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Created September 1, 2016 13:41
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  • Save jordanorelli/ae531cdeed8859cbcffce49789b68174 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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0 CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1 CEntityIdentity
2 CPhysicsComponent
3 CRenderComponent
4 CBaseAnimating
5 CAnimationLayer
6 CBodyComponentBaseAnimatingOverlay
7 CBaseAnimatingOverlay
8 CEconItemAttribute
9 CBaseAttributableItem
10 CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity
11 CBaseButton
12 CBaseClientUIEntity
13 CBaseCombatCharacter
14 CBaseCombatWeapon
15 CBaseDoor
16 CBodyComponentPoint
17 CBaseEntity
18 CBaseFlex
19 CBaseModelEntity
20 CPlayerLocalData
21 CBasePlayer
22 CBasePropDoor
23 CBaseToggle
24 CBaseTrigger
25 CBaseViewModel
26 CBaseVRHandAttachment
27 CBeam
28 CBreakable
29 CBreakableProp
30 CButtonTimed
31 CColorCorrection
32 CColorCorrectionVolume
33 CDevtestHierarchy
34 CDOTA_Ability_AbyssalUnderlord_DarkRift
35 CDOTA_Ability_AbyssalUnderlord_Firestorm
36 CDOTA_Ability_AbyssalUnderlord_PitOfMalice
37 CDOTA_Ability_Alchemist_AcidSpray
38 CDOTA_Ability_Alchemist_UnstableConcoctionThrow
39 CDOTA_Ability_AncientApparition_ChillingTouch
40 CDOTA_Ability_AncientApparition_ColdFeet
41 CDOTA_Ability_AncientApparition_IceBlast
42 CDOTA_Ability_AncientApparition_IceVortex
43 CDOTA_Ability_AntiMage_Blink
44 CDOTA_Ability_AntiMage_ManaVoid
45 CDOTA_Ability_ArcWarden_MagneticField
46 CDOTA_Ability_ArcWarden_SparkWraith
47 CDOTA_Ability_ArcWarden_TempestDouble
48 CDOTA_Ability_AttributeBonus
49 CDOTA_Ability_Axe_BerserkersCall
50 CDOTA_Ability_Axe_CounterHelix
51 CDOTA_Ability_Axe_CullingBlade
52 CDOTA_Ability_Bane_FiendsGrip
53 CDOTA_Ability_Batrider_Flamebreak
54 CDOTA_Ability_Batrider_StickyNapalm
55 CDOTA_Ability_Beastmaster_PrimalRoar
56 CDOTA_Ability_BlackDragon_Fireball
57 CDOTA_Ability_Bloodseeker_Bloodbath
58 CDOTA_Ability_BountyHunter_ShurikenToss
59 CDOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_DispelMagic
60 CDOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_DrunkenBrawler
61 CDOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_DrunkenHaze
62 CDOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_PermanentImmolation
63 CDOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_PrimalSplit
64 CDOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_ThunderClap
65 CDOTA_Ability_Bristleback_QuillSpray
66 CDOTA_Ability_Bristleback_ViscousNasalGoo
67 CDOTA_Ability_Broodmother_SpinWeb
68 CDOTA_Ability_Centaur_HoofStomp
69 CDOTA_Ability_Centaur_Stampede
70 CDOTA_Ability_ChaosKnight_Phantasm
71 CDOTA_Ability_Chen_HandOfGod
72 CDOTA_Ability_Chen_HolyPersuasion
73 CDOTA_Ability_Chen_TestOfFaithTeleport
74 CDOTA_Ability_Courier_TakeStashAndTransferItems
75 CDOTA_Ability_Courier_TakeStashItems
76 CDOTA_Ability_Courier_TransferItems
77 CDOTA_Ability_CrystalMaiden_CrystalNova
78 CDOTA_Ability_CrystalMaiden_FreezingField
79 CDOTA_Ability_DarkSeer_Vacuum
80 CDOTA_Ability_DataDriven
81 CDOTA_Ability_Dazzle_Weave
82 CDOTA_Ability_DeathProphet_CarrionSwarm
83 CDOTA_Ability_DeathProphet_Exorcism
84 CDOTA_Ability_DeathProphet_Silence
85 CDOTA_Ability_Disruptor_KineticField
86 CDOTA_Ability_Disruptor_StaticStorm
87 CDOTA_Ability_DoomBringer_Devour
88 CDOTA_Ability_DoomBringer_InfernalBlade
89 CDOTA_Ability_DragonKnight_BreatheFire
90 CDOTA_Ability_DrowRanger_Silence
91 CDOTA_Ability_DrowRanger_WaveOfSilence
92 CDOTA_Ability_Earthshaker_Aftershock
93 CDOTA_Ability_Earthshaker_EnchantTotem
94 CDOTA_Ability_EarthSpirit_BoulderSmash
95 CDOTA_Ability_EarthSpirit_GeomagneticGrip
96 CDOTA_Ability_EarthSpirit_Petrify
97 CDOTA_Ability_EarthSpirit_RollingBoulder
98 CDOTA_Ability_EarthSpirit_StoneCaller
99 CDOTA_Ability_Elder_Titan_EarthSplitter
100 CDOTA_Ability_Elder_Titan_NaturalOrder
101 CDOTA_Ability_EmberSpirit_Activate_FireRemnant
102 CDOTA_Ability_EmberSpirit_FireRemnant
103 CDOTA_Ability_EmberSpirit_SearingChains
104 CDOTA_Ability_EmberSpirit_SleightOfFist
105 CDOTA_Ability_Enchantress_Enchant
106 CDOTA_Ability_Enchantress_Impetus
107 CDOTA_Ability_Enchantress_NaturesAttendants
108 CDOTA_Ability_Enchantress_Untouchable
109 CDOTA_Ability_Enigma_BlackHole
110 CDOTA_Ability_Enigma_DemonicConversion
111 CDOTA_Ability_Enigma_MidnightPulse
112 CDOTA_Ability_FacelessVoid_Chronosphere
113 CDOTA_Ability_FacelessVoid_TimeDilation
114 CDOTA_Ability_FacelessVoid_TimeWalk
115 CDOTA_Ability_Furion_ForceOfNature
116 CDOTA_Ability_Furion_Teleportation
117 CDOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Black_BrainSap
118 CDOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Black_Nightmare
119 CDOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Blue_ColdFeet
120 CDOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Blue_IceVortex
121 CDOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Green_LivingArmor
122 CDOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Green_Overgrowth
123 CDOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Orange_DragonSlave
124 CDOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Orange_LightStrikeArray
125 CDOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Purple_PlagueWard
126 CDOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Purple_VenomousGale
127 CDOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Red_Earthshock
128 CDOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Red_Overpower
129 CDOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Sight
130 CDOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_White_Degen_Aura
131 CDOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_White_Purification
132 CDOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Yellow_IonShell
133 CDOTA_Ability_Greevil_Miniboss_Yellow_Surge
134 CDOTA_Ability_Gyrocopter_Call_Down
135 CDOTA_Ability_Gyrocopter_Flak_Cannon
136 CDOTA_Ability_Gyrocopter_Rocket_Barrage
137 CDOTA_Ability_Healing_Campfire
138 CDOTA_Ability_Holdout_CullingBlade
139 CDOTA_Ability_Holdout_GladiatorsUnite
140 CDOTA_Ability_Holdout_Multishot
141 CDOTA_Ability_Holdout_Omnislash
142 CDOTA_Ability_Huskar_Life_Break
143 CDOTA_Ability_Invoker_AttributeBonus
144 CDOTA_Ability_Invoker_DeafeningBlast
145 CDOTA_Ability_Invoker_EMP
146 CDOTA_Ability_Invoker_Invoke
147 CDOTA_Ability_Invoker_InvokedBase
148 CDOTA_Ability_Invoker_SunStrike
149 CDOTA_Ability_Invoker_Tornado
150 CDOTA_Ability_Jakiro_DualBreath
151 CDOTA_Ability_Jakiro_IcePath
152 CDOTA_Ability_Jakiro_Macropyre
153 CDOTA_Ability_Juggernaut_BladeFury
154 CDOTA_Ability_Juggernaut_HealingWard
155 CDOTA_Ability_Juggernaut_Omnislash
156 CDOTA_Ability_KeeperOfTheLight_BlindingLight
157 CDOTA_Ability_KeeperOfTheLight_Illuminate
158 CDOTA_Ability_KeeperOfTheLight_Recall
159 CDOTA_Ability_Kunkka_GhostShip
160 CDOTA_Ability_Kunkka_Tidebringer
161 CDOTA_Ability_Kunkka_Torrent
162 CDOTA_Ability_Legion_Commander_MomentOfCourage
163 CDOTA_Ability_Legion_Commander_OverwhelmingOdds
164 CDOTA_Ability_Leshrac_Diabolic_Edict
165 CDOTA_Ability_Leshrac_Pulse_Nova
166 CDOTA_Ability_Leshrac_Split_Earth
167 CDOTA_Ability_Lich_ChainFrost
168 CDOTA_Ability_Lich_FrostNova
169 CDOTA_Ability_Life_Stealer_Infest
170 CDOTA_Ability_Lina_DragonSlave
171 CDOTA_Ability_Lina_LagunaBlade
172 CDOTA_Ability_Lina_LightStrikeArray
173 CDOTA_Ability_Lion_FingerOfDeath
174 CDOTA_Ability_Lion_Impale
175 CDOTA_Ability_Lion_ManaDrain
176 CDOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_Rabid
177 CDOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_SavageRoar
178 CDOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_SavageRoar_Bear
179 CDOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_SpiritBear
180 CDOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_SpiritBear_Return
181 CDOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_TrueForm_BattleCry
182 CDOTA_Ability_LoneDruid_TrueForm_Druid
183 CDOTA_Ability_Lua
184 CDOTA_Ability_Luna_Eclipse
185 CDOTA_Ability_Luna_LunarBlessing
186 CDOTA_Ability_Lycan_FeralImpulse
187 CDOTA_Ability_Lycan_Howl
188 CDOTA_Ability_Lycan_SummonWolves
189 CDOTA_Ability_Magnataur_ReversePolarity
190 CDOTA_Ability_Magnataur_Shockwave
191 CDOTA_Ability_Magnataur_Skewer
192 CDOTA_Ability_Medusa_SplitShot
193 CDOTA_Ability_Meepo_DividedWeStand
194 CDOTA_Ability_Meepo_Earthbind
195 CDOTA_Ability_Meepo_Poof
196 CDOTA_Ability_Mirana_Leap
197 CDOTA_Ability_Mirana_Starfall
198 CDOTA_Ability_Morphling_Hybrid
199 CDOTA_Ability_Morphling_Replicate
200 CDOTA_Ability_Morphling_Waveform
201 CDOTA_Ability_NagaSiren_MirrorImage
202 CDOTA_Ability_NagaSiren_RipTide
203 CDOTA_Ability_Necrolyte_Death_Pulse
204 CDOTA_Ability_Necrolyte_ReapersScythe
205 CDOTA_Ability_Nevermore_Requiem
206 CDOTA_Ability_Nian_Apocalypse
207 CDOTA_Ability_Nian_Eruption
208 CDOTA_Ability_Nian_Frenzy
209 CDOTA_Ability_Nian_Hurricane
210 CDOTA_Ability_Nian_Roar
211 CDOTA_Ability_Nian_Sigils
212 CDOTA_Ability_Nian_Tail_Swipe
213 CDOTA_Ability_Nian_Waterball
214 CDOTA_Ability_Nian_Whirlpool
215 CDOTA_Ability_Nyx_Assassin_Burrow
216 CDOTA_Ability_Nyx_Assassin_Impale
217 CDOTA_Ability_Nyx_Assassin_ManaBurn
218 CDOTA_Ability_Obsidian_Destroyer_ArcaneOrb
219 CDOTA_Ability_Obsidian_Destroyer_AstralImprisonment
220 CDOTA_Ability_Obsidian_Destroyer_SanityEclipse
221 CDOTA_Ability_Ogre_Magi_Bloodlust
222 CDOTA_Ability_Ogre_Magi_Fireblast
223 CDOTA_Ability_Ogre_Magi_Ignite
224 CDOTA_Ability_Ogre_Magi_Multicast
225 CDOTA_Ability_Ogre_Magi_Unrefined_Fireblast
226 CDOTA_Ability_Omniknight_GuardianAngel
227 CDOTA_Ability_Omniknight_Purification
228 CDOTA_Ability_Oracle_FortunesEnd
229 CDOTA_Ability_Oracle_PurifyingFlames
230 CDOTA_Ability_PhantomAssassin_PhantomStrike
231 CDOTA_Ability_PhantomLancer_Doppelwalk
232 CDOTA_Ability_Phoenix_LaunchFireSpirit
233 CDOTA_Ability_Phoenix_Supernova
234 CDOTA_Ability_Puck_DreamCoil
235 CDOTA_Ability_Puck_IllusoryOrb
236 CDOTA_Ability_Puck_WaningRift
237 CDOTA_Ability_Pudge_Dismember
238 CDOTA_Ability_Pudge_FleshHeap
239 CDOTA_Ability_Pudge_MeatHook
240 CDOTA_Ability_Pudge_Rot
241 CDOTA_Ability_Pugna_Decrepify
242 CDOTA_Ability_Pugna_LifeDrain
243 CDOTA_Ability_Pugna_NetherBlast
244 CDOTA_Ability_Pugna_NetherWard
245 CDOTA_Ability_QueenOfPain_Blink
246 CDOTA_Ability_QueenOfPain_ScreamOfPain
247 CDOTA_Ability_QueenOfPain_SonicWave
248 CDOTA_Ability_Rattletrap_BatteryAssault
249 CDOTA_Ability_Rattletrap_Hookshot
250 CDOTA_Ability_Rattletrap_PowerCogs
251 CDOTA_Ability_Rattletrap_RocketFlare
252 CDOTA_Ability_Razor_EyeOfTheStorm
253 CDOTA_Ability_Razor_PlasmaField
254 CDOTA_Ability_Riki_BlinkStrike
255 CDOTA_Ability_Riki_SmokeScreen
256 CDOTA_Ability_Riki_TricksOfTheTrade
257 CDOTA_Ability_Rubick_NullField
258 CDOTA_Ability_Rubick_SpellSteal
259 CDOTA_Ability_Rubick_Telekinesis
260 CDOTA_Ability_Rubick_TelekinesisLand
261 CDOTA_Ability_SandKing_BurrowStrike
262 CDOTA_Ability_SandKing_Epicenter
263 CDOTA_Ability_SandKing_SandStorm
264 CDOTA_Ability_SatyrTrickster_Purge
265 CDOTA_Ability_Shadow_Demon_Disruption
266 CDOTA_Ability_Shadow_Demon_Shadow_Poison
267 CDOTA_Ability_Shadow_Demon_Soul_Catcher
268 CDOTA_Ability_Shredder_Chakram
269 CDOTA_Ability_Shredder_TimberChain
270 CDOTA_Ability_Silencer_CurseOfTheSilent
271 CDOTA_Ability_Silencer_GlaivesOfWisdom
272 CDOTA_Ability_SkeletonKing_Reincarnation
273 CDOTA_Ability_SkeletonKing_VampiricAura
274 CDOTA_Ability_Skywrath_Mage_Mystic_Flare
275 CDOTA_Ability_Slardar_Amplify_Damage
276 CDOTA_Ability_Slardar_Slithereen_Crush
277 CDOTA_Ability_Slark_EssenceShift
278 CDOTA_Ability_Slark_Pounce
279 CDOTA_Ability_Slark_ShadowDance
280 CDOTA_Ability_Sniper_Shrapnel
281 CDOTA_Ability_Spectre_Desolate
282 CDOTA_Ability_Spectre_Dispersion
283 CDOTA_Ability_SpiritBreaker_EmpoweringHaste
284 CDOTA_Ability_SpiritBreaker_NetherStrike
285 CDOTA_Ability_StormSpirit_BallLightning
286 CDOTA_Ability_StormSpirit_ElectricVortex
287 CDOTA_Ability_StormSpirit_StaticRemnant
288 CDOTA_Ability_Sven_StormBolt
289 CDOTA_Ability_Sven_Warcry
290 CDOTA_Ability_Techies_FocusedDetonate
291 CDOTA_Ability_Techies_LandMines
292 CDOTA_Ability_Techies_Minefield_Sign
293 CDOTA_Ability_Techies_RemoteMines
294 CDOTA_Ability_Techies_RemoteMines_SelfDetonate
295 CDOTA_Ability_Techies_StasisTrap
296 CDOTA_Ability_Terrorblade_ConjureImage
297 CDOTA_Ability_Terrorblade_Reflection
298 CDOTA_Ability_Terrorblade_Sunder
299 CDOTA_Ability_Throw_Coal
300 CDOTA_Ability_Throw_Snowball
301 CDOTA_Ability_Tidehunter_AnchorSmash
302 CDOTA_Ability_Tidehunter_Gush
303 CDOTA_Ability_Tidehunter_Ravage
304 CDOTA_Ability_Tiny_Avalanche
305 CDOTA_Ability_Tiny_CraggyExterior
306 CDOTA_Ability_Tiny_Toss
307 CDOTA_Ability_Treant_EyesInTheForest
308 CDOTA_Ability_Treant_Overgrowth
309 CDOTA_Ability_TrollWarlord_BerserkersRage
310 CDOTA_Ability_TrollWarlord_Whirling_Axes_Melee
311 CDOTA_Ability_TrollWarlord_WhirlingAxes_Ranged
312 CDOTA_Ability_Tusk_FrozenSigil
313 CDOTA_Ability_Tusk_WalrusKick
314 CDOTA_Ability_Tusk_WalrusPunch
315 CDOTA_Ability_Undying_Decay
316 CDOTA_Ability_Undying_FleshGolem
317 CDOTA_Ability_Undying_SoulRip
318 CDOTA_Ability_Ursa_Earthshock
319 CDOTA_Ability_Ursa_Enrage
320 CDOTA_Ability_VengefulSpirit_Nether_Swap
321 CDOTA_Ability_VengefulSpirit_WaveOfTerror
322 CDOTA_Ability_Venomancer_PoisonNova
323 CDOTA_Ability_Venomancer_VenomousGale
324 CDOTA_Ability_Viper_CorrosiveSkin
325 CDOTA_Ability_Viper_ViperStrike
326 CDOTA_Ability_Visage_SummonFamiliars
327 CDOTA_Ability_Visage_SummonFamiliars_StoneForm
328 CDOTA_Ability_Warlock_RainOfChaos
329 CDOTA_Ability_Warlock_Shadow_Word
330 CDOTA_Ability_Warlock_Upheaval
331 CDOTA_Ability_Weaver_Shukuchi
332 CDOTA_Ability_Weaver_TheSwarm
333 CDOTA_Ability_Weaver_TimeLapse
334 CDOTA_Ability_Windrunner_FocusFire
335 CDOTA_Ability_Windrunner_Powershot
336 CDOTA_Ability_Windrunner_Windrun
337 CDOTA_Ability_Winter_Wyvern_Arctic_Burn
338 CDOTA_Ability_Winter_Wyvern_Cold_Embrace
339 CDOTA_Ability_Winter_Wyvern_Winters_Curse
340 CDOTA_Ability_Wisp_Overcharge
341 CDOTA_Ability_Wisp_Relocate
342 CDOTA_Ability_Wisp_Spirits
343 CDOTA_Ability_Wisp_Tether
344 CDOTA_Ability_WitchDoctor_Maledict
345 CDOTA_Ability_WitchDoctor_ParalyzingCask
346 CDOTA_Ability_WitchDoctor_VoodooRestoration
348 CDOTA_BaseNPC_Additive
349 CDOTA_BaseNPC_Barracks
350 CDOTA_BaseNPC_Building
351 CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creature
352 CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep
353 CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Lane
354 CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Neutral
355 CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Siege
356 CDOTA_BaseNPC_Creep_Talking
357 CDOTA_BaseNPC_Effigy_BattleCup
358 CDOTA_BaseNPC_Effigy_Statue
359 CDOTA_BaseNPC_Fort
360 CDOTA_BaseNPC_HallofFame
361 CDOTA_BaseNPC_Hero
362 CDOTA_BaseNPC_HoldoutTower
363 CDOTA_BaseNPC_HoldoutTower_HeavySlow
364 CDOTA_BaseNPC_HoldoutTower_LightFast
365 CDOTA_BaseNPC_HoldoutTower_ReduceSpeed
366 CDOTA_BaseNPC_Invoker_Forged_Spirit
367 CDOTA_BaseNPC_SDKTower
368 CDOTA_BaseNPC_ShadowShaman_SerpentWard
369 CDOTA_BaseNPC_Shop
370 CDOTA_BaseNPC_Tower
371 CDOTA_BaseNPC_Tusk_Sigil
372 CDOTA_BaseNPC_Venomancer_PlagueWard
373 CDOTA_BaseNPC_Warlock_Golem
374 CDOTA_Beastmaster_Axe
375 DataTeamPlayer_t
376 CDOTA_DataCustomTeam
377 CDOTA_DataDire
378 CDOTA_DataNonSpectator
379 CDOTA_DataRadiant
380 CDOTA_DataSpectator
381 CDOTA_DeathProphet_Exorcism_Spirit
382 CDOTA_DisplacementVisibility
383 CDOTA_Hero_Recorder
384 CDOTA_Item
385 CDOTA_Item_Aether_Lens
386 CDOTA_Item_Ancient_Janggo
387 CDOTA_Item_Arcane_Boots
388 CDOTA_Item_Armlet
389 CDOTA_Item_Battlefury
390 CDOTA_Item_BlinkDagger
391 CDOTA_Item_Bloodstone
392 CDOTA_Item_BootsOfTravel
393 CDOTA_Item_BootsOfTravel_2
394 CDOTA_Item_Buckler
395 CDOTA_Item_Crimson_Guard
396 CDOTA_Item_Cyclone
397 CDOTA_Item_DataDriven
398 CDOTA_Item_Diffusal_Blade
399 CDOTA_Item_Diffusal_Blade_Level2
400 CDOTA_Item_EmptyBottle
401 CDOTA_Item_Ethereal_Blade
402 CDOTA_Item_ForceStaff
403 CDOTA_Item_GemOfTrueSight
404 CDOTA_Item_Guardian_Greaves
405 CDOTA_Item_Hurricane_Pike
406 CDOTA_Item_Iron_Talon
407 CDOTA_Item_Lua
408 CDOTA_Item_MantaStyle
409 CDOTA_Item_Medallion_Of_Courage
410 CDOTA_Item_Mekansm
411 CDOTA_Item_Moonshard
412 CDOTA_Item_Necronomicon
413 CDOTA_Item_Necronomicon_Level2
414 CDOTA_Item_Necronomicon_Level3
415 CDOTA_Item_Nian_Flag_Trap
416 CDOTA_Item_ObserverWard
417 CDOTA_Item_Physical
418 CDOTA_Item_Pipe
419 CDOTA_Item_PowerTreads
420 CDOTA_Item_QuellingBlade
421 CDOTA_Item_Radiance
422 CDOTA_Item_Recipe_Guardian_Greaves
423 CDOTA_Item_Recipe_Veil_Of_Discord
424 CDOTA_Item_Ring_Of_Basilius
425 CDOTA_Item_RingOfAquila
426 CDOTA_Item_Rune
427 CDOTA_Item_SentryWard
428 CDOTA_Item_Shivas_Guard
429 CDOTA_Item_Smoke_Of_Deceit
430 CDOTA_Item_Solar_Crest
431 CDOTA_Item_Tango
432 CDOTA_Item_Tango_Single
433 CDOTA_Item_TeleportScroll
434 CDOTA_Item_TranquilBoots
435 CDOTA_Item_TranquilBoots2
436 CDOTA_Item_UltimateScepter
437 CDOTA_Item_Urn_Of_Shadows
438 CDOTA_Item_Veil_Of_Discord
439 CDOTA_Item_Vladmir
440 CDOTA_Item_Ward_Dispenser
441 CDOTA_NeutralSpawner
442 CDOTA_NPC_DataDriven
443 CDOTA_NPC_Observer_Ward
444 CDOTA_NPC_Observer_Ward_TrueSight
445 CDOTA_NPC_Techies_Minefield_Sign
446 CDOTA_NPC_TechiesMines
447 CDOTA_NPC_Treant_EyesInTheForest
448 CDOTA_NPC_WitchDoctor_Ward
449 CDOTA_PhantomAssassin_Gravestone
450 PlayerResourcePlayerTeamData_t
451 PlayerResourcePlayerData_t
452 PlayerResourceBroadcasterData_t
453 CDOTA_PlayerResource
454 CDOTA_RoshanSpawner
455 CDOTA_SimpleObstruction
456 CDOTA_TempTree
457 CDOTA_Tiny_ScepterTree
458 CDOTA_Unit_Announcer
459 CDOTA_Unit_Announcer_Killing_Spree
460 CDOTA_Unit_Brewmaster_PrimalEarth
461 CDOTA_Unit_Brewmaster_PrimalFire
462 CDOTA_Unit_Brewmaster_PrimalStorm
463 CDOTA_Unit_Broodmother_Spiderling
464 CDOTA_Unit_Broodmother_Web
465 CDOTA_Unit_Courier
466 CDOTA_Unit_Earth_Spirit_Stone
467 CDOTA_Unit_Elder_Titan_AncestralSpirit
468 CDOTA_Unit_Fountain
469 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Abaddon
470 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_AbyssalUnderlord
471 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Alchemist
472 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_AncientApparition
473 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_AntiMage
474 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_ArcWarden
475 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Axe
476 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Bane
477 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Batrider
478 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Beastmaster
479 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Beastmaster_Beasts
480 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Beastmaster_Boar
481 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Beastmaster_Hawk
482 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Bloodseeker
483 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_BountyHunter
484 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Brewmaster
485 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Bristleback
486 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Broodmother
487 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Centaur
488 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_ChaosKnight
489 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Chen
490 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Clinkz
491 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_CrystalMaiden
492 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_DarkSeer
493 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Dazzle
494 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_DeathProphet
495 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Disruptor
496 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_DoomBringer
497 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_DragonKnight
498 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_DrowRanger
499 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Earthshaker
500 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_EarthSpirit
501 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Elder_Titan
502 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_EmberSpirit
503 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Enchantress
504 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Enigma
505 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_FacelessVoid
506 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Furion
507 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Gyrocopter
508 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Huskar
509 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Invoker
510 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Jakiro
511 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Juggernaut
512 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_KeeperOfTheLight
513 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Kunkka
514 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Legion_Commander
515 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Leshrac
516 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Lich
517 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Life_Stealer
518 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Lina
519 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Lion
520 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_LoneDruid
521 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Luna
522 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Lycan
523 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Magnataur
524 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Medusa
525 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Meepo
526 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Mirana
527 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Morphling
528 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Naga_Siren
529 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Necrolyte
530 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Nevermore
531 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_NightStalker
532 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Nyx_Assassin
533 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Obsidian_Destroyer
534 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Ogre_Magi
535 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Omniknight
536 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Oracle
537 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_PhantomAssassin
538 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_PhantomLancer
539 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Phoenix
540 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Puck
541 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Pudge
542 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Pugna
543 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_QueenOfPain
544 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Rattletrap
545 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Razor
546 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Riki
547 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Rubick
548 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_SandKing
549 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Shadow_Demon
550 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_ShadowShaman
551 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Shredder
552 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Silencer
553 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_SkeletonKing
554 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Skywrath_Mage
555 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Slardar
556 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Slark
557 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Sniper
558 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Spectre
559 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_SpiritBreaker
560 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_StormSpirit
561 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Sven
562 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Techies
563 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_TemplarAssassin
564 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Terrorblade
565 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Tidehunter
566 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Tinker
567 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Tiny
568 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Treant
569 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_TrollWarlord
570 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Tusk
571 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Undying
572 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Ursa
573 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_VengefulSpirit
574 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Venomancer
575 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Viper
576 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Visage
577 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Warlock
578 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Weaver
579 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Windrunner
580 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Winter_Wyvern
581 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Wisp
582 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_WitchDoctor
583 CDOTA_Unit_Hero_Zuus
584 CDOTA_Unit_LoopingSound
585 CDOTA_Unit_Nian
586 CDOTA_Unit_Roquelaire
587 CDOTA_Unit_Roshan
588 CDOTA_Unit_SpiritBear
589 CDOTA_Unit_TargetDummy
590 CDOTA_Unit_Undying_Tombstone
591 CDOTA_Unit_Undying_Zombie
592 CDOTA_Unit_VisageFamiliar
593 CDOTA_Wisp_Spirit
594 CDOTABaseAbility
595 CDOTABaseGameMode
596 CDOTACameraBounds
597 TempViewerInfo_t
598 CDOTAFogOfWarTempViewers
599 CDOTAGameManager
600 CDOTAGameManagerProxy
601 CHeroesPerPlayer
602 CDOTA_ItemStockInfo
603 CDOTA_AbilityDraftAbilityState
604 CHeroStatueLiked
605 AABB_t
606 CDOTAGamerules
607 CDOTAGamerulesProxy
608 CDOTAHoldoutNetworker
609 InGamePredictionData_t
610 CDOTAInGamePredictionState
611 CDOTAMinimapBoundary
612 CDOTAPlayer
613 CDOTAPropCustomTexture
614 CDotaQuest
615 CDotaQuestBase
616 CDOTASpecGraphPlayerData
617 CDOTASpectatorGraphManager
618 CDOTASpectatorGraphManagerProxy
619 CDotaSubquestBase
620 CDOTATeam
621 CSpeechBubbleInfo
622 CDotaTutorialNetworker
623 CDOTAWearableItem
624 CDynamicLight
625 CDynamicProp
626 CEconEntity
627 CEconWearable
628 CEntityDissolve
629 CEntityFlame
630 CEnvClock
631 CEnvCubemap
632 CEnvCubemapBox
633 CEnvDeferredLight
634 CEnvDetailController
635 CEnvDOFController
636 CEnvLightProbeVolume
637 CEnvProjectedTexture
638 CEnvScreenEffect
639 CEnvScreenOverlay
640 CEnvSky
641 CEnvWind
642 CFireSmoke
643 CFish
644 CFogController
645 CFunc_Dust
646 CFunc_LOD
647 CFuncAreaPortalWindow
648 CFuncBrush
649 CFuncConveyor
650 CFuncDistanceOccluder
651 CFuncLadder
652 CFuncMoveLinear
653 CFuncOccluder
654 CFuncRotating
655 CFuncTrackTrain
656 CGameRulesProxy
657 CGenericFlexCycler
658 CHandleTest
659 CInfoLadderDismount
660 CInfoOverlayAccessor
661 CInfoPlayerStartBadGuys
662 CInfoPlayerStartDota
663 CInfoPlayerStartGoodGuys
664 CInfoWorldLayer
665 CDOTA_PlayerChallengeInfo
666 CDOTA_CombatLogQueryProgress
667 CIngameEvent_FM2015
668 CDOTASubChallengeInfo
669 CIngameEvent_TI6
670 CIngameEvent_WM2016
671 CLightComponent
672 CLightDirectionalEntity
673 CLightEntity
674 CLightGlow
675 CLightSpotEntity
676 CMaterialModifyControl
677 CModelPointEntity
678 CParticlePerformanceMonitor
679 CParticleSystem
680 CPhysBox
681 CPhysBoxMultiplayer
682 CPhysicsProp
683 CPhysMagnet
684 CPlasma
685 CPlayerResource
686 CPointCamera
687 CPointClientUIDialog
688 CPointClientUIWorldPanel
689 CPointCommentaryNode
690 CPointEntity
691 CPointHMDAnchor
692 CPointValueRemapper
693 CPointWorldText
694 CPoseController
695 CPostProcessController
696 CPostProcessingVolume
697 CPrecipitation
698 CPrecipitationBlocker
699 CPropHMDAvatar
700 CPropVehicleDriveable
701 CPropVRHand
702 CPropVRTrackedObject
703 CPropZipline
704 CRagdollManager
705 CRagdollProp
706 CRagdollPropAttached
707 CRopeKeyframe
708 CSceneEntity
709 CShadowControl
710 CSkyCamera
711 CSpeechBubbleManager
712 CSpotlightEnd
713 CSprite
714 CSpriteOriented
715 CSun
716 CTeam
717 CTestTraceline
718 CTFWearableItem
719 CTonemapController2
720 CTriggerCamera
721 CTriggerPlayerMovement
722 CVGuiScreen
723 CWaterBullet
724 CWorld
725 NextBotCombatCharacter
726 uint16
727 m_cellX
728 m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin
729 m_cellY
730 m_cellZ
731 CNetworkedQuantizedFloat
732 m_vecX
733 m_vecY
734 m_vecZ
735 CGameSceneNodeHandle
736 m_hParent
737 m_skeletonInstance
738 QAngle
739 m_angRotation
740 float32
741 m_flScale
742 HSequence
743 m_hSequence
744 m_animationController.m_baseLayer
745 m_flPlaybackRate
746 m_animationController
747 int32
748 m_nNewSequenceParity
749 m_nResetEventsParity
750 m_flPrevCycle
751 m_flCycle
752 m_nOutsideWorld
753 CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel >
754 m_hModel
755 m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState
756 uint64
757 m_MeshGroupMask
758 m_nDebugIndex
759 int8
760 m_nIdealMotionType
761 CUtlStringToken
762 m_name
763 m_hierarchyAttachName
764 bool
765 m_bIsRenderingEnabled
766 m_bIsAnimationEnabled
767 m_materialGroup
768 uint8
769 m_nHitboxSet
770 m_flWeight
771 m_bClientSideAnimation
772 float32[24]
773 m_flPoseParameter
774 m_nameStringableIndex
775 (root)
776 m_bCollisionActivationDisabled
777 m_flAnimTime
778 m_flSimulationTime
779 CHandle< CBaseEntity >
780 m_hOwnerEntity
781 Color
782 m_clrRender
783 m_nMuzzleFlashParity
784 CBodyComponent
785 CEntityIdentity*
786 m_pEntity
787 m_nInteractsAs
788 m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute
789 m_nInteractsWith
790 m_nInteractsExclude
791 uint32
792 m_nEntityId
793 m_nHierarchyId
794 m_nCollisionGroup
795 m_nCollisionFunctionMask
796 Vector
797 m_vecMins
798 m_Collision
799 m_vecMaxs
800 m_usSolidFlags
801 SolidType_t
802 m_nSolidType
803 m_triggerBloat
804 SurroundingBoundsType_t
805 m_nSurroundType
806 m_CollisionGroup
807 m_bHitboxEnabled
808 m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins
809 m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs
810 m_vCapsuleCenter1
811 m_vCapsuleCenter2
812 m_flCapsuleRadius
813 m_iGlowType
814 m_Glow
815 m_nGlowRange
816 m_nGlowRangeMin
817 m_glowColorOverride
818 m_bFlashing
819 MoveCollide_t
820 m_MoveCollide
821 MoveType_t
822 m_MoveType
823 m_flCreateTime
824 m_bClientSideRagdoll
825 m_ubInterpolationFrame
826 m_iTeamNum
827 m_hEffectEntity
828 m_fEffects
829 m_flElasticity
830 coord
831 gender_t
832 m_Gender
833 m_bSimulatedEveryTick
834 m_bAnimatedEveryTick
835 m_nMinCPULevel
836 m_nMaxCPULevel
837 m_nMinGPULevel
838 m_nMaxGPULevel
839 m_iTextureFrameIndex
840 m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime
841 RenderMode_t
842 m_nRenderMode
843 RenderFx_t
844 m_nRenderFX
845 m_LightGroup
846 m_flGlowBackfaceMult
847 m_fadeMinDist
848 m_fadeMaxDist
849 m_flFadeScale
850 m_vecForce
851 m_nForceBone
852 m_op
853 m_nOrder
854 m_bLooping
855 CUtlVector< CAnimationLayer >
856 m_AnimOverlay
857 m_iAttributeDefinitionIndex
858 m_iRawValue32
859 CUtlVector< CEconItemAttribute >
860 m_Attributes
861 m_AttributeManager.m_Item.m_AttributeList
862 item_definition_index_t
863 m_iItemDefinitionIndex
864 m_AttributeManager.m_Item
865 m_iEntityQuality
866 m_iEntityLevel
867 itemid_t
868 m_iItemID
869 m_iAccountID
870 m_iInventoryPosition
871 m_bInitialized
872 m_iReapplyProvisionParity
873 m_AttributeManager
874 m_hOuter
875 attributeprovidertypes_t
876 m_ProviderType
877 CUtlVector< float32 >
878 m_flexWeight
879 m_viewtarget
880 m_blinktoggle
881 CHandle< CBaseModelEntity >
882 m_glowEntity
883 m_usable
884 CUtlSymbolLarge
885 m_szDisplayText
886 m_bEnabled
887 m_DialogXMLName
888 m_PanelClassName
889 m_flNextAttack
890 m_flFieldOfView
891 CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseCombatWeapon > >
892 m_hMyWeapons
893 CHandle< CBaseCombatWeapon >
894 m_hActiveWeapon
895 CUtlVector< CHandle< CEconWearable > >
896 m_hMyWearables
897 m_iClip1
898 m_flTimeWeaponIdle
899 CHandle< CBaseCombatCharacter >
900 m_hOwner
901 m_iViewModelIndex
902 m_iWorldModelIndex
903 WeaponState_t
904 m_iState
905 m_bInReload
906 m_nNextThinkTick
907 m_nViewModelIndex
908 m_flNextPrimaryAttack
909 m_flNextSecondaryAttack
910 m_nQueuedAttack
911 m_flTimeAttackQueued
912 m_iPrimaryAmmoType
913 m_iSecondaryAmmoType
914 m_iClip2
915 m_bOnlyPump
916 m_bIsUsable
917 m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin
918 m_sceneNode
919 m_nDuckTimeMsecs
920 dirPrimary
921 m_skybox3d.fog
922 colorPrimary
923 colorSecondary
924 start
925 end
926 maxdensity
927 exponent
928 HDRColorScale
929 enable
930 blend
931 m_bNoReflectionFog
932 int16
933 scale
934 m_skybox3d
935 origin
936 area
937 bClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFar
938 flClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFarOffset
939 Vector[8]
940 localSound
941 m_audio
942 soundscapeIndex
943 localBits
944 soundscapeEntityListIndex
945 uint8[32]
946 m_chAreaBits
947 uint8[24]
948 m_chAreaPortalBits
949 m_iHideHUD
950 m_flFOVRate
951 m_bDucked
952 m_bDucking
953 m_bInDuckJump
954 m_nDuckJumpTimeMsecs
955 m_nJumpTimeMsecs
956 m_flFallVelocity
957 m_bDrawViewmodel
958 m_bWearingSuit
959 m_bPoisoned
960 m_flStepSize
961 m_bAllowAutoMovement
962 m_bSlowMovement
963 m_bAutoAimTarget
964 m_nTickBase
965 m_iHealth
966 m_lifeState
967 m_fFlags
968 m_hGroundEntity
969 m_vecVelocity
970 m_vecViewOffset
971 m_iMaxHealth
972 m_Local
973 CHandle< CPostProcessController >
974 m_hPostProcessCtrl
975 CHandle< CColorCorrection >
976 m_hColorCorrectionCtrl
977 m_hHeldEntity
978 m_iBonusProgress
979 m_iBonusChallenge
980 m_iObserverMode
981 m_iFOV
982 m_iDefaultFOV
983 m_iFOVStart
984 m_flFOVTime
985 m_hObserverTarget
986 m_hZoomOwner
987 CHandle< CBaseViewModel >[2]
988 m_hViewModel
989 CHandle< CPropHMDAvatar >
990 m_hPropHMDAvatar
991 CHandle< CPointHMDAnchor >
992 m_hPointHMDAnchor
993 m_flMaxspeed
994 m_ladderSurfaceProps
995 m_vecLadderNormal
996 normal
997 char[18]
998 m_szLastPlaceName
999 m_currentSCLPacked
1000 m_vecBaseVelocity
1001 m_flFriction
1002 uint32[32]
1003 m_iAmmo
1004 m_fOnTarget
1005 m_flDeathTime
1006 m_hTonemapController
1007 m_hLastWeapon
1008 m_hConstraintEntity
1009 m_vecConstraintCenter
1010 m_flConstraintRadius
1011 m_flConstraintWidth
1012 m_flConstraintSpeedFactor
1013 m_bConstraintPastRadius
1014 m_flLaggedMovementValue
1015 m_nUnHoldableButtons
1016 m_nWaterLevel
1017 m_hUseEntity
1018 m_hVehicle
1019 m_hViewEntity
1020 CHandle< CFogController >
1021 m_hCtrl
1022 m_PlayerFog
1023 m_spawnflags
1024 m_iPhysicsMode
1025 m_noGhostCollision
1026 m_flClothScale
1027 m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox
1028 DoorState_t
1029 m_eDoorState
1030 m_bLocked
1031 m_isRescueDoor
1032 CHandle< CBasePropDoor >
1033 m_hMaster
1034 m_bClientSidePredicted
1035 m_nAnimationParity
1036 m_hLayerSequence
1037 m_nLayer
1038 m_flAnimationStartTime
1039 m_hWeapon
1040 CHandle< CPropVRHand >
1041 m_hAttachedHand
1042 m_bIsAttached
1043 m_bIsActive
1044 m_flFrame
1045 m_flFrameRate
1046 m_flHDRColorScale
1047 m_nNumBeamEnts
1048 CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 >
1049 m_hBaseMaterial
1050 m_nHaloIndex
1051 BeamType_t
1052 m_nBeamType
1053 m_nBeamFlags
1054 CHandle< CBaseEntity >[10]
1055 m_hAttachEntity
1056 uint8[10]
1057 m_nAttachIndex
1058 m_fWidth
1059 m_fEndWidth
1060 m_fFadeLength
1061 m_fHaloScale
1062 m_fAmplitude
1063 m_fStartFrame
1064 m_fSpeed
1065 BeamClipStyle_t
1066 m_nClipStyle
1067 m_bTurnedOff
1068 m_vecEndPos
1069 m_sUseString
1070 m_sUseSubString
1071 m_flFadeInDuration
1072 m_flFadeOutDuration
1073 m_flMaxWeight
1074 m_bMaster
1075 m_bClientSide
1076 m_bExclusive
1077 m_MinFalloff
1078 m_MaxFalloff
1079 m_flCurWeight
1080 char[260]
1081 m_netlookupFilename
1082 m_MaxWeight
1083 m_FadeDuration
1084 m_Weight
1085 m_lookupFilename
1086 m_nTestMode
1087 m_attachName
1088 m_vDynamicAttachOffset
1089 m_nDynamicResetCount
1090 m_bChildIsDynamic
1091 m_bCreateChildSideChild
1092 m_alternateAttachName
1093 m_hClientSideChildModel
1094 m_flEntityStartTime
1095 m_iLevel
1096 m_bInAbilityPhase
1097 m_fCooldown
1098 m_iCastRange
1099 m_iManaCost
1100 m_bAutoCastState
1101 m_bHidden
1102 m_bActivated
1103 m_iDirtyButtons
1104 m_bToggleState
1105 m_flCooldownLength
1106 m_flChannelStartTime
1107 m_bInIndefiniteCooldown
1108 m_bFrozenCooldown
1109 m_flOverrideCastPoint
1110 m_hDoubles
1111 m_iBrawlActive
1112 m_hPrimary
1113 m_hSecondary
1114 m_hTertiary
1115 m_nQuasLevel
1116 m_nWexLevel
1117 m_nExortLevel
1118 m_hBear
1119 m_nWhichDividedWeStand
1120 m_nNumDividedWeStand
1121 CHandle< CDOTA_Ability_Meepo_DividedWeStand >
1122 m_entPrimeDividedWeStand
1123 m_entNextDividedWeStand
1124 m_hImage
1125 m_hVictim
1126 char[256]
1127 m_ActivityModifier
1128 m_fStolenCastPoint
1129 m_hScepterIllusion
1130 qangle_pitch_yaw
1131 m_iCurrentLevel
1132 int64
1133 m_nTotalDamageTaken
1134 m_iAttackCapabilities
1135 m_iTaggedAsVisibleByTeam
1136 m_anglediff
1137 m_NetworkActivity
1138 m_NetworkSequenceIndex
1139 CHandle< CBaseEntity >[17]
1140 m_hAbilities
1141 m_hModifierParent
1142 m_ModifierManager
1143 CHandle< CBaseEntity >[14]
1144 m_hItems
1145 m_Inventory
1146 m_iParity
1147 m_hInventoryParent
1148 m_bStashEnabled
1149 m_hTransientCastItem
1150 DamageOptions_t
1151 m_takedamage
1152 m_nLod
1153 m_bSelectionRingVisible
1154 m_flMana
1155 m_flMaxMana
1156 m_flManaThinkRegen
1157 m_flHealthThinkRegen
1158 m_nHealthBarOffsetOverride
1159 m_bIsPhantom
1160 m_bIsAncient
1161 m_bIsNeutralUnitType
1162 m_bIsSummoned
1163 m_bCanBeDominated
1164 m_bHasUpgradeableAbilities
1165 m_iBKBChargesUsed
1166 m_iBotDebugData
1167 m_bIsMoving
1168 m_iMoveSpeed
1169 m_flTauntCooldown
1170 m_iDayTimeVisionRange
1171 m_iNightTimeVisionRange
1172 m_flPhysicalArmorValue
1173 m_flMagicalResistanceValue
1174 m_nUnitState64
1175 m_iIsControllableByPlayer64
1176 m_iUnitNameIndex
1177 m_iDamageMin
1178 m_iDamageMax
1179 m_iDamageBonus
1180 m_bIsWaitingToSpawn
1181 m_nUnitLabelIndex
1183 m_iCurShop
1184 m_bStolenScepter
1185 m_bShouldDoFlyHeightVisual
1186 m_flStartSequenceCycle
1187 m_CustomHealthLabel
1188 m_CustomHealthLabelColor
1189 CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition >
1190 m_nFXIndex
1191 m_nFXIndexDestruction
1192 m_angInitialAngles
1193 m_hHeroStatueSequence
1194 m_fHeroStatueCycle
1195 m_iHeroStatueStatusEffectIndex
1196 m_bHeroStatue
1197 m_bBattleCup
1198 char[32]
1199 m_HeroStatueInscription
1200 m_iHeroStatueOwnerPlayerID
1201 m_ParticleTintColor
1202 m_iCurrentXP
1203 m_flStrength
1204 m_flAgility
1205 m_flIntellect
1206 m_flStrengthTotal
1207 m_flAgilityTotal
1208 m_flIntellectTotal
1209 m_iRecentDamage
1210 m_iPrimaryAttribute
1211 m_iAbilityPoints
1212 m_flRespawnTime
1213 m_flRespawnTimePenalty
1214 m_iPlayerID
1215 CHandle< CDOTA_BaseNPC_Hero >
1216 m_hReplicatingOtherHeroModel
1217 m_bReincarnating
1218 m_bCustomKillEffect
1219 m_flSpawnedAt
1220 m_hEconConsumableAbility
1221 m_hTowerAttackTarget
1222 m_ShopType
1223 m_iTotalEarnedGold
1224 m_iReliableGold
1225 m_iUnreliableGold
1226 m_iStartingPosition
1227 m_iTotalEarnedXP
1228 m_iSharedGold
1229 m_iHeroKillGold
1230 m_iCreepKillGold
1231 m_iIncomeGold
1232 m_iDenyCount
1233 m_iLastHitCount
1234 m_iLastHitStreak
1235 m_iLastHitMultikill
1236 m_iNearbyCreepDeathCount
1237 m_iClaimedDenyCount
1238 m_iClaimedMissCount
1239 m_iMissCount
1240 m_nPossibleHeroSelection
1241 m_iMetaLevel
1242 m_iMetaExperience
1243 m_iMetaExperienceAwarded
1244 m_flBuybackCooldownTime
1245 m_flBuybackGoldLimitTime
1246 m_flBuybackCostTime
1247 m_flCustomBuybackCooldown
1248 m_fStuns
1249 m_fHealing
1250 m_iTowerKills
1251 m_iRoshanKills
1252 m_hCameraTarget
1253 m_hOverrideSelectionEntity
1254 m_iObserverWardsPlaced
1255 m_iSentryWardsPlaced
1256 m_iCreepsStacked
1257 m_iCampsStacked
1258 m_iRunePickups
1259 CUtlVector< DataTeamPlayer_t >
1260 m_vecDataTeam
1261 uint64[256]
1262 m_bWorldTreeState
1263 fixed64
1264 m_hPrimaryRune
1265 m_hSecondaryRune
1266 int32[24]
1267 m_iNetWorth
1268 m_HiddenDisplacement
1269 m_bStartRecording
1270 CHandle< CDOTA_BaseNPC >
1271 m_hHero
1272 CHandle< CDOTAPlayer >
1273 m_hPlayer
1274 m_bPermanent
1275 m_bStackable
1276 m_iSharability
1277 m_iInitialCharges
1278 m_flPurchaseTime
1279 m_iCurrentCharges
1280 m_hPurchaser
1281 m_bCombinable
1282 m_bRecipe
1283 m_bDroppable
1284 m_bPurchasable
1285 m_bSellable
1286 m_bRequiresCharges
1287 m_bKillable
1288 m_bDisassemblable
1289 m_bAlertable
1290 m_bCastOnPickup
1291 m_bCanBeUsedOutOfInventory
1292 m_flAssembledTime
1293 m_iSecondaryCharges
1294 m_bCombineLocked
1295 m_bPurchasedWhileDead
1296 m_iStoredRuneType
1297 CHandle< CDOTA_Item >
1298 m_hItem
1299 m_iStat
1300 m_iRuneType
1301 m_Type
1302 m_nTargetType
1303 m_nSelectedHeroID
1304 m_iKills
1305 m_iAssists
1306 m_iDeaths
1307 m_iStreak
1308 m_iRespawnSeconds
1309 m_iLastBuybackTime
1310 m_hSelectedHero
1311 m_bAFK
1312 int32[2]
1313 m_nSuggestedHeroes
1314 m_bVoiceChatBanned
1315 m_iTimedRewardDrops
1316 m_iTimedRewardDropOrigins
1317 m_iTimedRewardCrates
1318 m_iTimedRewardEvents
1319 m_unCompendiumLevel
1320 m_bHasRepicked
1321 m_bHasRandomed
1322 m_bBattleBonusActive
1323 m_iBattleBonusRate
1324 m_iCustomBuybackCost
1325 m_CustomPlayerColor
1326 m_bReservedHeroOnly
1327 m_bQualifiesForPAContractReward
1328 m_bHasPredictedVictory
1329 m_UnitShareMasks
1330 m_iTeamSlot
1331 m_iEventPoints
1332 m_iEventPremiumPoints
1333 m_iEventWagerTokensRemaining
1334 m_iEventWagerTokensMax
1335 m_iEventEffectsMask
1336 m_iEventRanks
1337 m_bIsEventOwned
1338 m_hCourier
1339 m_iBattleCupWinDate
1340 m_iBattleCupSkillLevel
1341 m_iBattleCupTeamID
1342 m_iBattleCupTournamentID
1343 m_iBattleCupDivision
1344 m_flTeamFightParticipation
1345 m_iFirstBloodClaimed
1346 m_iFirstBloodGiven
1347 m_bIsValid
1348 m_iszPlayerName
1349 m_iPlayerTeam
1350 m_bFullyJoinedServer
1351 m_bFakeClient
1352 m_bIsBroadcaster
1353 m_iBroadcasterChannel
1354 m_iBroadcasterChannelSlot
1355 m_bIsBroadcasterChannelCameraman
1356 m_iConnectionState
1357 m_iPlayerSteamID
1358 m_iszBroadcasterChannelDescription
1359 m_iszBroadcasterChannelCountryCode
1360 m_iszBroadcasterChannelLanguageCode
1361 CUtlVector< PlayerResourcePlayerTeamData_t >
1362 m_vecPlayerTeamData
1363 CUtlVector< PlayerResourcePlayerData_t >
1364 m_vecPlayerData
1365 CUtlVector< PlayerResourceBroadcasterData_t >
1366 m_vecBrodcasterData
1367 m_nEventIDAssociatedWithEventData
1368 m_bBlockFoW
1369 m_vecTreeCircleCenter
1370 m_bOwnerModelChanged
1371 m_bIsGeneratingEconItem
1372 m_bFlyingCourier
1373 CourierState_t
1374 m_nCourierState
1375 m_hCourierStateEntity
1376 m_bIsIllusion
1377 m_nWhichMeepo
1378 m_nArcanaLevel
1379 m_nArcanaColor
1380 m_pszNetworkedSoundLoop
1381 m_nLoopingSoundParity
1382 m_flFlyHeight
1383 m_flDamageTaken
1384 m_flLastHit
1385 m_flStartDamageTime
1386 m_flLastDamageTime
1387 m_nCustomGameForceHeroSelectionId
1388 m_bAlwaysShowPlayerInventory
1389 m_bGoldSoundDisabled
1390 m_bRecommendedItemsDisabled
1391 m_bStickyItemDisabled
1392 m_bStashPurchasingDisabled
1393 m_bFogOfWarDisabled
1394 m_bUseUnseenFOW
1395 m_bUseCustomBuybackCost
1396 m_bUseCustomBuybackCooldown
1397 m_bBuybackEnabled
1398 m_flCameraDistanceOverride
1399 m_bTopBarTeamValuesOverride
1400 m_bTopBarTeamValuesVisible
1401 m_nTeamGoodGuysTopBarValue
1402 m_nTeamBadGuysTopBarValue
1403 m_bAlwaysShowPlayerNames
1404 m_bUseCustomHeroLevels
1405 CUtlVector< int32 >
1406 m_nCustomXPRequiredToReachNextLevel
1407 m_bTowerBackdoorProtectionEnabled
1408 m_bBotThinkingEnabled
1409 m_bAnnouncerDisabled
1410 m_bKillingSpreeAnnouncerDisabled
1411 m_flFixedRespawnTime
1412 m_nHUDVisibilityBits
1413 m_flMinimumAttackSpeed
1414 m_flMaximumAttackSpeed
1415 m_bIsDaynightCycleDisabled
1416 m_bAreWeatherEffectsDisabled
1417 m_vecBoundsMin
1418 m_vecBoundsMax
1419 m_nGridX
1420 m_nGridY
1421 m_nRadius
1422 m_nViewerType
1423 m_bObstructedVision
1424 m_bValid
1425 m_FoWTempViewerVersion
1426 CUtlVector< TempViewerInfo_t >
1427 m_TempViewerInfo
1428 bool[128]
1429 m_StableHeroAvailable
1430 m_CurrentHeroAvailable
1431 m_CulledHeroes
1432 CDOTAGameManager*
1433 m_pGameManager
1434 m_vecHeroIDs
1435 iTeamNumber
1436 usItemIndex
1437 fStockDuration
1438 fStockTime
1439 iStockCount
1440 iMaxCount
1441 fInitialStockDuration
1442 iPlayerNumber
1443 m_unAbilityIndex
1444 m_unPlayerID
1445 m_unAbilityPlayerSlot
1446 m_iPlayerIDLiker
1447 m_iPlayerIDLiked
1448 m_vMinBounds
1449 m_vMaxBounds
1450 m_fGameTime
1451 m_iNetTimeOfDay
1452 m_iFoWFrameNumber
1453 uint8[18]
1454 m_BotDebugPushLane
1455 nAssassinState
1456 m_AssassinMiniGameNetData
1457 nVictimHeroID
1458 m_iMiscHeroPickCounter
1459 m_hEndGameCinematicEntity
1460 m_hOverlayHealthBarUnit
1461 m_nOverlayHealthBarType
1462 m_bIsInCinematicMode
1463 m_bFreeCourierMode
1464 m_unFanfareGoodGuys
1465 m_unFanfareBadGuys
1466 m_nGameState
1467 DOTA_HeroPickState
1468 m_nHeroPickState
1469 m_flStateTransitionTime
1470 m_flOverride_dota_hero_selection_time
1471 m_flOverride_dota_pregame_time
1472 m_flOverride_dota_postgame_time
1473 m_flOverride_dota_rune_spawn_time
1474 m_iGameMode
1475 m_hGameModeEntity
1476 m_flHeroPickStateTransitionTime
1477 m_iPlayerIDsInControl
1478 m_bSameHeroSelectionEnabled
1479 m_bUseCustomHeroXPValue
1480 m_bUseBaseGoldBountyOnHeroes
1481 m_bUseUniversalShopMode
1482 m_bHideKillMessageHeaders
1483 m_flHeroMinimapIconScale
1484 m_flCreepMinimapIconScale
1485 m_flRuneMinimapIconScale
1486 m_CustomVictoryMessage
1487 m_flCustomGameEndDelay
1488 m_flCustomGameSetupAutoLaunchDelay
1489 m_flCustomGameSetupTimeout
1490 m_flCustomVictoryMessageDuration
1491 m_bCustomGameSetupAutoLaunchEnabled
1492 m_bCustomGameTeamSelectionLocked
1493 m_iCMModePickBanOrder
1494 m_iCDModePickBanOrder
1495 m_iPauseTeam
1496 m_nGGTeam
1497 m_flGGEndsAtTime
1498 m_bWhiteListEnabled
1499 uint64[4]
1500 m_bItemWhiteList
1501 m_nLastHitUIMode
1502 m_bHUDTimerTutorialMode
1503 float32[2]
1504 m_fExtraTimeRemaining
1505 m_bHeroRespawnEnabled
1506 m_iCaptainPlayerIDs
1507 int32[10]
1508 m_BannedHeroes
1509 m_SelectedHeroes
1510 m_iActiveTeam
1511 m_iStartingTeam
1512 m_iPenaltyLevelRadiant
1513 m_iPenaltyLevelDire
1514 m_bTier3TowerDestroyed
1515 m_nSeriesType
1516 m_nRadiantSeriesWins
1517 m_nDireSeriesWins
1518 CUtlVector< CHeroesPerPlayer >
1519 m_vecAvailableHerosPerPlayerID
1520 m_vecLockedHerosByPlayerID
1521 m_flPreGameStartTime
1522 m_flGameStartTime
1523 m_flGameEndTime
1524 m_flGameLoadTime
1525 m_iCustomGameScore
1526 m_nCustomGameDifficulty
1527 m_fGoodGlyphCooldown
1528 m_fBadGlyphCooldown
1529 float32[14]
1530 m_flGlyphCooldowns
1531 m_fGoodRadarCooldown
1532 m_fBadRadarCooldown
1533 m_flRadarCooldowns
1534 m_bIsNightstalkerNight
1535 m_bIsTemporaryNight
1536 m_nRiverType
1537 CUtlVector< CDOTA_ItemStockInfo >
1538 m_vecItemStockInfo
1539 m_nGameWinner
1540 m_unMatchID64
1541 m_bMatchSignoutComplete
1542 m_hSideShop1
1543 m_hSideShop2
1544 m_hSecretShop1
1545 m_hSecretShop2
1546 m_hTeamFountains
1547 m_hTeamForts
1548 m_hTeamShops
1549 m_hAnnouncerGood
1550 m_hAnnouncerBad
1551 m_hAnnouncerSpectator
1552 m_hAnnouncerGood_KillingSpree
1553 m_hAnnouncerBad_KillingSpree
1554 m_hAnnouncerSpectator_KillingSpree
1555 m_nLoadedPlayers
1556 m_nExpectedPlayers
1557 m_iMinimapDebugGridState
1558 m_bIsStableMode
1559 m_bGamePaused
1560 m_BotDebugDefendLane
1561 uint8[6]
1562 m_BotDebugFarmLane
1563 uint8[8]
1564 m_BotDebugRoam
1565 CHandle< CBaseEntity >[2]
1566 m_hBotDebugRoamTarget
1567 uint8[2]
1568 m_BotDebugRoshan
1569 ERoshanSpawnPhase
1570 m_nRoshanRespawnPhase
1571 m_flRoshanRespawnPhaseEndTime
1573 m_AbilityDraftAbilities
1574 m_nAbilityDraftPlayerTracker
1575 m_nAbilityDraftRoundNumber
1576 m_nAbilityDraftAdvanceSteps
1577 m_nAbilityDraftPhase
1578 int32[12]
1579 m_nAbilityDraftHeroesChosen
1580 m_nAllDraftPhase
1581 m_bAllDraftRadiantFirst
1582 m_bAllowOverrideVPK
1583 m_nARDMHeroesRemaining
1584 m_lobbyLeagueID
1585 m_lobbyGameName
1586 CUtlVector< CHeroStatueLiked >
1587 m_vecHeroStatueLiked
1588 int32[14]
1589 m_CustomGameTeamMaxPlayers
1590 CUtlVector< CHandle< CIngameEvent_Base > >
1591 m_vecIngameEvents
1592 CUtlVector< AABB_t >
1593 m_NeutralSpawnBoxes
1594 CDOTAGamerules*
1595 m_pGameRules
1596 m_flPrepTimeLeft
1597 m_nWaveEnemyCount
1598 m_nCurrentEnemyCount
1599 m_nNumberOfRounds
1600 m_nRoundNumber
1601 m_bIsHeroRespawnEnabled
1602 m_nGoldBagsExpired
1603 m_nID
1604 m_nValue
1605 m_nRawValue
1606 m_nValueState
1607 m_bValueIsMask
1608 m_bVotingClosed
1609 m_bAllPredictionsFinished
1610 CUtlVector< InGamePredictionData_t >
1611 m_vecPredictions
1612 m_nLeagueID
1613 m_iCursor
1614 m_vecStartingPosition
1615 m_bUsingAssistedCameraOperator
1616 m_bUsingCameraMan
1617 m_nPlayerAssistFlags
1618 m_iMusicStatus
1619 float32[3]
1620 m_flMusicOperatorVals
1621 int32[4]
1622 m_iMusicOperatorVals
1623 m_hKillCamUnit
1624 m_hAssignedHero
1625 m_nCachedCoachedTeam
1626 m_iSpectatorClickBehavior
1627 m_flAspectRatio
1628 m_hSpectatorQueryUnit
1629 m_iStatsPanel
1630 m_iShopPanel
1631 ShopItemViewMode_t
1632 m_iShopViewMode
1633 m_iStatsDropdownCategory
1634 m_iStatsDropdownSort
1635 char[64]
1636 m_szShopString
1637 m_bInShowCaseMode
1638 m_flCameraZoomAmount
1639 m_iHighPriorityScore
1640 int32[9]
1641 m_quickBuyItems
1642 bool[9]
1643 m_quickBuyIsPurchasable
1644 m_nServerOrderSequenceNumber
1645 m_pszQuestTitle
1646 m_pszQuestText
1647 m_nQuestType
1648 CHandle< CDotaSubquestBase >[8]
1649 m_hSubquests
1650 m_bCompleted
1651 m_bWinIfCompleted
1652 m_bLoseIfCompleted
1653 m_pszGameEndText
1654 m_pnTextReplaceValuesCDotaQuest
1655 m_pszTextReplaceString
1656 m_nTextReplaceValueVersion
1657 int32[64]
1658 m_rgGoldPerMinute
1659 m_rgXPPerMinute
1660 m_nCreatedByPlayerID
1661 CHandle< CDOTASpecGraphPlayerData >[24]
1662 m_rgPlayerGraphData
1663 m_rgRadiantTotalEarnedGold
1664 m_rgDireTotalEarnedGold
1665 m_rgRadiantTotalEarnedXP
1666 m_rgDireTotalEarnedXP
1667 m_rgRadiantNetWorth
1668 m_rgDireNetWorth
1669 m_flTotalEarnedGoldStartTime
1670 m_flTotalEarnedGoldEndTime
1671 m_nGoldGraphVersion
1672 CDOTASpectatorGraphManager*
1673 m_pGraphManager
1674 m_pszSubquestText
1675 m_bShowProgressBar
1676 m_nProgressBarHueShift
1677 m_pnTextReplaceValuesCDotaSubquestBase
1678 CUtlVector< CHandle< CBasePlayer > >
1679 m_aPlayers
1680 m_iScore
1681 m_iRoundsWon
1682 char[129]
1683 m_szTeamname
1684 m_iHeroKills
1685 m_iBarracksKills
1686 m_unTournamentTeamID
1687 m_ulTeamLogo
1688 m_ulTeamBaseLogo
1689 m_ulTeamBannerLogo
1690 m_bTeamComplete
1691 m_bTeamIsHomeTeam
1692 m_CustomHealthbarColor
1693 char[33]
1694 m_szTag
1695 m_LocalizationStr
1696 m_hNPC
1697 m_flDuration
1698 m_unOffsetX
1699 m_unOffsetY
1700 m_unCount
1701 m_nTutorialState
1702 m_nTaskProgress
1703 m_nTaskSteps
1704 m_nTaskSecondsRemianing
1705 m_nUIState
1706 m_nShopState
1707 m_TargetLocation
1708 m_SpeechBubbles
1709 m_nLocationID
1710 m_GuideStr
1711 m_QuickBuyStr
1712 m_Flags
1713 m_LightStyle
1714 m_Radius
1715 m_Exponent
1716 m_InnerAngle
1717 m_OuterAngle
1718 m_SpotRadius
1719 m_flStartTime
1720 m_flFadeInStart
1721 m_flFadeInLength
1722 m_flFadeOutModelStart
1723 m_flFadeOutModelLength
1724 m_flFadeOutStart
1725 m_flFadeOutLength
1726 EntityDisolveType_t
1727 m_nDissolveType
1728 m_vDissolverOrigin
1729 m_nMagnitude
1730 m_hEntAttached
1731 m_bCheapEffect
1732 m_hHourHand
1733 m_hMinuteHand
1734 m_hSecondHand
1735 m_flStartGameTime
1736 m_flStartClockSeconds
1737 CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase >
1738 m_hCubemapTexture
1739 m_flInfluenceRadius
1740 m_vBoxProjectMins
1741 m_vBoxProjectMaxs
1742 m_LightGroups
1743 m_bStartDisabled
1744 color32
1745 m_LightColor
1746 m_flIntensity
1747 m_flLightSize
1748 m_flSpotFoV
1749 m_vLightDirection
1750 m_flStartFalloff
1751 m_flDistanceFalloff
1752 m_nFlags
1753 m_ProjectedTextureName
1754 m_flFadeStartDist
1755 m_flFadeEndDist
1756 m_bDOFEnabled
1757 m_flNearBlurDepth
1758 m_flNearFocusDepth
1759 m_flFarFocusDepth
1760 m_flFarBlurDepth
1761 m_flNearBlurRadius
1762 m_flFarBlurRadius
1763 m_hLightProbeTexture
1764 m_vBoxMins
1765 m_vBoxMaxs
1766 m_hTargetEntity
1767 m_bState
1768 m_bAlwaysUpdate
1769 m_flLightFOV
1770 m_bEnableShadows
1771 m_bSimpleProjection
1772 m_bLightOnlyTarget
1773 m_bLightWorld
1774 m_bCameraSpace
1775 m_flBrightnessScale
1776 m_flLinearAttenuation
1777 m_flQuadraticAttenuation
1778 m_bVolumetric
1779 m_flNoiseStrength
1780 m_flFlashlightTime
1781 m_nNumPlanes
1782 m_flPlaneOffset
1783 m_flVolumetricIntensity
1784 m_flColorTransitionTime
1785 m_flAmbient
1786 m_SpotlightTextureName
1787 m_nSpotlightTextureFrame
1788 m_nShadowQuality
1789 m_flNearZ
1790 m_flFarZ
1791 m_flProjectionSize
1792 m_flRotation
1793 m_bFlipHorizontal
1794 ScreenEffectType_t
1795 m_nType
1796 CUtlSymbolLarge[10]
1797 m_iszOverlayNames
1798 float32[10]
1799 m_flOverlayTimes
1800 m_iDesiredOverlay
1801 m_hSkyMaterial
1802 m_bLightOverride
1803 m_LightOverrideColor
1804 m_flLightOverrideBrightness
1805 m_vTintColor
1806 m_nFogType
1807 m_flFogMinStart
1808 m_flFogMinEnd
1809 m_flFogMaxStart
1810 m_flFogMaxEnd
1811 m_EnvWindShared
1812 m_iWindSeed
1813 m_iMinWind
1814 m_iMaxWind
1815 m_windRadius
1816 m_iMinGust
1817 m_iMaxGust
1818 m_flMinGustDelay
1819 m_flMaxGustDelay
1820 m_flGustDuration
1821 m_iGustDirChange
1822 m_location
1823 m_iInitialWindDir
1824 m_flInitialWindSpeed
1825 m_flStartScale
1826 m_flScaleTime
1827 m_nFlameModelIndex
1828 m_nFlameFromAboveModelIndex
1829 m_x
1830 m_y
1831 m_z
1832 m_angle
1833 m_poolOrigin
1834 m_waterLevel
1835 m_fog
1836 colorPrimaryLerpTo
1837 colorSecondaryLerpTo
1838 farz
1839 skyboxFogFactor
1840 skyboxFogFactorLerpTo
1841 startLerpTo
1842 endLerpTo
1843 maxdensityLerpTo
1844 lerptime
1845 duration
1846 m_Color
1847 m_SpawnRate
1848 m_SpeedMax
1849 m_flSizeMin
1850 m_flSizeMax
1851 m_DistMax
1852 m_LifetimeMin
1853 m_LifetimeMax
1854 m_FallSpeed
1855 m_DustFlags
1856 m_nDisappearMinDist
1857 m_nDisappearMaxDist
1858 m_flFadeDist
1859 m_flTranslucencyLimit
1860 m_iBackgroundModelIndex
1861 m_flConveyorSpeed
1862 m_hAttachedOccluder
1863 m_vecLadderDir
1864 m_vecPlayerMountPositionTop
1865 m_vecPlayerMountPositionBottom
1866 m_flAutoRideSpeed
1867 m_bFakeLadder
1868 m_Handle
1869 m_bSendHandle
1870 m_iOverlayID
1871 m_bDisabled
1872 m_worldName
1873 m_layerName
1874 m_bWorldLayerVisible
1875 m_bEntitiesSpawned
1876 nType
1877 nQuestID
1878 nQuestChallengeID
1879 nTier
1880 nParam0
1881 nParam1
1882 nSlotID
1883 nProgress
1884 nCompletionThreshold
1885 nPlayerID
1886 nQueryIndex
1887 nEventID
1888 nSequenceID
1889 nCompleted
1890 nRank
1891 m_nPlayerID
1892 m_nQueryID
1893 m_nQueryRank
1894 m_nMultiQueryID
1895 m_szRankIdentifier
1896 m_CompendiumChallengeEventID
1897 m_CompendiumChallengeSequenceID
1898 m_CompendiumChallengeCoinReward
1899 m_CompendiumChallengeCoinSplash
1900 m_CompendiumChallengePointReward
1901 bool[24]
1902 m_CompendiumChallengeCompleted
1903 m_CompendiumChallengeFailed
1904 m_CompendiumChallengeProgress
1905 m_QueryIDForProgress
1906 CUtlVector< CDOTA_PlayerChallengeInfo >
1907 m_CompendiumChallengeInfo
1908 DOTA_CombatLogQueryProgress
1909 m_PlayerQueryIDs
1910 int32[100]
1911 m_ProgressForQueryID
1912 m_GoalForQueryID
1913 m_PlayerQuestRankPreviouslyCompleted
1914 m_PlayerQuestRankCompleted
1915 m_CompendiumCoinWager
1916 m_CompendiumCoinWagerResults
1917 m_flWagerTimer
1918 m_flWagerEndTime
1919 m_flBonusWagerRate
1920 nRequiredHero
1921 CUtlVector< CDOTASubChallengeInfo >
1922 m_SubChallenges
1923 m_CompendiumTippedPlayers
1924 m_flBrightness
1925 m_flRange
1926 m_flFalloff
1927 m_flAttenuation0
1928 m_flAttenuation1
1929 m_flAttenuation2
1930 m_flTheta
1931 m_flPhi
1932 m_lightCookie
1933 m_nCascades
1934 m_bCastShadows
1935 m_nShadowWidth
1936 m_nShadowHeight
1937 m_bRenderDiffuse
1938 m_bRenderSpecular
1939 m_nStyle
1940 CUtlString
1941 m_Pattern
1942 m_flFadeMinDist
1943 m_flFadeMaxDist
1944 m_flShadowFadeMinDist
1945 m_flShadowFadeMaxDist
1946 m_nHorizontalSize
1947 m_nVerticalSize
1948 m_nMinDist
1949 m_nMaxDist
1950 m_nOuterMaxDist
1951 m_flGlowProxySize
1952 char[255]
1953 m_szMaterialName
1954 m_szMaterialVar
1955 m_szMaterialVarValue
1956 m_iFrameStart
1957 m_iFrameEnd
1958 m_bWrap
1959 m_bNewAnimCommandsSemaphore
1960 m_flFloatLerpStartValue
1961 m_flFloatLerpEndValue
1962 m_flFloatLerpTransitionTime
1963 MaterialModifyMode_t
1964 m_nModifyMode
1965 m_bDisplayPerf
1966 m_bMeasurePerf
1967 m_szSnapshotFileName
1968 m_bActive
1969 m_nStopType
1970 m_iEffectIndex
1971 Vector[4]
1972 m_vServerControlPoints
1973 uint8[4]
1974 m_iServerControlPointAssignments
1975 CHandle< CBaseEntity >[64]
1976 m_hControlPointEnts
1977 uint8[64]
1978 m_iControlPointParents
1979 m_fMass
1980 m_bAwake
1981 m_nPlasmaModelIndex
1982 m_nPlasmaModelIndex2
1983 m_nGlowModelIndex
1984 uint32[66]
1985 m_iPing
1986 int32[66]
1987 bool[66]
1988 m_bConnected
1989 m_iTeam
1990 m_bAlive
1991 m_FOV
1992 m_Resolution
1993 m_bFogEnable
1994 m_FogColor
1995 m_flFogStart
1996 m_flFogEnd
1997 m_flFogMaxDensity
1998 m_bUseScreenAspectRatio
1999 m_bNoSky
2000 m_fBrightness
2001 m_flZFar
2002 m_flZNear
2003 m_hActivator
2004 m_bIgnoreInput
2005 m_bFollowPlayerAcrossTeleport
2006 m_flWidth
2007 m_flHeight
2008 m_flDPI
2009 m_flInteractDistance
2010 m_flDepthOffset
2011 m_unOwnerContext
2012 m_unHorizontalAlign
2013 m_unVerticalAlign
2014 m_unOrientation
2015 m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds
2016 CUtlVector< CUtlSymbolLarge >
2017 m_vecCSSClasses
2018 m_bOpaque
2019 m_iszCommentaryFile
2020 m_hViewPosition
2021 m_iszSpeakers
2022 m_iNodeNumber
2023 m_iNodeNumberMax
2024 m_flEnableTime
2025 m_nPlayerIndex
2026 m_bUpdateOnClient
2027 ValueRemapperInputType_t
2028 m_nInputType
2029 m_hRemapLineStart
2030 m_hRemapLineEnd
2031 m_flMaximumChangePerSecond
2032 m_flDisengageDistance
2033 m_flEngageDistance
2034 m_bRequiresUseKey
2035 ValueRemapperOutputType_t
2036 m_nOutputType
2037 CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseEntity > >
2038 m_hOutputEntities
2039 ValueRemapperHapticsType_t
2040 m_nHapticsType
2041 ValueRemapperMomentumType_t
2042 m_nMomentumType
2043 m_flMomentumModifier
2044 m_flSnapValue
2045 ValueRemapperRatchetType_t
2046 m_nRatchetType
2047 m_flInputOffset
2048 char[512]
2049 m_messageText
2050 m_FontName
2051 m_flWorldUnitsPerPx
2052 m_flFontSize
2053 PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t
2054 m_nJustifyHorizontal
2055 PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t
2056 m_nJustifyVertical
2057 PointWorldTextReorientMode_t
2058 m_nReorientMode
2059 m_bPoseValueParity
2060 m_fPoseValue
2061 m_fInterpolationTime
2062 m_bInterpolationWrap
2063 m_fCycleFrequency
2064 PoseController_FModType_t
2065 m_nFModType
2066 m_fFModTimeOffset
2067 m_fFModRate
2068 m_fFModAmplitude
2069 CHandle< CBaseEntity >[4]
2070 m_hProps
2071 m_chPoseIndex
2072 m_fLocalContrastStrength
2073 m_fLocalContrastEdgeStrength
2074 m_fVignetteStart
2075 m_fVignetteEnd
2076 m_fVignetteBlurStrength
2077 m_fFadeToBlackStrength
2078 m_fGrainStrength
2079 m_fTopVignetteStrength
2080 m_fFadeTime
2081 CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCPostProcessingResource >
2082 m_hPostSettings
2083 m_flFadeTime
2084 PrecipitationType_t
2085 m_nPrecipType
2086 m_minSpeed
2087 m_maxSpeed
2088 CHandle< CPropVRHand >[4]
2089 m_hVRControllers
2090 CHandle< CPointWorldText >
2091 m_hCloseCaption
2092 CHandle< CBasePlayer >
2093 m_nSpeed
2094 m_nRPM
2095 m_flThrottle
2096 m_nBoostTimeLeft
2097 m_bHasBoost
2098 m_vecEyeExitEndpoint
2099 m_vecGunCrosshair
2100 m_bUnableToFire
2101 m_bHasGun
2102 m_nScannerDisabledWeapons
2103 m_nScannerDisabledVehicle
2104 m_bEnterAnimOn
2105 m_bExitAnimOn
2106 CHandle< CBaseVRHandAttachment >
2107 m_hActiveHandAttachment
2108 m_hHMDAvatar
2109 CBaseVRHandAttachmentHandle
2110 m_hAttachments
2111 m_nHandID
2112 m_flTriggerAnalogValue
2113 m_flTrackpadOrJoystickAnalogValueX
2114 m_flTrackpadOrJoystickAnalogValueY
2115 eLiteralHandType
2116 m_LiteralHandType
2117 CHandle< CPropZipline >
2118 m_hPrevZipline
2119 m_hNextZipline
2120 m_iCurrentMaxRagdollCount
2121 Vector[32]
2122 m_ragPos
2123 QAngle[32]
2124 m_ragAngles
2125 m_flBlendWeight
2126 m_boneIndexAttached
2127 m_ragdollAttachedObjectIndex
2128 m_attachmentPointBoneSpace
2129 m_attachmentPointRagdollSpace
2130 m_RopeFlags
2131 m_Slack
2132 m_Width
2133 m_TextureScale
2134 m_nSegments
2135 m_bConstrainBetweenEndpoints
2136 m_iRopeMaterialModelIndex
2137 m_Subdiv
2138 m_nChangeCount
2139 m_RopeLength
2140 m_fLockedPoints
2141 m_flScrollSpeed
2142 m_hStartPoint
2143 m_hEndPoint
2144 m_iStartAttachment
2145 m_iEndAttachment
2146 m_bIsPlayingBack
2147 m_bPaused
2148 m_bMultiplayer
2149 m_flForceClientTime
2150 CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseFlex > >
2151 m_hActorList
2152 m_nSceneStringIndex
2153 m_shadowDirection
2154 m_shadowColor
2155 m_flShadowMaxDist
2156 m_bDisableShadows
2157 m_bEnableLocalLightShadows
2158 m_skyboxData.fog
2159 m_skyboxData
2160 m_skyboxSlotToken
2161 m_flLightScale
2162 m_hSpriteMaterial
2163 m_hAttachedToEntity
2164 m_nAttachment
2165 m_flSpriteFramerate
2166 m_nBrightness
2167 m_flBrightnessTime
2168 m_flSpriteScale
2169 m_bWorldSpaceScale
2170 m_vDirection
2171 m_clrOverlay
2172 m_bOn
2173 m_nSize
2174 m_nOverlaySize
2175 m_nMaterial
2176 m_nOverlayMaterial
2177 m_flAutoExposureMin
2178 m_flAutoExposureMax
2179 m_flTonemapPercentTarget
2180 m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels
2181 m_flTonemapMinAvgLum
2182 m_flRate
2183 m_flAccelerateExposureDown
2184 m_nAttachmentIndex
2185 m_nPanelName
2186 m_fScreenFlags
2187 m_hPlayerOwner
2188 m_WorldMins
2189 m_WorldMaxs
2190 m_bStartDark
2191 m_flMaxPropScreenSpaceWidth
2192 m_flMinPropScreenSpaceWidth
2193 m_iStartMusicType
2194 m_iszMusicPostFix
2195 m_iTimeOfDay
2196 m_nVRChaperoneType
2197 m_nVRMovementType
2198 CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 >[6]
2199 m_skyBoxFaces
2200 m_iszOptimizedHeightFieldName
2201 m_flTileGridMinHeight
2202 m_flTileGridMaxHeight
2203 m_flTileGridStepHeight
2204 m_bAllowHeightFog
2205 m_flHeightFogWorldScale
2206 m_flHeightFogAdjustment
2207 m_flHeightFogScale
2208 m_flHeightFogScale1
2209 m_flHeightFogScale2
2210 m_flHeightFogDrawScale1
2211 m_flHeightFogDrawScale2
2212 m_vHeightFogScrollDir1
2213 m_vHeightFogScrollDir2
2214 m_hHeightFogTexture
2215 m_hHeightFogMaskTexture
0 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellY Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
2 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellZ Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
3 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecX Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
4 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecY Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
5 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecZ Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
6 Type: CGameSceneNodeHandle Name: m_hParent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
7 Type: QAngle Name: m_angRotation Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: QAngle
8 Type: float32 Name: m_flScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
9 Type: HSequence Name: m_hSequence Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController.m_baseLayer VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
10 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_flPlaybackRate Bits: 10 Low: 0.000000 High: 5.000000 Flags: -8 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
11 Type: int32 Name: m_nNewSequenceParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
12 Type: int32 Name: m_nResetEventsParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
13 Type: float32 Name: m_flPrevCycle Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController.m_baseLayer VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
14 Type: float32 Name: m_flCycle Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController.m_baseLayer VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
15 Type: uint16 Name: m_nOutsideWorld Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
16 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > Name: m_hModel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
17 Type: uint64 Name: m_MeshGroupMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
18 Type: int32 Name: m_nDebugIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
19 Type: int8 Name: m_nIdealMotionType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
20 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_name Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
21 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_hierarchyAttachName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
22 Type: bool Name: m_bIsRenderingEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
23 Type: bool Name: m_bIsAnimationEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
24 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_materialGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
25 Type: uint8 Name: m_nHitboxSet Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
26 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_flWeight Bits: 8 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController.m_baseLayer VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
27 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSideAnimation Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
28 Type: float32[24] Name: m_flPoseParameter Bits: 11 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
29 Type: int32 Name: m_nameStringableIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
30 Type: bool Name: m_bCollisionActivationDisabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
35 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMuzzleFlashParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
36 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
66 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSideRagdoll Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
88 Type: Vector Name: m_vecForce Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
89 Type: int32 Name: m_nForceBone Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
92 Type: HSequence Name: m_hSequence Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_op VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
93 Type: int32 Name: m_nNewSequenceParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
94 Type: float32 Name: m_flPrevCycle Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_op VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
95 Type: float32 Name: m_flCycle Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_op VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
96 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_flWeight Bits: 8 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_op VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
97 Type: int32 Name: m_nOrder Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
98 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_flPlaybackRate Bits: 10 Low: 0.000000 High: 5.000000 Flags: -8 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
99 Type: bool Name: m_bLooping Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
100 Type: CUtlVector< CAnimationLayer > Name: m_AnimOverlay Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CAnimationLayer FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
101 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimatingOverlay FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
102 Type: uint16 Name: m_iAttributeDefinitionIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
103 Type: float32 Name: m_iRawValue32 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
104 Type: CUtlVector< CEconItemAttribute > Name: m_Attributes Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEconItemAttribute FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager.m_Item.m_AttributeList VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
105 Type: item_definition_index_t Name: m_iItemDefinitionIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager.m_Item VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
106 Type: int32 Name: m_iEntityQuality Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager.m_Item VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
107 Type: uint32 Name: m_iEntityLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager.m_Item VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
108 Type: itemid_t Name: m_iItemID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager.m_Item VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
109 Type: uint32 Name: m_iAccountID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager.m_Item VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
110 Type: uint32 Name: m_iInventoryPosition Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager.m_Item VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
111 Type: bool Name: m_bInitialized Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager.m_Item VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
112 Type: int32 Name: m_iReapplyProvisionParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
113 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOuter Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
114 Type: attributeprovidertypes_t Name: m_ProviderType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
115 Type: CUtlVector< float32 > Name: m_flexWeight Bits: 12 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
116 Type: Vector Name: m_viewtarget Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
117 Type: bool Name: m_blinktoggle Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
118 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
119 Type: CHandle< CBaseModelEntity > Name: m_glowEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
120 Type: bool Name: m_usable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
121 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_szDisplayText Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
122 Type: bool Name: m_bEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
123 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_DialogXMLName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
124 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_PanelClassName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
125 Type: float32 Name: m_flNextAttack Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
126 Type: float32 Name: m_flFieldOfView Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
127 Type: CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseCombatWeapon > > Name: m_hMyWeapons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
128 Type: CHandle< CBaseCombatWeapon > Name: m_hActiveWeapon Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
129 Type: CUtlVector< CHandle< CEconWearable > > Name: m_hMyWearables Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
130 Type: int32 Name: m_iClip1 Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
131 Type: float32 Name: m_flTimeWeaponIdle Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
132 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 1 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
133 Type: CHandle< CBaseCombatCharacter > Name: m_hOwner Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
134 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > Name: m_iViewModelIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
135 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > Name: m_iWorldModelIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
136 Type: WeaponState_t Name: m_iState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
137 Type: bool Name: m_bInReload Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
138 Type: int32 Name: m_nNextThinkTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
139 Type: uint32 Name: m_nViewModelIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
140 Type: float32 Name: m_flNextPrimaryAttack Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
141 Type: float32 Name: m_flNextSecondaryAttack Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
142 Type: int32 Name: m_nQueuedAttack Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
143 Type: float32 Name: m_flTimeAttackQueued Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
144 Type: int32 Name: m_iPrimaryAmmoType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
145 Type: int32 Name: m_iSecondaryAmmoType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
146 Type: int32 Name: m_iClip2 Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
147 Type: bool Name: m_bOnlyPump Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
148 Type: bool Name: m_bIsUsable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
149 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
150 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellY Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
151 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellZ Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
152 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecX Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
153 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecY Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
154 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecZ Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
155 Type: CGameSceneNodeHandle Name: m_hParent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
156 Type: QAngle Name: m_angRotation Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode VarEncoder: QAngle
157 Type: float32 Name: m_flScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
158 Type: uint16 Name: m_nOutsideWorld Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
159 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_name Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
160 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_hierarchyAttachName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
161 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 2 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
162 Type: uint32 Name: m_nDuckTimeMsecs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
163 Type: Vector Name: dirPrimary Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: coord
164 Type: Color Name: colorPrimary Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
165 Type: Color Name: colorSecondary Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
166 Type: float32 Name: start Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
167 Type: float32 Name: end Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
168 Type: float32 Name: maxdensity Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
169 Type: float32 Name: exponent Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
170 Type: float32 Name: HDRColorScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
171 Type: bool Name: enable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
172 Type: bool Name: blend Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
173 Type: bool Name: m_bNoReflectionFog Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
174 Type: int16 Name: scale Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
175 Type: Vector Name: origin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d VarEncoder: coord
176 Type: uint8 Name: area Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
177 Type: bool Name: bClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFar Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
178 Type: float32 Name: flClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFarOffset Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
179 Type: Vector[8] Name: localSound Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_audio VarEncoder: coord
180 Type: int32 Name: soundscapeIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_audio VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
181 Type: uint8 Name: localBits Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_audio VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
182 Type: int32 Name: soundscapeEntityListIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_audio VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
183 Type: uint8[32] Name: m_chAreaBits Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
184 Type: uint8[24] Name: m_chAreaPortalBits Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
185 Type: uint32 Name: m_iHideHUD Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
186 Type: float32 Name: m_flFOVRate Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
187 Type: bool Name: m_bDucked Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
188 Type: bool Name: m_bDucking Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
189 Type: bool Name: m_bInDuckJump Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
190 Type: uint32 Name: m_nDuckJumpTimeMsecs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
191 Type: uint32 Name: m_nJumpTimeMsecs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
192 Type: float32 Name: m_flFallVelocity Bits: 17 Low: -4096.000000 High: 4096.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
193 Type: bool Name: m_bDrawViewmodel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
194 Type: bool Name: m_bWearingSuit Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
195 Type: bool Name: m_bPoisoned Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
196 Type: float32 Name: m_flStepSize Bits: 16 Low: 0.000000 High: 128.000000 Flags: 2 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
197 Type: bool Name: m_bAllowAutoMovement Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
198 Type: bool Name: m_bSlowMovement Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
199 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoAimTarget Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
200 Type: uint32 Name: m_nTickBase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
201 Type: int32 Name: m_iHealth Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
202 Type: uint8 Name: m_lifeState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
203 Type: uint32 Name: m_fFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
204 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hGroundEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
205 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecX Bits: 18 Low: -4096.000000 High: 4096.000000 Flags: 4 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_vecVelocity VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
206 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecY Bits: 18 Low: -4096.000000 High: 4096.000000 Flags: 4 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_vecVelocity VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
207 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecZ Bits: 18 Low: -4096.000000 High: 4096.000000 Flags: 4 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_vecVelocity VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
208 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecX Bits: 10 Low: -64.000000 High: 64.000000 Flags: 4 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_vecViewOffset VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
209 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecY Bits: 10 Low: -64.000000 High: 64.000000 Flags: 4 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_vecViewOffset VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
210 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecZ Bits: 20 Low: 0.000000 High: 128.000000 Flags: 4 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_vecViewOffset VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
211 Type: int32 Name: m_iMaxHealth Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
212 Type: CPlayerLocalData Name: m_Local Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPlayerLocalData FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
213 Type: CHandle< CPostProcessController > Name: m_hPostProcessCtrl Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
214 Type: CHandle< CColorCorrection > Name: m_hColorCorrectionCtrl Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
215 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hHeldEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
216 Type: int32 Name: m_iBonusProgress Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
217 Type: int32 Name: m_iBonusChallenge Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
218 Type: uint8 Name: m_iObserverMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
219 Type: uint32 Name: m_iFOV Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
220 Type: uint32 Name: m_iDefaultFOV Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
221 Type: uint32 Name: m_iFOVStart Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
222 Type: float32 Name: m_flFOVTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
223 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hObserverTarget Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
224 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hZoomOwner Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
225 Type: CHandle< CBaseViewModel >[2] Name: m_hViewModel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
226 Type: CHandle< CPropHMDAvatar > Name: m_hPropHMDAvatar Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
227 Type: CHandle< CPointHMDAnchor > Name: m_hPointHMDAnchor Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
228 Type: float32 Name: m_flMaxspeed Bits: 12 Low: 0.000000 High: 2048.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
229 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_ladderSurfaceProps Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
230 Type: Vector Name: m_vecLadderNormal Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: normal
231 Type: char[18] Name: m_szLastPlaceName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
232 Type: int32 Name: m_currentSCLPacked Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
233 Type: Vector Name: m_vecBaseVelocity Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
234 Type: float32 Name: m_flFriction Bits: 8 Low: 0.000000 High: 4.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
235 Type: uint32[32] Name: m_iAmmo Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
236 Type: bool Name: m_fOnTarget Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
237 Type: float32 Name: m_flDeathTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
238 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hTonemapController Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
239 Type: CHandle< CBaseCombatWeapon > Name: m_hLastWeapon Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
240 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hConstraintEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
241 Type: Vector Name: m_vecConstraintCenter Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
242 Type: float32 Name: m_flConstraintRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
243 Type: float32 Name: m_flConstraintWidth Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
244 Type: float32 Name: m_flConstraintSpeedFactor Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
245 Type: bool Name: m_bConstraintPastRadius Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
246 Type: float32 Name: m_flLaggedMovementValue Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
247 Type: uint64 Name: m_nUnHoldableButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
248 Type: uint8 Name: m_nWaterLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
249 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hUseEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
250 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hVehicle Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
251 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hViewEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
252 Type: CHandle< CFogController > Name: m_hCtrl Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_PlayerFog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
253 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 2 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
254 Type: uint32 Name: m_spawnflags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
255 Type: int32 Name: m_iPhysicsMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
256 Type: bool Name: m_noGhostCollision Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
257 Type: float32 Name: m_flClothScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
258 Type: bool Name: m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
259 Type: DoorState_t Name: m_eDoorState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
260 Type: bool Name: m_bLocked Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
261 Type: bool Name: m_isRescueDoor Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
262 Type: CHandle< CBasePropDoor > Name: m_hMaster Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
263 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSidePredicted Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
264 Type: CUtlVector< CAnimationLayer > Name: m_AnimOverlay Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CAnimationLayer FSVer: 2 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
265 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimatingOverlay FSVer: 3 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
266 Type: uint32 Name: m_nAnimationParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
267 Type: HSequence Name: m_hLayerSequence Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
268 Type: uint32 Name: m_nLayer Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
269 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimationStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
270 Type: CHandle< CBaseCombatWeapon > Name: m_hWeapon Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
271 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwner Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
272 Type: CHandle< CPropVRHand > Name: m_hAttachedHand Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
273 Type: bool Name: m_bIsAttached Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
274 Type: bool Name: m_bIsActive Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
275 Type: float32 Name: m_flFrame Bits: 20 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
276 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity FSVer: 1 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
277 Type: float32 Name: m_flFrameRate Bits: 10 Low: -25.000000 High: 25.000000 Flags: 2 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
278 Type: float32 Name: m_flHDRColorScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
279 Type: uint8 Name: m_nNumBeamEnts Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
280 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > Name: m_hBaseMaterial Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
281 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > Name: m_nHaloIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
282 Type: BeamType_t Name: m_nBeamType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
283 Type: uint32 Name: m_nBeamFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
284 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity >[10] Name: m_hAttachEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
285 Type: uint8[10] Name: m_nAttachIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
286 Type: float32 Name: m_fWidth Bits: 10 Low: 0.000000 High: 102.300003 Flags: 2 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
287 Type: float32 Name: m_fEndWidth Bits: 10 Low: 0.000000 High: 102.300003 Flags: 2 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
288 Type: float32 Name: m_fFadeLength Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
289 Type: float32 Name: m_fHaloScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
290 Type: float32 Name: m_fAmplitude Bits: 8 Low: 0.000000 High: 64.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
291 Type: float32 Name: m_fStartFrame Bits: 8 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
292 Type: float32 Name: m_fSpeed Bits: 8 Low: 0.000000 High: 100.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
293 Type: BeamClipStyle_t Name: m_nClipStyle Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
294 Type: bool Name: m_bTurnedOff Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
295 Type: Vector Name: m_vecEndPos Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
296 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_sUseString Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
297 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_sUseSubString Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
298 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 3 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
299 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeInDuration Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
300 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeOutDuration Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
301 Type: float32 Name: m_flMaxWeight Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
302 Type: bool Name: m_bMaster Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
303 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
304 Type: bool Name: m_bExclusive Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
305 Type: float32 Name: m_MinFalloff Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
306 Type: float32 Name: m_MaxFalloff Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
307 Type: float32 Name: m_flCurWeight Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
308 Type: char[260] Name: m_netlookupFilename Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
309 Type: float32 Name: m_MaxWeight Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
310 Type: float32 Name: m_FadeDuration Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
311 Type: float32 Name: m_Weight Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
312 Type: char[260] Name: m_lookupFilename Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
313 Type: int32 Name: m_nTestMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
314 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_attachName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
315 Type: Vector Name: m_vDynamicAttachOffset Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
316 Type: int32 Name: m_nDynamicResetCount Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
317 Type: bool Name: m_bChildIsDynamic Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
318 Type: bool Name: m_bCreateChildSideChild Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
319 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_alternateAttachName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
320 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > Name: m_hClientSideChildModel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
321 Type: float32 Name: m_flEntityStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
338 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hDoubles Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
339 Type: int32 Name: m_iBrawlActive Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
340 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hPrimary Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
341 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hSecondary Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
342 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hTertiary Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
343 Type: int32 Name: m_nQuasLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
344 Type: int32 Name: m_nWexLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
345 Type: int32 Name: m_nExortLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
346 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hBear Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
347 Type: int32 Name: m_nWhichDividedWeStand Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
348 Type: int32 Name: m_nNumDividedWeStand Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
349 Type: CHandle< CDOTA_Ability_Meepo_DividedWeStand > Name: m_entPrimeDividedWeStand Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
350 Type: CHandle< CDOTA_Ability_Meepo_DividedWeStand > Name: m_entNextDividedWeStand Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
351 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hImage Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
352 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hVictim Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
353 Type: char[256] Name: m_ActivityModifier Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
354 Type: float32 Name: m_fStolenCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
355 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hScepterIllusion Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
356 Type: QAngle Name: m_angRotation Bits: 8 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: qangle_pitch_yaw
357 Type: int32 Name: m_iCurrentLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
358 Type: int64 Name: m_nTotalDamageTaken Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
359 Type: int32 Name: m_iAttackCapabilities Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
360 Type: int32 Name: m_iTaggedAsVisibleByTeam Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
361 Type: int32 Name: m_anglediff Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
362 Type: int32 Name: m_NetworkActivity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
363 Type: int32 Name: m_NetworkSequenceIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
364 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity >[17] Name: m_hAbilities Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
365 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimatingOverlay FSVer: 2 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
366 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hModifierParent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_ModifierManager VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
367 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity >[14] Name: m_hItems Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Inventory VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
368 Type: int32 Name: m_iParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Inventory VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
369 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hInventoryParent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Inventory VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
370 Type: bool Name: m_bStashEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Inventory VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
371 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hTransientCastItem Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Inventory VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
372 Type: DamageOptions_t Name: m_takedamage Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
373 Type: uint8 Name: m_nLod Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
374 Type: bool Name: m_bSelectionRingVisible Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
375 Type: float32 Name: m_flMana Bits: 20 Low: 0.000000 High: 65536.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
376 Type: float32 Name: m_flMaxMana Bits: 20 Low: 0.000000 High: 65536.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
377 Type: float32 Name: m_flManaThinkRegen Bits: 14 Low: -50.000000 High: 500.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
378 Type: float32 Name: m_flHealthThinkRegen Bits: 18 Low: -100.000000 High: 1000.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
379 Type: int32 Name: m_nHealthBarOffsetOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
380 Type: bool Name: m_bIsPhantom Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
381 Type: bool Name: m_bIsAncient Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
382 Type: bool Name: m_bIsNeutralUnitType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
383 Type: bool Name: m_bIsSummoned Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
384 Type: bool Name: m_bCanBeDominated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
385 Type: bool Name: m_bHasUpgradeableAbilities Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
386 Type: int32 Name: m_iBKBChargesUsed Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
387 Type: int32 Name: m_iBotDebugData Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
388 Type: bool Name: m_bIsMoving Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
389 Type: int32 Name: m_iMoveSpeed Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
390 Type: float32 Name: m_flTauntCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
391 Type: int32 Name: m_iDayTimeVisionRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
392 Type: int32 Name: m_iNightTimeVisionRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
393 Type: float32 Name: m_flPhysicalArmorValue Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
394 Type: float32 Name: m_flMagicalResistanceValue Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
395 Type: uint64 Name: m_nUnitState64 Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
396 Type: uint64 Name: m_iIsControllableByPlayer64 Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
397 Type: int32 Name: m_iUnitNameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
398 Type: int32 Name: m_iDamageMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
399 Type: int32 Name: m_iDamageMax Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
400 Type: int32 Name: m_iDamageBonus Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
401 Type: bool Name: m_bIsWaitingToSpawn Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
402 Type: uint8 Name: m_nUnitLabelIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
403 Type: DOTA_SHOP_TYPE Name: m_iCurShop Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
404 Type: bool Name: m_bStolenScepter Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
405 Type: bool Name: m_bShouldDoFlyHeightVisual Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
406 Type: float32 Name: m_flStartSequenceCycle Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
407 Type: char[256] Name: m_CustomHealthLabel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
408 Type: Color Name: m_CustomHealthLabelColor Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
409 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimatingOverlay FSVer: 4 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
410 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > Name: m_nFXIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
411 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > Name: m_nFXIndexDestruction Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
412 Type: QAngle Name: m_angInitialAngles Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: QAngle
413 Type: HSequence Name: m_hHeroStatueSequence Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
414 Type: float32 Name: m_fHeroStatueCycle Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
415 Type: int32 Name: m_iHeroStatueStatusEffectIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
416 Type: bool Name: m_bHeroStatue Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
417 Type: bool Name: m_bBattleCup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
418 Type: char[32] Name: m_HeroStatueInscription Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
419 Type: int32 Name: m_iHeroStatueOwnerPlayerID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
420 Type: Color Name: m_ParticleTintColor Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
421 Type: int32 Name: m_iCurrentXP Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
422 Type: float32 Name: m_flStrength Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
423 Type: float32 Name: m_flAgility Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
424 Type: float32 Name: m_flIntellect Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
425 Type: float32 Name: m_flStrengthTotal Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
426 Type: float32 Name: m_flAgilityTotal Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
427 Type: float32 Name: m_flIntellectTotal Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
428 Type: int32 Name: m_iRecentDamage Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
429 Type: int32 Name: m_iPrimaryAttribute Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
430 Type: int32 Name: m_iAbilityPoints Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
431 Type: float32 Name: m_flRespawnTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
432 Type: float32 Name: m_flRespawnTimePenalty Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
433 Type: int32 Name: m_iPlayerID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
434 Type: CHandle< CDOTA_BaseNPC_Hero > Name: m_hReplicatingOtherHeroModel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
435 Type: bool Name: m_bReincarnating Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
436 Type: bool Name: m_bCustomKillEffect Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
437 Type: float32 Name: m_flSpawnedAt Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
438 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEconConsumableAbility Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
439 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hTowerAttackTarget Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
440 Type: DOTA_SHOP_TYPE Name: m_ShopType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
441 Type: int32 Name: m_iTotalEarnedGold Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
442 Type: int32 Name: m_iReliableGold Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
443 Type: int32 Name: m_iUnreliableGold Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
444 Type: int32 Name: m_iStartingPosition Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
445 Type: int32 Name: m_iTotalEarnedXP Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
446 Type: int32 Name: m_iSharedGold Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
447 Type: int32 Name: m_iHeroKillGold Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
448 Type: int32 Name: m_iCreepKillGold Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
449 Type: int32 Name: m_iIncomeGold Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
450 Type: int32 Name: m_iDenyCount Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
451 Type: int32 Name: m_iLastHitCount Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
452 Type: int32 Name: m_iLastHitStreak Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
453 Type: int32 Name: m_iLastHitMultikill Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
454 Type: int32 Name: m_iNearbyCreepDeathCount Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
455 Type: int32 Name: m_iClaimedDenyCount Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
456 Type: int32 Name: m_iClaimedMissCount Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
457 Type: int32 Name: m_iMissCount Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
458 Type: int32 Name: m_nPossibleHeroSelection Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
459 Type: uint16 Name: m_iMetaLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
460 Type: uint16 Name: m_iMetaExperience Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
461 Type: uint16 Name: m_iMetaExperienceAwarded Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
462 Type: float32 Name: m_flBuybackCooldownTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
463 Type: float32 Name: m_flBuybackGoldLimitTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
464 Type: float32 Name: m_flBuybackCostTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
465 Type: float32 Name: m_flCustomBuybackCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
466 Type: float32 Name: m_fStuns Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
467 Type: float32 Name: m_fHealing Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
468 Type: int32 Name: m_iTowerKills Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
469 Type: int32 Name: m_iRoshanKills Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
470 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hCameraTarget Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
471 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOverrideSelectionEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
472 Type: int32 Name: m_iObserverWardsPlaced Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
473 Type: int32 Name: m_iSentryWardsPlaced Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
474 Type: int32 Name: m_iCreepsStacked Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
475 Type: int32 Name: m_iCampsStacked Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
476 Type: int32 Name: m_iRunePickups Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
477 Type: CUtlVector< DataTeamPlayer_t > Name: m_vecDataTeam Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: DataTeamPlayer_t FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
478 Type: uint64[256] Name: m_bWorldTreeState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: fixed64
479 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hPrimaryRune Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
480 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hSecondaryRune Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
481 Type: int32[24] Name: m_iNetWorth Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
482 Type: int32 Name: m_HiddenDisplacement Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
483 Type: bool Name: m_bStartRecording Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
484 Type: CHandle< CDOTA_BaseNPC > Name: m_hHero Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
485 Type: CHandle< CDOTAPlayer > Name: m_hPlayer Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
486 Type: bool Name: m_bPermanent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
487 Type: bool Name: m_bStackable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
488 Type: int32 Name: m_iSharability Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
489 Type: int32 Name: m_iInitialCharges Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
490 Type: float32 Name: m_flPurchaseTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
491 Type: int32 Name: m_iCurrentCharges Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
492 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hPurchaser Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
493 Type: bool Name: m_bCombinable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
494 Type: bool Name: m_bRecipe Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
495 Type: bool Name: m_bDroppable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
496 Type: bool Name: m_bPurchasable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
497 Type: bool Name: m_bSellable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
498 Type: bool Name: m_bRequiresCharges Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
499 Type: bool Name: m_bKillable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
500 Type: bool Name: m_bDisassemblable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
501 Type: bool Name: m_bAlertable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
502 Type: bool Name: m_bCastOnPickup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
503 Type: bool Name: m_bCanBeUsedOutOfInventory Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
504 Type: float32 Name: m_flAssembledTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
505 Type: int32 Name: m_iSecondaryCharges Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
506 Type: bool Name: m_bCombineLocked Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
507 Type: bool Name: m_bPurchasedWhileDead Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
508 Type: int32 Name: m_iStoredRuneType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
509 Type: CHandle< CDOTA_Item > Name: m_hItem Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
510 Type: int32 Name: m_iStat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
511 Type: int32 Name: m_iRuneType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
512 Type: int32 Name: m_Type Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
513 Type: int32 Name: m_nTargetType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
514 Type: int32 Name: m_nSelectedHeroID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
515 Type: int32 Name: m_iKills Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
516 Type: int32 Name: m_iAssists Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
517 Type: int32 Name: m_iDeaths Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
518 Type: int32 Name: m_iStreak Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
519 Type: int32 Name: m_iRespawnSeconds Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
520 Type: int32 Name: m_iLastBuybackTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
521 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hSelectedHero Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
522 Type: bool Name: m_bAFK Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
523 Type: int32[2] Name: m_nSuggestedHeroes Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
524 Type: bool Name: m_bVoiceChatBanned Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
525 Type: int32 Name: m_iTimedRewardDrops Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
526 Type: int32 Name: m_iTimedRewardDropOrigins Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
527 Type: int32 Name: m_iTimedRewardCrates Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
528 Type: int32 Name: m_iTimedRewardEvents Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
529 Type: uint16 Name: m_unCompendiumLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
530 Type: bool Name: m_bHasRepicked Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
531 Type: bool Name: m_bHasRandomed Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
532 Type: bool Name: m_bBattleBonusActive Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
533 Type: uint16 Name: m_iBattleBonusRate Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
534 Type: int32 Name: m_iCustomBuybackCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
535 Type: Color Name: m_CustomPlayerColor Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
536 Type: bool Name: m_bReservedHeroOnly Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
537 Type: bool Name: m_bQualifiesForPAContractReward Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
538 Type: bool Name: m_bHasPredictedVictory Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
539 Type: int32 Name: m_UnitShareMasks Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
540 Type: int32 Name: m_iTeamSlot Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
541 Type: uint32 Name: m_iEventPoints Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
542 Type: uint32 Name: m_iEventPremiumPoints Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
543 Type: uint32 Name: m_iEventWagerTokensRemaining Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
544 Type: uint32 Name: m_iEventWagerTokensMax Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
545 Type: uint32 Name: m_iEventEffectsMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
546 Type: uint16 Name: m_iEventRanks Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
547 Type: bool Name: m_bIsEventOwned Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
548 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hCourier Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
549 Type: uint64 Name: m_iBattleCupWinDate Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
550 Type: uint16 Name: m_iBattleCupSkillLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
551 Type: uint32 Name: m_iBattleCupTeamID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
552 Type: uint32 Name: m_iBattleCupTournamentID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
553 Type: uint8 Name: m_iBattleCupDivision Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
554 Type: float32 Name: m_flTeamFightParticipation Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
555 Type: int32 Name: m_iFirstBloodClaimed Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
556 Type: int32 Name: m_iFirstBloodGiven Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
557 Type: bool Name: m_bIsValid Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
558 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_iszPlayerName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
559 Type: int32 Name: m_iPlayerTeam Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
560 Type: bool Name: m_bFullyJoinedServer Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
561 Type: bool Name: m_bFakeClient Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
562 Type: bool Name: m_bIsBroadcaster Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
563 Type: uint32 Name: m_iBroadcasterChannel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
564 Type: uint32 Name: m_iBroadcasterChannelSlot Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
565 Type: bool Name: m_bIsBroadcasterChannelCameraman Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
566 Type: int32 Name: m_iConnectionState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
567 Type: uint64 Name: m_iPlayerSteamID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: fixed64
568 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_iszBroadcasterChannelDescription Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
569 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_iszBroadcasterChannelCountryCode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
570 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_iszBroadcasterChannelLanguageCode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
571 Type: CUtlVector< PlayerResourcePlayerTeamData_t > Name: m_vecPlayerTeamData Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: PlayerResourcePlayerTeamData_t FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
572 Type: CUtlVector< PlayerResourcePlayerData_t > Name: m_vecPlayerData Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: PlayerResourcePlayerData_t FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
573 Type: CUtlVector< PlayerResourceBroadcasterData_t > Name: m_vecBrodcasterData Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: PlayerResourceBroadcasterData_t FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
574 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEventIDAssociatedWithEventData Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
575 Type: bool Name: m_bBlockFoW Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
576 Type: Vector Name: m_vecTreeCircleCenter Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
577 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimatingOverlay FSVer: 5 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
578 Type: bool Name: m_bOwnerModelChanged Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
579 Type: bool Name: m_bIsGeneratingEconItem Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
580 Type: bool Name: m_bFlyingCourier Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
581 Type: CourierState_t Name: m_nCourierState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
582 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hCourierStateEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
583 Type: bool Name: m_bIsIllusion Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
584 Type: int32 Name: m_nWhichMeepo Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
585 Type: uint32 Name: m_nArcanaLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
586 Type: uint32 Name: m_nArcanaColor Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
587 Type: char[256] Name: m_pszNetworkedSoundLoop Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
588 Type: int32 Name: m_nLoopingSoundParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
589 Type: float32 Name: m_flFlyHeight Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
590 Type: float32 Name: m_flDamageTaken Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
591 Type: float32 Name: m_flLastHit Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
592 Type: float32 Name: m_flStartDamageTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
593 Type: float32 Name: m_flLastDamageTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
594 Type: int32 Name: m_nCustomGameForceHeroSelectionId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
595 Type: bool Name: m_bAlwaysShowPlayerInventory Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
596 Type: bool Name: m_bGoldSoundDisabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
597 Type: bool Name: m_bRecommendedItemsDisabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
598 Type: bool Name: m_bStickyItemDisabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
599 Type: bool Name: m_bStashPurchasingDisabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
600 Type: bool Name: m_bFogOfWarDisabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
601 Type: bool Name: m_bUseUnseenFOW Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
602 Type: bool Name: m_bUseCustomBuybackCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
603 Type: bool Name: m_bUseCustomBuybackCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
604 Type: bool Name: m_bBuybackEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
605 Type: float32 Name: m_flCameraDistanceOverride Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
606 Type: CHandle< CDOTA_BaseNPC > Name: m_hOverrideSelectionEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
607 Type: bool Name: m_bTopBarTeamValuesOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
608 Type: bool Name: m_bTopBarTeamValuesVisible Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
609 Type: int32 Name: m_nTeamGoodGuysTopBarValue Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
610 Type: int32 Name: m_nTeamBadGuysTopBarValue Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
611 Type: bool Name: m_bAlwaysShowPlayerNames Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
612 Type: bool Name: m_bUseCustomHeroLevels Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
613 Type: CUtlVector< int32 > Name: m_nCustomXPRequiredToReachNextLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
614 Type: bool Name: m_bTowerBackdoorProtectionEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
615 Type: bool Name: m_bBotThinkingEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
616 Type: bool Name: m_bAnnouncerDisabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
617 Type: bool Name: m_bKillingSpreeAnnouncerDisabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
618 Type: float32 Name: m_flFixedRespawnTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
619 Type: uint32 Name: m_nHUDVisibilityBits Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
620 Type: float32 Name: m_flMinimumAttackSpeed Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
621 Type: float32 Name: m_flMaximumAttackSpeed Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
622 Type: bool Name: m_bIsDaynightCycleDisabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
623 Type: bool Name: m_bAreWeatherEffectsDisabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
624 Type: Vector Name: m_vecBoundsMin Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
625 Type: Vector Name: m_vecBoundsMax Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
626 Type: int32 Name: m_nGridX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
627 Type: int32 Name: m_nGridY Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
628 Type: int32 Name: m_nRadius Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
629 Type: int8 Name: m_nViewerType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
630 Type: bool Name: m_bObstructedVision Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
631 Type: bool Name: m_bValid Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
632 Type: uint32 Name: m_FoWTempViewerVersion Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
633 Type: CUtlVector< TempViewerInfo_t > Name: m_TempViewerInfo Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: TempViewerInfo_t FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
634 Type: bool[128] Name: m_StableHeroAvailable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
635 Type: bool[128] Name: m_CurrentHeroAvailable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
636 Type: bool[128] Name: m_CulledHeroes Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
637 Type: CDOTAGameManager* Name: m_pGameManager Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CDOTAGameManager FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
638 Type: CUtlVector< int32 > Name: m_vecHeroIDs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
639 Type: int32 Name: iTeamNumber Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
640 Type: uint16 Name: usItemIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
641 Type: float32 Name: fStockDuration Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
642 Type: float32 Name: fStockTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
643 Type: int32 Name: iStockCount Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
644 Type: int32 Name: iMaxCount Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
645 Type: float32 Name: fInitialStockDuration Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
646 Type: int32 Name: iPlayerNumber Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
647 Type: int32 Name: m_unAbilityIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
648 Type: int32 Name: m_unPlayerID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
649 Type: int32 Name: m_unAbilityPlayerSlot Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
650 Type: int32 Name: m_iPlayerIDLiker Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
651 Type: int32 Name: m_iPlayerIDLiked Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
652 Type: Vector Name: m_vMinBounds Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
653 Type: Vector Name: m_vMaxBounds Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
654 Type: float32 Name: m_fGameTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
655 Type: int32 Name: m_iNetTimeOfDay Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
656 Type: int32 Name: m_iFoWFrameNumber Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
657 Type: uint8[18] Name: m_BotDebugPushLane Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
658 Type: uint16 Name: nAssassinState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AssassinMiniGameNetData VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
659 Type: uint16 Name: nVictimHeroID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AssassinMiniGameNetData VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
660 Type: int32 Name: m_iMiscHeroPickCounter Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
661 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEndGameCinematicEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
662 Type: CHandle< CDOTA_BaseNPC > Name: m_hOverlayHealthBarUnit Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
663 Type: int32 Name: m_nOverlayHealthBarType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
664 Type: bool Name: m_bIsInCinematicMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
665 Type: bool Name: m_bFreeCourierMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
666 Type: uint32 Name: m_unFanfareGoodGuys Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
667 Type: uint32 Name: m_unFanfareBadGuys Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
668 Type: int32 Name: m_nGameState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
669 Type: DOTA_HeroPickState Name: m_nHeroPickState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
670 Type: float32 Name: m_flStateTransitionTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
671 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverride_dota_hero_selection_time Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
672 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverride_dota_pregame_time Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
673 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverride_dota_postgame_time Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
674 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverride_dota_rune_spawn_time Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
675 Type: int32 Name: m_iGameMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
676 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hGameModeEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
677 Type: float32 Name: m_flHeroPickStateTransitionTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
678 Type: uint64 Name: m_iPlayerIDsInControl Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: fixed64
679 Type: bool Name: m_bSameHeroSelectionEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
680 Type: bool Name: m_bUseCustomHeroXPValue Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
681 Type: bool Name: m_bUseBaseGoldBountyOnHeroes Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
682 Type: bool Name: m_bUseUniversalShopMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
683 Type: bool Name: m_bHideKillMessageHeaders Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
684 Type: float32 Name: m_flHeroMinimapIconScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
685 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreepMinimapIconScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
686 Type: float32 Name: m_flRuneMinimapIconScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
687 Type: char[256] Name: m_CustomVictoryMessage Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
688 Type: float32 Name: m_flCustomGameEndDelay Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
689 Type: float32 Name: m_flCustomGameSetupAutoLaunchDelay Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
690 Type: float32 Name: m_flCustomGameSetupTimeout Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
691 Type: float32 Name: m_flCustomVictoryMessageDuration Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
692 Type: bool Name: m_bCustomGameSetupAutoLaunchEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
693 Type: bool Name: m_bCustomGameTeamSelectionLocked Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
694 Type: int32 Name: m_iCMModePickBanOrder Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
695 Type: int32 Name: m_iCDModePickBanOrder Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
696 Type: int32 Name: m_iPauseTeam Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
697 Type: int32 Name: m_nGGTeam Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
698 Type: float32 Name: m_flGGEndsAtTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
699 Type: bool Name: m_bWhiteListEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
700 Type: uint64[4] Name: m_bItemWhiteList Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: fixed64
701 Type: int32 Name: m_nLastHitUIMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
702 Type: bool Name: m_bHUDTimerTutorialMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
703 Type: float32[2] Name: m_fExtraTimeRemaining Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
704 Type: bool Name: m_bHeroRespawnEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
705 Type: int32[2] Name: m_iCaptainPlayerIDs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
706 Type: int32[10] Name: m_BannedHeroes Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
707 Type: int32[10] Name: m_SelectedHeroes Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
708 Type: int32 Name: m_iActiveTeam Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
709 Type: int32 Name: m_iStartingTeam Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
710 Type: int32 Name: m_iPenaltyLevelRadiant Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
711 Type: int32 Name: m_iPenaltyLevelDire Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
712 Type: bool Name: m_bTier3TowerDestroyed Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
713 Type: int32 Name: m_nSeriesType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
714 Type: int32 Name: m_nRadiantSeriesWins Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
715 Type: int32 Name: m_nDireSeriesWins Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
716 Type: CUtlVector< CHeroesPerPlayer > Name: m_vecAvailableHerosPerPlayerID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CHeroesPerPlayer FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
717 Type: CUtlVector< CHeroesPerPlayer > Name: m_vecLockedHerosByPlayerID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CHeroesPerPlayer FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
718 Type: float32 Name: m_flPreGameStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
719 Type: float32 Name: m_flGameStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
720 Type: float32 Name: m_flGameEndTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
721 Type: float32 Name: m_flGameLoadTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
722 Type: int32[2] Name: m_iCustomGameScore Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
723 Type: int32 Name: m_nCustomGameDifficulty Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
724 Type: float32 Name: m_fGoodGlyphCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
725 Type: float32 Name: m_fBadGlyphCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
726 Type: float32[14] Name: m_flGlyphCooldowns Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
727 Type: float32 Name: m_fGoodRadarCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
728 Type: float32 Name: m_fBadRadarCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
729 Type: float32[14] Name: m_flRadarCooldowns Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
730 Type: bool Name: m_bIsNightstalkerNight Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
731 Type: bool Name: m_bIsTemporaryNight Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
732 Type: int32 Name: m_nRiverType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
733 Type: CUtlVector< CDOTA_ItemStockInfo > Name: m_vecItemStockInfo Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CDOTA_ItemStockInfo FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
734 Type: int32 Name: m_nGameWinner Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
735 Type: uint64 Name: m_unMatchID64 Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
736 Type: bool Name: m_bMatchSignoutComplete Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
737 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hSideShop1 Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
738 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hSideShop2 Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
739 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hSecretShop1 Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
740 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hSecretShop2 Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
741 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity >[14] Name: m_hTeamFountains Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
742 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity >[14] Name: m_hTeamForts Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
743 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity >[14] Name: m_hTeamShops Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
744 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hAnnouncerGood Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
745 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hAnnouncerBad Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
746 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hAnnouncerSpectator Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
747 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hAnnouncerGood_KillingSpree Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
748 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hAnnouncerBad_KillingSpree Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
749 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hAnnouncerSpectator_KillingSpree Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
750 Type: int32 Name: m_nLoadedPlayers Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
751 Type: int32 Name: m_nExpectedPlayers Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
752 Type: int32 Name: m_iMinimapDebugGridState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
753 Type: bool Name: m_bIsStableMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
754 Type: bool Name: m_bGamePaused Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
755 Type: uint8[18] Name: m_BotDebugDefendLane Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
756 Type: uint8[6] Name: m_BotDebugFarmLane Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
757 Type: uint8[8] Name: m_BotDebugRoam Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
758 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity >[2] Name: m_hBotDebugRoamTarget Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
759 Type: uint8[2] Name: m_BotDebugRoshan Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
760 Type: ERoshanSpawnPhase Name: m_nRoshanRespawnPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
761 Type: float32 Name: m_flRoshanRespawnPhaseEndTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
762 Type: CDOTA_AbilityDraftAbilityState[MAX_ABILITY_DRAFT_ABILITIES] Name: m_AbilityDraftAbilities Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CDOTA_AbilityDraftAbilityState FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
763 Type: int32 Name: m_nAbilityDraftPlayerTracker Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
764 Type: int32 Name: m_nAbilityDraftRoundNumber Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
765 Type: int32 Name: m_nAbilityDraftAdvanceSteps Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
766 Type: int32 Name: m_nAbilityDraftPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
767 Type: int32[12] Name: m_nAbilityDraftHeroesChosen Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
768 Type: int32 Name: m_nAllDraftPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
769 Type: bool Name: m_bAllDraftRadiantFirst Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
770 Type: bool Name: m_bAllowOverrideVPK Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
771 Type: int32[2] Name: m_nARDMHeroesRemaining Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
772 Type: uint32 Name: m_lobbyLeagueID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
773 Type: char[256] Name: m_lobbyGameName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
774 Type: CUtlVector< CHeroStatueLiked > Name: m_vecHeroStatueLiked Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CHeroStatueLiked FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
775 Type: int32[14] Name: m_CustomGameTeamMaxPlayers Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
776 Type: CUtlVector< CHandle< CIngameEvent_Base > > Name: m_vecIngameEvents Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
777 Type: CUtlVector< AABB_t > Name: m_NeutralSpawnBoxes Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: AABB_t FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
778 Type: CDOTAGamerules* Name: m_pGameRules Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CDOTAGamerules FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
779 Type: float32 Name: m_flPrepTimeLeft Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
780 Type: int32 Name: m_nWaveEnemyCount Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
781 Type: int32 Name: m_nCurrentEnemyCount Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
782 Type: int32 Name: m_nNumberOfRounds Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
783 Type: int32 Name: m_nRoundNumber Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
784 Type: bool Name: m_bIsHeroRespawnEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
785 Type: int32 Name: m_nGoldBagsExpired Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
786 Type: uint32 Name: m_nID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
787 Type: uint32 Name: m_nValue Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
788 Type: uint32 Name: m_nRawValue Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
789 Type: uint8 Name: m_nValueState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
790 Type: bool Name: m_bValueIsMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
791 Type: bool Name: m_bVotingClosed Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
792 Type: bool Name: m_bAllPredictionsFinished Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
793 Type: CUtlVector< InGamePredictionData_t > Name: m_vecPredictions Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: InGamePredictionData_t FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
794 Type: uint32 Name: m_nLeagueID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
795 Type: int32[2] Name: m_iCursor Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
796 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimatingOverlay FSVer: 1 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
797 Type: Vector Name: m_vecStartingPosition Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
798 Type: bool Name: m_bUsingAssistedCameraOperator Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
799 Type: bool Name: m_bUsingCameraMan Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
800 Type: int32 Name: m_nPlayerAssistFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
801 Type: int32 Name: m_iMusicStatus Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
802 Type: float32[3] Name: m_flMusicOperatorVals Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
803 Type: int32[4] Name: m_iMusicOperatorVals Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
804 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hKillCamUnit Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
805 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hAssignedHero Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
806 Type: int32 Name: m_nCachedCoachedTeam Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
807 Type: int32 Name: m_iSpectatorClickBehavior Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
808 Type: float32 Name: m_flAspectRatio Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
809 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hSpectatorQueryUnit Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
810 Type: int32 Name: m_iStatsPanel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
811 Type: int32 Name: m_iShopPanel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
812 Type: ShopItemViewMode_t Name: m_iShopViewMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
813 Type: int32 Name: m_iStatsDropdownCategory Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
814 Type: int32 Name: m_iStatsDropdownSort Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
815 Type: char[64] Name: m_szShopString Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
816 Type: bool Name: m_bInShowCaseMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
817 Type: float32 Name: m_flCameraZoomAmount Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
818 Type: int32 Name: m_iHighPriorityScore Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
819 Type: int32[9] Name: m_quickBuyItems Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
820 Type: bool[9] Name: m_quickBuyIsPurchasable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
821 Type: int32 Name: m_nServerOrderSequenceNumber Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
822 Type: char[256] Name: m_pszQuestTitle Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
823 Type: char[256] Name: m_pszQuestText Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
824 Type: int32 Name: m_nQuestType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
825 Type: CHandle< CDotaSubquestBase >[8] Name: m_hSubquests Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
826 Type: bool Name: m_bCompleted Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
827 Type: bool Name: m_bWinIfCompleted Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
828 Type: bool Name: m_bLoseIfCompleted Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
829 Type: char[256] Name: m_pszGameEndText Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
830 Type: int32[4] Name: m_pnTextReplaceValuesCDotaQuest Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
831 Type: char[64] Name: m_pszTextReplaceString Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
832 Type: int32 Name: m_nTextReplaceValueVersion Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
833 Type: int32[64] Name: m_rgGoldPerMinute Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
834 Type: int32[64] Name: m_rgXPPerMinute Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
835 Type: int32 Name: m_nCreatedByPlayerID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
836 Type: CHandle< CDOTASpecGraphPlayerData >[24] Name: m_rgPlayerGraphData Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
837 Type: int32[64] Name: m_rgRadiantTotalEarnedGold Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
838 Type: int32[64] Name: m_rgDireTotalEarnedGold Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
839 Type: int32[64] Name: m_rgRadiantTotalEarnedXP Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
840 Type: int32[64] Name: m_rgDireTotalEarnedXP Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
841 Type: int32[64] Name: m_rgRadiantNetWorth Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
842 Type: int32[64] Name: m_rgDireNetWorth Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
843 Type: float32 Name: m_flTotalEarnedGoldStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
844 Type: float32 Name: m_flTotalEarnedGoldEndTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
845 Type: int32 Name: m_nGoldGraphVersion Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
846 Type: CDOTASpectatorGraphManager* Name: m_pGraphManager Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CDOTASpectatorGraphManager FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
847 Type: char[256] Name: m_pszSubquestText Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
848 Type: bool Name: m_bShowProgressBar Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
849 Type: int32 Name: m_nProgressBarHueShift Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
850 Type: int32[2] Name: m_pnTextReplaceValuesCDotaSubquestBase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
851 Type: CUtlVector< CHandle< CBasePlayer > > Name: m_aPlayers Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
852 Type: int32 Name: m_iScore Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
853 Type: int32 Name: m_iRoundsWon Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
854 Type: char[129] Name: m_szTeamname Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
855 Type: int32 Name: m_iHeroKills Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
856 Type: int32 Name: m_iBarracksKills Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
857 Type: uint32 Name: m_unTournamentTeamID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
858 Type: uint64 Name: m_ulTeamLogo Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: fixed64
859 Type: uint64 Name: m_ulTeamBaseLogo Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: fixed64
860 Type: uint64 Name: m_ulTeamBannerLogo Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: fixed64
861 Type: bool Name: m_bTeamComplete Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
862 Type: bool Name: m_bTeamIsHomeTeam Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
863 Type: Color Name: m_CustomHealthbarColor Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
864 Type: char[33] Name: m_szTag Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
865 Type: char[256] Name: m_LocalizationStr Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
866 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hNPC Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
867 Type: float32 Name: m_flDuration Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
868 Type: uint32 Name: m_unOffsetX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
869 Type: uint32 Name: m_unOffsetY Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
870 Type: uint16 Name: m_unCount Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
871 Type: int32 Name: m_nTutorialState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
872 Type: int32 Name: m_nTaskProgress Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
873 Type: int32 Name: m_nTaskSteps Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
874 Type: int32 Name: m_nTaskSecondsRemianing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
875 Type: int32 Name: m_nUIState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
876 Type: int32 Name: m_nShopState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
877 Type: Vector Name: m_TargetLocation Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
878 Type: m_SpeechBubbles Name: m_SpeechBubbles Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CSpeechBubbleInfo FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
879 Type: int32 Name: m_nLocationID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
880 Type: char[256] Name: m_GuideStr Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
881 Type: char[256] Name: m_QuickBuyStr Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
882 Type: uint8 Name: m_Flags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
883 Type: uint8 Name: m_LightStyle Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
884 Type: float32 Name: m_Radius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
885 Type: int32 Name: m_Exponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
886 Type: float32 Name: m_InnerAngle Bits: 8 Low: 0.000000 High: 360.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
887 Type: float32 Name: m_OuterAngle Bits: 8 Low: 0.000000 High: 360.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
888 Type: float32 Name: m_SpotRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
889 Type: float32 Name: m_flStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
890 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeInStart Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
891 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeInLength Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
892 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeOutModelStart Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
893 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeOutModelLength Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
894 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeOutStart Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
895 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeOutLength Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
896 Type: EntityDisolveType_t Name: m_nDissolveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
897 Type: Vector Name: m_vDissolverOrigin Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
898 Type: uint32 Name: m_nMagnitude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
899 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEntAttached Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
900 Type: bool Name: m_bCheapEffect Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
901 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hHourHand Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
902 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hMinuteHand Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
903 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hSecondHand Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
904 Type: float32 Name: m_flStartGameTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
905 Type: float32 Name: m_flStartClockSeconds Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
906 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > Name: m_hCubemapTexture Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
907 Type: float32 Name: m_flInfluenceRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
908 Type: Vector Name: m_vBoxProjectMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
909 Type: Vector Name: m_vBoxProjectMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
910 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_LightGroups Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
911 Type: bool Name: m_bStartDisabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
912 Type: color32 Name: m_LightColor Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
913 Type: float32 Name: m_flIntensity Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
914 Type: float32 Name: m_flLightSize Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
915 Type: float32 Name: m_flSpotFoV Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
916 Type: QAngle Name: m_vLightDirection Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: QAngle
917 Type: float32 Name: m_flStartFalloff Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
918 Type: float32 Name: m_flDistanceFalloff Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
919 Type: uint32 Name: m_nFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
920 Type: char[260] Name: m_ProjectedTextureName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
921 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeStartDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
922 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeEndDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
923 Type: bool Name: m_bDOFEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
924 Type: float32 Name: m_flNearBlurDepth Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
925 Type: float32 Name: m_flNearFocusDepth Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
926 Type: float32 Name: m_flFarFocusDepth Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
927 Type: float32 Name: m_flFarBlurDepth Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
928 Type: float32 Name: m_flNearBlurRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
929 Type: float32 Name: m_flFarBlurRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
930 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > Name: m_hLightProbeTexture Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
931 Type: Vector Name: m_vBoxMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
932 Type: Vector Name: m_vBoxMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
933 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hTargetEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
934 Type: bool Name: m_bState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
935 Type: bool Name: m_bAlwaysUpdate Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
936 Type: float32 Name: m_flLightFOV Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
937 Type: bool Name: m_bEnableShadows Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
938 Type: bool Name: m_bSimpleProjection Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
939 Type: bool Name: m_bLightOnlyTarget Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
940 Type: bool Name: m_bLightWorld Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
941 Type: bool Name: m_bCameraSpace Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
942 Type: float32 Name: m_flBrightnessScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
943 Type: Color Name: m_LightColor Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
944 Type: float32 Name: m_flLinearAttenuation Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
945 Type: float32 Name: m_flQuadraticAttenuation Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
946 Type: bool Name: m_bVolumetric Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
947 Type: float32 Name: m_flNoiseStrength Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
948 Type: float32 Name: m_flFlashlightTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
949 Type: uint32 Name: m_nNumPlanes Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
950 Type: float32 Name: m_flPlaneOffset Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
951 Type: float32 Name: m_flVolumetricIntensity Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
952 Type: float32 Name: m_flColorTransitionTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
953 Type: float32 Name: m_flAmbient Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
954 Type: char[260] Name: m_SpotlightTextureName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
955 Type: int32 Name: m_nSpotlightTextureFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
956 Type: uint32 Name: m_nShadowQuality Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
957 Type: float32 Name: m_flNearZ Bits: 16 Low: 0.000000 High: 500.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
958 Type: float32 Name: m_flFarZ Bits: 18 Low: 0.000000 High: 1500.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
959 Type: float32 Name: m_flProjectionSize Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
960 Type: float32 Name: m_flRotation Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
961 Type: bool Name: m_bFlipHorizontal Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
962 Type: ScreenEffectType_t Name: m_nType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
963 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge[10] Name: m_iszOverlayNames Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
964 Type: float32[10] Name: m_flOverlayTimes Bits: 11 Low: -1.000000 High: 63.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
965 Type: int32 Name: m_iDesiredOverlay Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
966 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > Name: m_hSkyMaterial Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
967 Type: bool Name: m_bLightOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
968 Type: Color Name: m_LightOverrideColor Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
969 Type: float32 Name: m_flLightOverrideBrightness Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
970 Type: Color Name: m_vTintColor Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
971 Type: int32 Name: m_nFogType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
972 Type: float32 Name: m_flFogMinStart Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
973 Type: float32 Name: m_flFogMinEnd Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
974 Type: float32 Name: m_flFogMaxStart Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
975 Type: float32 Name: m_flFogMaxEnd Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
976 Type: float32 Name: m_flStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_EnvWindShared VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
977 Type: uint32 Name: m_iWindSeed Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_EnvWindShared VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
978 Type: uint16 Name: m_iMinWind Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_EnvWindShared VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
979 Type: uint16 Name: m_iMaxWind Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_EnvWindShared VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
980 Type: int32 Name: m_windRadius Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_EnvWindShared VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
981 Type: uint16 Name: m_iMinGust Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_EnvWindShared VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
982 Type: uint16 Name: m_iMaxGust Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_EnvWindShared VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
983 Type: float32 Name: m_flMinGustDelay Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_EnvWindShared VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
984 Type: float32 Name: m_flMaxGustDelay Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_EnvWindShared VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
985 Type: float32 Name: m_flGustDuration Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_EnvWindShared VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
986 Type: uint16 Name: m_iGustDirChange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_EnvWindShared VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
987 Type: Vector Name: m_location Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_EnvWindShared VarEncoder: coord
988 Type: uint16 Name: m_iInitialWindDir Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_EnvWindShared VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
989 Type: float32 Name: m_flInitialWindSpeed Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_EnvWindShared VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
990 Type: float32 Name: m_flScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
991 Type: float32 Name: m_flStartScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
992 Type: float32 Name: m_flScaleTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
993 Type: int32 Name: m_nFlameModelIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
994 Type: int32 Name: m_nFlameFromAboveModelIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
995 Type: float32 Name: m_x Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
996 Type: float32 Name: m_y Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
997 Type: float32 Name: m_z Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
998 Type: float32 Name: m_angle Bits: 7 Low: 0.000000 High: 360.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
999 Type: Vector Name: m_poolOrigin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
1000 Type: float32 Name: m_waterLevel Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1001 Type: Vector Name: dirPrimary Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: coord
1002 Type: Color Name: colorPrimary Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1003 Type: Color Name: colorSecondary Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1004 Type: float32 Name: start Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1005 Type: float32 Name: end Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1006 Type: float32 Name: maxdensity Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1007 Type: float32 Name: exponent Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1008 Type: float32 Name: HDRColorScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1009 Type: bool Name: enable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1010 Type: bool Name: blend Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1011 Type: bool Name: m_bNoReflectionFog Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1012 Type: Color Name: colorPrimaryLerpTo Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1013 Type: Color Name: colorSecondaryLerpTo Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1014 Type: float32 Name: farz Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1015 Type: float32 Name: skyboxFogFactor Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1016 Type: float32 Name: skyboxFogFactorLerpTo Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1017 Type: float32 Name: startLerpTo Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1018 Type: float32 Name: endLerpTo Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1019 Type: float32 Name: maxdensityLerpTo Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1020 Type: float32 Name: lerptime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1021 Type: float32 Name: duration Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1022 Type: Color Name: m_Color Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1023 Type: uint32 Name: m_SpawnRate Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1024 Type: uint32 Name: m_SpeedMax Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1025 Type: float32 Name: m_flSizeMin Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1026 Type: float32 Name: m_flSizeMax Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1027 Type: uint32 Name: m_DistMax Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1028 Type: uint32 Name: m_LifetimeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1029 Type: uint32 Name: m_LifetimeMax Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1030 Type: float32 Name: m_FallSpeed Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1031 Type: uint32 Name: m_DustFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1032 Type: uint32 Name: m_nDisappearMinDist Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1033 Type: uint32 Name: m_nDisappearMaxDist Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1034 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1035 Type: float32 Name: m_flTranslucencyLimit Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1036 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > Name: m_iBackgroundModelIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1037 Type: float32 Name: m_flConveyorSpeed Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1038 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hAttachedOccluder Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1039 Type: Vector Name: m_vecLadderDir Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
1040 Type: Vector Name: m_vecPlayerMountPositionTop Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
1041 Type: Vector Name: m_vecPlayerMountPositionBottom Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
1042 Type: float32 Name: m_flAutoRideSpeed Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1043 Type: bool Name: m_bFakeLadder Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1044 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity FSVer: 2 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1045 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_Handle Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1046 Type: bool Name: m_bSendHandle Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1047 Type: uint32 Name: m_iOverlayID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1048 Type: bool Name: m_bDisabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1049 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_worldName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1050 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_layerName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1051 Type: bool Name: m_bWorldLayerVisible Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1052 Type: bool Name: m_bEntitiesSpawned Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1053 Type: int32 Name: nType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1054 Type: int32 Name: nQuestID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1055 Type: int32 Name: nQuestChallengeID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1056 Type: int32 Name: nTier Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1057 Type: int32 Name: nParam0 Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1058 Type: int32 Name: nParam1 Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1059 Type: int32 Name: nSlotID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1060 Type: int32 Name: nProgress Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1061 Type: int32 Name: nCompletionThreshold Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1062 Type: int32 Name: nPlayerID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1063 Type: int32 Name: nQueryIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1064 Type: int32 Name: nEventID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1065 Type: int32 Name: nSequenceID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1066 Type: int32 Name: nCompleted Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1067 Type: int32 Name: nRank Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1068 Type: int32 Name: m_nPlayerID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1069 Type: int32 Name: m_nQueryID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1070 Type: int32 Name: m_nQueryRank Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1071 Type: int32 Name: m_nMultiQueryID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1072 Type: char[260] Name: m_szRankIdentifier Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1073 Type: int32[24] Name: m_CompendiumChallengeEventID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1074 Type: int32[24] Name: m_CompendiumChallengeSequenceID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1075 Type: int32[24] Name: m_CompendiumChallengeCoinReward Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1076 Type: int32[24] Name: m_CompendiumChallengeCoinSplash Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1077 Type: int32[24] Name: m_CompendiumChallengePointReward Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1078 Type: bool[24] Name: m_CompendiumChallengeCompleted Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1079 Type: bool[24] Name: m_CompendiumChallengeFailed Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1080 Type: int32[24] Name: m_CompendiumChallengeProgress Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1081 Type: int32[24] Name: m_QueryIDForProgress Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1082 Type: CUtlVector< CDOTA_PlayerChallengeInfo > Name: m_CompendiumChallengeInfo Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CDOTA_PlayerChallengeInfo FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1083 Type: DOTA_CombatLogQueryProgress Name: m_PlayerQueryIDs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CDOTA_CombatLogQueryProgress FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1084 Type: int32[100] Name: m_ProgressForQueryID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1085 Type: int32[100] Name: m_GoalForQueryID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1086 Type: int32[10] Name: m_PlayerQuestRankPreviouslyCompleted Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1087 Type: int32[10] Name: m_PlayerQuestRankCompleted Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1088 Type: int32[24] Name: m_CompendiumCoinWager Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1089 Type: int32[24] Name: m_CompendiumCoinWagerResults Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1090 Type: float32 Name: m_flWagerTimer Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1091 Type: float32 Name: m_flWagerEndTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1092 Type: float32 Name: m_flBonusWagerRate Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1093 Type: int32 Name: nRequiredHero Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1094 Type: CUtlVector< CDOTASubChallengeInfo > Name: m_SubChallenges Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CDOTASubChallengeInfo FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1095 Type: int32[10] Name: m_CompendiumCoinWager Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1096 Type: int32[10] Name: m_CompendiumCoinWagerResults Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1097 Type: int32[10] Name: m_CompendiumTippedPlayers Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1098 Type: float32 Name: m_flBrightness Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1099 Type: float32 Name: m_flRange Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1100 Type: float32 Name: m_flFalloff Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1101 Type: float32 Name: m_flAttenuation0 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1102 Type: float32 Name: m_flAttenuation1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1103 Type: float32 Name: m_flAttenuation2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1104 Type: float32 Name: m_flTheta Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1105 Type: float32 Name: m_flPhi Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1106 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_lightCookie Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1107 Type: int32 Name: m_nCascades Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1108 Type: bool Name: m_bCastShadows Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1109 Type: int32 Name: m_nShadowWidth Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1110 Type: int32 Name: m_nShadowHeight Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1111 Type: bool Name: m_bRenderDiffuse Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1112 Type: bool Name: m_bRenderSpecular Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1113 Type: int32 Name: m_nStyle Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1114 Type: CUtlString Name: m_Pattern Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1115 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1116 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1117 Type: float32 Name: m_flShadowFadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1118 Type: float32 Name: m_flShadowFadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1119 Type: CLightComponent Name: CLightComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CLightComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1120 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity FSVer: 6 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1121 Type: uint32 Name: m_nHorizontalSize Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1122 Type: uint32 Name: m_nVerticalSize Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1123 Type: uint32 Name: m_nMinDist Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1124 Type: uint32 Name: m_nMaxDist Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1125 Type: uint32 Name: m_nOuterMaxDist Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1126 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowProxySize Bits: 6 Low: 0.000000 High: 64.000000 Flags: 2 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1127 Type: float32 Name: m_flHDRColorScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1128 Type: char[255] Name: m_szMaterialName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1129 Type: char[255] Name: m_szMaterialVar Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1130 Type: char[255] Name: m_szMaterialVarValue Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1131 Type: int32 Name: m_iFrameStart Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1132 Type: int32 Name: m_iFrameEnd Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1133 Type: bool Name: m_bWrap Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1134 Type: float32 Name: m_flFrameRate Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1135 Type: bool Name: m_bNewAnimCommandsSemaphore Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1136 Type: float32 Name: m_flFloatLerpStartValue Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1137 Type: float32 Name: m_flFloatLerpEndValue Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1138 Type: float32 Name: m_flFloatLerpTransitionTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1139 Type: MaterialModifyMode_t Name: m_nModifyMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1140 Type: bool Name: m_bDisplayPerf Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1141 Type: bool Name: m_bMeasurePerf Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1142 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity FSVer: 3 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1143 Type: char[260] Name: m_szSnapshotFileName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1144 Type: bool Name: m_bActive Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1145 Type: int32 Name: m_nStopType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1146 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIParticleSystemDefinition > Name: m_iEffectIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1147 Type: Vector[4] Name: m_vServerControlPoints Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1148 Type: uint8[4] Name: m_iServerControlPointAssignments Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1149 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity >[64] Name: m_hControlPointEnts Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1150 Type: uint8[64] Name: m_iControlPointParents Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1151 Type: uint32 Name: m_iPhysicsMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1152 Type: float32 Name: m_fMass Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1153 Type: bool Name: m_bAwake Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1154 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > Name: m_nPlasmaModelIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1155 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > Name: m_nPlasmaModelIndex2 Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1156 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > Name: m_nGlowModelIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1157 Type: uint32[66] Name: m_iPing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1158 Type: int32[66] Name: m_iScore Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1159 Type: int32[66] Name: m_iDeaths Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1160 Type: bool[66] Name: m_bConnected Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1161 Type: int32[66] Name: m_iTeam Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1162 Type: bool[66] Name: m_bAlive Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1163 Type: uint32[66] Name: m_iHealth Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1164 Type: float32 Name: m_FOV Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1165 Type: float32 Name: m_Resolution Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1166 Type: bool Name: m_bFogEnable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1167 Type: Color Name: m_FogColor Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1168 Type: float32 Name: m_flFogStart Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1169 Type: float32 Name: m_flFogEnd Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1170 Type: float32 Name: m_flFogMaxDensity Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1171 Type: bool Name: m_bUseScreenAspectRatio Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1172 Type: bool Name: m_bNoSky Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1173 Type: float32 Name: m_fBrightness Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1174 Type: float32 Name: m_flZFar Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1175 Type: float32 Name: m_flZNear Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1176 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hActivator Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1177 Type: bool Name: m_bIgnoreInput Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1178 Type: bool Name: m_bFollowPlayerAcrossTeleport Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1179 Type: float32 Name: m_flWidth Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1180 Type: float32 Name: m_flHeight Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1181 Type: float32 Name: m_flDPI Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1182 Type: float32 Name: m_flInteractDistance Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1183 Type: float32 Name: m_flDepthOffset Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1184 Type: uint32 Name: m_unOwnerContext Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1185 Type: uint32 Name: m_unHorizontalAlign Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1186 Type: uint32 Name: m_unVerticalAlign Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1187 Type: uint32 Name: m_unOrientation Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1188 Type: bool Name: m_bAllowInteractionFromAllSceneWorlds Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1189 Type: CUtlVector< CUtlSymbolLarge > Name: m_vecCSSClasses Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1190 Type: bool Name: m_bOpaque Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1191 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_iszCommentaryFile Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1192 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hViewPosition Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1193 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_iszSpeakers Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1194 Type: uint32 Name: m_iNodeNumber Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1195 Type: int32 Name: m_iNodeNumberMax Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1196 Type: float32 Name: m_flEnableTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1197 Type: int32 Name: m_nPlayerIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1198 Type: bool Name: m_bUpdateOnClient Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1199 Type: ValueRemapperInputType_t Name: m_nInputType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1200 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hRemapLineStart Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1201 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hRemapLineEnd Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1202 Type: float32 Name: m_flMaximumChangePerSecond Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1203 Type: float32 Name: m_flDisengageDistance Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1204 Type: float32 Name: m_flEngageDistance Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1205 Type: bool Name: m_bRequiresUseKey Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1206 Type: ValueRemapperOutputType_t Name: m_nOutputType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1207 Type: CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseEntity > > Name: m_hOutputEntities Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1208 Type: ValueRemapperHapticsType_t Name: m_nHapticsType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1209 Type: ValueRemapperMomentumType_t Name: m_nMomentumType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1210 Type: float32 Name: m_flMomentumModifier Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1211 Type: float32 Name: m_flSnapValue Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1212 Type: ValueRemapperRatchetType_t Name: m_nRatchetType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1213 Type: float32 Name: m_flInputOffset Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1214 Type: char[512] Name: m_messageText Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1215 Type: char[64] Name: m_FontName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1216 Type: float32 Name: m_flWorldUnitsPerPx Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1217 Type: float32 Name: m_flFontSize Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1218 Type: PointWorldTextJustifyHorizontal_t Name: m_nJustifyHorizontal Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1219 Type: PointWorldTextJustifyVertical_t Name: m_nJustifyVertical Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1220 Type: PointWorldTextReorientMode_t Name: m_nReorientMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1221 Type: bool Name: m_bPoseValueParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1222 Type: float32 Name: m_fPoseValue Bits: 11 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1223 Type: float32 Name: m_fInterpolationTime Bits: 11 Low: 0.000000 High: 10.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1224 Type: bool Name: m_bInterpolationWrap Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1225 Type: float32 Name: m_fCycleFrequency Bits: 11 Low: -10.000000 High: 10.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1226 Type: PoseController_FModType_t Name: m_nFModType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1227 Type: float32 Name: m_fFModTimeOffset Bits: 11 Low: -1.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1228 Type: float32 Name: m_fFModRate Bits: 11 Low: -10.000000 High: 10.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1229 Type: float32 Name: m_fFModAmplitude Bits: 11 Low: 0.000000 High: 10.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1230 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity >[4] Name: m_hProps Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1231 Type: uint8[4] Name: m_chPoseIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1232 Type: float32 Name: m_fLocalContrastStrength Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1233 Type: float32 Name: m_fLocalContrastEdgeStrength Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1234 Type: float32 Name: m_fVignetteStart Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1235 Type: float32 Name: m_fVignetteEnd Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1236 Type: float32 Name: m_fVignetteBlurStrength Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1237 Type: float32 Name: m_fFadeToBlackStrength Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1238 Type: float32 Name: m_fGrainStrength Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1239 Type: float32 Name: m_fTopVignetteStrength Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1240 Type: float32 Name: m_fFadeTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1241 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCPostProcessingResource > Name: m_hPostSettings Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1242 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1243 Type: PrecipitationType_t Name: m_nPrecipType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1244 Type: float32 Name: m_minSpeed Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1245 Type: float32 Name: m_maxSpeed Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1246 Type: CHandle< CPropVRHand >[4] Name: m_hVRControllers Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1247 Type: CHandle< CPointWorldText > Name: m_hCloseCaption Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1248 Type: CHandle< CBasePlayer > Name: m_hPlayer Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1249 Type: int32 Name: m_nSpeed Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1250 Type: int16 Name: m_nRPM Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1251 Type: float32 Name: m_flThrottle Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1252 Type: int32 Name: m_nBoostTimeLeft Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1253 Type: bool Name: m_bHasBoost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1254 Type: Vector Name: m_vecEyeExitEndpoint Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
1255 Type: Vector Name: m_vecGunCrosshair Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
1256 Type: bool Name: m_bUnableToFire Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1257 Type: bool Name: m_bHasGun Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1258 Type: bool Name: m_nScannerDisabledWeapons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1259 Type: bool Name: m_nScannerDisabledVehicle Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1260 Type: bool Name: m_bEnterAnimOn Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1261 Type: bool Name: m_bExitAnimOn Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1262 Type: CHandle< CBaseVRHandAttachment > Name: m_hActiveHandAttachment Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1263 Type: CHandle< CPropHMDAvatar > Name: m_hHMDAvatar Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1264 Type: CBaseVRHandAttachmentHandle Name: m_hAttachments Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1265 Type: bool Name: m_bInitialized Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1266 Type: int32 Name: m_nHandID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1267 Type: float32 Name: m_flTriggerAnalogValue Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1268 Type: float32 Name: m_flTrackpadOrJoystickAnalogValueX Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1269 Type: float32 Name: m_flTrackpadOrJoystickAnalogValueY Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1270 Type: eLiteralHandType Name: m_LiteralHandType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1271 Type: CHandle< CPropZipline > Name: m_hPrevZipline Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1272 Type: CHandle< CPropZipline > Name: m_hNextZipline Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1273 Type: int8 Name: m_iCurrentMaxRagdollCount Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1274 Type: Vector[32] Name: m_ragPos Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
1275 Type: QAngle[32] Name: m_ragAngles Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: QAngle
1276 Type: float32 Name: m_flBlendWeight Bits: 8 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1277 Type: uint32 Name: m_boneIndexAttached Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1278 Type: uint32 Name: m_ragdollAttachedObjectIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1279 Type: Vector Name: m_attachmentPointBoneSpace Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
1280 Type: Vector Name: m_attachmentPointRagdollSpace Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
1281 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity FSVer: 4 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1282 Type: uint16 Name: m_RopeFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1283 Type: int16 Name: m_Slack Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1284 Type: float32 Name: m_Width Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1285 Type: float32 Name: m_TextureScale Bits: 10 Low: 0.100000 High: 10.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1286 Type: uint8 Name: m_nSegments Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1287 Type: bool Name: m_bConstrainBetweenEndpoints Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1288 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > Name: m_iRopeMaterialModelIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1289 Type: uint8 Name: m_Subdiv Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1290 Type: uint8 Name: m_nChangeCount Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1291 Type: int16 Name: m_RopeLength Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1292 Type: uint8 Name: m_fLockedPoints Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1293 Type: float32 Name: m_flScrollSpeed Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1294 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hStartPoint Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1295 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEndPoint Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1296 Type: int16 Name: m_iStartAttachment Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1297 Type: int16 Name: m_iEndAttachment Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1298 Type: bool Name: m_bIsPlayingBack Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1299 Type: bool Name: m_bPaused Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1300 Type: bool Name: m_bMultiplayer Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1301 Type: float32 Name: m_flForceClientTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1302 Type: CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseFlex > > Name: m_hActorList Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1303 Type: uint16 Name: m_nSceneStringIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1304 Type: Vector Name: m_shadowDirection Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1305 Type: Color Name: m_shadowColor Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1306 Type: float32 Name: m_flShadowMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1307 Type: bool Name: m_bDisableShadows Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1308 Type: bool Name: m_bEnableLocalLightShadows Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1309 Type: Vector Name: dirPrimary Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: coord
1310 Type: Color Name: colorPrimary Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1311 Type: Color Name: colorSecondary Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1312 Type: float32 Name: start Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1313 Type: float32 Name: end Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1314 Type: float32 Name: maxdensity Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1315 Type: float32 Name: exponent Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1316 Type: float32 Name: HDRColorScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1317 Type: bool Name: enable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1318 Type: bool Name: blend Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1319 Type: bool Name: m_bNoReflectionFog Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1320 Type: int16 Name: scale Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1321 Type: Vector Name: origin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData VarEncoder: coord
1322 Type: uint8 Name: area Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1323 Type: bool Name: bClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFar Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1324 Type: float32 Name: flClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFarOffset Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1325 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_skyboxSlotToken Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1326 Type: Color Name: colorPrimaryLerpTo Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1327 Type: Color Name: colorSecondaryLerpTo Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1328 Type: float32 Name: farz Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1329 Type: float32 Name: skyboxFogFactor Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1330 Type: float32 Name: skyboxFogFactorLerpTo Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1331 Type: float32 Name: startLerpTo Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1332 Type: float32 Name: endLerpTo Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1333 Type: float32 Name: maxdensityLerpTo Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1334 Type: float32 Name: lerptime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1335 Type: float32 Name: duration Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skyboxData.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1336 Type: float32 Name: m_flLightScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1337 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > Name: m_hSpriteMaterial Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1338 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hAttachedToEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1339 Type: int32 Name: m_nAttachment Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1340 Type: float32 Name: m_flSpriteFramerate Bits: 8 Low: 0.000000 High: 60.000000 Flags: 2 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1341 Type: uint32 Name: m_nBrightness Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1342 Type: float32 Name: m_flBrightnessTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1343 Type: float32 Name: m_flSpriteScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1344 Type: bool Name: m_bWorldSpaceScale Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1345 Type: Vector Name: m_vDirection Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1346 Type: Color Name: m_clrOverlay Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1347 Type: bool Name: m_bOn Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1348 Type: uint32 Name: m_nSize Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1349 Type: int32 Name: m_nOverlaySize Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1350 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > Name: m_nMaterial Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1351 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > Name: m_nOverlayMaterial Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1352 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 4 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1353 Type: float32 Name: m_flAutoExposureMin Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1354 Type: float32 Name: m_flAutoExposureMax Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1355 Type: float32 Name: m_flTonemapPercentTarget Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1356 Type: float32 Name: m_flTonemapPercentBrightPixels Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1357 Type: float32 Name: m_flTonemapMinAvgLum Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1358 Type: float32 Name: m_flRate Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1359 Type: float32 Name: m_flAccelerateExposureDown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1360 Type: int32 Name: m_nAttachmentIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1361 Type: int32 Name: m_nPanelName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1362 Type: uint32 Name: m_fScreenFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1363 Type: CHandle< CBasePlayer > Name: m_hPlayerOwner Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1364 Type: Vector Name: m_WorldMins Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
1365 Type: Vector Name: m_WorldMaxs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
1366 Type: bool Name: m_bStartDark Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1367 Type: float32 Name: m_flMaxPropScreenSpaceWidth Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1368 Type: float32 Name: m_flMinPropScreenSpaceWidth Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1369 Type: uint32 Name: m_iStartMusicType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1370 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_iszMusicPostFix Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1371 Type: int32 Name: m_iTimeOfDay Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1372 Type: int32 Name: m_nVRChaperoneType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1373 Type: int32 Name: m_nVRMovementType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1374 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 >[6] Name: m_skyBoxFaces Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1375 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_iszOptimizedHeightFieldName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1376 Type: float32 Name: m_flTileGridMinHeight Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1377 Type: float32 Name: m_flTileGridMaxHeight Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1378 Type: float32 Name: m_flTileGridStepHeight Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1379 Type: bool Name: m_bAllowHeightFog Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1380 Type: float32 Name: m_flHeightFogWorldScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1381 Type: float32 Name: m_flHeightFogAdjustment Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1382 Type: float32 Name: m_flHeightFogScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1383 Type: float32 Name: m_flHeightFogScale1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1384 Type: float32 Name: m_flHeightFogScale2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1385 Type: float32 Name: m_flHeightFogDrawScale1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1386 Type: float32 Name: m_flHeightFogDrawScale2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1387 Type: Vector Name: m_vHeightFogScrollDir1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1388 Type: Vector Name: m_vHeightFogScrollDir2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1389 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > Name: m_hHeightFogTexture Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1390 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCTextureBase > Name: m_hHeightFogMaskTexture Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
0 Name: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating Version: 0 Fields:
0 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellY Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
2 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellZ Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
3 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecX Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
4 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecY Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
5 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecZ Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
6 Type: CGameSceneNodeHandle Name: m_hParent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
7 Type: QAngle Name: m_angRotation Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: QAngle
8 Type: float32 Name: m_flScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
9 Type: HSequence Name: m_hSequence Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController.m_baseLayer VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
10 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_flPlaybackRate Bits: 10 Low: 0.000000 High: 5.000000 Flags: -8 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
11 Type: int32 Name: m_nNewSequenceParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
12 Type: int32 Name: m_nResetEventsParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
13 Type: float32 Name: m_flPrevCycle Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController.m_baseLayer VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
14 Type: float32 Name: m_flCycle Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController.m_baseLayer VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
15 Type: uint16 Name: m_nOutsideWorld Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
16 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > Name: m_hModel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
17 Type: uint64 Name: m_MeshGroupMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
18 Type: int32 Name: m_nDebugIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
19 Type: int8 Name: m_nIdealMotionType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
20 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_name Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
21 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_hierarchyAttachName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
22 Type: bool Name: m_bIsRenderingEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
23 Type: bool Name: m_bIsAnimationEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
24 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_materialGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
25 Type: uint8 Name: m_nHitboxSet Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
26 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_flWeight Bits: 8 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController.m_baseLayer VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
27 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSideAnimation Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
28 Type: float32[24] Name: m_flPoseParameter Bits: 11 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1 Name: CEntityIdentity Version: 0 Fields:
29 Type: int32 Name: m_nameStringableIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
2 Name: CPhysicsComponent Version: 0 Fields:
30 Type: bool Name: m_bCollisionActivationDisabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
3 Name: CRenderComponent Version: 0 Fields:
4 Name: CBaseAnimating Version: 0 Fields:
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
35 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMuzzleFlashParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
36 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
66 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSideRagdoll Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
88 Type: Vector Name: m_vecForce Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
89 Type: int32 Name: m_nForceBone Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
5 Name: CAnimationLayer Version: 0 Fields:
92 Type: HSequence Name: m_hSequence Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_op VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
93 Type: int32 Name: m_nNewSequenceParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
94 Type: float32 Name: m_flPrevCycle Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_op VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
95 Type: float32 Name: m_flCycle Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_op VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
96 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_flWeight Bits: 8 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_op VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
97 Type: int32 Name: m_nOrder Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
98 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_flPlaybackRate Bits: 10 Low: 0.000000 High: 5.000000 Flags: -8 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
99 Type: bool Name: m_bLooping Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
6 Name: CBodyComponentBaseAnimatingOverlay Version: 0 Fields:
0 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellY Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
2 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellZ Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
3 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecX Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
4 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecY Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
5 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecZ Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
6 Type: CGameSceneNodeHandle Name: m_hParent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
7 Type: QAngle Name: m_angRotation Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: QAngle
8 Type: float32 Name: m_flScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
9 Type: HSequence Name: m_hSequence Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController.m_baseLayer VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
10 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_flPlaybackRate Bits: 10 Low: 0.000000 High: 5.000000 Flags: -8 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
11 Type: int32 Name: m_nNewSequenceParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
12 Type: int32 Name: m_nResetEventsParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
13 Type: float32 Name: m_flPrevCycle Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController.m_baseLayer VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
14 Type: float32 Name: m_flCycle Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController.m_baseLayer VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
15 Type: uint16 Name: m_nOutsideWorld Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
16 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > Name: m_hModel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
17 Type: uint64 Name: m_MeshGroupMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
18 Type: int32 Name: m_nDebugIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
19 Type: int8 Name: m_nIdealMotionType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
20 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_name Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
21 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_hierarchyAttachName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
22 Type: bool Name: m_bIsRenderingEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
23 Type: bool Name: m_bIsAnimationEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
24 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_materialGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
25 Type: uint8 Name: m_nHitboxSet Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
26 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_flWeight Bits: 8 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController.m_baseLayer VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
27 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSideAnimation Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
28 Type: float32[24] Name: m_flPoseParameter Bits: 11 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
100 Type: CUtlVector< CAnimationLayer > Name: m_AnimOverlay Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CAnimationLayer FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
7 Name: CBaseAnimatingOverlay Version: 0 Fields:
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
35 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMuzzleFlashParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
101 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimatingOverlay FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
66 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSideRagdoll Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
88 Type: Vector Name: m_vecForce Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
89 Type: int32 Name: m_nForceBone Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
8 Name: CEconItemAttribute Version: 0 Fields:
102 Type: uint16 Name: m_iAttributeDefinitionIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
103 Type: float32 Name: m_iRawValue32 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
9 Name: CBaseAttributableItem Version: 0 Fields:
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
35 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMuzzleFlashParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
101 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimatingOverlay FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
104 Type: CUtlVector< CEconItemAttribute > Name: m_Attributes Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEconItemAttribute FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager.m_Item.m_AttributeList VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
105 Type: item_definition_index_t Name: m_iItemDefinitionIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager.m_Item VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
106 Type: int32 Name: m_iEntityQuality Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager.m_Item VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
107 Type: uint32 Name: m_iEntityLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager.m_Item VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
108 Type: itemid_t Name: m_iItemID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager.m_Item VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
109 Type: uint32 Name: m_iAccountID Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager.m_Item VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
110 Type: uint32 Name: m_iInventoryPosition Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager.m_Item VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
111 Type: bool Name: m_bInitialized Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager.m_Item VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
112 Type: int32 Name: m_iReapplyProvisionParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
113 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOuter Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
114 Type: attributeprovidertypes_t Name: m_ProviderType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_AttributeManager VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
66 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSideRagdoll Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
88 Type: Vector Name: m_vecForce Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
89 Type: int32 Name: m_nForceBone Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
115 Type: CUtlVector< float32 > Name: m_flexWeight Bits: 12 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
116 Type: Vector Name: m_viewtarget Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
117 Type: bool Name: m_blinktoggle Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
10 Name: CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity Version: 0 Fields:
0 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellY Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
2 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellZ Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
3 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecX Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
4 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecY Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
5 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecZ Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
6 Type: CGameSceneNodeHandle Name: m_hParent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
7 Type: QAngle Name: m_angRotation Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: QAngle
8 Type: float32 Name: m_flScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
15 Type: uint16 Name: m_nOutsideWorld Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
16 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > Name: m_hModel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
17 Type: uint64 Name: m_MeshGroupMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
18 Type: int32 Name: m_nDebugIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
19 Type: int8 Name: m_nIdealMotionType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
20 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_name Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
21 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_hierarchyAttachName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
22 Type: bool Name: m_bIsRenderingEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
23 Type: bool Name: m_bIsAnimationEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
24 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_materialGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
25 Type: uint8 Name: m_nHitboxSet Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
11 Name: CBaseButton Version: 0 Fields:
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
118 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
119 Type: CHandle< CBaseModelEntity > Name: m_glowEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
120 Type: bool Name: m_usable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
121 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_szDisplayText Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
12 Name: CBaseClientUIEntity Version: 0 Fields:
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
118 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
122 Type: bool Name: m_bEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
123 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_DialogXMLName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
124 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_PanelClassName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
13 Name: CBaseCombatCharacter Version: 0 Fields:
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
35 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMuzzleFlashParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
101 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimatingOverlay FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
66 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSideRagdoll Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
88 Type: Vector Name: m_vecForce Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
89 Type: int32 Name: m_nForceBone Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
115 Type: CUtlVector< float32 > Name: m_flexWeight Bits: 12 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
116 Type: Vector Name: m_viewtarget Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
117 Type: bool Name: m_blinktoggle Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
125 Type: float32 Name: m_flNextAttack Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
126 Type: float32 Name: m_flFieldOfView Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
127 Type: CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseCombatWeapon > > Name: m_hMyWeapons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
128 Type: CHandle< CBaseCombatWeapon > Name: m_hActiveWeapon Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
129 Type: CUtlVector< CHandle< CEconWearable > > Name: m_hMyWearables Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
14 Name: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating Version: 1 Fields:
0 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellY Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
2 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellZ Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
3 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecX Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
4 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecY Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
5 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecZ Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
6 Type: CGameSceneNodeHandle Name: m_hParent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
7 Type: QAngle Name: m_angRotation Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: QAngle
8 Type: float32 Name: m_flScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
9 Type: HSequence Name: m_hSequence Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController.m_baseLayer VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
10 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_flPlaybackRate Bits: 10 Low: 0.000000 High: 5.000000 Flags: -8 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
11 Type: int32 Name: m_nNewSequenceParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
12 Type: int32 Name: m_nResetEventsParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
15 Type: uint16 Name: m_nOutsideWorld Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
16 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > Name: m_hModel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
17 Type: uint64 Name: m_MeshGroupMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
18 Type: int32 Name: m_nDebugIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
19 Type: int8 Name: m_nIdealMotionType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
20 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_name Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
21 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_hierarchyAttachName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
22 Type: bool Name: m_bIsRenderingEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
23 Type: bool Name: m_bIsAnimationEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
24 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_materialGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
25 Type: uint8 Name: m_nHitboxSet Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
26 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_flWeight Bits: 8 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController.m_baseLayer VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
27 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSideAnimation Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
15 Name: CBaseCombatWeapon Version: 0 Fields:
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
35 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMuzzleFlashParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
130 Type: int32 Name: m_iClip1 Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
131 Type: float32 Name: m_flTimeWeaponIdle Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
132 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 1 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
66 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSideRagdoll Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
88 Type: Vector Name: m_vecForce Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
89 Type: int32 Name: m_nForceBone Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
133 Type: CHandle< CBaseCombatCharacter > Name: m_hOwner Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
134 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > Name: m_iViewModelIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
135 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > Name: m_iWorldModelIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
136 Type: WeaponState_t Name: m_iState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
137 Type: bool Name: m_bInReload Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
138 Type: int32 Name: m_nNextThinkTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
139 Type: uint32 Name: m_nViewModelIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
140 Type: float32 Name: m_flNextPrimaryAttack Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
141 Type: float32 Name: m_flNextSecondaryAttack Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
142 Type: int32 Name: m_nQueuedAttack Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
143 Type: float32 Name: m_flTimeAttackQueued Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
144 Type: int32 Name: m_iPrimaryAmmoType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
145 Type: int32 Name: m_iSecondaryAmmoType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
146 Type: int32 Name: m_iClip2 Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
147 Type: bool Name: m_bOnlyPump Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
16 Name: CBaseDoor Version: 0 Fields:
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
118 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
148 Type: bool Name: m_bIsUsable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
17 Name: CBodyComponentPoint Version: 2 Fields:
149 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
150 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellY Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
151 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellZ Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
152 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecX Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
153 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecY Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
154 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecZ Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
155 Type: CGameSceneNodeHandle Name: m_hParent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
156 Type: QAngle Name: m_angRotation Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode VarEncoder: QAngle
157 Type: float32 Name: m_flScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
158 Type: uint16 Name: m_nOutsideWorld Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
159 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_name Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
160 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_hierarchyAttachName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
18 Name: CBaseEntity Version: 0 Fields:
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
161 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 2 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
19 Name: CBaseFlex Version: 0 Fields:
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
35 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMuzzleFlashParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
101 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimatingOverlay FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
66 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSideRagdoll Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
88 Type: Vector Name: m_vecForce Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
89 Type: int32 Name: m_nForceBone Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
115 Type: CUtlVector< float32 > Name: m_flexWeight Bits: 12 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
116 Type: Vector Name: m_viewtarget Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
117 Type: bool Name: m_blinktoggle Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
20 Name: CBaseModelEntity Version: 0 Fields:
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
118 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
21 Name: CPlayerLocalData Version: 0 Fields:
162 Type: uint32 Name: m_nDuckTimeMsecs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
163 Type: Vector Name: dirPrimary Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: coord
164 Type: Color Name: colorPrimary Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
165 Type: Color Name: colorSecondary Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
166 Type: float32 Name: start Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
167 Type: float32 Name: end Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
168 Type: float32 Name: maxdensity Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
169 Type: float32 Name: exponent Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
170 Type: float32 Name: HDRColorScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
171 Type: bool Name: enable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
172 Type: bool Name: blend Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
173 Type: bool Name: m_bNoReflectionFog Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d.fog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
174 Type: int16 Name: scale Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
175 Type: Vector Name: origin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d VarEncoder: coord
176 Type: uint8 Name: area Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
177 Type: bool Name: bClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFar Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
178 Type: float32 Name: flClip3DSkyBoxNearToWorldFarOffset Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skybox3d VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
179 Type: Vector[8] Name: localSound Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_audio VarEncoder: coord
180 Type: int32 Name: soundscapeIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_audio VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
181 Type: uint8 Name: localBits Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_audio VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
182 Type: int32 Name: soundscapeEntityListIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_audio VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
183 Type: uint8[32] Name: m_chAreaBits Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
184 Type: uint8[24] Name: m_chAreaPortalBits Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
185 Type: uint32 Name: m_iHideHUD Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
186 Type: float32 Name: m_flFOVRate Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
187 Type: bool Name: m_bDucked Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
188 Type: bool Name: m_bDucking Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
189 Type: bool Name: m_bInDuckJump Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
190 Type: uint32 Name: m_nDuckJumpTimeMsecs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
191 Type: uint32 Name: m_nJumpTimeMsecs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
192 Type: float32 Name: m_flFallVelocity Bits: 17 Low: -4096.000000 High: 4096.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
193 Type: bool Name: m_bDrawViewmodel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
194 Type: bool Name: m_bWearingSuit Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
195 Type: bool Name: m_bPoisoned Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
196 Type: float32 Name: m_flStepSize Bits: 16 Low: 0.000000 High: 128.000000 Flags: 2 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
197 Type: bool Name: m_bAllowAutoMovement Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
198 Type: bool Name: m_bSlowMovement Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
199 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoAimTarget Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
22 Name: CBasePlayer Version: 0 Fields:
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
200 Type: uint32 Name: m_nTickBase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
35 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMuzzleFlashParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
201 Type: int32 Name: m_iHealth Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
202 Type: uint8 Name: m_lifeState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
203 Type: uint32 Name: m_fFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
204 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hGroundEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
101 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimatingOverlay FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
205 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecX Bits: 18 Low: -4096.000000 High: 4096.000000 Flags: 4 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_vecVelocity VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
206 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecY Bits: 18 Low: -4096.000000 High: 4096.000000 Flags: 4 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_vecVelocity VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
207 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecZ Bits: 18 Low: -4096.000000 High: 4096.000000 Flags: 4 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_vecVelocity VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
208 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecX Bits: 10 Low: -64.000000 High: 64.000000 Flags: 4 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_vecViewOffset VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
209 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecY Bits: 10 Low: -64.000000 High: 64.000000 Flags: 4 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_vecViewOffset VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
210 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecZ Bits: 20 Low: 0.000000 High: 128.000000 Flags: 4 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_vecViewOffset VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
211 Type: int32 Name: m_iMaxHealth Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
66 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSideRagdoll Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
88 Type: Vector Name: m_vecForce Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
89 Type: int32 Name: m_nForceBone Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
115 Type: CUtlVector< float32 > Name: m_flexWeight Bits: 12 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
116 Type: Vector Name: m_viewtarget Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
117 Type: bool Name: m_blinktoggle Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
125 Type: float32 Name: m_flNextAttack Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
126 Type: float32 Name: m_flFieldOfView Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
127 Type: CUtlVector< CHandle< CBaseCombatWeapon > > Name: m_hMyWeapons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
128 Type: CHandle< CBaseCombatWeapon > Name: m_hActiveWeapon Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
129 Type: CUtlVector< CHandle< CEconWearable > > Name: m_hMyWearables Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
212 Type: CPlayerLocalData Name: m_Local Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPlayerLocalData FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
213 Type: CHandle< CPostProcessController > Name: m_hPostProcessCtrl Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
214 Type: CHandle< CColorCorrection > Name: m_hColorCorrectionCtrl Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
215 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hHeldEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
216 Type: int32 Name: m_iBonusProgress Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
217 Type: int32 Name: m_iBonusChallenge Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
218 Type: uint8 Name: m_iObserverMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
219 Type: uint32 Name: m_iFOV Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
220 Type: uint32 Name: m_iDefaultFOV Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
221 Type: uint32 Name: m_iFOVStart Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
222 Type: float32 Name: m_flFOVTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
223 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hObserverTarget Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
224 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hZoomOwner Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
225 Type: CHandle< CBaseViewModel >[2] Name: m_hViewModel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
226 Type: CHandle< CPropHMDAvatar > Name: m_hPropHMDAvatar Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
227 Type: CHandle< CPointHMDAnchor > Name: m_hPointHMDAnchor Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
228 Type: float32 Name: m_flMaxspeed Bits: 12 Low: 0.000000 High: 2048.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
229 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_ladderSurfaceProps Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
230 Type: Vector Name: m_vecLadderNormal Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: normal
231 Type: char[18] Name: m_szLastPlaceName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
232 Type: int32 Name: m_currentSCLPacked Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
138 Type: int32 Name: m_nNextThinkTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
233 Type: Vector Name: m_vecBaseVelocity Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
234 Type: float32 Name: m_flFriction Bits: 8 Low: 0.000000 High: 4.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
235 Type: uint32[32] Name: m_iAmmo Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
236 Type: bool Name: m_fOnTarget Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
237 Type: float32 Name: m_flDeathTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
238 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hTonemapController Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
239 Type: CHandle< CBaseCombatWeapon > Name: m_hLastWeapon Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
240 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hConstraintEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
241 Type: Vector Name: m_vecConstraintCenter Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
242 Type: float32 Name: m_flConstraintRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
243 Type: float32 Name: m_flConstraintWidth Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
244 Type: float32 Name: m_flConstraintSpeedFactor Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
245 Type: bool Name: m_bConstraintPastRadius Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
246 Type: float32 Name: m_flLaggedMovementValue Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
247 Type: uint64 Name: m_nUnHoldableButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
248 Type: uint8 Name: m_nWaterLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
249 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hUseEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
250 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hVehicle Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
251 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hViewEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
252 Type: CHandle< CFogController > Name: m_hCtrl Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_PlayerFog VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
23 Name: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating Version: 2 Fields:
0 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellY Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
2 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellZ Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
3 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecX Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
4 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecY Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
5 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecZ Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
6 Type: CGameSceneNodeHandle Name: m_hParent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
7 Type: QAngle Name: m_angRotation Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: QAngle
8 Type: float32 Name: m_flScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
9 Type: HSequence Name: m_hSequence Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController.m_baseLayer VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
11 Type: int32 Name: m_nNewSequenceParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
12 Type: int32 Name: m_nResetEventsParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
13 Type: float32 Name: m_flPrevCycle Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController.m_baseLayer VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
14 Type: float32 Name: m_flCycle Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController.m_baseLayer VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
15 Type: uint16 Name: m_nOutsideWorld Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
16 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > Name: m_hModel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
17 Type: uint64 Name: m_MeshGroupMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
18 Type: int32 Name: m_nDebugIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
19 Type: int8 Name: m_nIdealMotionType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
20 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_name Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
21 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_hierarchyAttachName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
22 Type: bool Name: m_bIsRenderingEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
23 Type: bool Name: m_bIsAnimationEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
24 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_materialGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
25 Type: uint8 Name: m_nHitboxSet Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
26 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_flWeight Bits: 8 Low: 0.000000 High: 1.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController.m_baseLayer VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
27 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSideAnimation Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
24 Name: CBasePropDoor Version: 0 Fields:
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
253 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 2 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
66 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSideRagdoll Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
254 Type: uint32 Name: m_spawnflags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
88 Type: Vector Name: m_vecForce Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
89 Type: int32 Name: m_nForceBone Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
255 Type: int32 Name: m_iPhysicsMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
256 Type: bool Name: m_noGhostCollision Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
257 Type: float32 Name: m_flClothScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
258 Type: bool Name: m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
259 Type: DoorState_t Name: m_eDoorState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
260 Type: bool Name: m_bLocked Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
261 Type: bool Name: m_isRescueDoor Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
262 Type: CHandle< CBasePropDoor > Name: m_hMaster Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
25 Name: CBaseToggle Version: 0 Fields:
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
118 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
26 Name: CBaseTrigger Version: 0 Fields:
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
118 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
254 Type: uint32 Name: m_spawnflags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
263 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSidePredicted Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
27 Name: CAnimationLayer Version: 2 Fields:
93 Type: int32 Name: m_nNewSequenceParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
28 Name: CBodyComponentBaseAnimatingOverlay Version: 3 Fields:
9 Type: HSequence Name: m_hSequence Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController.m_baseLayer VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
10 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_flPlaybackRate Bits: 10 Low: 0.000000 High: 5.000000 Flags: -8 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
11 Type: int32 Name: m_nNewSequenceParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
12 Type: int32 Name: m_nResetEventsParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
16 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > Name: m_hModel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_modelState VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
27 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSideAnimation Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
264 Type: CUtlVector< CAnimationLayer > Name: m_AnimOverlay Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CAnimationLayer FSVer: 2 SendNode: m_animationController VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
29 Name: CBaseViewModel Version: 0 Fields:
35 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMuzzleFlashParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
265 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimatingOverlay FSVer: 3 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
139 Type: uint32 Name: m_nViewModelIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
266 Type: uint32 Name: m_nAnimationParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
267 Type: HSequence Name: m_hLayerSequence Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
268 Type: uint32 Name: m_nLayer Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
269 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimationStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
270 Type: CHandle< CBaseCombatWeapon > Name: m_hWeapon Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
271 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwner Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
30 Name: CBaseVRHandAttachment Version: 0 Fields:
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
35 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMuzzleFlashParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
36 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
66 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSideRagdoll Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
88 Type: Vector Name: m_vecForce Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
89 Type: int32 Name: m_nForceBone Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
272 Type: CHandle< CPropVRHand > Name: m_hAttachedHand Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
273 Type: bool Name: m_bIsAttached Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
274 Type: bool Name: m_bIsActive Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
31 Name: CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity Version: 1 Fields:
0 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
1 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellY Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
2 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellZ Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
3 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecX Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
4 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecY Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
5 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecZ Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
6 Type: CGameSceneNodeHandle Name: m_hParent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
15 Type: uint16 Name: m_nOutsideWorld Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_skeletonInstance.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Name: CBeam Version: 0 Fields:
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
275 Type: float32 Name: m_flFrame Bits: 20 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
276 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity FSVer: 1 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
277 Type: float32 Name: m_flFrameRate Bits: 10 Low: -25.000000 High: 25.000000 Flags: 2 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
278 Type: float32 Name: m_flHDRColorScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
279 Type: uint8 Name: m_nNumBeamEnts Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
280 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > Name: m_hBaseMaterial Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
281 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeIMaterial2 > Name: m_nHaloIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
282 Type: BeamType_t Name: m_nBeamType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
283 Type: uint32 Name: m_nBeamFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
284 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity >[10] Name: m_hAttachEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
285 Type: uint8[10] Name: m_nAttachIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
286 Type: float32 Name: m_fWidth Bits: 10 Low: 0.000000 High: 102.300003 Flags: 2 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
287 Type: float32 Name: m_fEndWidth Bits: 10 Low: 0.000000 High: 102.300003 Flags: 2 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
288 Type: float32 Name: m_fFadeLength Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
289 Type: float32 Name: m_fHaloScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
290 Type: float32 Name: m_fAmplitude Bits: 8 Low: 0.000000 High: 64.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
291 Type: float32 Name: m_fStartFrame Bits: 8 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
292 Type: float32 Name: m_fSpeed Bits: 8 Low: 0.000000 High: 100.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
293 Type: BeamClipStyle_t Name: m_nClipStyle Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
294 Type: bool Name: m_bTurnedOff Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
295 Type: Vector Name: m_vecEndPos Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
33 Name: CBreakable Version: 0 Fields:
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
118 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Name: CBreakableProp Version: 0 Fields:
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
35 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMuzzleFlashParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
36 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
66 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSideRagdoll Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
88 Type: Vector Name: m_vecForce Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
89 Type: int32 Name: m_nForceBone Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
255 Type: int32 Name: m_iPhysicsMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
256 Type: bool Name: m_noGhostCollision Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
257 Type: float32 Name: m_flClothScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
35 Name: CButtonTimed Version: 0 Fields:
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
118 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
119 Type: CHandle< CBaseModelEntity > Name: m_glowEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
120 Type: bool Name: m_usable Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
121 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_szDisplayText Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
296 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_sUseString Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
297 Type: CUtlSymbolLarge Name: m_sUseSubString Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
36 Name: CBodyComponentPoint Version: 3 Fields:
149 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
150 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellY Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
151 Type: uint16 Name: m_cellZ Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
152 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecX Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
153 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecY Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
154 Type: CNetworkedQuantizedFloat Name: m_vecZ Bits: 13 Low: 0.000000 High: 256.000000 Flags: 1 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
158 Type: uint16 Name: m_nOutsideWorld Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode.m_vecOrigin VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Name: CColorCorrection Version: 0 Fields:
298 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 3 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
299 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeInDuration Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
300 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeOutDuration Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
301 Type: float32 Name: m_flMaxWeight Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
122 Type: bool Name: m_bEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
302 Type: bool Name: m_bMaster Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
303 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
304 Type: bool Name: m_bExclusive Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
305 Type: float32 Name: m_MinFalloff Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
306 Type: float32 Name: m_MaxFalloff Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
307 Type: float32 Name: m_flCurWeight Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
308 Type: char[260] Name: m_netlookupFilename Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Name: CColorCorrectionVolume Version: 0 Fields:
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
118 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseModelEntity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
254 Type: uint32 Name: m_spawnflags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
263 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSidePredicted Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
122 Type: bool Name: m_bEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
309 Type: float32 Name: m_MaxWeight Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
310 Type: float32 Name: m_FadeDuration Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
311 Type: float32 Name: m_Weight Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
312 Type: char[260] Name: m_lookupFilename Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Name: CDevtestHierarchy Version: 0 Fields:
31 Type: float32 Name: m_flAnimTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
32 Type: float32 Name: m_flSimulationTime Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
35 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMuzzleFlashParity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
36 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
38 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsAs Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
39 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsWith Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Type: uint64 Name: m_nInteractsExclude Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Type: uint32 Name: m_nEntityId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Type: uint16 Name: m_nHierarchyId Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Type: uint8 Name: m_nCollisionFunctionMask Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision.m_collisionAttribute VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Type: Vector Name: m_vecMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Type: uint8 Name: m_usSolidFlags Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Type: SolidType_t Name: m_nSolidType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Type: uint8 Name: m_triggerBloat Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Type: SurroundingBoundsType_t Name: m_nSurroundType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Type: uint8 Name: m_CollisionGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Type: bool Name: m_bHitboxEnabled Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMins Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Type: Vector Name: m_vecSpecifiedSurroundingMaxs Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter1 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Type: Vector Name: m_vCapsuleCenter2 Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Type: float32 Name: m_flCapsuleRadius Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Collision VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Type: int32 Name: m_iGlowType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Type: int32 Name: m_nGlowRangeMin Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Type: Color Name: m_glowColorOverride Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Type: bool Name: m_bFlashing Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_Glow VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
66 Type: bool Name: m_bClientSideRagdoll Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
81 Type: RenderMode_t Name: m_nRenderMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
82 Type: RenderFx_t Name: m_nRenderFX Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
34 Type: Color Name: m_clrRender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
83 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_LightGroup Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
84 Type: float32 Name: m_flGlowBackfaceMult Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
85 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMinDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
86 Type: float32 Name: m_fadeMaxDist Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
87 Type: float32 Name: m_flFadeScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
88 Type: Vector Name: m_vecForce Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
89 Type: int32 Name: m_nForceBone Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
255 Type: int32 Name: m_iPhysicsMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
256 Type: bool Name: m_noGhostCollision Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
257 Type: float32 Name: m_flClothScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
258 Type: bool Name: m_bUseHitboxesForRenderBox Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
313 Type: int32 Name: m_nTestMode Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
314 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_attachName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
315 Type: Vector Name: m_vDynamicAttachOffset Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
316 Type: int32 Name: m_nDynamicResetCount Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
317 Type: bool Name: m_bChildIsDynamic Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
318 Type: bool Name: m_bCreateChildSideChild Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
319 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_alternateAttachName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
320 Type: CStrongHandle< InfoForResourceTypeCModel > Name: m_hClientSideChildModel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
321 Type: float32 Name: m_flEntityStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
91 Type: CRenderComponent Name: CRenderComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CRenderComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
40 Name: CBodyComponentPoint Version: 0 Fields:
155 Type: CGameSceneNodeHandle Name: m_hParent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
157 Type: float32 Name: m_flScale Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
159 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_name Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
160 Type: CUtlStringToken Name: m_hierarchyAttachName Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: m_sceneNode VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
41 Name: CDOTA_Ability_AbyssalUnderlord_DarkRift Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
42 Name: CDOTA_Ability_AbyssalUnderlord_Firestorm Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
43 Name: CDOTA_Ability_AbyssalUnderlord_PitOfMalice Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
44 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Alchemist_AcidSpray Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
45 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Alchemist_UnstableConcoctionThrow Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
46 Name: CDOTA_Ability_AncientApparition_ChillingTouch Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
47 Name: CDOTA_Ability_AncientApparition_ColdFeet Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
48 Name: CDOTA_Ability_AncientApparition_IceBlast Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
49 Name: CDOTA_Ability_AncientApparition_IceVortex Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
50 Name: CDOTA_Ability_AntiMage_Blink Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
51 Name: CDOTA_Ability_AntiMage_ManaVoid Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
52 Name: CDOTA_Ability_ArcWarden_MagneticField Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
53 Name: CDOTA_Ability_ArcWarden_SparkWraith Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
54 Name: CDOTA_Ability_ArcWarden_TempestDouble Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
338 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hDoubles Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
55 Name: CDOTA_Ability_AttributeBonus Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
56 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Axe_BerserkersCall Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
57 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Axe_CounterHelix Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
58 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Axe_CullingBlade Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
59 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Bane_FiendsGrip Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
60 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Batrider_Flamebreak Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
61 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Batrider_StickyNapalm Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
62 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Beastmaster_PrimalRoar Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Name: CDOTA_Ability_BlackDragon_Fireball Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Bloodseeker_Bloodbath Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Name: CDOTA_Ability_BountyHunter_ShurikenToss Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
66 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_DispelMagic Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_DrunkenBrawler Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
339 Type: int32 Name: m_iBrawlActive Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_DrunkenHaze Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_PermanentImmolation Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_PrimalSplit Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
340 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hPrimary Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
341 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hSecondary Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
342 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hTertiary Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Brewmaster_ThunderClap Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
72 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Bristleback_QuillSpray Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Bristleback_ViscousNasalGoo Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Broodmother_SpinWeb Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Centaur_HoofStomp Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Centaur_Stampede Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Name: CDOTA_Ability_ChaosKnight_Phantasm Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Chen_HandOfGod Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Chen_HolyPersuasion Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
335 Type: bool Name: m_bInIndefiniteCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
336 Type: bool Name: m_bFrozenCooldown Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
337 Type: float32 Name: m_flOverrideCastPoint Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
90 Type: CPhysicsComponent Name: CPhysicsComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CPhysicsComponent FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Name: CDOTA_Ability_Chen_TestOfFaithTeleport Version: 0 Fields:
33 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hOwnerEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
322 Type: int32 Name: m_iLevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
323 Type: bool Name: m_bInAbilityPhase Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
324 Type: float32 Name: m_fCooldown Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
325 Type: int32 Name: m_iCastRange Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
326 Type: int32 Name: m_iManaCost Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
327 Type: bool Name: m_bAutoCastState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
328 Type: CBodyComponent Name: CBodyComponent Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentPoint FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
37 Type: CEntityIdentity* Name: m_pEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CEntityIdentity FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
63 Type: MoveCollide_t Name: m_MoveCollide Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
64 Type: MoveType_t Name: m_MoveType Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
65 Type: float32 Name: m_flCreateTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
67 Type: uint8 Name: m_ubInterpolationFrame Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
68 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTeamNum Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
69 Type: CHandle< CBaseEntity > Name: m_hEffectEntity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
70 Type: uint32 Name: m_fEffects Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
71 Type: float32 Name: m_flElasticity Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: coord
72 Type: gender_t Name: m_Gender Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
73 Type: bool Name: m_bSimulatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
74 Type: bool Name: m_bAnimatedEveryTick Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
75 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
76 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxCPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
77 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMinGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
78 Type: uint8 Name: m_nMaxGPULevel Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
79 Type: uint8 Name: m_iTextureFrameIndex Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
80 Type: float32 Name: m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
329 Type: bool Name: m_bHidden Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
330 Type: bool Name: m_bActivated Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
331 Type: int32 Name: m_iDirtyButtons Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
332 Type: bool Name: m_bToggleState Bits: 0 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
333 Type: float32 Name: m_flCooldownLength Bits: 15 Low: 0.000000 High: 1024.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
334 Type: float32 Name: m_flChannelStartTime Bits: 32 Low: 0.000000 High: 0.000000 Flags: 0 FSName: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating FSVer: 0 SendNode: (root) VarEncoder: CBodyComponentBaseAnimating
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File seems to be out of date. Can you share how you generated/sourced this? I am interested in using this for replay parsing.

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