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Jorge A. Borges jorgeborges

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zorji / auto-ts-ignore.ts
Last active July 26, 2024 12:43
A script to auto add // @ts-ignore to lines with TypeScript compilation error
* A script to auto add // @ts-ignore to lines with TypeScript compilation error
* This could be useful when you are upgrading your tsc version, or introduced new changes in tsconfig or just converting JS codebase to TS.
* Example usage:
* $ npx tsc > compilation-errors.log
* $ npx ts-node auto-ts-ignore.ts compilation-errors.log
import { readFile, writeFile } from 'fs/promises'
nasrulhazim /
Last active August 13, 2024 15:04
Install PHP MSSQL Driver in MacOS (Mojave)

Installing Brew

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Installing MSSQL Tools

brew tap microsoft/mssql-release
bvaughn /
Last active April 3, 2024 07:41
Interaction tracing with React

This API was removed in React 17

Interaction tracing with React

React recently introduced an experimental profiler API. After discussing this API with several teams at Facebook, one common piece of feedback was that the performance information would be more useful if it could be associated with the events that caused the application to render (e.g. button click, XHR response). Tracing these events (or "interactions") would enable more powerful tooling to be built around the timing information, capable of answering questions like "What caused this really slow commit?" or "How long does it typically take for this interaction to update the DOM?".

With version 16.4.3, React added experimental support for this tracing by way of a new NPM package, scheduler. However the public API for this package is not yet finalized and will likely change with upcoming minor releases, so it should be used with caution.

gaearon /
Last active September 20, 2024 11:11
Modern JavaScript in React Documentation

If you haven’t worked with JavaScript in the last few years, these three points should give you enough knowledge to feel comfortable reading the React documentation:

  • We define variables with let and const statements. For the purposes of the React documentation, you can consider them equivalent to var.
  • We use the class keyword to define JavaScript classes. There are two things worth remembering about them. Firstly, unlike with objects, you don't need to put commas between class method definitions. Secondly, unlike many other languages with classes, in JavaScript the value of this in a method [depends on how it is called](
william8th / .tmux.conf
Last active September 17, 2024 08:45
Tmux open new pane in same directory
# Set the control character to Ctrl+Spacebar (instead of Ctrl+B)
set -g prefix C-space
unbind-key C-b
bind-key C-space send-prefix
# Set new panes to open in current directory
bind c new-window -c "#{pane_current_path}"
bind '"' split-window -c "#{pane_current_path}"
bind % split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}"
levelsio / levelsio-by.html
Last active March 10, 2021 05:20
Maker Link (aka the @levelsio by link)
<!-- Maker Link by @levelsio -->
<!-- MIT License -->
body {
.levelsio-by {
font-family:"Helvetica Neue",sans-serif;
benrowe / Makefile
Last active June 16, 2020 01:55 — forked from prwhite/Makefile
Add a help target to a Makefile that will allow all targets to be self documenting
.PHONY: help
GREEN := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 2)
YELLOW := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 3)
WHITE := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 7)
RESET := $(shell tput -Txterm sgr0)
developit / unistore.js
Last active September 8, 2020 15:13
Update: the newer & better version of this is published:
import { h, Component } from 'preact';
/** Creates a new store, which is a tiny evented state container.
* @example
* let store = createStore();
* store.subscribe( state => console.log(state) );
* store.setState({ a: 'b' }); // logs { a: 'b' }
* store.setState({ c: 'd' }); // logs { c: 'd' }
roachhd /
Last active September 16, 2024 00:49
EMOJI cheatsheet 😛😳😗😓🙉😸🙈🙊😽💀💢💥✨💏👫👄👃👀👛👛🗼🔮🔮🎄🎅👻


Emoji emoticons listed on this page are supported on Campfire, GitHub, Basecamp, Redbooth, Trac, Flowdock,, Kandan,, Kippt, Redmine, JabbR, Trello, Hall,, Qiita, Zendesk, Ruby China, Grove, Idobata, NodeBB Forums, Slack, Streamup, OrganisedMinds, Hackpad, Cryptbin, Kato, Reportedly, Cheerful Ghost, IRCCloud, Dashcube, MyVideoGameList, Subrosa, Sococo, Quip, And Bang, Bonusly, Discourse, Ello, and Twemoji Awesome. However some of the emoji codes are not super easy to remember, so here is a little cheat sheet. ✈ Got flash enabled? Click the emoji code and it will be copied to your clipboard.


:bowtie: 😄

bhyde / establish-routing-to-boot2docker-container-network
Last active November 2, 2019 18:59
Boot2docker - teach the mac how to connect to the containers by adjusting it's routing.
# Script to instruct the Mac how to route packets to the
# software defined network where containers created via boot2docker
# reside. This lets you casually directly to ports (ssh, http, etc. etc.)
# on those containers.
function ERROR(){ echo "ERROR: $*" ; }
function FAIL(){ echo "FAILING: $*" ; exit 1; }
if [[ 'running' != $(boot2docker status) ]]
then FAIL "boot2docker's VM not running" ; fi
IP_OF_DOCKER_HOST=$(boot2docker ip 2> /dev/null)