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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Insertion and extraction in coherence with increment and decrement, and minimum extraction (proved correct, of course).
open import Data.Sum
module BinomialHeap (V : Set)
(_≤_ : V V Set) (≤-refl : {x : V} x ≤ x) (≤-trans : {x y z : V} x ≤ y y ≤ z x ≤ z)
(_≤?_ : (x y : V) x ≤ y ⊎ y ≤ x) where
open import Level using (Level; _⊔_)
open import Function
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Bool using (Bool; false; true)
open import Data.Maybe renaming (map to mapMaybe)
open import Data.Product renaming (map to _**_; <_,_> to split)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc)
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Binary.HeterogeneousEquality using (_≅_; ≅-to-≡; ≡-to-≅; ≡-subst-removable)
renaming (refl to hrefl; sym to fsym; trans to htrans; cong to hcong)
- : {l : Level} {A : Set l} {{_ : A}} A
- {{a}} = a
-- See Conor McBride's "How to keep your neighbours in order" (ICFP'14)
if_then_else_ : {A B C : Set} A ⊎ B ({{_ : A}} C) ({{_ : B}} C) C
if inj₁ a then t else u = t
if inj₂ b then t else u = u
if-elim : {A B C : Set} (c : A ⊎ B) (ca : {{_ : A}} C) (cb : {{_ : B}} C)
(P : C Set) ({{_ : A}} P ca) ({{_ : B}} P cb) P (if c then ca else cb)
if-elim (inj₁ a) ca cb P pa pb = pa
if-elim (inj₂ b) ca cb P pa pb = pb
pattern <_> b = _ , b
pattern <_>' h = h , _
pattern <_>ʳ h = h , refl
Exists : {a b} {A : Set a} (A Set b) Set (a ⊔ b)
Exists = Σ _
syntax Exists (λ x P) = ∃[ x ] P
-- binary numbers
data Bin : Set where -- specialisation of List Bool
nul : Bin
zero : Bin Bin
one : Bin Bin
incr : Bin Bin
incr nul = one nul
incr (zero b) = one b
incr (one b) = zero (incr b)
-- binomial trees
_^_ : (ℕ Set) Set
X ^ zero =
X ^ (suc n) = X n × (X ^ n)
data BTree : V Set where
node : {x : V} {r : ℕ} (y : V) {{ord : x ≤ y}} (ts : BTree y ^ r) BTree x r
root : {x : V} {r : ℕ} BTree x r V
root (node a ts) = a
link : {x y : V} {r : ℕ} (t : BTree x r) (u : BTree y r) {{leq : root u ≤ root t}} BTree y (suc r)
link (node a ts) (node b us) = node b (node a ts , us)
link-root : {x y : V} {r : ℕ} (t : BTree x r) (u : BTree y r) {{leq : root u ≤ root t}}
{l : V} l ≤ root u l ≤ root (link t u)
link-root (node a ts) (node b us) l≤b = l≤b
attach' : {x y : V} {r : ℕ} BTree x r BTree y r ∃[ z ] BTree z (suc r)
attach' t u = if root t ≤? root u then < link u t > else < link t u >
attach : {x y : V} {r : ℕ} (t : BTree x r) (u : BTree y r) BTree (proj₁ (attach' t u)) (suc r)
attach t u = proj₂ (attach' t u)
bound-root : {x : V} {r : ℕ} (t : BTree x r) {y : V} y ≤ x y ≤ root t
bound-root (node a {{x≤a}} ts) y≤x = ≤-trans y≤x x≤a
attach-root : {x y : V} {r : ℕ} (t : BTree x r) (u : BTree y r)
{l : V} l ≤ root t l ≤ root u l ≤ root (attach t u)
attach-root {x} {y} {r} t u {l} l≤t l≤u =
if-elim {C = ∃[ z ] BTree z (suc r)} (root t ≤? root u) < link u t > < link t u >
(λ v l ≤ root (proj₂ v)) (link-root u t l≤t) (link-root t u l≤u)
-- binomial heaps
-- ornamentation of Bin
data BHeap : Set where
nul : {r : ℕ} BHeap r
zero : {r : ℕ} (h : BHeap (suc r)) BHeap r
one : {r : ℕ} {x : V} (t : BTree x r) (h : BHeap (suc r)) BHeap r
-- free
toBin : {r : ℕ} BHeap r Bin
toBin nul = nul
toBin (zero h) = zero (toBin h)
toBin (one x h) = one (toBin h)
-- free
data BHeap' : Bin Set where
nul : {r : ℕ} BHeap' r nul
zero : {r : ℕ} {b : Bin} (h : BHeap' (suc r) b) BHeap' r (zero b)
one : {r : ℕ} {b : Bin} {x : V} (t : BTree x r) (h : BHeap' (suc r) b) BHeap' r (one b)
insT' : {x : V} {r : ℕ} {b : Bin} BTree x r BHeap' r b BHeap' r (incr b)
insT' t nul = one t nul
insT' t (zero h) = one t h
insT' t (one u h) = zero (insT' (attach t u) h)
-- free
toBHeap : {r : ℕ} {b : Bin} BHeap' r b BHeap r
toBHeap nul = nul
toBHeap (zero h) = zero (toBHeap h)
toBHeap (one t h) = one t (toBHeap h)
-- free
fromBHeap : {r : ℕ} (h : BHeap r) BHeap' r (toBin h)
fromBHeap nul = nul
fromBHeap (zero h) = zero (fromBHeap h)
fromBHeap (one t h) = one t (fromBHeap h)
-- free
insT : {x : V} {r : ℕ} BTree x r BHeap r BHeap r
insT t h = toBHeap (insT' t (fromBHeap h))
-- free
recomputation : {r : ℕ} {b : Bin} (h : BHeap' r b) toBin (toBHeap h) ≡ b
recomputation nul = refl
recomputation (zero h) = cong zero (recomputation h)
recomputation (one t h) = cong one (recomputation h)
-- free
incr-insT-coherence : {x : V} {r : ℕ} (t : BTree x r) (h : BHeap r) toBin (insT t h) ≡ incr (toBin h)
incr-insT-coherence t h = recomputation (insT' t (fromBHeap h))
-- refinements and upgrades
elim-≡ : {a b} {A : Set a} {x : A} (P : {y : A} x ≡ y Set b) P refl {y : A} (eq : x ≡ y) P eq
elim-≡ P p refl = p
record Iso (A B : Set) : Set₁ where
to : A B
from : B A
from-to-inverse : (x : A) from (to x) ≡ x
to-from-inverse : (y : B) to (from y) ≡ y
record Refinement (X Y : Set) : Set₁ where
P : X Set
i : Iso Y (Σ X P)
forget : Y X
forget = proj₁ ∘ i
canonRef : {X Y : Set} (Y X) Refinement X Y
canonRef {X} {Y} f =
record { P = λ x Σ[ y ∈ Y ] f y ≡ x
; i = record { to = split f (split id (λ _ refl))
; from = proj₁ ∘ proj₂
; to-from-inverse = λ { (._ , y , refl) refl }
; from-to-inverse = λ _ refl } }
prom-change : {X Y : Set} (r s : Refinement X Y) ((y : Y) Refinement.forget r y ≡ Refinement.forget s y)
x Refinement.P r x Refinement.P s x
prom-change r s eq x p =
subst (Refinement.P s)
(trans (sym (eq (Iso.from (Refinement.i r) (x , p)))) (cong proj₁ ( (Refinement.i r) (x , p))))
(proj₂ ( (Refinement.i s) (Iso.from (Refinement.i r) (x , p))))
prom-inverse : {X Y : Set} (r s : Refinement X Y)
(rseq : (y : Y) Refinement.forget r y ≡ Refinement.forget s y)
(sreq : (y : Y) Refinement.forget s y ≡ Refinement.forget r y)
x (p : Refinement.P r x) prom-change s r sreq x (prom-change r s rseq x p) ≡ p
prom-inverse r s rseq sreq x p =
let xp = (x , subst (Refinement.P s)
(trans (sym (rseq (Iso.from (Refinement.i r) (x , p))))
(cong proj₁ ( (Refinement.i r) (x , p))))
(proj₂ ( (Refinement.i s) (Iso.from (Refinement.i r) (x , p)))))
in ≅-to-≡ (htrans (≡-subst-removable (Refinement.P r)
(trans (sym (sreq (Iso.from (Refinement.i s) xp)))
(cong proj₁ ( (Refinement.i s) xp)))
(proj₂ ( (Refinement.i r) (Iso.from (Refinement.i s) xp))))
(elim-≡ (λ {x'} eq'
proj₂ ( (Refinement.i r) (Iso.from (Refinement.i s)
(x' , subst (Refinement.P s) eq'
(proj₂ ( (Refinement.i s) (Iso.from (Refinement.i r) (x , p)))))))
≅ p)
(htrans (hcong (proj₂ ∘ (Refinement.i r))
(≡-to-≅ (Iso.from-to-inverse (Refinement.i s) (Iso.from (Refinement.i r) (x , p)))))
(hcong proj₂ (≡-to-≅ ( (Refinement.i r) (x , p)))))
(trans (sym (rseq (Iso.from (Refinement.i r) (x , p))))
(cong proj₁ ( (Refinement.i r) (x , p))))))
promIso : {X Y : Set} (r s : Refinement X Y) ((y : Y) Refinement.forget r y ≡ Refinement.forget s y)
x Iso (Refinement.P r x) (Refinement.P s x)
promIso r s eq x =
record { to = prom-change r s eq x
; from = prom-change s r (sym ∘ eq) x
; to-from-inverse = prom-inverse s r (sym ∘ eq) eq x
; from-to-inverse = prom-inverse r s eq (sym ∘ eq) x }
coherence : {X Y : Set} (r : Refinement X Y) x Iso (Refinement.P r x) (Σ[ y ∈ Y ] Refinement.forget r y ≡ x)
coherence {X} {Y} r = promIso r (canonRef (Refinement.forget r)) (λ _ refl)
record Upgrade (X Y : Set) : Set₁ where
P : X Set
C : X Y Set
u : x P x Y
c : x (p : P x) C x (u x p)
toUpgrade : {X Y} Refinement X Y Upgrade X Y
toUpgrade r = record { P = Refinement.P r
; C = λ x y Refinement.forget r y ≡ x
; u = λ x proj₁ ∘ (coherence r x)
; c = λ x proj₂ ∘ (coherence r x) }
_⇀_ : {X Y Z W : Set} Refinement X Y Upgrade Z W Upgrade (X Z) (Y W)
r ⇀ s = record { P = λ f x (p : Refinement.P r x) Upgrade.P s (f x)
; C = λ f g x y Upgrade.C (toUpgrade r) x y Upgrade.C s (f x) (g y)
; u = λ f h Upgrade.u s _ ∘ uncurry h ∘ (Refinement.i r)
; c = λ { f h ._ y refl let xp = ( (Refinement.i r) y)
in Upgrade.c s (f (proj₁ xp)) (uncurry h xp) } }
infixr 2 _⇀_
new : {X : Set} (I : Set) {Y : I Set} ( i Upgrade X (Y i)) Upgrade X ((i : I) Y i)
new I r = record { P = λ x i Upgrade.P (r i) x
; C = λ x y i Upgrade.C (r i) x (y i)
; u = λ x p i Upgrade.u (r i) x (p i)
; c = λ x p i Upgrade.c (r i) x (p i) }
syntax new I (λ i r) = ∀⁺[ i ∈ I ] r
new' : {X : Set} (I : Set) {Y : I Set} ( i Upgrade X (Y i)) Upgrade X ({i : I} Y i)
new' I r = record { P = λ x {i} Upgrade.P (r i) x
; C = λ x y {i} Upgrade.C (r i) x (y {i})
; u = λ x p {i} Upgrade.u (r i) x (p {i})
; c = λ x p {i} Upgrade.c (r i) x (p {i}) }
syntax new' I (λ i r) = ∀⁺[[ i ∈ I ]] r
fixed : (I : Set) {X : I Set} {Y : I Set} ( i Upgrade (X i) (Y i)) Upgrade ((i : I) X i) ((i : I) Y i)
fixed I u = record { P = λ f i Upgrade.P (u i) (f i)
; C = λ f g i Upgrade.C (u i) (f i) (g i)
; u = λ f h i Upgrade.u (u i) (f i) (h i)
; c = λ f h i Upgrade.c (u i) (f i) (h i) }
syntax fixed I (λ i u) = ∀[ i ∈ I ] u
fixed' : (I : Set) {X : I Set} {Y : I Set} ( i Upgrade (X i) (Y i)) Upgrade ({i : I} X i) ({i : I} Y i)
fixed' I u = record { P = λ f {i} Upgrade.P (u i) (f {i})
; C = λ f g {i} Upgrade.C (u i) (f {i}) (g {i})
; u = λ f h {i} Upgrade.u (u i) (f {i}) (h {i})
; c = λ f h {i} Upgrade.c (u i) (f {i}) (h {i}) }
syntax fixed' I (λ i u) = ∀[[ i ∈ I ]] u
fixed'' : (I : Set) {X : I Set} {Y : I Set} ( i Upgrade (X i) (Y i)) Upgrade ((i : I) X i) ({i : I} Y i)
fixed'' I u = record { P = λ f (i : I) Upgrade.P (u i) (f i)
; C = λ f g (i : I) Upgrade.C (u i) (f i) (g {i})
; u = λ f h {i} Upgrade.u (u i) (f i) (h i)
; c = λ f h i Upgrade.c (u i) (f i) (h i) }
record FUpgrade (X Y : Set) : Set₁ where
P : X Set
forget : Y X
u : x P x Y
c : x (p : P x) forget (u x p) ≡ x
fromFUpgrade : {X Y : Set} FUpgrade X Y Upgrade X Y
fromFUpgrade fupg = record
{ P = FUpgrade.P fupg
; C = λ x y FUpgrade.forget fupg y ≡ x
; u = FUpgrade.u fupg
; c = FUpgrade.c fupg }
toFUpgrade : {X Y : Set} Refinement X Y FUpgrade X Y
toFUpgrade ref = record
{ P = Refinement.P ref
; forget = Refinement.forget ref
; u = curry (Iso.from (Refinement.i ref))
; c = curry (cong proj₁ ∘ (Refinement.i ref)) }
_⁺×_ : (X : Set) {Y Z : Set} FUpgrade Y Z FUpgrade Y (X × Z)
X ⁺× fupg = record { P = λ y X × FUpgrade.P fupg y
; forget = FUpgrade.forget fupg ∘ proj₂
; u = λ { y (x , p) x , FUpgrade.u fupg y p }
; c = λ { y (x , p) FUpgrade.c fupg y p } }
-- refinement from Bin to BHeap
toBHeap-fromBHeap-inverse : {r : ℕ} (h : BHeap r) toBHeap (fromBHeap h) ≡ h
toBHeap-fromBHeap-inverse nul = refl
toBHeap-fromBHeap-inverse (zero h) = cong zero (toBHeap-fromBHeap-inverse h)
toBHeap-fromBHeap-inverse (one t h) = cong (one t) (toBHeap-fromBHeap-inverse h)
fromBHeap-toBHeap-inverse :
{r : ℕ} (b : Bin) (h' : BHeap' r b)
let h = toBHeap h' in (toBin h , fromBHeap h) ≡ (Σ Bin (BHeap' r) ∋ b , h')
fromBHeap-toBHeap-inverse nul nul = refl
fromBHeap-toBHeap-inverse (zero b) (zero h') = cong (zero ** zero) (fromBHeap-toBHeap-inverse b h')
fromBHeap-toBHeap-inverse (one b) (one t h') = cong (one ** one t) (fromBHeap-toBHeap-inverse b h')
Bin-BHeap : (r : ℕ) Refinement Bin (BHeap r)
Bin-BHeap r = record
{ P = BHeap' r
; i = record { to = split toBin fromBHeap
; from = toBHeap ∘ proj₂
; from-to-inverse = toBHeap-fromBHeap-inverse
; to-from-inverse = uncurry fromBHeap-toBHeap-inverse } }
-- decrement and extraction
decr : Bin Maybe Bin
decr nul = nothing
decr (zero b) = mapMaybe one (decr b)
decr (one b) = just (zero b)
data Maybe' {A : Set} (B : A Set) : Maybe A Set where
nothing : Maybe' B nothing
just : {a : A} (b : B a) Maybe' B (just a)
toMaybe : {A : Set} {B : A Set} {ma : Maybe A} Maybe' B ma Maybe (Σ A B)
toMaybe nothing = nothing
toMaybe (just b) = just < b >
mapMaybe' : {A B : Set} {C : A Set} {D : B Set} {f : A B} ({a : A} C a D (f a))
{ma : Maybe A} Maybe' C ma Maybe' D (mapMaybe f ma)
mapMaybe' f' nothing = nothing
mapMaybe' f' (just c) = just (f' c)
maybeFU : {A B : Set} FUpgrade A B FUpgrade (Maybe A) (Maybe B)
maybeFU {A} {B} fupg = record
{ P = Maybe' (FUpgrade.P fupg)
; forget = mapMaybe (FUpgrade.forget fupg)
; u = λ _ mapMaybe proj₂ ∘ toMaybe ∘ mapMaybe' {f = id} (λ {a} FUpgrade.u fupg a)
; c = λ { nothing nothing refl
; (just a) (just p) cong just (FUpgrade.c fupg a p) } }
decr-extract-upg : Upgrade (Bin Maybe Bin) ({r : ℕ} BHeap r Maybe ((∃[ x ] BTree x r) × BHeap r))
decr-extract-upg = ∀⁺[[ r ∈ ℕ ]] Bin-BHeap r ⇀ fromFUpgrade (maybeFU ((∃[ x ] BTree x r) ⁺× toFUpgrade (Bin-BHeap r)))
extract' : {r : ℕ} (b : Bin) BHeap' r b Maybe' (λ b' (∃[ x ] BTree x r) × BHeap' r b') (decr b)
extract' ._ nul = nothing
extract' ._ (zero h) = mapMaybe' (λ { ((x , node a (t , ts)) , h) < node {x} a ts > , one t h }) (extract' _ h)
extract' ._ (one t h) = just (< t > , zero h)
extract : {r : ℕ} BHeap r Maybe ((∃[ x ] BTree x r) × BHeap r)
extract = Upgrade.u decr-extract-upg decr extract'
decr-extract-coherence : {r : ℕ} (h : BHeap r) mapMaybe (toBin ∘ proj₂) (extract h) ≡ decr (toBin h)
decr-extract-coherence h = Upgrade.c decr-extract-upg decr extract' _ h refl
first : {r : ℕ} BHeap r Maybe (∃[ x ] ∃[ r' ] BTree x r')
first nul = nothing
first (zero h) = first h
first (one t h) = just < < t > >
extract-first : {r : ℕ} (h : BHeap r) mapMaybe (root ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₁) (extract h) ≡ mapMaybe (root ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂) (first h)
extract-first nul = refl
extract-first (zero h) with extract-first h
extract-first (zero h) | eq with extract' (toBin h) (fromBHeap h)
extract-first (zero h) | eq | _ with decr (toBin h)
extract-first (zero h) | eq | nothing | nothing = eq
extract-first (zero h) | eq | just ((x , node a (t , ts)) , h') | just b = eq
extract-first (one t h) = refl
-- minimum extraction
replace : {x y : V} {r : ℕ} (k : ℕ) → BTree x r → BTree y (k + r) → BTree y r × (∃[ z ] BTree z (k + r))
replace zero t u = u , < t >
replace (suc k) t (node b (u , us)) = (id ** (attach' u ∘ proj₂)) (replace k t (node b us))
replace-lemma : {x y : V} {r : ℕ} (k : ℕ) (t : BTree x r) (u : BTree y (k + r)) → root (proj₁ (replace k t u)) ≡ root u
replace-lemma zero t u = refl
replace-lemma (suc k) t (node b (u , us)) = replace-lemma k t (node b us)
-- ornamentation of BHeap
data BHeap'' : Maybe V Set where
nul : {r : ℕ} BHeap'' r nothing
zero : {r : ℕ} {ma : Maybe V} (h : BHeap'' (suc r) ma) BHeap'' r ma
oneᶠ : {r : ℕ} {x : V} (t : BTree x r) (h : BHeap'' (suc r) nothing) BHeap'' r (just (root t))
oneᵗʰ : {r : ℕ} {x : V} (t : BTree x r) {a : V} (h : BHeap'' (suc r) (just a)) {{leq : root t ≤ a}} BHeap'' r (just (root t))
oneᵗᵗ : {r : ℕ} {x : V} (t : BTree x r) {a : V} (h : BHeap'' (suc r) (just a)) {{leq : a ≤ root t}} BHeap'' r (just a)
-- free
fromBHeap'' : {r : ℕ} {ma : Maybe V} BHeap'' r ma BHeap r
fromBHeap'' nul = nul
fromBHeap'' (zero h) = zero (fromBHeap'' h)
fromBHeap'' (oneᶠ t h) = one t (fromBHeap'' h)
fromBHeap'' (oneᵗʰ t h) = one t (fromBHeap'' h)
fromBHeap'' (oneᵗᵗ t h) = one t (fromBHeap'' h)
_∈ᵀ_ : V {r : ℕ} BHeap r Set
a ∈ᵀ nul =
a ∈ᵀ zero h = a ∈ᵀ h
a ∈ᵀ one u h = a ≡ root u ⊎ a ∈ᵀ h
empty-heap : {r : ℕ} (h : BHeap'' r nothing) {a : V} ¬ (a ∈ᵀ fromBHeap'' h)
empty-heap nul ()
empty-heap (zero h) i = empty-heap h i
root-element : {r : ℕ} {a : V} (h : BHeap'' r (just a)) a ∈ᵀ fromBHeap'' h
root-element (zero h) = root-element h
root-element (oneᶠ t h) = inj₁ refl
root-element (oneᵗʰ t h) = inj₁ refl
root-element (oneᵗᵗ t h) = inj₂ (root-element h)
_≤ᵀ_ : (a : V) {r : ℕ} (h : BHeap r) Set
a ≤ᵀ h = {b : V} b ∈ᵀ h a ≤ b
lower-bound : {r : ℕ} {a : V} (h : BHeap'' r (just a)) a ≤ᵀ fromBHeap'' h
lower-bound (zero h) i = lower-bound h i
lower-bound (oneᶠ t h) (inj₁ refl) = ≤-refl
lower-bound (oneᶠ t h) (inj₂ i ) = ⊥-elim (empty-heap h i)
lower-bound (oneᵗʰ t h) (inj₁ refl) = ≤-refl
lower-bound (oneᵗʰ t h) (inj₂ i ) = ≤-trans - (lower-bound h i)
lower-bound (oneᵗᵗ t h) (inj₁ refl) = -
lower-bound (oneᵗᵗ t h) (inj₂ i ) = lower-bound h i
_IsMinRootOf_ : (a : V) {r : ℕ} (h : BHeap r) Set
a IsMinRootOf h = a ∈ᵀ h × a ≤ᵀ h
minimum-root : {r : ℕ} {a : V} (h : BHeap'' r (just a)) a IsMinRootOf (fromBHeap'' h)
minimum-root h = root-element h , lower-bound h
toBHeap'' : {r : ℕ} BHeap r ∃[ ma ] BHeap'' r ma
toBHeap'' nul = < nul >
toBHeap'' (zero h) = (id ** zero) (toBHeap'' h)
toBHeap'' (one t h) with toBHeap'' h
toBHeap'' (one t h) | nothing , h' = < oneᶠ t h' >
toBHeap'' (one t h) | just a , h' = if root t ≤? a then < oneᵗʰ t h' > else < oneᵗᵗ t h' >
-- free, if toBHeap'' is defined in terms of the optimised predicate
fromBHeap''-toBHeap''-inverse : {r : ℕ} (h : BHeap r) fromBHeap'' (proj₂ (toBHeap'' h)) ≡ h
fromBHeap''-toBHeap''-inverse nul = refl
fromBHeap''-toBHeap''-inverse (zero h) = cong zero (fromBHeap''-toBHeap''-inverse h)
fromBHeap''-toBHeap''-inverse (one t h) with fromBHeap''-toBHeap''-inverse h
fromBHeap''-toBHeap''-inverse (one t h) | eq with toBHeap'' h
fromBHeap''-toBHeap''-inverse (one t h) | eq | nothing , h' = cong (one t) eq
fromBHeap''-toBHeap''-inverse {r} (one t h) | eq | just a , h' =
if-elim {C = ∃[ ma ] BHeap'' r ma} (root t ≤? a) < oneᵗʰ t h' > < oneᵗᵗ t h' >
(λ w fromBHeap'' (proj₂ w) ≡ one t h) (cong (one t) eq) (cong (one t) eq)
regular : {r : ℕ} {ma : Maybe V} BHeap'' r ma Bool
regular nul = true
regular (zero h) = regular h
regular (oneᶠ t h) = true
regular (oneᵗʰ t h) = true
regular (oneᵗᵗ t h) = false
regularise-aux : {r : ℕ} {a : V} (h : BHeap'' (suc r) (just a)) →
Σ (Σ (∃[ x ] BTree x r) (λ { < u > → root u ≡ a }))
(λ { < < u > >' → {x : V} (t : BTree x r) {{leq : a ≤ root t}} → ∃[ b ] BHeap'' (suc r) (just b) × a ≤ b })
attach'' : {x y : V} {r : ℕ} (t : BTree x r) (u : BTree y r) {{leq : x ≤ root u}} Σ[ t ∈ BTree _ (suc r) ] x ≤ root t
attach'' t u = attach t u , attach-root t u (bound-root t ≤-refl) -
-- takes a (relatively) long time to typecheck
regularise-aux : {r : ℕ} {a : V} (h : BHeap'' (suc r) (just a))
Σ (Σ (∃[ x ] BTree x r) (λ { < u > root u ≡ a }))
(λ { < < u > >' {x : V} (t : BTree x r) {{leq : a ≤ root t}} ∃[ b ] BHeap'' (suc r) (just b) × a ≤ b })
regularise-aux (zero h) with regularise-aux h
regularise-aux (zero h) | < x , node a (u , us) >ʳ , f = < x , node a us >ʳ ,
λ t let < t' >' = attach'' u t
< < h' >' > = f t'
in < zero h' , - >
regularise-aux (oneᶠ {x = x} (node c (v , vs)) h) = < x , node c vs >ʳ ,
λ t let < t' >' = attach'' v t
in < oneᶠ t' h , - >
regularise-aux (oneᵗʰ {x = x} (node c (v , vs)) {a} h) = < x , node c vs >ʳ ,
λ t let < t' >' = attach'' v t
in if root t' ≤? a then < oneᵗʰ t' h , - >
else < oneᵗᵗ t' h , - >
regularise-aux (oneᵗᵗ v h) with regularise-aux h
regularise-aux (oneᵗᵗ v h) | < x , node a (u , us) >ʳ , f = < x , node a us >ʳ ,
λ t let < t' >' = attach'' u t
(b , < h' >') = f t'
in if root v ≤? b then < oneᵗʰ v h' , - >
else < oneᵗᵗ v h' , - >
regularise : {r : ℕ} {ma : Maybe V} BHeap'' r ma Σ[ h ∈ BHeap'' r ma ] regular h ≡ true
regularise nul = < nul >ʳ
regularise (zero h) = (zero ** id) (regularise h)
regularise (oneᶠ t h) = < oneᶠ t h >ʳ
regularise (oneᵗʰ t h) = < oneᵗʰ t h >ʳ
regularise (oneᵗᵗ t h) with regularise-aux h
regularise (oneᵗᵗ t h) | < x , node a us >ʳ , f = let < < h' >' > = f t in < oneᵗʰ {x = x} (node a us) h' >ʳ
regular-first : {r : ℕ} {ma : Maybe V} (h : BHeap'' r ma) regular h ≡ true
mapMaybe (root ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₂) (first (fromBHeap'' h)) ≡ ma
regular-first nul eq = refl
regular-first (zero h) eq = regular-first h eq
regular-first (oneᶠ t h) eq = refl
regular-first (oneᵗʰ t h) eq = refl
regular-first (oneᵗᵗ t h) ()
extractMin : {r : ℕ} BHeap r Maybe ((∃[ x ] BTree x r) × BHeap r)
extractMin = extract ∘ fromBHeap'' ∘ proj₁ ∘ regularise ∘ proj₂ ∘ toBHeap''
extractMin-nothing : {r : ℕ} (h : BHeap r) mapMaybe (root ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₁) (extractMin h) ≡ nothing {a : V} ¬ (a ∈ᵀ h)
extractMin-nothing h eq with fromBHeap''-toBHeap''-inverse h
extractMin-nothing h eq | eq' with toBHeap'' h
extractMin-nothing h eq | eq' | ma , h'' with trans (sym (regular-first (proj₁ (regularise h'')) (proj₂ (regularise h''))))
(trans (sym (extract-first (fromBHeap'' (proj₁ (regularise h''))))) eq)
extractMin-nothing ._ eq | refl | nothing , h'' | _ = empty-heap h''
extractMin-nothing h eq | eq' | just a , h'' | ()
extractMin-just : {r : ℕ} (h : BHeap r) {a : V} mapMaybe (root ∘ proj₂ ∘ proj₁) (extractMin h) ≡ just a a IsMinRootOf h
extractMin-just h eq with fromBHeap''-toBHeap''-inverse h
extractMin-just h eq | eq' with toBHeap'' h
extractMin-just h eq | eq' | ma , h'' with trans (sym (regular-first (proj₁ (regularise h'')) (proj₂ (regularise h''))))
(trans (sym (extract-first (fromBHeap'' (proj₁ (regularise h''))))) eq)
extractMin-just h eq | eq' | nothing , h'' | ()
extractMin-just ._ eq | refl | just a , h'' | refl = minimum-root h''
_∈ᵀ_ : {x : V} {r : ℕ} → BTree x r → {r' : ℕ} → BHeap r' → Set
t ∈ᵀ nul = ⊥
t ∈ᵀ zero h = t ∈ᵀ h
t ∈ᵀ one u h = (((Σ[ x ∈ V ] Σ[ r ∈ ℕ ] BTree x r) ∋ < < t > >) ≡ < < u > >) ⊎ t ∈ᵀ h
_Below_ : {x : V} {r : ℕ} (t : BTree x r) {r' : ℕ} (h : BHeap r') → Set
t Below h = {y : V} {r'' : ℕ} {u : BTree y r''} → u ∈ᵀ h → root t ≤ root u
findMin : {r : ℕ} (h : BHeap r) →
Maybe (Σ (Σ[ x ∈ V ] Σ[ r' ∈ ℕ ] BTree x r') λ { < < t > > → t ∈ᵀ h × t Below h })
findMin nul = nothing
findMin (zero h) = findMin h
findMin (one t h) = mapMaybe (λ { (< < u > > , i , leqs) →
if root t ≤? root u
then (λ {{leq}} → < < t > > , inj₁ refl ,
λ { {._} {._} {._} (inj₁ refl) → ≤-refl
; (inj₂ j) → ≤-trans leq (leqs j) })
else (λ {{leq}} → < < u > > , inj₂ i ,
λ { {._} {._} {._} (inj₁ refl) → leq; (inj₂ j) → leqs j}) })
(findMin h)
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