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Last active August 20, 2021 03:08
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Co-pilot examples (only comments have been written by me)
# copy Azure bloc storage files to S3 buckets
# Usage:
# ./ <blob storage container> <s3 bucket>
# Example:
# ./ my-container s3://my-bucket
# Note:
# This script requires a working Azure CLI.
# See
# This script requires the following environment variables to be set:
# This script requires the following AWS S3 environment variables to be set:
# This script requires the following AWS S3 CLI environment variables to be set:
# exit on error
set -e
# check for required arguments
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <blob storage container> <s3 bucket>"
exit 1
# check for required environment variables
if [ -z "$AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT" ]; then
echo "Environment variable AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT is not set"
exit 1
# check for required environment variables
if [ -z "$AZURE_STORAGE_KEY" ]; then
echo "Environment variable AZURE_STORAGE_KEY is not set"
exit 1
# check for required environment variables
echo "Environment variable AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING is not set"
exit 1
# check for required environment variables
if [ -z "$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" ]; then
echo "Environment variable AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID is not set"
exit 1
# check for required environment variables
if [ -z "$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" ]; then
echo "Environment variable AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY is not set"
exit 1
# check for required environment variables
if [ -z "$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION" ]; then
echo "Environment variable AWS_DEFAULT_REGION is not set"
exit 1
# login azcopy
azcopy login
# use Azcopy to copy the Azure Blob Storage directory to local directory
azcopy copy \
"https://$$1" \
--destination "." \
# authorize AWS CLI
aws configure set aws_access_key_id $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
# set AWS default region
aws configure set default.region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION
# use aws s3 to copy the local directory to the S3 bucket dry run
aws s3 cp . $2 --recursive --dryrun
# check if report already exist, if yes, exit
if [ -f report.txt ]; then
echo "Report already exist, please delete it before running this script"
# generate report by running and pipe the result to report.txt
echo "Generating report..."
./ | tee report.txt
# check if report.txt is empty, if yes, exit
if [ -s report.txt ]; then
echo "Report generated successfully"
echo "Report generated failed"
# sort report by second column
echo "Sorting report..."
sort -k2 report.txt > report_sorted.txt
# swap first and second column
echo "Swapping first and second column..."
awk '{print $2, $1}' report_sorted.txt > report_swapped.txt
# remove duplicates based on second column
echo "Removing duplicates..."
uniq -d report_swapped.txt > report_uniq.txt
# show first 10 lines
echo "Showing first 10 lines..."
head -n 10 report_uniq.txt
# show last 10 lines
echo "Showing last 10 lines..."
tail -n 10 report_uniq.txt
# check whether report contains entry foobar
echo "Checking if report contains entry foobar..."
grep -q foobar report_uniq.txt
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Report contains entry foobar"
echo "Report does not contain entry foobar"
# publish report to azure storage
echo "Publishing report to azure storage..."
az storage blob upload -f report_uniq.txt -n report.txt --account-name $storageAccountName --account-key $storageAccountKey --container-name $storageContainerName
# publish report to aws s3
echo "Publishing report to aws s3..."
aws s3 cp report_uniq.txt s3://$s3BucketName/$s3BucketFolderName/report.txt
# tweet report
echo "Tweeting report..."
twitter --oauth1 --force --consumer-key $twitterConsumerKey --consumer-secret $twitterConsumerSecret --access-token $twitterAccessToken --access-token-secret $twitterAccessTokenSecret --status "Report: $(head -n 10 report_uniq.txt)"
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