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Last active January 13, 2022 06:29
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Web Dev Learning (WIP)

Web Dev Learning


Term Definition
WebDev General term for web development, its ecosystem and developers
Frontend Programming on the web browser (chrome/safari/firefox...), programs which are executed here
Backend Programming Web endpoints on the server
React/Angular/Vue/Svelte Frontend Frameworks which are popular and worth learning
NestJS/Express Typical backend frameworks for writing NodeJS applications
NodeJS Javascript on the server, allows web devs to learn 1 language (javascript) and write every piece of their software
FullStack Programming both the frontend and the backend in the same app
NextJS/Remix/SvelteKit... FullStack frameworks built on JavaScript
Kubernetes Container platform where a lot of modern applications run
DevOps The practice of Developer owning the operation of their applications into production environments

Good Starting Topics

  • HTML, JavaScript, and CSS
  • NodeJS
  • React
  • ExpressJS


These often go on sale, I would just pick your favorite teacher


Subject Channel Description
React Native William Candilon Great developer (french) for react native which is using web tech to make phone apps
General WebDev bdougiYO I like his easy to follow videos on a lot of topics
React/NestJS Marius Espejo These are a couple popular frameworks (toolsets) for developing apps that this guy does a great job with. More intermediate.
Automation Jeff Geerling This guy wrote the book on a bunch of stuff. Great for learning how to deploy software.
Frontend Academind Great channel for learning frontend frameworks
DevOps TechWorld with Nana She is a fantastic communicator on how to deal with modern tech stacks (all the layers required to run an application).
General WebDev Fireship Great channel for all sorts of info on lots of webdev topics
General Programming The Coding Train Great "Code along with me" channel that teaches a lot of how to write code to do fun things.
FullStack WebDev LevelUpTuts Great channel for doing full stack (frontend and backend) web development
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