a = AssumeStrict a
instance IsStrict (AssumeStrict a) where
fastDeepseq = seq
-- Primitive data doesn't have generics, so we implement them manually
deriving via (AssumeStrict Int) instance IsStrict Int
deriving via (AssumeStrict Char) instance IsStrict Char
class GIsStrict (e :: ErrorMessage) a
instance (GIsStrict e (f p), GIsStrict e (g p)) => GIsStrict e ((f :*: g) p)
instance (GIsStrict e (f p), GIsStrict e (g p)) => GIsStrict e ((f :+: g) p)
instance GIsStrict e (U1 p)
instance GIsStrict e (V1 p)
instance IsStrict k => GIsStrict e (Rec0 k p)
instance GIsStrict e (f p) => GIsStrict e (D1 m f p)
instance GIsStrict (Text " • In constructor: " :<>: Text nm :$$: e) (f p) => GIsStrict e (C1 (MetaCons nm fx b) f p)
instance GIsStrict (Text " • In strict field" :<>: ShowName nm :<>: Text " of type " :<>: ShowType k :$$: e) (Rec0 k p) => GIsStrict e (S1 (MetaSel nm su ss DecidedStrict) (Rec0 k) p)
instance GIsStrict (Text " • In unpacked field" :<>: ShowName nm :<>: Text " of type " :<>: ShowType k :$$: e) (Rec0 k p) => GIsStrict e (S1 (MetaSel nm su ss DecidedUnpack) (Rec0 k) p)
instance TypeError (Text "Found lazy field" :<>: ShowName nm :<>: Text " of type " :<>: ShowType k :$$: e)
=> GIsStrict e (S1 (MetaSel nm su ss DecidedLazy) (Rec0 k) p)
type family ShowName a where
ShowName Nothing = Text ""
ShowName (Just nm) = Text "" :<>: Text nm :<>: Text ""
-- | For a strict data type, seq is the same as deepseq
nfStrict :: IsStrict a => a -> ()
nfStrict a = a `seq` ()
-- * Examples:
-- >>> instance IsStrict (a , b)
-- Found lazy field of type a
-- • In constructor: (,)
-- • When checking strictness of: (a, b)
-- Found lazy field of type b
-- • In constructor: (,)
-- • When checking strictness of: (a, b)
-- >>> instance IsStrict String
-- Found lazy field of type Char
-- • In constructor: :
-- • When checking strictness of: String
-- Found lazy field of type [Char]
-- • In constructor: :
-- • When checking strictness of: String
-- >>> nfStrict @(Int, Int)
-- No instance for (IsStrict (Int, Int))
-- arising from a use of ‘nfStrict’
-- >>> nfStrict @Char 'a'
-- ()
-- >>> nfStrict @String
-- No instance for (IsStrict String) arising from a use of ‘nfStrict’
data StrictPair a b = P !a !b
deriving (Generic, IsStrict)
-- Non-strict type in strict field
-- >>> nfStrict @(StrictPair Int String)
-- No instance for (IsStrict [Char]) arising from a use of ‘nfStrict’
-- >>> instance IsStrict (Rec0 a b)
-- Found lazy field ‘unK1‘ of type a
-- • In constructor: K1
-- • When checking strictness of: Rec0 a b
-- Explicit record selector name
-- >>> nfStrict @(Rec0 Int ())
-- No instance for (IsStrict (Rec0 Int ()))
-- arising from a use of ‘nfStrict’
instance IsStrict ()
-- >>> nfStrict @(StrictPair () Int) (P () 0)
-- No instance for (IsStrict ()) arising from a use of ‘nfStrict’
-- Only strict in the spine
data SpineStrictList a = SSLNil | SSLCons a !(SpineStrictList a) deriving (Generic, IsStrict)
-- instance IsStrict a => IsStrict (SpineStrictList a)
-- No longer need loop breaking to protect this
-- >>> nfStrict @(SpineStrictList String)
-- No instance for (IsStrict [Char]) arising from a use of ‘nfStrict’
-- Spine strict is enough to make it derive full strictness
-- >>> nfStrict @(SpineStrictList Int) (SSLCons 0 SSLNil)
-- ()
-- Fully strict list
data StrictList a = SLNil | SLCons !a !(StrictList a) deriving (Generic, IsStrict)
-- instance IsStrict a => IsStrict (StrictList a)
-- A strict list of strict data is strict
-- >>> nfStrict @(StrictList Int) (SLCons 0 SLNil)
-- ()
-- But a strict list of non-strict data is not strict
-- >>> nfStrict @(StrictList String)
-- No instance for (IsStrict [Char]) arising from a use of ‘nfStrict’
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