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Last active December 18, 2015 07:49
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-- Basado en
-- Version ultramejorable:
-- Versión Clojure by @jneira:
-- con probabilidad inversamente proporcional a las prioridades
import Random
import Control.Monad
getindex :: [Float] -> Float -> Int
getindex xs v = alpha xs (sigma * v ) 0
where sigma = sum xs
alpha [] _ i = i
alpha (y:ys) a i = let a' = a - y
in if a' < 0 then i
else alpha ys a' (i+1)
enjoy gen xs = let zet = getindex xs
in gen >> randomRIO (0,1) >>= return . zet >>= print
main = forever (enjoy newStdGen [20,15,5])
-- Si se impone como condición que los pesos sean naturales, no es necesario salir de la artimética Int
import Random
import Control.Monad
getindex :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
getindex xs v = alpha xs (sigma * v ) 0
where sigma = sum xs
alpha [] _ i = i
alpha (y:ys) a i = let a' = a - y
in if a' < 0 then i
else alpha ys a' (i+1)
enjoy gen xs = let zet = getindex xs
in gen >> randomRIO (0,1) >>= return . zet >>= print
main = forever (enjoy newStdGen [20,15,5])
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