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Last active February 25, 2018 20:02
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GoT predictions before Season 7 premiere

I'm writing this off the top of my head the day that Season 7 premieres. I haven't used any reference materials, I'm just jotting down my pre-season predictions so that I can review them at the end of the season.

  • Daenerys will likely be instrumental in fighting the walkers. She'll be seen as a hero in season 7 but she's actually the final boss of season 8 and therefore the series.
  • Daenerys will go mad with power and become the season 8 villain.
  • Bran is named after Bran the Builder because Bran the Builder is Bran, because of time travel.
  • Jaime kills Cersei. Duh. Episode 3.
  • Jaime and Cersei turn out to be Targaryens, but we don't find this out until season 7 episode ... 5. Or 6.
  • Jaime and Cersei's father is Aerys, the Mad King. This is discovered by one of Sam, Bran, or, less likely, Qyburn.
  • Tyrion, however, is not a Targaryen. In reality, he's actually Tywin's only legitimate heir. Tywin knew this; it's why he hated Tyrion.
  • the dragon riders are Danerys, Jon, and Jamie.
  • Arya doesn't make it. Sorry. She's not actually a useful individual, she's just a useful identity.
  • Syrio Forel is Jaqen H'ghar and he's alive. When Arya dies, Syrio Forel will assume Arya's identity. Syrio will complete Arya's list.
  • Cleganebowl will happen. The Hound will win, then retire in peace. The Hound will be the only character to do so.
  • A Stark woman will kill Little Finger but who know's which one. Maybe Sansa has Breanne kill him.
  • Beric Dondarrion will kill the Red Woman. In the process, he'll create that special sword and become Azor Ahai.
  • Beric Dondarrion is Azor Ahai and Azor Ahai is just not that important. Or maybe he's important but he has to die in order to fulfill his destiny and destroy the White Walkers.
  • The series ends with Tyrion and Sansa as king and queen, Davos as Hand, Jon as captain of the Kingsguard.

I'm out of time because episode 1 is about to start. eeeeeeeee

Thoughts between episode 1 and 2

episode 1 takeaways

  • Jamie killing Cersei only seems more likely. He clearly sees her going mad. This also supports Jamie and Cersei as secret Targaryens, since her madness is inherited. I dunno how much "secret Targaryen" and "Targaryen madness" shit I can really root for, though.
  • Arya opened with lots of kills. The audience is so pumped on Arya right now, which imho makes it only more likely that she'll get killed off.
  • Sansa and Jon argue in public. This is an error for one of them. I believe it's Jon's error.
  • Sansa wears her hair like Cersei.
  • The catspaw dagger is seen in the book in the Citadel, which means it's not only Valyrian Steel (which apparently we knew), but it's very old.

new ideas

  • After seeing the catspaw dagger in the book in the Citadel, there has been much talk about it, including some photo shoots where Arya has it in her belt. This leads me to believe that Arya will kill Littlefinger. I thought she would anyway, because ultimately he has to be killed by a Stark woman, I just couldn't make up my mind about which Stark woman.
  • Sansa will also kill Littlefinger, except, whoops, that was Arya. I'm not anticipating a beautiful Stark family reunion. I'm expecting that Arya will kill Littlefinger, unbeknownst to Sansa, and then steal his identity. Sansa will have Breanne kill Littlefinger, but since it's actually Arya, Breanne will accidentally kill Arya, thus breaking her oath.
  • Breanne something something, causing her to lose her Valyrian steel sword Oathbreaker.
  • The Hound somehow gets Oathbreaker and uses it to kill The Mountain, thus becoming Azor Ahai.
  • Nymeria, Gendry, or both will appear in Episode 2.
  • Gendry's whereabouts have actually been known for some time. Back in season 3, when Gendry left Dragonstone for King's Landing, he got turned around (by mermaids) and wound up rowing to Pentos. In Pentos, he was picked up by Illyrio Mopatis. When Varys and Tyrion went to his house in Season 5, they picked him up. Gendry is a pawn of Illyrio Mopatis and Varys now.
  • Varys will convince Daenerys to marry Gendry. Their next move is to publicly acknowledge Gendry's parentage, claim Storm's End, and attempt to rebuild House Baratheon. They will argue two things: that as Robert's son, Gendry's claim to the throne is stronger than Cersei's, and that if his claim is not legitimate because Robert was not legitimate, that Daenerys is the legitimate heir of Aerys Targaryen. Either way, the question is the same: what will happen to the Lannister army if their enemy is a Targaryen and Baratheon alliance, when so many of the men in the Lannister army are former Targaryen and Baratheon bannermen? (also: she knows she should marry someone soon, I don't think she'll wait to marry Jon Snow, and I'm just going to quit the show if there's a Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen marriage, because fuck that noise. Her only other option is Robin Arryn, which she'd never agree to. PLUS I have a hard time seeing how Gendry pays off otherwise, unless uh Arya is Azor Ahai?)
  • By doing so, they will accomplish two goals: Storm's End will give them a foothold on the mainland of Westeros. It will also cause the Baratheon bannermen to rally to Daenerys, some of whom will be defecting from the Lannister army. This is foreshadowed in the Ed Sheeran scene: they hint that the Lannister soldiers have no real love for the Lannisters, and could be easily converted into someone else's soldiers.
  • House Tyrell will support the claim of the Targaryen+Baratheon alliance.
  • Dorne also is in on this: basically all of the south will have an alliance against the Lannisters.
  • Arya will still kill Ed Sheeran. That scene is not about Arya's innocence. She'll assume the identity of the Lannister soldier with the long brown hair, because he is the most conventionally attractive and he fills the power vaccuum left in the wake of the Daario Naharis being abandoned by Danerys.
  • Euron's gift to Cersei is one of: a dragon horn, a dragon, the head of a dead dragon. Naturally we're supposed to think it's someone's head, like maybe Sansa's, but I could swear we saw a horn earlier in the show. I thought he already had the horn, so I don't think it's the horn itself, because he would have just presented it then and there if it was. But maybe it's just the horn? Sure, Euron's gift is the Dragonbinder. That's more or less leaked anyway at this point so I'm being pretty safe on this one.

The big deaths of the season are Cersei, Littlefinger, and Arya.

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Asmaa07 commented Feb 25, 2018

Hello, how are you??

Can you help me with the processing code for the gifanimation?Can you do it? Pleeeeease

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