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Last active January 25, 2024 23:54
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wp plugins
----------------------- Must have/new projects -------------------------
Check Email
Query Monitor
Show Current Template
Theme Check (nu mereu, doar sa verific thema dupa standard)
----------------------- Widgets -------------------------
Widgets / General ( widget settings )
- WooSidebar - widget config
- SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle
- Widget Context (show or hide widgets)
Search / search
- Relevanssi (FREE) - mai bun decit standard
- ACF: Better Search
- Ajax Search Lite (utilizat la dp proiect, bunisor)
- Ajax Search Pro (for money)
- Advanced Woo Search
Forms / forms
Contact Form 7
- Save data to DB
- Contact Form 7 Database Addon – CFDB7 (multe incarcari)
- Flamingo (simplu, multe incarcari, creat de autorul CF7)
- Advanced Contact form 7 DB
- Contact Form CFDB7 (salveaza cererile in DB)
- Ninja Forms (FREE)
Posts / posts
- Recent Posts Widget Extended (FREE)
- WordPress Popular Posts (FREE)
- Contextual Related Posts (FREE
- Compact Archives (FREE) show older posts
- Meks Smart Author Widget (FREE) - author bios in your websites
- Widget Content Blocks (FREE)
- Reorder Posts (Good for custom post types)
- Post Type Switcher (Switch/Convert Custom Post Types)
- Aspose.Words Exporter (Export WordPress posts and pages as DOCX, DOC, ODT Word documents)
Images / images
- Image Widget (FREE)
- Simple Lightbox (create lightboxes from images)
- FooBox Image Lightbox (lucreaza mai rapid, mai multe optiuni)
- Regenerate Thumbnails (rezolva problema cu thumbnails-urile create)
Media / media
YouTube YT
- YouTube Channel Gallery (FREE)
- Embed Plus for YouTube – Gallery, Channel, Playlist, Live Stream ( GDPR options, not t18n ready )
- YotuWP - YouTube Gallery ( good plugin, not t18n ready )
Contacts / contacts
- Business Contact Widget (FREE) must try
- Google Maps Widget (FREE)
Polls / polls
- Poll, Survey, Quiz & Form by OpinionStage (FREE)
Misc / misc
- Awesome Weather Widget (FREE)
- PHP Code Widget (FREE)
----------------------- Visual -------------------------
- Smart Slider 3, (simplu, functional bun, 35$ o licenta)
- Slider Revolution ( pe multe theme de pe Themeforest, pentru mine uneori e cu bug-uri dar functional bogat 85$, free nu-i)
---------------------------- Plugins -------------------------
Posts / posts
- Duplicate Post
- CPT UI ( Create Custom Post Types )
- Catch IDs - show posts ID
- Scheduled Post Trigger ( resolv problem with publication date )
- Scheduled Content (hide blocks of specific content on specific timeline)
- Post Expirator: Automatically Unpublish WordPress Posts (the best one)
Posts view
- Content Views( e ok dar limitat )
- Post Grid Plugin ( pune in lista )
- Category Post Widget
Post Mail notifications
- Better Notifications for WordPress ( lucreaza )
- Post Status Notifier Lite ( nu a expediat mail la post )
- Pending Submission Notifications ( simplu, nu l-am testat, nu se updateaza )
Social / share / SEO
- AddToAny Share Buttons ( simplu de utilizat )
- Sassy Social Share
- Blog2Social ( posteaza automat postul pe facebook )
- Instagram Feed (FREE)
- Meta Tag Manager (add custom meta tags to your site.)
Post sync between Sites
- WPSiteSync for Content ( testat lucreaza )
Custom search or and filters
- Search & Filter ( ( duce la pagina search sau alta )
- Beautiful taxonomy filters ( Afiseaza in aceeasi pagina )
- Relevanssi – A Better Search
- Ajax Search Pro (cu bani)
- New
- SearchWP (is a professional-level WordPress search plugin)
- FiboSearch (is an AJAX search for WooCommerce)
- Ivory Search
Custom Fields / custom fields, ACF
- Advanced Custom Fields - ACF
- Advanced Custom Fields: Table Field (good and simple)
Debug / debug
- Show Current Template (template file - quick show, good)
- What the file (not so much info)
- Query Monitor (intradevar util, indica si Queries din tabel)
- Debug Bar (bunisor)
- Debug Bar Actions and Filters Addon (pentru Hooks)
- Check Email
- WP Crontrol (cron jobs, este run now, poti crea cron nou)
- WP Inspect (
-- WP Recomands
Theme Check
Query Monitor
Debug Bar
- Rewrite Rules Inspector (show list of rewrited permalinks)
- Enable jQuery Migrate Helper ()
- Easy Digital Downloads, EDD Featured Downloads
Export / Import data
- WP All Export (cu plata)
- Widget Importer & Exporter
- WordPress Importer
- Import and Export WordPress Data as CSV or XML (good for comments and other data, cu plata)
- Export media with selected content (foarte util pentru export de media cind faci posts aparte)
- WP Import Export Lite (primul test nu a fost reusit dar optiuni sunt si pare calitativ)
- Export/Import Menus
Users / users
- Nav Menu Roles ( ce meniuri sa fie vizibile in front in dependenta de roluri )
- User Menus ( ce meniuri sa fie vizibile in front in dependenta de roluri )
- Adminimize ( seteaza ce meniuri se fie vizibile in Dashboard in dependenta de roluri )
- User Switching ( util for testing, quick switch userm, change user )
- Administrarea rolurilor
- WP Front ( administreaza rolurile si capacitatile, multe optiuni dar unele limitate la Pro )
- Capability Manager Enhanced ( multe optiuni pentru Free )
- Advanced Access Manager ( need to test )
- User Role Editor (comod simplu, il utilizez)
- Membership plugins
- Ultimate Member ( destul de ok, are mai multe functii inclusiv si roles, daca stergi atuni dispar rolurile )
- Simple Membership Plugin ( nu este la plugin-uri, propune usor sa gestionezi cu grupurile de utilizatori )
- WP Members ( nu l-am inteles )
- Send mail registered users
- Email Users (lightweight)
- MailPoet
- WP Email Users (much options)
- Admin Dashboard
- Adminimize ( seteaza ce meniuri se fie vizibile in Dashboard in dependenta de roluri )
- White Label CMS ( ajuta sa customizezi rapid Dashboard-ul )
- WP Help (admin documentation, documentatie in admin panel)
- Google Apps Login (20000)
- Sign In With Google (1000 install)
Content / content
- Testimonials, Easy Testimonials, Testimonials
- WordPress Importer (export demo content)
- Duplicate Post
- FAQ generators
Editor / editor
- Disable Gutenberg
- Toggle wpautop ()
- Advanced Editor Tools - TinyMCE Advanced (text redactor features)
- Cookie Notice for GDPR (simple, good)
- GDPR Cookie Consent Banner (foarte simplu si arata bine, peste 600k instalari )
- WP GDPR Compliance (e bine pentru CF7 sau acord pentru commentarii)
- GDPR Cookie Compliance Plugin ( cu mai multe optiuni, arata bine )
- The GDPR Framework (plugin care creaza informatia necesara pentru GDPR Compliance)
Multilanguage / multilanguage
- Polylang
Multisite / multisite
- Multiple Domain Mapping on Single Site
Updates / udpates
- Easy Updates Manager
Migrate / migrate
- Duplicator
- All-in-One WP Migration
- UpdraftPlus Migrator Extension - Money
- UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore
- Database
- WP Migrate DB
- Velvet Blues Update URLs (update links in posts, media etc.)
- Better Search Replace
- WP Database Backup
- WP-Optimize (, mai multe optiuni, considerat cel mai bun
- WP-DBManager - optimization of your database from the start, cel mai de dorit in caz de optimizare
- WP-Sweep (considerat mai bun ca WP-Optimize caci nu lasa date goale dupa curatare)
- WP-Optimize (good - optimizeaza si DB, arata tabelele lasate de plugin-uri)
Mails / mails , email debug
- Easy WP SMTP - configure and send all outgoing emails via a SMTP server (bun pentu testare SMTP, ofera log-uri)
- WP Mail SMTP - send mail through extern SMTP server
- Check & Log Email (simplu, usor)
- WP Mail Debugger (nu demult a aparut, putine incarcari)
Statistics / statistics
- MonsterInsights - (For Google GDPR - compliant)
Design/Themes / themes design
- Process Steps Template Designer (Show the process steps, simple an quick to use)
- Popup Maker
Contact Form / contact form
- CF 7
- Contact Form 7 Conditional Fields
- Contact Form 7 Modules: Hidden Fields
- Contact Form 7 Modules: Send All Fields
- CF7 Google Sheet Connector
- Contact Form 7 MailChimp Extension
- Redirection for Contact Form 7 (good)
- Referrer Input for Contact Form 7
- File send
- Drag and Drop Multiple File Upload
- Newsletter Plugin ( it's ok, easy to config, but need to pay for some automatic tasks )
- Email Subscribers ( simple to use and coding, don't have many options but send posts updates for free)
BreadCrumbs / breadcrumbs
- Breadcrumb (Breadcrumb by
- Breadcrumb NavXT ( > 800k downloads)
Pagination / pagination
- WP-PageNavi
News Feed
- WP RSS Aggregator (bun dar functional redus, restul cu plata) (nu expediaza RSS cu imagini)
- FEEDZY RSS Feeds Lite (utilizez) ([feedzy-rss feeds="" max="3" feed_title="yes" refresh="3_hours"
sort="date_desc" target="_blank" follow="no" summary="yes" summarylength="80"])
File Manager
- File Manager
Health Status
- Health Check (says about WP-Cron)
- WP-Cron Status Checker
ACF Plugin
- ACF User Role Field Setting ( )
Customize Dashboard (
- WP Admin UI Customize
- Adminimize
- Really Simple SSL ( )
- SSL Insecure Content Fixer ( Clean up WordPress website HTTPS insecure content )
Events Plugin
- The Events Calendar
- Event Tickets ( nice and very usefull )
- All in One SEO Pack
- WP Sitemap Page ( Sitemap for users )
- WP Security Audit Log
- WordFence (This free WordPress plugin offers continuous malware checking)
- Advanced Order Export For WooCommerce (Free version, have Pro min, 20$)
- WooCommerce Customer / Order / Coupon Export ( very good but min 70$ )
- Preview E-Mails for WooCommerce. (Testing mails preview)
- Testing
- F12 - Profiller
- Caching
- WP Fastest Cache ( best free - )
- Autoptimize (se utilizeaza cu WP FC)
- WP-Optimize (good - optimizeaza si DB, arata tabelele lasate de plugin-uri)
- a3 Lazy Load
- clearfy (scoate scripturi inutile, optimizeaza imagini)
- W3: Total Cache
- WP-Rocket (49$)
- Lite speed cache (trebu sa fie compatibil cu serverul)
// order of plugin performance+usabiltiy (
1. WP Rocket
2. Cache Enabler
3. WP Super Cache
4. WP Fastest Cache
5. W3 Total Cache
// hard caching
Redis Caching plugin
Nginx Helper // Cleans nginx's fastcgi/proxy cache or redis-cache whenever a post is edited/published.
Dev Bundle
- Show Current Template
- Advanced Custom Fields
- Contact Form 7
- Booking Calendar (
qr codes
- Kaya QR Code Generator
- PostX – Gutenberg Post Blocks (with pagination)
- Simple 301 Redirects
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