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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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// Myinternalclass.cpp
// MyGame
// Created by Jonny Bergstrom on 20150521.
#include "Myinternalclass.h"
ENCODABLE_OBJECT_DEFINE_CONSTRUCTOR(Myinternalclass); // declare this for CCNSCoder
void Myinternalclass::initObject() {
//CCLOG("initObject in Myinternalclass");
this->internalinteger1 = 0;
#pragma mark CCNSCoding routine
void Myinternalclass::encodeWithCoder(CCNSCoder *encoder) {
encoder->encodeIntForKey(this->internalinteger1, CODEKEY_INTERNALINTEGER1);
void Myinternalclass::initWithCoder(CCNSCoder *decoder) {
this->internalinteger1 = decoder->decodeIntForKey(CODEKEY_INTERNALINTEGER1);
#pragma mark -
// Myinternalclass.h
// MyGame
// Created by Jonny Bergstrom on 20150521.
#ifndef __MyGame__Myinternalclass__
#define __MyGame__Myinternalclass__
#include <stdio.h>
#import "CCNSCoder.h"
class Myinternalclass : public CCNSEncodableObject {
int internalinteger1;
// CCNSEncodableObject stuff
void initWithCoder(CCNSCoder *decoder);
void encodeWithCoder(CCNSCoder *coder);
virtual void initObject();
#endif /* defined(__MyGame__Myinternalclass__) */
void Helloworldscene::actionTestsave(Ref* pSender, cocos2d::ui::Widget::TouchEventType eEventType) {
if (eEventType != ui::Widget::TouchEventType::ENDED) return;
// mytestobject should be a member in Helloworldscene looking like: Mytestclass mytestobject;
const int BEFORE = this->mytestobject.integer1++;
const int INTERNALBEFORE = this->mytestobject.myinternalobject.internalinteger1--;
Myinternalclass anotherinternalobject;
CCLOG("Increased this->mytestobject->integer1 from %d to %d. Internal integer was %d, now %d. Added another object to the vector whose size now is %lu. Now save.", BEFORE, this->mytestobject.integer1, INTERNALBEFORE, this->mytestobject.myinternalobject.internalinteger1, this->mytestobject.manyobjects.size());
// Mytestclass.cpp
// MyGame
// Created by Jonny Bergstrom on 20150521.
#include "Mytestclass.h"
#define MYSAVENAME "mytestclass.txt"
ENCODABLE_OBJECT_DEFINE_CONSTRUCTOR(Mytestclass); // declare this for CCNSCoder
void Mytestclass::initObject() {
//CCLOG("initObject in Mytestclass");
this->integer1 = 0;
this->myinternalobject = Myinternalclass();
this->manyobjects = std::vector<Myinternalclass>();
void Mytestclass::save() {
bool result = false;
CCNSCoder *cd1 = new CCNSCoder();
if (cd1->saveObjectToFile(MYSAVENAME, this)) {
result = true;
CCLOG("Save ok");
else {
CCLOGERROR("Save failed");
delete cd1;
bool Mytestclass::restore() {
// Try to load
bool result;
CCNSCoder *cd2 = new CCNSCoder();
if (cd2->readObjectFromFile(MYSAVENAME, this)) {
result = true;
else {
result = false;
CCLOG("Load failed, or did not exist...");
delete cd2;
return result;
#pragma mark CCNSCoding routine
void Mytestclass::encodeWithCoder(CCNSCoder *encoder) {
encoder->encodeIntForKey(this->integer1, CODEKEY_INTEGER1);
encoder->encodeObjectForKey(&this->myinternalobject, CODEKEY_INTERNALOBJECT);
std::vector<CCNSEncodableObject *> vect;
for (auto o : this->manyobjects) {
encoder->encodeVectorOfObjectsForKey(&vect, CODEKEY_MANYOBJECTS);
void Mytestclass::initWithCoder(CCNSCoder *decoder) {
this->integer1 = decoder->decodeIntForKey(CODEKEY_INTEGER1);
CCNSEncodableObject* obj = decoder->decodeObjectForKey(CODEKEY_INTERNALOBJECT);
this->myinternalobject = *((Myinternalclass*)obj);
std::vector<CCNSEncodableObject *> vect = *decoder->decodeVectorOfObjectsForKey(CODEKEY_MANYOBJECTS);
for (auto o : vect) {
Myinternalclass* o2 = (Myinternalclass*)o;
#pragma mark -
// Mytestclass.h
// MyGame
// Created by Jonny Bergstrom on 20150521.
#ifndef __MyGame__Mytestclass__
#define __MyGame__Mytestclass__
#include <stdio.h>
#import "CCNSCoder.h"
#import "Myinternalclass.h"
class Mytestclass : public CCNSEncodableObject {
int integer1;
Myinternalclass myinternalobject;
std::vector<Myinternalclass> manyobjects;
void save();
bool restore();
// CCNSEncodableObject stuff
void initWithCoder(CCNSCoder *decoder);
void encodeWithCoder(CCNSCoder *coder);
virtual void initObject();
#endif /* defined(__MyGame__Mytestclass__) */
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