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Last active September 3, 2020 15:01
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Quick Apple Script for listening to's Code Radio with QuickTime Player on macOS!
Quick and simple Apple Script to listen to's Code Radio using QuickTime Player on macOS.
Check out the web player here:
Josh Brown <>
- Using Script Editor (/Applications/Utilities/Script, save this script to wherever you'd like using the 'Script' format in the save dialog
- File > Export
- In the Export Dialog select the following:
- File Format: Application
- Options: Run Only
- Double click when you want to listen!
- Pro tip: If you use Alfred or Spotlight, you can quickly start listening to Code Radio!
- Ability to select stream from list (no relays yet)
set streamList to {"128kbps MP3", "64kbps MP3"}
set stream128 to ""
set stream64 to ""
set selectedStream to ¬
(choose from list streamList ¬
with title ¬
"'s Code Radio" with prompt ¬
"Which Stream Would You Like To Use?" default items "128kbps MP3") ¬
as text
if (selectedStream = "128kbps MP3") then
set theCodeRadioUrl to stream128
set theCodeRadioUrl to stream64
end if
set timestamp to (do shell script "date +'%s'")
tell application "QuickTime Player"
open URL theCodeRadioUrl & "?" & timestamp
end tell
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