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Forked from xguse/
Created May 18, 2016 04:15
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Simple Python FastQ Parser class
class ParseFastQ(object):
"""Returns a read-by-read fastQ parser analogous to file.readline()"""
def __init__(self,filePath,headerSymbols=['@','+']):
"""Returns a read-by-read fastQ parser analogous to file.readline().
Its an iterator so you can do:
for rec in parser:
... do something with rec ...
rec is tuple: (seqHeader,seqStr,qualHeader,qualStr)
if filePath.endswith('.gz'):
self._file =
self._file = open(filePath, 'rU')
self._currentLineNumber = 0
self._hdSyms = headerSymbols
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
"""Reads in next element, parses, and does minimal verification.
Returns: tuple: (seqHeader,seqStr,qualHeader,qualStr)"""
# ++++ Get Next Four Lines ++++
elemList = []
for i in range(4):
line = self._file.readline()
self._currentLineNumber += 1 ## increment file position
if line:
# ++++ Check Lines For Expected Form ++++
trues = [bool(x) for x in elemList].count(True)
nones = elemList.count(None)
# -- Check for acceptable end of file --
if nones == 4:
raise StopIteration
# -- Make sure we got 4 full lines of data --
assert trues == 4,\
"** ERROR: It looks like I encountered a premature EOF or empty line.\n\
Please check FastQ file near line number %s (plus or minus ~4 lines) and try again**" % (self._currentLineNumber)
# -- Make sure we are in the correct "register" --
assert elemList[0].startswith(self._hdSyms[0]),\
"** ERROR: The 1st line in fastq element does not start with '%s'.\n\
Please check FastQ file near line number %s (plus or minus ~4 lines) and try again**" % (self._hdSyms[0],self._currentLineNumber)
assert elemList[2].startswith(self._hdSyms[1]),\
"** ERROR: The 3rd line in fastq element does not start with '%s'.\n\
Please check FastQ file near line number %s (plus or minus ~4 lines) and try again**" % (self._hdSyms[1],self._currentLineNumber)
# -- Make sure the seq line and qual line have equal lengths --
assert len(elemList[1]) == len(elemList[3]), "** ERROR: The length of Sequence data and Quality data of the last record aren't equal.\n\
Please check FastQ file near line number %s (plus or minus ~4 lines) and try again**" % (self._currentLineNumber)
# ++++ Return fatsQ data as tuple ++++
return tuple(elemList)
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