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Created July 10, 2014 01:02
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Authored by Jeremy Gibbons.
{-# LINE 30 "parser.ltx" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures, GADTs #-}
import Data.List (inits, tails)
import Data.Char (ord)
import Control.Monad (mplus)
{-# LINE 56 "parser.ltx" #-}
data Grammar :: * where
Empty :: Grammar
Unit :: Grammar
Single :: Char -> Grammar
Conc :: Grammar -> Grammar -> Grammar
Union :: Grammar -> Grammar -> Grammar
{-# LINE 98 "parser.ltx" #-}
{- Exercise 1: a grammar for UK registration plates -}
choices :: [Char] -> Grammar
choices = foldr1 Union . map Single
letter :: Grammar
letter = choices ['A'..'Z']
digit :: Grammar
digit = choices ['0'..'9']
concs :: [Grammar] -> Grammar
concs = foldr Conc Unit
ukRegPlate :: Grammar
ukRegPlate = concs [letter,letter,digit,digit,letter,letter,letter] `Union`
concs [letter,digit,digit,digit,letter,letter,letter]
{-# LINE 130 "parser.ltx" #-}
recog :: Grammar -> String -> Bool
{-# LINE 141 "parser.ltx" #-}
{- Exercise 2: recognition, naively -}
recog Empty s = False
recog Unit s = null s
recog (Single c) s = (s == [c])
recog (Conc x y) s = or [ recog x s1 && recog y s2
| (s1,s2) <- zip (inits s) (tails s) ]
recog (Union x y) s = recog x s || recog y s
{-# LINE 160 "parser.ltx" #-}
{- Exercise 3: checking recognition works -}
testYes, testNo :: Bool
testYes = recog ukRegPlate "AB34EFG"
testNo = recog ukRegPlate "1234567"
{-# LINE 185 "parser.ltx" #-}
type GrammarS = String->Bool
empty :: GrammarS
unit :: GrammarS
single :: Char -> GrammarS
conc :: GrammarS -> GrammarS -> GrammarS
union :: GrammarS -> GrammarS -> GrammarS
{-# LINE 197 "parser.ltx" #-}
{- Exercise 4: recognition as a shallow embedding -}
empty s = False
unit s = null s
single c s = (s == [c])
conc x y s = or [ x s1 && y s2
| (s1,s2) <- zip (inits s) (tails s) ]
union x y s = x s || y s
{-# LINE 219 "parser.ltx" #-}
match :: Grammar -> String -> Maybe (String, String)
{-# LINE 243 "parser.ltx" #-}
{- Exercise 5: matching, as an interpretation of the deep embedding... -}
match Empty s = Nothing
match Unit s = Just ("",s)
match (Single c) "" = Nothing
match (Single c) (c':s)
| c==c' = Just ([c],s)
| otherwise = Nothing
match (Conc x y) s = do { (s1,s2) <- match x s; (s3,s4) <- match y s2; return (s1++s3,s4) }
match (Union x y) s = match x s `mplus` match y s
{- ...and as another shallow embedding -}
type GrammarM = String -> Maybe (String, String)
emptyM :: GrammarM
unitM :: GrammarM
singleM :: Char -> GrammarM
concM :: GrammarM -> GrammarM -> GrammarM
unionM :: GrammarM -> GrammarM -> GrammarM
emptyM s = Nothing
unitM s = Just ("",s)
singleM c "" = Nothing
singleM c (c':s)
| c==c' = Just ([c],s)
| otherwise = Nothing
concM x y s = do { (s1,s2) <- x s; (s3,s4) <- y s2; return (s1++s3,s4) }
unionM x y s = x s `mplus` y s
{-# LINE 298 "parser.ltx" #-}
{- Exercise 6: generation for the deep embedding -}
generate Empty = []
generate Unit = [""]
generate (Single c) = [[c]]
generate (Conc x y) = [ s1++s2 | s1 <- generate x, s2 <- generate y ]
generate (Union x y) = generate x ++ generate y
{-# LINE 315 "parser.ltx" #-}
{- Exercise 7: generation as a shallow embedding -}
type GrammarG = [String]
emptyG :: GrammarG
unitG :: GrammarG
singleG :: Char -> GrammarG
concG :: GrammarG -> GrammarG -> GrammarG
unionG :: GrammarG -> GrammarG -> GrammarG
emptyG = []
unitG = [""]
singleG c = [[c]]
concG x y = [ s1++s2 | s1 <- x, s2 <- y ]
unionG x y = x ++ y
{-# LINE 356 "parser.ltx" #-}
{- Exercise 8: interleaving and diagonalisation -}
interleave :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
interleave [] ys = ys
interleave (x:xs) ys = x : interleave ys xs
diag :: [[a]] -> [a]
diag xss = diag' ([], xss) where
diag' ([], []) = []
diag' (yss, xss) = map head yss ++ diag' (massage (map tail yss, xss))
massage (yss, []) = (yss, [])
massage (yss, xs:xss) = (filter (not . null) (xs:yss), xss)
generate' Empty = []
generate' Unit = [""]
generate' (Single c) = [[c]]
generate' (Conc x y) = diag [ [ s1++s2 | s2 <- generate' y ] | s1 <- generate' x ]
generate' (Union x y) = generate' x `interleave` generate' y
{-# LINE 401 "parser.ltx" #-}
data Parser :: * -> * where
Fail :: Parser a
Succeed :: a -> Parser a
Char :: Char -> Parser Char
Sequ :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (a,b)
Choice :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
Using :: Parser a -> (a->b) -> Parser b
{-# LINE 427 "parser.ltx" #-}
{- Exercise 9: parsing, on the deep embedding -}
parse :: Parser a -> String -> Maybe (a, String)
parse Fail s = Nothing
parse (Succeed a) s = Just (a, s)
parse (Char c) "" = Nothing
parse (Char c) (c':s) = if c==c' then Just (c, s) else Nothing
parse (Sequ x y) s = do { (a,s1) <- parse x s ; (b,s2) <- parse y s1 ; return ((a,b),s2) }
parse (Choice x y) s = parse x s `mplus` parse y s
parse (Using x f) s = do { (a,s') <- parse x s ; return (f a, s') }
{- an example parser, for fixed-point numbers -}
fixedpoint :: Parser Double
fixedpoint = (integer `Sequ` optional decimal 0.0) `Using` combine
integer :: Parser Integer
integer = some digitP `Using` foldl (\ n d -> 10*n+d) 0
digitP :: Parser Integer
digitP = foldr1 Choice (map Char ['0'..'9']) `Using` (toInteger . \ c -> ord c - ord '0')
some, many :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
some p = (p `Sequ` many p) `Using` (uncurry (:))
many p = optional (some p) []
decimal :: Parser Double
decimal = (Char '.' `Sequ` some digitP) `Using` (foldr (\ d x -> (x + fromInteger d) / 10.0) 0 . snd)
optional :: Parser a -> a -> Parser a
optional p a = p `Choice` Succeed a
combine :: (Integer,Double) -> Double
combine (n,x) = fromInteger n + x
{-# LINE 468 "parser.ltx" #-}
type ParserS a = String -> Maybe (a, String)
{-# LINE 477 "parser.ltx" #-}
{- Exercise 10: parsing as a shallow embedding -}
fail s = Nothing
succeed a s = Just (a, s)
char c "" = Nothing
char c (c':s) = if c==c' then Just (c, s) else Nothing
sequ x y s = do { (a,s1) <- x s ; (b,s2) <- y s1 ; return ((a,b),s2) }
choice x y s = x s `mplus` y s
using x f s = do { (a,s') <- x s ; return (f a, s') }
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apua commented Jul 10, 2014

find a bug - line 132

without filter (not . null) cause exception empty list


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