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Created March 1, 2013 08:34
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;; Programming Languages, Homework 5
#lang racket
(provide (all-defined-out)) ;; so we can put tests in a second file
;; definition of structures for MUPL programs - Do NOT change
(struct var (string) #:transparent) ;; a variable, e.g., (var "foo")
(struct int (num) #:transparent) ;; a constant number, e.g., (int 17)
(struct add (e1 e2) #:transparent) ;; add two expressions
(struct ifgreater (e1 e2 e3 e4) #:transparent) ;; if e1 > e2 then e3 else e4
(struct fun (nameopt formal body) #:transparent) ;; a recursive(?) 1-argument function
(struct call (funexp actual) #:transparent) ;; function call
(struct mlet (var e body) #:transparent) ;; a local binding (let var = e in body)
(struct apair (e1 e2) #:transparent) ;; make a new pair
(struct fst (e) #:transparent) ;; get first part of a pair
(struct snd (e) #:transparent) ;; get second part of a pair
(struct aunit () #:transparent) ;; unit value -- good for ending a list
(struct isaunit (e) #:transparent) ;; evaluate to 1 if e is unit else 0
;; a closure is not in "source" programs; it is what functions evaluate to
(struct closure (env fun) #:transparent)
;; Problem 1
(define (racketlist->mupllist xs)
(if (null? xs)
(apair (car xs) (racketlist->mupllist (cdr xs)))))
(define (mupllist->racketlist xs)
(if (aunit? xs)
(cons (apair-e1 xs) (mupllist->racketlist (apair-e2 xs)))))
;; Problem 2
;; lookup a variable in an environment
;; Do NOT change this function
(define (envlookup env str)
(cond [(null? env) (error "unbound variable during evaluation" str)]
[(equal? (car (car env)) str) (cdr (car env))]
[#t (envlookup (cdr env) str)]))
;; Do NOT change the two cases given to you.
;; DO add more cases for other kinds of MUPL expressions.
;; We will test eval-under-env by calling it directly even though
;; "in real life" it would be a helper function of eval-exp.
(define (eval-under-env e env)
(cond [(var? e)
(envlookup env (var-string e))]
[(add? e)
(let ([v1 (eval-under-env (add-e1 e) env)]
[v2 (eval-under-env (add-e2 e) env)])
(if (and (int? v1)
(int? v2))
(int (+ (int-num v1)
(int-num v2)))
(error "MUPL addition applied to non-number")))]
[(int? e) e]
[(ifgreater? e)
(let ([v1 (eval-under-env (ifgreater-e1 e) env)]
[v2 (eval-under-env (ifgreater-e2 e) env)])
(if (and (int? v1)
(int? v2))
(if (> (int-num v1)
(int-num v2))
(eval-under-env (ifgreater-e3 e) env)
(eval-under-env (ifgreater-e4 e) env))
(error "MUPL ifgreater applied to non-number")))]
[(fun? e) (closure env e)]
[(call? e)
(let ([v1 (eval-under-env (call-funexp e) env)]
[v2 (eval-under-env (call-actual e) env)])
(if (closure? v1)
(let* ([c1 (closure-fun v1)]
[c2 (closure-env v1)]
[cn (cons (fun-nameopt c1) v1)]
[cf (cons (fun-formal c1) v2)])
(fun-body c1)
(if (eq? (car cn) #f)
(cons cf c2)
(cons cf (cons cn c2)))))
(error "MUPL call applied to non-closure")))]
[(mlet? e)
(let ([v1 (eval-under-env (mlet-e e) env)])
(eval-under-env (mlet-body e) (cons (cons (mlet-var e) v1) env)))]
[(apair? e) (apair
(eval-under-env (apair-e1 e) env)
(eval-under-env (apair-e2 e) env))]
[(fst? e)
(let ([v1 (eval-under-env (fst-e e) env)])
(if (apair? v1)
(apair-e1 v1)
(error "MUPL fst applied to non-pair")))]
[(snd? e)
(let ([v1 (eval-under-env (snd-e e) env)])
(if (apair? v1)
(apair-e2 v1)
(error "MUPL snd applied to non-pair")))]
[(aunit? e) e]
[(isaunit? e)
(if (aunit? (eval-under-env (isaunit-e e) env))
(int 1)
(int 0))]
[(closure? e) e]
[#t (begin (print e) (error "bad MUPL expression"))]))
;; Do NOT change
(define (eval-exp e)
(eval-under-env e null))
;; Problem 3
(define (ifaunit e1 e2 e3)
(ifgreater (isaunit e1) (int 0) e2 e3))
(define (mlet* lstlst e2)
(if (null? lstlst)
(car (car lstlst))
(cdr (car lstlst))
(mlet* (cdr lstlst) e2)
(define (ifeq e1 e2 e3 e4)
(mlet* (list (cons "_x" e1) (cons "_y" e2))
(ifgreater (var "_x") (var "_y") e4
(ifgreater (var "_y") (var "_x") e4 e3))))
;; Problem 4
(define mupl-map
(fun #f "f" (fun "loop" "xs" (ifgreater
(isaunit (var "xs"))
(int 0)
(call (var "f") (fst (var "xs")))
(call (var "loop") (snd (var "xs"))))))))
(define mupl-mapAddN
(mlet "map" mupl-map
(fun #f "i"
(call (var "map") (fun #f "x" (add (var "x") (var "i")))))))
;; Challenge Problem
(struct fun-challenge (nameopt formal body freevars) #:transparent) ;; a recursive(?) 1-argument function
;; We will test this function directly, so it must do
;; as described in the assignment
(define (compute-free-vars e) "CHANGE")
;; Do NOT share code with eval-under-env because that will make
;; auto-grading and peer assessment more difficult, so
;; copy most of your interpreter here and make minor changes
(define (eval-under-env-c e env) "CHANGE")
;; Do NOT change this
(define (eval-exp-c e)
(eval-under-env-c (compute-free-vars e) null))
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Dear jonschoning, could you please delete this gist? You are giving away the solutions to graded assignments in the Coursera "Programming Languages" Course (which is currently offered again in self-paced mode). This makes it very easy to cheat and reduces the learning effect for other learners. Many thanks in advance for your collaboration in making the course more effective for everyone!

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