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Created April 17, 2017 13:21
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typeSignature =
lazy <| \() ->
sepBy (whitespace *> string "->" *> whitespace) nonFunctionType
|> andThen (
reducer TArrow
>> succeed
>> Maybe.withDefault (fail "expected type, got nothing")
reducer : (a -> a -> a) -> List a -> Maybe a
reducer f list =
case list of
last :: [] ->
Just last
head :: tail ->
reducer f tail
|> (f head)
[] ->
nonFunctionType : Parser s Type
nonFunctionType =
withArguments =
<$> uppercaseName
<*> (many onePartType)
or withArguments onePartType
onePartType : Parser s Type
onePartType =
[ typeName
, typeVar
, parentheses
--, tuple
--, record
typeName : Parser s Type
typeName =
(flip TUnion <| []) <$> uppercaseName
-- TODO: properly assign type variables
typeVar : Parser s Type
typeVar =
always (TAny 1) <$> lowercaseName
parentheses : Parser s Type
parentheses =
parens typeSignature
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