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Created July 19, 2022 17:59
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  • Save joowkim/e09666e55573dcd7585aadb3b9de2c86 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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FROM rocker/r-ver
RUN /rocker_scripts/
RUN /rocker_scripts/
RUN R --quiet -e 'BiocManager::install("preprocessCore")'
RUN R --quiet -e 'install.packages("pacman", repos="")'
RUN R --quiet -e 'pacman::p_install("methods")'
RUN R --quiet -e 'pacman::p_install("lattice")'
RUN R --quiet -e 'pacman::p_install("readxl")'
RUN R --quiet -e 'pacman::p_install("yaml")'
RUN R --quiet -e 'pacman::p_install("kableExtra")'
RUN R --quiet -e 'pacman::p_install("NMF")'
RUN R --quiet -e 'pacman::p_install("RColorBrewer")'
RUN R --quiet -e 'pacman::p_install("SNPRelate")'
RUN R --quiet -e 'pacman::p_install("argyle")'
RUN R --quiet -e 'pacman::p_install("DT")'
RUN R --quiet -e 'pacman::p_install("Matrix")'
#RUN R --quiet -e 'pacman::p_install("tidverse")'
#RUN pip3 install awswrangler
# see
# see
# download tidyverse docker image
singularity pull --name rstudio.simg docker://rocker/tidyverse:latest
# run singularity to excute a script outside of the container
singularity exec tidyverse.simg Rscript test.R
# singualrity let R in the container takes arguement from the outside of the container
singularity exec tidyverse.simg Rscript test1.R mpg.csv
# docker build -t account_id/repo_name .
# docker tag jjjkim/cptac jjjkim/cptac-docker:v1
docker push jjjkim/cptac-docker:v1
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