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LDAP Search Filter Cheatsheet
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LDAP Search Filter Cheatsheet
Jon LaBelle
January 4, 2021

LDAP Search Filter Cheatsheet

Filter operators

Comparison operators

The following comparison operators can be used in a filter:

Operator Meaning
= Equality
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
~= Approximately equal to

For example, the following filter returns all objects with cn (common name) attribute value Jon:


Combination operators

Filters can be combined using boolean operators when there are multiple search conditions

Operator Description
& AND --- all conditions must be met
| OR --- any number of conditions can be met
! NOT --- the condition must not be met

For example, to select objects with cn equal to Jon and sn (surname/last name) equal to Brian:


Special Characters

The LDAP filter specification assigns special meaning to the following characters:

Character Hex Representation
* \2A
( \28
) \29
\ \5C
Nul \00

For example, to find all objects where the common name is James Jim*) Smith, the LDAP filter would be:

(cn=James Jim\2A\29 Smith)

objectCategory and objectClass

objectCategory objectClass Result
person user user objects
person n/a user and contact objects
person contact contact objects
user user and computer objects n/a
computer n/a computer objects
user n/a user and contact objects
contact contact objects n/a
computer computer objects n/a
person user, computer, and contact objects n/a
contact n/a user and contact objects
group n/a group objects
n/a group n/a
person organizationalPerson user and contact objects
organizationalPerson user, computer, and contact objects n/a
organizationalPerson n/a user and contact objects

Use the filter that makes your intent most clear. Also, if you have a choice between using objectCategory and objectClass, it is recommended that you use objectCategory. That is because objectCategory is both single valued and indexed, while objectClass is multi-valued and not indexed (except on Windows Server 2008 and above). A query using a filter with objectCategory will be more efficient than a similar filter with objectClass. Windows Server 2008 domain controllers (and above) have a special behavior that indexes the objectClass attribute. You can take advantage of this if all of your domain controllers are Windows Server 2008, or if you specify a Windows Server 2008 domain controller in your query. --- Source

Filter basics

To match a single attribute


To match two attributes (and)


To match two attributes (or)


To match three attributes (and)


To match three attributes (or)


To perform a wildcard search


Sample filters

Users in group

To retrieve user account names (sAMAccountName) that are a member of a particular group (SomeGroupName):


Users in group (include nested)

To retrieve user account names (sAMAccountName), and nested user account names that are a member of a particular group (SomeGroupName):


Users in multiple groups

To retrieve user account names (sAMAccountName) that are a member of any, or all the 4 groups (fire, wind, water, heart):


Users that must change their password at next logon

To search Active Directory for users that must change their password at next logon:


Users starting with a particular name

To search user objects that start with Common Name Brian (cn=Brian*):


Users by job title

To find all users with a job title starting with Manager (Title=Manager*):


Active Directory filters

Search filters supported only by Microsoft Active Directory.

Domain and Enterprise Admins

To search for administrators in groups Domain Admins, Enterprise Admins:


All users except blocked

To search all users except for blocked ones:


Disabled user accounts

To list only disabled user accounts:


Users with password never expires enabled


Users with empty email


Users in department

To search users in a particular department:


Exclude disabled users

To find as user (sAMAccountName=<username>) that isn't disabled:

  • The filter (sAMAccountType=805306368) on user objects is more efficient, but is harder to remember. (Source)
  • The filter (!(UserAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)) excludes disabled user objects. (Source)

More Active Directory filters

Kore Active Directory filter samples can be found here.


Additional Resources

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