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Created April 15, 2017 17:56
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Invalid recursion in Elm 0.18 still causes runtime error
module ParseLibrary exposing (typeSignature)
import Combine exposing (..)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
type Type
= TArrow Type Type
| TName String
| TRecord (Dict String Type)
typeSignature =
lazy (\() ->
sepBy (whitespace *> string "->" *> whitespace) nonFunctionType
|> andThen (\list ->
reducer TArrow list
|> succeed
|> Maybe.withDefault (fail "expected type, got nothing")
reducer : (a -> a -> a) -> List a -> Maybe a
reducer f list =
case list of
last :: [] ->
Just last
head :: tail ->
reducer f tail
|> (f head)
[] ->
nonFunctionType : Parser s Type
nonFunctionType =
lazy <| \() ->
[ typeName
, record
typeName : Parser s Type
typeName =
TName <$> uppercaseName
-- TODO: partial record
record : Parser s Type
record =
(TRecord << Dict.fromList) <$> (string "{" *> commaSeparated recordItem <* string "}")
recordItem : Parser a (String, Type)
recordItem =
(,) <$> lowercaseName <* string ":" <* whitespace <*> typeSignature
commaSeparated : Parser s item -> Parser s (List item)
commaSeparated =
sepBy (string ",")
alphanumericRe : String
alphanumericRe = "[A-Za-z0-9]*"
uppercaseName : Parser s String
uppercaseName =
whitespace *> regex ("[A-Z]" ++ alphanumericRe) <* whitespace
lowercaseName : Parser s String
lowercaseName =
whitespace *> regex ("[a-z]" ++ alphanumericRe) <* whitespace
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